On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 at 14:36:00 UTC, José Armando García Sancio wrote:
Some people's point is that MD5 was consider a cryptographic digest function 16 years ago. It is not consider cryptographically secure today. So why make any design assumption today on how the landscape will look tomorrow? Specially on a field that is always changing. Why not lumped them all together and explain the current situation and
recommendation in the comments.

Looks at Python's passlib module for example. They enumerate every password encoding scheme under the sun (except for scrypt :() and give a recommendation on the appropriate algorithm to use in the current
computing landscape.


I agree that MD5 isn't cryptographically secure anymore, but it was designed as a cryptographic hash algorithm, and it shows. It's statistical and performance proprieties are completely different from CRCs, and no matter how broken, it still has a little of cryptographic strength (no practical preimage attack was found till this date, for example).

Note that in the Python passlib, there is no mention to CRC, FNV, ROT13, etc. Their place is different.

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