Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-06 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 February 2023 at 15:54:40 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

This is the specification for the D Programming Language.

I've been bitten by that a few times over the years, though to 
be honest, I'm not sure of the relationship of the spec to 
documentation. The Phobos documentation and compiler 
documentation appear to be actual documentation, in the sense 
that you can trust it to be accurate, and if not it's a bug.

I see... I guess I was confused by the title of the link, 
"Language Reference" on the Docs page, and didn't look carefully 
at the URL or the text after that.

Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-06 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 5 February 2023 at 19:00:16 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
So LDC with druntime and yes GC turned on is good enough right 
now that you can probably make it work without too much effort. 
You don't necessarily have to limit yourself to -betterC.

In fact if you don't, you have access to PyD[0] which can 
handle the interop stuff for you. I haven't personally used it, 
but it might work for your use case :)

But yeah if you can avoid having to create bindings for stuff 
(such as glib which we have bindings for), or wrappers ext. do 
so. That way you can do more of the fun things!

Sounds quite convincing, I think I might do it this way, instead 
of with betterC. Not needing additional python bindings does 
sound like a big plus. Thanks.

Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-05 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 5 February 2023 at 00:27:19 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:

On 05/02/2023 1:20 PM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
Even module imports can fail because betterC disables 
outputting the module data info, even if it would otherwise be 
required by language rules, despite it not using the druntime.

This only affects you if you use full D to interact with 
-betterC code.

Even then it is very easy to work around.

-betterC DLL's do work with full D executables.

If all you need it for is gluing some stuff together don't 
listen to Adam about it not working, because it absolutely does 
and quite usable if you're not expecting there to be a GC.

I'm repeating myself, but I'm very happy to see so many helpful 
responses to my newbie question. It gives me a good feeling about 
the community here.

As I wrote, I'd like to use D only in a limited way, for now. My 
project actually interfaces Python and glib/gstreamer, the glue 
being provided by my C code. What I'd like to do is to improve on 
my C code, inspired by [this 
interview]( I 
don't want to introduce another GC or runtime into the picture, 
and I probably don't need to call any D libraries.

Python -> my C code -> glib/gstreamer C libs


Python -> C improved by betterC -> glib/gstreamer C libs

On the surface, betterC seems to be perfect for this case. How 
would YOU do it (Adam, Richard)?

BtW, gstreamer also has D bindings, and maybe in the future I'll 
use those. I suspect that Adam's suggestions have a stronger 
relevance to that case, right?

Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-05 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 5 February 2023 at 00:20:24 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
There's a lot of things described in the documentation that 
don't actually work. D can be an *extremely* productive 
language if you know which parts to focus on, but most the 
newer hyped features just don't deliver.

The table of contents on the left side of the site is in 
roughly chronological order. The things near the top are pretty 
reliable, [...].

The things near the bottom are not reliable. [...] and so on

I appreciate all of this... however, as a newcomer, I wish the 
docs were simply more honest, instead of representing wishful 
thinking. I guess in any programming language, experience reveals 
things not present in the docs, but it seems to apply much more 
acutely here.

Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-05 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 19:44:15 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 18:29:41 UTC, Tamas wrote:

What's the reason to prefer LDC over DMD?

Anyone that cares about performance will use LDC rather than 
DMD. It's hard to imagine a case where someone would want 
betterC to avoid the GC, but they wouldn't want to use LDC. 
When I started using D many years ago, LDC was behind DMD, so 
you needed to use DMD to have a current compiler. That's no 
longer true. The only reason I use DMD today is the faster 
compilation speed when I'm doing a lot of write-compile-debug 

Good to know, thank you. The posts I've seen so far online 
suggesting to start with DMD must've been outdated, then.

Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-04 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 18:27:34 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 18:11:05 UTC, Tamas wrote:

Well, as I'm new to D this isn't something I have insight into.

Then you'd probably be better off taking my word for it (or 
even trusting your own limited experience where things worked 
until you added the switch) and just not using -betterC switch.

It is hopelessly broken, but thankfully, it also brings zero 
benefit, so simply not using it is a viable path forward.

I do take your word for it, but now I have to re-evaluate my 
expectations towards D and perhaps use it for another project. 
I've got most of my project working in C already, but I was 
hoping to add some safety and better readability/managability by 
using some of the convenient features D offers over C. And, of 
course, learn D in the process. Also, your words give me the 
impression that I cannot trust the documentation; which isn't a 
great start into the learning process.

I mostly need interop with C libraries and D would only serve 
as a glue, so I don't really need several features like GC etc.

Just don't call those functions and they won't hurt you, aside 
from adding ~200 KB of size to the dll. On the other hand, the 
-betterC switch is hurting you - as evidenced by your own 
attempt working until you added it.

It can be evidence of something broken in D as you say 
(simplified) or of my lack of experience with D - a simple 
missing include, badly configured PATH, or lack of understanding 
on my part what SimpleDllMain does.

Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-04 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 16:51:36 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:

You don't have access to druntime/Phobos stuff at runtime.

SimpleDllMain is for initializing and uninitializing druntime.


You want to only use ldc atm. The defaults right now should 
most likely "just work" in dub for a single compile + link step 
(i.e. only a single static library in dll).

If you do it manually, you'll want to add the flag 
``--fvisibility=public`` to export everything.

I'm not sure I understand every bit of it yet, but this looks 
helpful, thank you.

I was able to compile this (based on dllmain.d linked by you) 
with both DMD and LDC:

module WindowsApp1;

version (Windows)
version (D_BetterC)

extern (Windows) BOOL DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD 
ulReason, LPVOID reserved)

return true;

mixin SimpleDllMain;

export extern (C) void foo()
import core.stdc.stdio : printf;

printf("Hello betterC\n");

What's the reason to prefer LDC over DMD?

Re: betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-04 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I'm happy to see 2 replies so 

On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 17:26:17 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 16:45:31 UTC, Tamas wrote:

export extern (C) void main()
mixin SimpleDllMain;

No need to ever mix two mains together, the DllMain is the 
required one.

Indeed, that is an oversight on my part. However, that's just a 
typo I happened to include in my last attempt. I use foo() and 
others, and .def exporting them etc. Tried various things based 
on the examples I linked.

and they compile without `-betterC`, but fail with link errors 
when using the switch.

then don't use the switch lol

-betterC is barely supported and completely useless so better 
to just not use it.

Well, as I'm new to D this isn't something I have insight into. 
However, this being and advertised feature of the language, I'm 
surprised to see that you dismiss it so casually. Also, for my 
project, I mostly need interop with C libraries and D would only 
serve as a glue, so I don't really need several features like GC 
etc. `betterC`, at least what I thought it was supposed to be, 
seemed to be a good fit for what I need.

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_D4core3sys7windows3dll18dll_process_attachFPvbZb referenced 
in function DllMain

This is just betterC breaking the code.

Perhaps, but this doesn't help me much.

betterC DLL in Windows

2023-02-04 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm new to D and trying my hands on a few simple things. Being 
able to build a Windows DLL with betterC enabled is of particular 
interest to me, as I'd need it for a project that I'd like to do 
in D.

I'm trying to follow some examples, such as 
[this]( and 
[this](, and they compile without `-betterC`, but fail with link errors when using the switch.

example DLL, or see 2nd link for one without the mixin
module WindowsApp1;

export extern (C) void main()
import core.stdc.stdio : printf;

printf("Hello betterC\n");
mixin SimpleDllMain;

dmd -m64 -shared -betterC WindowsApp1.d

yields error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_D4core3sys7windows3dll18dll_process_attachFPvbZb referenced in 
function DllMain
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_D4core3sys7windows3dll18dll_process_detachFPvbZv referenced in 
function DllMain
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_D4core3sys7windows3dll17dll_thread_attachFbbZb referenced in 
function DllMain
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_D4core3sys7windows3dll17dll_thread_detachFbbZb referenced in 
function DllMain


I'm not a complete beginner to programming, so I'm guessing the 
linker is missing a library, but as I'm not familiar with D yet, 
and these are fairly basic examples that I expected to run 
without a hitch, I'm a bit confused as to what I should be doing. 
Shouldn't the system modules provide the link targets themselves? 
Should I add a parameter to include a windows system library?

BtW, I've tried compiling from the command line and from Visual 
Studio using the visuald extension - I'm assuming the extension 
makes sure the environment variables are set correctly. When 
using dmd from the command line, I also tried invoking 
`dmd2vars64.bat` and `vcvars64.bat` before running dmd.exe to 
ensure the variables are set. In any case, the build process is 
successful without `betterC`, so I'm assuming the path/variables 
are set correctly.

Re: D for microservices

2018-03-11 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 22:53:11 UTC, aberba wrote:

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 09:35:08 UTC, Andrew Benton wrote:
On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 07:54:29 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 07:20:53 UTC, Radu wrote:

This guys says that vide.d works

Yes, it's pretty straightforward:

1. Build on Ubuntu, or some other dist
2. Statically link the whole binary with LDC, then you don't 
need to use Musl

3. Run it on Alpine

/Jacob Carlborg

Looks like that works out much nicer than using alpine as the 
first stage right now.  I'm not sure anyone will be too upset 
about the extra 7MB.

Building directly in alpine will simplify automated builds too.

Simple Vibe.d app talking to Redis, packed into docker containers:

The takeaway is that I could not use Alpine as a host image, 
because I could not build the app statically on ubuntu.

warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications 
requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version 
used for linking

Re: vibe.d server in a docker image

2018-03-07 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 14:54:22 UTC, aberba wrote:
I notice from the Dockerfile you build and copy the binary to 
alpine directly. Why don't you build and serve from alpine 

This way the final images won't contain the build environment, 
thus they are really small: 9 and 12 MB on arm and x86 

vibe.d server in a docker image

2018-03-07 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d
I packaged a hello world vibe.d http server into a docker image. 
It's only 12 MB, and boots up real fast. I can run this on my ARM 
based NAS, pretty sweet.

docker run -it --publish : tam4s/hello-vibe-x86_64


docker run -it --publish : tam4s/hello-vibe-armv7l

source with build instruction:

Re: Fetch and pre-build dub dependencies

2018-03-06 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 04:28:11 UTC, Seb wrote:
For, I fetch all dependencies and build them into 
the Docker image. That has the advantage that executions with 
dub packages are a lot faster.

It's just dub fetch and dub build though. Take a look:

Thank you for showing your solution! Using dub --single is neat 
and works well for this!

Fetch and pre-build dub dependencies

2018-03-06 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d
I have a Dockerfile to build a vibe.d project. Docker has a nice 
caching system so it continues building the docker image from the 
step where it's needed when something changes. This is typically 
at the step of adding my source files, then building the binary.

The problem is that fetching and building vibe dependencies takes 
a lot of time every time some source files of mine changes.

I can pre-fetch dub dependencies, although it's a bit cumbersome 
as fetch doesn't load dependencies of the given package.

RUN dub fetch vibe-d --cache=system
RUN dub fetch vibe-core --cache=system
RUN dub fetch eventcore --cache=system

But there's no easy way to build these dependencies before I add 
my project source files to the docker image. If I could do that 
the docker build process would be tremendously faster, as it 
would be simply skipped automatically by the Docker cache system. 
Currently 99% of the time spent on building the dependencies when 
i am creating a docker image. (I have to use ldc for ARM, which 
is slower.)

Is there an easy way to fetch and prebuild a dub package 

something like "dub fetch-and-build vibe-d --recursive 

DConf registration confirmation

2016-04-27 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d
Have you received registration confirmation after registering via 
PayPal? I'm asking because the payment links are on an unsecured 
page, and the credit card transaction was first refused because 
of potential fraud, so I had to make a call to make it happen.

Re: Opportunity: Software Execution Time Determinism

2016-04-14 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d

I think the problem can be separated into two:
1. Guarantee a given Big O complexity of a function, (that's what 
matters for most cases),
2. Guarantee / tell the worst case execution time / CPU cycles of 
a given @constanttime function.
Combining these two, we can calculate the worst case execition 
time for the full program.

@constanttime can have branches, each branch with different worst 
case execution time, it won't change the @constanttime nature of 
the funcion. (But makes it harder to calculate the worst case 
execution time, and the average case and the worst case won't be 
the same.)

@constanttime could also have loops / recursion, if the number of 
iterations / recursion is limited. I.e. sorting 5 numbers during 
the median of 5 algorithm is @constanttime, even if it calls a 
sort function which is O(N log N).  I.e. this is valid:

@constanttime auto sort5(Range)(Range values)
  assert(values.length <= 5);
  return values.bubblesort();

/* inferred: @quadratic */ int[] bubblesort(int[] values) {
  for (int i=0; i

Re: emit: generalizes map, filter, joiner [proposal + implementation]

2016-03-23 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 17:29:55 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:

On Monday, 21 March 2016 at 23:09:27 UTC, Tamas wrote:

On Monday, 21 March 2016 at 11:48:52 UTC, Seb wrote:

Could you try to point out whats wrong with map & filter?

It's hard to do stuff like this:

assert(9.iota.emit!(int,(put,a){if(a%2) put(a*a); if(a%3==0) 

Seems doable:
mapFilter!((a){if(a%2) return some(a*a); if(a%3==0) return 
some(a); return none;})

This one emits only 1 element when a==3. (BTW what is `mapFilter` 
and `some`?)

Re: emit: generalizes map, filter, joiner [proposal + implementation]

2016-03-21 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 21 March 2016 at 11:48:52 UTC, Seb wrote:

Could you try to point out whats wrong with map & filter?

It's hard to do stuff like this:

assert(9.iota.emit!(int,(put,a){if(a%2) put(a*a); if(a%3==0) 

Re: std.range.chunks with only an InputRange

2016-03-14 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d
I just run into this. Would be nice to have this! There's no 
reason why chunks should only work on ForwardRanges.

Re: Warning: statement is not reachable

2016-03-02 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 March 2016 at 09:37:03 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 March 2016 at 07:42:09 UTC, Tamas wrote:

Thanks, fixing this single issue solved the compiler crash too.

Did the compiler crash? Or just exit?
(a crash would still be a bug)

Crashed, just like in the case of Edwin's linked github issue:

dmd failed with exit code 1.

The minimized code in the OP does not crashes the compiler though.

Re: Warning: statement is not reachable

2016-03-02 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks, fixing this single issue solved the compiler crash too.

Thanks also for the tip using hasUDA! Works nicely!

Warning: statement is not reachable

2016-03-02 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn
My d code doesn't compile using ldc2 1.0.0-alpha or anything 
above DMD v2.068.0

Using these compilers I get a lot of "Warning: statement is not 
reachable". Then the both compiler crashes.

I minimized the code to get the same warning, although the 
compilers do not crash this time, so this might not be the real 

Any suggestion how to fix this?

ldc2 -w reach.d
dmd -w reach.d


struct Tag {}

template isTagged(S) {
  enum bool isTagged =
delegate() {
  foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, S)) {
static if (is(attr == Tag)) {
  return true;
  return false;

void main() {
  static @Tag struct MyStruct {}
  static struct VanillaStruct {}
  static assert(isTagged!MyStruct);
  static assert(!isTagged!VanillaStruct);

Re: Virtual value types during compile-time for static type safety, static optimizations and function overloading.

2015-07-18 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

Sorry, the main function of positive0.d correctly looks like this:

int main() {
  return !((abs(-16) == 16)
 (abs(3) == 3)
 (square(5).absPositive == 25)
 (square(-4).absPositive == 16));

But this does not affect the results, the asm file sizs or the 
asm abs function bodies.

Re: Virtual value types during compile-time for static type safety, static optimizations and function overloading.

2015-07-18 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 18 July 2015 at 13:16:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 18 July 2015 at 10:06:07 UTC, Tamas wrote:

Compile  execute:
$ dmd positive0.d; ./positive0; echo $?
$ ldc2 positive0.d; ./positive0; echo $?

Try adding the automatic optimize flags in all your cases. For 
dmd, `-O -inline`. Not sure about ldc but I think it is `-O` as 

Thanks, indeed, after -O -inline the bodies of the two abs 
functions are the same! :)

The asm code of the templated version is still longer overall, 
but I think it's only some garbage that is not really executed. 
(e.g some with assert and unittest in the name, although I have 
none such)

Soo thank you, it's really awesome! :)

Re: Virtual value types during compile-time for static type safety, static optimizations and function overloading.

2015-07-18 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn
I made a thorough comparison using multiple compilers and a 
summary of the findings. In short, there is a runtime overhead.

I reduced the code to cut out the imports and made two versions 
with equivalent semantic content.
positive0.d contains the hand written specializations of the abs 
positive.d contains the solution with function templates / static 
type analysis.


/* positive0.d:

Compile  execute:
$ dmd positive0.d; ./positive0; echo $?
$ ldc2 positive0.d; ./positive0; echo $?

generate ASM source:
$ dmd positive0.d; gobjdump -d positive0.o  positive0.dmd.s
$ ldc2 positive0.d -output-s


int absPositive(int n) {
  return n;

int abs(int n) {
  return (n=0) ? n : -n;

int square(int x) {
  return x * x;

int main() {
  return !((abs(-16) == 16)
 (abs(3) == 3)
 (square(5).abs == 25)
 (square(-4).abs == 16));


/* positive.d:

Compile  execute:
$ dmd positive.d; ./positive; echo $?
$ ldc2 positive.d; ./positive; echo $?

generate ASM source:
$ dmd positive.d; gobjdump -d positive.o  positive.dmd.s
$ ldc2 positive.d -output-s

struct Positive {
  int num;
  alias num this;

Positive abs(T)(T n) {
  static if (is(T == Positive)) {
return n;
  } else {
return Positive((n = 0) ? n : -n);

Positive square(int x) {
  return Positive(x * x);

int main() {
  return !((abs(-16) == 16)
 (abs(3) == 3)
 (square(5).abs == 25)
 (square(-4).abs == 16));


I compared the generated asms. The asm code was substantially 
longer in case of non-hand written specializations of the abs 

The 'optimized' versions of the abs function were equivalent, but 
the 'non-optimzed' versions shows the runtime overhead for dmd 
and ldc2 as well, a double 'mov' commands instead of a single 

The compiled hand written code was roughly half the size for both 

File sizes:
2678 positive0.s
4313 positive.s

3442 positive0.dmd.s
8701 positive.dmd.s

You can see the abs functions below, and you can spot the double 
'mov' operations:


 230:   55  push   %rbp
 231:   48 8b ecmov%rsp,%rbp
 234:   48 83 ec 10 sub$0x10,%rsp
 238:   85 ff   test   %edi,%edi
 23a:	78 02	js 23e 
 23c:	eb 02	jmp240 

 23e:   f7 df   neg%edi
 240:   89 7d f0mov%edi,-0x10(%rbp)
 243:   48 89 f8mov%rdi,%rax
 246:   c9  leaveq
 247:   c3  retq


 248:   55  push   %rbp
 249:   48 8b ecmov%rsp,%rbp
 24c:   48 83 ec 10 sub$0x10,%rsp
 250:   48 89 f8mov%rdi,%rax
 253:   c9  leaveq
 254:   c3  retq
 255:   0f 1f 00nopl   (%rax)

00a0 _D9positive011absPositiveFiZi:
  a0:   55  push   %rbp
  a1:   48 8b ecmov%rsp,%rbp
  a4:   48 83 ec 10 sub$0x10,%rsp
  a8:   48 89 f8mov%rdi,%rax
  ab:   c9  leaveq
  ac:   c3  retq
  ad:   0f 1f 00nopl   (%rax)

00b0 _D9positive03absFiZi:
  b0:   55  push   %rbp
  b1:   48 8b ecmov%rsp,%rbp
  b4:   48 83 ec 10 sub$0x10,%rsp
  b8:   85 ff   test   %edi,%edi
  ba:   78 05   js c1 _D9positive03absFiZi+0x11
  bc:   48 89 f8mov%rdi,%rax
  bf:   eb 05   jmpc6 _D9positive03absFiZi+0x16
  c1:   48 89 f8mov%rdi,%rax
  c4:   f7 d8   neg%eax
  c6:   c9  leaveq
  c7:   c3  retq


movl%edi, -4(%rsp)
cmpl$0, -4(%rsp)
jl  LBB2_2
leaq-4(%rsp), %rax
movq%rax, -16(%rsp)
jmp LBB2_3
leaq-20(%rsp), %rax
xorl%ecx, %ecx
subl-4(%rsp), %ecx
movl%ecx, -20(%rsp)
movq%rax, -16(%rsp)
movq-16(%rsp), %rax
movl(%rax), %ecx
movl%ecx, -8(%rsp)
movl%ecx, %eax


Re: String Metaprogramming

2015-07-18 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks  Nicholas , I have integrated some of your advice on the 
edited code i.e. foreach and ref in pattern . Hope I fully 
understood  what you meant. Am yet to look whether I still need 
to change the signature . I have heared there are two 
approaches to this, Where does one really draw the line between 
CTFE and Template metaprogramming?

Template metaprogramming == abuse the template facility in C++ 
to run a program in compile time used to be the only way to 
execute something at compile time in C++. In D you don't want to 
do that as writing such code is a matter of putting an enum or 
static at the right place. Still, you can use templates to 
achieve your goal, if that helps.

Re: Virtual value types during compile-time for static type safety, static optimizations and function overloading.

2015-07-17 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 July 2015 at 23:16:51 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:

On Friday, 17 July 2015 at 23:15:31 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:

On Friday, 17 July 2015 at 21:20:41 UTC, Tamas wrote:
Is there a solution that results the same static 
optimizations, but has no runtime penalty, i.e. the functions 
just operates with ints? (At least when compiled)

Did you try looking at assembly generated by GDC or LDC with 
full optimizations? For example GDC does quite better than DMD 
for the proposed SafeInt type:

Also, see the table at the bottom of this comment:

Thanks for the pointers! My first priority a  performant library, 
secondary is a nice api, 3rd is a nice implementation. So that 
kind of rules put Amy degradation compared to ints. I used DMD, 

I see no reason for the necessity of performance degradation. 
Essentially I just want to assign a similar qualifyer like const 
or immutable. They are checked and used at compile time, but 
erased for runtime. Same here.

Virtual value types during compile-time for static type safety, static optimizations and function overloading.

2015-07-17 Thread Tamas via Digitalmars-d-learn

I got inspired by Andrei's Generic Programming Must Go talk:

I.e. writing functions with static if-s, based on what we know 
about the input.

So the question is how to annotate the input variables?

Adam showed an excellent solution for this, by wrapping the value 
into a struct, and using alias:

Unfortunately, it's not without runtime penalty. I have checked 
this idea with ints, against the generated code. 
Unfortunately the struct wrapper results in longer asm code. In 
theory such run-time penalty is not necessary, as everything is 
available compile-time.

To understand my use-case, here is an example math library that 
skips certain validations or computations altogether, whether 
some properties of the input can be inferred from how the value 
was produced:

import std.math : sqrt;
import std.conv;

struct Positive {
int num;
alias num this;

Positive abs(T)(T n) {
static if (is(T == Positive)) {
return n;
if (n = 0) return Positive(n);
return Positive(-n);

Positive isqrt(T)(T x) {
static if (is(T == Positive)) {
return Positive(sqrt(!float).to!int);
if (x0) {
throw new Exception(no root for negative numbers);
return Positive(sqrt(!float).to!int);

unittest {
assert(abs(-4) == 4); // full abs runs
	assert(isqrt(4).abs() == 2); // full isqrt runs, abs returns n 
	assert(abs(-4).isqrt() == 2); // full abs runs, isqrt return 
immediately, skipping validation;


Although this code is fully operational, presents nice api and 
compile-time optimizations, the extra Struct wrapper is not 
without runtime penalty.

Is there a solution that results the same static optimizations, 
but has no runtime penalty, i.e. the functions just operates with 
ints? (At least when compiled)

Thanks, Tamas