Re: Why not flag away the mistakes of the past?

2018-03-08 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 17:14:16 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, March 08, 2018 16:34:11 Guillaume Piolat via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 13:24:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

> On Wednesday, March 07, 2018 12:53:16 Guillaume Piolat via
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 06:00:30 UTC, Taylor 
>> Hillegeist

>> wrote:
>> > That way the breaking change was easily fixable, and the 
>> > mistakes of the past not forever. Is it just the cost of 
>> > maintenance?

>> auto-decoding problem was mostly that it couldn't be @nogc 
>> since throwing, but with further releases exception 
>> throwing will get @nogc. So it's getting fixed.

> I'd actually argue that that's the lesser of the problems 
> with auto-decoding. The big problem is that it's 
> auto-decoding. Code points are almost always the wrong level 
> to be operating at. The programmer needs to be in control of 
> whether the code is operating on code units, code points, or 
> graphemes, and because of auto-decoding, we have to 
> constantly avoid using the range primitives for arrays on 
> strings. Tons of range-based code has to special case for 
> strings in order to work around auto-decoding. We're 
> constantly fighting our own API in order to process strings 
> sanely and efficiently.

I'd agree with you, hate the special casing. However it seems 
to me this has been debated to death already, and that 
auto-decoding was successfully advocated by Alexandrescu and 
al; surviving the controversy years ago.

Most everyone who debated in favor of it early on is very much 
against it now (and I'm one of them). Experience and a better

I wasn't so much asking about auto-decoding in particular more 
about the mentality and methods of breaking changes.

In a way any change to the compiler is a breaking change when it 
comes to the configuration.

I for one never expect code to compile on the latest compiler, It 
has to be the same compiler same version for the code base to 
work as expected.

At one point I envisioned every file with a header that states 
the version of the compiler required for that module. A 
sophisticated configuration tool could take and compile each 
module with its respective version and then one could link. (this 
could very well be the worst idea ever)

I'm not saying we should be quick to change... oh noo that would 
be very bad. But after you set in the filth of your decisions 
long and hard and are certian that it is indeed bad there should 
be a plan for action and change. And when it comes to change it 
should be an evolution not a revolution.

It is good avoiding the so easily accepted mentality of legacy... 
Why do you do it that way? "It's because we've always done it 
that way."

The reason I like D is often that driven by its community it 
innovates and renovates into a language that is honestly really 
fun to use. (most of the time)

Why not flag away the mistakes of the past?

2018-03-06 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d
So i've seen on the forum over the years arguments about 
auto-decoding (mostly) and some other things. Things that have 
been considered mistakes, and cannot be corrected because of the 
breaking changes it would create. And I always wonder why not 
make a solution to the tune of a flag that makes things work as 
they used too, and make the new behavior default.

dmd --UseAutoDecoding

That way the breaking change was easily fixable, and the mistakes 
of the past not forever. Is it just the cost of maintenance?

Re: What is the state of Microcontroller support in d?

2017-10-25 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 19 June 2017 at 20:01:01 UTC, Dan Walmsley wrote:
On Friday, 8 April 2016 at 03:38:01 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist 
So, for me one of the greatest things about d is that it is 
compiled to machine language. But It makes me sad that this 
strength doesn't seem to be available in one of the most 
obvious places.

Hi you still around, I'm starting to investigate these issues 
and see if I can start using D in some of my embedded projects 
at my company. I've got stuck at the hurdle of trying to use 
minilibd with Ldc compiler, did you make progress since this 

I'm still around I just haven't been working with D for a while. 
I see you were trying to put an effort together. That's really 
great, if there is anything I can do to keep the momentum let me 

D-issapointed after using C# for a while.

2016-11-11 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d
In the past I have worked with D, C#, Java, Python and C and some 
other less popular languages. Most recently working with C# I 
suddenly realize the convenience and flexibility I had in D. One 
case in particular is with bit-fields in D they are a pleasure to 
use and implement, but in C# they are a mystery, sure they have 
Enums that are flexible for some cases, I suppose I just wanted 
to say thanks to the D community for their effort.

What is the state of Microcontroller support in d?

2016-04-07 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d
So, for me one of the greatest things about d is that it is 
compiled to machine language. But It makes me sad that this 
strength doesn't seem to be available in one of the most obvious 

There are some projects:

The example code is still waiting for decision what is the proper 
way to

access peripheral registers in D code.

The Discovery board Demo:
I actually was able to run the code on this board.

These are very cool, I do notice that both of these use GDC.

The discovery demo looked tedious to implement 

I cheated and used a CMSIS .svd file to build the peripherals 

There are big hurdles:
Typeinfo bloat.
Register/Linker file configuation.
Standardized build environments.
More complete runtimes with examples :)
better documentation on d runtime and what is needed for x 

But bottom line is it really isn't easy to do. I follow the 
examples for the most part. I feel like the Build environment was 
clunkly for micros and dub certainly was not the right build tool.

I was just curious what is the story?

I know its a goal that in time the community would love to reach.

Re: Calling .NET from D

2016-03-26 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 26 March 2016 at 14:15:18 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
On Saturday, 26 March 2016 at 07:53:06 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist 
Found a simple way to call .NET managed code from un-managed D 
code. I didn't know about it so I thought someone else could 
find it useful.

Thank you so much for this.  This is very helpful indeed.

I guess you might have looked also into going the other way 
around - calling D code from C#.

Anything one should know beyond the standard pinvoke/C API 
described here?

That looks pretty good.

It seems to me as if microsoft wants managed to unmanaged 
calls,as opposed to unmanaged to managed, the link to pinvoke/C 
is probably more information than the total I gathered for 
reverse p-invoke (DllExport). If you need more information on any 
of the processes involved feel free to make it an issue for repo.

Calling .NET from D

2016-03-26 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d
Found a simple way to call .NET managed code from un-managed D 
code. I didn't know about it so I thought someone else could find 
it useful.

Re: embedded ARM support

2015-11-09 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 20:09:05 UTC, Timo Sintonen wrote:
On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 19:00:32 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist 

Maybe I am wrong, But I believe that the low level community 
is awaiting the release of GDC/LDC compatible with 2.067 DMD 
front end. This will allow for volatile store/load. and 
hopefully begin a new era of D micro programming. I'm sure 
this isn't the whole story. but i get the feeling it is a 
major part of the minimal micro-controller involvement.

Yes, that is the problem but the solution is not acceptable. We 
discussed about alternative solutions in gdc forum last year. 
Possibilities are to make something gdc specific or to use a 
custom data type. It was seen good to build this feature 
somehow into gdc but on the other hand there is a need to keep 
gdc as close to dmd as possible.

In what way is the solution unacceptable?

Solution is not easy to use.
Solution is does not solve problem.
Solution is not easy/possible to implement.
Can not be implemented in a uniform way.

Just curious? perhaps a link to the discussion would be good 
enough. thanks.

Re: embedded ARM support

2015-11-09 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 10:14:17 UTC, Timo Sintonen wrote:

On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 08:49:57 UTC, Andrey wrote:

On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 08:35:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote: like 

Yes. But I mean the real supported library, with header files, 
registers declarations and so on... That is realy low 
instructions. It is good for experiments and self-affirmation, 
but not usefull for daily work. It't not realy cool to declare 
manualy all needed registers adresses and manualy manage 
adresses for linker
contains a modified runtime library and a toolset with a 
working example.

It supports many D language features like object creation.

There are some register definitions but it is far from complete.
Suggestions and contributions are welcome.

One thing why the project is going so slowly is the issue with 
accessing peripheral registers. The official D does not want to 
support register access directly, but only with library 
functions. In gdc it is possible with shared variables but this 
feature is unstable.

There are some Cortex-m users hanging here but so far any big 
project has not been made.

Maybe I am wrong, But I believe that the low level community is 
awaiting the release of GDC/LDC compatible with 2.067 DMD front 
end. This will allow for volatile store/load. and hopefully begin 
a new era of D micro programming. I'm sure this isn't the whole 
story. but i get the feeling it is a major part of the minimal 
micro-controller involvement.

What Features Should A GUI toolkit have?

2015-03-05 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d
So I have played with a few GUI libraries with bindings available 
through D. Personally I find that it seems like there is alot of 
effort being put forth on GUI projects.

It is my experience that most project's fail or die, not because 
of lack of effort but lack of specification, many people start 
projects thinking, can i make it do this? how about this? and a 
project is born! but soon interest is lost and the project dies. 
But specification can lead to projects that become useful 
earlier, more stable, and live longer happier lives.

At this point i think the following features are the most useful.

-Ease of setup-
dub integration is awesome, without it things are more difficult. 
This has very little to do with the actual toolkit.

-Minimal dependencies-
Personally If i can statically link a toolkit to my GUI and it 
has zero dependencies outside of the OS typically install. I am 
very happy. really the less that can be messed with the better.

best in my opinion: DWT MiniGUI DGUI at least for windows.

-Rock Solid Stable-
So when I do the hello world application I resize the window push 
the buttons and do pretty normal things. But on some libraries I 
get weird stuff going on sometimes the window even becomes 
invisible. scary.

best in my opinion: GTKD TKD

Good- You can edit a static layout
Better- you can edit a layout and re-size the window layout 
Best- you can edit the actual window in real time without 

Good- You have a pallet of basic widgets that you can place.
Better- You have a pallet of basic widgets + custom widgets that 
you can edit.
Best- You have the above + a database were people can share 
widgets :)

Personally I think that all layout items like HBar should be 
children of widget that way i can make more modular component, 
but that's just my opinion.

-Data Binding-
Most of the time I use that data a widget represents and much 
less often the events they produce.

-Ease of Use-
Your tookits should work for you... not the other way round.

I have seen some schemes like Winforms Dock,javaFX HBar, HTML5's 
float/static/absolute/realitive... Idk what seems the most 
freindly... HTML5/css seems the most complex. I have a dream 
H/VBar + align/distribution/wrap options.

I know some of these are RAD things. I don't have an opinion on 
thread safe guis. personally I would like to see a GUI tookit 
that the community said... use X it is just the way to go for 
most things.

Re: Standard GUI framework inspired by Qt

2015-03-03 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 3 March 2015 at 18:43:50 UTC, Aram wrote:

Hi all

I've been thinking over a GUI framework for D for some time, 
and ended up with idea expressed by Andrew Fedoniouk here: 
That is, having a separate drawing layer, and widgets built on 
top of it. But since it has already been discussed 9 years ago, 
I wonder if such a framework has ever been implemented.

In that duscussion many participants agreed that Qt would be a 
good foundation, but had very restrictive license. Things have 
changed since then, and Qt now is available under LGPL, which, 
to my undestanding, makes it suitable for the purpose of 
standard GUI library (please correct me if I am wrong on this). 
The license, of course, may change in the future, preventing us 
from using their updates for our drawing engine. But if we are 
able to start using the engine now, in the future we can 
maintain the updates ourselves.

Now, how I envision the library's design:

The library will be mostly implemented in D, except for drawing 
engine and event loop, which are system-dependent. Those two 
parts will be extracted from Qt into a separate library which 
will be linked to by the rest of framework either statically or 
dynamically. There will be bindings for sending drawing 
instructions to drawing engine, as well as for retrieving 
system and GUI events from event loop.

The system-independent part will mimic architecture of Qt. 
However, for maximum flexibility and customizability, GUI will 
utilize QML+CSS approach, and Qt's layout manager classes will 
be dropped completely. Also there is no need to port classes 
that are available in D, such as collections and strings.

If there is no standard GUI for D yet, and if LGPL license fits 
our purpose, then I am looking for 2-3 Qt experts to join me 
and build the framework.


So I don't speak for the community, but I like the idea of having 
a gui abstracting front end that targets backends, like Qt or GTK 
or Winforms. I know some people probably don't care as much about 
dependencies as me. But for me its always best to target a 
platforms native toolkit, I think it looks better. We should do a 
poll or something.

Re: Is there such a thing?

2015-03-03 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 3 March 2015 at 10:37:49 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Saturday, 28 February 2015 at 17:06:58 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Friday, 27 February 2015 at 19:49:37 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist 
I just think its a shame that all over the place people are 
compiling code in different programming languages, and 
although all the .o  files are compatible with each other 
there isn't a standard cross language way of defining a 
binding. But that would be making people agree on things...

C is pretty much a standard for cross-language ABI

Object files have no language-level compatibility, only 
linker-level compatibility. You can get function arguments 
wrong, and linker won't tell you.

So, I don't thing C is very easy to pull data from, In fact i 
would guess the only way this would work is if the compiler 
produced standard data format like JSON or XML or YAML if you 
like that kind of thing. And then transformed it to native code.




I think YAML would look nicer... I also know that some languages 
have certain capabilities. And this is a lot more complex of 
problem. But I hear about people making automatic binding 
generators and all sorts of 1 off tools, I just don't understand 
why there doesn't seem to be common standard solution.

Re: DIP74: Reference Counted Class Objects

2015-03-02 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 1 March 2015 at 13:13:58 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Jacob Carlborg:

@arc class Foo
   T1 opAddRef();
   T2 opRelease();
Alternative A gives a clear documentation it's a reference 
counted class without having to scan the methods.

Assuming you want something like DIP74, this design design 
seems safer than the design proposed in DIP74.


So, I don't know a huge amount about this subject. aka. (hold my 
beer) but I do know that seemingly by default D has garbage 
collection which is wonderful... but It is also wonderful to have 

I see a story like the tortoise and the hare.  Where the garbage 
collector is like the hare, going really fast but then taking a 
break. Reference counting is like the tortoise, a bit slower but 
more predictable.

It is clear Reference counting takes more discipline, but unclear 
to me how D will help/guide its users through process. it seems 
like the @safe will disallow some obviously dumb things. which is 
actually really awesome.

It is also unclear how combining both RC and GC will work, how 
does the GC know not to scan the RC's territory?  And if it does 
is it actually beneficial to have RC?

As far as DIP74: In the Definition I am confused what UFCS has to 
do with defining the opAddRef() and opRelease() methods. And also 
why the are used in the fun() x.opAddref() example. I probably 
have like 100 more dumb questions but lets leave it there. :D

Re: Would Lcl be better if it was in D?

2015-03-01 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 2 March 2015 at 01:22:58 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Sun, 01 Mar 2015 22:40:28 +, Taylor Hillegeist wrote:

But still the question was about smaller executable when 
compiling d
code. The linker needs to know which .o files to include, the 

notation is basically:

  thisBigoleThing, ThisOtherBigOleThing, AndMeToo;

I assume the linker just auto-magically includes the entire 
thing even
if your only using a single function or value from each. Then 

perhaps I am wrong.

FreePascal learnt the "smart linking" trick years ago, so only 
used functions ends in linked binary. but LCL is very big 
library, and FPC
can't drop out unused virtual methods, so resulting binaries 
are big.

with D we have the same situation, maybe even worse due to 
instantiation. compiler is able to merge identical template 
but... empty `void main () {}` is ~200 KB in D (GNU/Linux, 
x86). adding
simple `import std.stdio : writeln;` increases binary size to 
~300 KB.
and adding `writeln("hello!");` increases binary size to ~350 

D binaries are big. ;-)

That seems like alot of KB for just a little bit of code. I 
wasn't aware that void main(){} was anything but entry pointer...

 ;; pseudo-assembly-language
 ;; main(argc, argv, envp); call

 push envp  ;; rightmost argument
 push argv  ;;
 push argc  ;; leftmost argument ends up on top of stack

 call main

I guess I'm confused about what is in there and why?

Re: Would Lcl be better if it was in D?

2015-03-01 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 1 March 2015 at 21:39:08 UTC, Mike James wrote:
On Sunday, 1 March 2015 at 20:41:30 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist 
So I was using the Lazarus IDE the other day, and i thought to 
myself, what if i create an application with only a button in 
it. well it was easy enough to do. but behold I saw the 
executable and it was 14 MB, and I said 'well damn.' It seems 
to me that pascal does not do lazy inclusion when it comes to 
components of Lcl apart from pre-compiler directives.

I noticed some includes in d are inside of functions.

void foo() {
import thingIneed:subfoo;

would this allow people to use a large library like LCL but 
with much smaller executables?

Turn off the debug build - it's then only a few meg...

Yes, the debug does help quite a lot. I like the idea of LCL one 
widget front end so you don't have to worry as much about 
deployment. but i haven't found a good all static cross platform 
solution for d.

so far my favorite GUI libraries so far are:

xwt: mono
LCL: Object Pascal

I like the write once compile anywhere of Lazarus. And I think it 
makes more sense to target the platforms native widget library 
than to force users to install one or package the whole library 
with your executable.

But still the question was about smaller executable when 
compiling d code. The linker needs to know which .o files to 
include, the pascal notation is basically:

 thisBigoleThing, ThisOtherBigOleThing, AndMeToo;

I assume the linker just auto-magically includes the entire thing 
even if your only using a single function or value from each. 
Then again perhaps I am wrong.

Would Lcl be better if it was in D?

2015-03-01 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d
So I was using the Lazarus IDE the other day, and i thought to 
myself, what if i create an application with only a button in it. 
well it was easy enough to do. but behold I saw the executable 
and it was 14 MB, and I said 'well damn.' It seems to me that 
pascal does not do lazy inclusion when it comes to components of 
Lcl apart from pre-compiler directives.

I noticed some includes in d are inside of functions.

void foo() {
 import thingIneed:subfoo;

would this allow people to use a large library like LCL but with 
much smaller executables?

Re: Is there such a thing?

2015-02-27 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 27 February 2015 at 21:15:10 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 09:00:56PM +0100, Jacob Carlborg via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 2015-02-27 20:49, Taylor Hillegeist wrote:

>I just think its a shame that all over the place people are 
>code in different programming languages, and although all the 
>files are compatible with each other there isn't a standard 
>language way of defining a binding. But that would be making 

>agree on things...

I think that's a completely different topic.




Yes, But in this case there is like 300 non-competing 

Re: Is there such a thing?

2015-02-27 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 27 February 2015 at 07:26:06 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2015-02-26 20:53, Taylor Hillegeist wrote:
So, In languages like .net they have dll's that contain not 
bytecode but also the necessary headers to make them usable in 
any .net
language. I was curious if this kind of thing has ever been 

for static libraries?

basically some type of universal header + static library = 

Needed to use in project file.

of course they would be targeted for a certain platform but 
would be

really easy to grab/use.

And if the header could be agreed upon any compiled language 
could use

the library which would be a huge benefit.

Perhaps i'm incorrect in my assumptions. Let me know what you 

about the idea?

I think it's better to use a package manager to handle this. It 
will also automatically download the necessary files. Also it 
will help (hopefully) you to find the libraries you need.

I just think its a shame that all over the place people are 
compiling code in different programming languages, and although 
all the .o  files are compatible with each other there isn't a 
standard cross language way of defining a binding. But that would 
be making people agree on things...

Re: Is there such a thing?

2015-02-26 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 21:37:46 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 19:53:54 UTC, Taylor 
Hillegeist wrote:
So, In languages like .net they have dll's that contain not 
only bytecode but also the necessary headers to make them 
usable in any .net language. I was curious if this kind of 
thing has ever been attempted for static libraries?

basically some type of universal header + static library = 
Everything Needed to use in project file.

of course they would be targeted for a certain platform but 
would be really easy to grab/use.

And if the header could be agreed upon any compiled language 
could use the library which would be a huge benefit.

Perhaps i'm incorrect in my assumptions. Let me know what you 
think about the idea?

IIRC, Pascal unit files work that way. No interface source file 
is required to use them.

That Looks pretty close to exactly correct:

It was still two files but it looks like the .ppu was analogous 
to a c header. like the compiler striped out all the necessary 
declarations. Very interesting... But I don't think it makes it 
easier to link to with d. The idea is pretty cool though. I 
wonder if other compilers do the work of creating sources with 
the logic striped out for use as a header only.

One of the listed uses for a unit was if the developer wanted to 
hide his ip but allow others to use the code.

Does D have a way of doing this?

Is there such a thing?

2015-02-26 Thread Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d
So, In languages like .net they have dll's that contain not only 
bytecode but also the necessary headers to make them usable in 
any .net language. I was curious if this kind of thing has ever 
been attempted for static libraries?

basically some type of universal header + static library = 
Everything Needed to use in project file.

of course they would be targeted for a certain platform but would 
be really easy to grab/use.

And if the header could be agreed upon any compiled language 
could use the library which would be a huge benefit.

Perhaps i'm incorrect in my assumptions. Let me know what you 
think about the idea?