D gets namechecked in the Unity blog

2015-06-02 Thread Tim Keating via Digitalmars-d
For immutability support, of all things: 

Seems someone over there is a D fan.

Re: Signal flare: vibed.org throwing 500 errors

2014-09-23 Thread Tim Keating via Digitalmars-d
Mystery solved. With the debug info you enabled, I started 
getting meaningful stack data:

Sorry, we got a 400 error (Bad Request) while processing this 
request. We will look into this as soon as possible.

Internal error information:

Expected name=value.

./vibed-org(pure @safe bool 
std.exception.enforce!(bool).enforce(bool, lazy const(char)[], 
immutable(char)[], ulong)+0x6b) [0x7d9e4f]
./vibed-org(void vibe.http.server.parseCookies(immutable(char)[], 
ref vibe.http.common.CookieValueMap)+0x7b) [0x98e79f]
vibe.core.net.TCPConnection, vibe.http.server.HTTPServerListener, 
ref vibe.http.server.HTTPServerSettings, ref bool)+0xfec) 
vibe.http.server.HTTPServerListener)+0x17e) [0x98bdb6]
./vibed-org(void vibe.core.drivers.libevent2_tcp.onConnect(int, 
short, void*).ClientTask.execute()+0x4d4) [0x8f678c]

./vibed-org(void vibe.core.core.CoreTask.run()+0x173) [0x8ddb7f]
./vibed-org(void core.thread.Fiber.run()+0x2a) [0xa530ee]
./vibed-org(fiber_entryPoint+0x61) [0xa52ff9]

1534 here looks like the enforce in line 1537 in the current 
HEAD. That's a cookie parsing error, so possibly I got a 
corrupted write to local storage or something & ended up with a 
malformed cookie. To test, I cleared cookies for the site, and 

I will say that possibly the whole site shouldn't barf if you get 
a bad cookie, though :-)

Thanks for the help!



Re: Signal flare: vibed.org throwing 500 errors

2014-09-19 Thread Tim Keating via Digitalmars-d

Okay, this is weird.

This is only happening for me using Google Chrome on OS X 10.9. I 
can hit the site with Safari and Firefox just fine.

I thought maybe I had some malicious infected extension or 
something (I was seeing some activity there in the network trace 
in the Chrome developer tools), so I disabled all my extensions. 
Still happening.

And the error page looks very clearly like the output from the 
errorOut function in server.d. Which suggests to me that I'm 
getting to the server and it's legitimately sending me a 500 
error. But there's no attached debugging information (debug_msg 
appears to be blank).

Scratching my head at this point.


Re: Signal flare: vibed.org throwing 500 errors

2014-09-19 Thread Tim Keating via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 14:51:28 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

Works for me. Are you behind a firewall?


Weird. I am not. Unless Time Warner is pulling a fast one on me.

Ah, well. Sorry for the false alarm.

Signal flare: vibed.org throwing 500 errors

2014-09-19 Thread Tim Keating via Digitalmars-d

Looks like the whole site is down at this point.


Re: Appending char[] to char[][] has unexpected results

2013-05-01 Thread Tim Keating

On Wednesday, 1 May 2013 at 04:33:28 UTC, anonymous wrote:
Just outBuf ~= buf.dup; works, too. Without .dup you're 
overwriting and appending the same chunk of memory again and 

From the documentation on File.readln
(): "Note that 
reusing the buffer means that the previous contents of it has 
to be copied if needed."

I'm a bit puzzled as for why it behaves differently with dchar.

Okay, that was obviously the bit I was missing. The dchar 
situation IS baffling -- if that hadn't worked, I would have been 
more certain I was simply doing something wrong.

Appending char[] to char[][] has unexpected results

2013-04-30 Thread Tim Keating
Not sure whether this is a bug, or perhaps I'm misunderstanding 
something, but it seems like this should work:

void main()
char[][] outBuf;
auto f = File("testData.txt", "r");
char[] buf;

writeln("\n RAW OUTPUT *");

while (f.readln(buf))
outBuf ~= buf;

writeln("\n BUFFERED OUTPUT *");

foreach (line; outBuf)

testData.txt is just a couple of lines of miscellaneous text. The 
expectation is that the raw output and the buffered output should 
be exactly the same... but they are not. (If anyone would like to 
see this for themselves, I stuck it in github: 

Changing the types of outBuf and buf to dchar works as expected. 
Changing outBuf to a string[] and appending buf.idup does as well.

SlickEdit 9 will include support for D

2009-01-30 Thread Tim Keating
Got an invite to the SlickEdit 9 beta today. On downloading and installing it, 
I discovered that one of the planned new features is full support for D. I say 
"planned" because I quickly found that tagging and syntax highlighting didn't 
work... so I suspect this feature isn't fully baked yet.

Still, if you're a SlickEdit fan (as I am, obviously) this is great news.


Re: dmd platform support - poll

2008-12-30 Thread Tim Keating
Christopher Wright Wrote:

> Tim Keating wrote:
> > Supporting .net would give you access to the most modern and probably 
> > best-currently-supported Windows API. It would, if you counted Mono, add a 
> > very nice cross-platform UI framework. Finally, depending on what version 
> > was supported, it might enable you to write Silverlight apps in D, 
> > permitting flash-like apps that run cross-functionally in a web browser.
> Cross-platform UI framework? You're talking about GTK#, right?

I think you forgot a smiley :-)

But on the off-chance you're serious... I meant WinForms (or, as of .Net 3, 
WPF, which -- on pain of getting lynched in this newsgroup -- is the most 
powerful and flexible UI framework I've ever seen).

Re: dmd platform support - poll

2008-12-26 Thread Tim Keating
Yigal Chripun Wrote:

> personally I don't see a point in JVM/.NET - One of the best things 
> about D is that you get the ease of use of Ruby/python/etc with the 
> benefits of native compiling like in c/c++. Why throw that away and make 
> yet another version of Java/C# ?

Supporting .net would give you access to the most modern and probably 
best-currently-supported Windows API. It would, if you counted Mono, add a very 
nice cross-platform UI framework. Finally, depending on what version was 
supported, it might enable you to write Silverlight apps in D, permitting 
flash-like apps that run cross-functionally in a web browser.