Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-13 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

Hi all,
I'm a CTO at a start up and interested in porting our Java 
project to D. Some points, I have been lurking on D for years, 
went to my first D conf recently. Also I was one of top 20 people 
to join Java Struts, and that grew to 3million plus end users so 
I have some 'cred'. Hope this helps:

- Confusing forum. First listed forum on 'D' is not for D users, 
but it's called D! It is in fact for D commiters. This causes 
frustration for both users and commiters. (yes there is 'learn D' 
but it's 4th down. Commiters forum should be slightly hidden and 
user questions should not be answered in commuters but politely 
asked to post in the proper forum.).

- I was *very* disappointed that using base library locks you 
into GC vs ref. counting.
Separate, I like how Objective C has NSObject for GC purpose(I'd 
love a framework that is just ref counting), but there should be 
dual libs and base should not be GC.

- D is/has become complex. metaprograming, generics, macros, etc. 
This is a culture issue, very hard to fix cultural issues w/o 
losing most commiters. Just a fast system lang w/o headers, 
'boost' and such. All this other stuff can be 3rd party eco 
system and should be pushed out from D proper into 
implementations and add ons.

- Dub rocks.

- Very little 'user' outreach. Meetups such as 'learn D'  (set up 
editor w/ DUB, and write some vibe.d DNS client/server in 4 
lessons). Or how to use a c .so lib.

So hth. FYI I plan to hire 3+ 'D lang' programmers (users, not 
commuters) to rewrite the Java project in Dallas and/or San Jose 
(CA) over the next few months (Feel free to ping me 
@puppetMaster3, ideal candidate is 'prolific' and career 

Cheers, Vic

Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-13 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

commuters = commiters.

On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 03:55:02 UTC, Vic wrote:

Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-14 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

bearophile, Inline

On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 09:33:27 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Are you able to sketch what kind of look you like for this page 
and show an image?

Simple would be to put 'Learn D' first.
Better would be that 'D' becomes 'Learn D' and new forum for D 
commuters is created with a new name and 'enforced'.

What's the purpose of the rewrite? What do you hope to improve 
over the Java code?

Xeon CPU lets you use 128Gig, 386 gig, 512 gig, etc. It has 
become cheap to do that. I need a system programing lang to do 
that better.
Also I need to bypass OS sometimes, for example talking to NIC 
Third, by using system programing lag, I get to hire better 
programers, not the CLR and JRE types that don't know how 
assembly or how to call AVX2 instructions, etc.

(and minor, just a bit harder to de-compile).


Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-14 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 13:54:51 UTC, Vic wrote:

gig = gig of RAM

Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-15 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

To illustrate point on D complexity:

It appears that it mission is to be Java, vs a system lang.

On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 03:55:02 UTC, Vic wrote:

Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-16 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 15 July 2014 at 17:15:08 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 13:54:51 UTC, Vic wrote:
Xeon CPU lets you use 128Gig, 386 gig, 512 gig, etc. It has 
become cheap to do that.

Java can't hog gigs? Unbelievable.

Java is the devil I know.

But if D is not my first choice to port(from Java), than my 
second choice is Qt.

It seems simpler to manage memory and Hash Associative Array.

Any comments on Qt as choice?

Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-16 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 16 July 2014 at 12:35:29 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:

I am not sure why you think Qt makes memory management easier. 
QObjects are generally given a parent that destructs its 
children when it terminates, but that is merely a convenience 
in GUI programming I think.

Yeah, I don't know if Qt or D makes manual memory easier, but at 
some point I want to find out. So if any more input, great. I'd 
hate to have to hire like so: Ideal candidate knows some Qt AND D 

I'm not doing GUI, it's a socket server w/ large RAM. Also 
'large', if the CPU has 30meg L3, I don't think 128Gig RAM is 
large anymore.

Cheers, Vic

Re: Using D

2014-07-16 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 10:13:43 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 10:27:12 UTC, Russel Winder via

I think we need to address these issues, because they are of a 
psychological nature and not really language issues. I'm sure 
that if we fixed GC and had the best implementation ever, 
people would find something else to complain about "D doesn't 
have blah, I don't like it!"

I'm sort of getting the idea that D goal would to be a better 

I'm running away from Java (after 10 years). I hope that someone 
at D has power and can say NO to a feature the way Linus does as 
opposed to adding more 'JCP' features, pushing such stuff 
downstream. Adding more features to be good at everything, aka a 
submarine that is a law mover. It's all done w/ best intentions. 
But forcing GC into base library of a system programing language? 
Maybe D is not a system programing language, but a enterprise app 
productivity lang. At least give us a choice, to use D why do I 
have to re-write the base lib.

Cheers, Vic

Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-16 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 16 July 2014 at 16:10:30 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:

Qt is an excellent framework, but pretty much completely 
irrelevant to memory management. Its object trees and 
refcounted containers are convenient for conventional programs, 
but if you are doing want to extract decent performaare with 
100's of gigs, you'll need custom memory management, whether 
with D or Qt/C++ (and just like *some* parts of Phobos, Qt 
locks you into is types and whatever memory management they 
use. STL would make more sense but afaik it's allocator 
interface is quite a PITA)

Thx Kiith.

Re: GCs in the news

2014-07-17 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 13:29:18 UTC, John wrote:

If D came without GC, it would have replaced C++ a long time 

Agree +1000.

If GC is so good, why not make it an option, have a base lib w/o 

If I want GC, I got me JRE. It seems that some in D want to write 
a better JRE, and that just won't happen ever.


Re: Using D

2014-07-17 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 11 July 2014 at 19:46:25 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

GC phobia is a convenient excuse for people to not use D, 
people who may have different actual reasons that they don't 
express for various reasons or may not even realize.

Hi Walter,

Please give us a bit more respect and benefit of the doubt and 
assume that we do know what we want when say something.

I want to use D! I may be forced to C++ my team because GC built 
into the base lib. It is possible to build a base lib w/o GC I 
just am in  a small company and can't afford to do that.


Re: GCs in the news

2014-07-17 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 17:13:04 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 16:56:56 UTC, Vic wrote:
If GC is so good, why not make it an option, have a base lib 
w/o GC.

Much of Phobos already is GC free. The parts that aren't should 
be easy to convert to use user-supplied buffers. Please add 
enhancement requests for cases where there isn't a GC-free 
alternative to a standard library routine.

If that is true, I may even do a $ bounty to make Phobos GC free.

I may do the same, $ bounty on vibe.d port to GC free.

I don't know D enough to be able to do that, but good news to me.


Re: GCs in the news

2014-07-17 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 13:02:22 UTC, Remo wrote:

The quality of GC implementation is probably more important.

I disagree, I am a burn victim and don't trust smoke.

Ideally it is optional.


Looking to hire: 2-3 programmers, candidates will likely need to learn D.

2014-07-21 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

(I hope OK to post:)
Location: Silicon Valley /San Jose, CA/ or Dallas TX.

Current 'app' version is mostly Java/Tomcat, so will need to 
maintain that while writing a new version, likely mostly D ( 
possibly Qt depending on GC ). (Also a few lines assembly, C, IOS 
Objective C, Andorid as clients)

OS will be Gentoo flavor.

There is some fun data structures and some boring HTTP in the 
project, I'll have to tell you more if you ping us, some of it is 
fun tech but I don't want it public.

The company is a 7 digit funded start up, a bit more about the 

- http://ceocfointerviews.com/interviews/Apakau14.htm

Ideal candiate is a career programmer/developer, prolific coder 
would be supper. Experience prefered, a few years out of school 
might be considered.

Company culture is tech friendly/introvert (as opposed to 
marketing/business type orgs). Market rate salary, but first few 
hire we don't have much for reloaction budget(not looking for 
remote for first year+). Of course 30" monitor, Xeon workstation, 
good vacation time, gym and more, of course D conference or 
similar is company expense. There are some trade secrets to keep.

To have a phone chat, please email me your resume/bio to vic (at) 
apakau.com.  Likely we will be done hiring in a week or 2.

(I plan to cross post on Qt and Vibe.d forums)

Re: Looking to hire: 2-3 programmers, candidates will likely need to learn D.

2014-07-22 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

Done, thx!

On Monday, 21 July 2014 at 15:12:41 UTC, John wrote:

You might want to post to D.announce group.
Some D users claim they only check D.announce

(Off topic) Linus on GCC v4.9

2014-07-26 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d


Re: Algorithms to solve programming contest problems

2014-10-25 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 25 October 2014 at 20:51:04 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:


Anyone want to review these and see what we should add to 

I have enormous respect for Walter, this has me betting my
company on D.

But how I wish this said: hey, anyone know of what we can remove
from D or move to downstream?

JRE has Oracle and 100 devs, CLR has MS and 100 dec, there are 7
for D, and it should be narrow, like LUA. It should have 7% of
their platform. Majority of scared cows must be killed, the
sooner leaders realize the better.

2 types of D users, both can live together happily if we adjust

2014-11-27 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
There are 2 users I see, those that see it as an experimental 
feature platform and those that use it for real projects (and not 
for experiments).

The 'real project/core' is where we are ( 
http://blog.apakau.com/2014/11/cmg-paper ) and we need a stable 
systems language. From 'real project' people, the people that are 
in the 'experimental platform' currently *shit* where we eat (as 
per my D programmers that work for me, D is big and unstable).
As I see it, the issue is that D is a wide platform(not a small 
lang)  that is hard to maintain with the size of the team. 
(Similar wide platforms feature wise are JRE and CLR, both w/ > 
100 developers). So how many core D developers we have?(*)

A more modern language like Go splits btwn stable 'core' and 
'experimental feature platform', for example no need for core to 
have try/catch, when it can be done downstream:

 - http://github.com/manucorporat/try
This is similar to Linux: kernel and gnu; and what I propose for 
D: to be split up.

This would allow users of *real project* to use a core and people 
that want to have  features could do that downstream: let a 1000 
flowers bloom!

If you are w/ me so far, how big/small should core be?
*Small enough to be maintained by the size of the team at hand 
and no larger. *

Something stable for us to lean on.
Next, is it feasible to split? Std library has much bloat and is 
easy to split up into core and downstream experimental feature 
That leave the compiler. I am not an expert, but this could be 
done w/ core 'compiler' and the rest in optional pre-processor. I 
think it can be done w/ backwards compatible (just switch GC to 
default off)

I'll say 90% +  should and must be moved to downstream projects. 
This allows for the famous quote: 'fearlessly peer into the gates 
of hell’ - all I’m saying do it downstream, let us build projects 
that can lean on small/simple and maintainable D core.

Lets make D core small please. List of things that are core: char 
arrays.  What else should be core?
The key question in this tread: how small should core D be to be 
maintainable and stable? How can it be split?


Re: 2 types of D users, both can live together happily if we adjust

2014-11-27 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
I completely understand and support the DIY nature of Open Source 
and it's something that should be underlined often!

If we turn out to be successful, I  do plan to resource out D 
support. But I'm running a startup and don't have the spare 
cycles. But I am using D, betting the company on it, programmers 
in my shop do D 100% of time, so I do consider myself a part of 
the D community.
So all I can do is wish for a small and stable D lang, vs a large 
D experimental platform - and both are possible. If I had 
resources I would divide Phobos and complier/pre-compiler to 
support the 2 camps: people that use D on real projects and 
people that want to experiment as I have outlined.
I do think this to be key thing for the active D community to 
internalize as it relates to D wide adoption or disappearing: the 
size of project managed as it releases to FTE (~2000 hrs/year) 
resources that maintain it. Manifested mostly as 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_creep or instability (is my 
code wrong or is it D )

On Thursday, 27 November 2014 at 23:24:59 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 10:58:31PM +, Vic via Digitalmars-d 
There are 2 users I see, those that see it as an experimental 

platform and those that use it for real projects (and not for


The thing is, based on my observations over the past few years 
or so
I've been here, such grand plans have often been proposed (in 
the best
of intentions, to be sure) but rarely carried out. The thing 
about D is
that if you wish to see something happen, you just have to dig 
in and
*do* something about it. Be the champion of whatever you 
propose, get on
the ground and work it out, make it happen. Contribute code. 
improve the infrastructure. Be the change you wish to see take 

While these forums can be quite entertaining, from my 
observations most
of the animated discourse ultimately results in nothing -- 
nobody actually got up to *do* something about it. The stuff 
that *does*
happen often happens in the background where somebody actually 
did the
hard work and wrote the code, pushed the PR's through to 
contributed the hardware to improve the infrastructure, etc., 
often with
little or no activity on the forums.  Almost all of the 
discussions on
the forums that have little or no code backing it up tend to 
sputter out after everyone's energy has been exhausted, and 


So, if you wish to see the changes you propose, I'd say your 
best bet is
to start *doing* something about it (besides talking about it 
on the
forum, that is). Remember that this is an open source project 
contributions made by volunteers; telling volunteers what to do 
their free time rarely works. Contributing real work, OTOH, 
tends to

catch people's attention much more effectively.


Re: 2 types of D users, both can live together happily if we adjust

2014-11-28 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
Yes, that is one example of something that could be a downstream 
feature with alternative implementations.

On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 01:29:16 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 00:19:49 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
The @nogc focus got in by "external" advocacy. It did take 
some noise, but it got in.

It took a lot of noise and IMO rust removing their GC to force
something to happen.

Re: 2 types of D users, both can live together happily if we adjust

2014-11-28 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d


On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 05:14:31 UTC, Mike wrote:As I see it, D has a lot of contributors willing to maintain 
and enhance it, but the barrier to entry and learning curve is 
quite high for anything significant.

 I say there is very few.  I have to challenge your data that 
there is a lot of contributors. Most projects list their 
maintainers, what is the number of FTE D maintainers?

That is a loaded question of course, relative to surface area:
of sacred cows relative to FTE maintainers.

Therefore, the number of contributors that actually make a 
significant difference is quite small.
Also, since it is a volunteer effort, there's really not much 
accountability.  Contributors are free to make significant 
contributions, and then leave the D scene without anyone able 
to maintain their work.  Contributors are also free to do 
partial implementations, and move onto something else without 
completing what they started.

I think anyone wishing to leverage D for a critical project 
should be aware of that, and perhaps D should be more 
transparent about it.  That doesn't mean D shouldn't be used 
for anything of importance, it just means that by using D we 
enter into an implicit contract requiring us to either be 
willing to become significant contributors ourselves, or be 
willing to partner with and fund D's development.

How much $ funding so I consider it?
For example for regressions to be done but only for core. (none 
of silly things, which is a long list of GC, AssociaveArrays, 
demangle, annotations, higher order functions, pseudo members, 
transmogrify, goto, try/catch, vardic, traits, variant, sqllite, 
etc. I am not saying to remove them, just make them downstream 
like GNU does, not part of regression tested D core.  If I wanted 
to use a big lang I'd do CLR or JRE.

When I first approached D, I had high expectations, and as I 
learned more, I also became disappointed

Yes, that is the pattern. Come in, and leave. There has to be 
more people staying and more D shops (like my shop is pure 100% D 
The regressions are painful, and I propose a way to let people 
experiment and compete on rich features. My proposal is to make a 
small stable core that can be maintained, so that people say.

and said a few things I this forum I wish I could take back.  I 
misunderstood the culture of this community and how it works, 
and perhaps I still do.  But what is more apparent now is we 
can't expect to rely on D if we're not willing to make 
significant contributions ourselves, or fund its development.  
And, while using D is itself a small contribution, it's not 

Lets make D core small please. List of things that are core: 
char arrays.  What else should be core?
The key question in this tread: how small should core D be to 
be maintainable and stable? How can it be split?

I would like D core to be small as well, but for different 
reasons:  I would like a nimble language that can be used for 
both the smallest and largest of machines, and let the 
libraries differentiate.  But, I don't think it should be 
partitioned based on the size of D's human resources, partially 
because that is going to fluctuate drastically throughout time.
 Rather, the division should be made based on architectural and 
design goals.

The culture of the D contributes is 'to bravely peer into gates 
of hell' - as in experiment. As user of D I want it to be small, 
stable and maintained. I proposed a path that allows for both, 
w/o scaring of people that use D for real projects. If that is 
not so, then I missed that D is an experimental language.

You might consider doing what other organizations have done:  
Allocating your D talent to fix the problems you have 
encountered by submitting pull requests, or open issues and 
place bounties on them at 

Regardless, I'd still be interested in knowing, more 
specifically, what problems you're encountering.


My problem: I have 3 developers(still hiring more) that work for 
me please lets not use D, it is not stable release to release 
(and has a bunch of things no one needs).
I told them: we are a D shop because long term I anticipate D and 
Walter to succeed.
So I hope that maintainers consider users of D and not chase them 


Re: dmd test coverage

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 27 November 2014 at 11:32:59 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Actually not too bad :).


Good step.

Re: Phobos - breaking existing code

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 07:17:48 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
 IMO rust got it right
with immutable by default, but hindsight is grand(To be fair, 
rust lifetime management is really ugly too)

Immutable as default sounds good (in core)

Re: Phobos - breaking existing code

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 11:59:36 UTC, bearophile wrote:

and the lack of a rich set of libraries because of bit rot.

This is not a valid argument. The lack of D libraries has 
various causes, probably the main one is the lack of D 
developers and the lack of their interest in keeping the code 
updated (perhaps because they have left D community?). 


Re: Phobos - breaking existing code

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 02:59:07 UTC, Mike wrote:

and the lack of a rich set of libraries because of bit rot.

Yes, D's current business model is not sustainable.  It is 
lacking capable contributors and funds to keep the code 



Re: Phobos - breaking existing code

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 11:56:31 UTC, Ola Fosheim
Grøstad wrote:

I got very happy when Walter announced "@nogc" and his intent 
to create a "better C" switch on the compiler.

I felt this was a nice change of direction, but I also feel 
that this direction has stagnated and taken a turn for the 
worse with the ref-counting focus… Phobos is too much of a 
scripting-language library to me, too much like Tango, and 
hacking in ref counting makes it even more so.

To me, a "better C" would have a minimal runtime, a tight 
minimalistic standard library and very simple builtin ownership 
semantics (uniqe_ptr). Then a set of supporting libraries that 
are hardware-optimized (with varying degree of portability).


Re: Phobos - breaking existing code

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 11:35:52 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi
On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 23:33:54 UTC, Walter Bright 

I know there's been a lot of "break my code" advocacy lately, 
but this code was only 2 years old.

I've lost my faith in expecting to see the D core team grasp 
what the so called "break my code" folks aims to reach.



Re: Phobos - breaking existing code

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 14:40:47 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

With a big standard library you get this effect:

big monolithic standard library -> other libraries build on it 
-> many libraries are unsuitable for more restricted 

big monolithic standard library -> hard to keep bug free, 
performant and makes language changes more difficult

What you want is this:

tight standard library -> other libraries build on it if they 
can-> more libraries are suitable for all applications

tight standard library -> high degree of stability -> less 
breakage of other libraries

tight standard library -> better results for library-aware 


Clearly D is not a "better C", it's a "better C++/Java". You 
can use D as a "better C" but this needs some adaptation, both 
for you and the libraries.

It is a bit of false advertising to on website promote D as 
better C, when the efforts are that it is a better C++/Java/CLR.

(and I think you can do both w/ a split).

Re: 2 types of D users, both can live together happily if we adjust

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 15:46:03 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

If this is a long term strategy then this makes D unsuitable 
for contract work. You really don't want any uncertain factors 
when bidding on a contract since that will skew your estimates. 
Stability is more important than features in a commercial 


Re: Phobos - breaking existing code

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 11:37:52 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Some of this "hibernation" could be caused by the latest 
"revolution" threads by Andrei. But probably there are also 
other causes.

Yes, Andrei's ref counting and C++ compatibility, etc.

There are choices in debate to push:
a) Make D small system lang.
b) or Keep D large
I say there is more choices:
c) Both! Split it like linux: kernal and GNU. kernal is of no use
w/ out cd and cat, etc.
This way people like Andrei can help even people that use D on
real projects. In C++ we have active downstream, ex:
http://pocoproject.org/features.html. D gets stronger because of
Vibe.d. That can be encourage by spliting/reducing D 'core' to be
near useless, w/o a lib for key needed features that are in
pre-compiler and downstream ecosystem.
Win/win. Andrei's of the world could and should be encouraged as
the 'GNU' of D. I am saying 90% of 'D' should be in 'Andrei'
domain and all the sacred cows.
I'd call the non-core 'D' 'frontal lobe', the part that thinks
and D 'core' the 'lizard brain' that is just primitive/visceral.

Else the endless debate of large vs small.
I say both.


Re: 2 types of D users, both can live together happily if we adjust

2014-11-29 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 23:06:15 UTC, Mike wrote:
On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 20:20:55 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

this has an easy solution: just stick with the chosen D 
version: nobody forces anyone to upgrade.


Here is the problem w/ that:
Lets stay that we use GDC (because of debugger) equivalent of D 
2.066(or whatever) for ~ year.

In essence, we check out of the D community. And when we come 
back, we find that the D community pool has not grown (due to 
some of the challenges we found). This means our project is not 
developed in an unsupported language, and we have to port.
(In forums I see maintainers talking about GC in core. I think 
that hooks for ref. counting should be in core, but move the 
implementation for the average case downstream. Plus many other 
things. To me, as a manager, figure out what your resources to be 
good at it, and no more).
I want to D, and the only way I see that is smaller D and the 
only way I see that is via a split so that the pool can grow.


Re: LogLevel [was std.experimental.logger formal review round 3]

2014-12-03 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
(I don't want to hijack the thread, and I'm so happy for donated 
hours. If I my just touch on that JRE size maintenance team did 
not add logging till 1.4

- instead people used downstream. Pardon me)

Re: D Meetup in SF?

2014-12-05 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

in Sunnyvale.

First meeting in Jan., and then every 6 weeks

Room holds 2 - 500, sponsored by Apakau

Looking for co-organizers to meet w/ ahead of first meeting.

I can go over a step by step of setting up Eclipse, DUB, vibe-D 
at fist meeting and take it from there.

Re: D Meetup in SF?

2014-12-06 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 6 December 2014 at 01:37:03 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Friday, 5 December 2014 at 20:08:30 UTC, Vic wrote:

in Sunnyvale.

First meeting in Jan., and then every 6 weeks

Room holds 2 - 500, sponsored by Apakau

Looking for co-organizers to meet w/ ahead of first meeting.

I can go over a step by step of setting up Eclipse, DUB, 
vibe-D at fist meeting and take it from there.

Is that new ? I was unaware of this. Not sure I'll be able to
come as I have no car, but I'll try to figure out something.

If you Cal-Train, we will pick up at station.

Re: D Meetup in SF?

2014-12-06 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 6 December 2014 at 09:12:30 UTC, Shammah Chancellor 

On 2014-12-05 20:08:28 +, Vic said:

in Sunnyvale.

First meeting in Jan., and then every 6 weeks

Room holds 2 - 500, sponsored by Apakau

Looking for co-organizers to meet w/ ahead of first meeting.

I can go over a step by step of setting up Eclipse, DUB, 
vibe-D at fist meeting and take it from there.

I was thinking of something in SF proper, but Sunnyvale may be 
possible for me.


We can co-ordinate Caltrain schedule and have somoneone pick up 
at the train station.

Re: Do everything in Java…

2014-12-06 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 6 December 2014 at 16:23:46 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Sat, Dec 06, 2014 at 03:48:42PM +, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sat, 2014-12-06 at 07:14 -0800, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Oh, I *know* there are Javascript testing frameworks out 
> there...
> the problem is convincing people to actually incorporate 
> said tests
> as part of the development process. Sure, *I* can run the 
> tests with
> my own code changes, but there are 50-100 developers working 
> on the
> project who are also constantly making changes, and unless 
> they also

> regularly run unittests, the whole exercise is kinda moot.

If the team is 50 to 100 programmers 1 of whom thinks testing 
is a
good idea then I can see an unmitigatable disaster looming and 

technical bosses (*) being sacked. Best bet, get a new job now.

(*) management and accounting bosses never get sacked, because 
it is

never their fault.


Disaster *looming*? Haha... disaster has been *happening* for 
the past

how many years now... Hence my earlier references to regressions
spiralling out of control and new features breaking old ones 
there's no tomorrow, and developers scrambling like mad to fix 
them all
in a whack-a-mole bid to bash the product into shippable form 
by the
deadline, of which we tend to be informed the week of (or 
sometimes, the

Friday afternoon before a Monday deadline)...

Fortunately(?), no one has been sacked yet. Part of it may have 
to do
with the fact that practically all our customers are corporate, 
corporate customers tend to value business relationships and 
deals above
actual product quality, even when they're on the receiving end. 
(Just my

cynical guess, though. I have no concrete evidence of this. :-P)



( D scope should be smaller than C. JRE/CLR should be of limits.
Also this one dude(Linus) talks about a big lang(C++) and it's 

- http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/c++/linus
I'm sure he he has no credibility /s )

Re: What is the D plan's to become a used language?

2014-12-18 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

> We have :

- a huge cemetery of D project

+ 1

What to do:
  - Stop to add new feature in D (new annotation or whatever is
not an urgent needs)


But this is not the culture of the creators. They think adding 
features is fun.

blog.apakau.com - company built on top of D in Silicon Valley

Re: Questions at D reddit (benchmarks game, D worms)

2014-12-19 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
In a world of limited resources, one can chose to have one good 
supported community, or 2 poorly supported communities.

On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 01:06:12 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
Noticed 2 non-bot threads at Reddit (sorry for spam, but due to 
all D talk being here newcomers may get the impression of a 
dead community), maybe someone here is able to answer them?



Re: What's missing to make D2 feature complete?

2014-12-20 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
As a commercial user (but non contributor) of D, here is my 

- remove GC and memory management as default
- find all features that are not being maintained or are just top 
heavy and deprecate.

- find features that should or could be downstream, and deprecate.

- http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/26979.html

On Saturday, 20 December 2014 at 17:40:06 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Just wondering what the general sentiment is.

For me it's these 3 points.

- tuple support (DIP32, maybe without pattern matching)
- working import, protection and visibility rules (DIP22, 313, 

- finishing non-GC memory management

Re: What is the D plan's to become a used language?

2014-12-20 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
First, thank you all the committers for a 'gifted free' lang that 
we use to build a company, we could have used any lang, we chose 

My point is on 'management' more than on 'software'. On 
management, *EVERY* project is resource constrained, so imo, D 
should figure out what resources it has at hand. Based on that 
prioritize what can be maintained and what can't be maintained 
and hence marked as deprecated (so those that do care for it can 
move it downstream). It's painful to kill many scared cows. I 
used example or CLR and JRE team size relative to their 'features 
surface area'.

Also, I'm pleased that 'no' is said at times (but ... we are 
still adding things right, w/o saying: and if we add that, what 
are 2 features we can move downstream?'. Last I'm hearing is 
Andreii will gift C++ compatibility, etc into core. **: reason to 
split up forum into users and public comitters so people like me 
don't panic)

Second smaller thing I 'elude' to but don't verbalize in that 
argument is my personal preference for a smaller language. Less 
is better/faster. I proposed to move those deprecated  features 
'downstream', just like Linux Kernel and Linux GNU are separated 
(but can't exist w/o each other). To build an eco system.
(here is comments on C++ having more features, one of the reasons 
I like smaller

I do see 'featuritis' http://bit.ly/1wzVPMR as a way to doom 
projects in a compound way )

As to Walter (yes I used Wacom c compiler) saying No, I think he 
is to nice and 99.5% is not good enough, I'd like him to be a mean

- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/l/linustorva141511.html
and start removing things. The list of candidates is long, GC has 
been brought up as something that can be moved downstream.
D could have reference counters in base classes, but end users 
could INJECT a 3rd party GC mechanism they like. It's same thing, 
but downstream. Also I showed example of Go exceptions being 
I'm not saying these 2 (our of 100) are not nice features, I'm 
saying if 'we' were forced, they could be moved downstream. You 
can just open Andreii's D book table of contents and find over 
weight things - if you are motivated to do that.

On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 16:44:59 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 15:11:30 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 

On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 14:58:07 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 14:38:02 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 
As for Walter already saying "no" a lot, given how many 
features D has, obviously one can still wish he went from 
99% "no" to 99.5%. ;)  You don't need to be around the D 
community forever to feel that D still has too many 
features that made it in.

Care to name a few and justify why exactly those features 
should be gone?

No, as that's not really my problem.  I was simply trying to 
clarify the argument others have made, that the language 
seems overstuffed and overwhelming, which I have experienced 
at times but I'm not personally complaining about.>

It is a worthless claim to make that there is too much of 
something, if you cannot come up with an concrete example. 
"I've got that gut feeling, that" is not even remotely an 
argument and just kills time of everyone in this discussion.

If we want to discuss the future of the language, it's totally 
pointless to do it in an abstract way. “We need to make the 
language more stable“ is not a goal or something, it is 
totally unclear what that actually means, why this is 
important in the first place, how we can say that we have 
accomplished it or what we need to do to realise that goal.

I have no dog in this fight.  I was merely pointing out to 
Walter and Mike that it's possible to say "no" a lot and still 
have others wish you had said "no" even more. :) There's no 
particular feature that I wish wasn't there, though of course 
there are many features that many wish were implemented or 
worked together better, as deadalnix points out.

When Vic suggested a split into a stable core and an 
experimental layer, I suggested documenting the perceived 
stability of various features instead, so that users could have 
a guide for what features might be more problematic without 
having to do a deep-dive in bugzilla to figure it out for 
themselves.  I didn't back a split or have not suggested 
removing features.

D lang sillicon valley pre-planning meeting week of 12th

2014-12-20 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

Respond/participate here:

ot: vibe.d forum

2014-12-20 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

vibe.d forum is down, can't post messages.

Re: What is the D plan's to become a used language?

2014-12-21 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

I think you nailed the argument.

On Sunday, 21 December 2014 at 09:36:00 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Saturday, 20 December 2014 at 19:11:53 UTC, Vic wrote:
Second smaller thing I 'elude' to but don't verbalize in that 
argument is my personal preference for a smaller language. 
Less is better/faster.

I think this is the main reason why we have different 
perspective on necessity of change. Smaller language simply 
means that you need to put more complexity into actual 
applications and while D looks all cool at the first glance 
trying to get deeper (== implement BIG projects) inevitably 
makes you encounter fundamental design quirks that affect 
maintenance costs. Deadlnix has provided pretty good list of 
suck problematic points.

While there is some value in splitting the spec into core 
language and extensions I don't believe it is wise for D to 
compete in simplicity domain.

Core and extensions/ plugins is a way to manage complexity and 
resources. I cite some 'random dude' 
http://www.codingninja.co.uk/best-programmers-quotes :

"Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming."

I am a user of D, and I need something stable to lean on - if I 
don't know the bug is what I wrote or what the compiler wrote, it 
gets harder.

Further D does not have choice but to be excellent (via 
simplicity) - there is not enough paid maintainers. (Struts what 
I worked w/ before was written in 48 hours and had several 
million 'users/developers' using it). So the pain of limited 
resources forces excellence.

D does not have a choice but to make GC a DI/IOC - it will happen 
as the only choice, popular or not. People can be upset about the 
sacred cow or be confident of the outcome. I am in the second 
Alternative is death and I am optimist the committers will be 
forced to trim down.


Re: What is the D plan's to become a used language?

2014-12-21 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
I assume in order for your company to be happy in using D, you'd 
want it work, right? That is all I'm saying as well, lots of git 
examples and commercial projects using D.
And I'm not saying to remove *any* features at all. I'm saying 
*MOVE* some features, tbd. For example Linux has Kernal and GNU, 
who cares where in git they sit, right? (but GNU needs a working 

The example I linked(do you have it?) is like a more 
modern/younger language GO has exceptions. Or w/ GC, DI/IOC a 
'generic' GC that makes you happy. But it does not make you sad 
to have an eco system, right?

Anyway, you have to hear maintainers start saying/doing things to 
make things more maintainable before you can worry, since I am 
not a committer my opinions ads up to 0 basically in open source 
world. (if I was, I'd fork it until 'CW' catches up and backports 


On Monday, 22 December 2014 at 01:08:00 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
NO. Just don't use features that you don't understand or like, 

don't punish happy D users by demanding a crippled D version.

On Sunday, 21 December 2014 at 22:21:21 UTC, Vic wrote:


cross post hn: (Rust) _ _ without GC

2014-12-22 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d



c'est possible!

Oh how much free time and stability there would be if D core 
*moved* GC downstream.

ps: more cows waiting for slaughter: 

Re: cross post hn: (Rust) _ _ without GC

2014-12-22 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 22 December 2014 at 22:02:46 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:28:16 +

. what we really need is a

better GC,
not "no GC".

I am not saying no GC; I am saying:
a) something needs to be moved out of core. If not GC, what would 
you move downstream?

b) move, not remove. So you can plug in any gc implementation you 
like - the current GC if you still like it.

Like linux kernal needs gnu to do 'cd'.


Re: DConf 2015?

2014-12-22 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 00:25:33 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/22/2014 12:59 PM, Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 22 December 2014 at 20:52, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 12/22/2014 9:40 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

By this time last year, dconf 2014 preparations were already 
under way but

Looks like it'll be May 27-29.

By the way, who ever is co-coordinating this can also get help 
from SV D meetup and likely Berlin and help each other.

Re: cross post hn: (Rust) _ _ without GC

2014-12-22 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 00:49:57 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Monday, 22 December 2014 at 23:21:17 UTC, Vic wrote:

I am not saying no GC; I am saying:
a) something needs to be moved out of core.

And many don't agree.

Dear Anonymous,

IMO D needs to be more stable, the alternative is more and more 
features and less and less commercial users and followed by less 
maintainers that don't want a dead project to work on. D 
'marketing' brings people in, who then leave.
So I proposed: Do like GO does w/ Exceptions ( I can send link 
again if need)

*What* would be another way to get stability that is not fantasy?

I consider the surface area of features vs available volunteer 
maintainers at hand. If you are not sold, look at CLR and JRE 
features relative to D features. Now look at the size of their 
maintenance teams as relative FTE.

Does that look as sustainable?

Hence a prediction: major things will be moved out of core to 3rd 
party plugins to slim down the lang, because now it's more than a 
lang: it is a platform.


Re: cross post hn: (Rust) _ _ without GC

2014-12-23 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 04:06:33 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:32:11 +
Vic via Digitalmars-d  wrote:

Hence a prediction: major things will be moved out of core to 
3rd party plugins to slim down the lang, because now it's more 
than a lang: it is a platform.

D is not a platform. besides, GC is a core feature of D.

As per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_%28software_platform%29
Java is a platform as per wikipedia. D, I'll argue has more 
Hence: D *IS* a platform. It is obese. Instead of 'what if 
academics didn't write a language, but a compiler writer writes a 
language, the new culture is: academics are writing a sugary 
platform. (and do they use it on projects, a big part of open 
source is that you use what you write, at their day job their 
team use something else).

D 'has' a 'GC' for certain 'values' of working.  Data point:
My company has 6 *full* time Sr Developers (15 years +) in 
Silicon Valley - one of the larger commercial D users(sad) - so I 
say that we use D (and only D) and for heavy lifting month in and 
month out. So when all 6 tell me GC does not work  (for 
example allocate a large associative array and run a few threads 
- I may present this example at the 'D meetup silicon valley' in 
Jan meetup and publish example in git). So I tell you, when I see 
focus of the volunteer maintainers on 'what can I add' and not on 
'what can I remove' it scares me to the bone as the CTO. 
Difference w/ Linus and Walter? Both are smart, Walter is a nice 
guy, and not a bastard.

So if maintainers decide that one of the thing to move is GC, one 
way,not the only way, is IOC | DI pattern (you can look up DI and 
IOC), it's doable, but it is like watching a fat person run 10 
yards, they would rather eat a donut).
Leave the method(init, destroy) hooks and ref counting in core. 
People(p/t users of D) than inject the default GC(amateurs by 
definition as they don't get paid to D). So it would be just like 

Professional teams/commercial users write a GC that fits that 
situation, possibly create a D utils open source project - and 
now you have an eco system of downstream open source projects and 
commercial users doing heavy lifting in D and 3rd: the corner 
case of people that use D just a little a few hours a week for a 
few weeks in a year.

But, I don't know I'm saying move GC, I'm saying move somethings. 
Exceptions like GO, the 12 generics features are sugary, etc. 
just open up Andreii's book and go to town. If it's not GC, 
remove something else to the point it is maintainable and 
commercial users can lean on a working D. I am saying lots of 
things should be moved, ex: split the compiler into core and 
pre-compiler for the academic but still needed plugins.
Also, people, I' am a user, so I'm just wagging the tail. Listen 
to the maintainers as to the future direction, I focus on bigger 
or smaller as the leading indicator of weather forecast of future 
stability in D. I'm hearing C++ compatibility will be added, and 
nothing will be removed. I'm hearing other features being added. 
Did anyone hear of something being moved downstream? Nope. God 
forbid users of D have to go to another git repo to get something 
they require.


Re: cross post hn: (Rust) _ _ without GC

2014-12-23 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 14:39:30 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

mind if i say that i don't give a shit about what "commercial 
want? and the last thing i want is cutting out language 
features. yes,
"moving out of the core" == "cutting off". half-baked feature 
people, so eventually somebody will do something with it. 

feature will remain non-existant for a long time.

and i have a great way to know what "commercial users" really 
the things they are paying for. no, that's not working like "do 
what we
want and maybe we'll give you a cent or two". it's quite 
actually: "here's the money we'll pay for what we want". FOSS 
is not
the box to which you shouting and then magically pulling the 

for free.

Hi Ketmar,

1)I quote me: "How much $ funding so I consider it?"
 here in D form- http://tinyurl.com/ks7z9jy

2) http://www.meetup.com/D-Lang-Sillicon-Valley
This is us hosting and operating it, I hope people join 30 
members so far for the first meet up in Jan.

3) I pay salaries for 6 full time D users, who use D.

So I hope you do care about D, and hence we have to work together.
I have a suggestion that one can have lots of features w/ stable 
core, both.

Adding features will not work, that is a fact that some don't see.
Moving them is painful, no question about that.
Current situation is we are stuck, ex:
" Anyone want to review these and see what we should add to
 Phobos?" from 


Re: DIP66 has been approved contingent to a few amendments as noted

2014-12-23 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d


One more feature.

On Tuesday, 23 December 2014 at 15:49:46 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Congratulations, Igor! -- Andrei

another feature added: C++ compatibility

2014-12-23 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

Coming soon to *upstream*:


Re: My wish for 2015...

2014-12-23 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 20 December 2014 at 22:11:35 UTC, Xinok wrote:
I'm going to make a stark proposal to the you all, the 
community and all D users as whole. I wish for us to set an 
ultimate goal to be made top priority and complete by the end 
of next year. My wish is to resolve the issue of memory 
management for D by the end of 2015. This is a significant 
issue that has affected most of us at one point or another. I 
think this gives D a bad rap more than anything else and is a 
point of contention for many, especially those with a 
background in C/C++.

I think the problem of memory management can be reduced to two 

(1) The garbage collector for D is sub-par.
(2) There are too many implicit allocations in Phobos.

I think three goals need to be met for the problem of memory 
management to be satisfied:
(1) We need a precise garbage collector. The fact that a 
garbage-collected language experiences memory leaks truly 
reflects poorly on on D.
(2) Furthermore, we need to improve the performance of the 
garbage collector. There are some things the developer can do 
to reduce the time and frequency collection cycles, but the 
current situation is far from optimal.
(3) We need a viable alternative to the garbage collection. 
Whether that be allocators, ref counting, or full-fledged 
manual memory management, there is great demand for the ability 
to use D without the GC with little hassle.

I sincerely believe that this is the greatest issue facing D 
today and something that should have been resolved a long time 
ago. The fact that relatively simple programs can crash with 
out-of-memory errors (especially 32-bit executables) and 
high-performance code experiences frequent or lengthy 
collection cycles means we have a bad situation on our hands.

Things like @nogc are a start but much more needs to be done. 
I'm not hoping for an optimal solution, nor am I expecting a 
state-of-the-art garbage collector. I think we should simply 
aim for "good enough". Then once we have a better memory 
management scheme, we can begin incorporating these changes 
into Phobos.

What do you all think? Can we make improving memory management 
the top priority for 2015 with the goal of developing an 
adequate solution by the end of next year?

+1. Seems like a reasonable compromise.

(but to be a negative Nancy: to be realistically achieved: it 
must be the only goal and w/ a laser focus. D community still has 
to demonstrate discipline, here is an inspiration: 
http://youtube.com/watch?v=iYWzMvlj2RQ  ).

Still cheers and hope, Vic

D mention w/ LLVM on hacker news.

2014-05-26 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d
D mention on hacker news: 
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7800445 #dlang


Andrei on Channel 9

2014-06-03 Thread Vic via Digitalmars-d


Can't implement conformant memset/memcpy without compiler -ffreestanding support

2018-07-25 Thread Zheng Luo (Vic) via Digitalmars-d
Current implementation of compilers assumes libc implementation, 
which leads to an infinite loop if we want to implement 
primitives like memset with our own code because the compiler 
will optimize consecutive set with "memset". This suggests that 
we cannot write a freestanding program without supports from 
compiler. With "-betterC" flag, ldc also comes into this issue, 
which also applies to C/C++[1] and rust [2][3][4].

gcc and clang provides an option "-ffreestanding" to bypass 
optimizations that need libc support. Although we can hack around 
this issue by making our implementation complicated enough/using 
assembly to bypass the optimizer, it would be better to provide a 
standard flag like "-ffreestanding" for all compilers to disable 
such optimizations, so that developers won't have to hack around 
different compiler implementations.

[1] https://godbolt.org/g/5gVWeN

[3] https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/10116
[4] https://github.com/thestinger/rust-core#freestanding

Re: Can't implement conformant memset/memcpy without compiler -ffreestanding support

2018-07-25 Thread Zheng Luo (Vic) via Digitalmars-d
Minimal example in D: https://run.dlang.io/is/EYVTzb. Affects at 
least dmd and ldc.

Re: Can't implement conformant memset/memcpy without compiler -ffreestanding support

2018-07-25 Thread Zheng Luo (Vic) via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at 09:16:19 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 25/07/2018 8:59 PM, Zheng (Vic) Luo wrote:
Minimal example in D: https://run.dlang.io/is/EYVTzb. Affects 
at least dmd and ldc.


Note that switch void* to ubyte* won't matter once its 

My version (_memcpy_impl2) is just the regular old memcpy 
without optimizations. Your example is syntax sugar for a 
function call.

There is no guarantee that a compiler (in a future version or 
after enabling some optimization flags) will not optimize 
_memcpy_impl2 into "call memset". Maybe it just happens that the 
optimizer is not smart enough to optimize this, because nothing 
with -beeterC prohibits the compiler to do so.

Re: Can't implement conformant memset/memcpy without compiler -ffreestanding support

2018-07-25 Thread Zheng Luo (Vic) via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at 09:16:19 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 25/07/2018 8:59 PM, Zheng (Vic) Luo wrote:
Minimal example in D: https://run.dlang.io/is/EYVTzb. Affects 
at least dmd and ldc.


Note that switch void* to ubyte* won't matter once its 

My version (_memcpy_impl2) is just the regular old memcpy 
without optimizations. Your example is syntax sugar for a 
function call.

A naive implementation of memset also lead to "call memset": 

Re: Can't implement conformant memset/memcpy without compiler -ffreestanding support

2018-07-25 Thread Zheng Luo (Vic) via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at 09:37:56 UTC, rikki cattermole 

You misunderstand.
It isn't optimizing anything.
You requested the call to memcpy, explicitly when you said 'I 
want this copied ASAP'.

By the looks, the spec doesn't clearly explain this properly.

Well, it seems that this is not a good example to show. I didn't 
notice its semantics :)

A naive implementation of memset also lead to "call memset": 

Okay yup, that is an optimization.

This won't optimize:

extern(C) void* memset(ubyte* dest, int val, size_t count) {
immutable c = cast(ubyte)val;
foreach(i; 0..count) {
dest[i] = c;
return dest;

And yes the name is important :)

First, IIRC, the name hacking is a technique used to bypass llvm 
optimizers, I'm not sure if it also applies to gdc. Moreover, I 
think this *is* a hack around compiler because this forces memset 
implementer to write all code in that function.