Re: [OT] Go officially won't get generics

2014-05-09 Thread brad clawsie via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 19:07:24 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:

No, the context around what he said is very important. Google 
isn't leaving Go development, generics are not nixed for Go 
2.0, the language will continue to see bug fixes. This is all 
very clear with context.

I see this as a good. What would you rather use - a third party 
library written against abstractions or one written against 
concrete types? I would rather use a library based on concrete 
types. My observation is that the more abstraction people 
indulge, the greater the chance I will regard one of their 
abstractions as a code smell.

And it isn't the the case that the lack of generics is inhibiting 
participation. Go's library selection is already very good and 
getting better daily. Just yesterday I needed a Go lz4 
compression library and was able to find three distinct 
implementations. Go is not hurting for third-party libraries.

Re: [OT] Go officially won't get generics

2014-05-09 Thread brad clawsie via Digitalmars-d
Beyond being fodder for people who don't write Go but hate it for 
some reason, this seems to be an ongoing non-event. The official 
mailing list has practically no mention of generics anymore.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-02 Thread brad clawsie via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 07:14:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

I think one of the great things about Rails and Ruby is all the 
libraries and plugins that are available. If I want to do 
something, in RoR there's a big chance there's already a 
library for that. In D, there's a big chance I need to 
implement it myself.

this has been the fundamental issue for me. its not just missing 
libs, its libs that are surfaced via a C-binding, which in my 
limited experience have been difficult to use and make 
portability hard.

I think D is a superior language to Go, but Go has a very 
complete SDK and its all written in Go, so I don't have to worry 
about chasing down native libs to install.
