Re: Possible solution to template bloat problem?

2013-08-22 Thread bsd

On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 02:41:35 UTC, Ramon wrote:

On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 01:17:55 UTC, bsd wrote:

Well, that's a bit harsh. Can we close this thread?

Aren't you a bit harsh here?

After all, as a quick forum search suggests, "Wise Words", or 
more correctly the person who usually writes under another 
screen name here made the effort to bravely use another screen 
name in order to ... uhm ... troll.

I guess "Wise Words" didn't mean me but rather told us about an 
experience where someone told him "Grow a pair and move on". 
Evidently he didn't follow at least the first part of the 
advice given to him.


Indeed, BS you are a troll :D

Re: Possible solution to template bloat problem?

2013-08-22 Thread bsd

On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 01:14:19 UTC, WiseWords wrote:

On Thursday, 22 August 2013 at 19:20:37 UTC, Ramon wrote:

Regan Heath

You try to wrap it nicely but in the end you just prove my 
hypothesis right. The newcomer not only has to know all local 
habits and quirks of the group but he also has to know the 
history behind it. As a helpful hint you pick up dicebots hint 
that a newcomer probably should be read only for a while.

Great. And what exactly kept you away from formalizing that, 
such making it known to newcomers?

You try different funny tricks on me, for instance, by mixing 
up responsabilities. If this group has rules - which it is 
perfectly entitled to have - then it's the groups 
responsability to make those rules known in advance. It is 
*not* the newcomers responsability to somehow find out about 
them, possibly by getting accused of destruction.

Another little trick of yours is, I'm putting it bluntly, to 
play the card "We are many, you are just 1; we are here since 
years, you are new - so bend over and obey".

Frankly, the original matter doesn't even matter that much 
anymore to me. I've since quite a while put it aside as "he's 
a cheap asshole with micro-alpha syndrome but he has done very 
useful and partly brilliant work. That's all I want from him. 
So what?".
What drives me now is the desperate, abstruse and stubborn 
group dynamics at play. And no, I'm not doing that just for 
the fun of it; it can actually be a useful service (and it 
does have a certain relation to the original problem).

In two words: Context counts. (Which btw. is something you 
should like as you try playing it a lot).
In this context here group seniority might be a big thing. Or 
particular technical skills. As soon as we leave the area of 
code, however, the cards get mixed again and who was big then 
might be surprisingly small. In this discussion here, for 
instance, the capability to analyze and recognize e.g. social 
and rhetorical mechanisms is way more important than D skills 
(No suprise. After all it *is* a group, social and human 

To put it bluntly: Chances are that I can take apart whatever 
smart tricks you come up with. But why, what for?
Why don't you yourself just stick to your own advice and 
assume - and correctly  assume - that I have no bad intentions?
You even have proof! If I had bad intentions or just were out 
for a fight or revenge, I would certainly not have recognized 
A's work as brilliant and lauded his book. Nor would I quite 
politely and patiently discuss and respond to statements that 
I, no offense intended, perceive as, uh, less than 
intellectually exciting.

Take what I offer. Because it's good and because you will 
definitely not succeed in getting any femtogram more from me.

a) Mr. A. did act in an unfair und unjustified way, no matter 
how you try to bend it. Maybe what he did was well known and 
usual here. But not toward myself.

b) It's long forgiven and I'm in a peaceful and constructive 
state of mind. But don't you dare to convince me that Mr. A. 
was right and I should bend over and adapt to absurd group 
rules that demand inter alia precognition and possibly 

Can we now finally return to discussing D, algorithms, code 
and the like or do you insist to educate me and to continue 
your route toward nada, nothing, zilch?

Just consider me a miserable creature and really ugly on top 
of it if that helps.

Nice tantrum :D

Wise Words are spoken unto thee "Grow a pair and move on"

Well, that's a bit harsh. Can we close this thread?

Re: std.serialization: pre-voting review / discussion

2013-08-19 Thread bsd

Seems like your memory has indeed faded a bit. ;)

Versioning is an integral idea of formats like Protobuf and 
Thrift. For example, see the "A bit of history" section right 
on the doc overview page. [1] You might also want to read 
through the (rather dated) Thrift whitepaper to get an idea 
about what the design constraints for it were. [2]

The main point is that when you have deployed services at the 
scale Google or Facebook work with, you can't just upgrade all 
involved parties simultaneously on a schema change. So, having 
to support multiple versions running along each other is pretty 
much a given, and the best way to deal with that is to build it 
right into your protocols.



Getting old! :-)

Thanks for the heads up.

Re: std.serialization: pre-voting review / discussion

2013-08-19 Thread bsd

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 20:33:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, August 18, 2013 21:45:59 Jacob Carlborg wrote:

If versioning is crucial it can be added.

I don't know if it's crucial or not, but I know that the Java 
guys didn't have
it initially but ended up adding it later, which would imply 
that they ran
into problems that made them decide that it should be there. 
I'd certainly be
inclined to think that it's better to have it, and it's 
probably easier to add
it before it's merged than later. But I don't know how crucial 
it is.

- Jonathan M Davis

I think this versioning idea is more important for protocol 
buffers, msgpck, thrift like libraries that use a separate IDL 
schema and IDL-compiled code. std.serialization uses the D code 
itself to serialize so the version is practically dictated by the 
user. It may as well be manually handledas long as it 
throws/returns error and doesn't crash if one tries to 
deserialize an archive type into a different/modified D type.

From memory the Protocol Buffers versioning is to ensure schema 
generated code and library are compatible. You get compile errors 
if you try to compile IDL generated code with a newer version of 
the library. Similarly you get runtime errors if you deserialize 
data that was serialized with an older version of the library. 
This is all from memory so I could be wrong...

Orange seems/feels more like the BOOST.serialization to me but 
much better. It's D for a start and allows custom archive types. 
In BOOST, the library stores a version number in the archive for 
each class serialized. This number defaults to 0 but can be set 
by the user via a #define.

I think adding it later can be done without breaking existing 
API, if it is deemed necessary. It just needs to default to 0 or 
something similar when missing from an archive and ensure it 
won't clash with any fields in existing archives.

Re: Passing string from D to c++

2013-07-30 Thread bsd

(damn, no edit!)

I'm using toStringz() and it works fine if you're c++ function
parms are const ref or by value:

void funk(const std::string& val) {}
void funk(std::string val) {}

then use a very simple D script to auto-generated C wrapper 
functions from headers. All the script does is:

void funkD(const char* c) {funk(c);}

It wouldn't work for functions taking a string by ref or pointer, 
that would require too much effort in the generating script for 
my liking.

You may baulk at the idea of writing a script for auto-generating 
the code but really it is very simple.

Re: Passing string from D to c++

2013-07-30 Thread bsd
I'm using toStringz() and it works fine if you're c++ function 
parms are const ref or by value:

void funk(const std::string& val) {}
void funk(std::string val) {}