Re: Status report, milestones, quality improvements?

2011-03-17 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Nick Sabalausky (a@a.a)'s article
> "Andrej Mitrovic"  wrote in message
> > dsource is riddled with spam in bug reports.
> I have four projects hosted on dsource, some going back as far as
> about 3 years, and I've never had one piece of spam in the issue
> trackers or message boards for any of them.


Your projects may have not been spammed, but I think it's more
likely that I removed the spam before you had a chance to see it.

This topic is just the tip of the iceberg:

The Mango project's forum had probably been the target of the most
spam since it's at the top of the forum list, but I think that most
projects have probably been affected. I suspect that some of the
moderators catch spam in their forums and deal with it, but many
moderators have inactive project forums where the spam could just
sit trying to increase PageRank for somebody's random e-commerce
website or generate clicks or whatever the spammer's goal is.

-- jcc7

Re: it's time to change how things are printed

2010-11-18 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article
> I want to create a DIP, but it looks like I can't edit anything without a
> 'valid' username.  However, when I put schveiguy as a username, it says
> that's not valid.  How do I get a valid username?
> -Steve

The username has to be mixed case for whatever reason (e.g., "SchveiGuy" or 

You are welcome to edit pages in this wiki, but please enter your name on your 
"Preferences" page by clicking this link: Edit Preferences

There is no formal "account creation" required. Note, however, that the name 
you enter on the "Preferences" page must be all one word in "MixedCase"
or you will get an invalid username error. So "JimbobMcCranston" is ok, but 
"Jimbob McCranston" and "jimbob" are not.

The main reason for requiring a name to be set in the preferences is to reduce 
the amount of spam that has been put into this wiki by spam bots.


Re: Is there anybody working on a linear algebra library for D2?

2010-10-05 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Michael Chen ('s article
> I remember that one of D's goal is easy scientific computation.
> However I haven't seen any linear algebra package for D2. My work
> heavily relays on all kinds of matrix stuff (matrix multiplication,
> factorization, linear system etc). I like D and am willing to work
> with D. However without these facilities I can hardly start. I'd like
> to have a matrix library of which the API is kind of like Matlab.
> Is there anybody working on this or planning to work on this?
> Regards,
> Michael

You might be able to find something useful for you in this list on this page:

(You might not be able to find a D 2.x project for what you need, but it might 
not be much effort to
make a minimal port from a D 1.x project.)

Good luck.


Re: DMD source overview?

2010-09-14 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Nick Sabalausky (a...@a.a)'s article
> Ahh, ok. I was looking at the DMDFE listing here:
> And it just had a link to a NG announcement posting and a "Project
> link to:
> Which automatically redirected to a 404 page.

Oh, I forgot about that was his website. I'll bet that link went dead
years ago.

> I'll update the Wiki.


Re: DMD source overview?

2010-09-14 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Nick Sabalausky (a...@a.a)'s article
> "BLS"  wrote in message
> news:i6ohm1$
> > Nick there was/is a dsource project done by Ben Hinkle (he is
> > on the radar anymore) which is enhancing the dmd frontent with
> > output stubs.
> >
> > hth bjoern
> I saw that on wiki4d, but the site it linked to seemed to be gone.
> But I've been looking through 2.048's source from main(), and read
> that page about DMD's internals on the D wiki, and I think I
> understand enough now to proceed.

(I assume that you're talking about Ben Hinkle's dmdfe project.)

I don't know what you mean by "gone". As far as I can tell the
project is still there:
 * Trac:,
 * forum:

It might not be "gone", but it does appear abandoned (the SVN hasn't
been updated in over 3 years). Apparently, Gregor created a branch
for DMD 2.0 at, but
it looks like that effort's SVN repository hasn't been updated in a
couple years, either.

Anyway, this is probably all a moot point as much as DMD (v1 and v2)
has evolved since either of these projects have been synced up with
Walter's official DMD.

Good luck with your project. It sounds interesting.


Re: D at

2010-06-04 Thread jcc7
== Quote from bearophile ('s article
> Andrei Alexandrescu:
> > Someone asked on
> >
> >
> > "A question about D that's been bugging me: why aren't there any D
> > examples at the language shootout site?"
> The maintainer of that site is uninterested in D. Don't waste your
time on this.
> Bye,
> bearophile

That seems like a good summary to me.

Here's a relevant post:

Re: D library projects

2009-11-12 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Walter Bright ('s article
> For anyone looking for an easy, but valuable, contribution to D,
> take a look at the go runtime library.
> There's a lot in there we could use in the D library:
> The library is licensed under the
> meaning we can adapt it to D.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but attribution could be an

(I'm not sure where the license is for the library, so that text I
found may only apply to the compiler.)


// Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
// modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are
// met:
//* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.


Re: Anomaly on Wiki4D GuiLibraries page

2009-01-20 Thread jcc7
== Quote from John Reimer ('s article
> Our adoption of the original dwt newsgroup and project space was a
> move of convenience and simplification... and perhaps may have been
> perceived as somewhat opportunistic.   That's something I can't
> completely deny.  I've contributed a fair bit of time to management
> and organization (and source contribution) of several projects on
> dsource for the last 5 or so years.
>  Cleaning up the stagnating old dwt, and freshening the project page
> with the new seemed like a very natural move.


I hope you didn't feel that I was trying to disparage your efforts (or
the efforts of anyone else in the new DWT or old DWT team). That was
not my intention at all. I was under the impression that the original
DWT program ran out of steam, and I liked that a team had revived the
project and made more progress.

As far as the Tango issue goes, I'm hoping that in the future Tango
becomes an extra package that can be installed next to Phobos (e.g.
how Mango used to be). I think that would lead to a lot less

I think the primary intention of my post was to remind people that
Walter had placed a stamp of approval on DWT, and I think that was all
the page was trying to denote with "official". My comment about
"brainwashing" was an attempt to admit that there are many people with
different ideas about what the best GUI library is.

By the way, the archived revision list in Wiki4D for
AvailableGuiLibraries (the old name for the page) seems to indicate
that I was the one who added the note about DWT being "official" on February 
10, 2006. (It looks like it took a while before it became
controversial.) If people are interested, they can look at these

Re: dsource considered harmful

2009-01-20 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Stewart Gordon ('s article
> Speaking of which, has anybody tried asking Brad for commit
> permission on an abandoned project in order to revive it?
> Stewart.

I received commit permission on an abandoned project. (And then I
abandoned the project, too--oops! At least I announced the abandonment
on the project wiki, so people didn't have to dig into the source to
see how fresh it was.)

I think Brad's usual policy is to try to contact the original
maintainer and then after a week or so to just grant commit permission
to the new person if he doesn't hear an objection from the old
maintainer. I haven't heard of any problems with malicious project
hijacking, so I think the system works.

Re: Anomaly on Wiki4D GuiLibraries page

2009-01-15 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Tim M ('s article
> Now that you brought the subject up I would just like to add my
> opinion on something which I've been meaning to say for a long time.
> I really disagree with the way that page describes the various
> options. It says standard d gui library and other d gui libraries.
> swt has the word standard in it's name but I dont see why dwt should
> be THE standard. It's brainwashing people into think that dwt is the
> best thing around.

Have you read the referenced post?

I'm pretty sure that DWT is listed as standard on this page because
Walter, D's benevolent dictator, declared it was the standard.

Other issues (such as whether DWT should be the standard, whether it
should be noted so prominently on the wiki page, and whether there's
any brainwashing occurring) are still up for debate.

By the way, it's a wiki. If it's really gotten under your skin, you
can try to reorganize the page to improve it.


Re: Docs on dsource

2009-01-14 Thread jcc7
== Quote from dsimcha ('s article
> > I've never got a "forbidden" error, but I have had to change the
> > svn mime type on them for them to show up as webpages instead of
> > as raw source.  That's something you do on your end with your svn
> > client, then check them in.
> Can you please elaborate on this?  What do I need to change the MIME
> type to? Please understand that most of my programming experience
> comes from working on research prototype code, where a lot of
> formalities like version control are often ignored, so my knowledge
> of tools like SVN is *way* behind my general programming
> knowledge.  Assume I know almost nothing about SVN.

This page describes the MIME-type change:

But I think all you have to do is use URL's like this:
(note: "svn" instead of "www").

Re: More phpBB like forum?

2008-12-15 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Jarrett Billingsley ('s article
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Walter Bright
>  wrote:
> >
> > It's open source. You could fix it .
> >
> It's also PHP.. good luck finding someone who _wants_ to fix it ;)

I wonder if some of the fixes would really take that much effort for someone 
who's experienced with PHP. (I don't have much experience
with PHP, and I'm probably too lazy to find the time to work on it anyway.)

My pet peeve about the webnews interface is how sometimes the "Recent messages 
in this thread" list gives links to the wrong newsgroup
(e.g., digitalmars.D instead or digitalmars.D.announce). I'm sure fixing it 
would require wading through some code, but I suspect it
wouldn't be that hard to fix.

Another way that webnews could be enhanced is to have a link to the 
corresponding post in pnews. For most purposes, webnews is superior
to pnews, but sometimes pnews is helpful too (e.g., header information). I bet 
that'd be pretty easy.

Also, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to get the fixes published on if I spent the time working on it. For example, the old "D" 
newsgroup is still not available from webnews.

By the way, after all these years, the website is still 
"investigating how to hook the D frontend into the GCC
backend". Maybe someone should tell them about GDC. ;)

Re: should D have a set of tutorials for it?

2008-11-24 Thread jcc7
== Quote from Michael P. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])'s article
> Walter Bright Wrote:
> > Michael P. wrote:
> > > I would be completely willing to right them, if they would get
> > > even a little bit of usage.
> >
> > If they're good, I can do some promotion of them.
> I have to make them good too??? :P Oh my god!!
> I'll probably have some done soon, and find somewhere to post them
> hopefully.

You're welcome to post them at the Dsource Tutorials project:
