Re: Program logic bugs vs input/environmental errors

2014-09-28 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d

On 28.9.2014. 1:15, Walter Bright wrote:

This issue comes up over and over, in various guises. I feel like
Yosemite Sam here:

In that vein, Exceptions are for either being able to recover from
input/environmental errors, or report them to the user of the application.

When I say They are NOT for debugging programs, I mean they are NOT
for debugging programs.

assert()s and contracts are for debugging programs.

After all, what would you think of a compiler that spewed out messages
like this:

 dmd test.d
test.d(15) Error: missing } thrown from dmd/src/parse.c(283)



As for the programmer wanting to know where the message missing } came
 grep -r dmd/src/*.c missing }

works nicely. I do that sort of thing all the time. It really isn't a

We has this issue at work (we are working with php). We outputted a 
stack trace for both exceptions and asserts but the lines that should be 
addressed are not always so obvious.

I found a solution and it works great for us. All library code is marked 
appropriately so when stack is outputted it is shadows out (with gray 
color) all the lines in library code and point out first non-library 
line from the top of the stack. In 95% of the time it is the line that 
the programmer should look into. Other 5% is the time when it shows the 
line where programmer is forwarding a call to the library but turns out 
to be ok as it turns out to be much more comprehensible than the entire 
stack. One note worth mentioning is that juniors have much easier time 
understanding which lines concern them, and from that I can only 
conclude that such approach is more intuitive.

Marking is done on namespace level so it can be easily disabled for 
entire namespace.

I think outputting a stack trace for asserts is a must because of that 
5%. And for exceptions I agree completely with your arguments and I 
think that there is no need for stack.

From my experience this has been a good approach and I think is worth 

Re: Program logic bugs vs input/environmental errors

2014-09-28 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d

On 28.9.2014. 21:32, Walter Bright wrote:

On 9/28/2014 11:25 AM, bearophile wrote:

Exceptions are often used to help debugging...

Example exception messages:

Unable to connect to database
Invalid argument count
Invalid network package format

All this messages do not require a stack trace as they do not require 
code fixes, they indicate an issue outside the program itself. If stack 
trace is required then assert should have been used instead.

Or to better put it: can anyone give an example of exception that would 
require stack trace?

Re: RFC: reference counted Throwable

2014-09-22 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d

On 21.9.2014. 22:57, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 19:36:01 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 15:32:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Please chime in with thoughts.

Why don't we all focus our efforts on upgrading the current GC to a
state-of-the GC making use of D's strongly typed memory model before
discussing these things?

GC improvements are critical, but...

As discussed, having exception objects being GC-allocated is clearly a
large liability that we need to address. They prevent otherwise careful
functions from being @nogc so they affect even apps that otherwise would
be okay with a little litter here and there.

No improvements to the GC can fix this. @nogc needs to be usable,
whether you are a GC fan or not.

I think that what is being suggested is that upgrading GC would 
widespread the point of view on what can and should be done.

For example, now that ranges and mixins exist great ideas comes to mind, 
and without them we can only guess. I think that GC is in the same position.

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 15.5.2014. 8:58, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, 15 May 2014 05:51:14 +
 via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 Yep, purity implies memoing.
 No, it doesn't. _All_ that it means when a function is pure is that it cannot
 access global or static variables unless they can't be changed after being
 initialized (e.g. they're immutable, or they're const value types), and it
 can't call any other functions which aren't pure. It means _nothing_ else. And
 it _definitely_ has nothing to do with functional purity.
 Now, combined with other information, you _can_ get functional purity out it -
 e.g. if all the parameters to a function are immutable, then it _is_
 functionally pure, and optimizations requiring functional purity can be done
 with that function. But by itself, pure means nothing of the sort.
 So, no, purity does _not_ imply memoization.
 - Jonathan M Davis

Um. Yes it does.
functional purity (i.e. the guarantee that the function will always
return the same result for the same arguments)

The fact that it should not be able to effect or be effected by the
global state is not a basis for purity, but rather a consequence.

Even other sources are consistent on this matter, and this is what
purity by definition is.

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 15.5.2014. 11:35, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, 15 May 2014 10:14:48 +0200
 luka8088 via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On 15.5.2014. 8:58, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, 15 May 2014 05:51:14 +
 via Digitalmars-d wrote:

 Yep, purity implies memoing.

 No, it doesn't. _All_ that it means when a function is pure is that
 it cannot access global or static variables unless they can't be
 changed after being initialized (e.g. they're immutable, or they're
 const value types), and it can't call any other functions which
 aren't pure. It means _nothing_ else. And it _definitely_ has
 nothing to do with functional purity.

 Now, combined with other information, you _can_ get functional
 purity out it - e.g. if all the parameters to a function are
 immutable, then it _is_ functionally pure, and optimizations
 requiring functional purity can be done with that function. But by
 itself, pure means nothing of the sort.

 So, no, purity does _not_ imply memoization.

 - Jonathan M Davis

 Um. Yes it does.
 functional purity (i.e. the guarantee that the function will always
 return the same result for the same arguments)

 The fact that it should not be able to effect or be effected by the
 global state is not a basis for purity, but rather a consequence.

 Even other sources are consistent on this matter, and this is what
 purity by definition is.

 The reread the paragraph at the top of the section of the documentation
 that you linked to:
 Pure functions are functions which cannot access global or static,
 mutable state save through their arguments. This can enable
 optimizations based on the fact that a pure function is guaranteed to
 mutate nothing which isn't passed to it, and in cases where the
 compiler can guarantee that a pure function cannot alter its arguments,
 it can enable full, functional purity (i.e. the guarantee that the
 function will always return the same result for the same arguments).
 That outright says that pure only _can_ enable functional purity - in
 particular when the compiler is able to guarantee that the function
 cannot mutate its arguments. pure itself however means nothing of the
 sort. The fact that pure functions cannot access global state _is_ the
 basis for functional purity when combined with parameters that
 arguments cannot be mutated.

I am aware of weak/strong purity. I am only talking about strong purity now.

To quote bearophile:

bool randomBit() pure nothrow @safe {
return (new int[1].ptr)  (new int[1].ptr);
void main() {}

Pure functions are functions which cannot access global or static,
mutable state save through their arguments. - no objections here

This can enable optimizations based on the fact that a pure function is
guaranteed to mutate nothing which isn't passed to it, and in cases
where the compiler can guarantee that a pure function cannot alter its
arguments, it can enable full, functional purity (i.e. the guarantee
that the function will always return the same result for the same
arguments). - no arguments where passed to the function, it should
always return the same result

 If you get hung up on what the concept of functional purity is or what
 you thought pure was before using D, then you're going to have a hard
 time understanding what pure means in D. And yes, it's a bit weird, but
 it comes from the practical standpoint of how to make functional purity
 possible without being too restrictive to be useful. So, it really
 doesn't matter what other sources say about what purity means. That's
 not what D's pure means. D's pure is just a building block for what
 purity normally means. It makes it so that the compiler can detect
 functional purity and then optimize based on it, but it doesn't in and
 of itself have anything to do with functional purity.
 If the documentation isn't getting that across, then I guess that it
 isn't clear enough. But I would have thought that the part that said
 and in cases where the compiler can guarantee that a pure function
 cannot alter its arguments, it can enable full, functional purity
 would have made it clear that D's pure is _not_ functionally pure by
 itself. The first part of the paragraph says what pure really means:
 Pure functions are functions which cannot access global or static,
 mutable state save through their arguments. Everything else with
 regards to functional purity is derived from there, but in and of
 itself, that's _all_ that the pure attribute in D means.
 See also:
 - Jonathan M Davis

Yeah, it does not seem to be clear enough.

It comes down to two simple questions:
  - should you be able to make a strong pure rand() function i D?
  - if not, why?

My answer would be: no, because the result should always be the same.

Of course I could be wrong, but my understanding of it fits

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 15.5.2014. 11:45, Don wrote:
 On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 08:14:50 UTC, luka8088 wrote:
 On 15.5.2014. 8:58, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, 15 May 2014 05:51:14 +
 via Digitalmars-d wrote:

 Yep, purity implies memoing.

 No, it doesn't. _All_ that it means when a function is pure is that
 it cannot
 access global or static variables unless they can't be changed after
 initialized (e.g. they're immutable, or they're const value types),
 and it
 can't call any other functions which aren't pure. It means _nothing_
 else. And
 it _definitely_ has nothing to do with functional purity.

 Now, combined with other information, you _can_ get functional purity
 out it -
 e.g. if all the parameters to a function are immutable, then it _is_
 functionally pure, and optimizations requiring functional purity can
 be done
 with that function. But by itself, pure means nothing of the sort.

 So, no, purity does _not_ imply memoization.

 - Jonathan M Davis

 Um. Yes it does.
 functional purity (i.e. the guarantee that the function will always
 return the same result for the same arguments)

 The fact that it should not be able to effect or be effected by the
 global state is not a basis for purity, but rather a consequence.

 Even other sources are consistent on this matter, and this is what
 purity by definition is.
 Please note: D's 'pure' annotation does *not* mean that the function is
 pure. It means that it is statically verified to be OK to call it from a
 pure function.
 The compiler determines if a function is pure, the programmer never does.
 There are two things going on here, and they are quite distinct.
 (1) Really the keyword should be something like '@noglobal', rather than
 'pure'. It's called pure for historical reasons. To reduce confusion
 I'll call D's pure '@noglobal' and the functional languages pure
 But it turns out that @memoizable isn't actually an interesting
 property, whereas '@noglobal' is.
 No global state is a deep, transitive property of a function.
 Memoizable is a superficial supersetextra property which the compiler
 can trivially determine from @noglobal.
 Suppose you have function f(), which calls function g().
 If f does not depend on global state, then g must not depend on global
 BUT if f() can be memoizable even if g() is not memoizable.
 This approach used by D enormously increases the number of functions
 which can be statically proven to be pure. The nomenclature can create
 confusion though.
 (2) Allowing GC activity inside a @noglobal function does indeed weaken
 our ability to memoize.
 The compiler can still perform memoizing operations on most functions
 that return GC-allocated memory, but it's more difficult. We don't yet
 have data on how much of a problem this is.
 An interesting side-effect of the recent addition of @nogc to the
 language, is that we get this ability back.

Yeah, I read all about weak/string purity and I do understand the
background. I was talking about strong purity, maybe I should pointed
that out.

So, to correct myself: As I understood strong purity implies
memoization. Am I correct?

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 15.5.2014. 12:48, Don wrote:
 On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 10:31:47 UTC, luka8088 wrote:
 On 15.5.2014. 11:45, Don wrote:
 On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 08:14:50 UTC, luka8088 wrote:
 On 15.5.2014. 8:58, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, 15 May 2014 05:51:14 +
 via Digitalmars-d wrote:

 Yep, purity implies memoing.

 No, it doesn't. _All_ that it means when a function is pure is that
 it cannot
 access global or static variables unless they can't be changed after
 initialized (e.g. they're immutable, or they're const value types),
 and it
 can't call any other functions which aren't pure. It means _nothing_
 else. And
 it _definitely_ has nothing to do with functional purity.

 Now, combined with other information, you _can_ get functional purity
 out it -
 e.g. if all the parameters to a function are immutable, then it _is_
 functionally pure, and optimizations requiring functional purity can
 be done
 with that function. But by itself, pure means nothing of the sort.

 So, no, purity does _not_ imply memoization.

 - Jonathan M Davis

 Um. Yes it does.
 functional purity (i.e. the guarantee that the function will always
 return the same result for the same arguments)

 The fact that it should not be able to effect or be effected by the
 global state is not a basis for purity, but rather a consequence.

 Even other sources are consistent on this matter, and this is what
 purity by definition is.

 Please note: D's 'pure' annotation does *not* mean that the function is
 pure. It means that it is statically verified to be OK to call it from a
 pure function.

 The compiler determines if a function is pure, the programmer never

 There are two things going on here, and they are quite distinct.

 (1) Really the keyword should be something like '@noglobal', rather than
 'pure'. It's called pure for historical reasons. To reduce confusion
 I'll call D's pure '@noglobal' and the functional languages pure

 But it turns out that @memoizable isn't actually an interesting
 property, whereas '@noglobal' is.

 No global state is a deep, transitive property of a function.
 Memoizable is a superficial supersetextra property which the compiler
 can trivially determine from @noglobal.

 Suppose you have function f(), which calls function g().

 If f does not depend on global state, then g must not depend on global

 BUT if f() can be memoizable even if g() is not memoizable.

 This approach used by D enormously increases the number of functions
 which can be statically proven to be pure. The nomenclature can create
 confusion though.

 (2) Allowing GC activity inside a @noglobal function does indeed weaken
 our ability to memoize.

 The compiler can still perform memoizing operations on most functions
 that return GC-allocated memory, but it's more difficult. We don't yet
 have data on how much of a problem this is.

 An interesting side-effect of the recent addition of @nogc to the
 language, is that we get this ability back.

 Yeah, I read all about weak/string purity and I do understand the
 background. I was talking about strong purity, maybe I should pointed
 that out.

 So, to correct myself: As I understood strong purity implies
 memoization. Am I correct?
 Yes. 'strong pure' means pure in the way that the functional language
 crowd means 'pure'.
 'weak pure' just means doesn't use globals.
 But note that strong purity isn't an official concept, it was just the
 terminology I used when explain to Walter what I meant. I don't like the
 term because it's rather misleading
 -- in reality you could define a whole range of purity strengths (more
 than just two).
 The stronger the purity, the more optimizations you can apply.

Ok. Now it is much clearer, thanks.

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 15.5.2014. 13:04, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, 15 May 2014 10:48:07 +
 Don via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 Yes. 'strong pure' means pure in the way that the functional
 language crowd means 'pure'.
 'weak pure' just means doesn't use globals.

 But note that strong purity isn't an official concept, it was
 just the terminology I used when explain to Walter what I meant.
 I don't like the term because it's rather misleading
 -- in reality you could define a whole range of purity strengths
 (more than just two).
 The stronger the purity, the more optimizations you can apply.
 Yeah, I agree. The problem is that it always seems necessary to use the terms
 weak pure to describe the distinction - or maybe I just suck at coming up with
 a better way to describe it than you did initially. Your recent post in this
 thread talking about @noglobal seems to be a pretty good alternate way to
 explain it though. Certainly, the term pure throws everyone off at first.
 - Jonathan M Davis

Yeah, +1.

Or @isolated, as in isolated from outer scopes.

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 15.5.2014. 17:24, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 5/15/14, 3:31 AM, luka8088 wrote:
 Yeah, I read all about weak/string purity and I do understand the
 background. I was talking about strong purity, maybe I should pointed
 that out.

 So, to correct myself: As I understood strong purity implies
 memoization. Am I correct?
 Yes, as long as you don't rely on distinguishing objects by address.
 Purity of allocation is frequently assumed by functional languages
 because without it it would be difficult to get much work done. Then,
 most functional languages make it difficult or impossible to distinguish
 values by their address. In D that's easy. A D programmer needs to be
 aware of that, and I think that's fine.

Hm, this does not seem right. @safe prevents you from taking the address
of of a value, as stated in , shouldn't pure do the same?

Reading again through the @safe docs it seems to me that purity (both
strong and weak) should imply @safe.

I have seen many claims that in D pure means something else from what it
means in functional languages and I think that it is too bad if there is
not going to be functional language alike purity in D. I have not seen
any example of something that can't be forbidden by the compiler if such
support would considered.

Re: range behaviour

2014-05-13 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 13.5.2014. 19:40, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 01:29:32PM -0400, Steven Schveighoffer via 
 Digitalmars-d wrote:
 Even in this case, I'd put an in-contract on f2 that verifies that the
 range is indeed non-empty:
   void f2(R)(R r)
   if (isInputRange!R)
   in { assert(!r.empty); }
   body {

This is a potential issue because if it turns out that empty _must_ be
called than the author could put the front population logic inside empty.


struct R {
  bool empty () { front = 1; return false; }
  int front = 0;
  void popFront () { front = 0; }

This is a valid code if empty _must_ be called, but it will behave
differently if passed to f2 in case asserts are compiled out. In case
asserts are compiled out empty is never called and front in never populated.

Because of this I think that it is necessary to document range behavior.

Re: Livestreaming DConf?

2014-05-10 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d-announce
On 9.5.2014. 21:48, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Hi folks,
 We at Facebook are very excited about the upcoming DConf 2014. In fact,
 so excited we're considering livestreaming the event for the benefit of
 the many of us who can't make it to Menlo Park, CA. Livestreaming
 entails additional costs so we're trying to assess the size of the
 online audience. Please follow up here and on twitter:


definitely gonna watch!

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-09 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 6.5.2014. 20:10, Walter Bright wrote:
 On 5/6/2014 10:47 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On 7 May 2014 01:46, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
 I'm not even sure what the process it... if I go through and LGTM a
 bunch of pulls, does someone accept my judgement and click the merge
 You can see why I might not feel qualified to do such a thing?
 You don't need to be qualified (although you certainly are) to review
 PR's. The process is anyone can review/comment on them.
 Non-language-changing PR's can be pulled by anyone on Team DMD.
 Language changing PR's need to be approved by Andrei and I.
 Team DMD consists of people who have a consistent history of doing
 solid work reviewing PR's.

Interesting. This really needs to pointed out on the site.

Re: From slices to perfect imitators: opByValue

2014-05-07 Thread luka8088 via Digitalmars-d
On 8.5.2014. 5:58, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 This magic of T[] is something that custom ranges can't avail themselves
 of. In order to bring about parity, we'd need to introduce opByValue
 which (if present) would be automatically called whenever the object is
 passed by value into a function.
 This change would allow library designers to provide good solutions to
 making immutable and const ranges work properly - the way T[] works.

Looks very similar to some kind of opImplicitConvert.$4av$

Maybe it would be better to have a more general solution instead of
special case solution, if there is no reason against implicit conversion
of course.