Re: "The Right Tool" site

2010-05-19 Thread Neob Stojec
Bill Baxter Wrote:

> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:18 AM, bearophile  wrote:
> > Results for the "therighttool" site about D:
> >
> >
> > It seems lot of people thinks "This language is likely to be a passing fad" 
> > about D.
> Interesting.  But they seem to think the same about a lot of languages
> that don't yet have a shelf of books in every bookstore devoted to
> them:
> (Ruby onward, the actual score for "this is a fad" must be relatively
> low, because it doesn't appear in the list of top attributes when you
> click on the language itself.)
> --bb

They also seem to think so about PHP, wich is still the only language that is 
widely supported by shared hosts, and the only language that many of people who 
make small and medium sized sites know. It won't die any time soon, as much as 
i want it to.

Re: D arithmetic problem

2009-06-04 Thread neob
> In mathematical usage, an 'integer' is signed. So the 'u' prefix makes 
> sense. However, 'byte' is not 'byte int'. And the word 'byte' does NOT 
> have an implied signed-ness in popular usage (in fact, it doesn't have 
> terribly much implied connotation of being a number, merely a set of 8 
> bits).

Then maybe byte and ubyte should be replaced by tiny and utiny. It would 
eliminate confusion about byte and it wouldn't go against "without a u is 
signed, with a u is unsigned" convention. You would only have to add 

static if (is(utiny))
alias tiny byte;
alias utiny ubyte

to older code. byte_t alias for utiny could be added to the language.

Re: SciD (Was: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D )

2009-05-15 Thread neob
 > THe NR in C++ code is the C code with a few token classes thrown in
> for vectors.  Still using 1-based indexing.

You must be talking about NR 2 C++ code. NR 3 code uses 0-based indexing (and 
it allows you to use STL vectors). It's also a lot more object oriented than NR 
2 and it uses templates instead of function pointer parameters. Still, it's not 
very usable as a library and it's not even meant to be one. It's  basically a 
set of algorithms, so free functions would be better than classes, IMHO.