Re: __asm LDC2: Attribute 'elementtype' type does not match parameter!

2024-06-25 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
Update: I downloaded the latest LDC. (I waited with this version 
catch up long ago.)

The above __asm inlining works fine on version LDC2 1.38.

__asm LDC2: Attribute 'elementtype' type does not match parameter!

2024-06-25 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm switching from LDC2 1.28 to 1.35, and trying to solve some 
problems on the way.

Target: 64bit Windows.
The problematic code:
const tmp = __asm!size_t(
"pcmpestri $5,$3,$1"
//   01  2 3  45
, "={RCX},x,{RAX},*p,{RDX},i,~{flags}",
charSetVector, charSet.length, p, remaining, 0

It works on LDC2 1.28 but fails on LDC2 1.35 with the following 

Attribute 'elementtype' type does not match parameter!
  %19 = call i64 asm sideeffect "pcmpestri $5,$3,$1", 
"={RCX},x,{RAX},*p,{RDX},i,~{flags}"(<16 x i8> %16, i64 14, i8* 
elementtype(i64) %17, i64 %18, i32 0), !dbg !22596, !srcloc !22598

LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!

I played with changing some types, but no luck.

The word 'elementtype' it at the point where I pass a pointer 
there.  Is it changed in LDC2?

Or is there a new way to inline asm in LDC2?

This was the perfect way to do this two years ago, I only 
injected the important stuff, and the compiler did the rest.

Anyone please help! :D

Re: Call an external program from CTFE

2024-06-24 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 23 June 2024 at 16:42:43 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:

See above why the string imports was designed that way.

I totally forgot the name "string imports". Now I remember, 
thanks.  That's one data direction of the 2.

Re: Call an external program from CTFE

2024-06-24 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 23 June 2024 at 16:46:05 UTC, monkyyy wrote:

On Sunday, 23 June 2024 at 16:33:54 UTC, realhet wrote:
realistically you should just write a build script with two 

fun thought experiment time, if you found a programmable 
"FUSE"(file system api) database of some sort, mixed `-J` and 
`-mixin`, I think you may be able to call a compiler

Good idea, thx!

The two directions of this communication path could be:

1. LDC2 -> External process:
pragma(msg, x)  produces specially formatted message to the 
stdErr, my buildsystem will watch it and will remember 'x'.

2. External process -> LDC2
-J, mixin file, using ProjFS on windows.

The ProjFS can block and wait for the external program to 
This is perfectly fits for this.  The filename will be: 
glsl_hash.  If there was a pragma(msg) with that hash, the 
Projected File System will provide it.

Call an external program from CTFE

2024-06-23 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


Is there a way to call an external program from CTFE?

Use case:
Inside a module I want to put some GLSL code.
I also want to generate that GLSL code using CTFE.
And when it's done, it would be nice if I was able to save that 
GLSL code into a temp file and call the glsl compiler on it.
The goal is that the compiled version of the module would contain 
also the compiled version of that GLSL shader.
And the time of the GLSL compilation could be the exact same time 
of the EXE compilation.

This sounds a bit of hacking, but from viewing from a 
multi-target build perspective, it can make sense.  Calling a 
compiler from another compiler... Why not? :D

The nearest thing I've found is the "include file contents" 
'macro', that can be enabled with a command line parameter. 
(Maybe it's already deprecated, I'm not sure.)

My other way to do this would be an automation inside my IDE.  
But if something could be done on the language level it's always 
better than doing it by using external tools.

Re: aligned struct field weirdness

2024-06-18 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 18 June 2024 at 02:26:00 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
All the code you posted here looks fine to me. It compiles and 
runs fine on (even with the `version(none)` 
changed to `version(all)`, or using `scoped!B`).

Thank You for checking.

Also to add to the weirdness, this happens only with release 

I tried to narrow the problem, but I wasn't able, but I guess 
I've found another solution: There is a part in my framework 
which works with LDC2 1.28, but that's 'illegal' with later 
That's why I'm stuck in the past, but now it adds more motivation 
to catch up with the latest version.

That part declares an enum, whose members have UDA's pointing to 
the enum's members.
With 2 step parsing it is valid, but later compiler versions 
don't like this.
It's a quite big state machine graph, I have to refactor this to 
eliminate this self-referencing to catch up with the latest 

So now I have fixes that seem to be working, and soon with the 
latest compiler I will check it again, and hopefully the fixes 
aren't needed anymore.

aligned struct field weirdness

2024-06-17 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm having a weird case of access violation.

I tried to narrow the problem and put up a reproducible testCase 
on compilerexploer, but it requires my framework too which 
overrides std.stdio.writeln() in order to produce colorful text, 
and logging, etc.

The error is an access violation when I access the struct in the 
f() function.

Sometimes it can be fixed (marked the place.)

In one sentence: It is an aligned struct field, whose struct is 
given to a class as a template parameter.

Maybe the weirdness is caused by the align(16)? When the fields 
of the struct are placed on the instance of the class?

I know it's not reproduceable, maybe it was a bug that had been 
already fixed.  So I only ask if the situation is familiar to 
someone, please tell me, what tricks I need to avoid.

I can avoid the align using dummy fields.
I can allocate the struct with new.
But it's a bummer, that the nicest version is unstable.

import het;

struct S
int a;
align(16)//<-this triggers it
int[4] b;

class A(T)
{ T u; }
		T* p; //<- this fixes it.  (The struct is not on the class 

ref u() { return *p; }
this() { p = new T; }

class B: A!S
{ void f() { writeln(u.text/+<-The access violation can be 
here+/); } }

void main()
//writeln("a"); <- this fixes it
auto b = new B; //<-scoped! can trigger it too

Thank You in advance.

Re: Circular enum member references in UDAs

2024-02-15 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 February 2024 at 20:10:15 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Thursday, 15 February 2024 at 18:12:42 UTC, realhet wrote:
There was an attempt to fix it, but it looks like the PR author 
wasn't able to get it working correctly in all cases.

That means I will solve this by putting the UDAs into a separate 
With a mixin I can still do it without extra redundancy, while 
the compiler enforce the logical correctness of the identifiers.

Thank You for the info.

Re: Is there a way to tell LDC2 to only check the syntax of the source file?

2023-12-06 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 December 2023 at 11:53:09 UTC, realhet wrote:


I've found another trick:

- prepend "version(none):" in front of the source.
- ignore the optional "Error: declaration expected, not `module`" 
- Take seriously all the other errors, those are only syntax 
errors, semantically the whole file equals to 'none'.

I can also change the line numbers: with the #line directive. 
Most of the time I will pass it function bodies, not the whole 
source file.

Is there a way to tell LDC2 to only check the syntax of the source file?

2023-12-06 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I can turn off linking with  -c
I can turn off compiling with-o-
How can I turn it off before the semantic passes?

I'm experimenting with a nasty trink: I prepend "__undefinied__ 
_;" into the tested code. And if I get an error:

Error: undefined identifier `__undefinied__`
I know it started to do the semantic analysis, but I wonder if 
there is a prettier way to do this...

__undefinied__ _;void removeCard(Card card)
if(card.shortName !in cardMap) return;
/+More code here, also the syntax could be broken. I 
wan't to detect exactly that.+/


Re: Getting __COLUMN__ of source code location.

2023-07-29 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 July 2023 at 16:17:28 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
I'm not aware of any way to do that exact thing. Measuring what 
column a line is on would be quite subjective.

When I compile(LDC2) a something with an error and using the 
--vcolumns argument I get this:
onlineapp.d(14,5): Error: found `}` when expecting `;` following 

The error is on Line 14, Column 5.

(I don't care how much it counts the TAB character, as long as it 
is unique.)

So the information is accessible in the compiler.

I just can't access from the language.
I can access __LINE__ but I can't access something like __COL__.
I just hope there is other ways to get this, maybe with an LDC 
specific traits or something.

But you'd have to provide a unique ID manually anyway if, for 
instance, you create UI elements in a for loop:

for(size_t i=0; i<10; i++){

I'd suggest using something more like Dear ImGui's ID system 

Thanks for suggesting I've checked.
As I see it is using an ID stack.
I do something similar with a 32bit hash and using XOR operation 
to simulate a stack. Also for debugging and critical stuff there 
is an option to store this id stack in a string with meaningful 

So I can modify the id directly, when I pit the button() in a for 

All the Controls automatically modifying the id by their type, 
source module and source line number (just a hash or a meaningful 
string for debug).

line 15:with(player){ if(Btn("Play")) play; if(Btn("Stop")) 
stop; }


So the 2 id's for the buttons will be the same: [Btn,module,15] 
and [Btn,module,15]   <- that's a duplicated id.

But if I'd have access to sourcecolumn, that would be so cool:
[Btn,module,15,22] and [Btn,module,15,34]

Here are the 2 workarounds right now:
line 15:with(player){ if(Btn("Play"), genericId(1)) play; 
if(Btn("Stop"), genericId(1)) stop; }


line 15:with(player){ if(Btn("Play")) play;
line 16:  if(Btn("Stop")) stop; }

It's not a critically important feature, it's just helping the UI 
and the code that generates the UI being in the same visual 
layout: horizontal in this case.

Getting __COLUMN__ of source code location.

2023-07-23 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I can access the special tokens: __MODULE__, __LINE__, but how 
can I access the column.

Is there a way to "hack" it out from LDC2?

All the error messages contain column information, also I've 
found __traits(getLocation, symbol) also reporting the column.

But how to get this information for the caller's location?

Why is this important?
- I have an immediate GUI which is using this __MODULE__LINE__ 
data to generate a unique ID. And I must put every GUI control 
creation command on a different line or provide a unique ID 
- Now I'm planning an automated data logging debugging thing and 
it will sample expressions. The one expression per source code 
line is also problematic. I can give each PROBE an unique ID by 
using a preprocessor, but that's not a nice solution, that would 
be an overcomplication I try to avoid.

PROBE!0(somefunction(PROBE!1(expr1), PROBE!2(expr2)));
Here are 3 PROBES on the same line, but the PROBE template is 
unable to distinguish them without the __COLUMN__.


Thank You for your time.

Simple way to get Source Line Table of a compiled module.

2023-07-23 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm using LDC2 64bit on Windows. If I ask it to generate a .map 
file, I can locate the function. But how can I access the 
Line-code information? Do I need to generate a huge .pdb file 
with lots of other information (and also I have to understand it 
and extract the lines), or is there a lightweight solution for 
this in LDC2?
I'd also like to have this information not just in Debug, but in 
Release mode too.

Thank You in advance!

Re: Complicated @property access only works when I write an extra parenthesis "()"

2023-05-27 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

It seems like I managed to solve it.

All the chain of properties now capturing a generic value type T.
And finally the most inner associative array will handle the 
implicit cast.
Maybe that extra implicit () got confused when the types are 
same, but the aliases to those types are different. o.O

Now both expressions are working.


Side effect: The internal chaos behind this also got rediced by 
25% as I had to refactor to find the root of the problem :D

Re: Complicated @property access only works when I write an extra parenthesis "()"

2023-05-26 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 May 2023 at 21:11:45 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 26 May 2023 at 21:00:20 UTC, realhet wrote:

Only the extra () let it compile successfuly.

No way to fix it. If the function takes an extra argument you 
can kinda trick it but for zero arg function pointer return 
from a property it is just plain broken and has been the whole 

Don't expect it to ever be fixed.

At least my 5 hour trying-and-failing session comes to a logical 
end here :D

Thank You!

Re: Complicated @property access only works when I write an extra parenthesis "()"

2023-05-26 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 May 2023 at 21:00:20 UTC, realhet wrote:

auto x = karcSamples[a.key].lod0;   print(x._size);
auto y = karcSamples[a.key].lod0(); print(y._size);
with(karcSamples[a.key].lod0) print(_size);
with(karcSamples[a.key].lod0()) print(_size);
When I put it into a temp variable or inside a with(), then both 
form works ok.

Bit when I try to write the whole thing in a single nice 
expression: No property `_size` for the type `void`.

In the documentation I see this:
- For the expression typeof(exp) where exp is an @property 
function, the type is the return type of the function, rather 
than the type of the function.
- For the expression __traits(compiles, exp) where exp is an 
@property function, a further check is made to see if the 
function can be called.

I think this extra step is not always working and by writing an 
extra () or by using a temp variable or a with(), I was able to 
force it.  I only hope there is a workaround that I can implement 
inside my template things, so the business logic could be nice as 
it can be...

Complicated @property access only works when I write an extra parenthesis "()"

2023-05-26 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I tried to narrow the problem and make a small example, but I've 

I try to describe the syndrome, maybe someone knows about it.
(I heard that @properties are not 100% functional, maybe it's 
because of that, I dunno...)

With pragma msg, I verify the time of things:

This is a class, I create it from a class template, which has a 
lot of template mixins inside.

The type of this is a RecordAccessor struct, which is a Voldemort 
struct inside a function. That function is called by 

The type of this is BlobLoader
'lod0' is a mixin generated @property getter. It calls a template 
function in the karcSamples class: _getBlob!"lod0"(key)  this 
also calls an internal struct called DataLoggerBlobAA which is 
acting like an associative array.  That iternal struct overloads 
the opBinary!"in" operator and returns a BlobLoader struct.

karcSamples[key].lod0._size->   _error_ void has no 
property ._size
But this is weird, because BlobLoader actually HAS a @property 
called _size.

The type of this is also BlobLoader.  I have a feeling, that 
karcSamples[key].lod0 only returns a function pointer (the 
property function) which is implicitly evaluated, except when I 
use the ._size thing to evaluate a property.

And this finally works, but it's ugly.

Anyone knows how to eliminate that extra () from there?  The 
typeof() is works good for it, but the actual compilation thinks 
it's "void", not the BlobLoader struct reported by typeof(). Only 
the extra () let it compile successfuly.

Re: string to char[4] FourCC conversion

2023-05-26 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 26 May 2023 at 13:18:15 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

This worked for me:

char[4] fourC(string s)
if(s.length >= 4)
return s[0 .. 4];
char[4] res = 0;
res[0 .. s.length] = s;
return res;
Sometimes I forget that the return does an implicit cast. And it 
looks inside the slice [..] if it constant or not. Lot of things 
going on under the hood...

Thank You!

string to char[4] FourCC conversion

2023-05-26 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


Is there a way to do it nicer/better/faster/simpler?

char[4] fourC(string s)
uint res;//Zero initialized, not 0xff initialized.
autocnt = min(s.length, 4),
p = cast(char[4]*)();
(*p)[0..cnt] = s[0..cnt];
return *p;

I tried to use staticArray!(char, 4), on s.byChar, but failed.

I think I could do this using 
cast(char[4])(s.take(4)!"cast(uint)(a.value)<<<(a.index*8)".sum), but that seems no so effective. But at least that works in CT.

I hope there is a more clever way in the std library I couldn't 
imagine at the moment...

//I also tried an arithmetic version, but it's impossible to 
convert to char[4] except with using pointer casts...

uint fourCC(string s)
{ return s.take(4)!(a => a.value << 
cast(uint)a.index*8).sum; }


Re: core.simd ubyte16 initialization weirdness.

2023-05-08 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 8 May 2023 at 11:43:33 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:
Don't forget to type bad2 which gives the same result as the 
good one. Otherwise it only has 7 elements in it.

Thank You, now that's good too.

So here are the weird stuff:

Pure arrays produce errors:
enum ubyte16 x = [1, 2, 3]   ->  bad SSE calculation
static immutable ubyte16 x = [1, 2, 3]   ->  calculates good, but 
pragma msg crashes

And there ar 2 possible fixes:
* Send the constant array through mixin()
* Send the constant array through Phobos: For example .array or 
.dub will do.

I think I will prefer the static immutable ubyte16 way with the 
simples looking array. The pragma will crash on it, but I can 
live with that.

import std, core.simd, ldc.llvmasm;

T pshufb(T, U)(T a, in U b) { return __asm!ubyte16("pshufb $2, 
$1", "=x,0,x", a, b); }

void main()
enum ubyte16 input= 
mixin(iota(100, 116).array),

 good = mixin([0, 1, 
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
	 bad1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 
5, 6, 7];

static immutable ubyte16 good2= iota(8).array,
	 goodButPragmaCrash   = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 
5, 6, 7],
	 goodAndNoPragmaCrash = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 
5, 6, 7].dup;

//pragma(msg, goodButPragmaCrash);
pragma(msg, goodAndNoPragmaCrash);

void test(string s)(){
writef!"%s\n%s\n%s\n\n"("$", $, pshufb(input, $));
}.replace("$", s));


Re: core.simd ubyte16 initialization weirdness.

2023-05-08 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 8 May 2023 at 08:05:13 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:

Yes, there is a pragma msg bug, but there is also a functionality 

I collected some more info:

import std, core.simd, ldc.llvmasm;

T pshufb(T, U)(T a, in U b) { return __asm!ubyte16("pshufb $2, 
$1", "=x,0,x", a, b); }

void main()
enum ubyte16
input = mixin(iota(100, 116).array),
good = mixin([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
bad1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
static immutable
bad2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];

//pragma(msg, somewhat_good); <-crash

writeln(pshufb(input, good));
writeln(pshufb(input, bad1));
writeln(pshufb(input, bad2));

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 
100, 100, 100]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 
100, 100, 100]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[107, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 
100, 100, 100]


In the declaration of pshufb I let anything pass through to the 
__asm statement.

Only the   enum ubyte16 = mixin(...);   variant calculates the 
correct results, and luckily that can accept iota... calculated 
inputs as well.

But at this point I have to memorize this and be aware when I'm 
having weird results.

After all, this is the best SSE assembler I ever used so far *big 
thumbs up*. I like that I don't even have to allocate registers 

core.simd ubyte16 initialization weirdness.

2023-05-07 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


import std, core.simd;

void main()
enum ubyte16
good1 = mixin([1, 2, 3, 4]),
bad = [1, 2, 3, 4];

static immutable ubyte16
good2 = mixin([1, 2, 3, 4]),
crash = [1, 2, 3, 4];

pragma(msg, good1);
pragma(msg, bad);
pragma(msg, good2);
pragma(msg, crash);

In the above example I tried 4 ways to initialize ubyte16 
I only specify the first 4 values, the remaining is automatically 

2 of them are good 2 of them are bad.
Egy enum version compiles, but after trying SSE pshufb 
instruction with them, it seems like the [1, 2, 3, 4, 12 times 0] 
is distorted to this: [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4]
I discovered the mixin() trick when I wanted to give them some 
calculated series.

Is it a bad way to initialize these constants? Is there a better 

cast(ubyte)2u, cast(ubyte)3u, cast(ubyte)4u, cast(ubyte)0u, 
cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u, 
cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u, 
cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u, cast(ubyte)0u]
This is how the compiler dumps it. But it's not so compact, so I 
rather use the mixin() version, I just don't understand why the 
int array fails -> [1, 2, 3] It would look so nice.

Re: Terminating the process of a running LDC2 compiler.

2023-03-03 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 14:33:08 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
We don't know what you mean by your definition of safe 

For example killing ldc2.exe while it writes some cached temp 
And when the next time it tries to load those corrupted files, it 
will crash, or generate wrong output.

Terminating the process of a running LDC2 compiler.

2023-03-01 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


Is it safe to kill an ongoing LDC2 process on Windows?

My situation is this:
- I launch 8 LDC2 compilation command lines on 8 DLang source 

- One of them has a compilation error and quits.
- At this point I wait the completion of the other threads, but 
it would be faster to kill all those threads, fix the error, and 
run the multithreaded compilation again.

Is it safe to kill those processes, or would it be unreliable 
(because of the integrity of environment variables, and/or cached 
temp files)?

Thank You!

Re: Transform static immutable string array to tuple.

2023-02-19 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

Awesome, Thank both of you!

enum a = ["A", "B"];

Transform static immutable string array to tuple.

2023-02-19 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


Is there a better way to transform a string array to a tuple or 
to an AliasSeq?


I'd like to use this as variable length arguments passed to the 
startsWith() std function (as multiple needles).

Re: Structure initializer VS lambda function

2023-02-19 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi again and thanks for the suggestions.

I ended up checking every {} block with the following program:
It works on a string where all the nested blocks are reduced to a 
single symbol. For example: '{', '"', '['

And all the comments and whitespaces are reduced to ' ' space.

enum CurlyBlockKind { empty, declarationsOrStatements, list }

auto detectCurlyBlock(CodeColumn col_)
auto p = col_.extractThisLevelDString.text;
p = p.replace("\n", " ");
p = p.replace("  ", " ");
p = p.replace(" {", "{");
p = p.replace(" [", "]");
p = p.replace(" (", ")");
//opt: these replaces are slow.
p = p.strip;

//first start with easy decisions at the end of the block
if(p=="") return CurlyBlockKind.empty;
if(p.endsWith(';') || p.endsWith(':')) return 

if(p.canFind("{,") || p.canFind(",{")) return 
if(p.canFind(';')||p.canFind('{')) return 

//give it up: it's not a declaration, neither a statement 

return CurlyBlockKind.list;

Since 2.5 months I didn't changed it, and I use it every day, so 
it seems ok.

The only unsure thing in this detector is the empty block. That 
would require to check what's around the empty block, but I just 
decided to represent it with it's own category: "empty".

The recursive detection of all D statements and declarations 
become easy:
- declarationsOrStatements -> Go inside this block and detect all 
the statements and declarations.
- list -> Discover the nested blocks inside this block, but don't 
treat this block as declarations or statements, this is a list!

- empty -> do nothing

Structure initializer VS lambda function

2022-12-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm writing a DLang parser and got confused of this.
What is a good way to distinguish lambda functions and structure 
initialization blocks.

Both of them are {} blocks.

I'm thinking of something like this:

1. checking inside (on the first hierarchy level inside {})
   ,   => must be a struct initializer
   ;   => must be a lambda
   no , and no ;  => check it from the outside

2. checking outside (on the same hierarchy level as the {}):
   () before {}   ->  lambda
   => before {}   ->  lambda
   () after {}->  lambda  //this check feels wrong to me.
   otherwise  ->  struct initializer

But I think it's logically loose.
I have only the syntax tree, I have no access to semantics. I 
don't know if an identifier is a struct for example.

Is there a better way to do this?

Thank You in advance!

Re: How is it possible that countUntil() generates a jump-table when the hayStack is a compile time array?

2022-10-01 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 1 October 2022 at 13:49:12 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 01:20:08PM +, realhet via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

It is very good to know. Thank You for the confirmation. Indeed 
it is really clever.

I wrote a parser only to parse the structural elements of Dlang 
using template string[] parameters to feed tokens for the 
specialized parser functions recursively(!). And it unrolled 
everything into jump tables. Insane :D

The only successful optimization I made was using PCMPESTRI 
instruction for skipping 16 bytes of text when there is no match 
found in a compile time constant 16 element character set.
I expected like 10x speedup because of PCMPESTRI. But I only got 
2x. I thought I was competing with poor linear searches only, but 
little I knew...

How is it possible that countUntil() generates a jump-table when the hayStack is a compile time array?

2022-10-01 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I just wanted to optimize a byte -> index lookup, by using a 256 
element table instead of using [1, 2, 3].countUntil(x) and I was 
amazed what I've found.
My solution lookup[x] was not faster at all, because LDC2 
amazingly optimized the linear search to a jump table.

Anyone please can tell me, how it is possible?

I looked inside the countUntil() template and I see no static ifs 
for compile time optimizations.

Is it true that: The compiler notices that there is a while loop 
on a static compile time array and it is clever enough to solve 
all the calculations in compile time and generate a completely 
unrolled loop? Then the optimizer transforms it to the jump table 
and do it with "jmp rax" ?

If I'm right, this is not just std library magic, it works even 
with my own template functions.
I'm also getting crazy long compile times, so this gotta be the 
case :D

Thank You in advance.

Re: Is it possible to return mutable and const range from a single method?

2022-08-22 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 22 August 2022 at 19:35:11 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
It is possible to write the same function for both const and 
mutable overloads by using the `this` template parameter:

I guess before the "inout", "this This" was the only way to do 
this. I must remember this, it's really usefull.

I also had lack of knowledge about that is(T==const) expression 
that Ali mentioned.

In my program, I passed isConst as a template parameter with 
default initialization. It only needed one static if, where the 
range returns the front.

Thank You all!

- descendant classes can have parent or not (overload getParent)
- allParents, thisAndAllParents: optionally enumerates this 
before the parents.

- it can also filter the class type allParents!CustomContainer
- supports const.

It's much better than the previous 
visitor_function_with_a_callback_function_that_returns_false_when_it_wants_to_stop thing.
I really beleive that in the end it generates only a while loop 
that the compiler can optimize well. (Unlike recursion or 

  inout(Container) getParent() inout { return null; }
  void setParent(Container p){}

  auto thisAndAllParents(Base : Cell = Cell, bool thisToo = true, 
bool isConst=is(typeof(this)==const))() inout{

struct ParentRange{
  private Cell act;

  private void skip(){
static if(is(Base==Cell)) {}
else while(!empty && (cast(Base)act is null)) popFront;

  this(const Cell a){ act = cast()a; skip; }

  @property bool empty() const{ return act is null; }
  void popFront(){ act = act.getParent; skip; }

  auto front() {
static if(isConst) return cast(const Base)act;
  else return cast(  Base)act;

return ParentRange(thisToo ? this : getParent);

  auto allParents(Base : Cell = Container)() inout{ return 
thisAndAllParents!(Base, false); }


Is it possible to return mutable and const range from a single method?

2022-08-22 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I managed to make a universal getParent() function which can 
preserve constness.
I also had success with inout functions that work with this inout 
getParent method.
Is it possible to do something like this but for the allParents 
input range producer method?
In the const range implementation, the internal storage is 
non-const, it is just implicitly converted to const in the 
front() property.
It gives the protection I was needed but is it possible to make 
this prettier?

import std;

class A{
inout(A) getParent() inout{ return null; }

this(A p){

class B : A{
A parent;

override inout(A) getParent() inout{ return parent; }

auto allParents(){
  struct ParentRange{
A act;
@property bool empty() const{ return act is null; }
@property A front() { return act; }
void popFront(){ act = act.getParent; }
  return ParentRange(getParent);

auto allParents()const {
  struct ConstParentRange{
A act;
@property bool empty() const{ return act is null; }
@property const(A) front() inout { return act; }
void popFront(){ act = act.getParent; }
  return ConstParentRange(cast()getParent);

this(A p){
parent = p;

auto test(inout A a, void delegate(inout A) fun){
auto p = a.getParent;

void main()
auto a = new A(null);
auto b = new B(a);

const c = b;

c.test((in d){ writeln(d); });



Re: std.algorithm.cmp is conflicting with itself.

2022-08-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

Informative error message

I'm making something like an IDE.
The text search function in it is able to search across all user 

I thought about filtering the search results by context.
The following contexts are planned already:
- inside code
- inside comment
- inside string literal

Now I can add:
- inside import declarations
- search inside std

That would help a lot with this type of error message.

I think extending some general std routines is really helpful.
This way I can write code in DLang, copy/paste it into GLSL and 
with minimal changes it can work there as well, and vice verse.

The only downside is that when I want to use 3rd party packages: 
I have to check and modify them to not harm my overload sets with 
their imports.

Re: std.algorithm.cmp is conflicting with itself.

2022-08-11 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 11 August 2022 at 19:33:31 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

std.string does a public import of std.algorithm.cmp.

That was it! Thanks!

Conclusion: This is how to overload cmp()

//this is the only place from where all other modules can see 
these std modules

public import std.string, std.uni, std.algorithm, std.math;

import std.range, std.traits;

//create function overload group
public import std.algorithm : cmp;
public import std.math  : cmp;

auto cmp(A, B)(in A a, in B b)  //the custom 
cmp() function
if(!(isInputRange!A && isInputRange!B)  //exclude 
&& !(isFloatingPoint!A && isFloatingPoint!B))   //exclude 

  return a==b ? 0 : a

Re: std.algorithm.cmp is conflicting with itself.

2022-08-11 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 11 August 2022 at 18:10:31 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
... If you remove `std.algorithm` from `testcmpmodule2`'s 
`public import` line, the code compiles successfully.

Yes, but in the 40 module project I'm unable to make it work.
I doublechecked that the only public import of std.algorithm is 
in that utility module which is making the overload set.
If a third party module uses std.algorithm, it's not public, and 
I also restrict the import for specific names that it uses.

And still I'm not able to cmp("a", "b"), because of the conflict.

What I'm thinking of maybe it is some module in the std library 
that can make a second conflicting overload set? (I public import 
some std modules, and if there is a public import inside that 
module to std.algorithm it can happen. I guess it's a 

std.algorithm.cmp is conflicting with itself.

2022-08-11 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I try to make an overload group of cmp() functions in my utility 
module but everything works well except when I import some 3rd 
party module that imports std.algorithm. Then I get an error:

C:\D\testCmpOverload.d(11,8): Error:
function `std.algorithm.comparison.cmp!(string, string).cmp` at
conflicts with
function `std.algorithm.comparison.cmp!(string, string).cmp` at 

It is conflicting with itself.
My question is that how to solve this without choosing a 
different identifier, other than 'cmp'?

Here's the utility module:
module testcmpmodule;

//publicly output these modules, like I did in my always used 
'utils' module.

public import std.algorithm, std.math, std.stdio;

import std.range, std.traits;

//create function overload group
public import std.algorithm : cmp;
public import std.math  : cmp;

auto cmp(A, B)(in A a, in B b)
if(!(isInputRange!A && isInputRange!B)  //exclude 
&& !(isFloatingPoint!A && isFloatingPoint!B))   //exclude 

  return a==b ? 0 : aI have a project with 40K lines. And I don't even have to use 
public import in the 'second' module, like in this example, the 
error is happenning because something pulls it in.

My not so good solution was this:
alias cmp_ = cmp; //so wherever there is a conflict, I only have 
to put a _ symbol after the cmp, but that's still ugly.

To be more precise:
I have a het.math module where I implement math routines that are 
close to opengl.
That module does a log of patching of various std functions, 
mainly enable them to work on vector/matrix.
I also have a het.utils module which publicly imports het.math, 
and also many std modules.
And finally when I make an application using the complete 
framework, I lost the game finding what imports std.algorithm and 
thus ruining my fragile function overload groups.

Also I wonder why there is no cmp() function for integers in the 
std library?  It's easy to code (a-b   or   a==b?0:astill, I can do mistakes. (And I did: many of my comparisons had 
bugs :D So I wan't to centralize cmp())

Thank You in advance!

Using LDC2 with --march=amdgcn

2022-07-24 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I noticed that the LDC2 compiler has an architecture target 
called "AMD GCN".

Is there an example code which is in D and generates a working 
binary of a hello world kernel.

I tried it, and just failed at the very beginning: How can I 
specify __kernel and __global in D?

Re: Unable to use map() and array() inside a class-field's initializer.

2022-07-14 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 14:41:53 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Explicit type annotation:   vvv

Thank You!

I will remember that in case of weird errors I can try to help 
the compiler with type inference.

Unable to use map() and array() inside a class-field's initializer.

2022-07-14 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


Somehow it can't reach map and array inside a class field 
initializer. If I put that small expression inside a function, it 
works. If I encapsulate the initializer expression into a lambda 
and evaluate it right away, it also works. Only the nice form 

Why is that?

import std;

enum E{a, b, c}

static struct S{
const E e;
string otherProperties;

//trying to initialize an array inside

static if(1) class D{
  //this fails: Error: function `!(E[]).map` need 
`this` to access member `map`

  auto x = [EnumMembers!E].map!(e => S(e)).array;

auto initialS(){
  return [EnumMembers!E].map!(e => S(e)).array;

class C{
  auto x = initialS; //this way it works

void main(){
writeln((new C).x);

Re: static assert("nothing")

2022-05-31 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at 09:35:30 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:

On Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at 08:51:45 UTC, realhet wrote:
Check if that string is init.

assert("", "cool");
assert("ehh", "cool");
assert(string.init, "Not cool");

I feel some "JavaScript equality operator" vibes in this :D
Anyways, I will be extra careful with these.

static assert("nothing")

2022-05-31 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


In my framework I just found a dozen of compile time error 
handling like:

...else static assert("Invalid type");

This compiles without error. And it was useless for detecting 
errors because I forgot the first "false" or "0" parameter.

I think it is because of the weird case of "every string casted 
to bool is true".

There is an example in Phobos also:

at line 8847: static assert("Unknown normalization form "~norm);

It is easy to make this mistake, but does static assert(string) 
has any meaningful use cases?

Re: Creating a custom iota()

2022-05-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 20:12:19 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
And I've been thinking 'iota' may not be as suitable as I 
thought at first. I like the following even more:

  auto r0 = st

So I wrote this by() for my DateTime and then:


auto by(in DateTime begin, in Frequency f){

//This let me do:*hertz)

My mind is blowing! :D

Re: Creating a custom iota()

2022-05-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 17:06:39 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I don't care whether it is good practice or not. :) The 
following is what you meant anyway and seems to work.

I restricted the parameter types to the ones I wanted to use.
And for the standard iota behavior I used a public import.

public import std.range : iota;

auto iota(in DateTime begin, in DateTime end, in Time step){
// -> Ali's solution

  static struct Result{
DateTime current, end;
Time step;

@property bool empty(){ return current >= end; }
@property auto front(){ return current; }
void popFront(){ assert(!empty); current += step; }

  return Result(begin, end, step);


iota(st, en, day).each!writeln; //works
iota(1, 10, 0.5).each!writeln;  //also works

It works perfectly, Thank You very much!

Although that general implementation of iota is a bit complex for 
me, this specialized one is simple.

note(0): no cast() was needed here, worked with a const DateTime{ 
ulong ticks; ... }

Re: Creating a custom iota()

2022-05-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 16:57:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Does your DateTime type support the `++` operator?

It can't because I only want to use the type 
to do arithmetic with my DateTime. In my previous DateTime, it 
was a lot of problem that I was doing math on it's raw internal 
variable (which was a double where 1.0 meant 1 day.)

In the new version adding int(1) does a compilation error.
I will use 1*second or 1*day or 1*micro(second) instead. I will 
always state the measurement unit to avoid confusions.

But I'm curious, why didn't you use std.datetime?

There are many weird reasons:
5 years ago I moved to DLang from Delphi. Since 20 years I always 
used the old  Borland date system whist stards in 1899, is an 
ieee double, 1 = 1 day. I only did stuff with local times, it was 
Recently I had to work with Python as well, and there I started 
to have problems with time synchronizations between the 2 
systems. I ended up sending the exact Borland time to the Python 
program and make my little routines to work with them exactly 
like I do 20 years ago in Delphi, 5 years ago in DLang. But I 
know it is not nice.
So a week ago I discovered the quantities package and I decided 
to rewrite my DateTime to use the Time type in that. It solves 
all my measurement unit madness in a very elegant way. So I also 
want those measurement units working in all my systems. (I have 
lengths, frequencies too)
For me std.datetime was not an option because that felt so big I 
scared of it at the first look. It's 1.5MB, the same size as my 
complete program I'm working on :D
I also hade a second based time measurement 'system', it used 
QueryPerformanceCounter. I want do discontinue that as well.

So these are the features of the new DateTime:
- small size: 64 uint is the internal format. (Half of 
std.systemtime, but it lacks timezone, it's only UTC internally).
- precise: 100.0/64 nanosecond is the smallest unit. It covers 
913 years.
- It was built around the new WinAPI 
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime() It gives me 100ns resolution UTC 
time in less than 50ns. So that's why I don't need 
QueryPerformanceCounter anymore.
- The extra 6 bits under the 100ns ticks will be used for time 
based unique ID generation.  It's better for me than having 6 
years at my hand.
- The integration with makes my work much easier. I 
can't wait to use it in my program, as I knows physics things 
better than me, haha.


Indeed, that's an option as well, I forgot about.

Thank You!

Creating a custom iota()

2022-05-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have my own DateTime struct.
It has opCmp() and opBinary(), I can do arithmetic with this 
custom DateTime and the amazing time units of the **quantities** 

Now I'm about mo make iterations in a DateTime range:

  st = DateTime(UTC, "22.1.1 8:30").utcDayStart,
  en = DateTime(UTC, "22.3.5 19:56").max(now).utcDayStart + 

//this works
for(auto d = cast()st; d < en; d += day) writeln(d);

//this would be nicer, but not works
iota(st, en, day).each!writeln;

My question is, is there a way to 'extend' the functionality of 
the std.iota() function or it is better to come up with a unique 
name for this special 'iota' functionality?

I know that if I'm going to patch iota in my module, I have to 
make ALL the iota() variants plus my special iota variant visible 
in that module scope. Is this a good practice, or is there a 
better way?

Or maybe put it inside a DateTimeRange struct, and implement the 
std range functionality?

Re: How to use an existing D package in Visual D?

2022-04-05 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 April 2022 at 09:57:29 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 5 April 2022 at 09:26:54 UTC, realhet wrote:
You should compile the existing package as a library, then add 
the library file to the linker settings in VisualD.

Thank You for the fast help!

Currently I have my own build system which works similar to 
Delphi(native target):

You specify the main module and the package paths. Press F9. And 
the it AUTOMATICALLY discovers all the referenced module 
hierarchy and compiles it then finally producing an .exe.
It also does compiled .obj file caching, so only the modules I 
changed and the modules that using the changed modules will be 
I can do this module caching for myself, since the LDC compiler 
has the -allinstances flag.
I switched from LDC 1.20 to 1.28 and I love the new internal 
linker. It will eliminate a lot of MS linker specific hacking 
from my build tool. I can just give LDC a bunch of sources, 
objects, and libs. And it does all the job intelligently.

I'm talking about this if you want to peek:
It basically launches an LDC2 instance for each of the changed 
modules and calls the linker when all finished. A debug compile 
takes 15 sec for a 40KLOC project(hierarchically including a few 
packages too) if I only change the main D file.

Is this fast and light weight approach exists at all in 
I heard something about "incremental build" in VisualStudio, but 
I think even if it is working with D, it can't step over the 
static library boundaries that you mentioned I have top use for 
the packages.

How to use an existing D package in Visual D?

2022-04-05 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have all my D packages in the c:\D\libs\ directory.
I added this path to the PropertyPages/Compiler/Additional Import 
Paths field.

In the project source file I imported a module from my package 
using "import het.utils;"

Also used a function from it.

The syntax highlighter worked good, and the compiler was able to 
build main.obj file.

But I can't find the het.utils.obj file nowhere. Also the linker 
is unable to link the things in it.

My question is that how can I add an external package the right 
way to my project in Visual D?

I'm planning to use that package from other projects too, so I 
want to keep it in one place on my HDD.

Thank You in advance!

Re: Is it legal to remove a key from associative array while iterating over aa.keys if a foreach loop?

2021-08-29 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 August 2021 at 09:02:52 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Sunday, 29 August 2021 at 08:55:44 UTC, realhet wrote:

Is it safe, or do I have to take a snapsot of the keys range 
like this? ->

You shouldn't remove anything when iterating over `.keys` or 
`.values`. Use `.byKey` and `.byValue` instead to get ranges 
that are independent of the aa.

I did a small test using .byKey, it's totally safe, just as you 
said. Thank You!

void main(){
int[int] aa = [1:10, 2:20, 3:30];

auto k1 = aa.keys;   auto k2 = aa.byKey;


writeln(typeof(k1).stringof);  foreach(k; k1) writeln(k);
writeln(typeof(k2).stringof);  foreach(k; k2) writeln(k);

Is it legal to remove a key from associative array while iterating over aa.keys if a foreach loop?

2021-08-29 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


  //remap the result blobs
  foreach(k; res.blobs.keys){
int p = map(k);
  res.blobs[p].weight += res.blobs[k].weight;

It boils down to:

  foreach(k; aa.keys) aa.remove(k);

Is it safe, or do I have to take a snapsot of the keys range like 
this? ->

  foreach(k; aa.keys.array) aa.remove(k); //this is 100% safe

I'm asking because I have no idea how the internal aa.keys range 
works. If it stores an index or a pionter inside, while I change 
the underlying structure of the aa, it could be a hazard...

Thanks in advance.

Re: array inside a class + alias this + filter -> clears the array.

2021-07-07 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 July 2021 at 17:10:01 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 July 2021 at 16:20:29 UTC, realhet wrote:

int[] opIndex() { return array; }

Thx, I didn't know about this type of opSlice override. It works 

Now I have these choices:
- write [] everywhere to access the containers.
- write nothing extra to access the containers but put the 
container operations one level higher and select the container 
for those based on a dummy struct.

Like going from:
db.add(entity("Entity01"));   //struct entity{ string name; }

Currently I have both ways plus your solution for the range 

Gotta experience with it to choose.

Thanks again! I will remember that common container rule from now 

array inside a class + alias this + filter -> clears the array.

2021-07-07 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I wanted to make a container class that exposes its elements 
using a simple "alias this", but getting weird errors:

I test with the std.algorithm.filter template function.

1. when I use "alias this" on a function that returns a slice, 
making the internal array unreachable, filter just can't compile.
2. when I expose the array as it is, filter deletes the array 
after it returns.

My goal is to make a class, which acts like an array, but also 
having member functions to add/remove/find its items. On top of 
that this class has an owner (a database table thing) too.

Example use-cases:

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.uni, std.utf, 
std.conv, std.typecons, std.array, std.traits, std.exception, 
std.format, std.random, std.math;

class C{ //must be a class, not a struct
int[] array;

static if(0){
   //BAD: filter cannot deduce from an aliased function
   // that returns a nonref array
  auto getArray(){ return array; }
  alias getArray this;
  alias array this; //this works

void main(){
auto c = new C;
c.array = [1, 2];

void wl(){ writeln("len=", c.length); }

//filtering the array explicitly: GOOD
c.array.filter!"true".each!writeln; wl;

//filtering the slice of the alias: GOOD
c.array.filter!"true".each!writeln; wl;

//filtering the alias: BAD -> erases the array
c.filter!"true".each!writeln; wl;

Thanks in advance.

Re: Is there a nicer way to get the first element or typeof(element).init from a range?

2021-05-30 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 12:16:19 UTC, realhet wrote:

   presets.keys.sort.take(1).get(0);   <-

Oups: after fixing an error and making it compile the solution is 
even uglier:


Is there a nicer way to get the first element or typeof(element).init from a range?

2021-05-30 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


This is my current solution but there must be a better way to do 
it in D

   T get(T)(T[] arr, size_t idx, T def = T.init){
 return idx

Re: Voldemort type "this" pointer

2021-04-22 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 15:53:59 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 4/21/21 8:37 AM, realhet wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 10:47:08 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 10:00:51 UTC, realhet wrote:

It has access to the context of its enclosing scope (via an 
added hidden field).


So it is unsafe to return a non-static nested struct from a 
function. But it is useful to pass it forward into other 

Not at all. (D is good at preventing such bugs anyway.)

The local context that the nested struct object uses becomes 
the context of that object.

Wow, this information is really out of the box for me. I have one 
misconception less now.
(I never used a language with GC before and this thing requires a 
GC for sure.)

auto uiDeclare(void delegate() fun){
struct UiObject{
//void delegate() fun; <- not needed, it captures fun in 
the params

void render(){ fun(); }
return UiObject();

long rec(long a, long c){ return aauto b = [ uiDeclare({ writeln("boop", a); }), uiDeclare({ 
writeln("boop", a+1); })];

rec(0, 123456); // destroy the stack to make sure

Indeed it's not using the stack. And it also works when a 
delegates captures its scope.
In my immediate GUI interface I'm using delegates all the time 
with the my misconception of I only allowed to call them from 
inside the function I passed them into.
For example: Row({ Text(clBlue, "Hello"); 
Img(`pictures\pic1.jpg`); }); will call the delegate from inside, 
not save it for later use.

And if I save the delegate inside the Row() function (I mark UI 
generating functions with a capital letter), it is protected from 
the GC and can be used later in rendering time... Too bad, the 
data it uses at that later moment is possibly changed already.

Anyways, I've learned a lot now. Thank you!

Re: Voldemort type "this" pointer

2021-04-21 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 10:47:08 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 10:00:51 UTC, realhet wrote:

It has access to the context of its enclosing scope (via an 
added hidden field).


So it is unsafe to return a non-static nested struct from a 
function. But it is useful to pass it forward into other 

Voldemort type "this" pointer

2021-04-21 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I noticed that there is a hidden "this" pointer in a struct that 
I declare inside a body of a function.
Also noticed when I use the "static" keyword, the "this" pointer 

My question is about what is the "this" pointer for. Is it for 
storing the stack frame of the function in order to be able to 
serve queries that can lazily use the data from the stack frame?

(I guess it's something else because that part of the stack might 
be undefined after exiting from the function.)

Re: lockstep works with .each, but fails with .map

2021-03-05 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 19:26:38 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2021-03-05 19:49, realhet wrote:

Why it works with each (or foreach), but not with map? o.O

`lockstep` is specifically designed to work with `foreach`. I 
think `each` has a special case to work with `lockstep`. If you 
want to use other range functions, you should use `zip` instead 
of `lockstep`.

It works now:

  zip(StoppingPolicy.requireSameLength, a, b).map!(a => 
SE(a[])).sum / float(a.length);

I had a misconception (lazyness of learning) that zip is making a 
simple array, not a tuple array like I guessed lockstep does.

Also in zip() the StoppingPolicy is the first parameter and in 
lockstep() it's the last.

Thank you very much!

lockstep works with .each, but fails with .map

2021-03-05 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

What am I doing wrong here?

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.uni, std.utf, 
std.conv, std.typecons, std.array;

auto SE(A, B)(in A a, in B b){
return (a-b)^^2;

void main(){
auto a = [1, 2, 3], b = [1, 1, 1];
lockstep(a, b, StoppingPolicy.requireSameLength).each!((a, 
b){ writeln(SE(a, b)); });
lockstep(a, b, StoppingPolicy.requireSameLength).map !((a, 
b){ return  SE(a, b) ; }).each!writeln;  <- error here


The error:
map(Range)(Range r)
  with Range = Lockstep!(int[], int[])
  must satisfy the following constraint:

Why it works with each (or foreach), but not with map? o.O

I just wanted to make a Sum of squared errors function.

Thanks in advance!

Re: How to capture a BitFlags type in a function parameter?

2021-01-31 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 14:16:15 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 14:04:00 UTC, realhet wrote:


static void stdUI(E, Flag!"unsafe" u)(ref BitFlags!(E, u) 
flags) {}

Thank You!

Somehow I forgot I could pass amd match ANY TYPE in the template 
parameters. I'll remember this, thanks!

How to capture a BitFlags type in a function parameter?

2021-01-31 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I wan't to process every specialization of the BitFlags struct in 
a function:

So far the best I can come up is this:

  static void stdUI(F)(ref F flags) 

But it's obviously lame.
If I try this way:

  static void stdUI(E, U)(ref BitFlags!(E, U) flags){}

I get a cannot deduce arguments error.

Same error with:
  static void stdUI(E, U, B = BitFlags!(E, U))(ref B flags){}

I'd like to know the Enum type as well.

Thank You for your help in advance!

Re: Is there a standard function that combines take() and popFrontExactly()

2020-12-14 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 14 December 2020 at 14:16:41 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Friday, 11 December 2020 at 19:07:23 UTC, realhet wrote:
I've just made this unicode wordreplacer function working, but 
It seems not too nice and functional-ish.

Are there ways to make it more simple?

To answer the title, yes there is:

Thanks for ideas!

Yesterday I ended up making this helper funct:
auto fetchFrontExactly(R)(ref R r, size_t n) if(isInputRange!R){
auto res = r.takeExactly(n);
return res;

Now I leaned from you: refRange and take-s ability to pop 
elements from a refRange.

That's what I was needed!

Now the 2 aproach looks like:

string replaceWords(alias fun = isWordChar)(string str, string 
from, string to){

auto fetchAndReplace(Tuple!(bool, uint) p){
auto act = refRange().take(p[1]).text;
return p[0] && act==from ? to : act;
string res;
foreach(isWord, len;!{
auto act = ().refRange.take(len).text;
res ~= (isWord && act==from ? to : act);

They are the same thing, but the first looks nicer because it is 
a processing pipe with the state modifying thing extracted to a 
named function (so that's makes the pipe more understandable).
However in the foreach version I can have meaningful parameter 
names: (isWord, len) instead of a tuple.

I don't want to do functional programming just for itself. I'm 
just learning it, and want to understand it better. I already 
found a lot of good uses of it for my tasks and I still discover 
a lot of cool stuff.

Thanks again!

Is there a standard function that combines take() and popFrontExactly()

2020-12-11 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I've just made this unicode wordreplacer function working, but It 
seems not too nice and functional-ish.

Are there ways to make it more simple?

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.uni, std.utf, 

bool isWordChar(dchar ch){
return isAlphaNum(ch) || ch=='_';

string replaceWords(alias fun = isWordChar)(string str, string 
from, string to){

auto res = appender!string();
auto src = str.byCodePoint;
foreach(isWord, len;!{
auto act = src.take(len).text;

res.put(isWord && act==from ? to : act);

void main(){
immutable str = "Type=FunctionType Type; éType Type2: Type 
aTypeb Type";

str.replace("Type", "AsmType").writeln;
str.replaceWords("Type", "AsmType").writeln;

Thanks in advance!

Re: Handling referencing class parent instances in a GC friendly way.

2020-11-30 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 30 November 2020 at 14:36:08 UTC, FeepingCreature 

On Monday, 30 November 2020 at 14:33:22 UTC, realhet wrote:
Though you may want to do `items = null;` too.

I just forgot 1 of three things, thx for pointing it out.
And I also forget to notify the parent to remove the reference 
from its items list.

Handling referencing class parent instances in a GC friendly way.

2020-11-30 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


class A{
  A parent;
  A[] items;

  void myDestroy(){
items.each!(i => i.myDestroy);
parent = null;
// after this point I think the GC will release it 
automatically, and it will call ~this() too. Am I right?


I have a hierarchy of class instances forward and backward linked 
to its items ant its parent.

What is a proper way to destroy an instance of class A? Is 
calling instance.myDestroy sufficient?

Am I right that this kind of uninitialization MUST not go into 
the ~this() destructor, because of the references the instance is 
holding, the system will never call the ~this()?

Or is there a better way for this type of thing in Dlang?

Thanks in advance!

Re: C++ or D?

2020-11-09 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 November 2020 at 01:00:50 UTC, Mark wrote:

Hi all,

my question would be about using D or not using D.

Here are some things you will NOT get in D:
youtube -> Dconf 2014 Day 2 Keynote: The Last Thing D Needs -- 
Scott Meyers

For example, you will not get neurosis from it, or badly infected 
wounds someone mentioned earlier :D

I also like the fast compile times, and the compile time 
programming, the ability that you can program D in D if you wish.

Compile-time function call with transformed parameters

2020-10-14 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there a way to make this in a nicer way without the string 

private auto generateVector(CT, alias fun, T...)(in T args){
  static if(anyVector!T){
Vector!(CT, CommonVectorLength!T) res;
static foreach(i; 0..res.length) res[i] = mixin("fun(",!(j => 
"args["~j.text~"].vectorAccess!i").join(','), ")");

return res;
return fun(args);

The mixin expands to:
fun(args[0].vectorAccess!i, ..., args[$-1].vectorAccess!i)

And vectorAccess is a function with a template int parameter (i).

private auto vectorAccess(int idx, T)(in T a){
  static if(isVector!T) return a[idx];
   else return a;

I tried with staticMap, but that vectorAccess is a runtime thing. 
Other than that I have no idea. I'm 99% sure DLang has a nice 
thing for this, but can't find it yet.

Maybe it is possible to put a thing like this -> [ 
args[0].vectorAccess!i ] into an AliasSeq and then give that 
inside the fun(), but how can I generate effectively an array of 

Thank you!

Re: Getting Field Names of a specific UDA in compile time.

2020-10-03 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 October 2020 at 14:00:30 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 3 October 2020 at 13:10:31 UTC, realhet wrote:
I only managed to get the string[] by making a static foreach, 
but I don't know how to put that in an enum xxx = ...; 

There's always other ways but general rule: if you can get it 
one way, just wrap that up in a function and call that function 
for your enum initializer.

string[] your_function() {
 // implementation here you already have
 return it;

enum NodeNames = your_function();

Though with arrays btw `static immutable` tends to give better 
results than `enum` since it avoids extra allocations.

I tried it to put into a function:

auto getSymbolNamesByUDA(T, string uda)(){
string[] res;
static foreach(a; getSymbolsByUDA!(T, uda)) res ~= a.stringof;
return res;

class Printer{
@("NODES") int gem1, gem2, gem3, gem4, gem5, head1, head2, 
head3, head4;

alias Nodes = getSymbolsByUDA!(typeof(this), "NODES");
enum NodeNames = getSymbolNamesByUDA!(typeof(this), "NODES");

void main(){
static foreach(n; Printer.Nodes) n.stringof.writeln;

Up until this point, the alias declaration was before the enum 

It gives an error:
Error: unknown, please file report on

But now I tried to comment out the alias declaration and it 
worked. It also works when I put the alias declaration after the 

enum NodeNames = getSymbolNamesByUDA!(typeof(this), "NODES");
alias Nodes = getSymbolsByUDA!(typeof(this), "NODES");

Same behavior with "static immutable".
My initial intention was to use the Nodes alias to get the name 
strings out of it. Now it needs more copy paste but it works.

This is weird o.O

Thank you!

Getting Field Names of a specific UDA in compile time.

2020-10-03 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


class Printer{
  @("NODES") int gem1, gem2, gem3, gem4, gem5, head1, head2, 
head3, head4;

  import std.traits, std.meta;
  alias Nodes = getSymbolsByUDA!(typeof(this), "NODES");
  enum NodeNames = ["gem1", "gem2", ];

Is there a way to make an enum like the above with compile time 
I only managed to get the string[] by making a static foreach, 
but I don't know how to put that in an enum xxx = ...; statement.

Re: Struct initializer in UDA

2020-09-27 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 September 2020 at 11:59:49 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:

On Sunday, 27 September 2020 at 10:17:39 UTC, realhet wrote:
On Saturday, 26 September 2020 at 17:13:17 UTC, Anonymouse 

On Saturday, 26 September 2020 at 16:05:58 UTC, realhet wrote:

That looks the closes to the python named parameters or the 
struct initializer.

For my use case this opDispatch trick seems to be more flexible 
than the named-parameters thing:

@(FieldProps().range(-360, 360).format("%.2f").caption("Turret 
rotation").unit("deg")) float alpha = 0;

for example if I use the name: "logRange" it can also set the 
isLogarithmic flag as a side effect to true inside the FieldProps 
struct. Just by choosing a slightly different name.

With this idealized format it would be not possible:
@FieldProps{ range: {-360, 360}, format:"%.2f", caption:"Turret 
rotation", unit:"deg"} float alpha = 0;

The more work inside the struct is not a problem, because I'm 
willing to use it from 1000 places. Also __traits(allMembers) can 

Thank you!

Re: Struct initializer in UDA

2020-09-27 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 September 2020 at 17:13:17 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:

On Saturday, 26 September 2020 at 16:05:58 UTC, realhet wrote:
The closest I can get is @(S.init.c(9).f(42)) with use of 
opDispatch, which is easier to read but still ugly.

All I can get is that the
- an identifier of a member is stronger than the opDispatch. -> 
Error: function expected before (), not S(0, 0).c of type int
- and if I prefix it with '_' it ruins toString. -> Error: no 
property toString for type onlineapp.S

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.traits, std.meta, 
std.conv, std.string, std.uni, std.meta, std.functional, 

struct S{
int a, b;

auto opDispatch(string name, T)(T value)
mixin(name[1..$], "= value;");
return this;

void main(){

Now I'm more confused, as the compiler completely ignores the 
if(name.startsWith("_")) constraint o.O

Struct initializer in UDA

2020-09-26 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


  struct S{int a, b, c=9, d, e, f;}

Is there a way or a trick to declare an UDA by using a nice 
struct initializer?

It would be nice to be able to use the form:

  @S{f:42} int a;  //or something similar to this.

instead of this longer and error-prone way:

  @S(0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 42) int a;

Re: Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?

2020-09-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 17:08:49 UTC, realhet wrote:
On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 16:18:19 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/20/20 11:52 AM, realhet wrote:
On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 14:54:09 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/20/20 9:30 AM, realhet wrote:

Yeah, I think this might work.

Here's a little example.
In the main() there are the requirements.
Below that is the implementation. If it is ugly, please tell me 
how to make it prettier :D

Once I was able to make the compiler for a really long time, so I 
know it is rather templates than explicit mixins. All the 
swizzles that cover a contiguous area are mixed in though: in a 4 
element vector it is: only a few elements: "x", "y", "z", "w", 
"xy", "yz", "zw", "xyz", "yzw", "xyzw", "r", "g", "b", "a", "rg", 
"gb", "ba", "rgb", "gba", "rgba", "s", "t", "p", "q", "st", "tp", 
"pq", "stp", "tpq", "stpq"

For everything there is opDispatch.

Re: Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?

2020-09-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 16:18:19 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/20/20 11:52 AM, realhet wrote:
On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 14:54:09 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/20/20 9:30 AM, realhet wrote:

Yeah, I think this might work.


That would be a 3rd category out if 4 in total:
- ref for the contiguous subVectors (vec4.init.yz is a vec2)
- const for the complicated ones (vec4.init.z0 is a vec2, 2nd 
component is 0)
- swizzled struct of a referenced vector: (vec4 a; a.yx is a 
struct that links to the original 'a' by reference and know it 
has to swap x and y).
- everything else that can contain any vector component at any 
place including constants 0 and 1. I've learned this kind of 
swizzling in the good old CAL/AMD_IL times.

Swizzled struct is on the righr: then it should be implicitly 
casted when assigning it to the left to a vector. I gotta learn 
that too.

In GLSL this behavior is implemented deeply in the compiler. I'm 
so happy in D it seems also possible :D

Re: Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?

2020-09-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 15:52:49 UTC, realhet wrote:
On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 14:54:09 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/20/20 9:30 AM, realhet wrote:

I managed to do the constant swizzles and it seems so elegant:

  auto opDispatch(string def)() const
  if(validRvalueSwizzle(def)) //making sure that only the few 
thousand valid swizzles can pass through here

static if(def.startsWith('_')){ //if the swizzle definition 
starts with a number

  return opDispatch!(def[1..$]);
  Vec!(CT, mixin(def.length)) res;
  static foreach(i, ch; def)
res[i] = mixin(ch);  // ch can be one of xyzw or rgba or 
stpq or 0 or 1.
 // just mix it in using the already 
created lvalue swizzles of (integer consts 01)

  return res;

I also have an idea that if I use capital letters, it shoud mean 
negative components. This way importing a 3d vertex could be so 
easy in compile time: rotated = original.xZy -> this is rotated 
90 degrees around the x axis. Just need to add an uppercase check.

Never dared to go that far in compile time dlang stuff, and I 
love it. :D Amazing language!

Re: Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?

2020-09-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 14:54:09 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/20/20 9:30 AM, realhet wrote:
ref inout(int) x() inout { return array[0]; }

This doesn't work when I type:

I want to make a similar type like the GLSL vectors. Where the 
following thing is valid:

vec4 a, b;
a.yzw = b.xzy;

On the left there is a contiguous area of the vector a. It just 
starts form the 1th element, not form the 0th: a[1..4].  It could 
be work as an lvalue.

On the right there is a non-contiguous swizzle: [b.x, b.z, b.y]. 
But because it is 3 element wide, it can be assigned to the 
lvalue "a.yzw". This value cannot be an lvalue because the order 
of the elements are not the same as in memory. So it must 
returned as a const.

Here's what I achieved so far:

private enum swizzleRegs = ["xyzw", "rgba", "stpq"]; //vector, 
color, and texture component letters

struct Vec(CT, int N)
if(N>=2 && N<=4){
  alias VectorType = typeof(this);
  alias ComponentType = CT;
  enum VectorTypeName = ComponentTypePrefix ~ "vec" ~ N.text;

  CT[N] array = [0].replicate(N).array; //default is 0,0,0, not 
NaN.  Just like in GLSL.

  alias array this;
  enum length = N;


  static foreach(regs; swizzleRegs)
static foreach(len; 1..N+1)
  static foreach(i; 0..N-len+1)
static if(len==1){
1)mixin(format!"auto %s() const { return array[%s]; 
}"(regs[i], i));
2)mixin(format!"ref  %s()   { return array[%s]; 
}"(regs[i], i));

3)mixin(format!"auto %s() const { return Vec!(CT, 
%s)(array[%s..%s]); }"(regs[i..i+len], len, i, i+len));
4)mixin(format!"ref  %s()   { return *(cast(Vec!(CT, 
%s)*) (array[%s..%s])); }"(regs[i..i+len], len, i, i+len));



So what I feel, the mixin()-s are a bit nasty :D But sufficient 
for the following two criteria:

1.  immutable vec3 a; a.xy.writeln; // displays a const vec2 
casting a constant memory lovation to vec2  -> 3)

2.  vec3 b;  b.g++;  // accessing the 2. component(g=green, 
1based) of a vec3 with a memory reference because it is mutable.

I only want lvalues from swizzle combinations that are adjacent 
in memory, so I can cast them. For all the rest I'm using 
opDispatch(string def)() with a strict constraint on the string 

For example: a. returns vec4(a.x, a.x, a.x, a.x);
a.x01z returns vec4(a.x, a.0, a.1, a.z);

The only thing I don't want  to implement from the GLSL spec is 
those non-contigous swizzle assignments like:

a.zyx = vec3(1,2,3) ***
but = vec3(1,2,3) should work.

*** maybe with a struct that refers to the original vector and 
the swizzle code it could be also possible. :D

Re: Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?

2020-09-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 13:30:36 UTC, realhet wrote:


More specifically:

struct S{
int[2] array;

ref swizzle(string code)(){
 static if(code=="x") return array[0];
else static if(code=="y") return array[1];
else static assert("Unhandled");

To make this work for const/immutable structs, I have to make 
another function with the header: auto swizzle(string code)() 
const{ copy or mixin the whole thing again... }

Maybe there is a language feature for this, like "auto ref" or 

Thank you!

Is there a way to return an lvalue and also an rvalue from the same member function?

2020-09-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


struct S{
  int[2] array;

  ref  x()   { return array[0]; }
  auto x() const { return array[0]; }

If there a way to write the function 'x' into one function, not 2 

I tried auto/const/ref mindlessly :D, also remembered 'inout', 
but obviously those weren't solve the problem.

(This is going to be a swizzling 'system' that mimics GLSL, later 
I will make a template that takes 'x'as a template parameter, 
just wondering that the support for const and non-cons can be 
done easier.)

Re: What kind of mangling has the LDC2 -X JsonFile "deco" field?

2020-09-17 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 17 September 2020 at 04:01:11 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Thursday, 17 September 2020 at 03:06:45 UTC, realhet wrote:

Anyone can help me telling how to decode these please?

Just prepend


Thank you very much!

What kind of mangling has the LDC2 -X JsonFile "deco" field?

2020-09-16 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to get information from the JsonFile produced by LDC2, 
but having no clue how to decode this:

For example:
header: KeywordCat kwCatOf(int k)
  "deco" : "FAyaZE3het8keywords10KeywordCat",

The "deco" field contains the full name of the return type 
het.keywords.KeywordCat, but in front of that I don't know how to 
decode that "FAyaZE".

Also this is how a string return type is encoded: "FiZAya"

I tried std.demangle and and online GCC demangler, but no luck.

Anyone can help me telling how to decode these please?

Thank you in advance!

Re: Catching OS Exceptions in Windows using LDC

2020-07-07 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 4 July 2020 at 14:44:06 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

Thank You, this was the winner for me.
Not just I can catch the OS Exceptions, I can check and alter the 
CPU state and decide to continue execution from an optionally 
modified cpu state, or just stop and show the error.

It needed some work, but this seems the best way for LDC2 Win64.

Catching OS Exceptions in Windows using LDC

2020-07-04 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'd like to catch the OS Exceptions including:

- access violation
- int 3
- invalid opcode

The default behavior is that when these events happen, the 
program immediately exits with some negative exit code.

It was not a problem on other systems like: MSVC or Delphi, but 
on LDC these events are completely ignored.

It would be very useful to catch these errors inside and have the 
opportunity to handle it whatever is the best: application exit, 
save important data, ignore.

I've already found a solution from Adam D. Ruppe, but that's for 
Linux for the Access Violation case. But is there a similar thing 
for Windows as well?

PS: I do believe rely on AccessViolation to avoid buffer overruns 
is really useless and unsecure. But it would be so much help for 
me for developing/debugging my programs.

Thank You!

Re: Weird behavior with UDAs

2020-06-13 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 June 2020 at 12:55:36 UTC, realhet wrote:

Hello, I have a problem I can't even understand with the code

For the first I realized that an UDA can be a type too, and come 
up with this:

template getUDA(alias a, U){
  enum u = q{ getUDAs!(a, U)[$-1] };
static if(hasUDA!(a, U) && !is(mixin(u)))
  enum getUDA = mixin(u);
  enum getUDA = U.init;

So I always get an instance of the UDA with the default values.

But the second question is still beyond me:

How can be a string represented with 'null' by default instead on 
`""`. Unless I state it explicitly with name="" ? o.O

Weird behavior with UDAs

2020-06-13 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello, I have a problem I can't even understand with the code 

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.traits, std.meta;

struct UNIFORM{ string name; }

struct A{
int i1;
@UNIFORM() int i2;
@UNIFORM("fuzz") int i3;
@UNIFORM int i4;

template getUDA(alias a, U){
  static if(hasUDA!(a, U)) enum getUDA = getUDAs!(a, U)[$-1];
  else enum getUDA = U.init;

pragma(msg, getUDA!(A.i1, UNIFORM)); //UNIFORM(null)
pragma(msg, getUDA!(A.i2, UNIFORM)); //UNIFORM(null)
pragma(msg, getUDA!(A.i3, UNIFORM)); //UNIFORM("fuzz");
pragma(msg, getUDA!(A.i4, UNIFORM)); //Error: initializer must be 
an expression, not UNIFORM

struct UNIFORM2{ string name=""; }
struct B{ @UNIFORM2() int i1; }

pragma(msg, getUDA!(B.i1, UNIFORM2)); //UNIFORM("") instead if 


My first question is, how to avoid that error with A.i4?  Why is 
there a difference between @UNIFORM and @UNIFORM(), do the first 
returns a type and the later returns a value?

My second quertion is, why the UNIFORM struct with uninitialized 
string producing UNIFORM(null).
How can be a difference when I say name="", and it's just the 
same as the default string initializer, and then it produce 

Thank You!

Re: Making alias of a struct field needs "this".

2020-06-03 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 10:11:59 UTC, realhet wrote:
On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 20:38:40 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 6/2/20 10:51 AM, realhet wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 13:10:55 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 09:28:01 UTC, realhet wrote:

mixin("int[", 2, "]") a = mixin([5]) ~ 6;

That's insane :D

Re: Making alias of a struct field needs "this".

2020-06-03 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 20:38:40 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 6/2/20 10:51 AM, realhet wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 13:10:55 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 09:28:01 UTC, realhet wrote:

A month ago I discovered that mixinDeclarations can be used for 
types too:

mixin("int[", 2, "]") a = [5, 6];

Re: Making alias of a struct field needs "this".

2020-06-02 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 13:37:25 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 09:28:01 UTC, realhet wrote:
Try UDAs instead of a map:

struct A {
struct G {
@("hauteur") int height;

Good idea, thx! I already using UDA's for range and measurement 

  struct Profile{ @STORED:
@UNIT("mm") @RANGE(0, 100)  float radius = 21;

I gonna need one more reasonably named UDA struct.

Re: Making alias of a struct field needs "this".

2020-06-02 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 13:10:55 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 09:28:01 UTC, realhet wrote:
mixin("@property auto ", k, "() const { return ", v, "; }");

Wow, string mixin can process comma separated list, I gotta 
remember this, thanks!

Re: Making alias of a struct field needs "this".

2020-06-02 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 09:28:01 UTC, realhet wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 09:10:03 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 6/2/20 1:56 AM, realhet wrote:

Oh and I can put that function generator mixin thing into a 
template as well, that way it is reusable and much nicer.

There are a lot of possibilities in D, I love it!

Re: Making alias of a struct field needs "this".

2020-06-02 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 09:10:03 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 6/2/20 1:56 AM, realhet wrote:

> struct A{
>struct B{ int c; }
>B b;
>auto f(){
>  alias d = b.c;

The spec explicitly says it's not legal: "Aliases cannot be 
used for expressions" (Item 10):

I use nested functions for such cases:

  auto f(){
auto d() {
  return b.c;
return d;


Thanks for responses:

I did it that way:
  private enum fieldMap = [ // simple names for descriptive and 
structured fields

"hauteur"   : "general.height",
"rayon" : "profile.radius",
"plage" : "profile.plage",
"offsetv"   : "profile.verticalOffset",
"offseth"   : "profile.horizontalOffset",
"varrad0"   : "profile.linearVariationBottom",
"varrad1"   : "profile.linearVariationTop",
"amplitude" : "periphery.amplitude",
"varlin0"   : "periphery.linearVariationBottom",
"varlin1"   : "periphery.linearVariationTop",
"varsinp"   : "periphery.cosinusVariationPlage",
"varsino"   : "periphery.cosinusVariationOffset",
"periodes"  : "periphery.nbPeriods",
"revolution": "periphery.turn"

  static foreach(k, v; fieldMap){ mixin("@property auto $() 
const{ return #; }".replace("$", k).replace("#", v)); } //I know, 
i know -> AliasSeq :D

But it doesn't look nice.

I've found some additional info here:

Seems like I must not except the same from an alias template 
paramater and from the alias construct. The alias construct is 
for a single symbol.

Making alias of a struct field needs "this".

2020-06-02 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have a 2 level nested struct structure with nice descriptive 
field names.
And I thought it will be easy to alias those identifierLists with 
a few letter names and do some calculations on them.

But I'm having an error.

struct A{
  struct B{ int c; }
  B b;

  auto f(){
alias d = b.c;
return d;  //Compiler Error: need 'this' for c of type int.

There's the this and it's called "b."

Why is this? If I copy paste the aliased expression "b.c", it 
compiled fine.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Getting FieldNameTuple including all base-classes.

2020-05-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 May 2020 at 09:03:51 UTC, realhet wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 May 2020 at 01:18:24 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 19 May 2020 at 23:15:45 UTC, realhet wrote:

With this mod it also works with structs:

template AllClasses(T){
static if(is(T == class))
alias AllClasses = Reverse!(AliasSeq!(T, 

alias AllClasses = T;

Re: Getting FieldNameTuple including all base-classes.

2020-05-20 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 May 2020 at 01:18:24 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 19 May 2020 at 23:15:45 UTC, realhet wrote:
I think what you want is `std.meta.staticMap`. Something like 

alias FieldNameTuple2(T) = staticMap!(FieldNameTuple, 

class A { int a, a1; }
class B : A { int b; }
class C : B { int c, c1; }

alias AllClasses(T) = Reverse!(AliasSeq!(T, 

alias AllFieldNames(T) = staticMap!(FieldNameTuple, AllClasses!T);

void main(){
  static foreach(T; "ABC") 


That statticMap unlike the normal map, it also joins the AliasSeq 
at the end. Just what I needed.

Thank You!

Getting FieldNameTuple including all base-classes.

2020-05-19 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


I was able to reach all the fields in a subclass using foreach 
and BaseClassesTuple, but is there a way to do this using 
functional programming primitives, but in compile time for tuples?

private template FieldNameTuple2(T) {
  enum FieldNameTuple2 = BaseClassesTuple!!(S => 


This is obviously wrong, but is there a way to do it?

I've searched for FieldNameTuple and BaseClassesTuple, but 
without luck. It's weird because it seems like a common thing to 

Thanks in advance!

Re: Handle FormatSpec!char in the virtual toString() method of a class.

2020-05-19 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 May 2020 at 19:01:25 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 12:26:21PM +, realhet via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Thank You, very helpful!

Handle FormatSpec!char in the virtual toString() method of a class.

2020-05-13 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


Is there a way to the following thing in a class instead of a 

static struct Point
int x, y;

void toString(W)(ref W writer, scope const ref 
FormatSpec!char f)

if (isOutputRange!(W, char))
// std.range.primitives.put
put(writer, "(");
formatValue(writer, x, f);
put(writer, ",");
formatValue(writer, y, f);
put(writer, ")");

I think the problem is that the toString() in a class is virtual, 
and don't let me to have multiple overloaded methods.

Is there a way to let format() deal with classes too?

Thank You!

Is there an exception for access violation on LDC/win64?

2020-04-13 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn


import std.stdio, std.exception;

void main(){
  class C{
void foo(){ writeln(123); }

  C c;
writeln(1);;// access violation here
  }catch(Throwable t){

When I run this code (using LDC2 64bit Windows), it silently 
crashes where the access violation happens and returns an 
%ERRORLEVEL% value of -1073741795 (-0x3FE3).

On the Online DLang Editor I get some more information:
Error: /tmp/onlineapp-cf8e338-8b2478 failed with status: -2
Error: message: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Error: program received signal 2 (Interrupt)

This is better, but is there a trick to turn these system errors 
to an exception, so I would be able to get the location where it 
crashed in my source code?

The best I've found is this trick for Linux:

That error message would be so usefull, but is there a way to do 
it on windows?

Re: Using the functions "map" and "any" on tuples in compile time.

2020-04-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 April 2020 at 12:42:40 UTC, Harry Gillanders wrote:

On Sunday, 12 April 2020 at 11:17:39 UTC, realhet wrote:

I only remembered the __traits(identifier...), but completely 
forgot about the getMember.

And I never heard of anySatisfy.
My JSON serializer is beautiful now.

Thank You very much!

Using the functions "map" and "any" on tuples in compile time.

2020-04-12 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello, anyone can help me make this better?

The functionality I want to achieve is: While serializing the 
fields of a struct, I want it to check the @STORED UDA on every 
field. If there is no fields are marked with @STORED, that means 
every field must be serialized. Otherwise only the marked one.

I had problems using map and any, so I come up with this lame 
foreach version: It works, but I think it does it in runtime.

bool anySTORED = false;
static foreach(fieldName; FieldNameTuple!T)
  mixin("anySTORED |= hasUDA!(data.*, STORED);".replace("*", 

static foreach(fieldName; FieldNameTuple!T){{
  mixin("const thisSTORED = hasUDA!(data.*, 
STORED);".replace("*", fieldName));
  if(thisSTORED || !anySTORED) 
mixin("streamAppend_json!(dense, fieldName)(st, data.*, 
nextIndent);".replace("*", fieldName));


Thanks in advance!

(ps: I just love string mixins, I know :D)

Re: linking obj files compiled with LDC2 1.20.0 on Win64

2020-03-31 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 15:22:19 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 3/24/20 10:28 AM, realhet wrote:

On Sunday, 22 March 2020 at 20:20:17 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
If this were Linux, I'd start using nm to search the object 
files for the symbol that is missing (like search for symbols 
defining hasToString), and see if it possibly might be mangled 
in a different way. I'm not sure what tools there are on 
Windows to do this.


I've found a similar tool in MSVC, it's called DUMPBIN.
I was able to find that the linker errors were correct: I wasn't 
able to find even smaller substrings of that 
std.format.hasToString symbol, it was called like 4 times.

But I had a clue: A problem when trying to call hasToString on my 
struct, so I located all the references for that and I've found 
this thing:

//!!! LDC 1.20.0 win64 linker bug when using enumerate 

//foreach(i, a; infoArray) writeln(tuple(i, a));
//!!! linker error as well

//foreach(i, a; infoArray) writeln(tuple(i, i+1));
//!!! this is bad as well, the problem is not related to own 
structs, just to tuples

foreach(i, a; infoArray) writefln("(%s, %s)", i, a);  //this 

Now I know that [LDC 1.20.0 win64 -allinst] has a problem 
generating the code for tuple parameters in std.format calls.

This was not a problem in 1.6.0

Now I go on and try my bigger projects.

Re: linking obj files compiled with LDC2 1.20.0 on Win64

2020-03-31 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 26 March 2020 at 14:52:36 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş 

On Sunday, 22 March 2020 at 18:43:50 UTC, realhet wrote:


I'm try to use the latest LDC2 version: 1.20.0
Previously I used 1.6.0


Try to run the compiler in visual studio command line terminal.

I set up the environment variables with "ldc2\bin\msvcenv 
amd64", it calls that command prompt implicitly. That couldn't be 
a problem.

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