Re: North Korean Hackers Developing Malware in Dlang Programming Language

2024-05-27 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2024 at 16:17:07 UTC, aberba wrote:

By Ionut Arghire:

The North Korea-linked hacking group Lazarus has been observed 
deploying Dlang malware in attacks against organizations in 
the manufacturing, agriculture, and physical security sectors, 
Cisco’s Talos security researchers report.

This does not belong to "Announce".. c'mon, this is a garbage 
article and is FUD

Re: Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
LDC yet again is proving how essential it is for D, now that more 
OS are embracing ARM, having LDC available and maintained to 
support latest version of LLVM and all kind of platforms is a 

The maintainer is using macOS, and his library targets many 
platforms including the web with WASM, both supported by LDC out 
of the box

DMD for fast iteration time (on x86, hopefully ARM in the future)

And LDC for everything else

It's a deadly combo, thanks to everyone working hard on 
maintaining both projects

Re: Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
It'll be interesting to know what the experience was for the 
maintainer to play around with D (for the first time?)

From what i could gather, problems encountered:

- rvalue ref params (wich led to someone telling him to use 
-preview=all wich led to other issues)

- attributes soup

- float nan default

- no warning on use of uninitialized floats

I think it is time to decide what to do with all these -previews, 
rvalue ref params should be a feature already imo

For float nan default, i personally think everything should be 
consistent therefore 0 initialized

Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
I just saw this yesterday, and i haven't see anybody talk about 
it here, so i decided to share this great news for D here

Sokol is a popular gamedev library

It now officially supports D, thanks to the work led by

Re: Phobos 3 Development is Open!

2024-02-28 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

Why can't D have its own types?

Just importing this introduces dependencies on other system 

import core.stdc.config;
import core.stdc.stddef; // for wchar_t
import core.stdc.signal; // for sig_atomic_t
import core.stdc.wchar_; // for wint_t

Wich makes phobos harder to use on platforms without these

I think Phobos as a base shouldn't depend on libc, only specific 
parts eg: network/event modules for example, so it becomes easier 
to port when required

Re: Fluid 0.6.0 — UI library for D

2024-02-07 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 15:27:34 UTC, cookiewitch wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 12:49:31 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 07:43:58 UTC, cookiewitch 


* Static Windows libraries for Freetype have been replaced 
with dynamic ones, which makes it a lot easier to compile.

I am working on a PR that makes working with static libraries 

That's good to know! Sadly the issue with Freetype static 
libraries is something with the C/C++ Microsoft runtime. I 
forgot to mention it's specific to LDC — as DMD has no trouble 
at all.

I am statically linking freetype in my game too, and have no 
issues, what's the issue exactly?

Re: Fluid 0.6.0 — UI library for D

2024-02-07 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 07:43:58 UTC, cookiewitch wrote:


* Static Windows libraries for Freetype have been replaced with 
dynamic ones, which makes it a lot easier to compile.

I am working on a PR that makes working with static libraries 

Re: A Conversation with Martin Kinkelin on LDC

2024-01-29 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 28 January 2024 at 18:11:24 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Some of you may recall the two conversations I had with Walter 
a while back, part of what I called the 'D Community 
Conversations' series. I've long planned to get that going as a 
regular, monthly thing. Finally, the time has come.

I want to thank Martin Kinkelin for agreeing to sit down with 
me to chat about his road to programming and to the D language, 
how he ended up as the lead maintainer of LDC, and some of the 
details about the role.

I very much enjoyed our conversation. I hope you do, too. You 
can find it here:

The full playlist is here:

Look for the next episode on the last weekend in February.

LDC is one of the most, if not THE most important project for D, 
it produces very fast and competitive executables, not only that 
but makes it possible to target all kind of platforms, including 

Other languages dream of having this DMD + LDC combo, very fast 
iteration time with debug builds thanks to DMD and very fast 
production code thanks to LDC!

It's super interesting to be able to listen to Martin's story, i 
keep hear about how LLVM is painful to work with, mostly during 
version upgrades.. I admire you, thanks!

Re: Would this be a useful construct to add to D? auto for constructor call.

2024-01-23 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 23 January 2024 at 06:30:08 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
That being said, I expect that it would be pretty easy to write 
a mixin to do something like that if you really wanted to. 
Also, if you're simply looking to not have to name the type, 
you could do

dataGrid = new typeof(datagrid)(15);

- Jonathan M Davis

You like to turn off people before they get the chance to develop 
further, this is bad

You should try more languages, it'll be eye opener

``dataGrid = new typeof(datagrid)(15);`` is both, verbose and ugly

Besides, you seem to have missed this:

It could be expanded with structs/classes

So your "it can't be done" argument is already wrong

Re: Redub: A faster build system promising 90% compatibility with dub

2024-01-20 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 20 January 2024 at 15:25:35 UTC, Renato wrote:

On Saturday, 20 January 2024 at 14:14:10 UTC, Hipreme wrote:

- I have tried contributing to dub's project on 
parallelization, I waste 1 week trying that and could not get 
it working, so, I decided it would be a better use of my time 
into rewriting a completely new dub which would focus on being 
easy to read -- An example of that is how easily someone was 
able to integrate an experimental support to building C with 

Could you expand on that? Perhaps someone else could continue 
your work.

While I understand you preferred to write your own system (we 
all probably prefer greenfield development, after all that 
means it's fully yours, and you can fully understand it, own 
it, and change it as you see fit which is a very attractive 
proposition), I'm afraid your project will only be alive while 
you have interest in maintaining it (I've seen similar projects 
in other languages before, often they have one or two releases 
before the author moves on to the next greenfield project) - 
unless you manage to create an active community around it, 
which is exceedingly difficult and might be more than you're 
signing up for once a lot of people join in and start demanding 
features - while dub, even if it's so "buggy" as you claim, is 
the official tool everyone is likely to continue to use, and 
consequently improvements to it would be highly welcome.

This quote says it all:

A full rebuild on Hipreme Engine reduced its compilation time 
from 14 seconds to 3

dub is over engineered

We should encourage more of these projects, they defy the stalled 
status quo in D

Re: Beta 2.107.0

2024-01-02 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

A string literal as an assert condition is deprecated

Thanks, caught one in my project!

Re: D Language Foundation October Monthly Meeting Summary

2024-01-01 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 1 January 2024 at 10:50:22 UTC, Konstantin wrote:

On Sunday, 31 December 2023 at 11:12:23 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Finally, he brought up code-d, [the Visual Studio Code 
extension for D]( maintained 
by Jan Jurzitza (Webfreak). Steve said that it was great when 
it worked, but there were a lot of weird things that caused it 
to break.

And what about 
or They are both not 
extensions, but full IDEs.
I tried to install both of them (dlangide does not compile with 
dmd 2.097), dexed has working executables and looks good.

DCD is the project that empower them all

Improvements to DCD = improvements to both serve-d, dlangide and 

But it's a waste of effort if DMD as library project becomes 
usable for a language server

So who ever is working on DMD as library should get the funding 
to speed it up

Funding for fixing serve-d crashing is useless if it still can't 
work with D's features (mixin/template)

Funding should to towards having these features that is missing

- good mixin support
- good template support
- good debugger support

Anything else is just distraction

I tried but it didn't got any steam,and github fucked up by 
deleting the branch, i still have it locally, so whoever wants to 
pursue this work, let me know

Re: D Language Foundation October Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-12-31 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 31 December 2023 at 11:12:23 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

(__UPDATE__: Both [the Bugzilla 
issue]( and [the 
pull request]( have 
since been closed, as the issue is no longer reproducible.)

I just tested, and the issue happens again, i don't know what 
yielded it to disapear previously, maybe a mistake on my end (i 
probably forgot -inline)

Anyways, here is the code that reproduces the issue:

struct InvBoneBindInfo

struct Test(Value)
void test()
auto t = Value.init; // <--- it's because of this

extern(C) void main()
Test!(InvBoneBindInfo[32]) test;

Compile it with:

``dmd -betterC -inline -run test.d``

You will get:

test.d(1): Error: `TypeInfo` cannot be used with -betterC

The issue remains because of the ``Value.init``, wich is a static 
array, dmd for some reasons require the typeinfo

Re: raylib wasm soon^tm

2023-12-30 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 30 December 2023 at 07:13:25 UTC, monkyyy wrote:

(press f9 to change color scheme)

Nearly done with my alpha todo list, schvelguy got it working 
on windows,

so thats 3 platforms, windows(wishywashy rn), linux, wasm

For what its worth I live-streamed some of it;

see examples folder for target syntax and style
see readme contributing on contributing

Its a mess, its pre-alpha, but its nearing the point of useful 

Cool to see more WASM with D, i'm a bit late on my game project, 
but hopefully i'll be able to see progress soonish, with WASM too!

Re: NuMem - safe(r) nogc memory managment

2023-12-30 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
We plan to add more memory management utilities, thereby making 
writing completely GC-less D code a lot more user-friendly.

I'd be happy to help

What D really is missing _right now_, and will hopefully get 
_before_ phobosv3 is a good and minimalistic Allocator API, i 
modeled mine around zig's, no RAII, just a simple struct with 3 
function ptr

Re: NuMem - safe(r) nogc memory managment

2023-12-30 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
Nice, thanks for sharing, it'll be very useful for the C++ 
developers who want to give D a try

Re: D Language Foundation October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2023-12-06 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
This needs to be taken out of DRuntime because DRuntime is 
distributed pre-compiled, and that ties it to a specific 
compiler API, which isn't good. Instead, we should distribute 
it as a package. It's something he'd brought up before.

Why not directly distribute DRuntime as a source? or rather, 
simplify how it can be used as a source

``dmd -i`` does the magic already, it'll be able to pick what 
ever module on the fly

That's how i use my custom runtime, as source, makes things much 
smoother to use, however, in the case of druntime, it might 
highlight some compilation speed issues

What was the rational behind distributing the runtime as a 
compiled library?

Re: SAOC 2023 Projects

2023-09-22 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

Replace libdparse with the DMD Library in dfmt

That's awesome to see tooling getting some love! thanks

Re: SerpentOS departs from Dlang

2023-09-17 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 17 September 2023 at 00:55:22 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:

On 17/09/2023 11:46 AM, Adam Wilson wrote:
Kidding aside. If you do this, you might as well turn them on 
everywhere. After that it's a easy stroll to a non-blocking 
moving GC, which would end most complaints about the GC 
(nobody complains about the .NET GC anymore).

The scope of each doesn't match up, and you'd still need the RC 
specific write barriers.

So when I say write barrier what I mean is:

class MyRoot : void {
void opRCWriteBarrier(size_t fieldOffset, void* pointer) {
myCyclicDetector.set(cast(void*)this, fieldOffset, pointer);

void opRCSub() {
if (atomicOp!"-="(this.refCount, 1) > 0)

class Child : MyRoot {
Array!int array;

void func() {
array = new Array!int();
// this.opRCWriteBarrier(array.offsetof, cast(void*)array);

Only needs to support classes + structs (I think), so its 
surface area is pretty small.

Oh and Walter has approved anyone to experiment with write 
barriers ages ago, although nobody has.

I hope we'll see tagged union + tuple come first before that mess 
you are describing, because to me this sound like a giant waste 
of effort, time and opportunity

You'll never attract more people if you focus on OOP / GC, that 
kind of code is repulsive to be honest

Tagged Union alone will help build libraries that doesn't require 
that OOP crap and help reduce the need of a GC significantly, 
more structs, less class, more values less heap allocated garbage 
for a collector to stop the world

D has ton of features that help avoid GC completely, let's focus 
on more of that

Atila, didn't you say "allocator good", so where are they? 
leadership is also frozen?

Re: SerpentOS departs from Dlang

2023-09-15 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 17:39:41 UTC, M.M. wrote:
In February there were some exciting news on the usage of dlang 
within serpent-os linux distribution, quite a large open source 
project of Ikey Doherty and the team around him.

Unfortunately, the project decided to leave dlang behind, and 
to embrace golang and rust instead... in part due to some 
hiccups in dlang and due to contributors pushing for more 
mainstream languages:

Pity that it did not succeed. It would be a great showcase for 
the marvelous dlang.

That's unfortunate..

Ikey seems to still want to use D, so the main driving factor is 
the contributors, i wonder what are the exact reasons, pseudo 
memory safety can't be the only reason

To be honest, I wouldn't blame contributors for looking at more 
mainstream languages, who still want to do their switch cases 
this way:

switch (it)
case MySuperLongEnum.MySuperLongValueA:
   result = do_something_a();
case MySuperLongEnum.MySuperLongValueB:
   result = do_something_b();
case MySuperLongEnum.MySuperLongValueC:
   result = do_something_c();

When other languages have it cleaner:

result = switch (it)
.MySuperLongValueA: do_something_a();
.MySuperLongValueB: do_something_b();
.MySuperLongValueC: do_something_c();

Improving ergonomics won't necessarily attract people, probably 
not, but i'm pretty sure that'll make contributors of existing 
projects not request to change language because the ergonomics 
are so poor

Even C# understand that and made the appropriate changes across 
their language and even improve their compiler to avoid the urge 
to switch to Go (NativeAOT), even Java made appropriate language 
changes in hope to stay relevant, why only D should be frozen? 
Acting like the world depend on D

D has many benefits, but some areas need lot of love, this 
reminds me of this dude in an online chat, he said the reason why 
he stick to Rust was because of Rust's enum.. not because of 
memory safety

Hopefully more wake up calls like this one will resonate with the 
D foundation

Re: Warning for anyone who was at DConf.

2023-09-03 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 2 September 2023 at 20:41:33 UTC, Dukc wrote:
Just a while ago I was hit by some sort of a violent ailment. I 
first noticed it like an hour ago, and I'm shivering as I stand 
in a well-heated house, despite having had a sauna just a while 
ago. Temperature already high.

I wouldn't rule out having contracted it at DConf, and could 
well be the Covid. Please watch your health for a few days if 
you were at DConf or related events.

Covid incubation time is days/weeks after contracting the virus

So sounds like you had Covid before the event..

Re: LDC 1.34.0

2023-08-27 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 27 August 2023 at 09:10:14 UTC, drock wrote:

On Saturday, 26 August 2023 at 13:08:14 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce LDC 1.34.0. Major changes:

* Based on D 2.104.2.
* Support for LLVM 16, incl. v16.0.6 for the prebuilt 
packages. Support for v9 and v10 was dropped.
* 64-bit RISC-V: Enable ISA extensions ('rv64gc') by default 
when targeting an operating system.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors & sponsors!

Thanks for the great work.

LDC team procuce the most important compiler with such less 

Unlike other new player (rust, zig, ponylang),  they are focus 
on llvm only backend and make great success.

The most dangerous crisis for dlang is keep loss users and 
developers, there can be a thousand reasons for that.  not 
focus at one backend and imrpove it to the best is one reason.

for example Coroutines in LLVM can be add into dlang and work 
with C++,  there is simple no manpower for it.

These languages are stuck with LLVM and as a result are known for 
having very bad build speed

The day D looses DMD will be the day i stop using D, DMD gives me 
fast build speed

I don't understand the narrative that is being pushed to get rid 
of DMD, this sound like sabotage rather than improvement

LDC is great for portability release/prod builds, for debug/fast 
iteration, DMD is unmatched, it's a competitive advantage only 
few languages have, having a fast compiler + LLVM based compiler 
is a killer combo, nobody should try to shut down DMD, it's 
beyond stupid

Fun fact: Zig people are working on getting rid of LLVM and they 
are building their own backend, must be telling something, don't 
you think?

ARM support for DMD would help making it future proof

Re: Evolving the D Language

2023-07-07 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 7 July 2023 at 03:06:28 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

1. continue to evolve the language

I'm super excited about this!

- Tagged Union? :D

- Pattern Matching? :D ()

- Built-in Tuple with deconstructing? :D

Re: #27 | in, out, inout type qualifiers | Let's learn Dlang game dev | [video]

2023-06-04 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 4 June 2023 at 12:53:39 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:

Here is the [link](

Thanks for your tutorials, gamedev is an area where D shines!

Re: D Language Foundation April 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-05-15 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 May 2023 at 17:44:20 UTC, Dany12L wrote:

On Monday, 15 May 2023 at 14:26:52 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 21:47:51 UTC, Dany12L wrote:

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 18:59:52 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

I'll end up just sticking to C if nobody understand

Fine but what do you solve? If you need memcpy you will in 
any case have to implement it yourself or use some already 
made library.

The same thing happens on D.

Please read the linked issue, all it does is it makes it 
painful for me to debug, when the solution i provide is both 
pragmatic and simple

Not only my solution works for WASM but for everytime one 
needs to port D to an esoteric platform, the WASI solution 
only work for people who use WASM AND WASI

I've seen but this has been fixed so I don't understand what is 
your problem

If whoever decided to template that function overnight, without 
notes on the changelog btw, not call into libc for just memcpy:

- i wouldn't get random segfault
- i wouldn't waste days trying to figure out why my project 
wouldn't compile anymore overnight

It's not that "you don't understand", it's you CHOOSE to not 

The issue is fixed, great, at what cost? that you chose to ignore

And the problem i have is, according to this Monthly Meeting, the 
issue is about to be repeated in the future, who cares about 
having a portable runtime? who cares about the users?!

The goal is still pay as you go? or am i the only one who care 
about that?

Re: D Language Foundation April 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-05-15 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 21:47:51 UTC, Dany12L wrote:

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 18:59:52 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

I'll end up just sticking to C if nobody understand

Fine but what do you solve? If you need memcpy you will in any 
case have to implement it yourself or use some already made 

The same thing happens on D.

Please read the linked issue, all it does is it makes it painful 
for me to debug, when the solution i provide is both pragmatic 
and simple

Not only my solution works for WASM but for everytime one needs 
to port D to an esoteric platform, the WASI solution only work 
for people who use WASM AND WASI

Re: D Language Foundation April 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 19:13:50 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 18:59:52 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
WASI is not WASM, please don't suggest that as a solution, 
it's not, this is frustrating to read what you suggest when i 
bring to you problems

I've literally had the same problem as you (missing references 
to libc symbols when targeting WebAssembly), and solved it by 
compiling and linking wasi-libc. I can't help you when you 
reject solutions simply by calling them 'not a solution' and no 
further details.

I'll end up just sticking to C if nobody understand

How would you do array copies when using C targeting 

Do you understand what you are saying?

"Can you target WASM? no, you need WASI"

When the solution i suggested was as simple as to make that 
tempalted hook not call libc, and instead just do the memcpy 

Now you suggest me to depend on WASI by default


It's getting hard to maintain composure

Re: D Language Foundation April 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 18:51:38 UTC, Dennis wrote:

Then my project no longer compile, thanks a lot!

When you use a custom druntime, you can't expect stability when 
you upgrade the compiler but not your druntime. The real issue 
here is that there is no proper support for WebAssembly in 
upstream druntime.

I don't expect "stability", i expect things to not require things 
it shouldn't require

depending on libc for memcpy, sorry for the word, but it's 
stupid, if you say that's stability, then i should perhaps move 

Re: D Language Foundation April 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 18:51:38 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 16:02:00 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
I wanted to target WASM, if your hooks call into libC, i can't 
target WASM..

Good news, there's implementations of libc for WASM

WASI is not WASM, please don't suggest that as a solution, it's 
not, this is frustrating to read what you suggest when i bring to 
you problems

I'll end up just sticking to C if nobody understand

Re: D Language Foundation April 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
Razvan next brought up Teodor Dutu's work on converting 
DRuntime hooks to templates. An intended side effect of this 
effort is that it should make things more usable in BetterC, 
but sometimes, getting real work done in one of these templates 
means calling into the C library (memset, memcpy, etc). This is 
an issue when there's no standard C library.

Walter said BetterC was never intended to be used without a 
standard C library, so relying on the presence of those 
functions is fine.

Mistake mistake mistake. betterC != betterLiBC

It means better C

I wanted to target WASM, if your hooks call into libC, i can't 
target WASM..

I'm pretty sure i reported an issue about this

Nobody understand the implication when they do stuff with the 

Then we end up with GC everywhere and the only way to workaround 
things is to subscribe to -betterC

You keep tell us that the plan is "pay as you go", well, sir, 
that kind of issue goes against your plan, so again, what's the 

Dependency on libC just for memcpy.

Then my project no longer compile, thanks a lot!

That reminds me of a dependency on std.exception just to do: 
``return result.array``

Nobody care anymore.

Then people wonder things are the way it is

Re: A New Era for the D Community

2023-05-13 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 15:58:12 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Friday, 5 May 2023 at 11:26:26 UTC, Ogi wrote:

Or it perhaps doesn't need that list and i am wrong in my 
analysis, wich is probably the case

Re: A New Era for the D Community

2023-05-13 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 5 May 2023 at 11:26:26 UTC, Ogi wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 11:13:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


That’s a lot of words but little actual sense. What makes you 
think that this IVY™ program is the silver bullet that D 
desperately needs? And not just yet another load of crap 
invented by some “consulting” firm as a relatively honest way 
of taking money from businesses? Because it’s sounds like one.

I agree with that, it sounds like consulting propaganda

D doesn't need more bureaucracy, it actually doesn't need at all, 
D needs developers who care about enhancing the language, and 
people with a vision for the future, so we can write proper stuff

- better enums

- tagged union

- pattern matching

- async

- nullable

- tuple/multiple return (deconstruction)

- allocators (don't do them as classes/interface for the love of 

- implement GC as an allocator

What will IVY do about that list? other than suck up time and 

Bunch of new languages coming, and the C part of D is still as 
old as C, untouched, and the Java/C# part of D is now behind 

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-05-11 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 12 May 2023 at 03:11:49 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 23:00:03 UTC, epilogue wrote:

On Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 00:56:03 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

Don't you find this code easier to read and review?

if (target.os == .Windows)
if (target.os == .linux)
else if (target.os == .OSX)
else if (target.os == .FreeBSD)
else if (target.os == .OpenBSD)
else if (target.os == .Solaris)

No, I find this harder to review.

`.` is the module scope operator, which is already going to be 
difficult for new dlang coders to learn about given that they 
would end up searching for the meaning of the `.` character (I 
speak from *my* experience learning D).

I haven't reviewed the DIP in full, but a quick search of the 
DIP for "module scope operator" does indicate that overloading 
the module scope operator was already called out as 
undesirable, so I'm not sure why you would use `.` again here 
when trying to defend the rejected DIP.

Having read the conversation, but not the DIP, I think the 
repetition issue is known, but the examples offered don't 
demonstrate (to me, a random nobody reading this thread) a 
clear improvement of the language or the code in question.

I will add that this particular case of repetition the DIP 
seems to be intended to solve reminds me of brace-expansion in 
bash, where `foo.iso{,.sig}` expands to `foo.iso foo.iso.sig` 
allowing bashers to avoid repetition in some cases of 
repetitive strings, but it should be evident to anyone 
subjected to reading someone else's bash script that that 
reducing repetition with brace expansion does not 
unconditionally improve reviewability of the code in question.

The syntax doesn't matter, i could have used # or :, what ever, 
let's focus on the idea first

It's am improvement to me, hence why i advocate for it, i'm not 
a compiler developper, i can't think of everything, all i can 
think of is it's going to improve the way i write my code

All it took me to appreciate it was to discover it when i was 
using a language that happen to support it, as simple as that, 
i'm not good at english, not even at programming, but i can 
appreciate things makes me write nice code

switch (action.type)
case .Attack: do_attack(); break;
case .Jump: do_jump(); break;

this is simple and readable, if i can't convice you, then there 
is nothing i can do

Steve Jobs came up with the iPhone when everyone was saying 
"touching your screen with your fingers is a stupid idea", and 
look at us now..

All it takes is to try it

that switch could be further improved with pattern matching, but 
that's a discussion for a different DIP

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-05-11 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 23:00:03 UTC, epilogue wrote:

On Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 00:56:03 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

Don't you find this code easier to read and review?

if (target.os == .Windows)
if (target.os == .linux)
else if (target.os == .OSX)
else if (target.os == .FreeBSD)
else if (target.os == .OpenBSD)
else if (target.os == .Solaris)

No, I find this harder to review.

`.` is the module scope operator, which is already going to be 
difficult for new dlang coders to learn about given that they 
would end up searching for the meaning of the `.` character (I 
speak from *my* experience learning D).

I haven't reviewed the DIP in full, but a quick search of the 
DIP for "module scope operator" does indicate that overloading 
the module scope operator was already called out as 
undesirable, so I'm not sure why you would use `.` again here 
when trying to defend the rejected DIP.

Having read the conversation, but not the DIP, I think the 
repetition issue is known, but the examples offered don't 
demonstrate (to me, a random nobody reading this thread) a 
clear improvement of the language or the code in question.

I will add that this particular case of repetition the DIP 
seems to be intended to solve reminds me of brace-expansion in 
bash, where `foo.iso{,.sig}` expands to `foo.iso foo.iso.sig` 
allowing bashers to avoid repetition in some cases of 
repetitive strings, but it should be evident to anyone 
subjected to reading someone else's bash script that that 
reducing repetition with brace expansion does not 
unconditionally improve reviewability of the code in question.

The syntax doesn't matter, i could have used # or :, what ever, 
let's focus on the idea first

It's am improvement to me, hence why i advocate for it, i'm not a 
compiler developper, i can't think of everything, all i can think 
of is it's going to improve the way i write my code

All it took me to appreciate it was to discover it when i was 
using a language that happen to support it, as simple as that, 
i'm not good at english, not even at programming, but i can 
appreciate things makes me write nice code

switch (action.type)
case .Attack: do_attack(); break;
case .Jump: do_jump(); break;

this is simple and readable, if i can't convice you, then there 
is nothing i can do

Steve Jobs came up with the iPhone when everyone was saying 
"touching your screen with your fingers is a stupid idea", and 
look at us now..

All it takes is to try it

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-05-10 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
I was reading DMD source code, case of repetition that adds 
nothing of value but useless reading strain

if (target.os == Target.OS.Windows)
if (target.os == Target.OS.linux)
else if (target.os == Target.OS.OSX)
else if (target.os == Target.OS.FreeBSD)
else if (target.os == Target.OS.OpenBSD)
else if (target.os == Target.OS.Solaris)

what could be done to avoid the repetition?

Reduce the length of the repetition with a short alias?

alias TOS = Target.OS;

if (target.os == TOS.Windows)
if (target.os == TOS.linux)
else if (target.os == TOS.OSX)
else if (target.os == TOS.FreeBSD)
else if (target.os == TOS.OpenBSD)
else if (target.os == TOS.Solaris)

Well, repetition is still there, now you got a short Type to type 
that doesn't mean anything without context, why is it needed? why 
do we need that noise? what problem does it solve?

We can use ``with()``? but why do i need a with here? target.os 
is self explanatory already, it's supposed to be type safe, it's 
a type safe enumeration, i should only care about the values, why 
now introduce an extra scope with extra indentation? it'd create 
more noise and now visual strain

Don't you find this code easier to read and review?

if (target.os == .Windows)
if (target.os == .linux)
else if (target.os == .OSX)
else if (target.os == .FreeBSD)
else if (target.os == .OpenBSD)
else if (target.os == .Solaris)

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-05-01 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 1 May 2023 at 14:03:51 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

On Monday, 1 May 2023 at 00:34:03 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

I don't think it's a misconception. It's more like a complete 
lack of clarity.

the goal is not to use an anonymous enum, the goal is to 
leverage the robust type system to avoid repeting yourself, 
wich is bad

Value value;
value.type = ValueType.STRING;


Value value;
value.type = .STRING;

This is another case of the "complete lack of clarity" I wrote 
about in my earlier comment. With an anonymous enum you could 

value.type = STRING;

Maybe you have something deeper in mind, but that example does 
not make a case for changing the language. Rather than 
shouting, you should put together a better example.

I will let this conversation die. I don't think it's going to 
resolve anything (and I'm not the one that needs convincing 

Ok.. so you _refuse_ to understand (as opposed to not 
understanding, wich in that case you'd only have to listen and 

You didn't read my previous comment, so let me copy/paste it:

the goal is not to use an anonymous enum, the goal is to 
leverage the robust type system to avoid repeting yourself, 
wich is bad

And to make sure i'm being understood, the goal is not to make 
code less verbose, quite the opposite, the goal is to encourage 
verbosity while avoiding useless repetitions, the two are not 

Are you familiar with this popular quote? "democracy dies in 
darkness"? It goes the same way with discussing feature 
suggestions and language impromvents, don't "let this 
conversation die", convince me, argument, don't just try to 
silence me, that won't work

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-30 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

Do you write this?

float myfloat = float(1.0);

Or this?

float myfloat = 1.0;

Why would it be different for enums (or any other type)

Also i suggest you to try all kind of languages to expand your 
knowledge and to try out new UX that modern languages provide, 
there is no reason to refuse to understand other people's opinion 
only because you thought the existing rule is immutable because 
you can't give a critical opinion on it

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-30 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 27 April 2023 at 13:03:17 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

On Thursday, 27 April 2023 at 06:10:57 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
On Thursday, 27 April 2023 at 00:16:10 UTC, Walter Bright 

This also works:

alias F = MySuperLongNameFlag;

auto flag = F.A | F.B | F.C | F.D;
set_flags(F.A | F.B | F.C | F.D);

It's similar to setting a local variable to some complex 
expression, just so you don't have to repeat that expression 
multiple times.

It's a misconception of the problem that the DIP tried to 
solve. What the DIP tried to solve is that the compiler should 
know that you are using an enum member. Actually I even think 
this should work without any special syntax, as a "last 
resort", let's say. But as you've explained, through Mike's 
report, this causes problems for D because the identifier 
resolution is tied to a particular implementation, i.e your 
fast symtabs.

I don't think it's a misconception. It's more like a complete 
lack of clarity. What would be the point of complexifying the 
language for the new programmer when you can just use an 
anonymous enum? This program runs just fine:

import std.stdio;

enum {

enum {

void main() {
writeln(A1 == _A);

auto flag = _B;
switch(flag) {
case _A:
case _B:
case _C:
case _D:

What's the point in using a named enum if you want an anonymous 
enum? The response when this question was asked was not 
"because [something where it matters]". It was instead to 
ignore the question, give an unrealistic example that was 
solved by the response, and insert a bunch of unhelpful 

what's the point? if you read the discussion that happened for 
the DIP you wouldn't ask the question

the goal is not to use an anonymous enum, the goal is to leverage 
the robust type system to avoid repeting yourself, wich is bad

Value value;
value.type = ValueType.STRING;


Value value;
value.type = .STRING;

Read your code, would you read a book where each sentence would 
be a repetition of the previous one?

"Billy went to the town to buy some beer, as he arrived to the 
town to buy some beer he met Richard, as he arrived to the town 
to buy some beer Richard, that he just met, asked him how his 
wife was doing"

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-26 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 12:50:32 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 11:52:31 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov 

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 20:15:39 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

void set_connected()
network_connect_state = NetworkConnectState.CONNECTED

MySuperLongNameFlag flag = MySuperLongNameFlag.A | 
MySuperLongNameFlag.B | MySuperLongNameFlag.C | 

set_flags(MySuperLongNameFlag.A | MySuperLongNameFlag.B | 
MySuperLongNameFlag.C | MySuperLongNameFlag.D)

Okay, I understand this is sometimes really annoying, but in 
this example, why can't you just:

Many other solutions were provided as well, including but not 
limited to

- Using shorter names

Why make your code harder to read ?


// just use short name, duh
enum CState
   CON, DC, WT

void on_con()
st = CState.CON;

// no, let me take advantage of the robust type system
enum NetworkConnectionState

void on_connecte()
network_state = .CONNECTED;

- Using alias

Now you have multiple symbols doing the same thing, that's a 
maintenance downgrade, "refactor? ohhh i forgot to refactor the 
multiple aliases"

- Using an IDE with autocomplete

Now i need an IDE to code, nice

- Using copy and paste

Now introduce duplicates that are hard to manage during 
refactors, wich copy pasta is the right one?

Again, all of this was covered and argumented during the DIP 

The goal is to improve the language, not find excuses or 
workarounds, don't defend obfuscation, move forward

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-26 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 10:48:21 UTC, Greggor wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 04:54:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I submitted DIP1044, "Enum Type Inference", to Walter and 
Atila on April 1. I received the final decision from them on 
April 18. They have decided not to accept this proposal.


I’m going to contribute to the peanut gallery, and say I 
support the rejection of the dip and the reasoning given is 

I do like the suggestion of `with final switch` and I also like 
the even shorter `enumswitch` as a new keyword, it would be a 
nice bit of syntactic sugar.

Regardless of this dip being added or not, I'm not going to be 
dramatic about it, its not the end of the world or of D :^)

That's not contribution

``with final switch`` what kind of Java is that? or is it D? i'm 
getting lost for a moment, not sure!

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-26 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 11:52:31 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov 

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 20:15:39 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

void set_connected()
network_connect_state = NetworkConnectState.CONNECTED

MySuperLongNameFlag flag = MySuperLongNameFlag.A | 
MySuperLongNameFlag.B | MySuperLongNameFlag.C | 

set_flags(MySuperLongNameFlag.A | MySuperLongNameFlag.B | 
MySuperLongNameFlag.C | MySuperLongNameFlag.D)

Okay, I understand this is sometimes really annoying, but in 
this example, why can't you just:

import std.stdio;

enum MySuperLongNameFlag : int
A = 0b0001,
B = 0b0010,
C = 0b0100,
D = 0b1000,

void set_flags(MySuperLongNameFlag f) {}

void main()
with (MySuperLongNameFlag)
auto flag = A | B | C | D;
set_flags(A | B | C | D);

writefln("%04b", flag);


No, what about this:

 import std.stdio;

 enum MySuperLongNameFlag : int
 A = 0b0001,
 B = 0b0010,
 C = 0b0100,
 D = 0b1000,

 void set_flags(MySuperLongNameFlag f) {}

 void main()
MySuperLongNameFlag flag = A | B | C | D;
set_flags(A | B | C | D);

writefln("%04b", flag);

No bloat, no extra indentation, no auto, you know what you are 

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-25 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 01:39:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/25/2023 1:15 PM, ryuukk_ wrote:
Or perhaps, listen to this person:

That only does a subset of the proposal. The inference only 
works in specific cases. Things like function overloading are 
not addressed.

Where were you when we discussed about it?

Nowhere to be seen

For projects to move forward, discussion must happen

Hiding in the back with a knife mean you waste everyone's time

People who spending time thinking about the feature, writing the 
DIP, discussing about it, implementing the PR, arguing with 
people, doing the effort to argument etc etc

Anyways, this is your project, you choose how it goes, it goes 
both ways tho, i choose what i use

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-25 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 20:59:23 UTC, max haughton wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 20:15:39 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 18:38:14 UTC, max haughton wrote:


Why you guys focus on "switch"

Because that's the example given by Mike...

Who doesn't love writing other than Walter Bright:


Who are you saying said it's too hard to implement? Also 
consider that *any* change breaks all the tooling.

It's in the 2nd paragraph

Oh, now you care about the tooling? I was the only one who raised 
awareness about the new features landing but tooling was ignored 
all while i was getting ignored (importC // dub) (bitfields // 
dcd), how funny

Same for the debugging issue, i got ignored

Same for the TLS issue, i got ignored

I has the wrong expectations it seems, you also seems to have the 
wrong expectation on your users

ImportC will save everything, i now understand

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-25 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 18:38:14 UTC, max haughton wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 04:54:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Firstly I think this is the correct decision, certainly for 
now, probably forever.

Regarding enums in switch statements, Walter suggested we 
could shorten the `with final switch` syntax such that the 
`with` is implicitly applied to the type of the switch 

auto myEnum = MyEnum.a;
with final switch (myEnum) { }

Alternatively, we could make the `with` implicit for case 
statements, but that would break existing code.

What we have at the moment with `with` is, I think perfectly 
The `switch(...) with(...)` pattern is used rather a lot in the 
SDC codebase

for example and I think it's very readable.

On the topic of `with` I do think, and have even implemented 
;), with expressions do need to happen eventually. The with 
statement is a little heavy handed for places where these kinds 
of shorthands are needed locally.

Why you guys focus on "switch"

Who doesn't love writing other than Walter Bright:


void set_connected()
network_connect_state = NetworkConnectState.CONNECTED

MySuperLongNameFlag flag = MySuperLongNameFlag.A | 
MySuperLongNameFlag.B | MySuperLongNameFlag.C | 

set_flags(MySuperLongNameFlag.A | MySuperLongNameFlag.B | 
MySuperLongNameFlag.C | MySuperLongNameFlag.D)


Too hard to implement? oh really? then i suggest trying other 
languages and reading their source code, so you can learn new 
techniques and improve your project

Or perhaps, listen to this person:

He seem talented, he did what you find "too hard" to implement

Being stuck is a good thing if you work, if you don't work, and 
you are stuck, then perhaps is time to reflect on the time spent 
working on being stuck?

I still can't debug my program btw

So i now understand better, things aren't "hard to implement", 
things are frozen in time, and no will to improve anything, the 
motto is go template yourself! (sumtype)

Re: DIP1044---"Enum Type Inference"---Formal Assessment

2023-04-24 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 04:54:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I submitted DIP1044, "Enum Type Inference", to Walter and Atila 
on April 1. I received the final decision from them on April 
18. They have decided not to accept this proposal.

The said the proposal was well done and an interesting read, 
but found it to be too complex for insufficient benefit. They 
provided the following list of concerns that led them to their 

* Given that D already has `with`, `alias`, and `auto`, it does 
not seem worthwhile to add a special case for enums.
* Semantic analysis in D is strictly bottom-up. This proposal 
would add top-up type inference on top of that. This presents 
problems in handling function and template overloads, as well 
as variadic parameter lists.
* The proposal only allows ETI in some contexts. This is 
potentially confusing for the programmer, particularly in the 
presence of mixin templates (which draw symbols from the 
instantiation context) and function overloads.
* Symbol tables can get very large. Lookups are done via hash 
table for max speed, but this will not work for ETI. There may 
be a very large number of "enums in scope", and each one will 
have to be searched to resolve a member.
* ETI is similar to ADL (Argument Dependent Lookup) in C++. 
Walter implemented ADL in the Digital Mars C++ compiler and is 
strongly against allowing anything like it in D. He finds it 
slow and complex, and few people really know how it's going to 

Regarding enums in switch statements, Walter suggested we could 
shorten the `with final switch` syntax such that the `with` is 
implicitly applied to the type of the switch variable:

auto myEnum = MyEnum.a;
with final switch (myEnum) { }

Alternatively, we could make the `with` implicit for case 
statements, but that would break existing code.

Welp, time for me to find a new language then, that's 

Re: newer version of Vibe.d tutorial

2023-04-21 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 21 April 2023 at 15:26:15 UTC, Rey Valeza wrote:
Hi, I just completed the newer version of the tutorial on 
Vibe.d. It is viewable here:

and the PDF version is downloadable here:


Hi, thanks for your effort again!

One suggestion:



This look very bad, please use proper markdown syntax

// your code

Re: newer version of Vibe.d tutorial

2023-04-21 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

Another suggestion:

This is unreadable, please put that on a code block too to make 
it easier on the eyes

Re: LDC 1.32.1

2023-04-17 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 17 April 2023 at 15:26:16 UTC, kinke wrote:

A new patch version was just released:

* The prebuilt Linux packages are now generated on a Ubuntu 
20.04 box, so the min required glibc version has been raised 
from 2.26 to 2.31.

* Fix empty `ldc.gccbuiltins_*` modules with LLVM 15+.
* Fix v1.31 regression wrt. potentially wrong constant pointer 
* Windows: Fix v1.32.0 regression wrt. leaking `` 

* Fix C assert calls for newlib targets.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors & sponsors!

Thanks for the release!

If someone could look into this that would be nice:

I want to get rid of the ugly hacks i have to incorporate in all 
my projects

Re: Release D 2.103.0

2023-04-03 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 3 April 2023 at 16:41:25 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.103.0, ♥ to the 43 contributors.

This release comes with 9 major changes, including:

- In the compiler, `-preview=dip25` is now enabled by default.
- In the standard library, std.uni Grapheme functions have been 
updated to conform to Unicode 15
- In dub, the `--color` argument now accepts the values `auto`, 
`never`, and `always`.

on behalf of the Dlang Core Team

Thanks for the ImportC fixes, very welcome

Re: Objective-C D metal binding

2023-03-10 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 10 March 2023 at 21:14:38 UTC, Hipreme wrote:

On Friday, 10 March 2023 at 21:10:50 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:


But metal obj-c? do you mean DMD support only? so no Apple 
Silicon (intel only)?

I don't think Intel stuff on mac ecosystem will be a thing for 
too long, PPC era already vanished from history

There is the official C++ headers that you can use to make 
things easier

As said in the post above, I do intend to get 
`extern(Objective-C)` into LDC even if I have to do it myself. 
Which is also why I'm looking if someone could help Martin get 
this on LDC. Binding to the main API is better than the 
secondary one, and this is an advantage that D has over other 
languages. This is not only about Silicon, it is also about 
getting iOS. iOS market share is as big as Android and any game 
developer would be interested in entering in this market.

That's exactly what i'm saying, Intel is dead on that platform, 
it's only just ARM, therefore this metal-cpp comes handy

Re: Objective-C D metal binding

2023-03-10 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 10 March 2023 at 20:53:23 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
Hello guys. I have been working for some time into binding 
Metal to D.
This has been quite an interesting journey and today I've 
reached a point where it is usable.
It is far from complete, but I included a lot of comments from 
Apple's documentation, and also have tested and got an entire 
Metal hello world working in D.

The API I worked on is really nice, I manually put the opIndex, 
opIndexAssign, wrapped Objective C Runtime Arrays to a strongly 
typed array in D. The main point into this binding is getting 
Metal to run on Hipreme Engine, so, I don't plan into 
supporting what I don't use. That said, I still welcome any 
contribution to make this a standard way to program using 
Apple's Metal.

I'll put an example folder the moment I get a dub fix for macOS.

![Metal MacOS D Hello 


But metal obj-c? do you mean DMD support only? so no Apple 
Silicon (intel only)?

I don't think Intel stuff on mac ecosystem will be a thing for 
too long, PPC era already vanished from history

There is the official C++ headers that you can use to make things 

Re: Beta 2.103.0

2023-03-02 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 2 March 2023 at 14:40:04 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
Glad to announce the first beta for the 2.103.0 release, ♥ to 
the 43 contributors.

This release comes with 9 major changes, including:

- In the compiler, `-preview=dip25` is now enabled by default.
- In the standard library, std.uni Grapheme functions have been 
updated to conform to Unicode 15
- In dub, the `--color` argument now accepts the values `auto`, 
`never`, and `always`.

As usual please report any bugs at

on behalf of the Dlang Core Team

@safe ref int wrongIdentity(ref int x) {
return x; // ERROR! Cannot return a ref, please use "return 

@safe ref int identity(return ref int x) {
return x; // fine
a keyword to return a value

``return 5;``

and a keyword to tell that a reference is returnable

``return ref int x``

that's dumb, why?

Re: D Language Foundation January 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2023-02-27 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 February 2023 at 14:24:38 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Monday, 27 February 2023 at 12:08:58 UTC, newbie wrote:
with `betterC` you can target into new platform without much 
work, and easy to deal with dynamic library,  generate much 
fast and smaller binary.

you can do this without betterC too. often easier. And it could 
be even easier with a little bit of work that benefits 

The custom runtime route is a mistake to expect from users, why 
should i manage all of this, it should just work, well you are 
forced because of X, Y, Z are not yet ported! so you cherry pick 
on a code basis, rather than on a feature basis

You'll also have to keep track of the compiler developments in 
case runtime hooks get changed, also if you are not careful about 
your implementation you have silent bugs (i had one with switch 
errors that was hard to track down, i had to copy/paste code from 
your repo)

With C/C++ and even Rust/Zig/Go(tinygo), you don't have that kind 
of problems

The bare is set by other languages already, -betterC is helping 
staying on buisness for that kind of purpose

Re: D Language Foundation January 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2023-02-27 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
I use -betterC because i can focus on the language and build upon 
it, i don't have to deal with the slowness of phobos and more 
importantly, i don't have to wait for phobos or druntime to be 
ported to WASM in order to be able to target to WASM, i target 
WASM today

It also makes me confident that none of my game code will 
accidentally call the GC, as i banned the use of the GC for this 
particular project (game)

I can focus on what i love about C with the greatness of D (the 

My project fully recompile (clean build, game+engine) in just 
1.2s, thanks Walter!

The only complain i have about betterC, and D in general are the 
error messages, sometimes just having new lines with proper 
spacing makes errors easier to read, i made a comment in one 
PR(related to improving betterC error message) that it was 
helpful and very much welcome, so looks like things are going to 

Walter decided to put the Sum Types proposal aside for now

That's super sad to hear.. i was eagerly hoping tagged union 
would come sooner rather than later.. it's one feature that 
enables writing useful with less noise

I want to replace that kind of ugly code that i have, notice how 
easy it is to have bugs if you are not careful what field you 
use, not safe!: (no, template is not the solution)

enum EventType: ubyte



struct Event
long time;
bool consumed;

EventType type;
// GFX
Resize resize;

KeyDown key_down;
KeyUp key_up;
KeyTyped key_typed;
TouchDown touch_down;
TouchUp touch_up;
TouchDragged touch_dragged;
TouchMoved touch_moved;
Scrolled scrolled;


// update key state
foreach(Event* e; engine.queue)
if (e.consumed) continue;

switch (e.type) with (EventType)

if (e.touch_down.button == 1)
if (e.touch_up.button == 1)



I think expecting users to ask for new features shouldn't be seen 
as something bad

It's great to have people discuss language improvement, it gives 
the ability to talk about and remind people about existing 
features, and potentially their issues

And what a better opportunity than to remind ones who think bugs 
in weird and cryptic corner cases, is what turn off people

What turn me off from D is that kind of issues:

When you start to import things from the std and it makes your 
compile time go from 5seconds (already an eternity) to 10 
seconds, and people think "it's not a problem"

tagged union would help reduce the code complexity, template 
usage and bugs by a significant amount of time, as well as 
improving error messages

Re: Centroid tracking using DCV

2023-02-17 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

That's pretty cool, thanks for sharing!

Re: Hipreme Engine is fully ported to WebAssembly

2023-02-04 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 4 February 2023 at 12:47:30 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

On Friday, 3 February 2023 at 13:41:35 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
![Hipreme Engine Match3 sample game on 

This custom runtime is a most welcome development.

I agree, but this is also unfortunate, one shouldn't have to do 
that to target WASM, the druntime needs to be shrinked asap

Re: Hipreme Engine is fully ported to WebAssembly

2023-02-03 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce


This shows D capabilities, system language that is able to scale 
from as little as micro controllers to full blown cross platform 
games including the Web with WASM!

That's why it's always important to keep runtime as simple as 
possible, and the std as minimal as possible, lets you target new 
platforms with ease!

I also ported my engine to WASM, i'll have something interesting 
to show in the coming months, stay tuned!

D playing nice with WASM, that's a strength not many languages 
have! Let's do more with it!

Re: Release D 2.102.0

2023-02-03 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 2 February 2023 at 12:30:50 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.102.0, ♥ to the 40 contributors.

This release comes with support for multiple message arguments 
in `static assert()`, stack allocated `scope` array literals, a 
new preview switch to add support for `@system` variables, and 
many more.

Downloads and full changelog are available from the dlang site.

on behalf of the Dlang Core Team

Dub changes
Binary output will now be in a central cache

A welcome change, thanks!

Bugzilla 21301: Wrong values being passed in long parameter list

Finally fixed, thanks!!

Re: second edition of Build Web Apps in Vibe.d by learning from a learner

2023-01-24 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 23 January 2023 at 01:48:11 UTC, Rey Valeza wrote:


I just uploaded a second edition of the tutorial I uploaded on 
Github last year. Here is the link:


PDF is not a good choice for that kind of tutorial, there is no 
navigation, so once has to scroll to get to the vided stuff

No proper support for code blocks, it's messy with cli output 
being truncated into multiple page

That's messy

Here an example of a proper format:

It's open source:

Re: D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting Summary for December 2022

2023-01-22 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 21 January 2023 at 04:29:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Robert spoke up then to suggest deprecating @property and 
releasing a tool that removes it from a code base. Then we 
should apply that tool to create pull requests for all dub 
packages using @property, and then in a future release, we kill 
it. Anyone affected by the removal can then run the tool on 
their own code. He added that we should do this with any 
feature we decide to remove. This is the modern way of software 
development: you don't just break someone's code, you break 
their code and give them a tool to fix it.

I agree with that 100%, perhaps the feature should be built in 
into DUB, it can already detect the compilers and its version, so 
it can do all the heavy lifting already

Compile times keep getting slower. Why doesn't an LSP 
implementation come with DMD? Why don't we have a compiler 
daemon? Why aren't his build times sub one second?

All my projects  fully recompile in around 1s, i am sad when i 
see libraries that tank the compile speed to multiple seconds..

I ended up writing my own runtime and my own std, this is why i 
advocate for language enhancements rather than putting more 
template soup into the std

And i agree even more on the language server, Jan did an amazing 
work with serve-d, but it highlights 2 problems:

- slow to compile, wich makes contributing a pain
- DCD is basically too basic, doesn't even support most D 
features including templates

 SumType is really awesome, and we should really do something 
with it.

I agree, SumType is a great piece of library, it should be 
promoted as a language feature

The first involved dub's settings file, settings.json. As he 
put it, have you ever seen a program that asked you to write 
its settings using JSON? There had been some favorable 
responses to the idea of moving to YAML from some core 
contributors a few years back. It just needed someone to do it. 
He asked if we were okay with the move. Átila said we probably 
shouldn't keep JSON, but wondered if YAML was the best choice. 
What about TOML? This sparked a minor bikeshedding discussion, 
but there was no major opposition to Mathias's plan. (He has 
since opened a draft PR. Sönke Ludwig wants to see a broader 
discussion of this before finalizing it, so I expect Mathias 
will ask for community feedback at some point.)

I agree, json is not a good file format, it doesn't even support 
comments and is annoying to parse

A simple ini file would be 10x better already, no need 
complicated parsers like YAML or TML

Robert thinks Rust has won that game. We're the second person 
to the moon. Put @safe on top, disallow taking addresses of the 
stack, don't allow returning ref, and don't allow pointer 
arithmetic. That's as safe as we need to be. D's niche is on 
top of Rust and under TypeScript. That's where we need to be. 
That may not be the most popular opinion in the group, but he 
was alone in his room and no one could hurt him. He thinks C++ 
has been sinking, but it's probably going to keep sinking until 
he's dead and will never sink completely, but Rust will take 
that over. Rust is also taking over some of the web world 
because it compiles easily to web assembly.

I DISAGREE fully, Rust has not won "that game", there is a 
similar negative sentiment about rust, "too complicated", "too 
hard", "bad syntax", "slow to compile", etc

The future will be many languages, each being best at certain 
domains, we seen it with the rise of Go, doing what it do best 
with the cli/web/server/containers and nothing else

WASM? C/C++ won the game, Abobe is the perfect example, it's not 
simple hello world Rust people are doing, it's full commercial 

Same with games

Re: D Contributor Tutorials Part 1 - Building the Compiler From Source

2023-01-08 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 8 January 2023 at 11:27:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Have you ever considered hacking on the D compiler but were 
intimidated by the build process? Dennis Korpel has been 
working on a series of video tutorials aimed at helping 
potential contributors establish a foundation from which to 
start contributing code.

In this first tutorial of the series, he gives an overview of 
what happens when compiling a D source file, then shows how to 
set up an environment from which to build dmd and the standard 
library/runtime binary. The next video will use this setup to 
start making changes to dmd.

The plan is to publish a new tutorial in the series every two 
weeks, so you can look for the next tutorial on January 22.

Thanks to Dennis for offering to put these videos together. 
Even a short video like this one takes a significant time 
investment to go from concept to publication. I'm certain there 
are people out there who will find them beneficial.

Last time i tried to build DMD to finish a PR i had was a 
miserable expenrience that i decided to give up

The Wiki is outdated and mentions tools that do not exist

I updated it with the little information i had but that still 
wasn't enough to be able to build the whole thing

I even asked on the forum for some help, wich was met with 

While this video definitely help, but i'm not going to rewind to 
find information on a 7minutes video, it should be a simple 
document, with a set of simple scripts and they should put 
accessible under the DMD repo

It shouldn't be that convoluted

Re: D Language Foundation October 2022 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2022-11-02 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 2 November 2022 at 04:42:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Following that, he had begun adding colors in the stack trace 
because he thought they were unreadable, and adding colors was 
not that much work. He had a proof-of-concept but still had a 
few things to work out.

That's a little detail, but it makes a big impact, thanks!

Re: ctod: a tool that translates C code to D

2022-10-13 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

WOW that's pretty cool!!

It was always time consuming having to manually port C code, your 
tool will be very helpful!

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Re: D + Qt + QtDesigner

2022-09-27 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 27 September 2022 at 21:07:25 UTC, Willian wrote:

On Sunday, 21 November 2021 at 15:08:18 UTC, MGW wrote:

I am still developing my QtE5 library.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough free time to make it into a 
complete dub package.

Link to short video:

Dear friends,
I would like to know if it is possible to gather the D 
community to work together on D + Qt + QtDesigner.
I believe that the maturation of this library is the gateway 
for many programmers in the D language.

Announce is not the right place to ask questions, either #learn 
or #general

Posts in the #announce category are automatically shared on 
twitter, so we should avoid sending out noise/spam

Re: DIP 1043---Shortened Method Syntax---Accepted

2022-09-25 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 22 September 2022 at 01:28:11 UTC, Doigt wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 September 2022 at 10:39:27 UTC, Mike Parker 

For example:

T front() => from;


T front => from;

As DIP author, Max decided against this. He said it's not a 
bad idea, but it's then "inconsistent with other the other 
syntaxes". If there is a demand for this, it would be easy to 
add later, but he felt it's better to keep things simple for 
now by going with the current implementation as is.

It's one of those things that aren't necessary, but bring some 
small "quality of life" kind of change to the code we write. At 
least in my opinion, I quite like it, the same way I like how I 
can call a parameter-less function without parentheses.

It actually makes code very hard to read

Is it a field? is it a function, does it have arguments, or maybe 
it is just a static function, maybe it is a property, oh shoot i 
have to waste time trying to figure out what it is

It is same story with imprts, so now i exclusivly use named 
import ``import xxx =`` 

This way when i read code, i know exactly what is doing what and 
from what module

This shortened method syntax is the same, it is a method, not a 
field, therefore it should require ``()``, i personally never 
omit it from the way i write function in my code, calling a 
function this way: ``this_is_a_function`` is imo very dangerous, 
i wish it was gone from the language

Re: D Language Foundation August 2022 Monthly Meeting Summary

2022-09-05 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 5 September 2022 at 11:39:44 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I mentioned to Max that I had spoken to Eyal Lotem of Weka 
about the move constructor DIP (DIP 1040, "Copying, Moving, and 

You linked the wrong DIP, your link point to DIP1043

Re: D Language Foundation August 2022 Monthly Meeting Summary

2022-09-05 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 5 September 2022 at 11:39:44 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
EV code-signing certs are expensive, and also have a 2FA 
dependency on a hardware token

D is an established open source project known by everyone in the 

I'm pretty sure contacting one company to get sponsor for 1 would 
work, have you tried that?

No need to pay the expensive price, money should be spent on 
human resources for the language, not on that kind of stuff, if 
possible of course

Re: D Language Foundation July 2022 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2022-08-29 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
Dennis brought up a discussion about reducing the size of 
object.d that came up in a PR thread. Specifically, moving 
things into separate modules, then making object.d a list of 
public imports would make it easier to maintain a custom 

It is unfortunate that my suggestion was used to push an other 

A public import, is the same problem

My issue with `object.d` is it is shadowing symbols

`destroy` for example

If i want a `destroy` function, i call destroy, but if i made a 
typo in my function or forgot to actually create it, then it'll 
silently call `destroy` from `object.d` without letting you know 
about it, that's what prompted me to make the PR

I now banned the `destroy` name, and instead use `dispose` as 
people on the IRC suggested me to do, wich in restrospec is a 
better word indeed

But i figured i should not expect such changes, so instead i now 
compile with `-betterC` and a custom `object.d` for all of my 

The other unfortunate thing is i now have to deal with issues 
like this, and incorporate hacks into my codebases for LDC:

The consensus was that with D's built-in ability to 
differentiate symbols (FQN, static imports), this isn't a 
problem. Iain closed the PR after the meeting, noting that we 
agreed something needs to be done about object.d, "but not 

The worst part is that file should not be needed at all to begin 

You can't do simple ptr/slice casting without it, and you can't 
use enums without it

If `destroy` is essential to D, then it should be upgraded to a 
builtin and reserved keyword, if it is just an utility function, 
then it shouldn't be in the global scope, or it should be 
prefixed `__destroy`

There needs a way to differentiate functions used for language 
support like `switch` and `cast` with other utility functions, 2 
different concerns

This is what i have to carry to opt out this specific thing 
(luckily i do not use any other features): (see at the end of the 

And one recent issue i had, because of the custom `object.d` 

I couldn't figure out what caused the issue, thanks to Adam, 
compiling with `dmd -v` pointed out the problematic import: 

Pay as you go is the way to go, but the experience should be 
drastically improved imo

module object;

alias size_t = typeof(int.sizeof);
alias ptrdiff_t = typeof(cast(void*)0 - cast(void*)0);

alias sizediff_t = ptrdiff_t; // For backwards compatibility only.
 * Bottom type.
 * See $(DDSUBLINK spec/type, noreturn).
alias noreturn = typeof(*null);

alias hash_t = size_t; // For backwards compatibility only.
alias equals_t = bool; // For backwards compatibility only.

alias string  = immutable(char)[];
alias wstring = immutable(wchar)[];
alias dstring = immutable(dchar)[];

bool __equals(T1, T2)(scope const T1[] lhs, scope const T2[] rhs)
@nogc nothrow pure @trusted
if (__traits(isScalar, T1) && __traits(isScalar, T2))
if (lhs.length != rhs.length)
return false;

static if (T1.sizeof == T2.sizeof
// Signedness needs to match for types that promote to 
// (Actually it would be okay to memcmp bool[] and byte[] 
but that is

// probably too uncommon to be worth checking for.)
&& (T1.sizeof >= 4 || __traits(isUnsigned, T1) == 
__traits(isUnsigned, T2))

&& !__traits(isFloating, T1) && !__traits(isFloating, T2))
if (!__ctfe)
// This would improperly allow equality of integers 
and pointers
// but the CTFE branch will stop this function from 
compiling then.

import core.stdc.string : memcmp;
return lhs.length == 0 ||
0 == memcmp(cast(const void*) lhs.ptr, cast(const 
void*) rhs.ptr, lhs.length * T1.sizeof);


foreach (const i; 0 .. lhs.length)
static if (__traits(isStaticArray, at(lhs, 0))) // "Fix" 
for -betterC

if (at(lhs, i)[] != at(rhs, i)[]) // T1[N] != T2[N] 
doesn't compile with -betterC.

return false;
if (at(lhs, i) != at(rhs, i))
return false;
return true;

bool __equals(T1, T2)(scope T1[] lhs, scope T2[] rhs)
if (!__traits(isScalar, T1) || !__traits(isScalar, T2))
if (lhs.length != rhs.length)
return false;
if (lhs.length == 0)
return true;

static if (useMemcmp!(T1, T2))
if (!__ctfe)
static bool trustedMemcmp(scope T1[] lhs, scope T2[] 
rhs) @trusted @nogc nothrow pure

pragma(inline, true);
import core.stdc.string : memcmp;
return memcmp(cast(void*) lhs.ptr, cast(void*) 
rhs.ptr, lhs.length * T1.sizeof) == 0;


Re: gamut v0.0.7 ask for what you want

2022-07-29 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
That's a very cool library, i might ditch stb_image for yours, 
thanks for sharing!

I went ahead and added it to the list of libraries that supports 
QOI file format here:

One suggestion, have a little struct with function pointers for 
malloc/free/realloc, so that we can plug our own allocator

Re: The D Programming Language Vision Document

2022-07-06 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 14:30:07 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Tuesday, 5 July 2022 at 12:34:57 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Monday, 4 July 2022 at 05:30:10 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On Sunday, 3 July 2022 at 08:46:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
You can find the final draft of the high-level goals for the 
D programming language at the following link:

Under 'Memory safety':

Allow the continued use of garbage collection as the default 
memory management strategy without impact. The GC is one of 
D's strengths, and we should not "throw the baby out with 
the bath water".

Under 'Phobos and DRuntime':

@nogc as much as possible.

Aren't these the polar opposites of each other? The GC is one 
of D's strengths, yet we should avoid it as much as possible 
in the standard library.

Then it's not part of D's strengths.

GC is one of D's strength because it is optional, not making 
core APIs bing-your-own-memory-allocation-strategy through 
nogc or allocators, is making it no longer optional, which is 
no longer a strength imo

You don't want GC when you do microcontroller development, so 
as a result core APIs (most of them) becomes useless, moving 
forward that should make the story better for everyone

Which becomes a strength again

Feel free to consider it a strength, when in reality it is a 
flaw against established market players.

People also use nodejs and npm, what is your point?

If you invest in the future you must take the pragmatic approach 
and give options

Those are not Oracle's products, companies took the JVM for what 
it is as a foundation and built their products

They haven't picked the default Oracle JDK and the default 
concurrent GC

D should enable similar stories with what it has and can provide, 
read on the challenges TinyGO faced, if D provides the tools for 
companies to experiment with it, with a proper set of efficient 
and minimal Core APIs, that alone makes it a proper and more 
efficient alternative solution

Re: The D Programming Language Vision Document

2022-07-05 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 4 July 2022 at 05:30:10 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On Sunday, 3 July 2022 at 08:46:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
You can find the final draft of the high-level goals for the D 
programming language at the following link:

Under 'Memory safety':

Allow the continued use of garbage collection as the default 
memory management strategy without impact. The GC is one of 
D's strengths, and we should not "throw the baby out with the 
bath water".

Under 'Phobos and DRuntime':

@nogc as much as possible.

Aren't these the polar opposites of each other? The GC is one 
of D's strengths, yet we should avoid it as much as possible in 
the standard library.

Then it's not part of D's strengths.

GC is one of D's strength because it is optional, not making core 
APIs bing-your-own-memory-allocation-strategy through nogc or 
allocators, is making it no longer optional, which is no longer a 
strength imo

You don't want GC when you do microcontroller development, so as 
a result core APIs (most of them) becomes useless, moving forward 
that should make the story better for everyone

Which becomes a strength again!

Re: The D Programming Language Vision Document

2022-07-05 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

Pattern matching

Hopefully that includes proper built in Tagged Union, non OOP 
people need that otherwise we are stuck in C's era of programming

We can, and we should do better (import std.sumtype is 
embarrassing when other languages have it built in without 
template soup, i still refuse to touch it)


Awesome! hopefully they become built in and more integrated


This one will be tricky, done well means it scale from 0 to 
hearo, meaning i should be able to use it without the need of a GC

Hopefully it's not one of these import `std.concurency: async, 
await, frame;`

Stronger traits

That's awesome to hear, metaprogramming is one of D's strength

On the tooling part:

A language server is long overdue..

The one we have right now (serve-d) is nice, but uses the same 
backend as every other projects (DCD), and this project haven't 
evolved in years, the moment you step into template territory, it 
falls short ``T get(T)() { return T.init }   auto myInt = 
get!int;`` it'll not know what myInt is.. wich is a shame when 
that feature is D's signature

A better debugging story is also essential, without having to use 
external (incomplete) files like:

msvc, clang, gcc: they should know what D types are, and they 
should be able to step properly into D syntax without the need of 
the user to do weird things

Zig is a young language and yet has a better debugging story

Onto the phobos/druntime:

That's nice to hear that the goal is to reduce inter module 

Core APIs should be made independent and VERY simple, this allows 
them to be easily ported to other platforms, easier to extend

I am sad that no word on the Allocator API, moving forward i 
personally think APIs that use memory should be required to ask 
for an Allocator and do their allocation using it, and only it

A default GCAllocator could be used if none provided, this allows 
users of all kind to enjoy the APIs without having to complain 
about the GC or their inability to integrate the APIs in their 
game engine for example


Overall this document is super encouraging, thanks for making it, 
D finally have a long term roadmap!

Hopefully this allows everyone to align and coordinate their 

I wish i could help, i tried, but language programming is 
definitely not my cup of tea, hopefully you guys are not sick of 
my suggestions

A language is about allowing user to express their intent, making 
it easier for them to achieve that goal is a priority, compiler 
internal difficulties should not prevent language improvements, 
compiler internals doesn't exist from the user point of view

Re: A New Game Written in D

2022-05-18 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
I know GCs are a big source of contention, particularly so 
among game developers, but I have to say I've never really 
experienced one of the (theoretical) scenarios where a GC ruins 
a game's performance or something like that, at least not with 
the D GC. It seems to just be a matter of not doing crazy 
things (like running heap-based operations every frame) and 
pre-allocating everything that you can with pools or something 

The concept of GC is fine, it exist in both Unreal and Unity

The only difference is their implementation

Both Unreal/Unity doesn't have "much" problems because they use 
some sort of incremental GC, usually multithreaded

The problem of D is it's the worst implementation for games, it 
scans your entire heap, while doing so pauses all the threads

The bigger your heap is (wich games usually have), the longer the 
pause will be

It's not a problem for "some" games, but as 144hz monitors are 
becoming mainstream, the need of games running at 120/144fps is 
becoming crucial

For 120fps, your frame budget is only 8ms, no time for any GC 

Even thought GC's story is better on Unreal/Unity, they still 
struggle, constantly, wich GC issues, a simple google request is 
enough to validate the point)

I used to not care about the GC, until it started to get in my 
way, since then, malloc/free/allocators, and nothing else

Designing an engine this way gives you much more control, GC for 
scripting only in isolated thread!

That's why it is dangerous to tell people to not mind the GC and 
"just program", no, you have to be meticulous about your 
allocation strategy to properly make use of the benefits that a 
GC will give you!

GC is an ice thing, when used properly, depending on its 

Re: Archttp - Fast and easy to use web framework.

2022-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 14 May 2022 at 14:58:52 UTC, zoujiaqing wrote:

Hi, everybody.

The epidemic in China is serious. I am in home quarantine in 

I used to write a lot of frameworks. But they are huge and 
difficult to use.

I've always wanted to design a lightweight Web framework that 
is easy to use and has good performance. These days I finally 
write a version. This version currently runs well on Linux and 
macOS. We haven't had time to test it on Windows yet.

## Sample code:
import archttp;

void main()
auto app = new Archttp;


app.Get("/", (context) {
auto response = context.response();
response.body("Hello Archttp");

app.Get("/json", (context) {
import std.json;

auto response = context.response();
auto j = JSONValue( ["message" : "Hello, World!"] );


app.Get("/user/{id:\\d+}", (context) {
auto request = context.request();
auto response = context.response();
response.body("User id: " ~ request.parameters["id"]);

app.Get("/blog/{name}", (context) {
auto request = context.request();
auto response = context.response();
response.body("Username: " ~ 


app.Post("/upload", (context) {
auto response = context.response();
response.body("Using post method!");



The project relies on 'nbuff' and 'httparsed', which provide 
very powerful support for 'Archttp'.

 ** Thanks to 'ikod' and 'Tchaloupka'.**

Be aware that there will be many changes and tweaks to the API 
in the future. It's not a stable version yet.

The current project supports HTTP 1.1 request processing. And a 
good built-in routing module.

## Examples of running projects:
git clone
cd archttp/examples/httpserver/
dub run

## Project source code:

I'll check the source code, but so far it looks very nice! good 
job! very simple and easy to use API!

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Bubel ECS - Entity-Component-System architecture implementation

2021-03-09 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
That's impressive, and shows the D capabilities, the future is 
WASM!!! glad to see D ready for it!

I'm working on a similar project, thanks for sharing, it'll be 
very helpful for me!

Re: Windows Bindings v1.1

2021-02-20 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 20 February 2021 at 14:03:18 UTC, Rumbu wrote:

- updated to Windows SDK 10.19041.5
- wchar* constants with GUID patterns translated as GUID 

- improved documentation
- strongly typed handles
- auto disposed handles
- new attributes (currently ignored): RetVal, 
NullNullTerminated, NotNullTerminated

- published as dub package

Thanks for the dub package! easier to use, at least for me :D

Re: LDC 1.25.0-beta1

2021-01-09 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 9 January 2021 at 11:48:46 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce the first beta for LDC 1.25 - some highlights:

- Based on D 2.095.0+.
- LLVM for prebuilt packages bumped to v11.0.1.
- Profile/trace LDC invocations via --ftime-trace.
- New Windows installer.
- New experimental template emission scheme for 
-linkonce-templates. This option can significantly accelerate 
compilation times for optimized builds (e.g., 56% faster on my 
box when compiling the optimized Phobos unittests).

Full release log and downloads:

Please help test, and thanks to all contributors & sponsors!

thanks to the LDC team, amazing work and amazing compiler!