Re: Faster Command Line Tools in D

2017-05-25 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 24 May 2017 at 13:39:57 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Some of you may remember Jon Degenhardt's talk from one of the 
Silicon Valley D meetups, where he described the performance 
improvements he saw when he rewrote some of eBay's command line 
tools in D. He has now put the effort into crafting a blog post 
on the same topic, where he takes D version of a command-line 
tool written in Python and incrementally improves its 

The blog:


There are repeated references over usage of D at Netflix for 
machine learning. It will be a very helpful boost if someone 
comes up with any reference or a post regarding how D is used at 
Netflix and addition of Netflix to will be amazing.

References :

Optimising JSON parsing leads to wierd execution timings

2017-03-25 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn


Sorry for the double post. I have asked a question at 
Stackoverflow regarding this : . I have a `rating` field that might have 3 which parses to JSONValue.integer or 3.4 which parses to JSONValue.floating and I need to use float. I was using exceptions that was causing the program to be slow as per the profile information. Now I have used an if clause as suggested by Adam in the answer. Though the execution time for the relevant function that used exceptions earlier reduced the program was still taking the same time.

So I profiled again and now the time for JSON parsing has 
suddenly increased as per the profile. I thought it was due to 
using .type and I returned a hardcoded number for the function 
get_number and the time to write to terminal increased. I don't 
know why reducing the time on one function leads to increase in 
another function.

JSON file :

Compiler : ldc2 with -O3 and -release flags
Operating System : Mac OS (Early 2015 model) with 4GB RAM

Original program with exceptions :

import std.exception;
import std.json;
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.string;

auto fmt = "%35s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %15s";
auto value_fmt = "%35s | %10.2f | %10.0f | %10.2f | %15s";

void print_header() {

  writefln(fmt, "Name", "Price", "Window", "Rating", "Type");


float get_number(T)(T item) {
  float output = 0;
  try {
output = to!float(item.integer);
  } catch(Exception e) {
output = to!float(item.floating);
  return to!float(output);

void print_item(T)(T item) {
  writefln(value_fmt, item["Tvs"].str, 
item["MinFare"].get_number(), item["WnSt"].get_number(), 


void main() {
  auto content = readText("sample.json");
  auto parsed = parseJSON(content);
  auto raw = parsed["SRD"][0]["RIN"][0]["InvList"].array;
  auto filtered = raw.filter!(item => 

  foreach(item; filtered) {

Re: DConf 2017 Schedule

2017-03-23 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 12:34:13 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 March 2017 at 15:20:03 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Tuesday, 14 March 2017 at 16:12:56 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Fresh from the D Foundation HQ, the DConf 2017 schedule [1] 
is now available for your perusal. If you haven't registered 
yet, you have just over five weeks to get it done. The 
registration deadline has been set for April 23, so don't 
procrastinate. Even better, head over to the registration 
page [2] and do it now!


Killer lineup, makes me wish I was going, is it on reddit?

I haven't seen it there yet. someone should definitely put it 

Submitted to Reddit :

Re: Release Candidate 2.073.0-rc1

2017-01-19 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 at 13:48:06 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

First release candidate for 2.073.0.

Comes with a couple of more fixes:

Please report any bugs at


Thanks a lot for the RC. I think the text "to be released Jan 18, 
2017" can be removed since its slightly confusing.

Language server protocol implementation for D

2017-01-18 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d
Rust is making good progress on the IDE aspect with the 
announcement : HN 
discussion :

It will be good to see the protocol implemented so that many 
tools and IDEs can use the interface to provide better tooling 
for development.

Re: Need some help understanding PyD

2017-01-10 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 06:22:14 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:

PS: Noticed something off. My python installation is 3.4.3:
Python 3.4.3 (default, Sep 14 2016, 12:36:27)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux

However when I run:
context.py_stmts("import sys");

I get:
3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:08:40)
[GCC 4.8.2]

Also, when I import numpy from python3, it works, but if I do:
context.py_stmts("import numpy");

I get this error:
/usr/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload/ undefined symbol: _PyTraceback_Add

I think you need to upgrade Python. I googled "_PyTraceback_Add" 
and got this . Also refer to this comment . Hope this helps.

Re: Learning resources for std.experimental.allocator

2017-01-07 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 6 January 2017 at 23:39:09 UTC, Ryan wrote:

On Friday, 6 January 2017 at 03:28:43 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:

There are some other interesting things you can do with this, 
though, regarding tracking how you use memory. Or you could 
use it to better benchmark malloc vs GC for your application.

I did this just to see what the difference was and I was 
surprised by the results. Just using the allocator interface 
with the GC caused a speed up, then the additional speed up 
from using malloc/free was very small in comparison.

Thanks a lot for sharing this.

Re: Learning resources for std.experimental.allocator

2017-01-05 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 5 January 2017 at 13:16:44 UTC, Edwin van Leeuwen 

On Thursday, 5 January 2017 at 11:09:01 UTC, xtreak wrote:
Can someone explain me the actual benefits of using this and 
if so any benchmarks explaining the advantage.

Benefits compared to what? Compared to using the GC?

Yes, I want to know the benefits with respect to GC and if its 
going to reduce the usage of GC across the language 

Learning resources for std.experimental.allocator

2017-01-05 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d
I am newbie to D learning it for sometime using Ali's book. I 
came across std.experimental.allocator and read through . Can someone explain me the actual benefits of using this and if so any benchmarks explaining the advantage. Maybe its too advanced for me as a beginner now its just I am curious over the usage and applications with a simple hello world like example explaining what this library will accomplish. I asked it previously at but still I don't understand the exact applications of the same.

A simple hello world like example over its advantage will be very 
much helpful.

PS : Sorry for the crosspost. I posted it to learn group but 
didn't receive any suggestions on the same at

Resources for using std.allocator

2017-01-03 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am newbie to D learning it for sometime using Ali's book. I 
came across std.experimental.allocator and read through . Can someone explain me the actual benefits of using this and if so any benchmarks explaining the advantage. Maybe its too advanced for me as a beginner now its just I am curious over the usage and applications with a simple hello world like example explaining what this library will accomplish. I asked it previously at but still I don't understand the exact applications of the same.

Re: DConf 2017: Bigger, Badder, and Berliner! Call for Submissions now open

2016-11-15 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 14 November 2016 at 19:49:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Please join us at DConf 2017, the conference of the D 
programming language in Berlin, Germany, May 4-6 2017.

We're happy to announce that the D Language Foundation is 
cooperating again with Sociomantic to organize DConf 2017 in 
Berlin for the second time. Same location, same dates, but of 
course a whole new experience!

The D programming language has improved dramatically this year 
thanks to more focus brought up by the D Language Foundation, 
better participation from corporate users and worldwide 
volunteers, and the advent of world-class open-source libraries 
such as Sociomantic's Tsunami and Ilya Yaroshenko's GLAS. The D 
Language Foundation has accumulated a war chest and announced a 
scholarship that already enrolls four MSc students.

DConf is the main face-to-face event for everyone and 
everything related to the D language and environment. The 2017 
edition will be held in Europe for the second time, following 
last year's smashing success. Which, of course, we plan to 
smash again!

Call for Submissions

We are looking forward to your submission for a paper, talk, 
demo, panel, or research report (new!) for DConf 2017. The 
topics of choice are anything and everything related to the D 
language. For more details, check the conference page:

Great news!

A couple of js, svg and png files are missing. I tried to raise 
an issue in at Github but it seems issues are disabled. 
I tried force reload on Mac OSX Chrome but the issue persists. 
Hope someone can verify the issue. Seems it could not be reported 

Hope could also be updated with the news. Filed an 
issue at


Re: .array changes the order

2016-05-12 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 13:43:10 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 10:17:19 UTC, xtreak wrote:

Thanks a lot. Can you kindly elaborate a little more on 
File.byLine with an example of the scenario so that I don't 
get bitten by it. File.byLine.array works as expected for me. 
A little more explanation on the permutations will also be 
helpful since!array converts the subranges to 
arrays, so does joiner work by mutating state if so how does 
it do.

With some ranges the value they return by .front is only valid 
until the next call to popFront(). For example, File.byLine() 
reuses its buffer so after popFront() is called the buffer 
contains different data and if you had references to the 
contents of previously returned value they become invalid. This 
is why byLineCopy() was added. In the same vein permutations() 
returns a range that has a mutable array of indices inside, 
which changes every time popFront() is called, and since every 
value returned by its .front refers to that indices array, if 
you collect such permutations they will all use the same array 
of indices and show the same order of elements, the same 
Because of this mutable nature of some ranges it's important to 
understand in which order calls to .front and .popFront() 
happen. The array() function calls popFront on its input in  a 
loop, consuming the mutable ranges, while map() does not. So in!f.array
function f will receive different valid values, before they get 
invalidated in the loop of array(). But if they contain 
references to something mutable, it makes sense to make copies 
before the thing they refer to mutates.

Thanks a lot for the info that really clears a lot of things for 
me :) I see from the source that byLineCopy makes a .dup on each 
line and cached at with gotFront when front is called a lot of times.  I could see a function called emplaceref being used in array. Any ideas on that please.

Re: .array changes the order

2016-05-12 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 10:02:46 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 09:44:39 UTC, xtreak wrote:
I came across the issue where using .array after .joiner 
caused the changes to the output. The program is at . I tried to debug through 
the output but I couldn't get the exact issue. It will be 
helpful if someone confirms this as a bug.

It's not a bug per se, just probably documentation being not 
clear enough. Essentially it's the same issue as with 
File.byLine: a range that mutates its state, so it's ok to 
consume lazily but if you just store references (as array() 
does) you get references to the same mutated value as result.

Quick fix:


i.e. copy each permutation to separate array before it's gone.

Thanks a lot. Can you kindly elaborate a little more on 
File.byLine with an example of the scenario so that I don't get 
bitten by it. File.byLine.array works as expected for me. A 
little more explanation on the permutations will also be helpful 
since!array converts the subranges to arrays, so does 
joiner work by mutating state if so how does it do.

Re: Intermediate level D and open source projects to study

2016-05-11 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 00:35:04 UTC, Jon D wrote:

On Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 18:41:47 UTC, xtreak wrote:


I am a D newbie. I worked through D programming language and 
programming in D books. I primarily use Python daily. I will 
be happy to know how I can go to intermediate level in D. It 
will be hepful to have projects in D of high quality and also 
beginner friendly code that I can study to improve my D.


Might not be exactly what you are looking for, but I recently 
open-sourced some command line utilities you could take look 
at. They are real apps in that they take command line 
arguments, have help, error handling, etc. But, they are doing 
relatively straightforward tasks, things you might do in Python 
also. A caution: I'm relatively new to D as well, and there are 
likely places where the code could be more idiomatic D.

Utilities are at: The 
readme has a section labeled "The code" that describes the code 

Thanks for the reply I think I saw your post in reddit sometime 
back. I will take a look.

Since its under ebay an off topic and curious question so is it 
still in production? How does ebay folks consider using D in 
production and is D actively in ebay?

Intermediate level D and open source projects to study

2016-05-11 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am a D newbie. I worked through D programming language and 
programming in D books. I primarily use Python daily. I will be 
happy to know how I can go to intermediate level in D. It will be 
hepful to have projects in D of high quality and also beginner 
friendly code that I can study to improve my D.

In the Python community Flask, requests, etc. are recommended for 
study. Are there any projects that I can use for study. I looked 
into phobos but I guess I am still not very comfortable with the 
code in phobos. I would like to play around with idiomatic code 
so that I can learn more. Reimplementing or porting some projects 
from Python are good but I will be happy to hear from experts the 
recommended projects and things to look into to get to 
intetmediate level.

I looked into the wiki but it lists debuggers, dev tools and 
others. Kindly point to the discussion since I couldn't find 
them. Hope its the right place to ask.

Re: DConf 2015 livestreaming day 1: post feedback here

2016-05-04 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 15:26:18 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
On Thursday, 28 May 2015 at 00:54:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
John Colvin's experiment is great and we want to make it a 
full success. Please post here feedback and suggestions for 
tomorrow's DConf streaming. Thanks! -- Andrei

Just a FYI to everyone posting in this thread, this thread was 
originally posted in 2015, and the first 7 posts were regarding 
DConf 2015.

Thanks for pointing that out :) :)

Re: DConf 2015 livestreaming day 1: post feedback here

2016-05-04 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 28 May 2015 at 00:54:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
John Colvin's experiment is great and we want to make it a full 
success. Please post here feedback and suggestions for 
tomorrow's DConf streaming. Thanks! -- Andrei

Relevant post at Reddit :

Re: What does alias do?

2016-04-27 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 April 2016 at 20:01:00 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 23.04.2016 21:49, xtreak wrote:
I am a D newbie from Python and I am trying to grok alias. Is 
alias like

Python does as below

L = []
myextend = L.extend

My Python isn't too great, but I think this is more similar to 
function pointers or delegates in D.

Renaming imported function

from itertools import permutations as p
p([1, 2], 2)

Yes, that's similar. A renamed import creates an alias. For 
example, `import std.algorithm: p = permutations;` creates an 
alias `p` for std.algorithm.permutations.

Is D aliasing the same as above? How does aliasing types help 
like below

alias intList = LinkedList!int

Is the above like a partially applied template as in 

2, 3]) and hence can I use it like intList([1, 2, 3])?

No, the template isn't partially applied, it's fully 
instantiated (and results in a type). The alias declaration 
just makes `intList` an alternative name for `LinkedList!int`.

import std.array;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;

T test(alias f, T)(T num) {
  return f(num);

T test1(T, V)(T num, V f){
return f(num);

void main() {
  writeln("hello world");
  .map!(a => a * a)
  writeln(test!(z => z * z)(10));
  writeln(test1(10, ((z) => z *z)));
  writeln(test1(10, function int(int z) { return z * z; }));

What is the difference between passing as alias and then passing 
it as lambda. Does it involve any cost. Also the second form of 
short notation throws an error that it returns void. Kindly help 
me on this as now alias is not pointing to a named symbol so is 
there any cost and why alias is preferred

Why does map take lambda as a template parameter

2016-04-23 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn
map takes lambda as a template parameter and so does filter and 
many other functions. Sometimes they take something other than 
lambda as a template parameter. Eg. In case of to!int("5") int is 
a type and hence might need it as a template parameter but why 
does map and others take it as template parameter.

Adam D Ruppe pointed out in IRC it helps in inlining and 
optimization. Is there a thumb rule to decide this so that my 
functions too can benefit the performance and hence I could 
structure and understand my code better.

Re: What does alias do?

2016-04-23 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 April 2016 at 19:49:46 UTC, xtreak wrote:
I am a D newbie from Python and I am trying to grok alias. Is 
alias like Python does as below

L = []
myextend = L.extend

Renaming imported function

from itertools import permutations as p
p([1, 2], 2)

Is D aliasing the same as above? How does aliasing types help 
like below

alias intList = LinkedList!int

Is the above like a partially applied template as in 
LinkedList!int([1, 2, 3]) and hence can I use it like 
intList([1, 2, 3])?

Adam D Ruppe was helping me on #d . I just thought posting to 
forum will have more people to discuss on this. Sorry for the 
double post.

What does alias do?

2016-04-23 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am a D newbie from Python and I am trying to grok alias. Is 
alias like Python does as below

L = []
myextend = L.extend

Renaming imported function

from itertools import permutations as p
p([1, 2], 2)

Is D aliasing the same as above? How does aliasing types help 
like below

alias intList = LinkedList!int

Is the above like a partially applied template as in 
LinkedList!int([1, 2, 3]) and hence can I use it like intList([1, 
2, 3])?

Re: Get the return type of the function

2016-02-03 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 19:21:06 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 18:40:27 UTC, xtreak wrote:
Thanks. I was trying to get the return type of lambdas. I was 
trying the following and got an error. I was using dpaste with 
dmd 2.070

writeln(ReturnType!(a =(a *a)))

Error: template instance f662.main.ReturnType!((a) => a * a) 
does not match template declaration ReturnType(func...) if 
(func.length == 1 && isCallable!func)

Ah, I see. I'd like to test something; can you please change 
`(a) => a * a` to

`(int a) => a * a` and post the results?

Thanks for the reply. But the issue was about knowing the type of 
lambda in map. Most people won't enter the type of argument in a 
map. Is there a way to detect the return type will be non void. 
The return type is not much necessary here I just need to verify 
the function is not void.

Re: Get the return type of the function

2016-02-03 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 23:57:12 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko 

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 22:09:37 UTC, sigod wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 19:21:06 UTC, Meta wrote:
Ah, I see. I'd like to test something; can you please change 
`(a) => a * a` to

`(int a) => a * a` and post the results?

This works.

Seems reasonable: `(int a) => a * a` has return type `int` but 
just `(a) => a * a` does not yet know the type of `a`, and so 
can not tell the return type.

Thanks for the reply. But the issue was about knowing the type of 
lambda in map. Most people won't enter the type of argument in a 
map. Is there a way to detect the return type will be non void. I 
don't need to know the type I just wanr to verify its not void. 
Yes * can be overloaded and can have different types based on the 
input having the overloaded operator implemented. I just want to 
check if the return type is not void.

Re: Get the return type of the function

2016-02-03 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 February 2016 at 05:50:05 UTC, tsbockman wrote:

On Thursday, 4 February 2016 at 02:06:00 UTC, xtreak wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 23:57:12 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko 


Thanks for the reply. But the issue was about knowing the type 
of lambda in map. Most people won't enter the type of argument 
in a map. Is there a way to detect the return type will be non 
void. I don't need to know the type I just wanr to verify its 
not void. Yes * can be overloaded and can have different types 
based on the input having the overloaded operator implemented. 
I just want to check if the return type is not void.

See my PR for a workaround:

Thanks a lot for the patch. It will be helpful if you could 
explain the workaround as I am a newbie in D language.

Get the return type of the function

2016-02-03 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was reporting a patch for the regression by removing the code 
that was causing the error. The bug was that map was not 
accepting multiple lambdas. It was suggested to check for void 
functions and lambdas. I couldn't find a function to check for 
return type in the std.traits. I tried the explicit for loop thus 
checking for the void functions as in the else case. I am D 
newbie it will be helpful in having the community help me in 
fixing the issue.

foreach(g, i; fun) {
  alias k = unaryFun!(fun[g]);
  static assert(!is(AppliedReturnType!k == void), "Mapping 
function must not return void.");


Bug report :
Seems depends on :
Pull request :
Introduced as a part of

Re: Get the return type of the function

2016-02-03 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 17:40:23 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 17:12:03 UTC, xtreak wrote:
I was reporting a patch for the regression by removing the 
code that was causing the error. The bug was that map was not 
accepting multiple lambdas. It was suggested to check for void 
functions and lambdas. I couldn't find a function to check for 
return type in the std.traits. I tried the explicit for loop 
thus checking for the void functions as in the else case. I am 
D newbie it will be helpful in having the community help me in 
fixing the issue.

foreach(g, i; fun) {
  alias k = unaryFun!(fun[g]);
  static assert(!is(AppliedReturnType!k == void), "Mapping 
function must not return void.");


Bug report :
Seems depends on :
Pull request :
Introduced as a part of

Unles I'm misunderstanding you, you can get the return type of 
a function by using std.traits.ReturnType:

void test() {}
static assert(is(ReturnType!test == void));

Thanks. I was trying to get the return type of lambdas. I was 
trying the following and got an error. I was using dpaste with 
dmd 2.070

writeln(ReturnType!(a =(a *a)))

Error: template instance f662.main.ReturnType!((a) => a * a) does 
not match template declaration ReturnType(func...) if 
(func.length == 1 && isCallable!func)

Worker is not finished while sending message to intermediate worker

2015-02-09 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am using programming in D to learn about D language. I wrote 
a simple program that spawns a worker and sends it a number to 
receive its square as a string. The worker 1 gets the number 
squares it and sends to worker 2 (a different function) to get 
casted as string which is returned to the worker 1 and thus it 
returns it to the main function call. I can write the whole thing 
in a single thread. I wrote it to understand about workers 
better. I used receive to get the worker 1 act as per the input. 
The program is as follows

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import std.conv;
import core.thread;

void main() {

  foreach (int num; 1..100) {
auto square_tid = spawn(square);
auto square = receiveOnly!string();

void square() {
  static i = 0;
  receive (
   (int num) {
 auto square = num * num;
 writeln(sqaure : Comes in with  , num ,  for  , ++i 
,  time);

 auto stringWorker = spawn(stringConverter);
 stringWorker.send(thisTid, square, ownerTid);
   (Tid tid, string str) {
 writeln(comes in string);
 send(tid, hello);

void stringConverter() {
  static i = 0;
  auto params = receiveOnly!(Tid, int, Tid)();
  auto stringified = to!string(params[1]); // Stringify the square
  writeln(string : Comes in with  , params[1],  for  , ++i , 
  params[0].send(params[2], stringified); // params[0] - square 
function tid, // params[2] - main function tid


I got the answer from stackoverflow @ 
But the person who answered my question asked me to post back to 
dlang learn to learn more about it. As I spawn the function and a 
send a message to stringConverter as it sends a message to the 
square function why do I need to embed another receive call 
inside the int case as indicated in the answer. How can I avoid 
embedding the receive call and why does the person in the second 
answer used while(1) to receive the message.

Re: Worker is not finished while sending message to intermediate worker

2015-02-09 Thread xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 February 2015 at 20:11:09 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 02/09/2015 11:46 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 threads normally start one [or] more worker threads and
 send tasks to those threads

Accordingly, the following program uses just three threads:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import std.conv;
import core.thread;

struct Terminate

void main() {

auto square_tid = spawn(square);

foreach (int num; 1..100) {
auto square = receiveOnly!string();


void square() {
auto i = 0;
bool done = false;
auto stringWorker = spawn(stringConverter, ownerTid);

while (!done) {
receive (
(Terminate message) {
done = true;

(int num) {
auto square = num * num;
writeln(sqaure : Comes in with  ,
num ,  for  , ++i ,  time);

void stringConverter(Tid destination) {
auto i = 0;
bool done = false;

while (!done) {
receive (
(Terminate message) {
done = true;

(int num) {
auto stringified =!string;

writeln(string : Comes in with ,
num,  for  , ++i ,  time);


Hi Ali,

Thanks for your book :) I am using it for learning D. I want the 
stringConverter to send a message to square which in turn 
messages the main function with string hello. So are you saying 
that message is not delivered to square from stringWorker. How 
does embedding the receive call inside the int in stackoverflow 
answer receives the message? It seems silly but how can I keep my 
threads alive to receive messages? Thanks a lot again. Please 
correct me if I am wrong anywhere.