Re: More on Heartbleed and related matters

2014-04-29 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 11:52:04 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Instead of the ugly and bug-prone mess of "read(fd, &size, 
sizeof(int));" I have used something nicer. "tryRead!uint" 
tries to read an uint, and returns a Nullable!uint. The "Maybe" 
is a function currently missing in Phobos 
( ), it's used to 
chain other functions on nullables, so bswap gets called only 
if tryRead doesn't return a null value. If tryRead returns a 
null, then Maybe returns a nulled Nullable (currently I think 
"tryRead" is not present in Phobos, but it's not hard to add 
something similar, using parse).

Hopefully we will eventually get a good Option range type in 
Phobos, and use it everywhere that is applicable. Even though I 
don't like Nullable that much, I wish it or an Option type were 
used wherever they could be throughout Phobos. This would make a 
lot of code a lot more safe... We're already partway there with 
ranges, which are almost monads.

Re: More on Heartbleed and related matters

2014-04-29 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
Though, here size of data_array is known at compile time, so the 
analyzer is sure that it can complain without risk of a false 
positive. In real code knowing the size of array is not that easy.

More on Heartbleed and related matters

2014-04-29 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d
Through Reddit I've found a nice blog post, "Using Static 
Analysis And Clang To Find Heartbleed":

The part about the range analysis is nice:

Ranges of symbol values:
 conj_$2{int} : { [-2147483648, -2], [0, 2147483647] }
 conj_$9{uint32_t} : { [0, 6] }

Unlike D, here the Clang compiler is keeping and managing those 
ranges across different lines of code. This means that here C/C++ 
is more modern&advanced than D.

Then the blog post shows a small C program that contains a 
Heartbleed-like bug:

int data_array[] = { 0, 18, 21, 95, 43, 32, 51};

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int   fd;
  char  buf[512] = {0};

  fd = open("dtin", O_RDONLY);

  if(fd != -1) {
int size;
int res;

res = read(fd, &size, sizeof(int));

if(res == sizeof(int)) {
  size = ntohl(size);

  if(size < sizeof(data_array)) {
memcpy(buf, data_array, size);

  memcpy(buf, data_array, size);


  return 0;

Using a language a little less primitive than C helps avoid those 
bugs and to avoid several other mistakes that can happen in that 
C example code.

This is hypothetical equivalent D code that I think it's less 
bug-prone (perhaps I've missed some little part of the original C 

immutable int[$] data = [0, 18, 21, 95, 43, 32, 51];

void main() {
ubyte[512] buf;

auto fIn = "dtin".File;
scope(exit) fIn.close;

immutable sizeBytes = fIn.tryRead!uint.Maybe!bswap;

if (!sizeBytes.isNull) {
if (sizeBytes.get < data.sizeof) {
copyBytes(buf, data, sizeBytes.get);

copyBytes(buf, data, sizeBytes.get);


The "int[$] =" syntax means data is a fixed size array where the 
length is inferred. This is a possible syntax to avoid bug-prone 
code like (that currently compiles):

immutable int[8] data = [0, 18, 21, 95, 43, 32, 51];
An alternative syntax:
immutable data = [0, 18, 21, 95, 43, 32, 51]s;

scope(exit) helps avoid to forget to close the file when the 
scope ends. It's not essential in D, that closes the File using 
RAII and reference counting.

Instead of the ugly and bug-prone mess of "read(fd, &size, 
sizeof(int));" I have used something nicer. "tryRead!uint" tries 
to read an uint, and returns a Nullable!uint. The "Maybe" is a 
function currently missing in Phobos 
( ), it's used to 
chain other functions on nullables, so bswap gets called only if 
tryRead doesn't return a null value. If tryRead returns a null, 
then Maybe returns a nulled Nullable (currently I think "tryRead" 
is not present in Phobos, but it's not hard to add something 
similar, using parse).

copyBytes is a template function that accepts both dynamic arrays 
and fixed-static arrays (if the input is a fixed-static array it 
doesn't throw away this precious compile-time information, as 
usually done by Phobos), that is much safer than memcpy. In 
non-release mode the code inside copyBytes will give a out of 
range error.

There are simple ways to reduce the template bloat caused by 
handling the length of fixed size arrays in library code: 
introducing in D a simple syntax to handle ghost typing (or here 
ghost values), that allows to manage types (and compile-time 
values) to enforce compile-time invariants, but that do not 
generate distinct instantiations of code and data structures, 
like templates on regular types (and regular compile-time values) 

The D version also uses better names that make the semantics more 
clear, uses immutability (that is partially available in C too, 
with "const" that is quite underused in C code), and is less 
cluttered and noisy, this helps spot the bugs better.

In general I suggest to avoid using the raw C functions in D. 
Better to wrap them inside something a little safer. If such 
wrappers are standard Phobos functions it's even better:
