Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-16 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 16 January 2018 at 06:26:34 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
"Practical Foundations for Programming Languages" by Robert 

Well, I have that one, and the title is rather misleading. Not at 
all practical.

electronic computers and it's still very relevant today. Anyone 
dabbling into compilers and programming language theory should 
learn the basics of type theory, proof theory and some category 
theory, these three are very much connected and talk about 
basically the same constructions from different angles (see 
Curry-Howard correspondence and "computational 
trinitarianism"). It's ridiculous how many programmers only 
learn about types from books on C++ or MSDN, get very vague 
ideas about them and never learn any actual PLT. Of course type 
is not a set of values, or any other set, not at all.

I don't really agree with this, empirically speaking. As many 
people have designed good languages without such a focus, and 
many have designed not very good languages with this focus...

Anyway, let's not make this too complicated, no need for a pile 
of tomes:

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 15 January 2018 at 20:46:19 UTC, Ali wrote:

If you want to learns the ins and outs of types, this books 
comes highly recommended

+1, TAPL is a must read for anyone in CS, I believe.
Also recommended: "Type Theory & Functional Programming" by Simon 

"Practical Foundations for Programming Languages" by Robert Harper
and his and his colleagues lectures here:

Many programmers remain unaware that there is a discipline called 
Type Theory, as part of math in general, it predates all 
electronic computers and it's still very relevant today. Anyone 
dabbling into compilers and programming language theory should 
learn the basics of type theory, proof theory and some category 
theory, these three are very much connected and talk about 
basically the same constructions from different angles (see 
Curry-Howard correspondence and "computational trinitarianism"). 
It's ridiculous how many programmers only learn about types from 
books on C++ or MSDN, get very vague ideas about them and never 
learn any actual PLT. Of course type is not a set of values, or 
any other set, not at all.

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 15 January 2018 at 19:25:16 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
At the most abstract level, a type is just a set. The members 
of the set represent what values that type can have.

Hm, yes, like representing an ordered pair (a,b) as {{a},{a,b}}.

But I think typing is more commonly viewed as a filter. So if you 
represent all values as sets, then the type would be a filter 
preventing certain combinations.

It is a matter of perspective, constructive or not constructive. 
Kinda like synthesis, additive (combine sines) or subtractive 
(filter noise).

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread Ali via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 10 October 2010 at 12:28:32 UTC, Justin Johansson 

Now having hopefully described that a type is something
that might well have multiple orthogonal aspects to its
identity, how would one go about implementing a dynamic
language with such a complex type system in D?

I realize that this is a complex topic and that it might
require better articulation than so far I have given.

Nevertheless, thanks for all replies,
Justin Johansson

If you want to learns the ins and outs of types, this books comes 
highly recommended

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 10 October 2010 at 12:28:32 UTC, Justin Johansson 

Specifically I have a problem in trying to implement
a functional language translator in D.  My target language
has a rather non-conventional type system, in which,
superficially at least, types can be described as being
Cartesian in nature. That is,
types in this system have two orthogonal dimensions:
(1) classical data-type (e.g. boolean, number, string,
object) and
(2) Kleene cardinality (occurrences) with respect to (1).

The axial origin of this Cartesian type-system correlates well
with the concept of the "top" type (AKA "Unit" in Scala)
and as the rather adhoc "void" type in many Algol-derived
languages such as C/C++/Java/D.

So along axis 1 we might broadly describe the classical
data types as item, boolean, number, string, object where
item is effectively either a superclass or variant of the
other mentioned types.

Along axis 2 we describe Kleene occurrences of 1 as may be
passed contractually to a receiving function.  These
occurrences may be enumerated six-fold as:

Readers may see that, for example, zeroOrOne is a special
case (perhaps a subclass?) of zeroOrMore.  exactlyOne is
a special case of both zeroOrOne and oneOrMore (sounds like
multiple inheritance?).  OTOH, exactlyZero is a special
case of zeroOrOne, which, in turn, is a special case of

none is a special case of all of the above and reflects
the cardinality facet of the return type of a function
that never returns (say as by throwing an exception).

To make this type system even more enigmatic lets add a
third dimension, taking the 2-D Cartesian type system
model to a 3-D Spatial model, by imagining a further
degree of freedom with respect to laziness of evaluation
(AKA closure of arguments).

Now having hopefully described that a type is something
that might well have multiple orthogonal aspects to its
identity, how would one go about implementing a dynamic
language with such a complex type system in D?

I realize that this is a complex topic and that it might
require better articulation than so far I have given.

Nevertheless, thanks for all replies,
Justin Johansson

Well, in D-speak you could imagine taking (perhaps arbitrarily) 
the first axis (basic data type) as the "skeleton" and attach 
various properties to it. For example:

Int!(exactlyOne, eager) x = 42;
Int!(zeroOrMore, lazy) y;
readf("%d", &y);
auto foo = x+y; // What does this mean? What type is foo?

You seem to have in mind a syntax for your type system but I'm 
not sure how you intend for the semantics to work. D's templates 
are really nice in that they allow you to express many properties 
of a term that are not "hard coded" into its type. So you can do 
stuff like:

enum MinimizationTarget { programThroughput, GCThroughput, 
heapOverhead, pauseTimes, pauseFrequency, heapFragmentation, 
warmupTime }

auto GarbageCollector(MinimizationTarget[] priorities = [])()
static if (priorities == []) return 
else static if (priorities[0] == heapFragmentation) return 
else static if (/* some boolean algebra condition on 
$priorities */) return GenerationalMarkAndSweepGC();

else /* etc. */
auto myGC = GarbageCollector![pauseTimes, heapOverHead, 

auto myGraph = Graph!(myGC, directed);

which is pretty cool. :)

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 15 January 2018 at 19:34:23 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 01/15/2018 10:58 AM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
> On Sunday, 10 October 2010 at 12:28:32 UTC, Justin Johansson

> I'm getting "nostalgia" from all the math terminology :)

Just the date of the post you're responding to is sufficient 
for "nostalgia". ;)


Oh wow!  I don't know why the form post was on the first page of 
my form thread. You think he still checks his thread every day to 
see if someone has responded?  :)

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 06:58:37PM +, Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d 
> That being said, I don't think this model really get much closer to
> answering the original question, "what is a type?".

At the most abstract level, a type is just a set. The members of the set
represent what values that type can have. Operations on types are
therefore simply operations on sets, which lets us bring in the entire
mechanism of mathematical sets to elaborate upon the theory of types.

A boolean, for example, is simply a 2-membered set B = {true, false}. A
struct of two booleans is just the Cartesian product B x B. An array of
booleans is simply the Kleene closure of B, i.e., the union of all
Cartesian powers of B, usually denoted as B*.

This abstract view disregards how a type is actually implemented, and
merely considers its set of possible values.  Under this model, you
begin by describing the sets of possible values your program will work
with. Then when you're ready to implement it, you decide on some kind of
mapping to map the abstract sets to the physical types provided by the

On a more practical level, the way I see a type is an *interpretation*
imposed upon a series of zero or more bytes (or, if you want to drill
down even deeper, bits).  The same binary values can represent different
types, depending on how you interpret them.  Under this model, you
proceed in the opposite direction: starting with an arbitrary sequence
of bytes, you recursively build up interpretations of it until you
arrive at the data structures that your program will operate on.

The abstract view is useful when you're working within your problem
domain: it allows you to phrase your algorithms and transformations
directly in terms of the objects and operations you wish to work on. But
it's not always so easy to map this abstract model onto the quirks of
the hardware you have to work with. It's easy to think of trivial
mappings, of course, but generally they will have pretty poor
performance because they don't take advantage of the properties of the
underlying hardware.  Finding an *efficient* mapping that doesn't also
break correctness can be quite challenging.

The practical view is useful when you're building things from ground up,
e.g., when you're building a compiler. It lets you build up types that
can take advantage of the underlying hardware's properties, and also
avoid or work around hardware quirks or weaknesses.  It also allows you
to reinterpret types creatively, that may allow you to achieve
interesting effects (e.g., the data bytes output by the compiler can be
reinterpreted as executable code by the CPU). However, types built up
this way may not map nicely into your problem domain, and that forces
your code to become convoluted in order to compensate for the impedance
mismatch between the two. Correctness may also be compromised if the
objects in your problem domain don't have a 1-to-1 fit with the hardware
types (e.g., your calculator program might operate on integers in the
mathematical sense of numbers that can be arbitrarily large, but the int
type provided by the hardware is modulo some power of 2; so when values
get too large, what your program thinks of as an integer no longer
matches what the hardware implements, resulting in overflow/underflow

Finding the sweet spot that balances the two is non-trivial, and is the
subject of entire fields of research. :-D


The trouble with TCP jokes is that it's like hearing the same joke over and 

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d

On 01/15/2018 10:58 AM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
> On Sunday, 10 October 2010 at 12:28:32 UTC, Justin Johansson wrote:

> I'm getting "nostalgia" from all the math terminology :)

Just the date of the post you're responding to is sufficient for 
"nostalgia". ;)


Re: [theory] What is a type?

2018-01-15 Thread Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 10 October 2010 at 12:28:32 UTC, Justin Johansson 

Specifically I have a problem in trying to implement
a functional language translator in D.  My target language
has a rather non-conventional type system, in which,
superficially at least, types can be described as being
Cartesian in nature. That is,
types in this system have two orthogonal dimensions:
(1) classical data-type (e.g. boolean, number, string,
object) and
(2) Kleene cardinality (occurrences) with respect to (1).

The axial origin of this Cartesian type-system correlates well
with the concept of the "top" type (AKA "Unit" in Scala)
and as the rather adhoc "void" type in many Algol-derived
languages such as C/C++/Java/D.

So along axis 1 we might broadly describe the classical
data types as item, boolean, number, string, object where
item is effectively either a superclass or variant of the
other mentioned types.

Along axis 2 we describe Kleene occurrences of 1 as may be
passed contractually to a receiving function.  These
occurrences may be enumerated six-fold as:

Readers may see that, for example, zeroOrOne is a special
case (perhaps a subclass?) of zeroOrMore.  exactlyOne is
a special case of both zeroOrOne and oneOrMore (sounds like
multiple inheritance?).  OTOH, exactlyZero is a special
case of zeroOrOne, which, in turn, is a special case of

none is a special case of all of the above and reflects
the cardinality facet of the return type of a function
that never returns (say as by throwing an exception).

To make this type system even more enigmatic lets add a
third dimension, taking the 2-D Cartesian type system
model to a 3-D Spatial model, by imagining a further
degree of freedom with respect to laziness of evaluation
(AKA closure of arguments).

Now having hopefully described that a type is something
that might well have multiple orthogonal aspects to its
identity, how would one go about implementing a dynamic
language with such a complex type system in D?

I realize that this is a complex topic and that it might
require better articulation than so far I have given.

Nevertheless, thanks for all replies,
Justin Johansson

I'm getting "nostalgia" from all the math terminology :)  Here 
are some of my thoughts:

You've taken one property, cardinality, and put that on one axis 
and then declared all other properties in your system should be 
orthogonal to cardinality.  But then you said that "string" was 
on the other axis, which itself is of type zeroOrMore(char), 
violating your own system.

You also need to take into account that cardinality is 
multi-dimensional. i.e. you could have zeroOrMore(char) or 

That being said, I don't think this model really get much closer 
to answering the original question, "what is a type?".

A while back I watched a cppcon talk from Dan Saks who defined 
what a data type was in C++:

Note that the whole video also contains alot of good information. 
It explores the social aspects being a programmer and is 
definitely worth watching.

In his video he declares a data type as a "bundle of compile-time 
properties for an object", namely

1. size/alignment
2. set of values
3. set of permitted operations

This model is a very good breakdown of what a type is in C++.  
D's a bit more complex.  When you say "type" in D, there's alot 
more things you could be talking about so you either need to 
expand your definition of what a type is, or restrict the 
entities you consider to be types.  But these 3 properties are a 
good start :)

A bit off topic.  I find it frustrating that types always need to 
have these 3 properties.  Most of the time a programmer doesn't 
care about size/alignment, they just want the set of values and 
operations.  D can allow a programmer to do this using templates, 
but that "throws the baby out with the bath water".  You almost 
always require subset of properties.  Because template don't 
define any of the properties, you end up with cryptic template 
error messages.  D's tried to make the problem better by using 
conditional templates and C++ is trying to solve this with 
"Concepts". I've explored these ideas for a long time and am 
still currently developing my own methods for solving these 
problems. My latest idea is that you can create different "type 
interfaces".  At a minimum, I've defined a type to be a "pure 
function" that takes any value and maps it to a boolean 
indicating whether or not that value is a member of that type.  
That's the "minimum interface", but you could also have a type 
that declares other properties, such as, a set of "values", or 
size/alignment.  However, it's important to allow a developer to 
work with types that don't necessarily define all these 
properties for every time.  Anyway, I'm mostly just sharing some 
of my thoughts.  I have alot to say on this subject bu

Re: [theory] What is a type?

2010-10-12 Thread Manfred_Nowak
Justin Johansson wrote:

> the six-fold occurrence types

6= 8-2= 2^3-2

You modeled three axis into one enumeration.
The three boolean axis are `zero', `one', `more'.
Because `more' cannot exist without `one' two entries in your enumeration 
are discarded.


Re: [theory] What is a type?

2010-10-12 Thread Justin Johansson

On 11/10/2010 4:10 AM, Manfred_Nowak wrote:

Justin Johansson wrote:

These occurrences may be enumerated six-fold as:

These are three dimensions already.


Sorry, perhaps a miscommunication, the six-fold occurrence types
are enumerated along one axis (the cardinality axis).

Why do you mention there are three dimensions already wherein
my model there are just three dimensions anyway?

- JJ