Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 12:59:36 -0500, Michel Fortin  

On 2010-02-19 11:03:30 -0500, "Steven Schveighoffer"  

//the cast is only there to shut up the stupid dmd!
int[] arr = cast(int[])([0, 1, 2]);
 Yes, but a cast is a red flag.  A simple appending of brackets is  
not.  It  is well established that casts are to let you do things that  
in most  contexts are not a good idea.  Brackets are not the same.

That's the theory. It doesn't quite work in practice because you  
sometime have to cast to convert from one type to another (float to int,  
base class to derived), or to make a literal of the type you want  
(especially with array literals). Many usages of cast are safe, many  
aren't. So seeing cast as a red flag doesn't really work, unfortunately.

Even SafeD allows cast, it just restricts it to safe usages.

There are some valid uses of casting, but cast is much more of a red flag  
than brackets.  Brackets are used everywhere.  Search your code for [] and  
I'm sure you'll find a lot more instances than casting.

But I think aside from this, dynamic casting should really be a separate  
function, I wouldn't mind if it's functionality moved into the library.


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2010-02-19 11:03:30 -0500, "Steven Schveighoffer" 

//the cast is only there to shut up the stupid dmd!
int[] arr = cast(int[])([0, 1, 2]);

Yes, but a cast is a red flag.  A simple appending of brackets is not.  
It  is well established that casts are to let you do things that in 
most  contexts are not a good idea.  Brackets are not the same.

That's the theory. It doesn't quite work in practice because you 
sometime have to cast to convert from one type to another (float to 
int, base class to derived), or to make a literal of the type you want 
(especially with array literals). Many usages of cast are safe, many 
aren't. So seeing cast as a red flag doesn't really work, unfortunately.

Even SafeD allows cast, it just restricts it to safe usages.

Michel Fortin

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread grauzone

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Don wants to make array literals immutable; that means you couldn't 
just assign them to int[] anyway. In both cases, you'd have to use 
.dup to use them as normal, mutable arrays.

That's fine, if I don't specify dup by accident, the compiler would 
complain.  In Denis' proposal, the compiler doesn't complain it just 
silently compiles.

True enough, but you have this problem _anyway_, as Denis pointed out. 
And the solution will remove those safety problems for array literals as 

I don't know if the compiler has enough magic to detect the escaping 
reference by itself, but it would be great if that worked.

Array literals being static arrays would be very handy in other 
places. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just use them for small fixed 
size vectors (wasn't that one of the reasons to make static arrays 
value types)? Then you could write assert([1, 2] + [3, 4] == [4, 6]). 
No silly struct vector "classes" needed.

Does this work with static arrays?  I thought you needed to use the 
slicing notation.  In any case, using literals in array operations would 
be nifty.  I don't think you need to have array literals be statically 
sized to accomplish this.

Yes, right now you need []. I would hope some day it will work without.

Array operations on static arrays would enable the compiler to emit a 
single SSE instruction for an operation. With dynamic arrays, the 
compiler has to insert additional instructions for boundary checks, 
unpacking the array elements, etc.; and it couldn't just allocate the 
full vector in SSE registers either.

I don't quite know why it can't just behaves as if "array" was 
declared on module level (or as, um, the other "static").

Essentially, that is what an immutable array is.  The difference is in 
type inference.

Even today, the compiler could just do the right thing and allow 
"static" initializers even for stack allocated values. By the way, this 
is probably also the reason why nobody likes struct initializers. They 
work as static initializers only.

If array literals become immutable, being able to initialize static 
arrays easily from runtime values *without* heap allocation would be a 
very nice feature to have.  Perhaps you could use variables in an array 
literal only if they are used to initialize statically sized arrays.  
This problem needs to be discussed if we are to get immutable array 

Yes, but the compiler doesn't do that even today. Was it too hard to 
implement? Didn't Walter care enough? Or didn't he know of this special 

Beside all these points, if array literals are static, then obtaining an 
immutable array literal requires a dup or a global.  I don't think 

The immutable array could be on the stack as well (it would have the 
type immutable(T[X]) for some integer X).

that's a good strategy.  Another point is IFTI and auto type detection 
-- what is most useful as an automatic type for array literals?  I'd say 
immutable arrays are more useful because they can be easily converted to 
all other types of arrays, and it is consistent with string literals.  

That's a good point.

The only caveat as you brought up is using runtime values inside a 
literal to initialize a static array.  I think this can be special-cased 
by the compiler, but I'm not sure.

At least it wouldn't conflict with the semantics. But Don had this 
argument with efficiency and unobvious heal allocations. Immutable array 
literals don't solve this. Of course you could still force the arguments 
for array literals to be compile time values.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 10:32:29 -0500, Denis Koroskin <>  

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 17:51:26 +0300, Steven Schveighoffer  

The implicit static array is the problem, not the assigning of a  
dynamic array from a static array.

Not quite true. Here is your example slightly modified:

int[] foo()
int[3] staticArray;
int[] dynamicArray = staticArray;
return dynamicArray;

It doesn't involve any array literals, but the problem is still there.

Yes, but my point was that initializing a dynamic array with a literal  
should not implicitly promote unsafe code.  When someone uses a literal,  
they are expecting the type to match.  A literal should be the most useful  
type for the range of types it initializes.  I think immutable is better  
than a static because an implicit casting of a static to a dynamic array  
promotes memory corruption.  An implicit conversion from a dynamic to a  
static does not.

The literal doesn't look like it's a static array.

It really does to me. [a, b, c] is essentially 3 stack pushes and  
nothing else (which is the same as allocating stack space for a static  
array of 3 elements).

It looks like data to me, not stack data.

When you do:

int i = 1;

does the 1 look like stack data?

My point is, where it's stored is not implicit in its usage, so if it's  
stack data, it could be easily interpreted as not stack data.  Storing it  
in the immutable data segment and typing it as immutable is the safest  

This is already available by using a static array explicitly.

How would you initialize such a static array with 3 given elements (a, b  
and c). I certainly wouldn't love verbosity of

int[3] array = void;
array[0] = a;
array[1] = b;
array[2] = c;

What I meant was compile-time values could be stored in the array.  I  
agree storing variables in a stack array needs to be solved.  A possible  
solution is to allow variables in array literals only when being assigned  
to or used as a static array.

How do you solve this?

immutable(int)[] i = [1, 2, 3]; // add an idup?

The best thing here is to avoid a heap allocation, because immutable data  
made entirely from literals requiring a heap allocation is just as bad as  
the current situation.

With literals being immutable, going to static array is possible.  With  
literals being a static array, it is not possible.

The question is, what should be the default?  I think making it  
immutable and non-static is the right choice because it can always  
escape scope, and does not require an allocation.

You can't make [a, b, c] immutable unless all of the a, b and c are  
immutable (or primitive types). For example, what type would that be:

Object a = new Object();
Object b = new Object();
Object c = new Object();

auto array = [a, b, c];

Yes, it's a problem that needs to be solved.  I'd say that literals that  
contain a runtime variable should be typed as static arrays, but I'm  
pretty sure Don doesn't like that.

I'm going to start a new thread about this.  I don't think this particular  
nuance is getting enough attention.

It certainly can't be immutable(Object)[]. I believe it shouldn't be  
Object[] either (you can always make a dynamic array out of static but  
not vice versa). What bonuses would does Object[] provide over  
Object[3]? Object[] doesn't prevent but rather *encourages* escaping  
reference, because D returns static array by values:

// Your preferred way:
Object[] toArray(Object a, Object b, Object c)
 return [a, b, c]; // Bug, escaping reference to stack data

I didn't say I prefer it.  I meant it shouldn't be this easy, even in  
unsafe D.  To anticipate your next argument, I don't think requiring  
slicing brackets is difficult enough to prevent these problems also.

// My suggestion
Object[3] toArray(Object a, Object b, Object c)
 return [a, b, c]; // Correct

I would prefer static arrays not to cast to dynamic ones implicitly,  
but using opSlice syntax instead:

int[] arr = [0, 1, 2]; // error
int[] arr = [0, 1, 2][]; // fine, use on your own risk

This is just an annoyance error.  What will happen is people will  
constantly just use the brackets to shut up the compiler without  
thinking about what it really means.

Sure, just hide the bug without compiler worrying you about  
presence of one. 

It's not an imagined problem.  Look at Java's checked exceptions for an  

You suggestion encourages unsafe by default, which is bad bad bad. It  
just shouldn't compile. People should just use .dup if they need a  
dynamic array unless they *really* know what they are doing, and use [].  
It should never happen in SafeD, and probably not even allowed.

I think you miss out on a whole class of performance gains by preventing  
slicing of static arrays, but this really is an argument for what to do in  


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 10:22:15 -0500, grauzone  wrote:
SafeD will take care of it. As the compiler has to support SafeD 
anyway, the same mechanisms can be used to create warnings or even 
errors in normal D code.

I'm not sure where Andrei will draw the line for SafeD.  SafeD still has 
to be UsefulD ;)

Good point, but safe means safe. It's can't be a hint. Perhaps the 
biggest crisis between Walter and me consumed when he mentioned he 
wanted to make "safe" just a hint and still disable bounds checking in 
release mode, safe or not. He was kind enough to back off, which was 
very nice of him - I see no way in which I could accept a compromise on 
that particular matter. (By the way, much of the very fruitful 
collaboration between us has been caused by our ability to work out good 
compromises even though we have sometimes different viewpoints.)

Statically-allocated arrays are not a difficult safety issue. We have 
two solutions - (a) have the compiler just disable conversions for 
stack-allocated T[N] to T[] in safe mode, (b) have the compiler perform 
its own flow analysis and transparently switch to dynamic allocation 
when needed, just like in the case of closures.

But I think slicing a static array makes the compiler lose all knowledge 
that it is a scoped entity.

I thought the same, but then I figured this works:

int[10] a;
int[5] b = a[0 .. 5];

Well it's off-topic, I know.

I agree that the current situation needs addressing.


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 10:22:15 -0500, grauzone  wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:47:16 -0500, Denis Koroskin <>  

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 00:46:05 +0300, Steven Schveighoffer  
That would be bad,  T[] is implicitly casted from T[N].  Consider  
that you could easily escape stack data using this.  In other words,  
the type system would allow the assignment without the dup.


I don't think so. First of all, it is consistent with current behavior:

int[] foo()
int[3] staticArray = [0, 1, 2];
int[] dynamicArray = staticArray;

return dynamicArray;

 Here is the case I'd say looks bad to me:
 int[] foo()
   int[] dynamicArray = [0, 1, 2];
   return dynamicArray;
 If [0, 1, 2] is a static array, then it escapes its scope and  
corruption ensues.  The implicit static array is the problem, not the  
assigning of a dynamic array from a static array.  The literal doesn't  
look like it's a static array.

SafeD will take care of it. As the compiler has to support SafeD anyway,  
the same mechanisms can be used to create warnings or even errors in  
normal D code.

I'm not sure where Andrei will draw the line for SafeD.  SafeD still has  
to be UsefulD ;)

But I think slicing a static array makes the compiler lose all knowledge  
that it is a scoped entity.  Until scope (or something equivalent) is a  
proper type constructor, we will not have full escape analysis, just  
simple tricks and hacks that prevent certain errors.

The other option is to disallow slicing static arrays in SafeD, which IMO  
is a mistake, but I can see validity in the argument behind it.

But besides this, I want non-safe D still to be as safe as it can be!

Don wants to make array literals immutable; that means you couldn't just  
assign them to int[] anyway. In both cases, you'd have to use .dup to  
use them as normal, mutable arrays.

That's fine, if I don't specify dup by accident, the compiler would  
complain.  In Denis' proposal, the compiler doesn't complain it just  
silently compiles.

Array literals being static arrays would be very handy in other places.  
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just use them for small fixed size  
vectors (wasn't that one of the reasons to make static arrays value  
types)? Then you could write assert([1, 2] + [3, 4] == [4, 6]). No silly  
struct vector "classes" needed.

Does this work with static arrays?  I thought you needed to use the  
slicing notation.  In any case, using literals in array operations would  
be nifty.  I don't think you need to have array literals be statically  
sized to accomplish this.

Second, it's very useful to prevent unnecessary heap allocations.

 This is already available by using a static array explicitly.  The

Static arrays still suck a bit, although making them value types  
improved the situation.

Inside functions, this still allocates an array on the heap and copies  
it into the static array:

int[2] array = [1, 2];

The allocation goes away if the literal is immutable.  I think we all  
agree the current situation is sucky.

I don't quite know why it can't just behaves as if "array" was declared  
on module level (or as, um, the other "static").

Essentially, that is what an immutable array is.  The difference is in  
type inference.

question is, what should be the default?  I think making it immutable  
and non-static is the right choice because it can always escape scope,  
and does not require an allocation.  From there you can do either a  
static array if you know it won't escape scope, or a dynamic array (via  
dup) if you need to modify it and it will escape scope.

How would you "do" a static array from an immutable array?

As I understood, immutable array literals would still require heap  
allocations sometimes. Because even runtime dependent values can be  

Requiring array literals to be immutable prevents you from including  
runtime values.  This would work fine and not allocate:

int[3] arr = [1, 2, 3];

But your point is well taken.  I remember you brought it up before, and I  
argued a while with someone about it to no avail (can't remember what or  
with whom I was arguing :)

If array literals become immutable, being able to initialize static arrays  
easily from runtime values *without* heap allocation would be a very nice  
feature to have.  Perhaps you could use variables in an array literal only  
if they are used to initialize statically sized arrays.  This problem  
needs to be discussed if we are to get immutable array literals.

I would prefer static arrays not to cast to dynamic ones implicitly,  
but using opSlice syntax instead:

int[] arr = [0, 1, 2]; // error
int[] arr = [0, 1, 2][]; // fine, use on your own risk

I agree. I wonder how static arrays will be handled in SafeD. Maybe just  
disallow using them as normal arrays? Require an explicit .dup? Anyway,  
it will be safe.

I have a feeling that sa

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 17:51:26 +0300, Steven Schveighoffer  

The implicit static array is the problem, not the assigning of a dynamic  
array from a static array.

Not quite true. Here is your example slightly modified:

int[] foo()
   int[3] staticArray;
   int[] dynamicArray = staticArray;
   return dynamicArray;

It doesn't involve any array literals, but the problem is still there.

The literal doesn't look like it's a static array.

It really does to me. [a, b, c] is essentially 3 stack pushes and nothing  
else (which is the same as allocating stack space for a static array of 3  

This is already available by using a static array explicitly.

How would you initialize such a static array with 3 given elements (a, b  
and c). I certainly wouldn't love verbosity of

int[3] array = void;
array[0] = a;
array[1] = b;
array[2] = c;

The question is, what should be the default?  I think making it  
immutable and non-static is the right choice because it can always  
escape scope, and does not require an allocation.

You can't make [a, b, c] immutable unless all of the a, b and c are  
immutable (or primitive types). For example, what type would that be:

Object a = new Object();
Object b = new Object();
Object c = new Object();

auto array = [a, b, c];

It certainly can't be immutable(Object)[]. I believe it shouldn't be  
Object[] either (you can always make a dynamic array out of static but not  
vice versa). What bonuses would does Object[] provide over Object[3]?  
Object[] doesn't prevent but rather *encourages* escaping reference,  
because D returns static array by values:

// Your preferred way:
Object[] toArray(Object a, Object b, Object c)
return [a, b, c]; // Bug, escaping reference to stack data

// My suggestion
Object[3] toArray(Object a, Object b, Object c)
return [a, b, c]; // Correct

I would prefer static arrays not to cast to dynamic ones implicitly,  
but using opSlice syntax instead:

int[] arr = [0, 1, 2]; // error
int[] arr = [0, 1, 2][]; // fine, use on your own risk

This is just an annoyance error.  What will happen is people will  
constantly just use the brackets to shut up the compiler without  
thinking about what it really means.

Sure, just hide the bug without compiler worrying you about  
presence of one. 

You suggestion encourages unsafe by default, which is bad bad bad. It just  
shouldn't compile. People should just use .dup if they need a dynamic  
array unless they *really* know what they are doing, and use []. It should  
never happen in SafeD, and probably not even allowed.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread grauzone

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:47:16 -0500, Denis Koroskin <> 

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 00:46:05 +0300, Steven Schveighoffer 
That would be bad,  T[] is implicitly casted from T[N].  Consider 
that you could easily escape stack data using this.  In other words, 
the type system would allow the assignment without the dup.


I don't think so. First of all, it is consistent with current behavior:

int[] foo()
int[3] staticArray = [0, 1, 2];
int[] dynamicArray = staticArray;

return dynamicArray;

Here is the case I'd say looks bad to me:

int[] foo()
   int[] dynamicArray = [0, 1, 2];
   return dynamicArray;

If [0, 1, 2] is a static array, then it escapes its scope and corruption 
ensues.  The implicit static array is the problem, not the assigning of 
a dynamic array from a static array.  The literal doesn't look like it's 
a static array.

SafeD will take care of it. As the compiler has to support SafeD anyway, 
the same mechanisms can be used to create warnings or even errors in 
normal D code.

Don wants to make array literals immutable; that means you couldn't just 
assign them to int[] anyway. In both cases, you'd have to use .dup to 
use them as normal, mutable arrays.

Array literals being static arrays would be very handy in other places. 
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just use them for small fixed size 
vectors (wasn't that one of the reasons to make static arrays value 
types)? Then you could write assert([1, 2] + [3, 4] == [4, 6]). No silly 
struct vector "classes" needed.

Second, it's very useful to prevent unnecessary heap allocations.

This is already available by using a static array explicitly.  The 

Static arrays still suck a bit, although making them value types 
improved the situation.

Inside functions, this still allocates an array on the heap and copies 
it into the static array:

int[2] array = [1, 2];

I don't quite know why it can't just behaves as if "array" was declared 
on module level (or as, um, the other "static").

question is, what should be the default?  I think making it immutable 
and non-static is the right choice because it can always escape scope, 
and does not require an allocation.  From there you can do either a 
static array if you know it won't escape scope, or a dynamic array (via 
dup) if you need to modify it and it will escape scope.

How would you "do" a static array from an immutable array?

As I understood, immutable array literals would still require heap 
allocations sometimes. Because even runtime dependent values can be 

Actually, if array literals only worked for compile time values, array 
literals could be both immutable and static arrays allocated in the data 

I would prefer static arrays not to cast to dynamic ones implicitly, 
but using opSlice syntax instead:

int[] arr = [0, 1, 2]; // error
int[] arr = [0, 1, 2][]; // fine, use on your own risk

I agree. I wonder how static arrays will be handled in SafeD. Maybe just 
disallow using them as normal arrays? Require an explicit .dup? Anyway, 
it will be safe.

This is just an annoyance error.  What will happen is people will 
constantly just use the brackets to shut up the compiler without 
thinking about what it really means.

Not really an argument, when array literals will be immutable, you could 
as well say:

//the cast is only there to shut up the stupid dmd!
int[] arr = cast(int[])([0, 1, 2]);


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:47:16 -0500, Denis Koroskin <>  

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 00:46:05 +0300, Steven Schveighoffer  
That would be bad,  T[] is implicitly casted from T[N].  Consider that  
you could easily escape stack data using this.  In other words, the  
type system would allow the assignment without the dup.


I don't think so. First of all, it is consistent with current behavior:

int[] foo()
int[3] staticArray = [0, 1, 2];
int[] dynamicArray = staticArray;

return dynamicArray;

Here is the case I'd say looks bad to me:

int[] foo()
   int[] dynamicArray = [0, 1, 2];
   return dynamicArray;

If [0, 1, 2] is a static array, then it escapes its scope and corruption  
ensues.  The implicit static array is the problem, not the assigning of a  
dynamic array from a static array.  The literal doesn't look like it's a  
static array.

Second, it's very useful to prevent unnecessary heap allocations.

This is already available by using a static array explicitly.  The  
question is, what should be the default?  I think making it immutable and  
non-static is the right choice because it can always escape scope, and  
does not require an allocation.  From there you can do either a static  
array if you know it won't escape scope, or a dynamic array (via dup) if  
you need to modify it and it will escape scope.

I would prefer static arrays not to cast to dynamic ones implicitly, but  
using opSlice syntax instead:

int[] arr = [0, 1, 2]; // error
int[] arr = [0, 1, 2][]; // fine, use on your own risk

This is just an annoyance error.  What will happen is people will  
constantly just use the brackets to shut up the compiler without thinking  
about what it really means.


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 00:46:05 +0300, Steven Schveighoffer  

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 16:17:50 -0500, Denis Koroskin <>  

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:42:16 +0300, Michel Fortin

Consider this case:

int a, b, c;
int[] array;
array ~= [a, b, c];
array ~= toArray(a, b, c);

Does it make sense to heap-allocate the mutable array? Hardly. With  
the literal, the compiler is free to optimize away the heap  
allocation, not so with toArray.

[a, b, c] could result in a static array. Then there wouldn't even be a  
need for toArray, just use more natural int[] arr = [a, b, c].dup;  

That would be bad,  T[] is implicitly casted from T[N].  Consider that  
you could easily escape stack data using this.  In other words, the type  
system would allow the assignment without the dup.


I don't think so. First of all, it is consistent with current behavior:

int[] foo()
int[3] staticArray = [0, 1, 2];
int[] dynamicArray = staticArray;

return dynamicArray;

int[] a = foo();
writeln(a); // prints garbage

Second, it's very useful to prevent unnecessary heap allocations.

I would prefer static arrays not to cast to dynamic ones implicitly, but  
using opSlice syntax instead:

int[] arr = [0, 1, 2]; // error
int[] arr = [0, 1, 2][]; // fine, use on your own risk

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 16:17:50 -0500, Denis Koroskin <>  

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:42:16 +0300, Michel Fortin

Consider this case:

int a, b, c;
int[] array;
array ~= [a, b, c];
array ~= toArray(a, b, c);

Does it make sense to heap-allocate the mutable array? Hardly. With the  
literal, the compiler is free to optimize away the heap allocation, not  
so with toArray.

[a, b, c] could result in a static array. Then there wouldn't even be a  
need for toArray, just use more natural int[] arr = [a, b, c].dup; syntax

That would be bad,  T[] is implicitly casted from T[N].  Consider that you  
could easily escape stack data using this.  In other words, the type  
system would allow the assignment without the dup.


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Denis Koroskin

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:42:16 +0300, Michel Fortin

On 2010-02-18 08:00:55 -0500, Don  said:

I agree the performance is terrible because of the often unnecessary  
heap allocation.

 It's not just the heap allocation. The values are also recalculated.

Well, in the case of a constant literal expression they don't need to be  
recalculated, they could exist in the static data segment. If a constant  
array literal is assigned to an immutable array they don't even need to  
be copied. I trust the compiler will eventually do that (and sooner the  

But assigning a literal to an immutable array should be easy to  
special-case in the compiler so that it doesn't do an unnecessary copy.
 Yes, but that doesn't work in the general case. It cannot be done for  
anonymous literals.

I'm not sure what you mean by "anonymous literals". Aren't all literals  

Also you can't force an array literal to be CTFEd.

I think that's a more general problem with CTFE. But you can force CTFE  
using an enum:

enum value = ctfeFunction();

Wrap that in a template if you want more convenience:

template ctfe(alias ctfeValue) {
enum ctfe = ctfeValue;

auto variable = ctfe!(ctfeFunction());

Also, they're quite useful. How would you write the code above without  

 int[] array;
array.length = 3;
array[0] = x;
array[1] = y;
array[2] = z;

 Including the library implementation:
 T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
 return values.dup;
 int[] array = toArray(x,y,z);
 Mutable array literals achieve almost nothing.

But now, how can the compiler optimize this and stack-allocate your  
array when it detect doesn't escape your function? You're explicitly  
telling it to duplicate it, even the compiler could decide it's not  
necessary. (I know stack-allocation isn't implemented, but Walter said  
it could be done.)

Consider this case:

int a, b, c;
int[] array;
array ~= [a, b, c];
array ~= toArray(a, b, c);

Does it make sense to heap-allocate the mutable array? Hardly. With the  
literal, the compiler is free to optimize away the heap allocation, not  
so with toArray.

[a, b, c] could result in a static array. Then there wouldn't even be a  
need for toArray, just use more natural int[] arr = [a, b, c].dup; syntax

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Don

Michel Fortin wrote:

But assigning a literal to an immutable array should be easy to 
special-case in the compiler so that it doesn't do an unnecessary copy.

Yes, but that doesn't work in the general case. It cannot be done for 
anonymous literals.

I'm not sure what you mean by "anonymous literals". Aren't all literals 

No. If they are function parameters, they are anonymous.

As opposed to:

immutable int [] x = [1,2,3];

where they have a name, a storage class, and a chance to put an 
'immutable' in.

Also you can't force an array literal to be CTFEd.

I think that's a more general problem with CTFE. But you can force CTFE 
using an enum:

enum value = ctfeFunction();

Unfortunately, that doesn't work.
(1) Enum arrays aren't stored in the executable. You can't index them.
(currently you can due, to a compiler bug, and it generates wrong code).
(2) Using 'enum' doesn't work for the anonymous case.

Wrap that in a template if you want more convenience:

template ctfe(alias ctfeValue) {
enum ctfe = ctfeValue;

Expressions can be aliased. So I doubt that will work.

auto variable = ctfe!(ctfeFunction());

Also, they're quite useful. How would you write the code above 
without them?

int[] array;
array.length = 3;
array[0] = x;
array[1] = y;
array[2] = z;

Including the library implementation:

T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
 return values.dup;

int[] array = toArray(x,y,z);

Mutable array literals achieve almost nothing.

But now, how can the compiler optimize this and stack-allocate your 
array when it detect doesn't escape your function?

That's *exactly* the way it works now. Really, there's no difference.
The toArray function is just a single return statement, so it gets 
inlined perfectly. And .dup is a compiler built-in. So it's easy for the 
compiler. The compiler sees:
int [] array = [x, y, z].dup; (where [x, y, z] is the existing mutable 
array syntax).

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2010-02-18 08:00:55 -0500, Don  said:

I agree the performance is terrible because of the often unnecessary 
heap allocation.

It's not just the heap allocation. The values are also recalculated.

Well, in the case of a constant literal expression they don't need to 
be recalculated, they could exist in the static data segment. If a 
constant array literal is assigned to an immutable array they don't 
even need to be copied. I trust the compiler will eventually do that 
(and sooner the better).

But assigning a literal to an immutable array should be easy to 
special-case in the compiler so that it doesn't do an unnecessary copy.

Yes, but that doesn't work in the general case. It cannot be done for 
anonymous literals.

I'm not sure what you mean by "anonymous literals". Aren't all literals 

Also you can't force an array literal to be CTFEd.

I think that's a more general problem with CTFE. But you can force CTFE 
using an enum:

enum value = ctfeFunction();

Wrap that in a template if you want more convenience:

template ctfe(alias ctfeValue) {
enum ctfe = ctfeValue;

auto variable = ctfe!(ctfeFunction());

Also, they're quite useful. How would you write the code above without them?

int[] array;
array.length = 3;
array[0] = x;
array[1] = y;
array[2] = z;

Including the library implementation:

T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
 return values.dup;

int[] array = toArray(x,y,z);

Mutable array literals achieve almost nothing.

But now, how can the compiler optimize this and stack-allocate your 
array when it detect doesn't escape your function? You're explicitly 
telling it to duplicate it, even the compiler could decide it's not 
necessary. (I know stack-allocation isn't implemented, but Walter said 
it could be done.)

Consider this case:

int a, b, c;
int[] array;
array ~= [a, b, c];
array ~= toArray(a, b, c);

Does it make sense to heap-allocate the mutable array? Hardly. With the 
literal, the compiler is free to optimize away the heap allocation, not 
so with toArray.

Michel Fortin

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Lars T. Kyllingstad

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 08:00:55 -0500, Don  wrote:

Including the library implementation:

T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
 return values.dup;

int[] array = toArray(x,y,z);

Mutable array literals achieve almost nothing.

I don't think this will work:

toArray(1, 2L, 3.0)

I'm not saying that this is a reason not to consider the change, but it 
does note a difference.  You can always simply do toArray!double(...) to 
get around the limitation.


import std.traits: CommonType;

CommonType!(T)[] toArray(T...)(T elements) { ... }


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 08:00:55 -0500, Don  wrote:

Including the library implementation:

T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
 return values.dup;

int[] array = toArray(x,y,z);

Mutable array literals achieve almost nothing.

I don't think this will work:

toArray(1, 2L, 3.0)

I'm not saying that this is a reason not to consider the change, but it  
does note a difference.  You can always simply do toArray!double(...) to  
get around the limitation.


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Don

Michel Fortin wrote:

On 2010-02-18 03:10:47 -0500, Don  said:

Well, array literals are not always constants. Take this for instance:

int[] array = [x, y, z];

This array literal does not have an "immutable source" as you call it.

This is the issue. The syntax sugar you get from not requiring an 
"immutable source" comes at a very high price.

Should it really require a ".dup" to get a mutable array? How 
efficient would it be?

What it does at the moment is insert a hidden .dup at all times. And 
the performance is terrible. Really, really terrible. Roughly 100 
times worse than you expect.
At the moment, [1, 2, 3] is basically transformed into something like 

I agree the performance is terrible because of the often unnecessary 
heap allocation.

It's not just the heap allocation. The values are also recalculated.

But assigning a literal to an immutable array should be 
easy to special-case in the compiler so that it doesn't do an 
unnecessary copy.

Yes, but that doesn't work in the general case. It cannot be done for 
anonymous literals.

Also you can't force an array literal to be CTFEd.

Also, they're quite useful. How would you write the code above without 

int[] array;
array.length = 3;
array[0] = x;
array[1] = y;
array[2] = z;

Including the library implementation:

T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
return values.dup;

int[] array = toArray(x,y,z);

Mutable array literals achieve almost nothing.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2010-02-18 03:10:47 -0500, Don  said:

Well, array literals are not always constants. Take this for instance:

int[] array = [x, y, z];

This array literal does not have an "immutable source" as you call it.

This is the issue. The syntax sugar you get from not requiring an 
"immutable source" comes at a very high price.

Should it really require a ".dup" to get a mutable array? How efficient 
would it be?

What it does at the moment is insert a hidden .dup at all times. And 
the performance is terrible. Really, really terrible. Roughly 100 times 
worse than you expect.
At the moment, [1, 2, 3] is basically transformed into something like 

I agree the performance is terrible because of the often unnecessary 
heap allocation. But assigning a literal to an immutable array should 
be easy to special-case in the compiler so that it doesn't do an 
unnecessary copy. In fact, forcing literals to be assigned to immutable 
arrays only is the same special case, except it disallows the other 
case where it needs to do a copy (assigning to mutable).

Non-constant array literals can also be optimized in some situations: 
when they don't escape the function's scope, they can be allocated on 
the stack. Better optimization could take advantage of that.

Also, they're quite useful. How would you write the code above without them?

int[] array;
array.length = 3;
array[0] = x;
array[1] = y;
array[2] = z;

Not very attractive isn't it? And it wouldn't work when assigning to an 
array of immutable(int)[]. Also, I expect this'll make it harder for 
the compiler to optimize and allocate on the stack when it can.

Michel Fortin

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Daniel Murphy
Don Wrote:

> This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.
> I've mentioned this several times before. Mutable array 'literals' are 
> wrong on so many levels. Here are some of the issues, listed in 
> decreasing importance.
> (1) The language has no syntax for immutable array literals.
>[1,2,3] is mutable. You can created an immutable literal using the 
> awful 'static const' syntax, but that only works for named literals.
> (2) Concurrency issues make (1) even more important. It ought to 
> possible to pass an array (defined at compile time) as a message.
> (3) Performance of the existing array 'literals' is absolutely 
> appalling. I doubled the speed of my entire app by changing ONE array 
> declaration from 'immutable [] xxx' into 'static const [] xxx'!!!
> Right now, if an array literal appears in your code, chances are it's a 
> performance bug. It's deceptive that there's a hidden heap allocation 
> happening in every array literal. It's got no business being in a 
> systems language IMHO.
> (4) It is unintuitive. "hello" is immutable, but ['h','e','l','l','o'] 
> is not???
> (5) It's trivial (a one-liner) to make a function to create a mutable 
> array literal. We don't need it in the language.
> Mutable arrays literals are common in toy examples, but they've got very 
> little real-world relevance. By contrast, immutable array literals are 
> used in lookup tables all the time. They are extremely common. We need 
> to be able to express them.
> This is the only remaining thing in D2 which I'm certain is a big 
> mistake. Of course there's ugliness in various places, but it's possible 
> to ignore them or work around them. This is a primitive, 
> bread-and-butter issue with no workaround.

I agree. This has caused huge performance problems that were fixed by changing 
all my 'immutable x = []' to 'static immutable x = []'.

Can we keep the current behaviour for when some of the values are not known at 
compile time? I know it's just sugar but it's very sweet.
auto y = [1, 2, x, y];

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-18 Thread Don

Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2010-02-17 20:07:20 -0500, Michael Rynn  

Is there anything that is really awkward in D2 working with immutable
string type, that cannot be done without resorting to mutable character
literals?   If not, then the principle can be applied to all "immutable

Well, array literals are not always constants. Take this for instance:

int[] array = [x, y, z];

This array literal does not have an "immutable source" as you call it.

This is the issue. The syntax sugar you get from not requiring an 
"immutable source" comes at a very high price.

Should it really require a ".dup" to get a mutable array? How efficient 
would it be?

What it does at the moment is insert a hidden .dup at all times. And the 
performance is terrible. Really, really terrible. Roughly 100 times 
worse than you expect.
At the moment, [1, 2, 3] is basically transformed into something like 

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2010-02-17 18:38:55 -0500, Steven Schveighoffer  said:

One thing I like to do with array literals is use them for appending
several elements at once:

array ~= [1, a+1, b+1];

This way I avoid multiple array appends so it should be faster, but if
that temporary array literal gets allocated on the heap then it's
rather counterproductive for me to use array literals for this.

Could cases like this, where the array never escape, be allocated on the stack?

Doesn't this do exactly that now?

array ~= 1 ~ (a+1) ~ (b+1);

It doesn't compile: Error: Can only concatenate arrays, not (int ~ int).

This works fine:

array ~= [1] ~ (a+1) ~ (b+1);

but now we have added back an array literal. :-)

Michel Fortin

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2010-02-17 20:07:20 -0500, Michael Rynn  said:

Is there anything that is really awkward in D2 working with immutable
string type, that cannot be done without resorting to mutable character
literals?   If not, then the principle can be applied to all "immutable

Well, array literals are not always constants. Take this for instance:

int[] array = [x, y, z];

This array literal does not have an "immutable source" as you call it.

Should it really require a ".dup" to get a mutable array? How efficient 
would it be?

Michel Fortin

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Michael Rynn
On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 07:49:09 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> Don wrote:
>> This is for me the last remaining D2 issue. I've mentioned this several
>> times before. Mutable array 'literals' are wrong on so many levels.
>> Here are some of the issues, listed in decreasing importance.
> [snip]
> I agree. How do you see we should change the language to fix things?
> Andrei

I am trying to improve my understanding here by reasoning some of it out a
bit, and trying to figure out what is everyone elses probably implicitly

Start looking at DPL C heritage, what is the behaviour of array literals
in C?  What does a good C compiler do?

Whenever we put something like this in code,

Elem* = [ Piece of literal data ]

The compiler has created a representation of the data which of these? 1.
pointer to protected read - only memory? (Probably would declare const) 2.
returned a pointer to a writeable static memory location in the code- data
image, which is start of the array data. If so then the data can be
changed but not extended in size without reallocation.

3. allocated a copy of the original data, location known only to compiler,
to heap or stack allocated memory block, and assigned to the pointer

How does this vary with static and stack context?

I would like to (wishfully) think that what happens is that it looks like
the code text in my editor.  The value of the literal in my source code
after being assigned is not destroyed by further manipulation of Elem*. It
still exists in the original source, so it should still exist in the
binary image, and can be recalled again.  So thats what I would define as
the "immutable source".

This happens now for string type, they are source immutable. Changes can
be only done to a mutable copy.  I have got used to that.

So what would really break if this was true of all array literals? How
hard is it to do in the current D2 compiler? How does it affect the
runtime typeinfo system? (I am still getting used to that).

Has anyone tried this in an experimental version of D2?
I suppose we can always write code that can copy from immutable source
where necessary? Is it possible to be able make mutable copies more

Is there anything that is really awkward in D2 working with immutable
string type, that cannot be done without resorting to mutable character
literals?   If not, then the principle can be applied to all "immutable

But for those who would like mutable static memory initialised for some ,
might there be a way of telling the compiler that we wish to abuse the
memory image?

char[] = cast(mutable(char)[]) "I can overwrite this initialization string
for all time"; // points to original binary image

char[] = "I can overwrite this source string".dup;

The example given :-
   int*[] foo(int *p)
 return [p, p + 1];

Why would you make such a function?
Why not make it locally without the function call overhead?

int *p = &something;
int*[] mypointers = [p, p+1];  // this should not be a literal, but memory
allocated like a if its on the stack filled in dynamically at point of 
execution, and not immutable?

p, p+1 are the initialisation values.

int*[] mypointers = [&static1, &static2];  // this looks like a literal, 
known at compile time. but could also be memory filled in dynamically at 
point of execution.  If mypointers is static then it is immutable?.

How does it work for struct?

Michael Rynn...

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Michael Rynn
On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 07:49:09 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> Don wrote:
>> This is for me the last remaining D2 issue. I've mentioned this several
>> times before. Mutable array 'literals' are wrong on so many levels.
>> Here are some of the issues, listed in decreasing importance.
> [snip]
> I agree. How do you see we should change the language to fix things?
> Andrei

I am trying to improve my understanding here by reasoning some of it out a
bit, and trying to figure out what is everyone elses probably implicitly

Start looking at DPL C heritage, what is the behaviour of array literals
in C?  What does a good C compiler do?

Whenever we put something like this in code,

Elem* = [ Piece of literal data ]

The compiler has created a representation of the data which of these? 1.
pointer to protected read - only memory? (Probably would declare const) 2.
returned a pointer to a writeable static memory location in the code- data
image, which is start of the array data. If so then the data can be
changed but not extended in size without reallocation.

3. allocated a copy of the original data, location known only to compiler,
to heap or stack allocated memory block, and assigned to the pointer

How does this vary with static and stack context?

I would like to (wishfully) think that what happens is that it looks like
the code text in my editor.  The value of the literal in my source code
after being assigned is not destroyed by further manipulation of Elem*. It
still exists in the original source, so it should still exist in the
binary image, and can be recalled again.  So thats what I would define as
the "immutable source".

This happens now for string type, they are source immutable. Changes can
be only done to a mutable copy.  I have got used to that.

So what would really break if this was true of all array literals? How
hard is it to do in the current D2 compiler? How does it affect the
runtime typeinfo system? (I am still getting used to that).

Has anyone tried this in an experimental version of D2?
I suppose we can always write code that can copy from immutable source
where necessary? Is it possible to be able make mutable copies more

Is there anything that is really awkward in D2 working with immutable
string type, that cannot be done without resorting to mutable character
literals?   If not, then the principle can be applied to all "immutable

But for those who would like mutable static memory initialised for some ,
might there be a way of telling the compiler that we wish to abuse the
memory image?

char[] = cast(mutable(char)[]) "I can overwrite this initialization string
for all time"; // points to original binary image

char[] = "I can overwrite this source string".dup;

The example given :-
   int*[] foo(int *p)
 return [p, p + 1];

Why would you make such a function?
Why not make it locally without the function call overhead?

int *p = &something;

int*[] mypointers = [p, p+1];  // this should not be a literal, but 
memory allocated like a structure.

Am I too pedantic or what?

Michael Rynn...

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Michael Rynn
On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 07:49:09 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> Don wrote:
>> This is for me the last remaining D2 issue. I've mentioned this several
>> times before. Mutable array 'literals' are wrong on so many levels.
>> Here are some of the issues, listed in decreasing importance.
> [snip]
> I agree. How do you see we should change the language to fix things?
> Andrei

I am trying to improve my understanding here by reasoning some of it out 
a bit, and trying to figure out what is everyone elses probably 
implicitly understands.

Start looking at DPL C heritage, what is the behaviour of array literals 
in C?  What does a good C compiler do?

Whenever we put something like this in code, 

Elem* = [ Piece of literal data ]

The compiler has created a representation of the data which of these? 
1. pointer to protected read - only memory? (Probably would declare const)
2. returned a pointer to a writeable static memory location in the code-
data image, which is start of the array data. If so then the data can be 
changed but not extended in size without reallocation.

3. allocated a copy of the original data, location known only to 
compiler, to heap or stack allocated memory block, and assigned to the 
pointer variable.

How does this vary with static and stack context?

I would like to (wishfully) think that what happens is that it looks like 
the code text in my editor.  The value of the literal in my source code 
after being assigned is not destroyed by further manipulation of Elem*.   
It still exists in the original source, so it should still exist in the 
binary image, and can be recalled again.  So thats what I would define as 
the "immutable source".

This happens now for string type, they are source immutable. Changes can 
be only done to a mutable copy.  I have got used to that.  

So what would really break if this was true of all array literals?
How hard is it to do in the current D2 compiler?
How does it affect the runtime typeinfo system? (I am still getting used 
to that).

Has anyone tried this in an experimental version of D2?
I suppose we can always write code that can copy from immutable source 
where necessary? Is it possible to be able make mutable copies more 

Is there anything that is really awkward in D2 working with immutable 
string type, that cannot be done without resorting to mutable character 
literals?   If not, then the principle can be applied to all "immutable 

But for those who would like mutable static memory initialised for some , 
might there be a way of telling the compiler that we wish to abuse the 
memory image?

char[] = cast(mutable(char)[]) "I can overwrite this initialization 
string for all time"; // points to original binary image

char[] = "I can overwrite this source string".dup;

The example given :-
   int*[] foo(int *p)
 return [p, p + 1];
I like to spell this out.  This function reads to me as returning a copy 
of the entire StaticArray of 2 pointers (8 bytes in 32bit OS) constructed 
on the stack. It must return copy. Also [p, p + 1] is not a literal. Its 
a dynamically constructed static array created by compiler magic (I do 
like the magic). It therefore should not be a immutable array.
[&static1, &static2] might be an immutable array created in the binary 

Am I too pedantic or what?

Michael Rynn...

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
Michel Fortin Wrote:

> On 2010-02-17 04:17:09 -0500, Walter Bright  said:
> > Don wrote:
> >> This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.
> > 
> > That would make it difficult to do things like:
> > 
> >int*[] foo(int *p)
> >{
> >  return [p, p + 1];
> >}
> > 
> > as all the elements of the literal would also have to be immutable. I 
> > think you've made a good case, but there is also this issue.
> One thing I like to do with array literals is use them for appending 
> several elements at once:
>   array ~= [1, a+1, b+1];
> This way I avoid multiple array appends so it should be faster, but if 
> that temporary array literal gets allocated on the heap then it's 
> rather counterproductive for me to use array literals for this.
> Could cases like this, where the array never escape, be allocated on the 
> stack?

Doesn't this do exactly that now?

array ~= 1 ~ (a+1) ~ (b+1);


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Walter Bright

Michel Fortin wrote:
Could cases like this, where the array never escape, be allocated on the 

Yes, the compiler can do that.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Denis Koroskin

On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 16:58:35 +0300, dsimcha  wrote:

== Quote from Denis Koroskin ('s article

IIRC, it was discussed before and the following solution was suggested:
T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
 return values.dup; // not sure why dup is needed here, but DMD2.039
complains about escaping reference

When using this kind of variadics, an implementation is allowed to  
allocate the

array on the stack for performance.  Therefore, you were trying to escape
references to a stack-allocated array.

Oh, great! Didn't know the fact, thanks!

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Denis Koroskin ('s article
> IIRC, it was discussed before and the following solution was suggested:
> T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
> {
>  return values.dup; // not sure why dup is needed here, but DMD2.039
> complains about escaping reference

When using this kind of variadics, an implementation is allowed to allocate the
array on the stack for performance.  Therefore, you were trying to escape
references to a stack-allocated array.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Don wrote:

This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.
I've mentioned this several times before. Mutable array 'literals' are 
wrong on so many levels. Here are some of the issues, listed in 
decreasing importance.


I agree. How do you see we should change the language to fix things?


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2010-02-17 04:17:09 -0500, Walter Bright  said:

Don wrote:

This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.

That would make it difficult to do things like:

   int*[] foo(int *p)
 return [p, p + 1];

as all the elements of the literal would also have to be immutable. I 
think you've made a good case, but there is also this issue.

One thing I like to do with array literals is use them for appending 
several elements at once:

array ~= [1, a+1, b+1];

This way I avoid multiple array appends so it should be faster, but if 
that temporary array literal gets allocated on the heap then it's 
rather counterproductive for me to use array literals for this.

Could cases like this, where the array never escape, be allocated on the stack?

Just like local variables get allocated on the heap when they escape 
through a closure, array literals could be allocated on the heap when 
they escape through a return or some other mean. They could also be 
part of the program's static data when the literal expression is 
constant and assigned to an immutable(T)[].

Michel Fortin

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread grauzone

Don wrote:

grauzone wrote:
IMHO array literals should be static arrays, which are value types. No 
issues with heap allocation or immutability requirements.

That still wouldn't solve the performance problems.

You mean even for a static array on the stack, the time to construct it 
would impose a performance problem? If that's the case, I'd say the 
optimizer should be able to tell that the array data actually is 
constant, and compile the code as if the array was immutable. I assume 
the array being a value type on the stack makes it much easier for the 
optimizer than a heap allocated array with unknown length.

Is that impossible?

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Don

grauzone wrote:
IMHO array literals should be static arrays, which are value types. No 
issues with heap allocation or immutability requirements.

That still wouldn't solve the performance problems.

Don wrote:
(2) Concurrency issues make (1) even more important. It ought to 
possible to pass an array (defined at compile time) as a message.

This sounds very special. Any example where you'd pass an array known at 
compile time as message?

There's one in Andrei's concurrency chapter in TDPL!

(3) Performance of the existing array 'literals' is absolutely 
appalling. I doubled the speed of my entire app by changing ONE array 
declaration from 'immutable [] xxx' into 'static const [] xxx'!!!
Right now, if an array literal appears in your code, chances are it's 
a performance bug. It's deceptive that there's a hidden heap 
allocation happening in every array literal. It's got no business 
being in a systems language IMHO.

Delegates also can have hidden allocation (basically, you have to guess 
the compiler's guess whether a delegate is a real closure). There are 
several language elements that may or may not trigger additional memory 
allocations (like setting .length or the ~= operator).

And the underlying problem is the bad GC that is torturing us all, isn't 

No, this one has nothing to do with the GC. The problem is that there's 
no way of saying 'this array literal is not a variable'.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Lars T. Kyllingstad

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:

This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.

That would make it difficult to do things like:

  int*[] foo(int *p)
return [p, p + 1];

as all the elements of the literal would also have to be immutable. I 
think you've made a good case, but there is also this issue.

Note his point (5).  It's trivial to add a function for creating mutable 
arrays to std.array.

  import std.array;

  int*[] foo(int* p)
  return array(p, p+1);

I think Don makes an excellent case. This needs to be fixed.


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 12:17:09 +0300, Walter Bright  

Don wrote:

This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.

That would make it difficult to do things like:

   int*[] foo(int *p)
 return [p, p + 1];

as all the elements of the literal would also have to be immutable. I  
think you've made a good case, but there is also this issue.

IIRC, it was discussed before and the following solution was suggested:

T[] toArray(T)(T[] values...)
return values.dup; // not sure why dup is needed here, but DMD2.039  
complains about escaping reference


int main()
int* p = null;
int*[] array = toArray(p, p + 1);
assert(array.length == 2);
assert(array[0] is p);
assert(array[1] is (p + 1));

return 0;

In my opinion, this is a minor use case that has graceful solution, in no  
way it is a show stopper.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread grauzone
IMHO array literals should be static arrays, which are value types. No 
issues with heap allocation or immutability requirements.

Also, even immutable values can change at runtime:

void foo(immutable int x) {
auto array = [x];

array would have needed to be heap allocated even if they are changed to 
be immutable.

Don wrote:
(2) Concurrency issues make (1) even more important. It ought to 
possible to pass an array (defined at compile time) as a message.

This sounds very special. Any example where you'd pass an array known at 
compile time as message?

(3) Performance of the existing array 'literals' is absolutely 
appalling. I doubled the speed of my entire app by changing ONE array 
declaration from 'immutable [] xxx' into 'static const [] xxx'!!!
Right now, if an array literal appears in your code, chances are it's a 
performance bug. It's deceptive that there's a hidden heap allocation 
happening in every array literal. It's got no business being in a 
systems language IMHO.

Delegates also can have hidden allocation (basically, you have to guess 
the compiler's guess whether a delegate is a real closure). There are 
several language elements that may or may not trigger additional memory 
allocations (like setting .length or the ~= operator).

And the underlying problem is the bad GC that is torturing us all, isn't it?

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Walter Bright

Don wrote:

This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.

That would make it difficult to do things like:

  int*[] foo(int *p)
return [p, p + 1];

as all the elements of the literal would also have to be immutable. I 
think you've made a good case, but there is also this issue.

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Denis Koroskin

On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 11:47:00 +0300, Don  wrote:

This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.
I've mentioned this several times before. Mutable array 'literals' are  
wrong on so many levels. Here are some of the issues, listed in  
decreasing importance.

(1) The language has no syntax for immutable array literals.
   [1,2,3] is mutable. You can created an immutable literal using the  
awful 'static const' syntax, but that only works for named literals.

(2) Concurrency issues make (1) even more important. It ought to  
possible to pass an array (defined at compile time) as a message.

(3) Performance of the existing array 'literals' is absolutely  
appalling. I doubled the speed of my entire app by changing ONE array  
declaration from 'immutable [] xxx' into 'static const [] xxx'!!!
Right now, if an array literal appears in your code, chances are it's a  
performance bug. It's deceptive that there's a hidden heap allocation  
happening in every array literal. It's got no business being in a  
systems language IMHO.

(4) It is unintuitive. "hello" is immutable, but ['h','e','l','l','o']  
is not???

(5) It's trivial (a one-liner) to make a function to create a mutable  
array literal. We don't need it in the language.

Mutable arrays literals are common in toy examples, but they've got very  
little real-world relevance. By contrast, immutable array literals are  
used in lookup tables all the time. They are extremely common. We need  
to be able to express them.

This is the only remaining thing in D2 which I'm certain is a big  
mistake. Of course there's ugliness in various places, but it's possible  
to ignore them or work around them. This is a primitive,  
bread-and-butter issue with no workaround.

Absolutely agree!

Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread Simen kjaeraas

Don  wrote:

This is for me the last remaining D2 issue.
I've mentioned this several times before. Mutable array 'literals' are  
wrong on so many levels. Here are some of the issues, listed in  
decreasing importance.

(1) The language has no syntax for immutable array literals.
   [1,2,3] is mutable. You can created an immutable literal using the  
awful 'static const' syntax, but that only works for named literals.

(2) Concurrency issues make (1) even more important. It ought to  
possible to pass an array (defined at compile time) as a message.

(3) Performance of the existing array 'literals' is absolutely  
appalling. I doubled the speed of my entire app by changing ONE array  
declaration from 'immutable [] xxx' into 'static const [] xxx'!!!
Right now, if an array literal appears in your code, chances are it's a  
performance bug. It's deceptive that there's a hidden heap allocation  
happening in every array literal. It's got no business being in a  
systems language IMHO.

(4) It is unintuitive. "hello" is immutable, but ['h','e','l','l','o']  
is not???

(5) It's trivial (a one-liner) to make a function to create a mutable  
array literal. We don't need it in the language.

Mutable arrays literals are common in toy examples, but they've got very  
little real-world relevance. By contrast, immutable array literals are  
used in lookup tables all the time. They are extremely common. We need  
to be able to express them.

This is the only remaining thing in D2 which I'm certain is a big  
mistake. Of course there's ugliness in various places, but it's possible  
to ignore them or work around them. This is a primitive,  
bread-and-butter issue with no workaround.

Absolutely. This needs fixin'.


Re: Array literals MUST be immutable.

2010-02-17 Thread BCS

Hello Don,

This is the only remaining thing in D2 which I'm certain is a big
mistake. Of course there's ugliness in various places, but it's
possible to ignore them or work around them. This is a primitive,
bread-and-butter issue with no workaround.

Sounds like you have a good point. Vote++;

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