Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-10-24 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 8 August 2014 at 09:16:11 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 
could you elaborate please? Currently I use the version 
statements in two template functions. I'm not sure why one 
would brand this negatively as a leak into the library.

For example we don't reinstatiate templates if they are 
instantiated in an imported module. But that module might have 
been compiled with different settings.

Thank you for taking the time, but I found several conceptional 
problems with that POC. The worst being that if I make the 
LogLevel inside the TestLogger anything other than a enum it 
fails, as it is used in the template constraint. That would 
mean the LogLevel is fixed at CT.

Well if your test logger only knows it's log level at runtime, 
then you obviously can do the comparison only at runtime. You can 
solve this by checking whether minLogLevel is a compile time 
constant in the log constraints adding another overload for 
runtime configurable log levels.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-21 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Moved to:

I did some simple benchmark, logging Hello world 1_000_000
times with the default logger. (DMD with release settings).
Comparing the version before the thread-safety changes with
the one afterwards. The timings are: 6.67s and 6.66s - so it
is -0.15% slower now. :p
Yes, I'm just trying to confuse you. Within margin of error
the performance stays the same.

The default logger is using lockingTextWriter() for optimum
performance. I compared it with a logger I wrote a while ago
and which I ported to std.experimental.logger.core.Logger,
but extends it by honoring the system locale for terminal

Assuming LC_ALL=de_DE.iso88591 it
* formats the message using Phobos' formattedWrite(...)
* converts UTF-8 to UTF-16
* passes it to ICU for normalization (to combine accents)
* transcodes the NFC UTF-16 with ICU to system local
* uses POSIX write() to dump it to the terminal

With all the overhead it still takes only 2.26s for the same
1_000_000 messages. If I use a UTF-8 terminal and skip
string conversion it will be 2.03s. So on the one hand it
means string transcoding accounts for ~10% and on the other
that there is 228% overhead with the default logger. :)
Some of which might be low hanging fruit. But that should
not be part of this review (which is about API). It was just
an observation I wanted to share.


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-20 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Fri, 19 Sep 2014 15:12:34 +
schrieb Robert burner Schadek

 PRs are most welcome

Ok, I'm working on it. From the looks of it I will iterate a
bit on the code and create one massive pull request with a lot
of smaller commits to make it comprehensible.


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-20 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 11:48:28 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

By the way, does anyone else use
std.experimental.logger yet? Dicebot?

No, I provide purely management service here, aggregating 
reviews/opinions of other community members.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-20 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Seeing how MultiLogger passes on the payload to its child
loggers by ref, I tried to make it const, so that no Logger
implementation can correct any of the values and spoil it
for the others in the list.
Then I noticed, that isn't possible because the payloads
contain indirections and one logger takes payloads apart into
separate variables (FileLogger) while others build payloads
from separate variables. Catch 22. You cannot have:

protected void beginLogMsg(string file, int line, string funcName,
string prettyFuncName, string moduleName, LogLevel logLevel,
Tid threadId, SysTime timestamp, Logger logger)
static if (isLoggingActive)
header = LogEntry(file, line, funcName, prettyFuncName,
moduleName, logLevel, threadId, timestamp, null, logger);


override void writeLogMsg(const ref LogEntry payload)
this.beginLogMsg(payload.file, payload.line, payload.funcName,
payload.prettyFuncName, payload.moduleName, payload.logLevel,
payload.threadId, payload.timestamp, payload.logger);

Also I wonder if Tid is the correct information to pass in.
It is actually just an MBox from std.concurrency. The real
thread handle is the Thread, which also contains its name,
which might be more useful for logging. What do you think?


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-20 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 10:24:30 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Also I wonder if Tid is the correct information to pass in.
It is actually just an MBox from std.concurrency. The real
thread handle is the Thread, which also contains its name,
which might be more useful for logging. What do you think?

See also

For std.log I think Tid more useful because it clearly denotes 
execution context while thread ID is more of an implementation 
detail (considering message-passing is promoted as a standard D 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-20 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Ok, then here are my thread-safety changes for std.logger:


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-19 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 05:25:18 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:


So next round?

Hell no!

before every voting there is a review and I guess you started 

I will address the thread-safety sufficiently in the next 

Thank you for taking the time

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-19 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 21:22:37 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 16:54:14 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

so the current version has one template args log functions that 
take __LINE__ and friends as normal parameter.

I think that was the last complaint, please correct me if I'm 

So next round?

Once you feel that thread safety concerns are addressed please 
write me an e-mail. I am currently on vacation with irregular 
internet access so may miss regular NG post.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-19 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Fri, 19 Sep 2014 09:26:59 +
schrieb Robert burner Schadek

 On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 05:25:18 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
  So next round?
  Hell no!
 before every voting there is a review and I guess you started 

 I will address the thread-safety sufficiently in the next 

Ok, thank you. If you get stuck or need a another review, just
drop me a mail. 4 eyes see more than 2. I'd even do the
changes I had in mind myself and create a pull request if you
don't mind. By the way, does anyone else use
std.experimental.logger yet? Dicebot?

 Thank you for taking the time

You're welcome. I'm really looking forward to this project.
This is the kind of component that makes libraries mix and
match and helps D grow.


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-19 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 9/19/14, 2:26 AM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:

On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 05:25:18 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:


So next round?

Hell no!

before every voting there is a review and I guess you started that.

I will address the thread-safety sufficiently in the next incarnation.

Thank you for taking the time

Nice, thanks! -- Andrei

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-19 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 11:48:28 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Ok, thank you. If you get stuck or need a another review, just
drop me a mail. 4 eyes see more than 2. I'd even do the
changes I had in mind myself and create a pull request if you
don't mind.

PRs are most welcome

Thank you for taking the time

You're welcome. I'm really looking forward to this project.
This is the kind of component that makes libraries mix and
match and helps D grow.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-18 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:22:36 +
schrieb Robert burner Schadek

 On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 16:54:14 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
 so the current version has one template args log functions that 
 take __LINE__ and friends as normal parameter.
 I think that was the last complaint, please correct me if I'm 


 So next round?

Hell no!

Am Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:33:45 +
schrieb Robert burner Schadek

 again, the idea of std.logger is not to give you everything, 
 because nobody knows what that even is, the idea is to make it 
 possible to do everything and have it understandable later and 
 use transparently

I understand that part Robert, and already made use of that
flexibility. But you use this to play down any concerns about
the thread safety of the infrastructure you wrote and finally
get std.logger accepted and merged.

 the threading behavior has been clarified in the api docs.

You can't just clarify it in the docs.
It requires actual code to work both ways.
 the (a)synchronicity guarantees is part of the concrete Logger 
 impl. the Logger api does not force synchronize or asynchronize 
 behavior, it allows both to be implemented by every subclass of 

All access to global state has to be synchronized before we
can safely do so, and std.logger doesn't even attempt to in its
current state! Some examples:


isLoggingEnabled(LogLevel ll, LogLevel loggerLL, LogLevel
 globalLL, lazy bool condition)
return ll = globalLL
 ll = loggerLL
 globalLL !=
 loggerLL !=

@property LogLevel globalLogLevel() @trusted @nogc
return globalLogLevelImpl();

private ref LogLevel globalLogLevelImpl() @trusted @nogc
static __gshared LogLevel ll = LogLevel.all;
return ll;

is called like this:

isLoggingEnabled(stdlog.logLevel, stdlog.logLevel,

Inside `isLoggingEnabled`, we can expect condition to be
evaluated in the context of the calling thread, but the three
log level variables passed in create a race condition.
Imagine another thread sets `stdlog.logLevel` from warning to
error during a logging call. Inside `isLoggingEnabled` you'd
now get:

return LogLevel.warning = globalLL
 LogLevel.warning = LogLevel.error
 globalLL !=
 loggerLL !=

This will unconditionally return false of course. The `stdlog`
is now at log level warning AND error at the same time. WAT?


Every blue moon a log message will be swallowed by std.logger.


private Mutex __stdloggermutex;

static this() {
__stdloggermutex = new Mutex;

@property ref Logger stdlog() @trusted
static __gshared bool once;
static __gshared Logger logger;
static __gshared ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize,
FileLogger)] buffer;

scope(exit) __stdloggermutex.unlock();
if (!once)
once = true;
logger = emplace!FileLogger(buffer, stderr,
globalLogLevel()); }
return logger;

Every thread will now create its own thread local mutex to
protect access to global state.


** This protects exactly nothing. **

Write instead:

__gshared private Mutex __stdloggermutex;

shared static this() {
__stdloggermutex = new Mutex;

If you need help with multi-threading please ask either here or
on IRC. I have found that we have some people in the community
that can explain even the fine details of atomic fences.


We set the global log level through `globalLogLevel`:

@property void globalLogLevel(LogLevel ll) @trusted
if (stdlog !is null)
stdlog.logLevel = ll;
globalLogLevelImpl = ll;

What you tried here, was to set the global log level in case
we don't have `stdlog` initialized already, because during its
creation it will pick up the global log level.
Now `globalLogLevelImpl = ll;` will never be executed, because
inside the `stdlog` property function, it is initialized and
thus `stdlog !is null` will always be true.
Unless the user sets `stdlog` to null, which I assume is
invalid, since it creates fuzzy semantics: The first time
`stdlog` is encountered to be null it is set to a FileLogger,
any other time it stays null.


There is no synchronization around the access to the stdlog.
D as far as I know doesn't require that machine word
reads/writes are atomic, so in theory you could get a
`stdlog` where one half is an old value and the other a new
one. That won't happen on ARM and x86, but I thought I'd
mention. Much more importantly though another thread could
change `stdlog` between `stdlog !is null` and
`stdlog.logLevel = ll;`. Assuming you want to protect all
of the global state with 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-16 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 16:54:14 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

so the current version has one template args log functions that 
take __LINE__ and friends as normal parameter.

I think that was the last complaint, please correct me if I'm 

So next round?

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 9/9/14, 12:38 PM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 02:18:30 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

... have noticed that all logging functions have file/line/function
data as template parameters. This will create insane symbol bloat.
While I can understand desire to use some nicer variadic argument API
providing at least one log function that it simplistic but moves all
compile-time data to run-time default argument is absolutely necessary
for me to consider this viable.

I do not consider that a problem. The benefit is much higher than the
cost of the bigger binary. This has already been a long conversation on
some previous thread.

There may be a miscommunication here. In short:

void fun(int x, string f = __FILE__)(double y);

can be replaced with:

void fun(int x)(double y, string f = __FILE__);

Both work and the second produces fewer instantiations.


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 07:41:49 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

There may be a miscommunication here. In short:

void fun(int x, string f = __FILE__)(double y);

can be replaced with:

void fun(int x)(double y, string f = __FILE__);

Both work and the second produces fewer instantiations.



void fun(int l = __LINE__, A...)(A...); cannot be replaced by
void fun(A...)(A..., int l = __LINE__);

anyway thanks for reading and for trying to help

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 08:47:47 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:


void fun(int l = __LINE__, A...)(A...); cannot be replaced by
void fun(A...)(A..., int l = __LINE__);

anyway thanks for reading and for trying to help

And this is why I am asking for separate `logRaw` overload that 
takes pre-formatted string, for those who care.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 10/09/14 10:47, Robert burner Schadek wrote:


void fun(int l = __LINE__, A...)(A...); cannot be replaced by
void fun(A...)(A..., int l = __LINE__);

Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the special 
identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't be possible to 
specify a value for that parameter then.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 11:39:52 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 10/09/14 10:47, Robert burner Schadek wrote:


void fun(int l = __LINE__, A...)(A...); cannot be replaced by
void fun(A...)(A..., int l = __LINE__);

Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the 
special identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't 
be possible to specify a value for that parameter then.

IMO that is overkill, adding another another method that only 
takes one string as parameter is fine here

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 11:39:52 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 10/09/14 10:47, Robert burner Schadek wrote:


void fun(int l = __LINE__, A...)(A...); cannot be replaced by
void fun(A...)(A..., int l = __LINE__);

Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the 
special identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't 
be possible to specify a value for that parameter then.

This is much desired compiler enhancement in my opinion (this 
template instance bloat is really bad as it impacts not only 
symbol bloat but also compile times) but trying to get something 
that works right here and now.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 12:14:09 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

This is much desired compiler enhancement in my opinion (this 
template instance bloat is really bad as it impacts not only 
symbol bloat but also compile times) but trying to get 
something that works right here and now.

killing this special overload, once the compiler does this, 
should be completely transparent

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d
Jacob Carlborg  wrote in message news:lupda8$nl1$ 

Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the special 
identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't be possible to 
specify a value for that parameter then.

IIRC Andrei has a bugzilla open for this.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 09/10/2014 03:22 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:

Jacob Carlborg  wrote in message news:lupda8$nl1$

Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the special
identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't be possible to
specify a value for that parameter then.

IIRC Andrei has a bugzilla open for this.

Why? I cannot remember a compiler version where the following did not work:

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

I.e. there is absolutely no issue here.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 15:41:49 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

Why? I cannot remember a compiler version where the following 
did not work:

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

I.e. there is absolutely no issue here.

For every instantiation of of fun there will be a new symbol even
when A are the same, because of __LINE__. For Dicebot that is a

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 15:41:49 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

Why? I cannot remember a compiler version where the following 
did not work:

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

I.e. there is absolutely no issue here.

For every instantiation of of fun there will be a new symbol even 
when A are the same, because of __LINE__. For Dicebot that is a 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d

Timon Gehr  wrote in message news:luprft$29v6$

Why? I cannot remember a compiler version where the following did not

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

I.e. there is absolutely no issue here.

Hmm, do it does.  Maybe I was thinking of this: 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d
Robert burner Schadek  wrote in message

 import std.stdio;
 void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
 void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

For every instantiation of of fun there will be a new symbol even when A 
are the same, because of __LINE__. For Dicebot that is a nogo

Not in that example there won't. 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 9/10/14, 1:47 AM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 07:41:49 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

There may be a miscommunication here. In short:

void fun(int x, string f = __FILE__)(double y);

can be replaced with:

void fun(int x)(double y, string f = __FILE__);

Both work and the second produces fewer instantiations.



void fun(int l = __LINE__, A...)(A...); cannot be replaced by
void fun(A...)(A..., int l = __LINE__);

anyway thanks for reading and for trying to help

One possibility is to have the first function be a one-liner that 
forwards to another. That way there will be less code bloating.

void fun(uint l = __LINE__, A...)(A... as) {
  funImpl(l, as);

private void funImpl(A...)(uint line, A...) {
  ... bulk of the code goes here ...


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 16:34:06 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
One possibility is to have the first function be a one-liner 
that forwards to another. That way there will be less code 

void fun(uint l = __LINE__, A...)(A... as) {
  funImpl(l, as);

private void funImpl(A...)(uint line, A...) {
  ... bulk of the code goes here ...

Those are already small functions AFAIK (I was speaking about 
symbol bloat, not code bloat). It does not help with compilation 
issue though - each logging call creates a totally new template 
instance which means allocating new object for DMD internal 
representation and running semantic phase for it. And mature 
applications can have thousands of logging calls. I have yet to 
run tests to see actual impact but it concerns me from the pure 
DMD internals point of view.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 15:41:49 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 09/10/2014 03:22 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:
Jacob Carlborg  wrote in message 
Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the 
identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't be 
possible to

specify a value for that parameter then.

IIRC Andrei has a bugzilla open for this.

Why? I cannot remember a compiler version where the following 
did not work:

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

I.e. there is absolutely no issue here.

This is new to me - I can definitely remember trying it and 
failing ~ 1-2 years ago.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d

Am 10.09.2014 17:41, schrieb Timon Gehr:

On 09/10/2014 03:22 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:

Jacob Carlborg  wrote in message news:lupda8$nl1$

Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the special
identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't be possible to
specify a value for that parameter then.

IIRC Andrei has a bugzilla open for this.

Why? I cannot remember a compiler version where the following did not work:

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

I.e. there is absolutely no issue here.

Except that it unfortunately doesn't do what is intended:

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(10,11); }

10 11

1011 3

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 09/10/2014 08:18 PM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 10.09.2014 17:41, schrieb Timon Gehr:

On 09/10/2014 03:22 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:

Jacob Carlborg  wrote in message news:lupda8$nl1$

Could we modify the compiler to allow that? Just for the special
identifiers __LINE__, __FILE__ and similar. It wouldn't be possible to
specify a value for that parameter then.

IIRC Andrei has a bugzilla open for this.

Why? I cannot remember a compiler version where the following did not

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(1,2,3); }

I.e. there is absolutely no issue here.

Except that it unfortunately doesn't do what is intended:

import std.stdio;
void fun(A...)(A args, int l = __LINE__){ writeln(args, ,l); }
void main(){ fun(10,11); }

10 11

1011 3

Oops! Touché! Thanks. While the code indeed works, there actually _is_ 
an issue here. :o)

(It is even more embarrassing seeing that I have actually built my own 
implementation of IFTI and it actually matches DMD's behaviour in this 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 09/10/2014 06:54 PM, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 16:34:06 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

One possibility is to have the first function be a one-liner that
forwards to another. That way there will be less code bloating.

void fun(uint l = __LINE__, A...)(A... as) {
  funImpl(l, as);

private void funImpl(A...)(uint line, A...) {
  ... bulk of the code goes here ...

Those are already small functions AFAIK (I was speaking about symbol
bloat, not code bloat). It does not help with compilation issue though -
each logging call creates a totally new template instance which means
allocating new object for DMD internal representation and running
semantic phase for it. And mature applications can have thousands of
logging calls. I have yet to run tests to see actual impact but it
concerns me from the pure DMD internals point of view.

Another possibility would be to fix this bug, but the mechanism isn't 
particularly elegant nor efficient: :o)

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-10 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 9/10/14, 11:46 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

Oops! Touché! Thanks. While the code indeed works, there actually _is_
an issue here. :o)

Please bugzillize. Thanks! -- Andrei

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-09 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 22:54:36 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

nogc is not possible because of custom toString

that won't fix, but for default types it is nogc.

It should be possible to provide custom implementation that 
throws ad Error for those cases (and thus fits the 
requirements) and `toString` has sink-based overload. Are there 
any reason why it doesn't help?

catching an Exception from formattedWrite just to throw an Error 
and thus allowing nothrow is just silly IMO.
sink-based overloads are nice but we don't write the toString 
methods of the user and so can not be sure that they are nogc.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-09 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 02:18:30 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I have likely missed several points but overall it seem pretty 
clear to me that all requests / concerns have not been 
addressed and this proposal is not yet ready for another round 
of review.

I made the stdlog creating thread-safe and on stack. I think that 
was the last point that was mentioned.

Also x-post from GitHub PR of my personal nitpick:

... have noticed that all logging functions have 
file/line/function data as template parameters. This will 
create insane symbol bloat. While I can understand desire to 
use some nicer variadic argument API providing at least one log 
function that it simplistic but moves all compile-time data to 
run-time default argument is absolutely necessary for me to 
consider this viable.

I do not consider that a problem. The benefit is much higher than 
the cost of the bigger binary. This has already been a long 
conversation on some previous thread.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-09 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 6 September 2014 at 19:41:54 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 13:13:31 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

Since we are talking about performance, I did some tests and 
found to my surprise that ~95% of the time consumed in a log 
call is Clock.currTime's call to clock_gettime().  I submitted 
a report for it 
(, but it also 
brings up how to expose it in the std.logger API.

that is with all likelihood a syscall, so there goes your 

The API automatically grabs thisTid and Clock.currTime during 
construction of the LogEntry (plus it should also grab 
Thread.getThis and Fiber.getThis).  Should this behavior be 
modifiable by clients, by subclasses, or neither?  If so, how?

yes, I will move some of it into beginLogMsg

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-09 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 9 September 2014 at 19:38:16 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:

Also x-post from GitHub PR of my personal nitpick:

... have noticed that all logging functions have 
file/line/function data as template parameters. This will 
create insane symbol bloat. While I can understand desire to 
use some nicer variadic argument API providing at least one 
log function that it simplistic but moves all compile-time 
data to run-time default argument is absolutely necessary for 
me to consider this viable.

I do not consider that a problem. The benefit is much higher 
than the cost of the bigger binary. This has already been a 
long conversation on some previous thread.

This unfortunately makes it almost unusable in absence of 
--gc-sections supporting compiler for lower level domains. 
Probably I am missing some data though, can you link the 
discussion thread? This PR dicussion is so long now that it hangs 
my browser when uncollapsing threads :(

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 02:11:49 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 21:04:28 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:

Jakob Ovrum

The *API* must support minimal dynamic memory allocation for
the normal execution path. However, theoretical *implementation*
changes that reduce memory allocation are not a deal-breaker.

This seems to be addressed but though it is desired to verify 
it via @nogc unittest block which uses stub no-op logger (to 
verify that nothing in between allocates). One place were GC 
allocations is unavoidable is core.d:1628 - it will always 
create FileLogger first and allow assigning custom one later. 
Is there any way to circumvent it?

API must specify a strong stance on threading, whatever the
form it takes

Does not seem to be addressed at all. At least I see no 
mentions of it in core.d documentation and logger instance 
itself is plain __gshared thing.

$ grep -R -n shared std/experimental/logger/
std/experimental/logger/core.d:1625:static __gshared Logger 
std/experimental/logger/core.d:1635:static __gshared 
LogLevel ll = LogLevel.all;

Does not seem enough for sure.

I working on this

This one might seem unnecessarily strict, but I think the fact
that Logger is a class and not an interface smells of poor
design. I might still be convinced that having it as a class is
justified, but my current stance is that it must be an 

Neither does seem to be addressed nor I can find any comment on 
why it is not going to be addressed.

Every Logger has to have a LogLevel, interfaces won't work there

Francesco Cattoglio

As far as I undestood, there's no way right now to do logging
without using the GC. And that means it is currently impossible
to log inside destructor calls. That is a blocker in my book.

First part partially addressed - missing @nogc @nothrow logger 
implementation out of the box. Considering this request does 
not go very well with current language implementation it may be 
ignored for now but official stance about it must be clearly 

at least for logf nothrow will not work because of a wrong 
formatting string or args. log can not be nothrow because custom 
toString for structs and class are allowed.

nogc is not possible because of custom toString

that won't fix, but for default types it is nogc.

Byron Heads

Logger should include a shared Logger, or include it in the 
interface for
outside libraries to handle the implementation.  There will be 

that thread internally and will need to support shared logging.

Is not addressed.

See Jakob Ovrun

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 02:16:55 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Martin Nowak

Support duck-typing for the log functions.
Logger should be a concept and log functions should be 

UFCS functions that take any `isLogger!T`.
To support a global `defaultLog` variable, you could add a 

interface and a loggerObject shim. See for 
this a pattern.

Neither seem to be addressed nor countered.

Overly complicated IMO

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:17:48 +
schrieb Robert burner Schadek

 On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 02:16:55 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
  Martin Nowak
  Support duck-typing for the log functions.
  Logger should be a concept and log functions should be 
  UFCS functions that take any `isLogger!T`.
  To support a global `defaultLog` variable, you could add a 
  interface and a loggerObject shim. See for 
  this a pattern.
  Neither seem to be addressed nor countered.
 Overly complicated IMO

This may sound surprising, but I believe if we want to make
Phobos consistent and give no incentive to roll your own
stuff, we should do this for a lot of APIs. Without going into
depth (but we could) there are good reasons to use classes and
there are good reasons to use duck typing structs.
Another API where this mixed scheme would apply are streams.
By using function templates with `if (isLogger!T)` and an
abstract class Logger, it will only get instantiated once for
all derived classes reducing template bloat, while allowing
custom instantiations for logger structs to avoid virtual
function calls or GC issues. So I agree with Martin.
It is a great way to bring the two camps together without
major casualties.


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:06:42 +
schrieb Robert burner Schadek

  Francesco Cattoglio
  As far as I undestood, there's no way right now to do logging
  without using the GC. And that means it is currently impossible
  to log inside destructor calls. That is a blocker in my book.
  First part partially addressed - missing @nogc @nothrow logger 
  implementation out of the box. […]
 at least for logf nothrow will not work because of a wrong 
 formatting string or args. log can not be nothrow because custom 
 toString for structs and class are allowed.
 nogc is not possible because of custom toString
 that won't fix, but for default types it is nogc.

It is fairly obvious that the next GC implementation needs to
allow allocations during a sweep. Maybe we should just assume
that it already works ?


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 12:36:29 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

This may sound surprising, but I believe if we want to make
Phobos consistent and give no incentive to roll your own
stuff, we should do this for a lot of APIs. Without going into
depth (but we could) there are good reasons to use classes and
there are good reasons to use duck typing structs.
Another API where this mixed scheme would apply are streams.
By using function templates with `if (isLogger!T)` and an
abstract class Logger, it will only get instantiated once for
all derived classes reducing template bloat, while allowing
custom instantiations for logger structs to avoid virtual
function calls or GC issues. So I agree with Martin.
It is a great way to bring the two camps together without
major casualties.

I think the template bloat argument is invalid as __LINE__ and 
friends are passed as template arguments to allow write and 
writef type logging.

Anyway I will try to make them free standing

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 13:20:27 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:

On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 12:36:29 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

I think the template bloat argument is invalid as __LINE__ and 
friends are passed as template arguments to allow write and 
writef type logging.

Anyway I will try to make them free standing

The biggest problem I have currently with this that you, or at 
least I, can not override the free standing function.

void log(L)(ref L logger) if(isLogger!L) { ... } will match always
and if I create void log(L)(ref L logger) if(isMySpecialLogger!L) 
{ ... }

both match and thats a nogo

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Mon, 08 Sep 2014 13:37:02 +
schrieb Robert burner Schadek

 On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 13:20:27 UTC, Robert burner 
 Schadek wrote:
  On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 12:36:29 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
  I think the template bloat argument is invalid as __LINE__ and 
  friends are passed as template arguments to allow write and 
  writef type logging.

You are right, this benefit of classes doesn't apply here.

  Anyway I will try to make them free standing
 The biggest problem I have currently with this that you, or at 
 least I, can not override the free standing function.
 void log(L)(ref L logger) if(isLogger!L) { ... } will match always
 and if I create void log(L)(ref L logger) if(isMySpecialLogger!L) 
 { ... }
 both match and thats a nogo

Ok, no matter what the outcome is, I'll see if I can write a
simple file logger that I can use in RAII struct dtors (where
neither allocations nor throwing seem to be an issue) and that
has a fallback to writing to stderr. I wrote earlier that I
would want a fallback logger if writing via the network fails
or the disk is full, but maybe this logic can be implemented
inside a logger implementation. I haven't actually tried your
API yet!


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 14:49:06 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Ok, no matter what the outcome is, I'll see if I can write a
simple file logger that I can use in RAII struct dtors (where
neither allocations nor throwing seem to be an issue) and that
has a fallback to writing to stderr. I wrote earlier that I
would want a fallback logger if writing via the network fails
or the disk is full, but maybe this logic can be implemented
inside a logger implementation. I haven't actually tried your
API yet!

That should be a no-brainer just have a look at FileLogger and 
start from there

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 03:05:42 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 14:53:17 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
This is exactly what I call theoretical speculations. Please 
provide specific list like this:

1) some method signature needs to be changed

I propose the following API changes (+ changes on default 

protected LogEntry beginLogMsg(string file, int line, 
string funcName,
string prettyFuncName, string moduleName, LogLevel 

Tid threadId, SysTime timestamp, Logger logger)
static if (isLoggingActive())
return LogEntry(file, line, funcName, 
moduleName, logLevel, threadId, timestamp, 
null, logger);


/** Logs a part of the log message. */
protected void logMsgPart(MsgRange msgAppender, 
const(char)[] msg)

static if (isLoggingActive())

/** Signals that the message has been written and no more 
calls to

$(D logMsgPart) follow. */
protected void finishLogMsg(ref LogEntry entry, MsgRange 

static if (isLoggingActive())
entry.msg =;

...with the corresponding changes to logImpl/logImplf to create 
msgAppender as a local function variable, and the elimination 
of header and msgAppender as Logger class variables.

The benefit to this change is that Logger (including stdlog) 
becomes thread-safe, as well as any subclass of Logger that 
only implements writeLogMsg().

The only problem with that change is that it will always require 
a buffer. FileLogger currently doesn't require a buffer and is 
already thread-safe.

stdlog will not be thread-safe by default by this change only 
syncing the writeLogMsg function will.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-08 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 11:06:44 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:
First part partially addressed - missing @nogc @nothrow logger 
implementation out of the box. Considering this request does 
not go very well with current language implementation it may 
be ignored for now but official stance about it must be 
clearly documented.

at least for logf nothrow will not work because of a wrong 
formatting string or args. log can not be nothrow because 
custom toString for structs and class are allowed.

nogc is not possible because of custom toString

that won't fix, but for default types it is nogc.

It should be possible to provide custom implementation that 
throws ad Error for those cases (and thus fits the requirements) 
and `toString` has sink-based overload. Are there any reason why 
it doesn't help?

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-06 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 13:13:31 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

If you accept slightly out of sync logging then you can have 
thread local buffers and on x86 use the command RDTSC which 
gives you a (good enough) timer value so you can merge the 
buffers from threads later. It takes roughly 20-30 cycles which 
I presume is better than CAS instructions, or you can just 
write directly to a global counter without CAS and accept that 
it jitters?

Since we are talking about performance, I did some tests and 
found to my surprise that ~95% of the time consumed in a log call 
is Clock.currTime's call to clock_gettime().  I submitted a 
report for it (, 
but it also brings up how to expose it in the std.logger API.

The API automatically grabs thisTid and Clock.currTime during 
construction of the LogEntry (plus it should also grab 
Thread.getThis and Fiber.getThis).  Should this behavior be 
modifiable by clients, by subclasses, or neither?  If so, how?

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-06 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 6 September 2014 at 19:41:54 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 
The API automatically grabs thisTid and Clock.currTime during 
construction of the LogEntry (plus it should also grab 
Thread.getThis and Fiber.getThis).  Should this behavior be 
modifiable by clients, by subclasses, or neither?  If so, how?

I think maybe we should start with creating a high performance 
inlined (for ldc/gdc) in-memory multi-threaded binary reference 
logger and then extend the interface in ways that does not make 
it noticeably slower using the reference logger as the baseline. 
(Noticeably  100%?)

When logging to an external logging service you might want the 
logging service do the time-keeping so you don't get merged logs 
from multiple servers that are out of sync. In that case 
collecting absolute time locally is kinda pointless (although you 
might want to submit serial numbers and relative time between 
logging events from the same server).

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-05 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 15:10:35 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 14:53:17 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
If you are going to speak more about abstract performance I am 
going to simply ignore any of your further posts on topic.

I am not abstract. These are very concrete requirements:

1. You have to be able to determine types and formatting at 
compile time otherwise you cannot do binary logging.

2. You have to be able to determine types and formatting at 
compile time otherwise you cannot minimize the probability of 
introducing run-time errors by turning on full logging.

Ok, this is much more specific. With a similar concerns in mind I 
have proposed to add a `log` overload that doesn't have variadic 
arguments and takes a single pre-formatted string (with 
file/line/module as default run-time arguments). With a custom 
formatting function (compile-time or run-time at users choice) it 
should fit these requirements. Does that sounds feasible to you?

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-05 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 5 September 2014 at 18:24:01 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Ok, this is much more specific. With a similar concerns in mind 
I have proposed to add a `log` overload that doesn't have 
variadic arguments and takes a single pre-formatted string 
(with file/line/module as default run-time arguments). With a 
custom formatting function (compile-time or run-time at users 
choice) it should fit these requirements. Does that sounds 
feasible to you?

P.S. Reason why compile-time format checking can't be added to 
base API is rather simple - it needs to be at least somewhat 
similar to one of writefln

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-05 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 5 September 2014 at 18:27:12 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
P.S. Reason why compile-time format checking can't be added to 
base API is rather simple - it needs to be at least somewhat 
similar to one of writefln

Hm. My experience with Python for server use tells me that the 
problem with dynamic languages isn't the primarily the main 
execution paths, but the exceptional ones. Having to update a 
server because a request erroneously fails due to a logging 
statement (or typos in asserts or any other kind of debugging 
statement) is annoying.

Upon further reflection I think it is important to require 
logging to be a fail-safe transparent operation (conceptually 
close to an annotation).

I don't think monitoring statements should be able to cause 
runtime errors at all.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-05 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 22:34:30 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 
Sounds like a candidate for an attribute, just prefix a 
function or function call with @trace(level)?

I've got a feature request in for just that:

While thinking about it I realize that it's actually very easy 
to generalize @trace into the equivalent of Common Lisp 
:before, :after, and :around methods: @scope(scopeFn) .  (It 
would work even better if scope(success) and scope(failure) 
exposed what they are returning/throwing.)

In the meantime Log4D has a (barely tested) mixin.

This can already be implemented in a library if mixin of an 
implementation idiom is used. I think it fits D style better 
(having attributes modify actual code flow is unprecedented)

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-03 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 10:14:27 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 06:24:45 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 

I see a difference between signalling state, tracing execution 
and logging state. I guess one roughly can say that:

- signalling is for coordination of subsystems
- logging state is for tracking effects on the database
- tracing is for detecting logic failure after a crash

I've written my own ideas about logging vs tracing over at .  In a 
nutshell, logging means the engineered messages targeting 
non-developers that are part of the application deliverable and 
follow the narrative flow, while tracing is the automated 
messages targeting the developers that follow the structural flow.

std.logger provides an acceptable interface for logging and an 
absolute minimal interface to tracing, with just the single 
LogLevel.trace and trace/tracef functions.  Most other systems 
provide at least two (debug+trace) or three (fine/finer/finest) 
levels between INFO and everything, and some provide 
log.entering()/log.exiting() functions that could provide for 
what you are describing.

Sounds interesting. I'll have a look at log4d later. But it is 
not fully typesafe then? The way I see it you should log a 
tuple of values and a reference to a type-safe formatting 
expression, but only apply the formatting expression when you 
need to so you don't burden the performance thread with 
unnecessary work.

Well, sort of.  It's not CTFE-like typesafe where the compiler 
catches it, but it also isn't possible (AFAIK) to get it wrong 
either.  PatternLayout's format specifiers don't perform 
conversions on client-controlled input, they are straight 
substitutions of the LogEntry fields (+ some extras) into the 
final emitted string.

It sounds like what you would like is a trace function that 
doesn't feature a format string at all, but formatting would 
instead be applied at I/O time by a Logger subclass.  How about 

1. Add a fnArgs field of type Object [] to LogEntry
2, Add something like the following:

void traceFn(int line = __LINE__,
string file = __FILE__, string funcName = __FUNCTION__,
string prettyFuncName = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
string moduleName = __MODULE__)(lazy Object [] fnArgs)
static if (isLoggingActive!LogLevel.trace)
if (isLoggingEnabled(LogLevel.trace)
 ll = stdlog.logLevel
 stdlog.logLevel = globalLogLevel
 globalLogLevel !=
 stdlog.logLevel !=
auto entry = LogEntry(file, line, funcName, 
moduleName, LogLevel.trace, thisTid, 
Clock.currTime, null, this, fnArgs);


This could also be split into traceFnEnter, traceFnExitSuccess, 
and traceFnExitFailure with LogEntry.args set to indicate which 
one (, , ! for example) and a mixin provided so that 
client code could get it all in a one-liner.

If this would meet your needs, I wouldn't mind it myself.  Save 
log.trace() for generic messages the developer want to see 
between the traceFnEnter/traceFnExitX messages.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-03 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d
Another API change:  LogEntry must have a Thread reference, 
either in addition to or in replacement of the Tid reference it 
has currently.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 11:39:59 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 
I've written my own ideas about logging vs tracing over at

Nice writeup! It is kind of interesting that there are so many 
different takes on a mundane task such as logging, monitoring, 
debug-tracing etc. Reminds me of reflections on how many types of 
NULL you need to cover all the different semantics that NULL can 
express (was it 5 or 6?).

It sounds like what you would like is a trace function that 
doesn't feature a format string at all, but formatting would 
instead be applied at I/O time by a Logger subclass.

Yes, either that or no formatting at all. If all formatting 
strings are literals and resolve at compile time then you can 
extract them from the source and create a big compile time map 
that convert them into numeric values at compile time and convert 
the types into numeric values as well. If the API supports full 
compile time reflection that should be a possibility.

High performance logging should just be a series of MOV 
instructions or SSE equivalents that completes in ~8-40 cycles 
for a circular buffer with 2^N size. With increasing availability 
of memory on cloud servers this becomes more and more attractive 
IMO (you can log a lot in 50MB)

It important is that you exploit the fact that the values are 
already in registers because you usually log values that have 
recently been computed and that you spend a minimal amount of 
execution time on registering them, perhaps even writing directly 
to full memory cache lines to avoid cache pollution (using 
special SSE commands).

If you accept slightly out of sync logging then you can have 
thread local buffers and on x86 use the command RDTSC which gives 
you a (good enough) timer value so you can merge the buffers from 
threads later. It takes roughly 20-30 cycles which I presume is 
better than CAS instructions, or you can just write directly to a 
global counter without CAS and accept that it jitters?

I personally don't care about enter/exit so much. I care about:

1. tracking the state of the system configuration at the point of 

2. the paths of execution before the incident
3. the events that led up to it (in order to reproduce the 

This could also be split into traceFnEnter, traceFnExitSuccess, 
and traceFnExitFailure with LogEntry.args set to indicate which 
one (, , ! for example) and a mixin provided so that 
client code could get it all in a one-liner.

Sounds like a candidate for an attribute, just prefix a function 
or function call with @trace(level)?

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-03 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 13:13:31 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 11:39:59 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 
This could also be split into traceFnEnter, 
traceFnExitSuccess, and traceFnExitFailure with LogEntry.args 
set to indicate which one (, , ! for example) and a 
mixin provided so that client code could get it all in a 

Sounds like a candidate for an attribute, just prefix a 
function or function call with @trace(level)?

I've got a feature request in for just that:

While thinking about it I realize that it's actually very easy to 
generalize @trace into the equivalent of Common Lisp :before, 
:after, and :around methods: @scope(scopeFn) .  (It would work 
even better if scope(success) and scope(failure) exposed what 
they are returning/throwing.)

In the meantime Log4D has a (barely tested) mixin.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at 22:34:30 UTC, Kevin Lamonte 
I've got a feature request in for just that:

Interesting! I am not 100% convinced that scope(failure/success) 
is the way to go since it will cause potentially a lot of extra 
work when unwinding the stack in case of an exception? Or maybe 
the stack unwinder could to the tracing directly without using 
the scope construct.

Another option would be to only trace the landing-pad (catch 
statement) for exceptions, so you would get something like 
exception X caught in functionname(), but not sure how to do it 
without loosing information. You might need a counter for each 
enter/exit or something like that and let the stack-unwinder 
count down.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 4 September 2014 at 04:53:36 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
You might need a counter for each enter/exit or something like 
that and let the stack-unwinder count down.

I meant: you might need to increment a stack specific counter, 
but that does not sound practical. I guess it is better to have a 
more complex stack unwinder.

Co-routines create some problems here. You probably need to trace 
that they yield.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 10:43:34 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

I guess the most robust solution is to use shared memory and 
fork, when the child dies you soup up the log and upload it to 
a logging-server.

I'm used to a centralized system taking logs on a continuous 
basis, with normal, I'm happy messages coming through in a 
regular interval.  When the application dies, it already has had 
its messages emitted and sucked up by the collection system, and 
if its heartbeat messages aren't seen then people are prompted to 
investigate anyway.  It's on the main server (e.g. syslog or 
LogStash) to handle storage space issues like log rotation.

I am also interested in lazy formatting, meaning you log a 
reference to the immutable formatting string and the 
parameters, but wait with the formatting until the result is 

log4d does this, it saves the Logger+LogEntry references and only 
applies PatternLayouts at the end, BUT it does so with the risk 
that additional fields specified in the conversionPattern might 
be wrong since they were not generated/evaluated in the context 
of the original log call.  Thread ID (%t) is the main culprit 
(since it is not in LogEntry, PatternLayout has to get it), but 
also time between log calls and time since application startup 

But it sounds like you want std.logger to not apply formatting 
even in its infof/errorf/etc functions.  That might be a problem 
for things like the number of rows in a result set, the current 
time, or the remote system hostname.  For example, by the time 
the logging infrastructure evaluates the number of rows, the 
result set is long gone and could throw an exception.  I would 
argue that this kind of lazy evaluation would be fine if it was 
not enabled by default.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread eles via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 18:57:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 16:52:16 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
You are totally misunderstanding goals of std.logger - people 
as _expected_ to roll their own Loggers. std.logger is here 
only to provide standard API for those to integrate with each 
other and few trivial common implementation as examples. Rest 
is dub business.

Oh, I understand the intentions perfectly well, but the default 
should be performant, multithreaded, and cover the most common 
use scenario.


While its useful for the standard library to provide stubs, these 
mean very little without a default implementation. And the latter 
shall be quite generic to cover most of the use cases.

Rolling one's own loggers shall be done only if the world is not 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 06:53:30 UTC, eles wrote:
Oh, I understand the intentions perfectly well, but the 
default should be performant, multithreaded, and cover the 
most common use scenario.


While its useful for the standard library to provide stubs, 
these mean very little without a default implementation. And 
the latter shall be quite generic to cover most of the use 

Rolling one's own loggers shall be done only if the world is 
not enough.

I disagree and it was declared among goals of this module from 
the very beginning that it won't go that way, won't even attempt 
to do it. If you have some good ideas about better default 
implementation - make pull request after it is merged into 
std.experimental. Right now it is not in the scope of the 
review and I will simply ignore all comments that are related 
purely to implementation.

However, if there any API issues that will likely block the 
implementation you want - those are very important to hear about. 
This is #1 priority right now.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 06:24:45 UTC, Kevin Lamonte wrote:
I'm used to a centralized system taking logs on a continuous 
basis, with normal, I'm happy messages coming through in a 
regular interval.  When the application dies, it already has 
had its messages emitted and sucked up by the collection 
system, and if its heartbeat messages aren't seen then people 
are prompted to investigate anyway.  It's on the main server 
(e.g. syslog or LogStash) to handle storage space issues like 
log rotation.

Yes, I think we are discussing many different things at the same 
time here and it would be a good idea to sort out the different 
use cases since that affects functionality. I have not thought 
about heartbeats/keep-alive etc as logging, but it is reasonable 
to view them as such.

I see a difference between signalling state, tracing execution 
and logging state. I guess one roughly can say that:

- signalling is for coordination of subsystems
- logging state is for tracking effects on the database
- tracing is for detecting logic failure after a crash


log4d does this, it saves the Logger+LogEntry references and 
only applies PatternLayouts at the end, BUT it does so with the 
risk that additional fields specified in the conversionPattern 
might be wrong since they were not generated/evaluated in the 
context of the original log call.  Thread ID (%t) is the main 
culprit (since it is not in LogEntry, PatternLayout has to get 
it), but also time between log calls and time since application 
startup (%r/%R).

Sounds interesting. I'll have a look at log4d later. But it is 
not fully typesafe then? The way I see it you should log a tuple 
of values and a reference to a type-safe formatting expression, 
but only apply the formatting expression when you need to so you 
don't burden the performance thread with unnecessary work.

But it sounds like you want std.logger to not apply formatting 
even in its infof/errorf/etc functions.  That might be a 
problem for things like the number of rows in a result set, the 
current time, or the remote system hostname.  For example, by 
the time the logging infrastructure evaluates the number of 
rows, the result set is long gone and could throw an exception.

I think you should log the values as a tuple, but not do the 
string-conversion, but it is more important for tracing execution 
than for logging. I guess formatting high level info/error is 
acceptable, but for tracing I am only interested in very terse 
value/type info along with an indicator of context.

Performance and trouble-free type safe logging is much more 
important than nice formatting IMO. Traced execution will 
primarily be used for log analysis after a crash. You can use 
this on game clients, game servers, web servers etc…


log configuration + trace last 5 events - crash - compress 
and upload for analysis.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 07:10:29 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
into std.experimental. Right now it is not in the scope of 
the review and I will simply ignore all comments that are 
related purely to implementation.

Configuration of logging is part of the API.
Conversion of objects to log info affects the API.
The API affects performance.

You need to design the API with a reference model in mind. 
Without it the API has no value. That's why you need a reference 
implementation in order to evaluate the API design.

However, if there any API issues that will likely block the 
implementation you want - those are very important to hear 
about. This is #1 priority right now.

I am concerned about performance, formatting and type safety. You 
need to:

1. define the use cases you want to cover
2. list the requirements
3. define a model

Only then does it make sense to define the API. If D is to have 
the upper hand as a system level language then the logging must 
be performant. For performant logging you might not want to do 
string-formatting at all in the engine you are monitoring.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 10:25:03 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
However, if there any API issues that will likely block the 
implementation you want - those are very important to hear 
about. This is #1 priority right now.

I am concerned about performance, formatting and type safety. 
You need to:

1. define the use cases you want to cover
2. list the requirements
3. define a model

Only then does it make sense to define the API. If D is to have 
the upper hand as a system level language then the logging must 
be performant. For performant logging you might not want to do 
string-formatting at all in the engine you are monitoring.

Sorry but it doesn't work that way. If you are concerned about 
those cases it is you who must do necessary research and provided 
specific list of requirements / changes. No one else is going to 
do it.

While your raise important concerns it doesn't have any practical 
application right now and I can't use it in any way as part of 
review process. We need details (see the responses of other 
voters). Pure theoretical speculations won't help.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 13:08:02 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
While your raise important concerns it doesn't have any 
practical application right now and I can't use it in any way 
as part of review process. We need details (see the responses 
of other voters). Pure theoretical speculations won't help.

Uhm, it isn't theoretical. A low performance string based 
stdio-logger is not useful in a high performance server where you 
have short spikes with idle time between the spikes.

A coarse grained logger logs state on the application level and I 
don't need library support for that since it only happens in a 
handful of locations that I control myself.

A fine grained logger logs state on the framework/library level 
and I don't want to use a logger that spends time on turning ints 
into strings when it is supposed to be handling requests and sits 
idle a few milliseconds later.

The phobos design lacks a performance oriented focus and si too 
scripty for a system level langauge.

You need benchmarking from the get go. Performance does not 
happen later as a QoI issue because performance depends on the 
model the API implies.

Fine grained logging must be performant.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 13:58:24 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 13:08:02 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
While your raise important concerns it doesn't have any 
practical application right now and I can't use it in any way 
as part of review process. We need details (see the responses 
of other voters). Pure theoretical speculations won't help.

Uhm, it isn't theoretical. A low performance string based 
stdio-logger is not useful in a high performance server where 
you have short spikes with idle time between the spikes.

A coarse grained logger logs state on the application level and 
I don't need library support for that since it only happens in 
a handful of locations that I control myself.

A fine grained logger logs state on the framework/library level 
and I don't want to use a logger that spends time on turning 
ints into strings when it is supposed to be handling requests 
and sits idle a few milliseconds later.

The phobos design lacks a performance oriented focus and si too 
scripty for a system level langauge.

You need benchmarking from the get go. Performance does not 
happen later as a QoI issue because performance depends on the 
model the API implies.

Fine grained logging must be performant.

This is exactly what I call theoretical speculations. Please 
provide specific list like this:

1) some method signature needs to be changed
2) design decision that makes GC allocation unavoidable for 
specific use case
3) example logger implementation that doesn't fit into existing 
API (show how)

If you are going to speak more about abstract performance I am 
going to simply ignore any of your further posts on topic. Sorry 
but there is no other way.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 14:53:17 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
If you are going to speak more about abstract performance I am 
going to simply ignore any of your further posts on topic.

I am not abstract. These are very concrete requirements:

1. You have to be able to determine types and formatting at 
compile time otherwise you cannot do binary logging.

2. You have to be able to determine types and formatting at 
compile time otherwise you cannot minimize the probability of 
introducing run-time errors by turning on full logging.

This is very important use scenarios:

* Performant fine grained logging (as close to zero overhead as 
you get) in libraries and frameworks is essential for fixing 
cloud-based servers where you typically cannot use regular 
strategies. I don't control frameworks, so it is important that 
they use standard lib logging.

* Performant fine grained logging (as close to zero overhead as 
you get) in client side frameworks is essential for fixing online 
game clients that runs on heterogenous hardware since you don't 
get to run a debugger on all configurations.

I don't know enough about what the limitations for advanced 
compile time reflection is, but it has been claimed in this 
thread that the current design does not make it possible to 
establish this at compile time.

Then I have to conclude that the current design cannot be safe 
enough or performant enough to be useful in libraries and 
frameworks and give D an advantage in the server-market...


1. If D libraries and frameworks starts using and 
under-performing logger because it is the official D logger 
library, then you cannot ship products with fine grained logging 
based on these framworks. This is a lost opportunity.

2. If phobos includes under-performing libraries then you risk 
having a new split and have two standard libraries and/or two 
incompatible logging frameworks.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-02 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 at 14:53:17 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
This is exactly what I call theoretical speculations. Please 
provide specific list like this:

1) some method signature needs to be changed

I propose the following API changes (+ changes on default 

protected LogEntry beginLogMsg(string file, int line, string 
string prettyFuncName, string moduleName, LogLevel 

Tid threadId, SysTime timestamp, Logger logger)
static if (isLoggingActive())
return LogEntry(file, line, funcName, prettyFuncName,
moduleName, logLevel, threadId, timestamp, null, 


/** Logs a part of the log message. */
protected void logMsgPart(MsgRange msgAppender, const(char)[] 

static if (isLoggingActive())

/** Signals that the message has been written and no more 
calls to

$(D logMsgPart) follow. */
protected void finishLogMsg(ref LogEntry entry, MsgRange 

static if (isLoggingActive())
entry.msg =;

...with the corresponding changes to logImpl/logImplf to create 
msgAppender as a local function variable, and the elimination of 
header and msgAppender as Logger class variables.

The benefit to this change is that Logger (including stdlog) 
becomes thread-safe, as well as any subclass of Logger that only 
implements writeLogMsg().

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-01 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 04:32:42 UTC, Kevin Lamonte wrote:

Does this logger already exist, could I take a look at it?

Not in D AFAIK, circular in-memory logging is a common technique 
for fixing servers though.

If not, if someone writes an appender for writing to the 
database, you could accomplish this goal with log4d using a 
buffer appender that triggers on fatal.

I guess the most robust solution is to use shared memory and 
fork, when the child dies you soup up the log and upload it to a 

I am also interested in lazy formatting, meaning you log a 
reference to the immutable formatting string and the parameters, 
but wait with the formatting until the result is needed.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 01:09:33 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

I've got some questions:

How does logging interact with pure? You need to be able to log 
in pure functions.

Weakly pure function can take logger as an argument (so I doubt 
it is useful in practice). Strongly pure functions can't be 
logged in non-debug statement pretty much by D definition of 
purity. This may be or may not be an issue but is definitely goes 
out of the scope of this Phobos proposal. If you have any 
specific ideas how to address it, please create a separate thread.

Does the logger implementation flush() in the case of a crash? 
(Does it trap all crashes in a way that ensures that  logging 
buffers are written to disk?)

Current implementations use basic std.stdio facilities and those 
flush upon writing a newline symbol - flush happens after each 
log call. More efficient buffered implementation can be provided 
later, this shouldn't affect the API.

Is logf() needed? Can't you somehow detect that the string is 
an immutable string literal with string formatting characters?

Unreliable, not KISS. I think it is a bad idea.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-01 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 16:30:46 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
purity. This may be or may not be an issue but is definitely 
goes out of the scope of this Phobos proposal. If you have any


Current implementations use basic std.stdio facilities and 
those flush upon writing a newline symbol - flush happens 
after each log call. More efficient buffered implementation can 
be provided later, this shouldn't affect the API.


Unreliable, not KISS. I think it is a bad idea.

If the standard library does not provide the following from the 
get go:

1. general usefulness
2. performance
3. KISS in terms of interface (not in language semantics)

then people will be better off rolling their own. Creating a 
simple logger is not difficult, the challenge is in creating a 
performant, generally useful one with legible syntax and full CT 
type safety.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 16:52:16 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
You are totally misunderstanding goals of std.logger - people 
as _expected_ to roll their own Loggers. std.logger is here

*are expected

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 16:45:29 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
If the standard library does not provide the following from the 
get go:

1. general usefulness
2. performance
3. KISS in terms of interface (not in language semantics)

then people will be better off rolling their own. Creating a 
simple logger is not difficult, the challenge is in creating a 
performant, generally useful one with legible syntax and full 
CT type safety.

You are totally misunderstanding goals of std.logger - people as 
_expected_ to roll their own Loggers. std.logger is here only to 
provide standard API for those to integrate with each other and 
few trivial common implementation as examples. Rest is dub 

And no, magic identification of format string is neither language 
KISS nor interface KISS.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-09-01 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 16:52:16 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
You are totally misunderstanding goals of std.logger - people 
as _expected_ to roll their own Loggers. std.logger is here 
only to provide standard API for those to integrate with each 
other and few trivial common implementation as examples. Rest 
is dub business.

Oh, I understand the intentions perfectly well, but the default 
should be performant, multithreaded, and cover the most common 
use scenario.

Without a performant reference implementation that can be used 
for performance testing it isn't  convincing. You also need to 
account for issues such as multi-threading, throttling etc. 
Meaning, you might need to have queues and a merger-thread, defer 
formatting etc etc.

And no, magic identification of format string is neither 
language KISS nor interface KISS.

Formatting should be typesafe and preferably configurable with 
custom formatters, so it should resolve at compile-time one way 
or the other.

You don't want an exceptional path to have a runtime error 
triggered by a log() statement, i.e. you don't want the 
possibility that turning on logging can introduce bugs. That 
should be the most important requirement.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-31 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Sun, 31 Aug 2014 01:09:32 +
schrieb Ola Fosheim Grøstad

 I've got some questions:
 How does logging interact with pure? You need to be able to log 
 in pure functions.

How do you come to that conclusion? Purity is a synonym for
_not_ having side effects. That said - as usual - debug
statements allow you to punch a hole into purity.

 Is logf() needed? Can't you somehow detect that the string is an 
 immutable string literal with string formatting characters?

1) The first argument does not need to be a literal.
2) Checking the first argument for formatting chars slows the
   system down.
3) If you want to log a regular string, e.g. an incoming HTTP
   request or something that contains formatting symbols, log()
   would throw an exception about a missing second argument.
   This in turn could become a DOS vulnerability.

Other than that, you could create an additional log function
that only accepts compile-time known formatting strings as a CT
argument and verifies the runtime argument types at the same


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-31 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 29 July 2014 at 06:09:25 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
4. Replace defaultLogger with theLog. Logger is a word, but 
one that means lumberjack so it doesn't have the appropriate 
semantics. The use is generally acceptable as a nice play on 
words and as a disambiguator between the verb to log and the 
noun log. When we actually want to talk about the current log 
in an application, we should, however, call it the log. This 
is negotiable.


Here's the results I see:

8 results related to programming and log files

1 Wikipedia disambiguation page

1 sports-related result (La Crosse Loggers)

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-31 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 06:11:56 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Sun, 31 Aug 2014 01:09:32 +
schrieb Ola Fosheim Grøstad

How does logging interact with pure? You need to be able to 
log in pure functions.

How do you come to that conclusion? Purity is a synonym for
_not_ having side effects. That said - as usual - debug
statements allow you to punch a hole into purity.

1. ~90% of all functions are weakly pure, if you cannot log 
execution in those functions then logging becomes a liability.

2. If you define logging in a weakly pure function as tracing of 
execution rather than logging of state, then you can allow 
memoization too.

3. You don't normally read back the log in the same execution, 
state is thus not preserved through logging within a single 
execution. It has traits which makes it less problematic than 
general side effects that change regular global variables.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-31 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Sun, 31 Aug 2014 08:52:58 +
schrieb Ola Fosheim Grøstad

 On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 06:11:56 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
  Am Sun, 31 Aug 2014 01:09:32 +
  schrieb Ola Fosheim Grøstad
  How does logging interact with pure? You need to be able to 
  log in pure functions.
  How do you come to that conclusion? Purity is a synonym for
  _not_ having side effects. That said - as usual - debug
  statements allow you to punch a hole into purity.
 1. ~90% of all functions are weakly pure, if you cannot log 
 execution in those functions then logging becomes a liability.

 2. If you define logging in a weakly pure function as tracing of 
 execution rather than logging of state, then you can allow 
 memoization too.

Ok, here is the current state: Logging is not a first-class
language feature with special semantics. Drop your pure
keywords on those 90% of functions or only log in debug.
 3. You don't normally read back the log in the same execution, 
 state is thus not preserved through logging within a single 
 execution. It has traits which makes it less problematic than 
 general side effects that change regular global variables.

I still don't see it fly even theoretically. The stdlog will
be an interface with an arbitrary implementation behind it. A
file logger will eventually hit a disk full state and throw
an exception. Since pure implies that a function call can be
elided such a change of execution path cannot work.
It is much like discussing the strictness of transitive const.
If you need to cache values of initialize on first access, you
just have to drop const.


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-31 Thread eles via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 09:34:51 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Sun, 31 Aug 2014 08:52:58 +
schrieb Ola Fosheim Grøstad

On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 06:11:56 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
 Am Sun, 31 Aug 2014 01:09:32 +
 schrieb Ola Fosheim Grøstad

I still don't see it fly even theoretically. The stdlog will
be an interface with an arbitrary implementation behind it. A
file logger will eventually hit a disk full state and throw
an exception.

Why would that be the sole outcome? There are several strategies 
to cope with that, maybe through a special logger.

For example:
- start writing over the old logs transparently (because, 
usually, the most important logs are the most recent ones)
- simply fake logging, but not logging anything more (keeping all 
history and simply discard anything that comes after the disk is 

These could be solved easily, by catching the exception and 
either processing it (the first strategy), either by ignoring it 
(the second strategy).

But it matters to have the functionality by default.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-31 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 09:34:51 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Ok, here is the current state: Logging is not a first-class
language feature with special semantics. Drop your pure
keywords on those 90% of functions or only log in debug.

Then maybe the language lacks features that allow you to escape 
purity in a safe manner.

But maybe you should only allow trace() and not log() in pure 
functions. Tracing execution and logging state.

I still don't see it fly even theoretically. The stdlog will
be an interface with an arbitrary implementation behind it.

An interface can require specific properties of the 

file logger will eventually hit a disk full state and throw
an exception. Since pure implies that a function call can be
elided such a change of execution path cannot work.

Not sure what you mean by this.

The logger I am most interested in writes to a circular buffer 
and uploads the log to a database on a crash so that the source 
of the crash can be identified. I am only interested in in 
logging execution, not preserved state without execution.

It is not uncommon to have loggers that writes to a fixed size 
preallocated area that behaves like a circular buffer (e.g. 
retain at most 1GB and 3 months old logging-data)

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-31 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 09:56:29 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
The logger I am most interested in writes to a circular buffer 
and uploads the log to a database on a crash so that the source 
of the crash can be identified. I am only interested in in 
logging execution, not preserved state without execution.

Does this logger already exist, could I take a look at it?

If not, if someone writes an appender for writing to the 
database, you could accomplish this goal with log4d using a 
buffer appender that triggers on fatal.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 8/30/14, 5:18 AM, Dicebot wrote:

I have likely missed several points but overall it seem pretty clear to
me that all requests / concerns have not been addressed and this
proposal is not yet ready for another round of review.

How do the remaining issues break down into QoI that can be deferred to 
a future release? -- Andrei

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Kevin Lamonte via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 02:11:49 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

API must specify a strong stance on threading, whatever the
form it takes

Does not seem to be addressed at all. At least I see no 
mentions of it in core.d documentation and logger instance 
itself is plain __gshared thing.

I'm not a voter as far as I know, but I suggest that Logger is 
formally documented to be not-thread-safe, and that it is the 
responsibility of subclasses to provide thread safety.  Actual 
Logger's can do so easily by overloading 
beginLogMsg/logMsgPart/finishLogMsg and not using a shared class 
variable between calls.  Loggers could also remain thread-local 
but overload writeLogMsg to dispatch the result to thread-safe 
I/O.  The latter is the path I have chosen currently for log4d 
(  (That may change in the 
future if there is memory pressure from too many thread-local 
logger instances.)

We need to hammer out how this will work inside libraries.  If 
my app is
using multiple libraries I need to know I have full control of 
how they
log and where (), and if I write libraries I need to include 
logging that

will not affect performance or added dependencies.

This is a task for a fuller backend, not the std.logger frontend. 
 std.logger should be mechanism, interfacing multiple libraries 
together requires policy.

Logger should include a shared Logger, or include it in the 
interface for
outside libraries to handle the implementation.  There will be 

that thread internally and will need to support shared logging.

Is not addressed.

stdlog is global and the default implementation is thread-safe by 
way of FileLogger mutex-locking its writes.  It should either be 
documented that stdlog is always global and it is up to 
subclasses or logging backends to make stdlog thread-safe, or 
Logger should be made thread-safe by default by eliminating it's 
header and msgAppender fields.  I'm not sure either way which is 

I don't like the idea that libraries A, B, and C will just 
blindly use stdlog and hope for the best.  If they are logging 
(and not tracing, for which I hope D evolves a @trace 
attribute) then they should be logging by category/name, which is 
a job for something like log4d.  But Logger's don't have names.

Perhaps the better solution would be a convention for libraries 
to always use a static Logger Logger.getLogger(string category) 
function, for which the default simply ignores category and 
returns stdlog.  Logger.setGetLoggerFunction(...) could be 
provided for backends to change this behavior on application 
startup, assuming they can guarantee that they can call this 
function before various libraries have gotten references to 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 02:11:49 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Jakob Ovrum

The *API* must support minimal dynamic memory allocation for
the normal execution path. However, theoretical *implementation*
changes that reduce memory allocation are not a deal-breaker.

This seems to be addressed but though it is desired to verify 
it via @nogc unittest block which uses stub no-op logger (to 
verify that nothing in between allocates). One place were GC 
allocations is unavoidable is core.d:1628 - it will always 
create FileLogger first and allow assigning custom one later. 
Is there any way to circumvent it?

Yes - split the `stdlog` property into a getter and a setter. 
Then if the setter is called first (with a non-null reference), 
the getter never gets to allocate the default instance. I pointed 
this out in a line comment before, but I guess it disappeared due 
to the name change...

Also, as I said in the line comment, it doesn't need to 
GC-allocate, it can allocate in global memory or TLS using 
emplace (which of them is appropriate depends on the threading 
model, I guess...). If Andrei's reference-counting suggestion is 
implemented, then depending on the details, it's possible that 
the default logger could be allocated on the C heap instead of 
the GC heap as well, managed by RC.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 09:54:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 8/30/14, 5:18 AM, Dicebot wrote:
I have likely missed several points but overall it seem pretty 
clear to
me that all requests / concerns have not been addressed and 

proposal is not yet ready for another round of review.

How do the remaining issues break down into QoI that can be 
deferred to a future release? -- Andrei

What is QoI? I am not familiar with this abbreviation

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 01:08:05PM +, Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 09:54:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 8/30/14, 5:18 AM, Dicebot wrote:
 I have likely missed several points but overall it seem pretty clear
 to me that all requests / concerns have not been addressed and this
 proposal is not yet ready for another round of review.
 How do the remaining issues break down into QoI that can be deferred
 to a future release? -- Andrei
 What is QoI? I am not familiar with this abbreviation

Quality of Implementation.


The peace of mind---from knowing that viruses which exploit Microsoft system 
vulnerabilities cannot touch Linux---is priceless. -- Frustrated system 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 13:35:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
How do the remaining issues break down into QoI that can be 

to a future release? -- Andrei

What is QoI? I am not familiar with this abbreviation

Quality of Implementation.

And how can one break issues into quality of implementation? :O I 
have literally no idea what Andrei means.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 01:37:15PM +, Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 13:35:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
 How do the remaining issues break down into QoI that can be deferred
 to a future release? -- Andrei
 What is QoI? I am not familiar with this abbreviation
 Quality of Implementation.
 And how can one break issues into quality of implementation? :O I have
 literally no idea what Andrei means.

I'm guessing he means, break them down into must-solve-before-merge
issues and stuff-to-be-fixed-later issues.


Acid falls with the rain; with love comes the pain.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 13:37:17 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 13:35:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
How do the remaining issues break down into QoI that can be 

to a future release? -- Andrei

What is QoI? I am not familiar with this abbreviation

Quality of Implementation.

And how can one break issues into quality of implementation? :O 
I have literally no idea what Andrei means.

Implementation issues can be fixed later as long as the API 
allows for it, so we should focus on the latter.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 8/30/14, 4:42 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 01:37:15PM +, Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 13:35:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d

How do the remaining issues break down into QoI that can be deferred
to a future release? -- Andrei

What is QoI? I am not familiar with this abbreviation

Quality of Implementation.

And how can one break issues into quality of implementation? :O I have
literally no idea what Andrei means.

I'm guessing he means, break them down into must-solve-before-merge
issues and stuff-to-be-fixed-later issues.

Correct. (I'm on vacation with scarce online access.) -- Andrei

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 20:53:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Correct. (I'm on vacation with scarce online access.) -- Andrei

With API stability in mind defining official stance on 
multi-threading in most important part. Rest can be added with 
small to none breaking changes.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-30 Thread via Digitalmars-d

I've got some questions:

How does logging interact with pure? You need to be able to log 
in pure functions.

Does the logger implementation flush() in the case of a crash? 
(Does it trap all crashes in a way that ensures that  logging 
buffers are written to disk?)

Is logf() needed? Can't you somehow detect that the string is an 
immutable string literal with string formatting characters?

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-29 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 21:04:28 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 18:23:31 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

I will compare changelist against list of requirements from 
voters this weekend and if all seems to be addressed will 
start a new round of review/voting.

sounds good!
just to note, I will be mostly offline for a good week starting 

Ok, going through the list of No voters.

Jakob Ovrum

The *API* must support minimal dynamic memory allocation for
the normal execution path. However, theoretical *implementation*
changes that reduce memory allocation are not a deal-breaker.

This seems to be addressed but though it is desired to verify it 
via @nogc unittest block which uses stub no-op logger (to verify 
that nothing in between allocates). One place were GC allocations 
is unavoidable is core.d:1628 - it will always create FileLogger 
first and allow assigning custom one later. Is there any way to 
circumvent it?

API must specify a strong stance on threading, whatever the
form it takes

Does not seem to be addressed at all. At least I see no mentions 
of it in core.d documentation and logger instance itself is plain 
__gshared thing.

$ grep -R -n shared std/experimental/logger/
std/experimental/logger/core.d:1625:static __gshared Logger 
std/experimental/logger/core.d:1635:static __gshared LogLevel 
ll = LogLevel.all;

Does not seem enough for sure.

This one might seem unnecessarily strict, but I think the fact
that Logger is a class and not an interface smells of poor
design. I might still be convinced that having it as a class is
justified, but my current stance is that it must be an interface.

Neither does seem to be addressed nor I can find any comment on 
why it is not going to be addressed.

Andrei Alexandrescu

Minimal logging level must be selected statically in addition to 
current dynamic selection. Static settings preclude dynamic 

This is not negotiable.

Seems to be addressed.

All logging code must be rigorously eliminated if below the 
logging level. More precisely, there must be a front-end 
that eliminates all code dedicated to a lazy variable that's 
not used
by a generic function. This would be a fantastic redeeming of the 
keyword, which has been of marginal utility until now. The 
here is cooperating with someone on the compiler team to make 
sure that
front-end improvement gets implemented, and writing unit tests 
that make

sure there's no regression later. This is not negotiable.

Seems to be addressed.

The suffix notations must be replaced with overloads. The only
acceptable suffix is f for formatting. Everything else must be
achieved via overloads with the help of template constraints. 
answer suggests he didn't consider using 
constraints. We can't let that slip become a feature of the 
library for

millenia to come.

Seems to be addressed.

Replace defaultLogger with theLog. Logger is a word, but one 
means lumberjack so it doesn't have the appropriate semantics. 
The use
is generally acceptable as a nice play on words and as a 
between the verb to log and the noun log. When we actually 
want to
talk about the current log in an application, we should, however, 

it the log. This is negotiable.

Addressed with a name of stdlog.

I'm still hoping for RefCounted as the storage for the class 
I realize users can do their own management but log objects are 
to contain cycles and other liabilities for reference counting, 
and at
some point if we want to use reference counting where appropriate 
we got
to start somewhere with a few solid precedents. This is 
negotiable, but

I plan to fight for it.

Can't see any traces of RefCounted in sources though I may have 
missed change of mind in PR discussion (sorry it is too huge to 
pay regular attention)


However, I wanted to address the suffix notation as
I suggested it.  What I was going for was consistency with the
write/writef method signatures to keep things consistent.  I felt
it would be good to make the two similar since they do similar

Obsolete with overload-based resolution

Francesco Cattoglio

As far as I undestood, there's no way right now to do logging
without using the GC. And that means it is currently impossible
to log inside destructor calls. That is a blocker in my book.

First part partially addressed - missing @nogc @nothrow logger 
implementation out of the box. Considering this request does not 
go very well with current language implementation it may be 
ignored for now but official stance about it must be 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-29 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
I have likely missed several points but overall it seem pretty 
clear to me that all requests / concerns have not been addressed 
and this proposal is not yet ready for another round of review.

Also x-post from GitHub PR of my personal nitpick:

... have noticed that all logging functions have 
file/line/function data as template parameters. This will create 
insane symbol bloat. While I can understand desire to use some 
nicer variadic argument API providing at least one log function 
that it simplistic but moves all compile-time data to run-time 
default argument is absolutely necessary for me to consider this 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-29 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

David Nadlinger

I agree. For this reason, I also vote for no (1 as well as 2),
as the current conditional logging support doubles the size of
the API for shaving a grand total of 3 characters off the
invocation in a rather infrequent use case.


Wow, upon further code review I discovered that Logger actually
overrides opCmp/opEquals to be based on the name (?!). This leads
to the following gem:  .. 


Martin Nowak

Get rid of the 8 different suffixes.
I only see the need for log and logf, why is the rest needed?


Support duck-typing for the log functions.
Logger should be a concept and log functions should be 

UFCS functions that take any `isLogger!T`.
To support a global `defaultLog` variable, you could add a Logger
interface and a loggerObject shim. See for this 
a pattern.

Neither seem to be addressed nor countered.

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-28 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 06:14:10 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
I really think this is the case where you should roll your own 
FileNoThrowingLogger and go with it.

*Me* or everyone who needs to log something in a dtor?

I really believe that necessity to log something in dtor is 
currently an indicator of design issues in the application. D 
class destructors are unreliable to the point of being almost 
useless, I'd be very careful about actually caring if those run 
at all.

In a long term this is something much better to be fixed in GC 
implementation than constantly hacked in stdlib modules.

Or is this maybe the other language change (besides not
generating code for unused lambdas) that should be pushed
with std.log, because otherwise it will never be solved ?

I don't know, but no logging in dtors is a serious
and hard to sell limitation. Not the author's fault though.

I agree that current situation is bad but I disagree that std.log 
is a proper place to solve it. It is a part of much bigger issue 
and adding few local workarounds does not make situation much 

Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-27 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 27 Aug 2014 01:09:21 +
schrieb Dicebot

 On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 00:09:15 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
  As far as I know, exactly this is not possible with the
  current GC implementation. The exception you catch there has
  just been allocated somewhere deeper in the log function. But
  all GC allocations in a GC invoked dtor cause MemoryErrors and
  program abortion/crashes. :(
  In a perfect world I'd imagine you can set up a fallback
  logger. So if the disk is full an exception is thrown by e.g.
  std.stdio.File, which is passed as an error level log message
  to the fallback logger, which might write to stderr:
  ERROR: Could not write the following message to logXYZ:
  The reason was: Disk full
 I don't think it will help either. The very moment exception is 
 allocated inside std.stdio.File your program will crash, it won't 
 get to fallback. Only solution is to implement your logger as 
 @nothrow thing by using only C functions internally instead of 
 std.stdio - something that feels overly limited for a general use 

Exactly, I just needed someone else to speak it out. :)

 I really think this is the case where you should roll your 
 own FileNoThrowingLogger and go with it.

*Me* or everyone who needs to log something in a dtor?

 In a long term this is something much better to be fixed in GC 
 implementation than constantly hacked in stdlib modules.

Or is this maybe the other language change (besides not
generating code for unused lambdas) that should be pushed
with std.log, because otherwise it will never be solved ?

I don't know, but no logging in dtors is a serious
and hard to sell limitation. Not the author's fault though.


Re: Voting: std.logger

2014-08-27 Thread eles via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 19:39:26 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Tue, 26 Aug 2014 18:23:30 +
schrieb Dicebot

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 15:44:19 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:


Someone else mentioned it before: Logging in destructors would
be a requirement for me, too.

It would be a pity to have forbidden spaces for logging. I very 
much like the fact that use of printk() is so much ubiquitous.

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