Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-19 Thread Simen Kjærås via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 19 July 2018 at 10:14:34 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 17:30:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 21:18:12 John Colvin via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for 
the incomparable case.

Since when is that legal? I thought that it was required for 
opCmp to return int. Certainly, the spec implies that it has 
to be int. The fact that the compiler allows it seems like a 
bug, though if Phobos is doing it, it wouldn't surprise me if 
Walter would choose to update the spec rather than fixing the 

It always worked with float as returntype (at least since I'm 
using D
- about 2.40 or so?), and it was necessary for the 

deprecated) special operators <>, !<>, <>=, !<>=, ...

The oldest reference to opCmp returning NaN that I've found is 
from 2005, so it's not an entirely new thing:$26u7$


Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-19 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 17:49:19 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 11:30:21AM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via 
On the other hand, if opCmp is allowed to return a user-defined 
type, it would solve the problem in a neat way: just define a 
quaternary type that encapsulates the values -1, 0, 1, NaN, and 
have opCmp return the equivalent of NaN for non-comparable 
arguments.  Then we could support partial orders correctly.

But I have a hard time seeing this actually work in practice, 
because a user-defined return type for opCmp leads to recursion:
It already works with float, no recursion. A lot of the types I 
use depend on this.

But having a language supported quarterny type would be good for 
its improved speed.

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-19 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 17:30:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 21:18:12 John Colvin via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for 
the incomparable case.

Since when is that legal? I thought that it was required for 
opCmp to return int. Certainly, the spec implies that it has to 
be int. The fact that the compiler allows it seems like a bug, 
though if Phobos is doing it, it wouldn't surprise me if Walter 
would choose to update the spec rather than fixing the compiler.

It always worked with float as returntype (at least since I'm 
using D

- about 2.40 or so?), and it was necessary for the (unfortunately
deprecated) special operators <>, !<>, <>=, !<>=, ...

would really pissing me off if someone deemed this excellent 

beeing a bug and removed it. The OP already found out that some
valuable mathematical concepts doesn't work with only 3 values for
opCmp. The 4th value is essencial.

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 15:13:24 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 19/07/2018 3:03 AM, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

That's by DMD32 on Windows.  (Sorry, my DMD64 broke after 
upgrading Visual Studio to 2017, and I failed to fix it right 
now.  Anyway, it's not like x86_64 uses a different set of 
general purpose floating-point hardware, right?)

Boy do I ever have some bad news for you!

SSE for 64bit and x87 for 32bit, as per

Wow, thanks!

As per, it's fast for float and double, but 
slow for reals (which are 80 bits and don't fit into the fancy 
instructions you mention).  Unfortunately, it fails to compile 
with -m32, but anyway, point taken.

As an aside, learning something new after virtually every post is 
why I love the D forum/newsgroup.

Ivan Kazmenko.

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 11:30:21AM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 
> On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 21:18:12 John Colvin via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> > Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for the
> > incomparable case.
> Since when is that legal? I thought that it was required for opCmp to
> return int. Certainly, the spec implies that it has to be int. The
> fact that the compiler allows it seems like a bug, though if Phobos is
> doing it, it wouldn't surprise me if Walter would choose to update the
> spec rather than fixing the compiler.

Yeah, this is also a surprise to me.  Is this a bug?  I was under the
impression that opCmp must return int.

On the other hand, if opCmp is allowed to return a user-defined type, it
would solve the problem in a neat way: just define a quaternary type
that encapsulates the values -1, 0, 1, NaN, and have opCmp return the
equivalent of NaN for non-comparable arguments.  Then we could support
partial orders correctly.

But I have a hard time seeing this actually work in practice, because a
user-defined return type for opCmp leads to recursion: in order to
compare the return type against -1, 0, 1, etc., it would also need to
implement opCmp itself.  I'm almost certain this will cause the compiler
to choke. :-D  Not to mention opening up the possibility of ridiculous
cases like having two user-defined types whose opCmp returns the other
type, leading to infinite recursion.


Being able to learn is a great learning; being able to unlearn is a greater 

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 21:18:12 John Colvin via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for the
> incomparable case.

Since when is that legal? I thought that it was required for opCmp to return
int. Certainly, the spec implies that it has to be int. The fact that the
compiler allows it seems like a bug, though if Phobos is doing it, it
wouldn't surprise me if Walter would choose to update the spec rather than
fixing the compiler.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 19/07/2018 3:03 AM, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

That's by DMD32 on Windows.  (Sorry, my DMD64 broke after upgrading 
Visual Studio to 2017, and I failed to fix it right now.  Anyway, it's 
not like x86_64 uses a different set of general purpose floating-point 
hardware, right?)

Boy do I ever have some bad news for you!

SSE for 64bit and x87 for 32bit, as per

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 14:02:28 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 13:12:05 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

Leaving x uninitialized, or using floats, work about the same.

No, floats are a whole lot less slow.

Are they?  Locally, I don't see much difference.  Code:

import std.datetime.stopwatch, std.math, std.stdio;
immutable float limit = 10 ^^ 7;
void main () {
int s;
auto sw = StopWatch (AutoStart.yes);
auto start = sw.peek ();
for (float x = NaN (0), i = 0; i < limit; i++)
s += (i < x);
auto now = sw.peek ();
writeln (now - start, ", sum is ", s);


1 sec, 467 ms, 40 μs, and 6 hnsecs, sum is 0

Fluctuating within a few per cent, but very similar to version 
with doubles.

That's by DMD32 on Windows.  (Sorry, my DMD64 broke after 
upgrading Visual Studio to 2017, and I failed to fix it right 
now.  Anyway, it's not like x86_64 uses a different set of 
general purpose floating-point hardware, right?)

Ivan Kazmenko.

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 13:12:05 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 at 21:18:12 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for 
the incomparable case.

Isn't it slow though on current processors?  I just threw 
together a test program.

Leaving x uninitialized, or using floats, work about the same.

No, floats are a whole lot less slow.
But I agree, I would still prefer to have a signed bool which 
uses only 1 byte
and provide _much_ faster comparison to NaN. And I have created 
but as it is not supported by the language natively, it 
internally has to use

float, so is not faster (or even slower):

/// signed boolean type (2bit), has the values neg (0b11), zero 
(0b00), pos (0b01) and nan (0b10)
/// this is an extended boolean that split "true" into 
positive/negative and "false" into zero/NaN

struct sbool
   enum { neg = 0b11, zero = 0b00, pos = 0b01, nan = 0b10 };

   this(T)(const(T) x) if(isNumeric!T)
  static if(is(Unqual!T == sbool))
 val = x.val; /// pos -> 1, neg -> 3, zero -> 0, nan -> 2
  else static if(is(Unqual!T == bool))
 val = x ? pos : zero;
  else static if(isUnsigned!T)
 val = x.isInvalid ? nan : (x>0) ? pos : zero;
  else // signed or safe signed
 val = x.isInvalid ? nan : (x<0) ? neg : (x>0) ? pos : 


   T opCast(T)() const if(isNumeric!T)
  static if(is(Unqual!T == sbool))
 return this;
  else static if(is(Unqual!T == bool))
 return val&1; // pos and neg are mapped to true, zero 
and NaN are mapped to false

  else static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
 return tsgn[val];
 return val == nan ? invalid!T : cast(T)tsgn[val];

   sbool opAssign(T)(const(T) x) if(isNumeric!T)
  return this(x);

   sbool opOpAssign(string op)(const sbool x) if(op == "+" || op 
== "-" || op == "*" || op == "/" || op == "%")

  static if(op == "+") // attention! pos+neg = neg+pos = nan 

 val = tadd[val];
  else static if(op == "-") // attention! pos-pos = neg-neg = 
nan !!

 val = tsub[val];
  else static if(op == "*")
 val = tmul[val];
  else static if(op == "/")
 val = tdiv[val];
  else static if(op == "%")
 val = trem[val];
  val >>= x.val<<1;
  val &= 3;
  return this;

   sbool opUnary(string op)() if(op == "++" || op == "--")
  val &= 3;
  return this;

   sbool opUnary(string op)() const if(op == "+" || op == "-" || 
op == "~")

  static if(op == "+") return this;
  sbool r = this;
  mixin("r.val = "~op~"r.val");
  r.val &= 3;
  return r;

   sbool opBinary(string op)(const(sbool) x) const if(op == "+" 
|| op == "-" || op == "*" || op == "/" || op == "%")

  sbool r = this;
  return mixin("r "~op~"= x");

   Signed!T opBinary(string op, T)(const(T) x) const 
if(isNumeric!T && op == "*")

  static if(isUnsigned!T)
 alias R = Signed!T;
 if(val == nan || x.isInvalid) return invalid!R;
 if(val == zero) return 0;
 if(x > R.max) return invalid!R;
 return (val == pos) ? R(x) : -R(x);
  else // signed or float: return type is same as T
 if(x.isInvalid) return x;
 final switch(val)
 case pos: return x;
 case neg: return -x;
 case zero: return 0;
 case nan: return invalid!T;

   Signed!T opBinaryRight(string op, T)(const(T) x) const 
if(isNumeric!T && op == "*")

  return opBinary!"*"(x);
   ubyte val = nan;

   static immutable float[4] tsgn = [ 0.0f, 1.0f, float.init, 
-1.0f ];
   // composition tables  0: -1  N  1  0  1: -1  N  1 
 0  N: -1  N  1  0 -1: -1  N  1  0
   static immutable ubyte[4] tadd = [ 0b_11_10_01_00, 
0b_10_10_01_01, 0b_10_10_10_10, 0b_11_10_10_11 ];
   static immutable ubyte[4] tsub = [ 0b_01_10_11_00, 
0b_01_10_10_01, 0b_10_10_10_10, 0b_10_10_11_11 ];
   static immutable ubyte[4] tmul = [ 0b_00_10_00_00, 
0b_11_10_01_00, 0b_10_10_10_10, 0b_01_10_11_00 ];
   static immutable ubyte[4] tdiv = [ 0b_00_10_00_10, 
0b_11_10_01_10, 0b_10_10_10_10, 0b_01_10_11_10 ];
   static immutable ubyte[4] trem = [ 0b_00_10_00_10, 
0b_01_10_01_10, 0b_10_10_10_10, 0b_11_10_11_10 ];

   // remainder table is designed so, that if you define
   // quot = (abs(a)/abs(b)) * (sbool(a)/sbool(b));
   // rem  = (abs(a)%abs(b)) * (sbool(a)%sbool(b));
   // then   assert(a == quot*b + rem)   holds for all (a,b) with 
b != 0


   byte quot, rem;
   for(byte a = 127; a >= -127; --a)
  for(byte b = 127; b >= -127; --b)
 quot = cast(byte)( (abs(a)/abs(b)) * (sbool(a)/sbool(b)) 
 rem  = cast(byte)( (abs(a)%abs(b)) * (sbool(a)%sbool(b)) 
 assert((b == 0 && isInvalid(quot) && 

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 at 21:18:12 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for 
the incomparable case.

Isn't it slow though on current processors?  I just threw 
together a test program.

import std.datetime.stopwatch, std.math, std.stdio;
immutable double limit = 10 ^^ 7;
void main () {
int s;
auto sw = StopWatch (AutoStart.yes);
auto start = sw.peek ();
for (double x = NaN (0), i = 0; i < limit; i++)
s += (i < x);
auto now = sw.peek ();
writeln (now - start, ", sum is ", s);

Essentially, it compares a double x (initialized as a quiet NaN 
with payload 0) to a numeric double i, ten million times.  
Leaving x uninitialized, or using floats, work about the same.  
And here is the result:

1 sec, 593 ms, 116 μs, and 3 hnsecs, sum is 0

So, for a comparison involving NaN, we can do only a few million 
of them a second.  Granted, my Core i7-2600K is more than 5 years 
old already, but the situation is unlikely to get any better.  
But that's still a couple orders of magnitude slower than normal 
vs. normal floating-point comparison: try assigning some regular 
number to x, then the test takes ~50ms.

As far as I know, rare floating-point operations (such as this, 
or using subnormal numbers) are, or rather should be, treated as 
exceptions.  The hardware manufacturers neglect such rare 
operations to fit a bit more efficiency in the more common ones 
(or they are just lazy).  As a result, the developers don't 
overuse them.

Ivan Kazmenko.

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-18 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 at 21:18:12 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 at 18:21:26 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

But opCmp turns out to be a tarpit.  Here's why:

  According to the original claim, it should also return 0, for
  "incomparable".  However, this leads to problems:

Indeed. And it doesn't make sense at all.

Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for 
the incomparable case.

Yes, that's the only way. Having this 4th value of opCmp is 
for may types. In fact opCmp() it practically the only place 
where I

ever use the type "float", just to have the NaN.
If I really need floatingpoint arithmetic, I always use real (or 
at least double).

I would like to have a "signed boolean" type (with the values -1, 
0, 1 and NaN)
simply for all kind of sign operations. But ok, float is 32bit, 
and IEEE
suggests a "half" type (16bit). As a "signed boolean" would need 
a byte anyway

there is no too much to gain.

Re: opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-17 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 at 18:21:26 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
As we know, when opCmp is defined for a user type, then 
opEquals must also be defined in order for == to work, even 
though in theory the compiler could translate x==y into 

In the past, it was argued that this was so that partial orders 
could be made to work, i.e., it could be the case that x and y 
are incomparable, then x.opCmp(y) would return 0, and 
x.opEquals(y) would be false. Supposedly, this would allow us 
to, say, model the subset relation (which is a partial order) 
using the comparison operators.

However, this supposition is in fact false.  The reason is that 
`<=` and `>=` *only* check the return value of opCmp(); they do 
not check opEquals at all.  So suppose we define a Set type, 
and we'd like to use the comparison operators to model the 
subset relation.  How would we define opCmp and opEquals?

opEquals is obvious, of course.  It's true if x and y have the 
same elements, false otherwise.

But opCmp turns out to be a tarpit.  Here's why:

- If x is a (strict) subset of y, then obviously we should 
return -1.

- If x is a (strict) superset of y, then obviously we return 1.

- If x and y have the same elements, then obviously we should 
return 0,
  since we'd like x <= y and x >= y to be true when x == y is 

- If x and y are not subsets of each other, then what should we 

  According to the original claim, it should also return 0, for
  "incomparable".  However, this leads to problems:

  - Since `x <= y` in D means `x.opCmp(y) <= 0`, this will 
return TRUE

when x and y are incomparable.

  - Similarly, `x >= y` in D means `x.opCmp(y) >= 0`, so it 
will also

return TRUE when x and y are incomparable.

  - Therefore, `x <= y` cannot distinguish between x being a 
subset of y vs. x and y being incomparable.  Similarly for 
`x >= y`.

So we have the counterintuitive semantics that <= and >= will 
return true for non-comparable sets.

There is no return value of opCmp for which both <= and >= will 
be false, as we need it to be if we are to map <= to ⊆ and >= 
to ⊇.

Just do what std.typecons.Proxy does and return float.nan for the 
incomparable case.

opCmp / opEquals do not actually support partial orders

2018-07-17 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
As we know, when opCmp is defined for a user type, then opEquals must
also be defined in order for == to work, even though in theory the
compiler could translate x==y into x.opCmp(y)==0.

In the past, it was argued that this was so that partial orders could be
made to work, i.e., it could be the case that x and y are incomparable,
then x.opCmp(y) would return 0, and x.opEquals(y) would be false.
Supposedly, this would allow us to, say, model the subset relation
(which is a partial order) using the comparison operators.

However, this supposition is in fact false.  The reason is that `<=` and
`>=` *only* check the return value of opCmp(); they do not check
opEquals at all.  So suppose we define a Set type, and we'd like to use
the comparison operators to model the subset relation.  How would we
define opCmp and opEquals?

opEquals is obvious, of course.  It's true if x and y have the same
elements, false otherwise.

But opCmp turns out to be a tarpit.  Here's why:

- If x is a (strict) subset of y, then obviously we should return -1.

- If x is a (strict) superset of y, then obviously we return 1.

- If x and y have the same elements, then obviously we should return 0,
  since we'd like x <= y and x >= y to be true when x == y is true.

- If x and y are not subsets of each other, then what should we return?
  According to the original claim, it should also return 0, for
  "incomparable".  However, this leads to problems:

  - Since `x <= y` in D means `x.opCmp(y) <= 0`, this will return TRUE
when x and y are incomparable.

  - Similarly, `x >= y` in D means `x.opCmp(y) >= 0`, so it will also
return TRUE when x and y are incomparable.

  - Therefore, `x <= y` cannot distinguish between x being a non-strict
subset of y vs. x and y being incomparable.  Similarly for `x >= y`.

So we have the counterintuitive semantics that <= and >= will return
true for non-comparable sets.

There is no return value of opCmp for which both <= and >= will be
false, as we need it to be if we are to map <= to ⊆ and >= to ⊇.

Furthermore, this situation cannot be remedied by redefining < and > to
be ⊆ and ⊇ (as we might try to do in order to work around <= and >= not
checking the return value of opEquals), because when x == y, then there
is no return value that opCmp could return that would make `x < y` and
`x > y` both true simultaneously.

IOW, with the current semantics of opEquals and opCmp, it is impossible
to map the semantics of ⊆ and ⊇ to the comparison operators, in spite of
the fact that we allow opCmp() to return 0 when opEquals returns false.

Conclusion: the claim that opCmp/opEquals could be made to support
partial orders is patently false.

In fact, it cannot even be made to model NaN's in floating-point
arithmetic, which is a mostly-linear ordering, because there is no way
to make <= and >= both false using opCmp() when NaN's are involved
(e.g., in a user-defined floating-point wrapper type).  The best you can
get is that `x <= NAN` and `x >= NAN` is always true.

Corollary: allowing opCmp()==0 to be inconsistent with opEquals()==true
is useless, since we cannot actually use it to support any meaningful
ordering that isn't a linear ordering.  Thus, it only serves as a source
of confusion, and should be made illegal in the language.


EMACS = Extremely Massive And Cumbersome System