Re: SHOO's time code

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Tue, 18 May 2010 14:10:05 -0400, Moritz Warning   

On Tue, 18 May 2010 14:24:40 +, superdan wrote:

== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article

On Tue, 18 May 2010 09:39:12 -0400, superdan  wrote:
> guys go with boost and std.gregorian n shit. sorry shoo. tango is a
> fucking boat anchor for d. shit.
Having written most of the API for tango.time, I sorta like it :)  I
really like the API that SHOO came up with based on it.  If there's any
way to get SHOO's code into Phobos, I want to pursue that first.  If
this fails, we can go with boost.

i feel ya bro. i once sorta liked a hoe with herpes.

way i c it is simple. it's fucking dates and fucking times. wut the
fuck. ain't a fucking operating system. no matter how u dress a pig u
still call it a fucking pig. if u have da datetime functionality it
don't matter to be cute. we is wasting time sucking lars douche's cock 2
give us permission 2 his fucking shit. fuck that shit. dis must be da
least amount of power that got to some idiot's head.


Person A wrote some code and had a look at code from person B.
Now person C says that A need to get permission from B so that C can use
the code from A.
The reason is because the license of the code written by B isn't quite
compatible with the license recently chosen by C.

And now you are calling B an idiot/douche for that reason?

Let's make it a bit clearer.  Person A *used* the code from person B, and  
used the *documentation* of said code to write his own similar library.   
Person A has not claimed that he looked at the source.  Person B claims  
that it is impossible to do so without actually looking at the source, but  
has not yet cited any specific copying.  Person C doesn't want any  
trouble, and just is being extra careful.

I don't really like the situation, but if this is the way it has to be,  
then let's get it done and move on.


dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
After much work and toil, I have created dcollections for D2.  I think I  
can say that this is the first collection package available for D2.  I  
still hold hope that it will be used as the standard collection package  
for phobos for D2.

Please visit for details.

Some VERY IMPORTANT notes for this release:

1. it is very beta software.  Although the implementation has changed very  
little from the 1.0 version, not everything will properly compile.  I have  
filed several compiler bugs to fix some problems I had while porting, and  
inserted workarounds for things I could work around.  Please use the  
LATEST compiler (currently 2.046) because some very important features  
have been added that dcollections relies on.  Although it is beta, the  
algorithms and implementation is largely unchanged so functionality should  
be pretty solid.

2. the docs are not online for d2.  Unfortunately, dsource's  
auto-doc-generator that I was using for the 1.0 version is based on a 1.0  
compiler, so it will not automatically generate the d2 docs.  However, I  
have included some basic ddoc generated docs in the download package,  
don't expect them to be very fun to use :)

3. The docs are not fully updated, so they might be just flat out wrong!   
I plan to update the docs completely for the next beta release.

So, for the good stuff... here are some notes for differences between 1.0  
and 2.0:

* Ranges!
* Filled out slicing for all containers
* Cursors are now non-movable.  Use ranges for safe iteration.
* The interfaces have been cut down significantly. The question I  
asked myself when deciding whether I wanted to keep an interface is "would  
anyone use this interface?"
* Functions that should be fast but can be slow (O(n)) have been  
removed from all interfaces, and in most cases, from the containers.  
Notably missing is searching a non-quick lookup container for a value. Use  
std.algorithm.find for that.
* ArrayMultiset has been removed -- it's complexity functions did not  
fit with the multiset requirements (specifically, quick lookup of an  
element's presence).
* ArrayList slicing now simply returns a range instead of a "live"  
slice.  Note that an ArrayList range is aliased to a D array.

* Full unit tests added for all container types.

I have also changed the license from BSD to Boost.

I have also formally released version 0.03 as version 1.0, nothing has  
changed there, including the license.  However, no new features will be  
added to dcollections version 1.0, only bug fixes will be done.

Please, file tickets on dsource for any problems you have.  And let me  
know if there are any ideas you think would be useful.


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Yao G.

Thanks Steven. I was waiting for this for a long time.

On Wed, 19 May 2010 11:09:11 -0500, Steven Schveighoffer  

After much work and toil, I have created dcollections for D2.  I think I  
can say that this is the first collection package available for D2.  I  
still hold hope that it will be used as the standard collection package  
for phobos for D2.

Please visit for details.

Some VERY IMPORTANT notes for this release:

1. it is very beta software.  Although the implementation has changed  
very little from the 1.0 version, not everything will properly compile.   
I have filed several compiler bugs to fix some problems I had while  
porting, and inserted workarounds for things I could work around.   
Please use the LATEST compiler (currently 2.046) because some very  
important features have been added that dcollections relies on.   
Although it is beta, the algorithms and implementation is largely  
unchanged so functionality should be pretty solid.

2. the docs are not online for d2.  Unfortunately, dsource's  
auto-doc-generator that I was using for the 1.0 version is based on a  
1.0 compiler, so it will not automatically generate the d2 docs.   
However, I have included some basic ddoc generated docs in the download  
package, don't expect them to be very fun to use :)

3. The docs are not fully updated, so they might be just flat out  
wrong!  I plan to update the docs completely for the next beta release.

So, for the good stuff... here are some notes for differences between  
1.0 and 2.0:

 * Ranges!
 * Filled out slicing for all containers
 * Cursors are now non-movable.  Use ranges for safe iteration.
 * The interfaces have been cut down significantly. The question I  
asked myself when deciding whether I wanted to keep an interface is  
"would anyone use this interface?"
 * Functions that should be fast but can be slow (O(n)) have been  
removed from all interfaces, and in most cases, from the containers.  
Notably missing is searching a non-quick lookup container for a value.  
Use std.algorithm.find for that.
 * ArrayMultiset has been removed -- it's complexity functions did  
not fit with the multiset requirements (specifically, quick lookup of an  
element's presence).
 * ArrayList slicing now simply returns a range instead of a "live"  
slice.  Note that an ArrayList range is aliased to a D array.

 * Full unit tests added for all container types.

I have also changed the license from BSD to Boost.

I have also formally released version 0.03 as version 1.0, nothing has  
changed there, including the license.  However, no new features will be  
added to dcollections version 1.0, only bug fixes will be done.

Please, file tickets on dsource for any problems you have.  And let me  
know if there are any ideas you think would be useful.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Ellery Newcomer

Are the collections supposed to not have isEmpty members?

Looking forward to using dcollections, and here's to hoping they make it 
into phobos.

OTish: What are your thoughts on a bimap implementation and a 
child/sibling or general tree implementation as part of dcollections?

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread dsimcha
Sheer awesomeness!  I've been waiting for along time for a decent collections 
for D2.  I haven't tested it extensively, but it definitely builds w/o a hitch
(using a custom build script I wrote that builds dcollections and other libs I 
in one go) and works for the toy examples I tested.

One small comment, though:  Looking at your ArrayList code, wouldn't it make 
sense to use a capacity field here than to use the builtin array appending
mechanism, given that this is a class, not a struct?

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
Ellery Newcomer Wrote:

> Are the collections supposed to not have isEmpty members?

No.  Use length == 0.  O(1) length is always supported for all collections.

> OTish: What are your thoughts on a bimap implementation and a 
> child/sibling or general tree implementation as part of dcollections?

I haven't the slightest what a bimap is :)  I am not an expert in collections 
or data structures, I just reimplement things I have understood.  My 
implementations are basically copied from my algorithm book, and refined as 
much as I can do.

That being said, if you have any implementation of a tree or hash, it should be 
easy to insert into dcollections.  If you have ideas for other collection types 
(i.e. other than Map, Set, Multiset or List), then I can look into that if you 
point me at an implementation or have one of your own.  I purposefully left out 
multi-map because I've never had a huge use for it, and it seemed like a 
awkward thing to create an interface for...


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
dsimcha Wrote:

> One small comment, though:  Looking at your ArrayList code, wouldn't it make 
> more
> sense to use a capacity field here than to use the builtin array appending
> mechanism, given that this is a class, not a struct?

Yes, that is part of my semi-documented long term plan.  I actually am planning 
on adding an "extendLength" runtime function to support extending the length of 
an array as much as possible without reallocating.  That way I can make 
ArrayList independent of the allocation sizes that the GC supports.


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Graham Fawcett
Hi Steven,

On Wed, 19 May 2010 12:09:11 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

> After much work and toil, I have created dcollections for D2.  I think I
> can say that this is the first collection package available for D2.  I
> still hold hope that it will be used as the standard collection package
> for phobos for D2.


In case anyone's interested, I tried out dcollections using my very
alpha 'd-build' script, and it works just fine:

tarball of the dcollections test branch:

Checking out the 'dcollections-test' branch of that git project, you
should be able to just run './d-build test.d' and it will first
download dcollections and then compile it along with the test program.
There are several limitations; see the README for details.

There's a long way to go before d-build is more than a toy. But I'd
like to keep it on people's radars, and am interested in your thoughts
and feedback. See the "envy for go packages" threads on this list for


> Please visit for details.
> Some VERY IMPORTANT notes for this release:
> 1. it is very beta software.  Although the implementation has changed
> very little from the 1.0 version, not everything will properly compile. 
> I have filed several compiler bugs to fix some problems I had while
> porting, and inserted workarounds for things I could work around. 
> Please use the LATEST compiler (currently 2.046) because some very
> important features have been added that dcollections relies on. 
> Although it is beta, the algorithms and implementation is largely
> unchanged so functionality should be pretty solid.
> 2. the docs are not online for d2.  Unfortunately, dsource's
> auto-doc-generator that I was using for the 1.0 version is based on a
> 1.0 compiler, so it will not automatically generate the d2 docs. 
> However, I have included some basic ddoc generated docs in the download
> package, don't expect them to be very fun to use :)
> 3. The docs are not fully updated, so they might be just flat out wrong!
> I plan to update the docs completely for the next beta release.
> So, for the good stuff... here are some notes for differences between
> 1.0 and 2.0:
>  * Ranges!
>  * Filled out slicing for all containers * Cursors are now
>  non-movable.  Use ranges for safe iteration. * The interfaces have
>  been cut down significantly. The question I
> asked myself when deciding whether I wanted to keep an interface is
> "would anyone use this interface?"
>  * Functions that should be fast but can be slow (O(n)) have been
> removed from all interfaces, and in most cases, from the containers.
> Notably missing is searching a non-quick lookup container for a value.
> Use std.algorithm.find for that.
>  * ArrayMultiset has been removed -- it's complexity functions did
>  not
> fit with the multiset requirements (specifically, quick lookup of an
> element's presence).
>  * ArrayList slicing now simply returns a range instead of a "live"
> slice.  Note that an ArrayList range is aliased to a D array.
>  * Full unit tests added for all container types.
> I have also changed the license from BSD to Boost.
> I have also formally released version 0.03 as version 1.0, nothing has
> changed there, including the license.  However, no new features will be
> added to dcollections version 1.0, only bug fixes will be done.
> Please, file tickets on dsource for any problems you have.  And let me
> know if there are any ideas you think would be useful.
> -Steve

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Graham Fawcett
On Wed, 19 May 2010 20:27:17 +, Graham Fawcett wrote:

> Hi Steven,
> On Wed, 19 May 2010 12:09:11 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> After much work and toil, I have created dcollections for D2.  I think
>> I can say that this is the first collection package available for D2. 
>> I still hold hope that it will be used as the standard collection
>> package for phobos for D2.
> Cool!
> In case anyone's interested, I tried out dcollections using my very
> alpha 'd-build' script, and it works just fine:
> tarball of the dcollections test branch:
> Checking out the 'dcollections-test' branch of that git project, you
> should be able to just run './d-build test.d' and it will first download
> dcollections and then compile it along with the test program. There are
> several limitations; see the README for details.
> There's a long way to go before d-build is more than a toy. But I'd like
> to keep it on people's radars, and am interested in your thoughts and
> feedback. See the "envy for go packages" threads on this list for
> context.

Apologies; the "envy for go packages" thread is on the D list, not on


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 05/19/2010 03:07 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Ellery Newcomer Wrote:

Are the collections supposed to not have isEmpty members?

No.  Use length == 0.  O(1) length is always supported for all collections.

OTish: What are your thoughts on a bimap implementation and a
child/sibling or general tree implementation as part of dcollections?

I haven't the slightest what a bimap is :)  I am not an expert in collections 
or data structures, I just reimplement things I have understood.  My 
implementations are basically copied from my algorithm book, and refined as 
much as I can do.

I think boost.bimap is where I saw it, though I don't don't use c++.

I think it's a map, with values->keys is also a map

That being said, if you have any implementation of a tree or hash, it should be 
easy to insert into dcollections.  If you have ideas for other collection types 
(i.e. other than Map, Set, Multiset or List), then I can look into that if you 
point me at an implementation or have one of your own.  I purposefully left out 
multi-map because I've never had a huge use for it, and it seemed like a 
awkward thing to create an interface for...


I have a simple child/sibling tree implementation which I could probably 
dust off and polish up if you want it. The method for visiting the 
elements is kind of weird, though. And I don't know that it exactly fits 
the mold of a reference container. Maybe with cursors.

Ugh, I just noticed LinkList doesn't work with interfaces.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:

> After much work and toil, I have created dcollections for D2.  I think I  
> can say that this is the first collection package available for D2.  I  
> still hold hope that it will be used as the standard collection package  
> for phobos for D2.
> Please visit for details.
> Some VERY IMPORTANT notes for this release:
> 1. it is very beta software.  Although the implementation has changed very  
> little from the 1.0 version, not everything will properly compile.  I have  
> filed several compiler bugs to fix some problems I had while porting, and  
> inserted workarounds for things I could work around.  Please use the  
> LATEST compiler (currently 2.046) because some very important features  
> have been added that dcollections relies on.  Although it is beta, the  
> algorithms and implementation is largely unchanged so functionality should  
> be pretty solid.
> 2. the docs are not online for d2.  Unfortunately, dsource's  
> auto-doc-generator that I was using for the 1.0 version is based on a 1.0  
> compiler, so it will not automatically generate the d2 docs.  However, I  
> have included some basic ddoc generated docs in the download package,  
> don't expect them to be very fun to use :)
> 3. The docs are not fully updated, so they might be just flat out wrong!   
> I plan to update the docs completely for the next beta release.
> So, for the good stuff... here are some notes for differences between 1.0  
> and 2.0:
>  * Ranges!
>  * Filled out slicing for all containers
>  * Cursors are now non-movable.  Use ranges for safe iteration.
>  * The interfaces have been cut down significantly. The question I  
> asked myself when deciding whether I wanted to keep an interface is "would  
> anyone use this interface?"
>  * Functions that should be fast but can be slow (O(n)) have been  
> removed from all interfaces, and in most cases, from the containers.  
> Notably missing is searching a non-quick lookup container for a value. Use  
> std.algorithm.find for that.
>  * ArrayMultiset has been removed -- it's complexity functions did not  
> fit with the multiset requirements (specifically, quick lookup of an  
> element's presence).
>  * ArrayList slicing now simply returns a range instead of a "live"  
> slice.  Note that an ArrayList range is aliased to a D array.
>  * Full unit tests added for all container types.
> I have also changed the license from BSD to Boost.
> I have also formally released version 0.03 as version 1.0, nothing has  
> changed there, including the license.  However, no new features will be  
> added to dcollections version 1.0, only bug fixes will be done.
> Please, file tickets on dsource for any problems you have.  And let me  
> know if there are any ideas you think would be useful.
> -Steve

Well as long as you're here can I submit an error here? :)

I get an error while building the D2 branch:

Error: ArrayMultiset.obj : No such file or directory

It seems the ArrayMultiset.d is not in the dcollections folder for the D2.x  
branch, although it is in trunk (I guess the trunk is the D1.x one?). 

Is that module deprecated for d2.x? (although it's listed in the win32 batch 

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
Ellery Newcomer Wrote:

> On 05/19/2010 03:07 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> > I haven't the slightest what a bimap is :)  I am not an expert in 
> > collections or data structures, I just reimplement things I have 
> > understood.  My implementations are basically copied from my algorithm 
> > book, and refined as much as I can do.
> I think boost.bimap is where I saw it, though I don't don't use c++.
> I think it's a map, with values->keys is also a map

That sounds interesting, it might be doable like this:

interface Bimap(K, V) : Map(K, V), Map(V, K)

I'll have a look at it some time.

> I have a simple child/sibling tree implementation which I could probably 
> dust off and polish up if you want it. The method for visiting the 
> elements is kind of weird, though. And I don't know that it exactly fits 
> the mold of a reference container. Maybe with cursors.

With opApply, you should have few restrictions on iteration.  Technically, 
cursors are optional since they are part of the concrete class, but it probably 
wouldn't make it into dcollections proper without them.

> Ugh, I just noticed LinkList doesn't work with interfaces.

You mean

interface I {}
auto list = new LinkList!I;

Please file a ticket w/ test case, it should work.


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 05/19/2010 11:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

After much work and toil, I have created dcollections for D2.

Awesome! I'm looking through it, unfortunately after wandering in the 
trunk for a while (I was like, wait, what?). But that was after all good 
because I saw a lot of awesome improvements in the new library. This is 
solid work.

I salute your decision to frame complexity as a feature and remove 
functions with "undecided complexity". This is huge.

That being said, I think dcollections2 has not yet solved a number of 
problems, some minor, some annoying, and some fundamental. This makes 
things quite unpleasant because, willingly or not, I'm in a three-way 
conflict of interest: (1) I can influence to some extent the decision of 
adopting dcollections2 for phobos; (2) I have my own design in mind 
which is competing with dcollections2; (3) my time is scarce so I'm 
having difficulty executing on that design, whereas dcollections2 is 
already usable.

I'm not sure where this leaves us. I'm tempted to post a list of 
"grievances" with the current design, but it's difficult to make that 
sound sincere due to the conflict of interest. Let me start by asking 
this: on a scale of 0 ("no change") to 10 ("redesign the whole thing"), 
where do you stand regarding the perspective of operating changes to 


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
Andrej Mitrovic Wrote:

> Well as long as you're here can I submit an error here? :)
> I get an error while building the D2 branch:
> Error: ArrayMultiset.obj : No such file or directory

Crud, I admit that I assumed anything that built on Linux would build on 
Windows.  I still believe it will, but of course, I need to change the batch 
file :)

> It seems the ArrayMultiset.d is not in the dcollections folder for the D2.x  
> branch, although it is in trunk (I guess the trunk is the D1.x one?). 

Yes, D1 is trunk, D2 is going to eventually be trunk

> Is that module deprecated for d2.x? (although it's listed in the win32 batch 
> file)

Yes, just remove it.  I'll fix it when I get a chance.


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> On 05/19/2010 11:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> > After much work and toil, I have created dcollections for D2.
> Awesome! I'm looking through it, unfortunately after wandering in the 
> trunk for a while (I was like, wait, what?). But that was after all good 
> because I saw a lot of awesome improvements in the new library. This is 
> solid work.

Yeah, I will move the D1 version to a branch and copy the D2 to trunk when I 
get a chance, Part of the reason is the automatic doc generator will puke if 
the trunk is D2.

> That being said, I think dcollections2 has not yet solved a number of 
> problems, some minor, some annoying, and some fundamental. This makes 
> things quite unpleasant because, willingly or not, I'm in a three-way 
> conflict of interest: (1) I can influence to some extent the decision of 
> adopting dcollections2 for phobos; (2) I have my own design in mind 
> which is competing with dcollections2; (3) my time is scarce so I'm 
> having difficulty executing on that design, whereas dcollections2 is 
> already usable.
> I'm not sure where this leaves us. I'm tempted to post a list of 
> "grievances" with the current design, but it's difficult to make that 
> sound sincere due to the conflict of interest. Let me start by asking 
> this: on a scale of 0 ("no change") to 10 ("redesign the whole thing"), 
> where do you stand regarding the perspective of operating changes to 
> dcollections2?

It depends on what you want to change.  If you say cursors have to go, then I 
would say no.  If you think some functions/classes need to be renamed, or the 
module structure needs to be changed, I'd say fine.  

There are other design decisions that can be changed, but I look at it from the 
perspective of usefulness to me :)  If it stops being useful to me, or does not 
provide a feature I want, then I'll not use it, and then I won't want to 
maintain it.

I guess start with the big ones, 'cause minor ones aren't likely to be a 


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 05/19/2010 04:37 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

I'm not sure where this leaves us. I'm tempted to post a list of
"grievances" with the current design, but it's difficult to make
Let me start by
asking this: on a scale of 0 ("no change") to 10 ("redesign the
whole thing"), where do you stand regarding the perspective of
operating changes to dcollections2?

It depends on what you want to change.  If you say cursors have to
go, then I would say no.  If you think some functions/classes need to
be renamed, or the module structure needs to be changed, I'd say

There are other design decisions that can be changed, but I look at
it from the perspective of usefulness to me :)  If it stops being
useful to me, or does not provide a feature I want, then I'll not use
it, and then I won't want to maintain it.

I guess start with the big ones, 'cause minor ones aren't likely to
be a problem.

Well the thing is I'm strongly questioning the whole point of defining a 
hierarchy for containers, in particular when the interfaces are 
numerous. I'd go as heretical as saying "Container hierarchy are for 
languages that suck." Also, the fact that (for efficiency reasons) 
ranges are concrete and inaccessible from the abstract interfaces 
aggravates the matter even more, to the point where containers are 
neither horses nor mules: if you use the interfaces you have only 
severely emasculated access to the container's elements, and if you use 
the concrete classes why the heck bother with hierarchies in the first 

Whew. Let me explain; there's a lot to explain.

Right now there are 10 interfaces in 7 files in the /model/ subdir. It 
happens quite often that a given class inherits more than one interface, 
for example ArrayList inherits two, and many set types inherit Set which 
in turn inherits Addable!V, Iterator!V, Purgeable!V.

The problem with this setup that encodes capabilities in interfaces is 
that many sensible combinations of capabilities are impossible to 
obtain. Say you want to define a function messWith(C) where C is 
Purgeable and Addable. There's no type for that! Set has too many 
capabilities (which not all containers might support), so you'll need to 
do a runtime check:

void messWith(Addable!int ia) {
auto ip = cast(Purgeable!int) ia;
enforce(ip, "Wrong type etc.");

It would be more expressive if such capability constraints could be 
expressed during compilation.

To see more about this problem, you may want to check "Compound types 
for Java" by Buechi and Wech (just google it). The paper explains the 
problem in detail and proposes a Java language change to fix it. Java 
didn't change and was not able to devise a library solution.

I wrote a solution to the problem in native D. It goes like this:

alias Container!(int, addable | purgeable) Messerschmidt;

void messWith(Messerschmidt i) {
... use i's capabilities to add and purge ...

The inspiration for this approach was given by Scott Meyers' article 
"Red code, green code". The approach does work and rather beautifully, 
but it's impractical: the class hierarchy forms a dense DAG and if you 
add 4-5 capabilities an empty object already has size 8KB consisting 
only of routing vtables.

Escalating this discussion one step further (and probably a bit outside 
the area of commonly-accepted lore), let me hypothesize that maybe the 
entire idea of container hierarchies is a red herring, the hoax of the 
1990s. Hierarchies are for types that have a lot of commonality and a 
little variability. Containers are not that. They have personality, 
refuse to accept straitjacket interfaces, and each has unique 
capabilities - as your capability-based design witnesses.

I agree that reuse via binary interfaces is good when you write 
functions that exploit them, but in D it's simple and cheap enough to 
write a concept-checked generic function to get around that. In my 
designs I either know what container I'm dealing with, or I am in 
generic-land. I never was like, "mmm, great, I can change this container 
type at runtime".

But wait, there's less. Furthermore, container hierarchies encourage 
design by inheritance, which is more often than not poor. If you want to 
define a container that notifies an observer whenever you add stuff to 
it, composition is the best to follow. You don't want a horse with a 
violing grafted on its back; keep the horse a horse and play the violin 
and it'll dance.

I've never, ever been in a place in life when I thought, "I should 
derive from this container class and hook a method of it." Composition 
always wins.

To get back to one of my earlier points, the fact that the container 
interfaces are unable to express iteration is a corollary of the 
design's problem and an climactic disharmony.

My vision, in very brief, is to foster a federation of independent 
containers abiding to identical names for similar functionality. Then a 
few concept checks (a

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 05/19/2010 03:55 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Ellery Newcomer Wrote:

I have a simple child/sibling tree implementation which I could probably
dust off and polish up if you want it. The method for visiting the
elements is kind of weird, though. And I don't know that it exactly fits
the mold of a reference container. Maybe with cursors.

With opApply, you should have few restrictions on iteration.  Technically, 
cursors are optional since they are part of the concrete class, but it probably 
wouldn't make it into dcollections proper without them.

When I was using it, it was usually more than an iteration that I found 
I needed. I think I had preorder traversals and postorder traversals 
with the ability to define actions at parent -> child, child -> sibling, 
and child -> parent transitions, access to the stack and some of the 
history of what had been visited. On the whole, it required heavy 
exposure of the structure of the tree. A wrapper around the tree nodes 
doesn't make a lot of sense, and if you don't have a wrapper, cursors 
don't really make a lot of sense either.

Random thought: wouldn't a child/sibling tree be a good base for 
implementing tries?

Ugh, I just noticed LinkList doesn't work with interfaces.

You mean

interface I {}
auto list = new LinkList!I;

Please file a ticket w/ test case, it should work.


indeed it should, but D doesn't like you :)

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:
> Destroy me :o).

You ideas are surely interesting, but I don't think there's a simple way to 
change his code according to your ideas.
People can use the dcollections in the following weeks and months, and when you 
have implemented your ideas the people that like them can switch to using your 


Bartosz' Message Passing talk tonight

2010-05-19 Thread Walter Bright

Title: The Anatomy of Message Passing
Speaker: Bartosz Milewski
Date: May 19, 2010
Time: 7 pm
Place: Microsoft Eastside Campus, Bldg 41, Townsend (see our website for directions).

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Graham St Jack
While I haven't read dcollections yet, I definitely agree with you about 
not liking container hierarchies, and about the importance of support for 

I hope Steven can be convinced that this is a good way to go :-).

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Bill Baxter
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu

> My vision, in very brief, is to foster a federation of independent
> containers abiding to identical names for similar functionality. Then a few
> concept checks (a la std.range checks) can easily express what capabilities
> a given client function needs from a container.
> Destroy me :o).

So instead of STL's concept hierarchy, you have essentially concept
tags.  Very Web 2.0. :-)

I agree that there doesn't seem to be any coding benefit to STL's
concepts being hierarchical.  If you need a push_back(), you've got to
check for push_back(). The main benefit seems to be for  documentation
purposes, allowing you to say things like "bidirectional_iterator has
this and that, plus everything in forward_iterator".  But that could
easily be rephrased as "it has backward_iteration plus
forward_iteration" with two pages describing those two tags.

So I like the sound of it.  But it seems actually a pretty small
departure from the STL approach, in practice.


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Bernard Helyer

Oooohhh goody goody goody!   n_n

I'm in the process of making a little toy project ATM. I'll shall 
integrate dcollections 2.0a into ASAP.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> To get back to one of my earlier points, the fact that the container 
> interfaces are unable to express iteration is a corollary of the 
> design's problem and an climactic disharmony.
> My vision, in very brief, is to foster a federation of independent 
> containers abiding to identical names for similar functionality. Then a 
> few concept checks (a la std.range checks) can easily express what 
> capabilities a given client function needs from a container.

This might have a simple answer.  Dcollections implementations are not a 
hierarchy, just the interfaces are.  I.e. there aren't many kinds of HashMaps 
that derive from each other.  But the interfaces are not detrimental to your 
ideas.  The only thing interfaces require is that the entities implementing 
them are classes and not structs.  As long as you agree that classes are the 
right call, then interfaces can co-exist with your other suggestions without 

Yes, if you want to define "this function needs something that is both addable 
and purgeable, I don't have an interface for that.  But a concept can certainly 
define that generically (which is what you want anyways), or you could just say 
"I need a List" and get those functions also.  It also does not force entities 
other than dcollections objects to be classes, they could be structs and 
implement the correct concepts.

I myself don't really use the interface aspect of the classes, it is mostly a 
carryover from the Java/Tango inspirations.  But I can see one good reason to 
keep them -- binary interoperability.  For example, it might be the case some 
day when D has good support with dynamic libraries that a library exposes some 
piece of itself as a Map or List interface.

So my answer is -- go ahead and define these concepts and required names, and 
you can ignore the interfaces if they don't interest you.  They do not subtract 
from the possibilities, and others may find good use for them.

Does that make sense?


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
Graham St Jack Wrote:

> While I haven't read dcollections yet, I definitely agree with you about 
> not liking container hierarchies, and about the importance of support for 
> ranges.
> I hope Steven can be convinced that this is a good way to go :-).

All dcollections classes support ranges.  I am already convinced of that :)


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
bearophile Wrote:

> Andrei Alexandrescu:
> > Destroy me :o).
> You ideas are surely interesting, but I don't think there's a simple way to 
> change his code according to your ideas.

I don't think the ideas are mutually exclusive.  I don't see why having an 
interface prevents someone from using a concept on the concrete class.

> People can use the dcollections in the following weeks and months, and when 
> you have implemented your ideas the people that like them can switch to using 
> your collections.

If it's at all possible, I'd like to cooperate on making dcollections 
phobos-qualified.  So I'm glad to try and find a way to satisfy Andrei's 


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread bearophile
Steven Schveighoffer:
> If it's at all possible, I'd like to cooperate on making dcollections 
> phobos-qualified.  So I'm glad to try and find a way to satisfy Andrei's 
> concerns.

Very good. Sometimes I am a too much pessimistic person :-)


Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2010-05-19 19:01:51 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu 

I wrote a solution to the problem in native D. It goes like this:

alias Container!(int, addable | purgeable) Messerschmidt;

void messWith(Messerschmidt i) {
 ... use i's capabilities to add and purge ...

Are you sure this is necessary? I'm wondering how the above is different from:

void messWith(C)(C i) if (IsAddable!C && IsPurgeable!C) {
... use i's capabilities to add and purge

where IsAddable just checks for an 'add' function and IsPurgeable 
checks for a 'purge' function. Obviously, one is a template and the 
other isn't. I'd expect the template function to be more performant 
since it doesn't require an indirection to call into the container. Is 
the need for runtime-swappable containers really common enough to 
justify adding it to the standard library? Won't adding this encourage 
people to use it without realizing the downside in performance and 
failed optimization opportunities because of the hidden dynamic 
dispatch? It's a quite nice idea, but I don't like the tradeoff.

This criticism is valid for containers implementing interfaces too. In 
my first Java programs, I was always declaring variables as the List 
interface, then instantiating an ArrayList for them, thinking it'd make 
things more generic and easier to change later. Generic sometime is 
good, but if you do that with containers in D you're in for an 
important performance drop. Personally, I'd scrap anything that's not 
made of static calls (final functions in a class are fine) so people 
can't easily make these kind of mistakes (and then believe D is slow).

Also, addable and purgeable above being or'ed constants makes the 
system difficult to scale to new concepts. The template predicates on 
the other hand are infinitely extendable: if my containers have 
'commit' and 'rollback' functions, I can define IsTransactional to 
check for the presence of the functions and make some algorithms that 
benefits from this. In fact, this can apply to anything, not just 
containers. Range are already using this pattern. Wouldn't it make 
things easier to learn if we could just reuse the same principle with 

Michel Fortin

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Robert Jacques
On Wed, 19 May 2010 21:42:35 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer  

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

To get back to one of my earlier points, the fact that the container
interfaces are unable to express iteration is a corollary of the
design's problem and an climactic disharmony.

My vision, in very brief, is to foster a federation of independent
containers abiding to identical names for similar functionality. Then a
few concept checks (a la std.range checks) can easily express what
capabilities a given client function needs from a container.

This might have a simple answer.  Dcollections implementations are not a  
hierarchy, just the interfaces are.  I.e. there aren't many kinds of  
HashMaps that derive from each other.  But the interfaces are not  
detrimental to your ideas.  The only thing interfaces require is that  
the entities implementing them are classes and not structs.  As long as  
you agree that classes are the right call, then interfaces can co-exist  
with your other suggestions without interference.

Yes, if you want to define "this function needs something that is both  
addable and purgeable, I don't have an interface for that.  But a  
concept can certainly define that generically (which is what you want  
anyways), or you could just say "I need a List" and get those functions  
also.  It also does not force entities other than dcollections objects  
to be classes, they could be structs and implement the correct concepts.

I myself don't really use the interface aspect of the classes, it is  
mostly a carryover from the Java/Tango inspirations.  But I can see one  
good reason to keep them -- binary interoperability.  For example, it  
might be the case some day when D has good support with dynamic  
libraries that a library exposes some piece of itself as a Map or List  

So my answer is -- go ahead and define these concepts and required  
names, and you can ignore the interfaces if they don't interest you.   
They do not subtract from the possibilities, and others may find good  
use for them.

Does that make sense?


Yes and No. I understand where your coming from, but I think it's a bad  
idea. First, I think it needlessly expands the radius of comprehension  
needed to understand and use the library. (See Tangled up in tools Second, I  
think designing a library to be flexible enough to meet some future,  
anticipated need (e.g. dlls) is a good idea, but actually implementing  
vaporous future needs is fraught with peril; it's too easy to guess wrong.  
Third, interface base design is viral; If library X uses interfaces then I  
have to use interfaces to interface with it. And if another library Y uses  
classes, then I'm going have to write a (needless) wrapper around one of  

Re: Bartosz' Message Passing talk tonight

2010-05-19 Thread Phil Deets
I wish it was announced more that half an hour ahead of time. I would have  
gone, but I just saw this.

On Wed, 19 May 2010 18:31:53 -0600, Walter Bright  

Title: The Anatomy of Message Passing
Speaker: Bartosz Milewski
Date: May 19, 2010
Time: 7 pm
Place: Microsoft Eastside Campus, Bldg 41, Townsend (see our website for directions).

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Bartosz' Message Passing talk tonight

2010-05-19 Thread Phil Deets

On Wed, 19 May 2010 22:28:26 -0600, Phil Deets  wrote:

On Wed, 19 May 2010 18:31:53 -0600, Walter Bright  

Title: The Anatomy of Message Passing
Speaker: Bartosz Milewski
Date: May 19, 2010
Time: 7 pm
Place: Microsoft Eastside Campus, Bldg 41, Townsend (see our website for directions).

I wish it was announced more that half an hour ahead of time. I would  
have gone, but I just saw this.

I see there is a newsfeed on which I've now subscribed to. I  
should be able to make it to future meetings as long as they are posted  
ahead of time to the feed.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Bernard Helyer

On 20/05/10 13:39, Bernard Helyer wrote:

Oooohhh goody goody goody!  n_n

I'm in the process of making a little toy project ATM. I'll shall
integrate dcollections 2.0a into ASAP.

ArrayList doesn't compile with warnings as it overrides opEquals, but 
doesn't mark it as such.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Bernard Helyer

On 20/05/10 18:11, Bernard Helyer wrote:

On 20/05/10 13:39, Bernard Helyer wrote:

Oooohhh goody goody goody! n_n

I'm in the process of making a little toy project ATM. I'll shall
integrate dcollections 2.0a into ASAP.

ArrayList doesn't compile with warnings as it overrides opEquals, but
doesn't mark it as such.

And lines 772 and 780 complained about not being able to implicitly cast 
const(Thing) to Thing. Which is strange, because T was Thing. Inserting 
cast(Thing) seemed to 'fix' it. D=

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-19 Thread Bernard Helyer

On 20/05/10 18:16, Bernard Helyer wrote:

On 20/05/10 18:11, Bernard Helyer wrote:

On 20/05/10 13:39, Bernard Helyer wrote:

Oooohhh goody goody goody! n_n

I'm in the process of making a little toy project ATM. I'll shall
integrate dcollections 2.0a into ASAP.

ArrayList doesn't compile with warnings as it overrides opEquals, but
doesn't mark it as such.

And lines 772 and 780 complained about not being able to implicitly cast
const(Thing) to Thing. Which is strange, because T was Thing. Inserting
cast(Thing) seemed to 'fix' it. D=

Sorry about the blow by blow, but the cursor thing seems to work well in 
my situation. Me likey dcollections very much so far. Go Steve!