Re: Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

2013-07-16 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 21:33:33 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

One useful tip to minimize clicking: You can switch between
tabs^H^H^H^Hribbons with the mouse's scroll wheel.

cool, I'll have to try that.

THAT'S POSSIBLE?!? PLEASE TELL ME HOW!!! Or is the forward/back
dropdown list still unified? That's the part that really bugs 

I cannot for the life of me remember how. I'm looking at the user 
set about:config values and can't find it there either. But it is 
obviously still in force!

The dropdowns are unified, but I searched for the thing and came 
across this:

which claims to separate that too. idk if it is crap though. My 
general assumption with [s]add-ons[/s] [s]software[/s] most 
everyhing is that it is until proven otherwise, but maybe it will 
be good.

But that reasoning falls apart the first time you reach for 
"stop" and the damn thing changes to "reload" just before you 

Yeah, I've done that before.

And it was color!

indeed. And nice bright colors too, going back to the backlight 
but just the palettes in a lot of the older games seemed so much 
brighter than they do nowadays.

Of course normally, calling a youtube commenter a troll is kind 
of like calling a sasquatch "hairy". ;)


(Although I am one of the few people who did like FF: Spirits
Within...go figure.)

That's a film I feel that I should give another try. I watched it 
once a while ago and was meh, but that could be due to bias since 
I've heard a few people say it really wasn't that bad.

Re: Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

2013-07-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Tue, 16 Jul 2013 16:22:46 +0200
"Adam D. Ruppe"  wrote:

> On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 00:26:51 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > Vista doesn't have that horrible MS Dock taskbar
> Worth noting you can turn that off: I have 7 on the laptop I'm on 
> now and after a few settings changes, it is very similar to 
> vista. To get a good taskbar you need to turn off the group 
> similar windows function (which I hated when it was introduced in 
> XP anyway).

Yea, I did actually manage to get my Win7 taskbar (and file explorer
and start menu) into a fairly XP state (and I do actually like being
able to manually rearrange the taskbar tasks now), but it took an
enormous amount of obscure, and often third-party, hacks.

> Your quick launch still keeps their place but that doesn't bug me 
> like I thought it would, it is actually kinda nice.

Win7 doesn't even have quick launch unless you hack it back in. (Which
I've done of course.) But MS sure as hell doesn't make "No I don't want
your idiotic new UI ideas, just the kernel" easy.

> > window screenshots *every* freaking time your mouse goes near
> Oh yeah, that is annoying. I hate hover things in general.

Me too. :/

> The 
> worst of them is on websites. My bank website used to have hover 
> menus right above the login thing...
> So I go to the address bar and type in my bank dot com. Then i 
> move the mouse down toward the login form and click it but 
> oops, on the way down, I hovered over the stupid menu, so now by 
> click is redirecting me to some new site! RGGGT!

Yea. Makes no sense to me how *all* menu bars *everywhere* work on a
"click to open" concept, including the web browsers themselves, but
then the entire web decided "No, we have to make menu bars operate on
an incredibly inconvenient, distracting AND non-standard "hover" basis.

> God I hate hover crap.

My sentiments exactly :)

> > I do actually like a lot of the ribbon stuff though. I don't 
> > see what the big problem is
> It's different. I still haven't really figured out the new Paint 
> UI. I don't think it sucks, but it does take some getting used to.

One useful tip to minimize clicking: You can switch between
tabs^H^H^H^Hribbons with the mouse's scroll wheel. The occasional extra
clicking to switch ribbons was probably the one thing I can understand
people not liking about the ribbons.

> > Hmm, yea, that's not too bad, although I have found Linux FF 
> > tends to have a better default UI (that is, matches the system 
> > better) than Windows FF anyway.
> Yes, I agree. And even there, I had to do an about:config thing 
> to kill the unified back/forward nonsense.

THAT'S POSSIBLE?!? PLEASE TELL ME HOW!!! Or is the forward/back
dropdown list still unified? That's the part that really bugs me.

> > and so does the unified "stop/reload"
> Oh yeah, that's annoying. But the keyboard is a bit better there, 
> f5+esc are easy to hit and more reliable anyway.

Good tip, although my hand and mind are usually in mouse-mode when I'm
on the web.

I can understand the rationale for unified stop/reload: There's never a
time when *both* make sense to use. No point in reloading while loading
(gotta stop first), and makes so sense to stop when it's not loading.

But that reasoning falls apart the first time you reach for "stop" and
the damn thing changes to "reload" just before you click. I'll take
them separate, thank you.

> > Remember the old Sega GameGear's crappy LCD?
> lol I actually liked it because it was backlit! Ate through 
> batteries like mad but it was usable in varied lighting 
> conditions.

And it was color! (One of my all-time favorite commercials is the old
GameGear one where a kid is sitting outside playing a GameBoy, grabs a
big thick fallen tree branch, clonks himself over the head with it,
turns back to the game, and goes "Whoa! Color!") I had a GameGear. I
liked it. It was even blurrier than GameBoy though. And you're right
about the batteries. Shit, it went through them *six* at a time! I
usually just used the power cord though.

> > Screen size makes much more of a difference on PS3 than 
> > resolution. Probably at least 95% of PS3 games I've tried
> > include text that's so damn *small* that's it's barely
> > readable on even a 29" set
> Yes, I can barely even read it on my friend's larger tv in the 
> call of duty game (especially when we play split screen, no point 
> even trying to read the score, 8, 3, and 11 all look the same to 
> me at those sizes)

I never played CoD multiplayer. But I have to give them *huge* credit
for how (with the exception of multiplayer I guess, and maybe it's only
the Modern Warfare series) there is *no* tiny text at all, unlike most
PS3 games.

It always perplexes me how so many PS3 games will have a big 'ol box or
area for text, and then the text is so small that 90% of it is just
margins and padding.

> > Really HD is only a moderate improvement if you compare
> > it to a

Re: Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

2013-07-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Tue, 16 Jul 2013 15:11:21 +0200
"Joakim"  wrote:

> On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 09:02:19 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > Chrome then all the better (Seriously, why the fuck does Google 
> > have
> > two basically-identical browsers and the whole "Chrome vs 
> > Chromium"
> > bullshit anyway? Makes no fucking sense.)
> Chromium is an open source project.  Chrome is google's build of 
> Chromium, with some additional proprietary bits added, like a 
> closed-source pdf viewer or licensed audio/video codecs compiled 
> in:
> They use a hybrid model with Chrome, where it's 99% open with 
> added proprietary bits, a subject I've talked about before on 
> this NG.

Ok, good to know. I do still think they could have handled it without
splitting it into two barely-different projects. And from what I'm
seen, Google gives off a very strong impression that "Chrome" is their
browser for end-users to actually use, and "Chromium" is
just...some..."thing" for developers (from what I've seen, Google hasn't
been particularly clear on it, ever even really say much about it at
all on their Chrome site, but I do appreciate your clarification).

So if someone came along with a "basically Chrome with some stuff
removed" that's *really* just minor tweaks on Chromium, then I do think
Google kind of brought that situation on themselves. And I don't think
it's necessarily bad, either. Yes, it would be better if SRWare was
more accurate in stating what Iron exactly is, but still, a prebuilt
distro of Chromium, without the lack of clarity on what Chromium is,
and with default settings changed to what a lot of people would change
them to anyway - I do think there is genuine value in that.

Of course, Google could easily counteract that value by saying right
there on their Chrome site "Ok, and here we also have a pre-built
Chromium which is Chrome but without the auto-updater and non-OSS bits,
etc". Or better yet: "Here's the Chrome installer, and it lets
you choose whether or not to install the auto-updater, and whether or
not to include the non-OSS extensions, and has an option for "ultra
privacy" defaults where none of the controversial settings are enabled
and nothing is ever implicitly sent to Google" (Obviously wording can
be adjusted).

But last I looked, Google didn't have anything like that, but Iron
does, so there's value in it.

> > I don't give a shit what the primary motivation of Iron's 
> > creator is or
> > how much work it did or didn't take to create. I use it because 
> > it works
> > the way I want it to and Chrome doesn't.
> You are free to use whatever you want, but when you say you don't 
> care about what this guy has done, you lose all credibility on 
> privacy and security.

Not that I'm trying to change your mind here, but what I'm seeing here
is: Some guy created a useful product (even if it is only minimally
useful) because he wanted to generate ad revenue. There's nothing
questionable or even remotely uncommon about that.

> Haha, now outright lying about how you "massively modified the 
> source" or that you're still "open source" is merely overblown 
> "marketing?"

"Massively" is a highly subjective term. Now I agree with you that if
the changes are indeed what your articles say (and I'm not doubting
that) than that doesn't match what I, or most people, would consider
"massively". But it *is* a subjective term and business *do* exploit
that all the time. I don't like that they do, I wish they didn't, but
we don't go calling every such thing a "scam".

As far as the "open source" thing, well if the source really is closed
off now (and not just some site snafu or something) then yea, that is a
license violation and needs to be changed. And proper public VCS would
be good, although I've seen a LOT of developers who are still stuck in
pre-VCS mode and unfortunately don't really "get" the whole GitHub
thing. Not an ideal way for Iron to work, but since I'm only interested
in using it, not building or modifying it, then it's not a deal-breaker
for me. There's a lot of useful freeware that, for some ridiculous
reason I've never understood, was closed-source. 'Course, most of those
aren't license-bound to *be* OSS.

> You're twisting yourself into pretzels to try and justify this 
> choice.  Maybe you didn't know all this about Iron before, but it 
> seems like an irrational, personal attachment to keep using and 
> defending this browser after all this.

Just because I'm not knee-jerking at some new information (that really
isn't anywhere near as condemning as you make it out to be) hardly
qualifies as "twisting...irrational, personal attachment", etc.

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread bearophile

Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

To be sure I understand what you're getting at, is it just that 
it's more elegant to write it this way (I agree:-), or is there 
a performance benefit in the iota().map!() form (or to 
separately generating the ranges and then chaining them)?

It's just more readable.


Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 15:57:06 UTC, bearophile wrote:

For such kind of code I suggest to use UFCS chains.

Can you explain in a little more detail?  It's not an aspect 
of programming I'm familiar with.

auto r1 = iota(_sumHead[v], _sumHead[v + 1]).map!(a => 
auto r2 = iota(_sumTail[v], _sumTail[v + 1]).map!(a => 

return chain(r1, r2);

Ahh, OK.  To be sure I understand what you're getting at, is it 
just that it's more elegant to write it this way (I agree:-), or 
is there a performance benefit in the iota().map!() form (or to 
separately generating the ranges and then chaining them)?

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 18:22:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
People are much more likely to read your article from links in 
reddit and hackernews if you put in as a comment some 
description of it. Don't wait for others to do it for you! They 
may mischaracterize it, or worse, the opportunity will slip by.

Done.  Thanks for the advice!

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/16/2013 2:27 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 08:27:07 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 07:17:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Thanks! :-)

People are much more likely to read your article from links in reddit and 
hackernews if you put in as a comment some description of it. Don't wait for 
others to do it for you! They may mischaracterize it, or worse, the opportunity 
will slip by.

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread bearophile

Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

It wasn't clear to me what the benefits were, though,

For this function not a lot, but it's a good habit to have.

especially as I did consider making this an enforce() rather 
than an assert().

If you want to use enforce then don't put them in pre-conditions.
But usually asserts should suffice.

And "in size_t v" is enough compared to "immutable size_t v".

Does "in" allow for subsequent mutation _within_ the function?

"in" implies scoped const. So you can't mutate the argument 
inside the function/method. For reference types "immutable" is 
even stronger.

For such kind of code I suggest to use UFCS chains.

Can you explain in a little more detail?  It's not an aspect of 
programming I'm familiar with.

auto r1 = iota(_sumHead[v], _sumHead[v + 1]).map!(a => 
auto r2 = iota(_sumTail[v], _sumTail[v + 1]).map!(a => 

return chain(r1, r2);

Anyway, thanks very much for the useful feedback :-)

You are welcome,

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 14:18:02 UTC, bearophile wrote:

size_t vertexCount() @property const pure nothrow
assert(_sumHead.length == _sumTail.length);
return _sumHead.length - 1;

Is that better written in a struct/class invariant?

Nice thought -- probably; it's a condition that must always hold.

size_t degreeIn(immutable size_t v) const pure nothrow
assert(v + 1 < _sumTail.length);
return _sumTail[v + 1] - _sumTail[v];

Here you are looking for the method pre-condition.

Ahh, you mean inside in { ... } brackets?  I did consider writing 
it like that.  It wasn't clear to me what the benefits were, 
though, especially as I did consider making this an enforce() 
rather than an assert().

And "in size_t v" is enough compared to "immutable size_t v".

Does "in" allow for subsequent mutation _within_ the function?

For such kind of code I suggest to use UFCS chains.

Can you explain in a little more detail?  It's not an aspect of 
programming I'm familiar with.

Also be careful with the performance of such range-based code, 
writing benchmarks. Unfortunately often DMD doesn't compile it 

Yes, this is a concern of mine too.  In benchmarks I've carried 
out, the calls to e.g. neighbours() take up a substantial chunk 
of the overall runtime -- but that said, the number of calls to 
them is very, very large.  It works out as on the order of 
between 1e-9 and 1e-8 seconds per call.

These kinds of range-based solutions seem to be a part of D where 
LDC typically produces the best performance.  But I would not use 
DMD for serious number crunching of any kind -- as it stands it 
can't match either of the other two compilers.

Anyway, thanks very much for the useful feedback :-)

Re: Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

2013-07-16 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 00:28:11 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
They're corporations. It's not about turning a profit. It's 
about being under a legal obligation to shareholders to extract

*as much* money as possible.

Indeed. But at this rate, they're not even staying competitive 
with their corporate alternatives. The cable company will have to 
shape up or accept defeat, but nope, they keep raising their 
rates. Maybe they're just milking what they can.

And yeah, I agree with the sad state of tv. A lot of what I watch 
are actually reruns but there's a lot I like about regular tv 
over dvds: the cost (which was a pure loss with cable, but a win 
with over the air), the variety, and actually I kinda like 
commercials because they give me a chance to get up. Yes, I could 
pause a dvd whenever, and change the discs for variety, but eh 
the regular tv is nice and mindless.

(usually anime)

Sailor Moon rocks btw!

Or that awful digital "stutter".

Ugh, yeah. It is beautiful with a good signal, but just awful 

were going to redo the protocol, I'm sure they could have done
something far better than the non-degradable new system we 
ended up with.

Yeah, my thought is at least they could interlace the frames, 
using the same signal they have now, just changing it from a high 
res compressed stream to a lower res, redundant and 
error-correction supporting stream. So it sends frames like:

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2

well that's confusing looking, but the idea is if the resolution 
is like 1/4 the size, we should be able to send each frame 4 
times in the same digital signal. So then if your connection cut 
out and you lost a frame, it is ok because you'll have another 
chance to pick it up 50ms later. So if you then have a small like 
16 frame buffer in the box you could pick up almost a second to 
recover a frame and piece it together from its sub-frame 
checksumed chunks as it is rebroadcast, to give the user a smooth 

Or something like that, I'm not a signal expert nor a reliability 
engineer, but it seems to me that it ought to be possible.

Re: Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

2013-07-16 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 00:26:51 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Vista doesn't have that horrible MS Dock taskbar

Worth noting you can turn that off: I have 7 on the laptop I'm on 
now and after a few settings changes, it is very similar to 
vista. To get a good taskbar you need to turn off the group 
similar windows function (which I hated when it was introduced in 
XP anyway).

Your quick launch still keeps their place but that doesn't bug me 
like I thought it would, it is actually kinda nice.

window screenshots *every* freaking time your mouse goes near

Oh yeah, that is annoying. I hate hover things in general. The 
worst of them is on websites. My bank website used to have hover 
menus right above the login thing...

So I go to the address bar and type in my bank dot com. Then i 
move the mouse down toward the login form and click it but 
oops, on the way down, I hovered over the stupid menu, so now by 
click is redirecting me to some new site! RGGGT!

The taskbar thing is similarly annoying but at least it pops up 
above, so you are less likely to accidentally click it in 
transit. Though I have many times clicked one window then went up 
and clicked another window because it popped up. God I hate hover 

I do actually like a lot of the ribbon stuff though. I don't 
see what the big problem is

It's different. I still haven't really figured out the new Paint 
UI. I don't think it sucks, but it does take some getting used to.

Interesting. I wonder why exactly that is.

IIRC it was because a lot of browsers clear cache on close, or 
the cache expired too soon.

Hmm, yea, that's not too bad, although I have found Linux FF 
tends to have a better default UI (that is, matches the system 
better) than Windows FF anyway.

Yes, I agree. And even there, I had to do an about:config thing 
to kill the unified back/forward nonsense.

On Windows, firefox can look ok by doing the same adjustments, 
but one thing that still annoys me is that there's a weird shadow 
thing behind the menu. It isn't too bad but just seems pointless.

and so does the unified "stop/reload"

Oh yeah, that's annoying. But the keyboard is a bit better there, 
f5+esc are easy to hit and more reliable anyway.

Remember the old Sega GameGear's crappy LCD?

lol I actually liked it because it was backlit! Ate through 
batteries like mad but it was usable in varied lighting 

Screen size makes much more of a difference on PS3 than 
resolution. Probably at least 95% of PS3 games I've tried

include text that's so damn *small* that's it's barely
readable on even a 29" set

Yes, I can barely even read it on my friend's larger tv in the 
call of duty game (especially when we play split screen, no point 
even trying to read the score, 8, 3, and 11 all look the same to 
me at those sizes)

Really HD is only a moderate improvement if you compare
it to a *real* SD set instead of "SD on an HD set".

Aye. And even so, meh. I was called a troll a while ago because 
somebody on youtube did a cgi remake of some Star Trek 2 scenes, 
and I said my old VHS copy looked better.

But it did. The cgi artist did a fine job, sure, but the original 
director and model makers did a *better* job and the VHS captured 
it just fine. (One thing I think the cgi artist missed was the 
deliberate angles and coloring choices the director made in the 
original movie, to get across the contrast of hero and villain. 
If you've seen the movie, you might remember what I mean - the 
Enterprise was often shot with bluer light and taller angles (if 
that's the right term), making it look more good and innocent, 
whereas the Reliant had low angles and redder lights to look 
menacing - a perfect fit for the scene. The cgi artist had 
bazillion polygons but didn't capture the same atmosphere.

Then there were things that just looked silly, like cgi smoke. 
Bah, the original effects were kinda cheesy too but I bought 
them. Maybe thanks to the actors but still, my old tape looked 
fine whatever the reason.)

That's strange. I wonder if maybe you're one of those people 
that's sensitive to the subtle flicker in backlights.

Maybe, but the lcd computer screen doesn't bug me the same. idk.

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread bearophile

Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

size_t vertexCount() @property const pure nothrow
assert(_sumHead.length == _sumTail.length);
return _sumHead.length - 1;

Is that better written in a struct/class invariant?

size_t degreeIn(immutable size_t v) const pure nothrow
assert(v + 1 < _sumTail.length);
return _sumTail[v + 1] - _sumTail[v];

Here you are looking for the method pre-condition.

And "in size_t v" is enough compared to "immutable size_t v".

auto neighbours(immutable size_t v) const
return chain(map!(a => 
_tail[_indexHead[a]])(iota(_sumHead[v], _sumHead[v + 1])),
map!(a => _head[_indexTail[a]])(iota(_sumTail[v], _sumTail[v 
+ 1])));


For such kind of code I suggest to use UFCS chains.
Also be careful with the performance of such range-based code, 
writing benchmarks. Unfortunately often DMD doesn't compile it 


Re: Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

2013-07-16 Thread Joakim

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 09:02:19 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Chrome then all the better (Seriously, why the fuck does Google 
two basically-identical browsers and the whole "Chrome vs 

bullshit anyway? Makes no fucking sense.)
Chromium is an open source project.  Chrome is google's build of 
Chromium, with some additional proprietary bits added, like a 
closed-source pdf viewer or licensed audio/video codecs compiled 

They use a hybrid model with Chrome, where it's 99% open with 
added proprietary bits, a subject I've talked about before on 
this NG.

I don't give a shit what the primary motivation of Iron's 
creator is or
how much work it did or didn't take to create. I use it because 
it works

the way I want it to and Chrome doesn't.
You are free to use whatever you want, but when you say you don't 
care about what this guy has done, you lose all credibility on 
privacy and security.

Honestly, I don't get all the FUD about Iron. A lot of stuff 
ad-supported models, big freaking deal, welcome to the web. 
There's no
malware and no money charged, so there's clearly no "scam". 
Maybe some
stuff is overstated, but try finding a "legit" corporation that 
twist and spin facts in their marketing. Not that I like that, 
but it
just means that SRWare is no more of a scam than Johnson & 
Johnson, or
General Mills or whatever. It all just sounds like a big 
to a tool that just simply isn't *as* large of an improvement 
as it

makes itself out to be (which again, is a pretty common thing).
Overstatements or not, worries about him being some sort of 
or not (it's not as if Google is there for pure altruism 
instead of
trying to make a buck either), regardless of any of that it's a 

Chromium distro.
Haha, now outright lying about how you "massively modified the 
source" or that you're still "open source" is merely overblown 

You're twisting yourself into pretzels to try and justify this 
choice.  Maybe you didn't know all this about Iron before, but it 
seems like an irrational, personal attachment to keep using and 
defending this browser after all this.

Re: GHC 2013 in Paris

2013-07-16 Thread Mr. Anonymous

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 11:02:10 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
If anyone can make it down, would be great to see some D faces 

Good you didn't say D heads :D

Re: GHC 2013 in Paris

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 11:02:10 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

GHC 2013

Been Haskelling too much recently? :-)

GHC 2013 in Paris

2013-07-16 Thread Iain Buclaw


I have been scheduled in to do a talk about GDC at GHC 2013 next 
month in Paris.  If anyone can make it down, would be great to 
see some D faces around.

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 08:27:07 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 07:17:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Thanks! :-)

Re: Browsers (Was: A very basic blog about D)

2013-07-16 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:28:35 +0200
"Joakim"  wrote:
> I don't get your paranoia about the auto-updater:

Paranoia has nothing to do with it. I don't want it always running in
the background, I don't want it auto-updating, and I certainly don't
want a program installing an always running service I never asked it to
install in the first place.

>what makes you think it does anything other than check for updates? 

I never said it did.

> I understand your suspicion of google.  I don't use their 
> services other than search and have never signed up for facebook 
> either, but that's no reason to use shady software just because 
> it's "not google."  There are real privacy concerns with all 
> these services, but if we don't stick to the facts, we damage our 
> case.  I don't like what the Iron guy did and have documented the 
> issues, it is up to you and others to decide what to believe.

"Because it isn't Google" has nothing to do with my usage of Iron. I
use it because I've had problems with Chrome that I haven't had with
Iron. And if I don't have to go through the bother of configuring those
settings in the first place and making sure to get Chromium instead of
Chrome then all the better (Seriously, why the fuck does Google have
two basically-identical browsers and the whole "Chrome vs Chromium"
bullshit anyway? Makes no fucking sense.)

I don't give a shit what the primary motivation of Iron's creator is or
how much work it did or didn't take to create. I use it because it works
the way I want it to and Chrome doesn't.

Honestly, I don't get all the FUD about Iron. A lot of stuff uses
ad-supported models, big freaking deal, welcome to the web. There's no
malware and no money charged, so there's clearly no "scam". Maybe some
stuff is overstated, but try finding a "legit" corporation that doesn't
twist and spin facts in their marketing. Not that I like that, but it
just means that SRWare is no more of a scam than Johnson & Johnson, or
General Mills or whatever. It all just sounds like a big overreaction
to a tool that just simply isn't *as* large of an improvement as it
makes itself out to be (which again, is a pretty common thing).
Overstatements or not, worries about him being some sort of "sellout"
or not (it's not as if Google is there for pure altruism instead of
trying to make a buck either), regardless of any of that it's a useful
Chromium distro.

Re: "Programming in D" book is about 88% translated

2013-07-16 Thread Regan Heath

On Tue, 16 Jul 2013 00:28:36 +0100, Ali Çehreli  wrote:

On 07/15/2013 03:26 AM, deadalnix wrote:

 > On Saturday, 29 June 2013 at 02:35:27 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 >> Thinking that it is free enough, I had chosen this:

 > NC is always kind of problematic as loosely defined. This is by far  

 > dark corner of CC.

It must be touching an irrational side of humans: Giving it completely  
free is fine, but other people's making profit off of it is somehow  
wrong! I can't explain why I feel that way. Must be primal genes... :)

I think it basically boils down to fairness (interesting, there are  
studies which show other primates exhibit and understanding of fairness -  
which is kinda cool

When someone sells something they are essentially saying you can have this  
but I need some compensation for the work/effort I expended creating it  
(or bringing it to you etc).  So, if someone sells something they did no  
work to create then we see that as unfair.  There is nothing to  
compensate, so asking for compensation is unfair.  We have no problem with  
them giving it away free, because in that case they're not asking for  
something they haven't earned.

There may also be an impression that if they're selling it, they are  
asserting they did create it, that it is their work in some way, and this  
claim is fraudulent and again conflicts with our sense of fairness.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Paulo Pinto

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 07:17:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/15/2013 2:32 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
Following the discussion on digitalmars.D, I've put together a 
little (... er,
long ...) blog post discussing the basics of my D graph 

The main slant of this post is the ease of writing this stuff 
in D.  Later posts
will follow up on performance issues and fill in some more 
detail about the

workings of the library.

{Enj,Destr}oy :-)

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/15/2013 2:32 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

Following the discussion on digitalmars.D, I've put together a little (... er,
long ...) blog post discussing the basics of my D graph library:

The main slant of this post is the ease of writing this stuff in D.  Later posts
will follow up on performance issues and fill in some more detail about the
workings of the library.

{Enj,Destr}oy :-)