Re: Damncheck - a property-based testing library

2014-09-09 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-announce


I was hoping to get some feedback from the community regarding
the quality of the code and if something can be written the
D-way. I have also written a blog post about the process

Eventually a QuickCheck-like library needs to become standard 
tool used to test most D projects.

There are many other related ideas, like:


Re: Cerealed v0.2.0 - a(nother) D serialisation library

2014-09-09 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

I'll take a look. It's easier to post this on github though.


On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 19:09:30 UTC, Vicente wrote:

Hello Atila,
I've seen that cerealed has made much progress, it's now at 
This post is for a feature request, I would like to use it with 
a struct like this:

import cerealed;

struct nested_associative_array { nested_associative_array[int] 
x; }

struct some_struct {
string[] x;
int[][] y;
nested_associative_array[] z;

void main(char[][] args) {
some_struct original, restored;

auto enc = Cerealiser();
enc ~= original;
auto dec = Decerealiser(enc.bytes);
restored = dec.value!(some_struct);


The serialization process compiles fine, but the restoring part 
fails to compile.
I've tried to figure out how to do it, but I am still a 
beginner on D.

How difficult do you think it is?
The alternative, orange, works fine, but the struct I'm trying 
to export to disk is a few hundreds of MB in size and orange 
takes hours to complete and may also run out of memory. Your 
implementation, instead, is really fast and efficient!

Re: 438-byte Hello, world Win32 EXE in D

2014-09-09 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 08:18:32 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 08:08:23 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
But that downloaded file is bloatware, because it has to 
implement functionality, which is not provided by the system. 
That tiny pe file doesn't download anything, it's completely 
done by the system.


My personal best --

At my first job, a customer once made a request for a very simple 
DOS utility. They did mention that they didn't have much disk 
space on their machine, so they asked me to try to make the 
program small.
That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Naturally, I wrote it 
in asm.

The final executable size was 15 bytes. g
The customer loved it.

Re: [Mono-D] v2.1.18 Parser/Completion/General fixesimprovements

2014-09-09 Thread Bruno Medeiros via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 05/09/2014 07:30, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 04/09/14 23:41, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

Why is that ugh? You don't have to save the file on each keystroke, just
when completion is invoked, right?

In MonoDevelop/Visual Studio the completion is basically invoked as soon
as you start to type something. Not as in Eclipse when it's invoked
manually or only when typing a dot.

Oh I see. Do people like this behavior BTW? Eclipse could also be 
configured to work like this, but I'm not sure I would like it, (even if 
there are no problems such as slow autocompletion.). But maybe it just 
cause I'm used to it.

Bruno Medeiros

Re: [Mono-D] v2.1.18 Parser/Completion/General fixesimprovements

2014-09-09 Thread Bruno Medeiros via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 05/09/2014 00:23, Brian Schott wrote:

On Thursday, 4 September 2014 at 22:05:35 UTC, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

BTW, what is the relation of dscanner to DCD? Or more precisely, why
are they separate tools?..

Originally there was just dscanner. One of the things that it did was
autocomplete. It wasn't very good at this for a variety of reasons. One
of them was that being a plain command-line tool, it had to re-parse
EVERYTHING every time you asked for autocomplete.

Over time I split the project three ways: The parser/lexer/ast is now
libdparse, the autocomplete functionality is in DCD, and static analysis
and other stuff is in dscanner.

The reason I ask is because there seems to be some functionality only 
present in dscanner that would be useful for IDEs too, such as dscanner 

Bruno Medeiros

Re: [Mono-D] v2.1.18 Parser/Completion/General fixesimprovements

2014-09-09 Thread Bruno Medeiros via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 05/09/2014 17:40, Alex wrote:

On Friday, 5 September 2014 at 12:15:09 UTC, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

On 05/09/2014 07:32, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Perhaps I'm nitpicking but an external tools doesn't sound like a good
idea. A completely separate library that can be shared among tools and
be integrated into an IDE, absolutely yes. But not a tool.

It's like it was said earlier, a library is easier to integrate, but
only if across the same language (for the code the library is written
in, and the code the IDE extensions are written in).

Well, I spent a (very little though) time getting informed on how
everything could be done using dcd-server running in the background.

1) the communication between dcd-server and dcd-client happens via tcp
ipc. So extremely easy to implement
2) The currently edited module's text can be piped through that IPC
channel to not have to query the hardware IO all the time.
3) My completion 'model' allows having individual import paths for each
edited file, project, super-project aka solution. DCD seems not to
support this atm(?).
4) D_Parser is heavily woven with all kinds of Mono-D features, so just
ripping out the completion component and replacing it with dcd won't
bring anything sustainable, since I'd still had to have raw access to
all ASTs out there in order to e.g. display a 'breadcrumb' path bar on
the editor's top, the doc outline, refactoring features etc. -- An
entirely separate Mono-D is needed imho which probably only features
basic projecting/build support as well as dcd bindings.

Did you, Bruno, discarded your customly written completion framework in
favor of dcd?

I didn't discard my completion engine, since from what I saw in DCD (at 
least at the time), DCD didn't seem better than mine (only Mono-D has 
that honor at the moment ;) )
So I'm keeping it, also because there are a lot of improvements I can 
make to DDT's completion engine with relative low effort (I just had my 
time caught up in other features to go into that).

Also, there were several limitations with the DCD protocol and/or 
options. First was lack of DUB support. Then, limited information on the 
resolved symbols (for example function symbols don't have the full 
function signature).
Then there was also the inability to perform completion with in-memory 
files. (At least using DCD-client. Are you saying what if the we 
communicate directly to DCD-server, that is possible? I haven't looked 
into that, only the README documentation of DCD)

I fixed most of these by rolling my own semantic daemon (note, it's not 
finished yet). Although, to be honest, even though I made an API that 
supports semantic operations in multiple in-memory files, after I saw 
Atila Neves lightning talk about fly-check in Vim, I'm fairly convinced 
just automatically writing all files to the disk would have been good 
enough, if not even better (I'm thinking the OS would cache the files, 
so I/O would not be an issue... but that premise would have to be tested)

The only significant issue is the same as you mentioned in 4) . I could 
shift all my semantic features to the daemon at this point, but I would 
still need a D parser as part of DDT for all the syntax features - the 
editor outline, code folding, the breadcrumb, etc.. This functionality 
would have to be moved to the daemon so that the IDE could be completely 
free of any D parser or D engine. While that is certainly feasible, I 
wonder if there could be a significant performance hit: The semantic 
features (code complete, open definition) are only invoked sporadically, 
but parsing/syntax features require parsing on more or less every 
keystroke - so that info would have to be retrieved from the daemon 
nearly constantly, and would add some overhead... It's something to 

Bruno Medeiros

Re: [Mono-D] v2.1.18 Parser/Completion/General fixesimprovements

2014-09-09 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-09-09 15:06, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

Oh I see. Do people like this behavior BTW? Eclipse could also be
configured to work like this, but I'm not sure I would like it, (even if
there are no problems such as slow autocompletion.). But maybe it just
cause I'm used to it.

I wouldn't mind having an option for it.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: 438-byte Hello, world Win32 EXE in D

2014-09-09 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

And how do ldc and gdc do? =)

Re: Programming in D book, User Defined Attributes (UDA) chapter

2014-09-09 Thread Olivier Henley via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 29 August 2014 at 05:35:12 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Would you recommend considering at least some of's 
competitors as well? Who?


Blurb has a number of pages limitation that would require a two 
volumes release of your book. :/ Lulu can make it to 740 pages. 
CreateSpace offers packages up to 828 pages. Both can distribute 
through Amazon. Prices are somewhat similar...

I found this post interesting:

Otherwise did you contact any publisher?
