Re: DConf '23 Talk Videos

2023-09-20 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 01:11:13 UTC, matheus wrote:

Not a HW expert, but lowering the GPU settings couldn't at 
least get the job done (Slower but... done).

Not in this case. Turns out the graphics card's fans have stopped 
spinning. He's taking it to the service center today.

Re: DConf '23 Talk Videos

2023-09-20 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 22:04:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

Clearly, your computer is just sick of hearing about dconf and 
decided to go on strike. ;)

You're the second person to tell me that :-)

Re: DConf '23 Talk Videos

2023-09-20 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 12:43:49 UTC, Mike Parker 
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 08:41:01 UTC, Stefan Koch 

My feeling is this could be a faulty power supply.
You should try a new PSU first.

How old is the hardware?

It's a two-year-old box. Yes, it could be the PSU, but in my 
experience when they go bad it manifests in more than one way. 
I've had a couple of them fail over the years.

At any rate, the guy I took it to will zero in on it. I'll have 
a definitive answer tomorrow. If I'm lucky, a full internal 
cleaning of the graphics card and some new thermal paste will 
solve it. I'm usually not that lucky, though :-)

Not a HW expert, but lowering the GPU settings couldn't at least 
get the job done (Slower but... done).


Re: DConf '23 Talk Videos

2023-09-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 6:43:49 AM MDT Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-
announce wrote:
> On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 08:41:01 UTC, Stefan Koch
> wrote:
> > My feeling is this could be a faulty power supply.
> > You should try a new PSU first.
> >
> > How old is the hardware?
> It's a two-year-old box. Yes, it could be the PSU, but in my
> experience when they go bad it manifests in more than one way.
> I've had a couple of them fail over the years.
> At any rate, the guy I took it to will zero in on it. I'll have a
> definitive answer tomorrow. If I'm lucky, a full internal
> cleaning of the graphics card and some new thermal paste will
> solve it. I'm usually not that lucky, though :-)

Clearly, your computer is just sick of hearing about dconf and decided to go
on strike. ;)

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: reggae v0.10.0 - The meta build system just got better

2023-09-20 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 15:24:52 UTC, Andrey Zherikov 
On Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 17:34:48 UTC, Atila Neves 

For those who don't know, reggae is a meta-build system for 
and in D. It's like CMake, if you replace their terrible 
language with D*. Like CMake, it can output make and ninja 
files. Unlike CMake, it can also output tup files and has its 
own binary generator in case the dependency on one of those 
programs is undesired. Also unlike CMake, it supports dub 
projects out-of-the-box by using dub as a library.

Out of curiosity, why do we need one more build tool?

Because we don't have one now. Using CMake for D is horrible, and 
none of the alternatives are that much better. Hand-written 
Makefiles are a nightmare and will never get dependencies right. 
dub isn't a build system, although it includes a very limited one 
that can't be extended. Want to build D and C++ code in the same 
project? Hah, good luck.

TBH I had the same thought - we should have "good" build tool 
for D that has D as a language. Since I have some experience 
with CMake and agree with a lot of people that it have horrible 
language, I thought it would be beneficial. But then I looked 
round and realized that it will be like this:

In practice, this doesn't seem to happen with build systems. 
Instead each language ecosystem ends up using its own: CMake, 
Gradle, Rake, ...

Have you looked as Meson, for example - it even has a [section 
about D](

Yes, and even had to use it for D. I don't know what state it's 
in now, but it was pretty much unusable if one had dub 
dependencies which... is nearly always the case.

Then there's the language: I'd rather use D or Python. If 
anything, Meson's use case could be questioned just as well by 
"why another build language?".

Re: reggae v0.10.0 - The meta build system just got better

2023-09-20 Thread Andrey Zherikov via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 17:34:48 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

For those who don't know, reggae is a meta-build system for and 
in D. It's like CMake, if you replace their terrible language 
with D*. Like CMake, it can output make and ninja files. Unlike 
CMake, it can also output tup files and has its own binary 
generator in case the dependency on one of those programs is 
undesired. Also unlike CMake, it supports dub projects 
out-of-the-box by using dub as a library.

Out of curiosity, why do we need one more build tool?

TBH I had the same thought - we should have "good" build tool for 
D that has D as a language. Since I have some experience with 
CMake and agree with a lot of people that it have horrible 
language, I thought it would be beneficial. But then I looked 
round and realized that it will be like this:

So I dropped that idea and think that investing into existing 
build tool to support D will be much more efficient.
Have you looked as Meson, for example - it even has a [section 
about D](

Re: DConf '23 Talk Videos

2023-09-20 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 08:41:01 UTC, Stefan Koch 

My feeling is this could be a faulty power supply.
You should try a new PSU first.

How old is the hardware?

It's a two-year-old box. Yes, it could be the PSU, but in my 
experience when they go bad it manifests in more than one way. 
I've had a couple of them fail over the years.

At any rate, the guy I took it to will zero in on it. I'll have a 
definitive answer tomorrow. If I'm lucky, a full internal 
cleaning of the graphics card and some new thermal paste will 
solve it. I'm usually not that lucky, though :-)

Re: SerpentOS departs from Dlang

2023-09-20 Thread Greggor via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 21:49:17 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 17:39:41 UTC, M.M. wrote:
In February there were some exciting news on the usage of 
dlang within serpent-os linux distribution, quite a large open 
source project of Ikey Doherty and the team around him.

Unfortunately, the project decided to leave dlang behind, and 
to embrace golang and rust instead... in part due to some 
hiccups in dlang and due to contributors pushing for more 
mainstream languages:

Pity that it did not succeed. It would be a great showcase for 
the marvelous dlang.

That's unfortunate..

Ikey seems to still want to use D, so the main driving factor 
is the contributors, i wonder what are the exact reasons, 
pseudo memory safety can't be the only reason

To be honest, I wouldn't blame contributors for looking at more 
mainstream languages, who still want to do their switch cases 
this way:

switch (it)
case MySuperLongEnum.MySuperLongValueA:
   result = do_something_a();
case MySuperLongEnum.MySuperLongValueB:
   result = do_something_b();
case MySuperLongEnum.MySuperLongValueC:
   result = do_something_c();

When other languages have it cleaner:

result = switch (it)
.MySuperLongValueA: do_something_a();
.MySuperLongValueB: do_something_b();
.MySuperLongValueC: do_something_c();

Improving ergonomics won't necessarily attract people, probably 
not, but i'm pretty sure that'll make contributors of existing 
projects not request to change language because the ergonomics 
are so poor

Even C# understand that and made the appropriate changes across 
their language and even improve their compiler to avoid the 
urge to switch to Go (NativeAOT), even Java made appropriate 
language changes in hope to stay relevant, why only D should be 
frozen? Acting like the world depend on D

D has many benefits, but some areas need lot of love, this 
reminds me of this dude in an online chat, he said the reason 
why he stick to Rust was because of Rust's enum.. not because 
of memory safety

Hopefully more wake up calls like this one will resonate with 
the D foundation

I do not think the lack of a little bit of syntax sugar is what 
is hurting D.

Also `with` is your friend.
auto result = (){with(MySuperLongEnum) final switch(it){
case MySuperLongValueA: return do_something_a();
case MySuperLongValueB: return do_something_b();
case MySuperLongValueC: return do_something_c();
full version that will compile, if you want to play with this.
enum MySuperLongEnum{
int do_something_a(){ return 1; }
int do_something_b(){ return 42; }
int do_something_c(){ return 99; }

void main(){
auto it = MySuperLongEnum.MySuperLongValueB;
auto result = (){with(MySuperLongEnum) final switch(it){
case MySuperLongValueA: return do_something_a();
case MySuperLongValueB: return do_something_b();
case MySuperLongValueC: return do_something_c();
import std.stdio;
writeln("result: ", result);

Re: DConf '23 Talk Videos

2023-09-20 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 00:35:47 UTC, Mike Parker 
On Sunday, 17 September 2023 at 15:35:59 UTC, FeepingCreature 

Thank you for your work!

You're welcome!

Unfortunately, last night my GPU started to consistently 
overheat and shut down when doing anything graphics intensive, 
including rendering video. I've done everything I can 
reasonably do locally, so today I'm going to see if my goto 
computer dude can make room for me. Either he'll fix it or I'll 
buy a new card from him.

How soon I'm able to render again depends on how soon I can see 
him. I don't want to just go out and buy a new gpu unless I 
absolutely have to.

My feeling is this could be a faulty power supply.
You should try a new PSU first.

How old is the hardware?