Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
I just saw this yesterday, and i haven't see anybody talk about 
it here, so i decided to share this great news for D here

Sokol is a popular gamedev library

It now officially supports D, thanks to the work led by

Re: Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
It'll be interesting to know what the experience was for the 
maintainer to play around with D (for the first time?)

From what i could gather, problems encountered:

- rvalue ref params (wich led to someone telling him to use 
-preview=all wich led to other issues)

- attributes soup

- float nan default

- no warning on use of uninitialized floats

I think it is time to decide what to do with all these -previews, 
rvalue ref params should be a feature already imo

For float nan default, i personally think everything should be 
consistent therefore 0 initialized

Re: Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-announce
LDC yet again is proving how essential it is for D, now that more 
OS are embracing ARM, having LDC available and maintained to 
support latest version of LLVM and all kind of platforms is a 

The maintainer is using macOS, and his library targets many 
platforms including the web with WASM, both supported by LDC out 
of the box

DMD for fast iteration time (on x86, hopefully ARM in the future)

And LDC for everything else

It's a deadly combo, thanks to everyone working hard on 
maintaining both projects

Re: Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread Hipreme via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 12:46:13 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
LDC yet again is proving how essential it is for D, now that 
more OS are embracing ARM, having LDC available and maintained 
to support latest version of LLVM and all kind of platforms is 
a blessing

The maintainer is using macOS, and his library targets many 
platforms including the web with WASM, both supported by LDC 
out of the box

DMD for fast iteration time (on x86, hopefully ARM in the 

And LDC for everything else

It's a deadly combo, thanks to everyone working hard on 
maintaining both projects

- On my work with redub, I've used dmd as a default. If it is not 
being able to find it, it will give an warning and try LDC 
- No need to change float default from nan to 0, excluding my own 
opinion, Walter concretely believes that nan is better than 0. I 
would like to at least get warnings on uninitialized floats, so 
it becomes 50-50 and no one will ever initialize float to nan 
- Could we get official LDC full D support to WASM? I haven't 
been having much time to work with D. When I do have time, the 
last thing I want to do is updating my custom runtime again. 
Beyond that, people always get the wrong impression from the WASM 
status quo. I know we won't have a garbage collection, but 90% of 
the work will be done. Just send a warning for anyone using D 
wasm runtime that support is incomplete. D always done that 

Re: Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread evilrat via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 12:36:27 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
It'll be interesting to know what the experience was for the 
maintainer to play around with D (for the first time?)

From what i could gather, problems encountered:

- rvalue ref params (wich led to someone telling him to use 
-preview=all wich led to other issues)

- attributes soup

- float nan default

- no warning on use of uninitialized floats

I think it is time to decide what to do with all these 
-previews, rvalue ref params should be a feature already imo

Yep, i think it was there long enough already so rvalue ref 
parameters should already be in.
Also what's with this `in` const parameters transition, it just 
like umm hanging in there for years?

D Language Foundation January 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

2024-05-14 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The D Language Foundation's monthly meeting for January 2024 was 
held on Friday the 12th. There were two things of particular note 
about this meeting.

First, Jonathan Davis joined us for the first time and is now a 
permanent member. We're very happy to have him aboard.

Second, this was the first meeting where we adopted a new format. 
Previously, we'd go around the "room" to give each participant a 
turn to say everything they needed to say or as much as they 
could say before we had to move on in the interest of time. 
Sometimes people had problems they wanted to solve, other times 
they just had status updates or progress reports. When our 
membership was small, it all worked well, but as the invitation 
list grew, we could end up with long meetings in which important 
topics got cut short because they didn't get brought up until 
later in the meeting.

For the new process, I ask everyone to send me any agenda items 
they'd like to discuss that are not progress reports or status 
updates. At the meetings, I'll go round-robin through the lists 
in the order I receive them: first item from each list, second 
item, etc, until either there are no more items or we've hit the 
hour-and-a-half mark. If we get through the items early, then 
I'll open the floor to anyone who has something to report. If we 
still have agenda items at the hour-and-a-half mark, I'll ask if 
we should continue for another 30 minutes or call it.

This new approach has worked well for us since. It's also going 
to change how I write the monthly summaries. Each section heading 
is a topic of discussion rather than a participant's name.

The only agenda items I received from the members for this 
meeting came from Timon. He had quite a list, and we went through 
pretty much the whole thing. But I did give the floor to Robert 
at the beginning for a very brief update. I also had one item 
that came in the form of a request on the Discord server.

## The Attendees

The following people attended the meeting:

* Andrei Alexandrescu
* Walter Bright
* John Colvin
* Jonathan M. Davis
* Timon Gehr
* Martin Kinkelin
* Dennis Korpel
* Mathais Lang
* Razvan Nitu
* Mike Parker
* Robert Schadek
* Steven Schveighoffer
* Adam Wilson

## The Summary

### Item 1: Bugzilla to GitHub migration
As I noted in the [November meeting 
summary](, some potential issues had come up regarding the effect of the Bugzilla to GitHub migration on the dlang bot. Robert had said he'd investigate them.

As an update, he'd discovered some changes needed to be made to 
the changelog generator and had made good progress on that. He 
said Vladimir Panteleev had been working on some changes to the 
dlang bot related to how it closed solved issues. When that was 
all completed, they'd be able to test it. He wanted to put it 
through multiple tests to make sure it held up and worked as 

### Item 2: D data structures
Monkyyy asked me on the Discord server to bring his article on [D 
structures]( to the meeting. I emailed a link to everyone before the meeting. I received a little bit of feedback in the email thread. In summary:

* Monkyyy's complaint that allocators are "unmerged" highlights 
why Átila wants them out of `std.experimental`.
* The article doesn't specify any specific data structures he'd 
like to see in the standard library.
* Any redesign of Phobos needs to consider containers at some 
point, but how comprehensive should it be? How high of a priority?
* Some simple containers can easily be built on top of arrays. 
Should we add that kind of thing to Phobos, or only more complex 
* Would it be better to have a comprehensive container library in 
the dub registry?

I asked if anyone had any more feedback that they hadn't raised 
in the email thread. Timon suggested that someone should do what 
Paul did with the sumtype package: write a container library and 
then we could put it in Phobos if it was good enough.

Adam said he'd been having discussions about containers with 
Rikki and others. He told us that Rikki felt that we needed to 
focus on allocators first, then once that was solved we could 
start looking at containers. Adam said he didn't know if that was 
necessary or not, but based on that and other conversations he'd 
had on Discord, he thought that was the point of the article.

Steve said he agreed with Timon: if we were going to have 
something that was going into Phobos, it should be put up on dub 
first to prove that it was worth including. There were so many 
different opinions around containers and their APIs that it 
wasn't something we should just say, "Here's some space in 
Phobos, now put them in." Put it in dub first, work out the API 
we wanted, make sure it all works, and then put it in Phobos.

Razvan wondered what the procedure would be. There

Re: D Language Foundation January 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

2024-05-14 Thread Hipreme via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 13:23:17 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The D Language Foundation's monthly meeting for January 2024 
was held on Friday the 12th. There were two things of 
particular note about this meeting.


I have some things to feedback on those points

### Item 6
I had done my DIP thinking mostly about intermediate values on 
mixin template. That would make the value not included in mixin 
template, but yes, static foreach also needs that, so a good 
solution would be one that solves them both.

### Item 7
Redub is a tool that is basically a dub clone which improves what 
dub is not doing very smartly: building. Recently I've done a 
simple, yet major UX improvement: if dmd is not found, it tries 

But the apex of UX I've done is inside my engine, but I've shared 
a plenty of times: build selector.

This tool is focused into:

All the items ending with a `*` are optionally done by the user.

- Downloads a D compiler if none is found on the user system
- Downloads and installs git [only on Windows that is automatic. 
Other systems it shows an error requiring that to be done]
- [Windows] - Installs MSVC and vcruntime so D is able to build 
it on systems that doesn't have this option (I needed that when 
running with a VM).
- Download Android SDK/NDK [based on the user system], with the 
supported LDC compiler and sets up the DFLAGS required to build 
for Android.*
- Sets up a custom D runtime which supports building to WASM, 
sets up the DFLAGS required to build it. May also get a supported 

- Sets the DFLAGS required for being able to build for iOS.*

### Item 8

There was a project which is basically rdmd but faster out there, 
done by Jonathan Marler.

Sometime ago I thought about just pushing to d tools, but since 
no one cared about, I simply abandoned the idea, but there it is:

Re: D Language Foundation January 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

2024-05-14 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 14:01:28 UTC, Hipreme wrote:

### Item 8

There was a project which is basically rdmd but faster out 
there, done by Jonathan Marler.

Sometime ago I thought about just pushing to d tools, but since 
no one cared about, I simply abandoned the idea, but there it 

I was thinking the same thing! I had used it a few times, but I 
just don't use rdmd enough to want to use an alternative to it. 
If the improved functionality were built-in, then that would be a 

Re: Sokol now has official D bindings

2024-05-14 Thread Guillaume Piolat via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 12:36:27 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

- float nan default

Complaints from C and C++ programmers could mention that at least 
stack variables gets initialized to something.

My interest in contributing to the D language and participation in the Symmetry Autumn of code

2024-05-14 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-announce
Hello everyone, My name is Dennis and I’m from Nigeria and I want 
to contribute to the D language, perhaps engage in the upcoming 
Symmetry Autumn of code, and contribute immensely to the D 
language and beyond.
I’m open to anyone directing me on things to work on. I'd really 
appreciate that.

Re: My interest in contributing to the D language and participation in the Symmetry Autumn of code

2024-05-14 Thread Sergey via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 18:42:56 UTC, Dennis wrote:
Hello everyone, My name is Dennis and I’m from Nigeria and I 
want to contribute to the D language, perhaps engage in the 
upcoming Symmetry Autumn of code, and contribute immensely to 
the D language and beyond.
I’m open to anyone directing me on things to work on. I'd 
really appreciate that.

Hi Dennis, nice to hear that!

Razvan and Mike probably are good persons to ask such question.

There are some project milestones in GitHub repo..
But you can start with issues

Re: LDC 1.38.0

2024-05-14 Thread Hipreme via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 11 May 2024 at 01:22:58 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce LDC 1.38.0. Major changes:

- Based on D 2.108.1.
- Support for LLVM 18; the prebuilt packages use v18.1.5.
- Android: Switch to native ELF TLS, supported since API level 
29 (Android v10), dropping our former custom TLS emulation 
(requiring a modified LLVM and a legacy ld.bfd linker). The 
prebuilt packages themselves require Android v10+ (armv7a) / 
v11+ (aarch64) too, and are built with NDK r26d. Shared 
druntime and Phobos libraries are now available 
(`-link-defaultlib-shared`), as on regular Linux.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors & sponsors!

Thanks a lot Martin! I'm super excited to integrate the new NDK 
support to my engine tool so it can still automatically integrate 
with the most up to date version :)

Re: D Language Foundation January 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

2024-05-14 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-announce

Wow I see I was mentioned at a lot at this meeting!

In saying that I do have some points to add about Item 2 data structures.

Data structures come in one of two forms generally: owning and non-owning.

### Non-owning

Non-owning is the simplest, its an index.
It doesn't own any memory that isn't internal.

Takes in a single memory allocator for its internal state.

For its memory safety you are pretty limited to concerns surrounding 
read-only-ness of its internal state. Which only exist because the GC 
allocator might be in use.

You pass a value in, you get a value out. No references.

### Owning

Owning data structures come with two subsets which may be mixed to form 
a third combined subset.

 Cleans up

Takes in two memory allocators, one for its internal state, one for its 
deallocation of values.

Will deallocate any memory given to it, which also means that once 
memory is placed into it, it now owns it and is responsible for its cleanup.

As for memory safety you have only one (as long as you don't use 
references out).

Owner escape analysis, this is a DIP Walter has required for me to work 
on before reference counting. So its going in anyway.

 References out

I'll assume here that it does not clean up any memory passed in, that 
you handle this manually, that the data structure is merely an index.

In almost all ways its similar to non-owning, one memory allocator, 
still has the memory safety concerns of the owner.

An you also have to worry about borrows typically from a struct 
acting as a reference. Which once again is resolved with owner escape 
analysis (noticing a trend yet?).

What this tells us is that non-owning data structures can go in pretty 
much immediately, although there will need to be some remedial work once 
we get reference counting and with that a solution to read only memory.

But of course because Walter wants owner escape analysis first, it 
doesn't matter, both owning and non-owning will need to go together.

Note: concurrent data structures will need the read only memory solution 
due to the locks (notice a trend yet?) as well.

We'll likely want to use long names to differentiate all these behaviors 
unfortunately. As it could be quite desirable to have all the different 

Re: My interest in contributing to the D language and participation in the Symmetry Autumn of code

2024-05-14 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 18:42:56 UTC, Dennis wrote:
Hello everyone, My name is Dennis and I’m from Nigeria and I 
want to contribute to the D language, perhaps engage in the 
upcoming Symmetry Autumn of code, and contribute immensely to 
the D language and beyond.
I’m open to anyone directing me on things to work on. I'd 
really appreciate that.

Hi, Dennis. Nice to meet you.

I'll be making the announcement about SAOC 2024 in a few weeks. 
In the meantime, you can visit the SAOC page to learn everything 
you need to know about how to apply:

It's still got the info from last year, but very little will 
change for this year. The application deadline could be different 
this time, but the rest of the dates should be the same. It will 
run from September 15 of this year to January 14 of next year.

I'll leave it to Razvan Nitu and/or Dennis Korpel to help you 
with contributing.