Re: D Conference 2012 - Sep 26-29 at the Banker's Suite and Ballroom in Astoria, Oregon

2012-05-19 Thread Era Scarecrow

On Thursday, 17 May 2012 at 21:38:32 UTC, Paul D. Anderson wrote:
I live nearby (Seattle) so I will be attending, but need to 
make plans.

 I live nearby, perhaps an 8 hour drive.

 But September is quite a ways off. Anything can happen in 3 
months time. If nothing prevents me, I will attend too.

Re: A partial D crypto library

2012-07-28 Thread Era Scarecrow

On Saturday, 28 July 2012 at 22:46:31 UTC, Stian Pedersen wrote:

On Saturday, 28 July 2012 at 21:58:31 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:
I hope you are familiar with the dcrypt project - . It already have 
cyphers mentioned above, and digest algorithms as well, plus 
much more...

Yeah looked at the ones that existed. That one is for D1. We 
did it for fun, learning the D language at the same time. I 
hope to do some more D in the future. Ill be happy to 
contribute more to it. However, we would need someone with more 
experience on crypto lib's getting involved and going over it, 
before it's ready for production use or Phobos.

 I'm willing to help. I don't know the full extend of templates, 
but otherwise I think I grasp D2 enough.

Re: Blog post: Demystifying Garbage Collectors

2012-10-13 Thread Era Scarecrow
On Friday, 12 October 2012 at 19:19:23 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 10/11/12 9:15 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:

Essentially an explanation of garbage collection for the 
layman programmer. Though, it does assume some familiarity 
with C and memory management. It's an abstract article not 
particularly specific to any GC implementation, but I figured 
I'd post it here anyway in case anyone's interested.

 A question comes up, and I don't need an answer but it may be 
useful to know, but I'm curious.

 Does D include an index to bitmaps specifying which offsets in a 
given memory block (say a class or a struct) of which fields 
actually would point to memory? With the strong possibility of 
working with manual pointer management it is possible it's not as 
useful as it could be; But may be considered when making a GC. 
Who knows, I may try my hand at it.

 //some pseudo random number generator class
 class Prng {
  int seed;
  int[] cached;

  //mem location as good as any for an initial seed,
  //maybe xor against time/date
  this() {seed = cast(int) &this;}

 The above may have a bitmap indexed to 0_010b (or an index 
so enum {nil, charArray, intArray} and thus [nil, intArray, nil], 
so it would skip the ints and only check the only that actually 
would contains a pointer. It could also effectively hold 
additional information on the type for further indexing, so when 
it sees 'cached' it will know it's an array, but if it was an 
array to Objects, then it would scan every part of that inner 
array mentioned for further references.

Re: Article: Dispelling Common D Myths

2012-10-13 Thread Era Scarecrow

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 03:24:16 UTC, torhu wrote:
In my view, D2/Phobos2 is still playing catch-up to D1/Tango.  
The D1 compiler is less buggy, Tango is still better than 
Phobos2, library could well be better.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to start a new project in D1.  But 
I also feel that some people are jumping the gun when they talk 
about D2's maturity.

 I'll agree; I haven't used much of Tango myself but I can 
remember where some of the problems were. I had trouble trying to 
get a good enough foot-hold on the library while Phobos is 
generally simpler.

 I wish D2 was more mature, several things seem to crop up. 
Duplicate functions with only const/mutable differences in some 
cases, the $ not fully implemented, phobos still evolving; Things 
like this can be worked around to a degree. I can't help but wish 
it was already perfect.

 However; D2 IS mature enough for a good number of tasks, and 
even the hickups I'm finding they are far easier (and more 
pleasant) to work around (comparing to C++, syntax and how ugly 
it is alone, not to mention how confusing the STL is). Also D2 
where there's common/potential for mistakes and ambiguities it 
errs and tells you (add parentheses, or no assignment in an if 
statement, or a statement does nothing) rather than adding extra 
rules to handle dozens of potential cases that gets more 
confusing with each iteration.

 Plus getting a hang of Templates is a breeze once I got a good 
foothold on it all. I'm no expert with templates, but problems 
are easy to find quickly and resolve with template bugs.

Re: DConf 2013 on we're live!

2012-10-22 Thread Era Scarecrow
On Monday, 22 October 2012 at 18:49:22 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 10/22/12 2:32 PM, mist wrote:
There is a serious reason of getting through some registration 
issues and pledging via kickstarter - project either gets all 
money if it is funded or no at all if it is not (and all 
pledges are returned automatically). And, of course, any other 
means of supporting won't be counted by kickstarter towards 
target sum.

Yes, this. If we don't break through the limit, nobody is 
charged a dime. It would be more complicated to refund checks 

 I happened to have a facebook (alternate sign-in) & amazon 
accounts so it was fairly quick and painless for me.

 I'll look forward to the results of the kickstarter.

Re: DConf 2013 on we're live!

2012-10-22 Thread Era Scarecrow

On Monday, 22 October 2012 at 23:37:25 UTC, Tyro[17] wrote:
Yes, this. If we don't break through the limit, nobody is 
charged a dime. It would be more complicated to refund checks 

So let's see to it that it does break through that limit!!!

 Already within a day and it's about 25% there. Looks promising.

Re: foo => "bar" key/value literals in D!

2016-05-31 Thread Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 23 May 2016 at 19:00:40 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Have I gone completely mad?!?!

void main() {
import std.stdio;
foo => "bar",
baz => 12

Prints out:

foo: bar
baz: 12

 Pretty snazzy :) Like enums, except not...

Re: DConf 2020 Canceled

2020-03-07 Thread Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 7 March 2020 at 20:37:32 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I really wish I didn't have to make this announcement, but in 
light of the COVID-19 outbreak and with an abundance of 
caution, the D Language Foundation and Symmetry Investments 
have agreed to cancel DConf 2020.

 From what i've researched, it's more or less the flu... a 
somewhat more contagious, over-hyped, genetically modified, 
potentially respiratory infection cold/flu; And likely a tool by 
government(s) to force unwanted policies down our throats like 
Martial Law, restriction of travel, Mandatory Vaccines and/or 
micro-chipping. As well as the government had it since 2015 in 
certain labs thus more than likely there's already a vaccine.

 Lots of details on the matter. Unfortunate for DConf to be 
cancelled. But whatever is considered safest and best for 
everyone involved.