Re: D2 port of Tango

2011-10-20 Thread Fawzi Mohamed
I think that having tango for D2 could be useful, but I would be quite 
disappointed if Tango would still not get along with phobos.
I understand that druntime might be quite connected to phobos releases, still 
there should be less reasons this time to fork also the runtime this time.
That was always a pita IMHO, and I am a happy D1/tango user.

On Oct 19, 2011, at 11:12 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

> On 10/19/11, Nick Sabalausky  wrote:
>> "zsxxsz"  wrote in message
>> news:j7mmkr$1fm0$
>>> I love Tango, because it's like using JAVA to program with Tango, and using
>>> C++
>>> to program with Phobos. Java is much more easy to program.
>> Heh. The Java-ness of it is actually the one thing about Tango that I don't
>> really like. 'Course, I'm a big Java-hater anyway, YMMV...
> Oh what, you don't like
> getterAbstractFactoriesBuilderFactorySingletonObjectListener?

Re: Announcing: D support in SWIG

2010-11-22 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 21-nov-10, at 18:27, klickverbot wrote:

In a nutshell, SWIG is a »glue code« generator, allowing you to  
access C/C++ libraries from various target languages, including C#,  
Go, Java, Ruby, Python … and, since I merged my work into SWIG trunk  
a few days ago, also D, both version 1 and 2.

I have put up a short description of it at my blog ( 
), but to give it a whirl, just head over to the SWIG SVN and build  
it from there (

I would be glad if some brave souls could go ahead and test it in  
real-world use cases before it is officially released with SWIG for  
the first time (SWIG 2.0.2, date yet to be determined), so that any  
major bugs can be ironed out before.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post them  
here, drop me a line, or ask right away in #D at freenode. While I  
am quite busy at the moment, I'd be happy to help you with any  
issues (particularly happy if they concern the SWIG side of  
implementing enhancements, obviously, but also simple usage  
questions). Besides that, as always, it would be nice just to hear  
about what you are using this for.

Happy coding,

nice work David, I was following your github repository, nice that you  
made into the official repository.


Re: DDT 0.4.0 released (formerly "Mmrnmhrm")

2010-11-20 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

by the way DDT for me is
i.e. a distributed debugger
On 20-nov-10, at 17:54, Jordi wrote:

On 11/18/2010 03:52 AM, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
I'm announcing the release of DDT (D Development Tools) version  

(There was previously an older inactive project also called DDT, it  

been renamed to EclipseD, with the authors permission.)

The DDT project is a direct continuation of the Mmrnmhrm project.  
It has

been renamed to reflect a more serious and unified approach to the
Eclipse IDE project development. (although ocasional odd references
might still be present in less conspicuous places ^_^ )

It has been 2 years since the last significant release, and this  
has a lot of rough edges: Some newer D2 syntaxes are not yet  
id=6), and
otherwise there are likely to be several parser bugs in the IDE  
(... you
will be baked...). But it should provide for a minimally useful  
IDE, at

least for simpler D projects.

for a

rough idea of what to expect.
See also:


== DDT 0.4.0 (2010-11-17) ==
* Renamed project to DDT
* Updated IDE to latest DLTK version (2.0).
* Fixed comment indentation character (was '#' instead of '//') on
toggle comment actions
* Fixed defaults bug in DeeRootPreferencePage and  
* Added DEEBUILDER.COMPILEREXEPATH variable to builder, changed  

response file defaults. [No longer uses rebuild as the default]
* Fixed parser to be able to parse expressions as the argument of  
* Added a parser workaround to allow parsing D source with  

* Fixed several parser bugs.
* Removed Content Assist Templates preference page.

I successfully installed it and i am testing it. I was using Descent  
at a very basic level and so far DDT looks good.

Thanks for all the work!

Re: blip 0.5

2010-11-18 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 18-nov-10, at 01:49, klickverbot wrote:

On 11/18/10 1:12 AM, Bill Baxter wrote:

Nice work!  Is it for D2 or D1?  Or both?

I hope you don't mind me answering, Fawzi:

sure I don't mind, actually I hope more people will get involved :)

Currently, it's D1 only.

yes, indeed, I have considered D2, and there are things that I like  
about it, but as of now it is still too early for me to switch to it.
- I am not too keen on fighting again will obscure threading bugs (but  
Sean is very helpfully considering my changes and adding them to  
druntime, so that might go well).

- I need a stable 64 bit compiler, that is coming, but is not there yet
- I feel that in general if I delay a bit my job will just get easier
- D2 will need porting and testing, now I would rather use my library

In any case that is a good topic, so I posted about it in digitalmars-d


Re: Utah Valley University teaches D (using TDPL)

2010-11-18 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 18-nov-10, at 09:11, Don wrote:

Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Tuesday, November 16, 2010 13:33:54 bearophile wrote:

Jonathan M Davis:
Most of the rest (if not all of it) could indeed be done in a  

I am not sure it could be done nicely too :-)
That would depend on what you're trying to do. Printing test  
success or failure is as simple as adding the approprate scope  
statement to the beginning of each unittest block. A bit tedious  
perhaps, but not hard.

Right now
unit tests follow the unix convention of saying nothing on success,
That's an usability failure. Humans expect feedback, because you  
can't tell
apart "unittests run and succeed" from "unittests not even run".  
That Unix
convention is bad here. And Unix commands sometimes have a -v  
command that gives feedback, while D unittests don't have this  
I'm afraid that I have to disagree there. Having all of the  
successes print out would, in many cases, just be useless output  
flooding the console. I have no problem with making it possible for  
unit tests to report success, but I wouldn't want that to be the  
default. It's quite clear when a test fails, and that's what is  
necessary in order to fix test failures.
I can see why a beginner might want the positive feedback that a  
test has succeeded, but personally, I would just find it annoying.  
The only real advantage would be that it would indicate where in  
the unit tests the program was, and that's only particularly  
important if you have a _lot_ of them and they take a long time to  

I think:   "%d unit tests passed in %d modules"
would be enough.

This was already discussed, I think that optimal solution would be to  
have a testing function a bit like tangos, the testing functions knows  
how the module is called. Tango one always prints the module, but that  
is easy to change.

What I use is my own testing framework, in it i have defined as  
default main function that checks commandline arguments, so that one  
can for example pass --print-level=error and see only the errors...
See for an example  
of using it.
This means having a special file to compile, that generates an  
executable dedicated to testing, but this maps well to how I do tests.
In fact I often keep the tests separated from the code, I even hide  
them behind templates to avoid excessive template instantiation in  
some cases because they are large and would slow down the compilation...

The current default unittest function runs very early (before main),  
so it is not possible to use that and use commandline arguments (which  
is "correct" because in the current model unittests can be activated  
for *any* executable, and should not disturb its run).
It should be possible to write a test function that just sets up  
things for a later real unittest run that starts from main and can  
parse the commandline arguments, thus solving all these discussions...


blip 0.5

2010-11-17 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

I am happy to announce blip 0.5

why 0.5? because it works for me, but hopefully it will work for  
others too, and 1.0 will be a release with more contributors...

Blip is a library that offers

 * N-dimensional arrays (blip.narray) that have a nice interface to  
lapack (that leverages the wrappers of baxissimo)
 * 2,3 and 4D vectors, matrixes and quaternions from the omg library  
of h3r3tic

 * multidimensional arrays, with nice to use wrappers to blas/lapack
 * a testing framework that can cope both with combinatorial and  
random testing
   this means that you can define an environment (be it struct or  
class, maybe even templatized)
   and then define generators that create one such environment (see  
   then you can define testing functions that will receive newly  
generated environments and do the tests
 * serialization (blip.serialization) that supports both json format,  
that can be used also for input files and an

   efficient binary representation
 * MPI parallelization built on the top of mpi, but abstracting it  
away (so that a pure tcp implementation is possible),

   for tightly coupled parallelization
 * a Distribued Objects framework that does rpc via proxies  
 * a simple socket library that can be used to connect external  
programs, even if written in fortran or C (for a weak parallel coupling)

 * a coherent and efficient io abstraction

But what might be most interesting is.

 * SMP parallelization (blip.parallel.smp) a numa aware very flexible  

a parallelization framework that can cope well with both thread like  
and data like parallelism, integrated with libev

to offer efficient socket i/o and much more.

An overview of blip is given in
The parallelization is discussed in
finally to install it see



Re: First big PITA in reallife D project

2010-10-19 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 19-ott-10, at 20:30, Walter Bright wrote:

Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
I am not sure what is wrong in your case, and I worked only with D1/ 
tango on mac and linux, but I can definitely say that I had quite  
some very ugly bugs with threads and fibers, and gc.
I think I have fixed all of them (at least everything seems stable  
Sean&co are welcome to take my fixes from tango into druntime, I  
release them with whatever license is needed: should I switch to D2  
I will not complain if I don't have to debug those horrible things  
again... ;)

Thank you! I (and I'm sure Sean) appreciate this!

happy about it :)

Re: First big PITA in reallife D project

2010-10-19 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 19-ott-10, at 12:45, Stephan wrote:

Hey guys I wanted to discuss my first major depressing experience  
with D in a reallife project.

First off here is the according bug report :

I have to mention that it was by far not the first bug i encountered  
in D but it has never been such a PITA. I spent hours and hours of  
searching, rewriting and crawling my code for the cause of this  
issue. Just to finally find out that it was not my code but some bug  
in druntime.

What i do:
I spawn multiple threads all periodically connecting to some  
webservers waiting for the request to finish. Every request is  
totally independent of the others. There is no data sharing in my  
code. Now i have a protocol that makes my process send one last  
important request when shutting down. For a clean shut down i wanted  
to make sure that all the other threads are shut down first. That  
way the final request of the process is the very last. So i wait for  
every thread to finish their request and stop them.
BUT it wont work like that. AFTER i stopped all other threads some  
strange behavior of druntime makes every creation of an  
InternetAddress instance (internally trying to resolve host)  
impossible (throws an exception). Additionally even if the Internet  
Addresses were created upfront the TcpSockets wont connect but throw.
I have no idea what the heck is going on inside of the druntime that  
could cause this but in my opinion it makes designing a big server  
environment pretty much impossible because it would mean that i  
cannot let any of my user generated threads exit unless i want to  
shutdown completely anyway.

Perhaps one side note: I am testing and having these issues under  

I have never been so tempted to use another language while coding in  
D as i was this time and that makes me sad.

I am not sure what is wrong in your case, and I worked only with D1/ 
tango on mac and linux, but I can definitely say that I had quite some  
very ugly bugs with threads and fibers, and gc.

I think I have fixed all of them (at least everything seems stable now).
Sean&co are welcome to take my fixes from tango into druntime, I  
release them with whatever license is needed: should I switch to D2 I  
will not complain if I don't have to debug those horrible things  
again... ;)

A non druntime bug you should maybe check if you use IP6 is the  
storage space you alloc for the address structure is large enough:  
sockaddr is too small, one should use sockaddr_storage (druntime is  
not always the culprit...).

good luck

Re: Do not use 2.041

2010-03-11 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 11-mar-10, at 22:09, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:05:51 -0500, bearophile > wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer:
Also if we get exception stack trace support, then you can  
immediately see

everything.  It's probably better to focus on that.

Do you want me to remove those two bug reports then?

I think they should at least be marked as enhancements.  Without a  
stacktrace printout, there is a need for such things.  But I think  
exception tracing is coming, I think Tango already has it.


Yes tango has it, there are a couple of things that are a bit clumsy,  
due to backward compatibility to previous implementations, but I think  
that the basic approach is sound:

- separate function to trace addresses from the ones to resolve them

- separate functions to find symbolic information, and those that  
demangle it) from those that print it out

- try to avoid allocation (often the program is in a delicate spot  
when a stacktrace is requested, one should try to avoid making the  
position worse, and allocation in any case should be avoided when  

 I am willing to give the code I wrote in whatever license is needed,  
but I have used parts of code by h3r3tic, wm4 (winterwar), and Thomas  
Kühne, so if you want to use that code you should check also with them.


Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-09 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2010-03-09 20:15:44 +0100, Fawzi Mohamed  said:


some html spam

sorry about that...

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-09 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 9-mar-10, at 18:56, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Tue, 09 Mar 2010 12:33:01 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu > wrote:

In wake of printing multi-dimensional arrays, I agree that start  
and end delimiters should be present by default. If delimiters are  
present, it only makes sense to make the array look like a D array,  
so the ", " becomes an acceptable proposition.

That's great!

I'm unsure about strings - should "to" go all gung-ho on quoting  
and escaping quotes etc.? That's a bit odd. Consider:

auto str = to!string("hello world");

I'd expect the call to be an identity application that makes str  
equal to "hello world". So far so good. Then say I convert with  
"to" an array of strings to a string:

auto str2 = to!string(["hello world"]);

Now str2 is "\"hello world\"", i.e. has an extra pair of quotes.

I think you mean "[\"hello world\"]"

well the thing is again str vs repr (string, or representation), repr  
should output something that is basically valid D code that reproduces  
the same value, whereas str not, what should to! do?

So "to" applied to an array does not always use "to" applied to  
each element of the array - it has a completely different behavior.  
I wonder whether that's a desirable behavior.

I would say no.  I guess you could make the argument that strings  
are already arrays treated specially, but I don't think it adds much  
to put the quotes there.  Plus, it allows simpler code and  
documentation, you can define the conversion of an array as a purely  
recursive function, even if it may not be implemented that way.

Note that ranges should convert identically to arrays, making arrays  
special would make things odd.

Another thing that's unclear to me is whether writeln and "to"  
should be defined such that




produce the same text. Currently that's the general plan, but I  
wonder whether we should change the approach.

then I find it much better to base everything on something like my
void writeOut(T,S...)(void delegate char[]sink, T object,S formatting)
that outputs to a sink, so that you can have output without memory  
(well my version is little more complex because I want to accept also  
other stuff not just a sink 

If you want a single string you can easily write helpers like
	T[] collectAppender(T)(void delegate(void delegate(T[]))  
appender,char[] buf=null)
or similar ( 
 ) that convert sink based stuff to a single string.

I think that that design is very efficient and clean, well I have to  
admit that I *hate* toString and methods that convert stuff to string,  
because they are unnecessarily inefficent.

I like that, it shows consistency.  If you want to change the  
format, you can via to's parameters.  But the most useful defaults  
should be the same in writeln.

Even though to is a way to get a crude serialization function, I  
don't know if it will be sufficient or efficient for a serious  
serialization library (i.e. I don't think it's worth making 'to'  
that smart).  But it is sufficient as a debug tool, it just needs  
better defaults.

as I said serialization is a different beast (at least what I want  
from serialization), and the "how" should be in the target serializer,  
the serialization function should given enough information to the  
serializer, so that it might serialize how it pleases to him (in  
particular meaningful labels should be given for serialization to  


Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-09 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 9-mar-10, at 13:00, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Tue, 09 Mar 2010 03:09:51 -0500, Alexander Suhoverhov > wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer  at "Mon, 08 Mar 2010 15:23:51 -0500" wrote:
SS> On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 15:12:24 -0500, bearophile > wrote:

>> Steven Schveighoffer:
>>> Tell me how you would parse the following text serialization  
string for a

>>> string[]:
>>> hello world how are you
>>> What if it was a string[][]?
>>> Compare that to:
>>> [hello world, [how are, you]]
>> You are missing something:
>> ["hello world", ["how are", "you"]]
SS> For completely unambiguous, yes.  But still, I find often that  
quotes are more noise than
SS> they are worth when just doing simple printouts.  What we  want  
is the most useful

SS> default.

Commas are even more noise than than quotes. erlang:

[{app, "app1"}, {user, "user1"}, {score, 123456}, {date, 500},  
{misc, "foo"}]

But if you just drop commas:

[{app "app1"} {user "user1"} {score 123456} {date 500} {misc  

If you are used to writing code, you should be used to having  
commas.  The two major use cases for 'to!string' are debugging and  
maybe serialization, both programmer tasks.  Plus, in your examples,  
you have quotes for strings.  That negates the need for commas, but  
I don't know if having 'to' convert strings to having quotes only  
for arrays makes sense.  Outputting an array should be a recursive  
thing.  At the very least, we need either a non-whitespace separator  
or quotes to delineate strings.  Brackets are a must to see the  
separation for multi-dimensional arrays.


I don't know, I have something similar  
writeOut(sink,type,formatting...), which is more flexible and  
efficient, not just to string.
That is supposed to write out something for the user (no  
serialization), and well it does not put "", but it does put "," in  
arrays, but I can understand other choices (matlab for example has no  

For dictionaries ":" and "," is nice I think.
It really come down to the meaning of to!(x), if it should be without  
loss then one should have enough information to recover the original  
That is possible also without commas, but C/D  programmers are used to  
them... lisp, or other functional languages programmers might feel  
more at home with spaces... both are possible.
I find it slightly funny that D would choose spaces, but in the end  
any convention works


Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-09 Thread Fawzi Mohamed
On 2010-03-09 09:09:51 +0100, Alexander Suhoverhov 

Steven Schveighoffer  at "Mon, 08 Mar 2010 15:23:51 -0500" wrote:
 SS> On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 15:12:24 -0500, bearophile 

 >> Steven Schveighoffer:
 >>> Tell me how you would parse the following text serialization string for a
 >>> string[]:
 >>> hello world how are you
 >>> What if it was a string[][]?
 >>> Compare that to:
 >>> [hello world, [how are, you]]
 >> You are missing something:
 >> ["hello world", ["how are", "you"]]
 SS> For completely unambiguous, yes.  But still, I find often that 
quotes are more noise than
 SS> they are worth when just doing simple printouts.  What we  want is 
the most useful

 SS> default.

Commas are even more noise than than quotes. erlang:

[{app, "app1"}, {user, "user1"}, {score, 123456}, {date, 500}, 
{misc, "foo"}]

But if you just drop commas:

[{app "app1"} {user "user1"} {score 123456} {date 500} {misc "foo"}]

 SS> -Steve

For a basic output one can discuss what is better, but in general, for 
a serialization approach I feel that the basic approach of the 
discussion is flawed.
A much better approach (that for example I did use in my serialization 
routines) is following the C++ philosophy that these details are 
handled by the target stream, not by the function sending the data.
For example I have implemented two serializers, one that serializes to 
json (with [,]""), and one that serializes to a binary format.
You write just one function, and then you can (even at runtime) change 
the details on the output, even from textual to binary, without 
changing anything in the serialization functions.
You don't want to write a different serialization function for each 
format, or go around hunting for all calls to add " to strings...

Now in my serialization routines I have a couple of design choices that 
maybe not everybody would share, but that I like:
- it is possible to get a meta information describing what will be 
serialized *before* serializing (this helps in dumping the meta 
information once at the beginning, and then serialize arrays with 
minimal overhead in binary mode, but makes serializing slightly more 
- it if possible (and not too difficult) to write serialization 
routines fully by hand, without any template, something very useful for 
objects that need special serialization. This method can also be fully 

< shameless bug promotion>
By the way as I have some horrible code due to and similar bugs in 
mixing interfaces and templates, I had written a much nicer version 
only to find out that it did not work...

I am transitioning the whole i/o in blip to a more abstract model based 
on simple delegates (sink/readers) that should make it easier to use it 
with either phobos or tango or any other source, but at the moment the 
input part still requires tango InputStreams (output part already 


Re: Tango 0.99.9 Kai released

2010-02-11 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 11-feb-10, at 15:14, Moritz Warning wrote:

On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:07:29 +0100, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2/11/10 06:11, strtr wrote:

Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

At the moment, no. Currently, Tango is D1-only, but druntime (the
thing that is supposed to allow Tango and Phobos to play nice  
on a single installation) is D2-only. So once Tango is ported to  

I'd imagine there will probably be a Tango+DMD2 bundle that will
include phobos and all your tango *and* phobos calls should work  

But on D1, a DMD installation is either a tango one or a phobos one
(unless you use some ugly hacks).

I thought Tangobos was packaged in and would handle all Phobos calls
without much hassle.

Does it still work? Is it up to date ?

Afaik, it's far from being up-to-date.

yes, I had made it worka long time ago with gdc and dmd, but since  
then tango changed a lot and ldc was never kept into account, so I  
think that tangobos is not really an option.


Re: dmd 1.050 and 2.035 release

2009-10-17 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-10-16 15:31:15 +0200, rmcguire  said:

Walter Bright  wrote:

digited wrote:

So you don't mind that Tango is still uncompilable with 1.050 because of


I didn't know that. The bugzilla number which was posted as the reason
it wouldn't compile was fixed.

Hi Walter,

could you not just put rc1, rc2, etc... at the end of the file names when you
upload to server.
This way we could tell if the release has been tested by the community, and you
wouldn't have to change your release process much? Unless of course if 
it is all



Well I am not sure that it is really worth making a full release 
branching, just a tag and telling people that should become a release, 
and giving binaries to test it would probably be enough normally at 
least for D 1.0 where there shouldn't be large changes.

I suppose that opening the development more brought in more peoples 
that don't write as defensively as W (or modifications of larger parts) 
and so more testing is probably good.
In this specific case we were also probably a little bit sloppy at 
reporting problems, so that the went unnoticed for a couple of releases.

I suppose that W wanted to fix regressions ASAP, which in general is 
good I think, just this time it played out a little badly.

Anyway if W is willing a more formal release procedure would be good, 
but not absolutely necessary

Re: dmd 1.049 and 2.034 release

2009-10-13 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-10-13 01:56:11 +0200, Moritz Warning  said:

On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:29:06 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

"Moritz Warning"  wrote in message

On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:53:28 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

"Moritz Warning"  wrote in message

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 21:43:36 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:


If you're using tango trunk,
then I don't know what the problem is either...

It's trunk.

Maybe this?:

No, this is the first error:

Thread.d(659): Error: e2ir: cannot cast from tango.core.Thread.Thread to
Thread.d(659): Error: e2ir: cannot cast from tango.core.Thread.Thread to

Though, these cases work:

class Foo{}
Foo foo = new Foo();
auto x = cast(void*) foo;

A{ void* x(){ return cast(void*)this; } }

yet that is a strange error, I was not really able to reduce it, on one 
side it is clearly a compiler error
(it does not allow cast(void*)this which is valid), on the other all 
smaller cases that I could think of seem to work...

submitted it as


Re: Numpy Random Number Generators

2009-05-12 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-05-02 12:36:16 +0200, Michel Fortin  said:

On 2009-05-01 15:10:50 -0400, dsimcha  said:

IDK, I mean, I cut and pasted the code into my D IDE and tweaked it to 
get it to

compile and then did some statistical tests to make sure the distributions were
still reproduced faithfully.  I didn't even change any of the variable names or
code structure or anything in most cases.  It's a straight translation, 
not a real

reimplementation.  I don't see how something like this could possibly *not* be
considered a derivative work, and I think the people who wrote the original lib
definitely deserve to be given credit.  It's just that some of the BSD 
legalese is

a little bit of a PITA for code that's in a standard lib.

You can always ask for permission at the source. You never know, they 
may agree to allow you to put your D port under a license that'd work 
for Phobos. As long as there isn't too many copyright holders, it might 

otherwise adding the missing distributions (gaussian, exponential & 
gamma are already there, and done efficiently) to 
tango.math.random.Random would also be welcomed.


Re: QtD 0.1 is out!

2009-02-28 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-02-28 14:54:26 +0100, Christopher Wright  said:

Lutger wrote:

grauzone wrote:

Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:

Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:

We faced a bug that module static constructors don't work with cyclic
imports. Currently it's fixed with a dirty hack which is not really
acceptable. Is there any chance for this to be fixed?

IMO it is the cyclic import that is the bug ;)
Maybe all cyclic dependency bugs are on purpose, to teach people not to 
use this evil D feature? Yeah, that must it be. I can't explain why 
else these bugs/issues aren't fixed, and why people only reply with 
incredibly useful statements like "but you shouldn't use this feature 

Broken features should be either fixed or removed. This half-assedness 
about it isn't really going to help D.

Well it's about cyclic dependency of initialization via module 
constructors only right? Cyclic imports in general aren't (supposed to 
be) broken, nor are module constructors.

And in point of fact, you can modify the runtime so it will not throw 
exceptions on cyclic dependencies:

Index: genobj.d
--- genobj.d(revision 4339)
+++ genobj.d(working copy)
@@ -1098,11 +1098,7 @@
  if (m.ctor || m.dtor)
  if (m.flags & MIctorstart)
-{   if (skip || m.flags & MIstandalone)
-throw new Exception( "Cyclic dependency in module " ~ 
(from is null ? "*null*" : ~ " for import " ~;

+   continue;
  m.flags |= MIctorstart;
  _moduleCtor2(m,m.importedModules, 0);
  if (m.ctor)

This opens you up to certain bugs, but they should be relatively rare.

I've tried it, and it appears to work.

Tango has it (thanks to lindquist) your change removes it :)

Re: New tango conference movies

2009-02-27 Thread Fawzi Mohamed
On 2009-02-25 20:55:09 +0100, Peter Modzelewski 

Sorry for not giving any signs of life for so long but new job made me 
all occupied and I had little time to do anything else. But here I am - 
back with bunch of goodies:


can download the slides from:


Thanks Keyer!

For those interested the randomized testing framework is part of blip:


Re: QtD 0.1 is out!

2009-02-27 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-02-27 21:49:58 +0100, Fawzi Mohamed  said:

On 2009-02-27 21:10:29 +0100, Walter Bright  said:

Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:

Now we have to make a manual init function called from class
constructors. I understand that allowing static consructors with
cyclic imports will make order of their execution undefined, but this
is acceptable and actually semantically doesn't break the idea of
cyclic imports. Otherwise in my opinion this behavior is

One of the goals of D is to eliminate undefined behavior wherever 
possible. In C++, the undefined order of static construction was a 
source of many porting problems. I think it's better in the long run to 
have a defined order, even if it means having to reorganize the code a 

I fully agree,


circular dependencies between modules is in general a good practice:
a circular dependency it means that you have tight coupling, in in that 
case it is normally better to have everything in the same module to 
have a better control on it.
Sometime one has cases in which circular dependencies arise, two ways 
to get rid of them are for example:

1) define and interface, the circular dependency is in the interfaces 
that are described in the same module, the two (or more) modules 
include the interfaces, and are not directly dependent on each other 
(only through the interfaces)

2) use templates, the circular dependencies are on a template 
parameter. The circular dependencies arise only upon instantiation

Re: QtD 0.1 is out!

2009-02-27 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-02-27 21:10:29 +0100, Walter Bright  said:

Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:

Now we have to make a manual init function called from class
constructors. I understand that allowing static consructors with
cyclic imports will make order of their execution undefined, but this
is acceptable and actually semantically doesn't break the idea of
cyclic imports. Otherwise in my opinion this behavior is

One of the goals of D is to eliminate undefined behavior wherever 
possible. In C++, the undefined order of static construction was a 
source of many porting problems. I think it's better in the long run to 
have a defined order, even if it means having to reorganize the code a 

I fully agree, circular dependencies between modules is in general a 
good practice:
a circular dependency it means that you have tight coupling, in in that 
case it is normally better to have everything in the same module to 
have a better control on it.
Sometime one has cases in which circular dependencies arise, two ways 
to get rid of them are for example:

1) define and interface, the circular dependency is in the interfaces 
that are described in the same module, the two (or more) modules 
include the interfaces, and are not directly dependent on each other 
(only through the interfaces)

2) use templates, the circular dependencies are on a template 
parameter. The circular dependencies arise only upon instantiation

Re: Just one more thing...

2009-02-27 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-02-27 09:38:02 +0100, Walter Bright  said:

Anders F Björklund wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Can you upgrade to 10.5 ?

It's only a few months left to "Snow Leopard",
then we can play the same game all over again.

Yeah, but 10.5 has working posix threads. It's doubtful whether 10.4 is 
worth the effort.

the worst offender (semaphores) are broken also on 10.5, I had to 
implement them on the top of mach semaphores in tango.

Re: Just one more thing...

2009-02-27 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-02-27 09:43:12 +0100, Walter Bright  said:

Anders F Björklund wrote:

DMD is now the third D compiler to make it to Mac OS X,
after GDC and LDC before it (based on same front-end).

D2 needed to get there, too.

Yes, I am very happy about this, now I might start playing with D 2.0 
(in the spare time).

But the wxD samples built successfully* with all three...



2009-01-31 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2009-01-29 23:19:25 +0100, Walter Bright  said:

Sean Kelly wrote:
There are pthread calls for TLS which are implemented for OSX.  But 
however it works (I haven't looked into it), it likely isn't as 
efficient or easy to deal with as the __thread storage class on other 

It won't be as efficient. But that really doesn't matter at this point 
- accessing global variables in a tight loop is a bad idea anyway. TLS 
just has to work. It can be optimized later as OSX improves (which it 
must, as TLS is going to be a bigger and bigger deal as time goes on).

I don't agree so much with this, TLS can be useful is some occasions 
but should be used very sparingly in my opinion, it should be used 
mostly for the infrastructure, not by the end user.

TSL is an evolution of global variables and still has many of their 
drawbacks, if possible one should pass the variables explicitly, often 
with some care, and maybe grouping them into structure it turns out to 
be easier than one thinks, and the effort costs little typing.

There are things where TSL can be very useful, and I use it for example 
to make the scheduling interface nicer, but I think that with good 
design those cases are few...

Encouraging wide use of TSL is bad in my opinion (not that you are 
doing it, but one might interpret it like that).


Re: Bug #2429 [ was DMD 1.037 and 2.020 releases]

2008-12-09 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2008-12-09 11:10:33 +0100, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

On 2008-12-08 19:06:42 +0100, Kagamin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

torhu Wrote:

Tango also opens files for writing with shared reading disabled by
default.  I'm not sure why, but maybe someone can remember the reason
for it.

they just forgot? :)

consistency with windows as far as I know, so the program behaves the 
same on windows and unix.


Anyway you can try to file a ticket to change the default if you want...

Re: Bug #2429 [ was DMD 1.037 and 2.020 releases]

2008-12-09 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2008-12-08 19:06:42 +0100, Kagamin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

torhu Wrote:

Tango also opens files for writing with shared reading disabled by
default.  I'm not sure why, but maybe someone can remember the reason
for it.

they just forgot? :)

consistency with windows as far as I know, so the program behaves the 
same on windows and unix.


Re: TempAlloc

2008-12-07 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2008-12-07 18:44:30 +0100, dsimcha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

== Quote from Fawzi Mohamed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])'s article

it could simply be an int storing the place in the stack...
So if someone forgets to remove the frame the next call will see it
By the way couldn't you avoid the thread local State by simply keeping
a stack of State structures?
Then instead of the thread local State you would simply look at the top
of the State Stack, it should be faster and more self contained.

I really don't see how this can work.  AFAIK, there are only 4 ways to 
deal with

global mutable state in a multithreaded program:

1.  Locking.
2.  Somehow do everything atomically, if you can.
3.  Make the "global" state thread-local.
4.  Eliminate it altogether.

The biggest reason for me writing TempAlloc in the first place was to 
avoid lock

contention for GC malloc access.  TempAlloc is somewhat faster even in
single-threaded tests, but the really huge, orders of magnitude 
speedups come when

it's used to avoid this contention.

mmh sorry this comes from not having really understood how TmpAlloc was 
supposed to work.
Indeed if you want to hide completely the presence of a State, and not 
pass it explicitly to the allocation routines you cannot avoid thread 

I was mislead by the name, State is actually the superstack object, 
what I meant was to keep an extra index in it that simply counts the 
number of frames, and return/ask it in initFrame freeFrame so that you 
can check that you did not have any mismatched frames.

Re: TempAlloc

2008-12-07 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2008-12-06 15:55:44 +0100, dsimca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

== Quote from Fawzi Mohamed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])'s article

I think that it could be useful to add an argument to to
frameInit/free, in any case not just to speed things up, but to quickly
catch mismatched init/free calls.

Can you elaborate on this?  I'm not exactly sure what such an argument 
would look

like.  Also, I wanted to make TempAlloc fairly simple even if it costs some
performance so that I would actually want to use it.  If doing 
something like this

adds a lot of complexity for the caller, I probably won't implement it.  Right
now, I like the simple mixin API.

it could simply be an int storing the place in the stack...
So if someone forgets to remove the frame the next call will see it 
By the way couldn't you avoid the thread local State by simply keeping 
a stack of State structures?
Then instead of the thread local State you would simply look at the top 
of the State Stack, it should be faster and more self contained.
Then the element to check could really be the size of the stack, and if 
it is simply an int you can make it optional, if present you check for 
mismatches... and you get rid of passing the State out...

int initFrame()// returns the number of frames of the stack
void freeFrame(int handler=-1)// frees the frame, if handler is >=0 
then checks the number of frames

using GC.malloc in malloc for large requested sizes kind of defeats the
stated purpose (and what makes superstack more difficult to use) of not
being GC scanned, even if I understand the problem of either making
bookkeeping more complicated or create potentially big holes in the

I see over 4MB in a single allocation to be kind of a corner case 
anyhow.  If you

need to allocate this much memory for a temp variable that doesn't escape the
current scope, in a single allocation (probably pretty unusual 
already), since the

cost of an allocation is sublinear in bytes allocated, the allocation time will
likely be dwarfed by the time it takes to use the memory for whatever 
you need it

for.  Furthermore, whether by frameInit/frameFree or by
TempAlloc.malloc/, the memory gets freed deterministically rather
than waiting for the GC to run to free it, so it's still faster than using new,
etc.  In fact, I'm thinking I should have made this limit ~1MB (about 
1/4 the size
of a TempAlloc block) since allocating 4MB will always require the 
creation of a

new block anyhow.

I'm open to suggestions about how to deal with these large block cases, 
but I will

prioritize handling the common case of much smaller allocations efficiently and
cleanly over what I feel is somewhat of a corner case.

no problem I understand, and I am not a user yet.

I just read (when looking for your previous messages) about your 
statistics library. Nice!
You might be interested in giving a look to tango's random package, it 
has fast generation of accurate random bumbers with gauss exp and gamma 

D1.0, but bringing it to D2.0 shouldn't be difficult...


Re: TempAlloc

2008-12-06 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2008-12-06 00:20:49 +0100, dsimcha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

As per a discusson on digitalmars.D about a month ago, I've created a temp
space allocator for quickly allocating memory in a last in, first out manner.
 Its main use is for allocating scratch space to be used within a function
without introducing threading bottlenecks, etc.  I've released it as an alpha
on scrapple.  I'm working on a major update to my statistics library (also on
scrapple) and will dogfood this there when I'm done with the update.  I think
that it's pretty useful, at least in number crunching-type code, in its
current form as a library.  However, it might be even better if integrated
into druntime and the core language to make it safer (it's pretty dangerous if
used incorrectly) or cleaner to use (I've done the best I can here, but if I
had some compiler support, I could automate some stuff that I make the 
caller do.)

For the code, see  The code is for
D2 only, but could probably be ported to D1 using Tango's thread-local storage.

I think that it could be useful to add an argument to to 
frameInit/free, in any case not just to speed things up, but to quickly 
catch mismatched init/free calls.

using GC.malloc in malloc for large requested sizes kind of defeats the 
stated purpose (and what makes superstack more difficult to use) of not 
being GC scanned, even if I understand the problem of either making 
bookkeeping more complicated or create potentially big holes in the 


Re: Tango Conference 2008 - DReactor talk by Rick Richardson

2008-11-03 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

On 2008-11-02 18:53:14 +0100, "Denis Koroskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 20:46:16 +0300, Andrei Alexandrescu  

Peter Modzelewski wrote:

And yet another video from Tango Conf 2008.  DReactor this time: 
  slides can be found here:

Enjoy! :D
 Other videos:
   Compiler workshop:


remember there was talk about a list of language-related issues that  
came up during the conference. Is that list available?

(Fawzi Mohamed posted this link some time ago, IIRC)

I was too slow ;)


2008-11-03 Thread Fawzi Mohamed
On 2008-11-02 18:46:16 +0100, Andrei Alexandrescu 

I remember there was talk about a list of language-related issues that 
came up during the conference. Is that list available?


maybe you mean this
