Re: powerline-d (I got an AI to port powerline-shell to D)

2024-09-04 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 4 September 2024 at 17:02:55 UTC, Vladimir 
Marchevsky wrote:
On Wednesday, 4 September 2024 at 12:24:07 UTC, FeepingCreature 
Anyone who says large language models aren't *really* 
intelligent now has to argue that programming doesn't require 

In case that really needs some arguing, I would say translation 
is not a programming.

The other day I was watching a video from programmer (Jason 
Turner from C++) writing a raycasting[1], but for what it seems 
he didn't know the math behind the intersection between 
line-segments, so he decided to ask chatgpt to come with an 
answer based on attributes/properties he had already written and 
the AI generated a version based on this.

There was a problem with one sign in a expression and the 
raycasting was a mess, but on the other hand the programmer 
couldn't fix because he was just copying and pasting and de 
admittedly didn't know the math. He was only able to fix it when 
someone in chat pointed out the "sign problem".

I think the state of all that was sad, I mean people will not use 
their brain anymore? -  But on the other hand there is something 
going on since the AI was able to generate an algorithm based on 
specs given before hand in this specific language (Python), but I 
saw other videos with other languages too.

What I mean by all this, we are at the beginning of this trend 
but I can't imagine the outcome, I don't know for example if the 
case of this topic is a good or bad thing yet, but I keep 
wondering about what the new programmers coming in the future 
will face.

Finally I didn't want to derail the topic but the subject was 
already raised by the original poster,

[1] - ( you can change for the google one with ads if you wish.


Re: Is D programming friendly for beginners?

2024-07-24 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
I work at home, but once I was at the office and I saw someone 
literally copying a SO answer direct to the project, and many 
times I saw code there were literally copied as is, I could tell 
because the way it was written, language etc. One of the cases 
was a LIB in Oracle to read JSON, it came with all the flaws you 
would expected, and the limitation of 32767 characters.

The other day I saw a video of C++ (I think it was from Jason 
Tyler or a name like that), showing some code generated by AI, 
and he said it was very clever.

Now I wonder about the future in this area... I mean for some 
will be a matter of copying from SO or AI. =]


Re: Is D programming friendly for beginners?

2024-03-12 Thread matheus. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 14:52:32 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:

I really think D would be a wonderful first language. 🙂 Fast 
feedback, no need to manage memory, and easy to use built-in 
data structures would make for a nice intro course.

If you say that D would be a good language to learn in lieu 
C++/Rust I'd agree, but as a First Language neither one would be 
my choice.

Most here already program and know things, but as a first 
language forget, at least where and when I did college (Already 
knowing how to program), most people were lost with all the 
concepts of C++ for example.

Bitwise shifts like << >> and the same operators being used in 
cin/cout may be OK for most people already in programming and 
using shell, but for those learning was a hell.


Re: Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-01-27 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 27 January 2024 at 14:47:51 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo 

This is the link:




Re: Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-01-14 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 23:16:40 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:

Hi D Community,

My talk on how I'm using the D programming language and why I 
think it is an excellent language choice for open source 
projects will be featured at FOSDEM 2024 at the start of 
February 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.

Look out for the official talk schedule(in the Main Track) 

If folks have a particular open source project they'd like me 
to highlight, please feel free to share here -- I'll do my best 
to figure out how to link a few projects in the presentation. 
I'll also be digging through previous announcements, discord, 
etc. where appropriate to otherwise link some projects to show 
off D during the presentation.

(The talk will otherwise provide an introduction to the D 
language -- it should be fun!)


Hi Mike are you sure the link is right, or you're on that list? - 
I tried "D Programming", your name (And only Surname) but I 
couldn't find anything.


Re: Youtube downloader

2024-01-01 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 1 January 2024 at 20:45:09 UTC, Azi Hassan wrote:
I've been working on this for a few months now and I figured 
I'd share it here. It's a youtube downloader that is inspired 
by youtube-dl. It's still under development, but I think the 
core functionality is stable enough for me to share it with the 

Github link:

Hi there,

First of all Happy New Year!

Regarding your post, very nice and I'll take a look after 

But I'm curious, since you shared this in August 14 how is it 
going so far against google's tricks to stop external downloads? 
Did you have to write or change the calls too much to bypass some 



Re: DLF September 2023 Planning Update

2023-11-14 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 13:25:43 UTC, Andrey Zherikov 

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 08:18:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
* We should have a tool that automates as much as possible the 
migration of modules to new editions
* DMD-as-a-library is a critical component for that tool and 
other tools in the ecosystem. We need to put a priority on 
working out all the implementation issues Razvan has raised.

IMHO having a general purpose migration tool is a big win. For 
example, I, as a library owner, want to help users to migrate 
their code from one library version to another and making this 
code evolution automatic would be ideal.

I know this is kind of a different subject, but one thing that 
I'd like to understand is this situation of evolution. We usually 
see people complaining about the language evolution vs breaking 

I wonder how hard would be to "fix" the old code with a tool 
during the compile time. For example I see this with VSCode 
Editor when opening on old code and it shows some suggestions to 
fix the code with, of course it's not during the compile time but 
it's parsed somehow through the IDE (I guess!?).

Well I barely see this in some languages, and I always wondered 
why? I mean why a source couldn't be parsed and fixed (With the 
user approval) in one go.


Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 04:46:44 UTC, matheus wrote:


Part 3:


Átila said he'd asked Roy after DConf if he wanted to write a 
spec for the new shared semantics but hadn't yet received a 
reply. He thought we could go ahead with it anyway, as it's 
probably going to be obvious in all the cases what we should do.

He'd also been thinking about Robert's suggestions regarding safe 
code, and the more he'd done so, the more they made sense. He 
didn't think we needed to wait for editions, because then we 
could solve all the problems we've had with DIP 1000, possibly in 
one fell swoop. The whole issue was we were making people have to 
add scope everywhere because they use @safe, even if the 
functions weren't doing anything "unscopey". They wouldn't have 
to anymore because it would only apply to @trusted. He thought we 
should go ahead with that, too.

Another thing: he'd been trying to play around with Timon's idea 
of pointers that have a compile-time enum saying if they're 
isolated or not. He wanted to do a proof of concept with a vector 
type and some allocators to see what that looks like. That might 
inform some decisions on how to add isolated to the language.

He'd also been thinking about how we could do editions.

I brought up an email Átila had sent recently about what features 
should go in the next edition. I suggested that's not what we 
need to be thinking about right now. We should first define 
exactly how editions were going to be implemented. For example, 
Walter had suggested the approach of attaching editions to module 
declarations. There are other possibilities. So we need to define 
what that looks like first. We should also be thinking about 
which features we need to have stabilized in the current 
language, which is going to be the default edition. What's broken 
now that we're not going to fix now, but want to defer until the 
first new edition?

Átila agreed. He said he'd wanted to know what we could maybe do 
with the new edition so that it could inform what potential 
issues could arise rather than dealing with it in the abstract. 
It's more because of that. Not even, "that's what we're going to 
do", but "what would we do if we could do anything" so that we 
could think of what could go wrong.

I thought this should be a high priority for us. I proposed that 
we put it on the agenda of our next planning session. Everyone 

(SPOILER: I'll post the September planning update a day or so 
after this summary, but in that session, we agreed that Átila 
would write up the proposal for editions by November 1st. We've 
since extended that to December.)

Before yielding his time, Átila said he'd like to write a program 
that fetches all of the dub packages and checks which ones still 
built so he could get a list of stuff we need to test the kinds 
of modifications like the shared and safe stuff, along with as 
many future dub packages as possible, instead of the 
hand-selected, curated list we have now.

Dennis thought even Phobos would break. He said that DIP 1000 was 
not a breaking change. The breaking change was fixing the accepts 
invalid bug that, so far, slicing a local static array has been 
allowed. Robert's proposal was strictly more breakage than DIP 

Átila said he understood that, but that code was obviously wrong 
anyway. The code was broken. It's just that the compiler didn't 
tell people. And the issue with DIP 1000 was adoption. The issue 
with that was having to add scope everywhere.

I said that's the kind of thing I was talking about earlier. If 
fixing shared or scope or anything was going to break a lot of 
code, shouldn't we defer fixing them to a new edition and not do 
it in the default language? Walter said DIP 1000 clearly had to 
be in an edition.

Átila said, "Okay." But the shared thing is a no-brainer. The 
code is completely wrong and we're not going to break anything by 
lowering it to atomics. Walter agreed.

Timon asked if the idea is to do operations on shared variables 
atomically. Walter said yes, for the ones where the CPU supports 
an atomic operation. If the CPU doesn't support an atomic 
operation on a variable, then it will not be allowed. It varies 
by target.

Timon said yes, but an atomic operation is not the only way to 
synchronize something. Átila said that's true, but the thing is, 
there's always an opt-out by casting away shared yourself. If 
you're going to do something to shared directly, you should 
either pass it to a function that takes shared, or cast it away 
and lock a mutex, or whatever you want.

Timon brought up Manu's push to just reject all of those 
operations. Átila said that doesn't work. He'd been trying to fix 
it this year and it's been one bug after another. Timon asked 
what the issue with that was. Átila said there were many, but 
gave one example: synchronized(mutex) doesn't compile with 
-preview=nosharedaccess because you're accessing the mutex. The 
runtime do

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 04:46:07 UTC, matheus wrote:


Part 2:

AST nodes in dmd-as-a-library

Since DConf, Razvan had been considering how dmd-as-a-library 
could offer the possibility to override any kind of AST.

He gave us this example of the expression class hierarchy used by 
the AST implementation:

module expression;
import std.stdio;

class Expression {}

class BinExp : Expression
void fun()
BinExp p = new BinExp();
Expression e = new Expression();

class BinAssignExp : BinExp

class AddAssignExp : BinAssignExp
override void fun()

class MulAssignExp : BinAssignExp

Then in ast_family.d, the default ASTCodegen looks like this:

struct ASTCodegen
public import expression;

To create a custom AST and override the default behavior of e.g., 
BinExp, you need to do something like this:

struct MyAST
import expression;
import std.stdio;

alias Expression = expression.Expression;
class MyBinExp : expression.BinExp
override void fun()

alias BinExp = MyBinExp;
alias BinAssignExp = ?

The problem with this is that you now have to declare all of the 
AST nodes that inherit from BinExp so that they use your custom 
implementation. This is not a workable solution. We need the 
ability to specify not only that we're overriding a particular 
node, but that other nodes need to use it.

First, he thought about templating the AST nodes and inheriting 
from the templated version, but that means heavily modifying the 
compiler. Then he came up with a solution using mixins. You just 
mixin the code of the AST node that you want.

With this approach, the AST nodes are now mixin templates:

module expression_mixins;
import std.stdio;

mixin template Epression_code()
class Expression {}

mixin template BinExp_code()
class BinExp : Expression
void fun()
BinExp p = new BinExp();
Expression e = new Expression();

mixin template BinAssignExp_code()
class BinAssignExp : BinExp

mixin template AddAssignExp_code()
class AddAssignExp : BinAssignExp
override void fun()

mixin template MulAssignExp_code()
class MulAssignExp : BinAssignExp

And then the expression module becomes:

module expression;
import expression_mixins;
import std.stdio;

mixin Expression_code();
mixin BinExp_code();
mixin BinAssignExp_code();
mixin AddAssignExp_code();
mixin MulAssignExp_code();

In ast_family, ASTCodegen remains the same, but now you can do 
this for your custom AST:

struct MyAst
import expression_mixins;
import std.stdio;

mixin Expression_code();

mixin BinExp_code() t;
class MyBinExp : t.BinExp
override void fun()

alias BinExp = MyBinExp;
mixin BinAssignExp_code();
mixin AddAssignExp_code();
mixin MulAssignExp_code();

We could have something in the frontend library to generate the 
boilerplate automatically. But the main thing is that now you can 
replace any default node in the hierarchy with your custom 
implementation without needing to redeclare everything. In this 
example, everything that inherits from BinExp is now going to 
inherit from MyBinExp instead. This works. He showed a runnable 

He doesn't think this is that ugly. And for what it gives us, 
basically a pluggable AST, any perceived ugliness is worth it. He 
said it would be great if we could reach a consensus on how to go 

Átila said he liked it.

Razvan noted that a problem is that the semantic routine visitors 
aren't going to work anymore. But the cool thing is you can also 
put those in mixins. You mix those in with your custom AST, you 
inherit from and override whatever visiting nodes you want, and 
you get all of the functionality you need.

Timon said his main concern with this kind of scheme is that he 
has tried them in the past, and usually dmd dies when it tries to 
build itself. He thinks the current version of dmd will choke on 
this at some point. It always appears to work at the start, but 
if you scale it up enough, random stuff starts to break, like an 
"undefined identifier string", a general forward reference error, 
or an ICE, etc.

Razvan said he had encountered the undefined identifier thing, 
but you can work around that by inserting an alias in the problem 
spot. Regardless, he argued that any such error is a compiler bug 
that needs to be fixed.

Timon agreed, but his question was how do you navigate that when 
the compiler can't build itself because of a compiler bug? Razvan 
said he'd fix the bug.

Dennis noted tha

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 03:07:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 00:55:37 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

I can't access it,please post it here.

I can't. It's too big. That's why I posted it there.

Well maybe splitting in 2 parts? - Let's try:

Part 1:

DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

The D Language Foundation's monthly meeting for September 2023 
took place on Friday the 15th at 15:00 UTC. After we'd had one of 
our shortest meetings ever the previous month, this one was a bit 
of a long one, lasting a little over two hours.

Note that this was Timon Gehr's first time joining us for a 
monthly. I'd spoken with him at DConf, and he'd expressed 
interest in joining both our monthlies and our planning sessions 
when he has the time for them. I'll be inviting him as a 
permanent member as long as he's willing to be one.

The Attendees

The following people attended the meeting:

Walter Bright
Timon Gehr
Martin Kinkelin
Dennis Korpel
Mathias Lang
Átila Neves
Razvan Nitu
Mike Parker
Adam D. Ruppe
Robert Schadek
Steven Schveighoffer


Robert got us started by letting us know he had done some 
preliminary JSON 5 work at DConf. He also gave an update on his 
script for the Bugzilla to GitHub migration. He had changed it to 
use a "hidden" API that someone from GitHub revealed to him when 
he reached out for assistance. Though there are still rate limits 
to deal with, his script was now much faster. The previous script 
would have taken days to migrate the dmd issues, but for a test 
run, he was able to do it in one sitting at DConf. He was ready 
to show me how to use it so I could test it and provide him with 

Other than that, he'd done a few small things on DScanner and was 
waiting on Jan Jurzitza (Webfreak) to merge them. He noted that 
Walter had asked him to write an article for the blog related to 
his DConf talk. Robert had an idea for an article related to the 
DScanner updates to supplement the talk.

(UPDATE: During a subsequent planning session, Robert reminded me 
that the only reason I had volunteered to do the migration was 
that he didn't have admin access to our repositories. That was 
easily rectified. He will now be doing the migration. At our most 
recent planning session, we talked about a migration plan. Before 
taking any steps, he's going to chat with Vladimir Panteleev. 
Vladimir raised several concerns with me a while back about the 
Dlang bot and other things the migration might affect. Robert 
wants to get up to speed with all of that before moving forward.)


I told everyone I'd just gotten home from my DConf/vacation trip 
two days before the meeting and had spent a chunk of that time 
decompressing. I did manage to get a little bit of post-DConf 
admin out of the way the night before by going through all the 
receipts from everyone eligible for reimbursement to let them 
know how much was due to them. I went into some details on how I 
was going to make those payments. The big news there was that we 
managed to get enough in revenue from registrations and 
sponsorships that we came in under budget, i.e., the amount 
Symmetry needed to send us to make up the difference was less 
than the total they'd allocated for reimbursements. (Thanks to 
Ahrefs, Ucora, Decard, Funkwerk, and Weka for helping out with 

I then reported that I'd started editing Saeed's video. The venue 
had provided me access to all of their footage this year. Last 
year, they only gave me footage from one camera and wanted us to 
pay extra for more. This year, I have footage from three cameras 
('main', 'wide', and 'left') as well as the video feed of the 

Next, I noted that John Colvin and I had participated in an 
after-action meeting with Sarah and Eden from Brightspace, our 
event planners (if you were at DConf, Eden was the young woman 
sitting out front all four days, and Sarah was with her on the 
first day). We all agreed that, aside from the unfortunate laptop 
theft and COVID outbreak, the mechanics of the conference went 
well this year. We went through some feedback we'd received to 
discuss how to improve things next year (more info on badges, an 
actual registration form to get that info, etc.), and tossed 
around some ideas on how to prevent future thefts and mitigate 
the risk of COVID outbreaks. One thing we agreed on there is to 
have an extra person at the door whose main job is to check 
badges. There will surely be other steps to take once we consult 
with the venue. They're evaluating what measures they can take to 
avoid a repeat at any event they host.

I also let everyone know what Sarah said about our community. Due 
to disruptions at Heathrow at the start of the conference, 
several attendees found themselves with canceled flights. A 

Re: From the D Blog: Crafting Self-Evident Code in D

2023-10-03 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at 13:39:33 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Monday, 2 October 2023 at 17:28:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
It's been a long, long while since I published anything on the 
blog. I do intend to get pick it up again down the road, but 
Walter recently surprised me with plans of his own. He's taken 
the topic of his DConf '23 talk and derived a blog post from 

I guess he got impatient with the pace at which I'm getting 
the talk videos uploaded :-)

And for anyone who'd like to engage in any Reddit discussion 
that comes up:

A message specifically dedicated for you, Mike.

According to me there is a problem in the blog. Author and 
publication date should be put on top of an entry (currently 
the information are only at the bottom).

I agree, in fact I was about to say the same thing for awhile now 
but I always forget. =]


Re: From the D Blog: Crafting Self-Evident Code in D

2023-10-03 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at 13:33:29 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at 10:39:19 UTC, matheus wrote:
I the first example "e" is receiving two arguments. While in 
the latter "d" is being receiving whatever "c" returns and "3".

That's the point. In UFCS it is immediately obvious which 
function receives the 3, while with all the parenthesis it 
takes some time and concentration to find out, and getting it 
wrong is quiet easy.

I understand the advantages of the UFCS, I was just pointing out 
that the example given in that post are NOT equivalent, if it was 
deliberated or not I don't know, but I think it was just a small 
mistake, otherwise the author woundn't say they are equivalent.


Re: From the D Blog: Crafting Self-Evident Code in D

2023-10-03 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 2 October 2023 at 17:28:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
It's been a long, long while since I published anything on the 
blog. I do intend to get pick it up again down the road, but 
Walter recently surprised me with plans of his own. He's taken 
the topic of his DConf '23 talk and derived a blog post from it:

I guess he got impatient with the pace at which I'm getting the 
talk videos uploaded :-)

And for anyone who'd like to engage in any Reddit discussion 
that comes up:

Nice article but I think that I found a bug:



"That’s the equivalent, but execution flows clearly 
left-to-right. Is this an extreme example, or the norm?"

Well I don't think they're equivalent:


I the first example "e" is receiving two arguments. While in the 
latter "d" is being receiving whatever "c" returns and "3".


Re: DConf '23 Talk Videos

2023-09-20 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 12:43:49 UTC, Mike Parker 
On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 08:41:01 UTC, Stefan Koch 

My feeling is this could be a faulty power supply.
You should try a new PSU first.

How old is the hardware?

It's a two-year-old box. Yes, it could be the PSU, but in my 
experience when they go bad it manifests in more than one way. 
I've had a couple of them fail over the years.

At any rate, the guy I took it to will zero in on it. I'll have 
a definitive answer tomorrow. If I'm lucky, a full internal 
cleaning of the graphics card and some new thermal paste will 
solve it. I'm usually not that lucky, though :-)

Not a HW expert, but lowering the GPU settings couldn't at least 
get the job done (Slower but... done).


Re: DConf '23 Livestream Links

2023-08-30 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 16:39:00 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 14:31:17 UTC, matheus wrote:

I just hope we don't have the old "split" slides with 
presenter. I have eye impairment and the last one was hard to 

I'll talk to the video crew and ask them to show more of the 
fullscreen slides and less of the split screen.

I waited for the live stream before posting, and now I can only 

I'm really liking all the talking so far and the presentation is 
nicely done.


Re: D Language Foundation August 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-08-24 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 12:59:12 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Adam said his library compiled in half a second. Robert said 
that was still too slow. His work project didn't compile in 
half a second. He said his goal was that by the time of the 
key-up event after pressing 'Enter' on Ninja or whatever build 
tool/compiler he's using, it should have already restarted the 
application. Átila agreed that half a second was too long.


Reading over about other languages CT problems I wonder how this 
half second is too terrible.  =]

I mean I'm not against Robert's complain, I don't know how 
complex his software is, and CT maybe is really a problem for him.

But for example where I work we use C# and so on, and CT is not 
great either, and if it is a web project, well just to start a 
local server and so on takes much more than 1 second, in fact I'd 
trade many things to have this 1 second or anything closer to 

Of course if you measure things and keep watching you will see 
the difference, but in daily basis, while changing code, 
compiling etc. I barely see any difference between 500ms to 


PS: I'm ESL please if anything sound rough, forgive me! I'm just 
sharing a thought.

Re: DConf '23 Livestream Links

2023-08-22 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 13:30:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

The countdown is on!

Nice I'm really waiting for it. By the way I just think that I 
watched all DConfs till now!

I just hope we don't have the old "split" slides with presenter. 
I have eye impairment and the last one was hard to watch.


Re: Memory Safer in a Systems Programming Language Part 3

2023-01-08 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 5 January 2023 at 12:10:10 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've just published the third and final article in Ate Eskola's 
series on memory safety in D. Parts 1 and 2 were primarily 
about DIP1000. In this post, he digs into function attribute 

The blog:


Another great article, and by the way I think D organization is 
doing a great job publishing these articles and videos to gather 
more attention.


Re: D Contributor Tutorials Part 1 - Building the Compiler From Source

2023-01-08 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 8 January 2023 at 11:27:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Awesome and I'm looking forward to see some debugging in these 


Re: DConf Online '22 Day One Livestream

2022-12-18 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 18 December 2022 at 10:35:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "not listed". It's in the 
DConf Online '22 playlist and it's linked at the top of the 
schedule. Can you be more specific about where it's missing?

Oh I see now, I was looking on the channel:

Now I see there is a playlist:

So everything is fine.



Re: DConf Online '22 Day One Livestream

2022-12-17 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 17 December 2022 at 13:12:23 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The DConf Online Day One Q & A Livestream kicks off in less 
than an hour. See you there!

I couldn't watch live (Working), but I'm doing it now and I have 
to say that I really enjoy this format a lot.

By the way, this video 
(DConf Online '22 Day One Q & A Livestream) is not listed, it 
will be?



Re: Ali introduced D at Northeastern University

2022-10-06 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 4 October 2022 at 05:26:53 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
DConf 2022 speaker Mike Shah[1] had invited me to give a 
presentation for the computer science students at Northeastern 

Awesome, I really like the presentation a lot and this should be 
shared more, these kind of videos is good to show the strength of 
the language.

By the way, the way the way the slides was presented + small 
window showing Ali is good and should be used in the futures 
DConf too.

Thanks for doing this Ali and sharing with us,


Re: Walter's Edited DConf Talk Video -- Feedback Request

2022-09-08 Thread matheus. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 17:34:53 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

... Sorry it's less legible for you.

Hi Mike, in any case I'd like to say thank you very much for your 
work and trying to help me, I really appreciated all your effort 
and time.

Yes. I can make that available to you. Email me 
( and I'll set you up.

I'll do that this weekend.

The slides for John Colvin's video are 16:9, so I'm not doing 
the picture-in-picture thing for them. Most of them are pretty 
big in the raw video, but I'm showing a full screen view of 
each slide anyway for varying periods of time based on what 
he's saying. I hope this one turns out better for you.

Since I'm foreigner I may sound a bit rough in my comments, but I 
really appreciated your help.

Thanks again,


Re: Walter's Edited DConf Talk Video -- Feedback Request

2022-09-08 Thread matheus. via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 15:02:47 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
I've seen other conference streams where the image of the 
speaker is very narrow, and therefore they can consume most of 
the screen with the slides. I think that's ideal.

I don't disagree with the slides on the screen, my problem was 
when showing this way: , for example I 
was reading the slide normally live until the screen would split 
and now 2 tiny texts (Remembering: For me watching on the phone 
with vision impairment it was tough), and still is since I do it 
mostly on phone while I'm doing interval at work.

I think one or another should be used, but the original video was 
enough/readable as is (At least for me) without that split.


Re: Walter's Edited DConf Talk Video -- Feedback Request

2022-09-08 Thread matheus. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 10:40:41 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Are you still talking about the edited version?

Hi Mike, yes through this URL:

I watched the first minutes because I'm at work, but I saw the 
same thing as before, I'll take a picture later to show the 
problem if needed, I just can't do it now because I'm at work.

... I didn't like the random switching in the livestream (which 
is what the recorded version is), which is why I decided to 

I don't like either, and in DConf it wasn't even needed to to 
that since the slides was already fully visible through the 
video, my problem was the size when in split screen mode with 2 
small texts while watching on my phone (Which is watch I use 
mostly), and with vision impairment it's tough.

By the way, is there any recorded version with that same camera 
from far behind without any edition (ie: split screen)?



Re: Walter's Edited DConf Talk Video -- Feedback Request

2022-09-08 Thread matheus. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 7 September 2022 at 12:42:35 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Well thanks for trying but I think the main problem remains, as I 
pointed in here:

I usually watch videos at work (During interval) using my 
personal phone/internet, and watching as 
( two small texts of the same thing 
with visual impairment is tough.

My tip is for the next DConf, people in charge of recording 
should watch all the previous Conferences and take what went 
right (The conference at facebook was well done), because this 
was new to me, usually when the slide is *NOT* presented on the 
screen they show it in full for a few seconds or when the 
presenter is explaining, this way was very weird and the first 
time I see this.

As for the sound, I have no complaints.


Re: Beta 2.100.2

2022-09-01 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 1 September 2022 at 04:34:40 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:


Anywhere in the ballpark of an $750 to $1300 annual fee. Can 
only give an estimate as on top of the eye-watering EV prices, 
there may be more equally high fees for attestation and cloud 

To put that in context, the original certificate ordered in 
2018 cost only $267 and was valid for **3 years**.  That's a 
price inflation of over 150% year-on-year!


Wow I didn't know it was so expensive. I mean it was somewhat 
reasonable back in the day ($267 for 36 months ~ $ 7.41 per 
month), now it can be around  ~ $ 62 to $ 108, too much expensive.

I'm foreigner and if in need I can throw in $ 30.00 per month, 
but I think this must be paid upfront for a year.

But since you said nobody is complaining maybe just let it be.

Thanks for the info,


Re: Beta 2.100.2

2022-08-31 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 31 August 2022 at 13:20:51 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce the first beta for the 2.100.2 point release,


N.B.: We had some delays to clarify the expired EV certificate 
and the next releases will ship without signed Windows binaries 
due to the complications and cost of EV certificates.

Is possible to share the costs for this?


Re: DConf '22 Livestream Links

2022-08-03 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 August 2022 at 09:28:29 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 1 August 2022 at 21:37:38 UTC, matheus wrote:

On Monday, 1 August 2022 at 20:08:52 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:

The first part is missing due to a late click on the “go 
live” button. I assume the footage is still recorded, and 
will be part of the edited video.

— Bastiaan.

Alright thanks and fingers crossed.


Yeah, sorry about that. That was a silly mistake. The recording 
will be fine though. It's independent of the livestream.

Nice to hear this. By the way I guess you will upload all talks 
individually later, so when you do *please* get rid of the split 
screen, i.e.:

It may seem that's nothing important for some people, but since I 
have vision impairment, looking small texts splitted like this is 
terrible and unnecessary since the slide is clearly visible on 
the background and could be even better if the screen was larger 
instead of these splits.



Re: DConf '22 Livestream Links

2022-08-01 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 1 August 2022 at 20:08:52 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:

On Monday, 1 August 2022 at 12:45:56 UTC, Matheus wrote:

On Monday, 25 July 2022 at 13:52:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
For those of you who can't join us in person at DConf '22 in 
London next week, you can join us instead via each day's 
livestream link:

* Day 1:

Anyway I accessed the link and I don't know if it is a youtube 
limit, but as far I can go back, it starts with Walter talking 
about Octals. Was it the first part missing or is it a limit?

The first part is missing due to a late click on the “go live” 
button. I assume the footage is still recorded, and will be 
part of the edited video.

— Bastiaan.

Alright thanks and fingers crossed.


Re: DConf '22 Livestream Links

2022-08-01 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 25 July 2022 at 13:52:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
For those of you who can't join us in person at DConf '22 in 
London next week, you can join us instead via each day's 
livestream link:

* Day 1:

So it started, cool. But I missed the beginning because the 
timing, it would be dawn here.

Anyway I accessed the link and I don't know if it is a youtube 
limit, but as far I can go back, it starts with Walter talking 
about Octals. Was it the first part missing or is it a limit? 
Strangely it's the first time I'd see this limit.

Another thing, please do the split screen with slides only with 
the slide is not visible, otherwise we have 2 small pieces of the 
same thing:


Anyway good luck on the conference,


Re: D Community Conversations: Walter Bright on the Origins of D Part 1

2022-07-11 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 10 July 2022 at 16:17:11 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Very nice interview, and if you don't mind can I give you a 

I'd like to suggest that you don't make these "micro-cuts" 
through the interview/discussion, let it flow. I've been seeing 
this around these videos and I think it's better to let it go as 
is (Like it was live). Or if possible have the 2 versions (With 
and without cuts).



Re: Adding Modules to C on Hacker news

2022-06-28 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 28 June 2022 at 00:14:37 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Monday, 27 June 2022 at 18:27:05 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

#28 on the front page

I got a mirror website of `"youtube"` yesterday. Who knows 
mirror of ` `?

I'd suggest you to try sites like "" or "", 
at least for the latter even it's not archived you can get a 
snapshot from a site.

Alternatively you could try some cached version using google 
search too.


PS: Since I don't enter in the site mentioned, I can't help you 
with snapshots.

Re: D Language Foundation June 2022 Monthly Meeting Summary

2022-06-27 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 25 June 2022 at 02:10:34 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Saturday, 25 June 2022 at 02:02:36 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

The best introduction is probably Walter Bright's DConf 2016 
talk, "Spelunking D Compiler Internals":

I can't access `'Youtube'`.
It would be better if there were  `articles` to detailed 
introduce it. Now I only know the general purpose of each 
`'DMD'` file which `D` author introduced, and I don't know 
anything more details.

Can't you access any indivious instances:



Re: Q & A with Razvan Nitu and Dennis Korpel

2022-05-25 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 25 May 2022 at 14:43:04 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've started a new series on our YouTube channel that I'm 
calling 'D Community Q & A Sessions'. These are short sessions 
focused on specific topics.

Very nice thing to do and show some engagement with community.

There is no subtitle available (Auto-translate), is this because 
some configuration on the video or is this just a youtube problem?

And by the way the opening reminds me one of those TV News, 


Re: D Language Foundation April Quarterly Meeting and Server Meeting Summaries

2022-05-04 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 16:21:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Iain had been waylaid by covid for most of the preceding 

Take care.

...This led Ali to make a New Year's Resolution to start 
working with Visual Studio Code with D.


## The Next Meeting
Our next meeting is a monthly DLF meeting. It's happening on 
May 6 at 14:00 UTC. I currently do not have anything major on 
the agenda. If there's something you'd like to bring to the 
foundation and you can attend the meeting, please let me know 
and I'll make room for you.

Open this one to everyone at least as listeners, it would be nice 
to see the engagement from the community.


Re: Adding Modules to C in 10 Lines of Code

2022-04-22 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

Invidious instances:

And much more:


Re: RESCHEDULED - Silicon Valley D Meetup - March 18, 2022 - "D's new ImportC for easier C library usage"

2022-03-17 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 16 March 2022 at 23:52:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Hi Ali,

Any chance this will be available for watch later?



Re: Teaching D at a Russian University

2022-02-19 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 20 February 2022 at 03:44:42 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
Yes, this is a perfectly correct use of "for" as a coordinating 
conjunction. [1] It may come across as a bit formal or 
old-fashioned, though—in normal speech, you'd usually use 


Interesting, since English is not my first language, if in that 
sentence instead of "for" there was the word "since", I wouldn't 
have been bothered, but since it was the first time I saw the 
usage of "for" in that way, I found awkward.

After that I even look into a translator which gave the same 
translation with "since" and "for" in that sentence.

Well living and learning. :)


Re: Teaching D at a Russian University

2022-02-19 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 19 February 2022 at 15:10:25 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Interesting article. And I think it would be nice if that teacher 
had taken a pool asking what they think after finishing with D vs 
C/C++ which they learned before.

Oh and I'm curious about what compiler they're using, DMD maybe? 
I think this should be pointed out since he talked about the 
performance issues on machines with less than 2GB of RAM.

By the way English isn't my first language but I think there is a 
small typo:

"In D, such nuances are fewer, for header files are not required."

I think it's missing the word "example":

"In D, such nuances are fewer, for example header files are not 

Finally I think the blog should get rid of this style:

.site-content article {
word-wrap: break-word;
-moz-hyphens: auto;
hyphens: auto;

For me it's very distracting thing.


Re: "D Programlama Dili" is available

2022-02-13 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 13 February 2022 at 02:50:43 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

So, here it is:

First congratulations for that.

P.S. As a reminder, all books are freely available here:

This is very neat to share your work freely.

P.P.S. The $34 that I currently see is waaay too expensive for 
the Turkish market.

I'm from Brazil and this is the same problem we have with Amazon 
here for either version (Printed or Online), our currency is 
undervalued and the prices is too right.

The funny thing is, a few years ago I got this book where the 
author had published on Amazon, but on the other hand anyone 
could get the same book (In PDF) on the author's site and "pay 
whatever they want".

I found the book so nicely done that I decided to send some money 
through PayPal, and after that the author then wrote me back to 
thank me and send another book (Attached), because he said that 
what I paid to him was too much against the percentage he would 
receive from Amazon.


Re: The DIID series (Do It In D)

2022-01-25 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 25 January 2022 at 08:44:34 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

I'll consider fixing this.
I always read "How good really is X?" as "this is bad"
and "How bad really is X?" as "this is good"
probably because for the french the best appreciation you can 
get is "not bad!"

Brazilian here and it's the same for me. Like for example, you 
can browse and see things like: "Is this cheap guitar brand 
really bad?"

And then you watch the review and this good guitar player 
surprises everyone with a good sound from that cheap guitar.

Usually titles like:

Is "something" really bad? - Shows just the opposite.

Is "something" really good? - Probably will show how bad that 
thing is.

At least for me and for what I've been seeing online.

Finally about your OT, this a good initiative and nice to see 
these implementations in D.


Re: On the D Blog -- Teaching D from Scratch: Is it a viable first language?

2021-12-24 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 December 2021 at 04:58:20 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Friday, 24 December 2021 at 03:53:07 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Does the site crash e.g. with an error code or does the 
browser crash? More information may help debug it.


Many times, it is estimated that a `JS` is too large to load.
Not only did `the browser` crash, but even the `computer` 

Mine is `32-bit, 2G` computer.

What OS and Browser?

I just tested on an old 32 bit machine with 2GB of RAM and both 
Chrome and Firefox worked normally.

On Chrome I see there are some errors in some scripts though:

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined navigation.js:55
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined select2.min.js:21
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined 

But even with these errors it load normally.

Finally in both browsers I use only one extension: ublock origin, 
which blocked some trackers from twitter, facebook.

And on Firefox it indeed almost freezes for a like 2 seconds, and 
occurs with the status bar showing: "Read", after that 
the page finished loading.


Re: D + Qt + QtDesigner

2021-12-01 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 1 December 2021 at 13:55:32 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Wednesday, 1 December 2021 at 13:21:53 UTC, Matheus wrote:

Can't you use to download the video from 


I can't.`Many websites` are inaccessible.

Internet Archive? -If yes I'll upload there.


Re: D + Qt + QtDesigner

2021-12-01 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 28 November 2021 at 01:04:01 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Saturday, 27 November 2021 at 16:58:11 UTC, Gavin Ray wrote:

**@zjh**, I hope you can access it 

Although I still can't access it...

Can't you use to download the video from 


Re: DConf Online 2021 Links

2021-11-22 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 22 November 2021 at 14:00:22 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Monday, 22 November 2021 at 13:34:44 UTC, Matheus wrote:

Thank you.

The main problem is that many `links/videos` can't be accessed 
due to `GFW`.

I don't know the meaning of GFW, but currently I watch everything 
through Invidious without problem, sometimes I do have to try 
another Instance because is blocked in one instance (Region), but 
the download always work for me independently of the Instance.


Re: DConf Online 2021 Links

2021-11-22 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 22 November 2021 at 01:10:54 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Sunday, 21 November 2021 at 16:08:54 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Sorry, no.

I found a [video to text] tool,
[address](, try and 
convert it.

Or you can just go to an Invidious instance and download the 
Captions from there. For example:

On the left side there is an option: "Download as", and them 
choose "Subtitles - English (Auto-Generated) .vtt".

Some videos will not show this because there is no Caption 
generated or it's not updated on the Invidious server yet, so 
just wait a day or two.

Finally about the DConf, I really liked the talks.


Re: D Language Foundation Quarterly Meeting, October 2021

2021-11-05 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 5 November 2021 at 11:57:40 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Nice summary, but why these meetings are no recorded or streamed?


Re: On the Blog: DLang News for September/October 2021

2021-11-01 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 19:26:24 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

The video version is done and is available here:

Great and I hope you do more of these videos.

Just one tip, in this video you're talking and highlighting some 
texts, could you please increase the size of the fonts or zoom in 
next time?



Re: DConf Online 2021 Schedule Published

2021-10-08 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 8 October 2021 at 08:23:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Adam currently intends for his livecoding session to be a 
continuation of the project he started in last year's session. 
He may change his mind before then, though, and I'll update the 
page if he does.

Adam beyond the continuation... we need a new and simply Web 
Browser written in D. :)


Re: D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting -- June 2021

2021-06-29 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

Was the meeting recorded? Where can we watch?


Re: Destroy All Memory Corruption

2021-04-22 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 22 April 2021 at 01:31:09 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 4/19/21 6:12 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
I'll be doing a reprise of my DConf 2020 talk on Destroy All 
Memory Corruption on April 21, 2021 at 7PM PST.

Except this time it'll be live, not prerecorded.

All are welcome!

This is happening in half an hour. It requires MS Teams, which 
requires a MS (or Skype) account.


Just a pity that in this day and age with all the methods/ways 
available to stream a video they use such platform.

This restrains people like myself to participate/watch, and I 
believe much more.

Please when doing such thing, have a backup strategy that people 
can watch on any browser without account or installing anything.


Re: Silicon Valley D Meetup - March 18, 2021 - "Templates in the D Programming Language" by Ali Çehreli

2021-03-18 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 18 March 2021 at 16:12:32 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Mike Parker contacted me about potentially recording this as 
well but unfortunately, there is no structure at all and I 
can't come up with anything that is worth recording in a few 
hours now. Let's skip this occasion and I promise I will put 
some slides and a recording later.

So, this meeting will be more like a chat anchored on templates.


Ok no problem.



Re: Silicon Valley D Meetup - March 18, 2021 - "Templates in the D Programming Language" by Ali Çehreli

2021-03-18 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 18 March 2021 at 10:29:20 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
This will be as informal as meetups get: There aren't even 
slides (yet?). :) Would jitsi work for you? If so, we may 
decide to move over there and I would post the meeting link and 
the password here at 18:55 Pacific Time, as Iain does for 


Hi Ali,

Well I never tried it, but if it's possible to watch on a browser 
I definitely can try. But another reason that I pointed youtube 
re-transmission, is that at least where I live this service has 
no "buffering" for live streaming, while other services use to be 
pretty bad in this regard.

Thanks for the support,


Re: Silicon Valley D Meetup - March 18, 2021 - "Templates in the D Programming Language" by Ali Çehreli

2021-03-17 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 March 2021 at 21:54:27 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I will explain templates in a beginner-friendly way.

Although this is announced on Meetup[1] as well, you can 
connect directly at

March 18, 2021
19:00 Pacific Time



Is there a way to have a Youtube re-transmission live too? - 
Unfortunately I can't access this site, and I am interested in 
this talk.


Re: tetris in D in webassembly

2020-08-10 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 10 August 2020 at 15:08:59 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

tetris.d source here:

web assembly source and explanation here:

Short version: BARE MINIMUM druntime port to webassembly 
together with a bare minimum source port of simpledisplay.d to 
it as well made that little game playable.

In theory we could make a lot more work by building up one 
function at a time. In practice I gotta get back to real work 
so don't hold your breath :)


By the way you should post on reddit (/r/programming) if you 
haven't already.


Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-27 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 11:46:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 5/27/20 6:22 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 5/27/2020 3:06 AM, rikki cattermole wrote:

Open to everybody and it can be recorded by Twitch.

I've done the video conferencing many times over the decades. 
I just don't find it to be productive. Maybe it's some defect 
in me.

They usually go something like this:

[attempt at joke snipped]

It's safe to assume things have improved over time.

Currently because COVID-19 we have (At least where I live) 
Politicians having meetings online and open to the public and it 
goes without any problems.

I've been saying this since last year, why not go for online 
meetings to fix things instead of only using this Forum which 
sometimes posts get neglected and ideas misunderstood.

Ouch this is about Technology and people don't use it the right 


Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-22 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 22 May 2020 at 13:16:50 UTC, Johannes Loher wrote:
... But unfortunately, sometimes it still really feels like 
DIPs from the language maintainers and DIPs from others are 
handled quite differently by the maintainers.

That's was my point about "democracy", maybe not a right word.

In fact I really think that in the end someone will need to 
decide (for good or bad), but it's not the first time I read 
about this nuances between DIPs created by maintainers and others 
like you said.

I think for such small community, there should be a vote system 
for those who are actively contributing (I am NOT in this niche 
by the way) to guide the language.

It would be better than a rounds of discussion without any 


Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-22 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 22 May 2020 at 12:28:56 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
Although it seems an improvement has been made to how he needs 
to respond to the DIP assessment. It should also include a 
statement from Atila as well given his position.

One thing that need to be clear and for I read it was not 
remotely answered from Walter is why this DIP process and 
discussion exists if in the end like it or not it will be 

As an end user, I'd like to know if this language will be guided 
by community or one person, because it seems the "democracy" is 
very shallow right now.

And again why waste time with this process plus 2 rounds of 

I mean just do it and tell in this announcement section about the 


Re: GCC 10.1 Released

2020-05-14 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 14 May 2020 at 18:10:10 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
Thanks for you kind reply.  Do you mean I should venture out 
the cave more often? :-)

I'm not the OP, but yes you should! :)

Anyway thanks for your work and by the way do you have Patreon?


Re: DConf 2020 Canceled

2020-03-07 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 7 March 2020 at 21:58:06 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Let's do a little online thing instead! We could do a chat 
room, livestream, blog, you know stuff like that.

In fact this is something I'd like to see here, and I even 
proposed the same thing before.

You see threads with +50, +100 posts and then nothing fruitful 
coming, or like the String Interpolation  Thread which was 
rejected after days of talking.

Why not go for fast environment like online meeting with webcam? 
Why wait a year for DConf instead of doing online meeting at 
least one time a month?

Where I work for two years now, some of us like myself can work 
remotely and in any problem or discuss projects, we gather online.

By the way, having everything written is OK, but in process of 
gathering ideas, this community should for online debate.


Re: D Forum Mobile Version - Beta

2019-11-28 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 28 November 2019 at 04:23:21 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
Granted, that's not to say there isn't room for tweaking. I'd 
maybe slightly decrease the vertical spacing on the list of 
subforums (ie, "general", "announce", "Community", "GDC", etc). 
Being able to ditch the need for most of the JS would, of 
course, be a huge benefit. And on the list pages (list of 
subforums and list of threads), yea, a little touch of left 
margin wouldn't hurt there, just for visual balance. Keeping 
the thread overview would be nice.

Sure every opinion would be welcome for better experience on 

...In any case, I think this visual refresh is a huge 

What would be nice if this or whatever better mobile version be 
hosted on a sub-domain over here, because the current speed of my 
hosting is just awful.

Like for example reddit have 3~4 versions of the same page:

Current layout:
The old layout:

And 2 compact versions:


With a sub-domain a person could choose what fits better for him.

I love it.


Re: D Forum Mobile Version - Beta

2019-11-27 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 21:32:06 UTC, Johannes Loher 
... What are your concerns with the regular forum on mobile 

Look at the first post, I showed the diffs between both versions: <- For "me" the new is cleaner. <- I can read more. <- At the bottom there is a 
shortcut to change pages on a topic.

Well I'll not enter in a battle which design is better, all I 
know is the current design doesn't works for me on my old LG K4.

* Weird spacing in general. As mentioned before, there is 
missing space to the screen border, but in other places, there 
is disturbingly much space, e.g. between the different forum 
„groups“ (new users, ecosystem etc.)

Let's see this closely and compare these 2 versions:

1) <- In the original you need to 
scroll down first to see the topics.

2) After scrolling down you will see this: So between the 2 versions, the 
new version is only missing one topic (LDC).

I‘m sure, I could mention a lot more, but these are the major 
points I immediately noticed. I‘m looking at it in an iPhone 8.

I'd like to see screenshots running on your iPhone 8. mentioned that is intended as readonly. a readonly Forum 
Is basically useless imo. Also if it is readonly, why are there 
reply and create thread buttons?

Again look my first post where I said:

I use to access this Forum mainly through the WEB version, and 
so far It never bothered me when reading on my PC.

But on my phone (An old LG K4) with tiny screen it's not very 
pleasant, I use this phone when I'm on the road, I lately I 
gave up to read this Forum through it.

So I use this mobile version only when I am on the road, to see 
what's happening here, if you ask the mods, all my posts came 
from the same IP (Desktop), this mobile version was intended only 
to read on my tiny and old mobile phone.

Yes the button (Create a Topic) was decorated while I was testing 
("Beta"), but the page inside (Submit Form) wasn't.

Finally I wrote this for myself and I shared with some C# friends 
which currently are in doubt between a new language (C++, Rust 
and D) for some projects, and they complained about the layout 
too, and for what it seems maybe we are the only 5 ~ 6 persons 
bothered with this problem.

I'll let this running if my friends showed some interest, 
otherwise I'll turn this private for my own use, since I'll be 
only user.


PS: I'm foreigner so my English isn't good and I am not a web 

Re: D Forum Mobile Version - Beta

2019-11-27 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 10:58:17 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo 
I’d recommend contacting Vladimir directly, like bachmeier 

OK I'll try that.

However, I tried your version and it didn’t work well for me; 
I’m on an iPhone 6. I prefer the current version in the 
threaded mode.

Could you please explain more about this or take a screenshot? 
Because so far 4 friends (3 on Android e 1 on iPhone 8 ~ 9 I 
think) said it works better than the actual version on mobile, 
their main complain is about the speed and that's because my 
hosting is slow.

I'm using JavaScript to handle some features and hid some 
elements and for this I set an interval because the some features 
of this Forum uses JS too.

By the way I made this version for "viewing" only.

I don’t know how you implemented your version, but if you can 
make it configurable as one of the current supported view 
modes, I guess the chances of getting it accepted are higher.

It can be set, I'm current using CURL to get the page and setting 
the style over it.

If it was totally 100% static it would be easier and clean, but 
there are some JS that it was needed to take care of.



D Forum Mobile Version - Beta

2019-10-26 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce


I use to access this Forum mainly through the WEB version, and so 
far It never bothered me when reading on my PC.

But on my phone (An old LG K4) with tiny screen it's not very 
pleasant, I use this phone when I'm on the road, I lately I gave 
up to read this Forum through it.

So, I decided to create a "wrapper" of this Forum applying style 
for small screens like in my case.

The result is here:

Here are some diffs between both versions:

I'm sharing this because it may be useful for some people.

Finally I'd like to know if it is possible to have this to be 
acessed direct in your server (Maybe in a new sub-domain), since 
my hosting is slow.


Re: Telegram group for DLang

2019-09-09 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 5 September 2019 at 08:13:14 UTC, Ernesto 
Castellotti wrote:
I created a group on Telegram for DLang users, currently it is 
composed of about 10 people from the Italian community.

Interesting, but do you mind if I ask what's wrong with IRC?


Re: I was able to write some D last week!

2019-07-11 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 9 July 2019 at 02:32:22 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

ask me anything you like

First of all very this nice and I have been using some of your 
work like terminal.d with very success!

Second: I remember one of Bjarne's talk about creating some 
levels in C++ for getting things easily, it would be like 
packages for entrance level: Starter, Medium, Professional etc.

Do you think that your libraries could fill this gap for D?


D as a C Replacement

2019-07-02 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

I'd like to share this post that I found this on reddit today:


Re: my first kernel in betterC D

2019-06-19 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 16 June 2019 at 16:14:26 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


Nice indeed, maybe you should mention this on reddit?


Re: DConf 2019 Day 2 Livestream

2019-05-09 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 9 May 2019 at 07:45:41 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Just checked, it works:

It was posted on reddit too.


Re: DConf 2019 Livestream

2019-05-08 Thread matheus. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 at 10:08:37 UTC, Johannes Loher wrote:
Any news on that? I've received feedback from several people 
already that they are not able to to watch the stream because 
of google docs / webex (e.g. at the workplace of a friend of 
mine, these things are simply not permitted)...

This is unbelievable!

With all the always to stream something (Youtube/Twitch/Ustream), 
they go for something like WebEx, which by the way is terrible, 
we tried it at my company a year ago and everybody there hated 
it, we had different problems (No video/audio/freezes) and it was 

Please before any next Conference take a look at these things 

I've been sharing this conference with friends about this for 
awhile, and pretty sure nobody will use this WebEx or install any 
plugin for this.


Re: New DConf Blog Post

2019-04-08 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 8 April 2019 at 16:48:19 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Monday, 8 April 2019 at 16:42:50 UTC, matheus wrote:

On Sunday, 7 April 2019 at 07:03:34 UTC, bauss wrote:


Design is a complicated matter and thankfully I'm mostly 
back-end developer.


Please move this discussions and ideas to DFeed ;-)

Sorry this may sound weird but I don't have a github account.

But if you think this could be useful please go ahead. :)


Re: New DConf Blog Post

2019-04-08 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 7 April 2019 at 07:03:34 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Sunday, 7 April 2019 at 06:19:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Saturday, 6 April 2019 at 22:30:58 UTC, bauss wrote:

The design is terrible and it really looks unprofessional.

While the old site wasn't responsive, the design was at least 
slightly better.

It just doesn't look very well done.

I'm not trying to be negative or anything, but it looks like 
someone who just learn html/css in 1999 tried to make the 
design of the page.

Perhaps raising money to pay an experienced web designer would 
be a good topic for a fundraiser later this year.

I think that would be a great idea. I'd tip in with some cash 
for that.

Design is a complicated matter and thankfully I'm mostly back-end 

But one thing that I see around here is a excess of borders in 
the layout which may sound dated and for me a visual pollution.

For example let's take this Forum (

Starting with the names:

D Programming Language - New users
D Programming Language - Community
D Programming Language - Ecosystem

Why "D Programming Language" + Something?

I think it's pretty obvious when someone is here that they are 
accessing a D Programming Language Forum.

Like I said above I think this forums has an excess of borders 
and I'd prefer something like this: than what you have today, but 
this is a personal taste.

But I asked a friend who design pages for living and he agreed. 
In fact he said that we should get rid of "Threads, Posts" 
columns too, or may give a light background color according the 
Topic (New users, Community etc.).

By the way the Forum is my main grip today when using mobile.


Re: New Fundraiser: D Forums Server

2019-01-25 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 19:11:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Did you have trouble?

No, the main problem is the person who usually lend his 
International Card to me only have PayPal account, and I do not 
want to bother him asking to register in the other options.

I'll go with PayPal later and put a note about this.



Re: New Fundraiser: D Forums Server

2019-01-25 Thread Matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 17:01:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Nice I'd like to help but I'm foreigner. It's possible to set a 
PayPal account for this too?
