Re: A couple of new libraries

2012-06-21 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 20.06.2012 23:20, schrieb BLM768:

Can you tell us more about the GUI library, like:

* Which platforms and GUI systems it's available on
* Does it use native drawing operations
* Or is it more directed to gaming

It's currently Windows-only, but the plan is to make it cross-platform.
It's designed for native widgets. So far, it just does windows, buttons,
and text fields, but adding other controls shouldn't be too difficult.
The goal is to create as simple and intuitive of an interface as
possible, even if it means sacrificing a few advanced features that are
rarely used.

What's the advantage over the existing libraries?
Why have you choosen to build a library from scratch, instead of 
improving an existing one?


Re: dmd 1.065 and 2.050 release

2010-10-30 Thread Matthias Pleh

On 2010-10-31 01:47, Walter Bright wrote:

Extrawurst wrote:

Is it just me or are all std lib links to core module documentations
on the website broken ?


Re: D web site facelift

2010-07-05 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 05.07.2010 22:43, schrieb Vladimir Panteleev:

On Mon, 05 Jul 2010 01:03:49 +0300, Walter Bright

Charles Hixson wrote:

Actually, I *did* complain about it the context of
downloaded documentation. The timing sometimes makes doing searches
over multiple pages, when you don't remember exactly where something
was documented, painful. Sufficiently so that I hand modify
downloaded documentation to remove it, and any other scripts that I
notice causing a slowdown. (Translation is worst, but there are a
couple of others that are occasionally obtrusive.)
OTOH, if you're already downloading the page from the net that should
be much less of a're already slowed down.

I have considered removing the documentation from the download, in the
interests of reducing the download size. That would resolve that
problem .

I have written an utility to convert D documentation to compiled HTML
help (.chm), which supports native navigation, search and an index:

Hey, that's cool!

I love it :D

Re: SHOO's Time code -- conclusion

2010-06-11 Thread Matthias Pleh

I accept Shoos implementation only with the conditions

1) No multiplication, division and remainder operations are allowed. Tango used
these operations for date calculation in an original way. All similar uses are

2) Also it is not allowed to implement routines for operations at (1). That 
be obviously a thinly veiled attempt at stealing Tango code.

3) No use of the words date, time, and calendar are allowed in the code or the
documentation. These words were used creatively by Tango. They cannot be stolen.

I am sure these requirements are reasonable

invalid email-address => useless content

Re: layout wiki4d - part 2

2010-06-09 Thread Matthias Pleh

Looks good. :)  Thanks for taking the time to do it!


Thanks! :)

In the most discussions I had with my coworkers, has been been 
mentioned, that a community, which even not have a beautiful wiki 
(besides other issues), can't be a serious project. So I decided to 
improve this. I hope this small step helps to make D more attractive to 
new users.


Re: layout wiki4d - part 2

2010-06-08 Thread Matthias Pleh

It seems, variant b) is the winner.
I've updated to b) with the font and font-size form c) and some minor 

I hope you love it.


layout wiki4d - part 2

2010-06-06 Thread Matthias Pleh

as already mentioned in the old thread I have set up a testpage to make 
the suggested (and some other minor) changes.

So we should decide, which layout we should use for the wiki.

a) the old one
b) the current
c) the testpage
d) some other layout, anybody want create,

NOTE: the changes, I have made, are public and can changed by every 
wiki-user without registration! So everybody is welcome to improve not 
only the content but also the layout of the wiki!!


Re: new layout on wiki4d

2010-06-03 Thread Matthias Pleh

Mostly, looks fine here, except that having some headers smaller
than the text body looks funny (of course, h4, h5... are not used
that often in real pages).

Your font specifications should always end with one of the standard
CSS font families ("serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive" or
"fantasy"), you should not assume that everyone has one of the fonts
specified explicitely ("Helvetica" for example is not that common in
the Windows world).


Ah, I see! I will have a look at this

PS: btw, do you know browsershots? It allows
you to see screenshots of how a web page looks on a wide variety of
OSes and browsers (although of course you won't see the differences
due to the screen that way).

Hey, really cool site. But it seems, that my testpage was already tested.

Re: new layout on wiki4d

2010-06-03 Thread Matthias Pleh

Other than those things, it looks good though.


I've tried to left out the specification of the font-size (as someone 
mentioned here), and the result was this big font!

But now it should look better.

Re: new layout on wiki4d

2010-06-03 Thread Matthias Pleh

thanks for your comments

I've played around with the font-size problem and have setup a test page 
under my folder on the wiki.
I also like the idea from Justin to make the look more like the official 

So please have a look, comment here or change the files directly for the 


Re: Code::Blocks 10.05

2010-06-01 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 31.05.2010 21:23, schrieb Philippe Sigaud:

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 17:08, BCS>> wrote:

Hello Matthias,

Sadly they haven't applied my patches for D (uploaded on 12.April)
and many new users are overstrained with applying patchtes and
it per hand, ...

When was the last time you buged them about it?

out of curiosity, what does your patch bring? I've been using
Code::Blocks (svn 6271 right now) for the past two years and don't have
many problems. For simple users like me, it's all good: it finds Phobos,
one-key compilation and run of whole projects...


I've submittet my last patch (wich includes all of my previous patches) 
to the offical patchtracker on 12.April, but the patch is still in state 

I know, you can setup codeblocks as you need it. Almost everythink is 
adjustable. But my changes was thought to help newbies to use the IDE.
And yeah, the changes are minor but a start. I thougth, after this 
changes has gone into trunk, I can improve other features, such as 
autocompletion, and so on, ...
But it seems, that the development occures very slowly, and there are 
many open patches, not only my patch.

But for now, I'm satisfied with VisualD.


Re: Code::Blocks 10.05

2010-05-31 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 31.05.2010 08:59, schrieb Anders F Björklund:

The open source and cross platform IDE
Code::Blocks 10.05 has been released:

Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Uses the wxWidgets toolkit and GPL license.


Sadly they haven't applied my patches for D (uploaded on 12.April)
and many new users are overstrained with applying patchtes and compile 
it per hand, ...



Re: new layout on wiki4d

2010-05-31 Thread Matthias Pleh

> New design is good!
> I have a suggestion.
> Now, Japanese site on Other Languages is inactive.
> Could you please change link?
> New link:
> Masahiro

--> done!

hey, it's a wiki. You can change everything yourself. Ther is no
registration needed. Just click on the 'edit' link and enter your
username and you can change the content as you need it.


Re: new layout on wiki4d

2010-05-31 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 30.05.2010 23:43, schrieb Stewart Gordon:

Matthias Pleh wrote:

I have renewed the layout of the wiki4d-site.
It's not finished, but I think it is already useable!
Content itself hasn't changed!

Any thoughts?

Get rid of the abomination that is font sizes in px! Specify them in em
or, even better, not at all.


many thanks for your replies

I'm just the initiator of this changes (you know, I'm just a C/D 
programmer), the files itself was written by Wilhelmstätter Simon (he 
works alongside me), I will speak to him about the size problem.

other suggestions are always welcome!!


Re: new layout on wiki4d

2010-05-28 Thread Matthias Pleh

For those, who aren't yet aware of the wiki-site:

new layout on wiki4d

2010-05-28 Thread Matthias Pleh

I have renewed the layout of the wiki4d-site.
It's not finished, but I think it is already useable!
Content itself hasn't changed!

Any thoughts?
Please check also the links on the sidebar!
I have taken this from a template from Justin Calvarese (thanks), so
maybe some links should changed, reordered or even removed!


OT: Use of D-icon

2010-05-28 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 28.05.2010 20:06, schrieb Walter Bright:

also use #d_lang to connect D related tweets

I'm working on a redesign for wiki4d. Now I've seen the D-logo on 
twitter and I like it. :)

Can we use this picture for wiki4d?


Re: TDPL is #53 on the bestselling list at

2010-04-23 Thread Matthias Pleh

Now we have reached #56 :)
Let's go clicking to get #1

exactly how to we do this? There is not 'buy now' button.

click cover - click a buy-button :)

or even better -> preorder the book!! (that would help more, since 
this 			  bestsellerlist will be uncovered ...)

Re: TDPL is #56 on the bestselling list at

2010-04-22 Thread Matthias Pleh

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

There are only three programming books on their Top 100 list. The other 
two are Modern C++ Design (#12) and C++ Coding Standards (#28).

This all sounds great, but it must be because my homepage links to :o)


Now we have reached #56 :)
Let's go clicking to get #1

Re: TDPL is #75 on the bestselling list at

2010-04-20 Thread Matthias Pleh

Mike James wrote:

== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu ('s
There are only three programming books on their Top 100 list. The


two are Modern C++ Design (#12) and C++ Coding Standards (#28).
This all sounds great, but it must be because my homepage links to :o)

Interesting. But how can it be a best seller if its not published
yet ;-)



Re: d support in codeblocks

2010-03-31 Thread Matthias Pleh

First, the normal code::block selector uses smart colors which are based
upon the underlying text color, etc. Essentially, it only changes the
background color (like many other editors) and doesn't change the
foreground color. This makes selection easier to read and extend.

This are only colorsettings and can be overritten be the user


also doesn't play havoc with code::blocks' thread search feature.

I don't know what you mean

Second, languages don't have color conventions, IDEs do. Code::blocks is
different from Visual Studio which is different from Scintilla ad
Just open a Smalltalk file in codeblocks, the colorscheme is completly 

My recommendation was simply to follow code::blocks' style and
XML tags where possible because a) all the existing code::blocks users
are comfortable with this or have already overwritten those tags we
don't like with our own preferences. And b) following the existing style
may smooth the entire process of getting the patch accepted into the
mainline trunk.

What is codeblocks-style? Smalltalk,C++,Ruby,ASM ... ??
They all have different colorschemes!

Third, out of curiosity, the background color for DMD code samples seem
to be gray. Where did you find/why did you choose beige?

OK, the backgroundcolor was badly choosen.

Forth, for the lexer, I have a vague memory up patches/updates to
Scintilla being posted a long time ago. You might want to look into
SciTE4d and SEATD.

There is already a d-lexer in the scintilla and codeblocks project
This is what I use!

Win32/DMD 2 though I don't remember seeing separate D1 and D2 entries in
the compiler selection menu.

I tested with Wn32/DMD2 and it works just fine.
There are 3 different compiler for D
- Digital Mars D1 compiler
- Digital Mars D2 compiler
- GDC D Compiler

You should see all 3 compiler or your compilation failed.
Please follow this wiki page:

Re: d support in codeblocks

2010-03-30 Thread Matthias Pleh

>> Thanks. I got a build working and have tested it out. It seems that 
>> you've made a substantial change to the default syntax highlighting, 
>> both in the terms you use and their settings. Now, most of them I can 
>> fix to how I want, but the normal 'selected' settings are substantially 
>> better and more complex than a simple foreground and background color. 
>> Also, I'd strongly recommend keeping the current code::block standard 
>> highlighting if you're planning to have your trunk merged into the 
>> mainline tree.
> And one more thing, it doesn't appear that the -g option when linking in 
> debug mode is working.

Thanks for your report!

to 1.)
I haven't changed any code for the lexer (It's anyway not code from 
codeblocks but
rather from scintilla)
I only have added more tags in the xml-file and  have changed the colors.
But this is only a draft. The most colors was taken from the examples on the 
DigitalMars Page,
couse I think this is rather the official standard for D.
I also don't understand, why we should take the same colors, as it is used 
in C++ ??
But feel free to send me your version (lexer_d.xml) or a description how you 
want it and I would have a look at it.

I have also tried a version with 8 different keywordgroups (as it is in 
Poseidon) and different
colors for normal-string, raw-string, and so on ...
but for my taste this is too much, I like it simple.

which OS/compiler? 

Re: d support in codeblocks

2010-03-29 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 29.03.2010 18:51, schrieb Robert Jacques:

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:24:30 -0300, Matthias Pleh 

Hey all,

as I already posted in D.ide newsgroup, I am working on an improvement
for D support in the codeblocks IDE.
Now I've made a patch and posted it in the codeblocks forum:,12246.0.html
It would be cool, If there are some D user, whow can try out and test
this patch.

What should be done:
- check out the newest sourcecode of codeblocks
- apply the patch mentioned above
- test the D features and report any bug, comments and wishes in the
same thread as the patch. (remember, this patch is only a start!)
- and of course feel free to send new patches yourself!!


This looks like a great start. However, I'm not sure which patches I
should apply. The thread has couple of patches by 'bernard' but I can't
seem to find the main patches by nocide. I'm probably blind, but could
you point out where the links should be located? Thanks.

Hello Robert,

you have to log in to see the attached files.
So just register and login :)
Ther are 2 files attached in the
* d_win_v2.patch
* d_nix_v2.patch   -> for *nix (it's really the same, just *nix lineendings)

If you have further questions, don't hesistate to ask again!


Re: d support in codeblocks

2010-03-28 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 28.03.2010 23:54, schrieb Bernard Helyer:

On 29/03/10 08:24, Matthias Pleh wrote:

Hey all,

as I already posted in D.ide newsgroup, I am working on an improvement
for D support in the codeblocks IDE.
Now I've made a patch and posted it in the codeblocks forum:,12246.0.html
It would be cool, If there are some D user, whow can try out and test
this patch.

What should be done:
- check out the newest sourcecode of codeblocks
- apply the patch mentioned above
- test the D features and report any bug, comments and wishes in the
same thread as the patch. (remember, this patch is only a start!)
- and of course feel free to send new patches yourself!!


Hey cool! Does it support D2?

Just try it out and report any bugs!

d support in codeblocks

2010-03-28 Thread Matthias Pleh

Hey all,

as I already posted in D.ide newsgroup, I am working on an improvement 
for D support in the codeblocks IDE.

Now I've made a patch and posted it in the codeblocks forum:,12246.0.html
It would be cool, If there are some D user, whow can try out and test 
this patch.

What should be done:
- check out the newest sourcecode of codeblocks
- apply the patch mentioned above
- test the D features and report any bug, comments and wishes in the 
same thread as the patch. (remember, this patch is only a start!)

- and of course feel free to send new patches yourself!!


Re: D-IDE now has a debugger!

2010-01-22 Thread Matthias Pleh

A Bothe schrieb:

Hello everyone,

I just want to announce my new D-IDE version which has an integrated 
debugger now!

Could successfully build my test project, however when I start the 
debugger, I get an unhandeld exception:

System.IO.FileLoadException: Eine von "DebugEngineWrapper, 
Version=1.0.3672.35431, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" 
importierte Prozedur konnte nicht geladen werden.
Dateiname: "DebugEngineWrapper, Version=1.0.3672.35431, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=null" ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException 
(0x8007007F): Die angegebene Prozedur wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme 
von HRESULT: 0x8007007F)

   bei D_IDE.Form1.dbgContinueClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, 
EventArgs e)

   bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, 
ToolStripItemEventType met)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, 
ToolStripItemEventType met)

   bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons 
button, Int32 clicks)

   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 
msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Re: why Ddbg is not updated anymore...

2010-01-19 Thread Matthias Pleh

Stephan schrieb:
I dunno if anyone knew this before but i wanted to give my kudos to a 
guy that did a lot for the D community by developing the still best 
debugger for the D Programming Language Ddbg 

The question often came up why it is not updated anymore. Well the 
reason for this is that Jascha Wetzel the developer of Ddbg earns the 
big bucks now with his product Turbolence 4D ( and 
his company "Jawset Visual Computing"

"TURBULENCE.4D makes the most realistic and efficient methods in CG 
fluid dynamics available in standard software"

Well and recently his product got used in the new Bruce Willis movie 
"Surrogates" (

All in all I whish him the best for the future and that he will never 
forget D when developing next cutting edge software.

The downside is that Ddbg finally needs a new developer for the future 
to get updated.

In the second part of the mentioned restrictions in the license.txt is 

* You may only redistribute the software unmodified, in the form and
  prepackaging it is available from the official website.

It's seems as if redistributing of a changed version is not allowed.
(But perhaps my english understanding is not good enought, I'm not an 
english native speaker :)

So in this case, we need to write a debugger from scratch.
