Re: dmd 1.075 and 2.060 release

2012-08-08 Thread Nicholas Londey

The link for the OSX installer on the download page seems to be
broken. Just checking you are aware.

On Thursday, 2 August 2012 at 19:19:04 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Another big pile of bug fixes. More contributors than ever!

Re: Win64 milestone

2012-09-09 Thread Nicholas Londey

Nice work. Am very much looking forward to Win64 support in D2. :)

Re: Visual D 0.3.34 released - powered by a precise garbage collector

2012-10-13 Thread Nicholas Londey
Chrome is flagging the download as 'This file appears malicious.' 
for me. Have you run into this?

On Friday, 12 October 2012 at 17:37:09 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:


after struggling with memory issues for too long, the newest 
version of Visual D enjoys the benefits of a pretty precise 
garbage collector. This isn't the only new feature of this 
release, here are some more:

* linker error messages can now be decompressed and demangled 
(thanks to Benjamin Thaut for providing the tool)
* optlink is now called directly with file monitoring: this 
allows passing library path and detecting library and source 

* various improvements to the parser and completion
* fixed installation for VS2012

The full changelog can be read here:

Visual D is a Visual Studio package providing both project 
management and language services for the D programming 
language. It works with Visual Studio 2005-12 as well as the 
free Visual Studio Shells.

The Visual D installer can be downloaded from its website at


Re: Build Script in D

2013-01-11 Thread Nicholas Londey
As a relative newcomer to D I have been using to following build 
script. Not very sophisticated but has been enough so far.

module build;

import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.file;
import std.path;
import std.process;
import std.range;
import std.regex;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

enum D_SOURCE_RULE = ctRegex!`^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\.d$`;
enum BUILD_COMMAND_ARGS_FILE = "build_command_args.txt";

void main(string[] args)
enforce(args.length == 3, "Usage rdmd build.d  

auto sourceFiles = map!(a =>[2], 
auto codeFiles = filter!(a => match(baseName(a), 

string[] options = ["-of" ~ args[1], "-od" ~ "obj", "-I.", 
"-J.", "-Dd" ~ "doc"];

to!string(joiner(chain(options, codeFiles), "\n")));

system(escapeShellCommand("dmd", "@" ~ 


Re: dmd 2.064.2

2013-11-07 Thread Nicholas Londey

Do you have this line in your sc.ini file?


If you do a file search of C:\Program Files (x86) for User32.lib 
where do you find them?

Re: dmd 2.064.2

2013-11-08 Thread Nicholas Londey
Can you clarify exactly which version of Visual Studio 2013 you 
are using?

Can you also confirm that you can compile and link a C++ console 
app using your current installation of vs2013?

Re: Visual D 0.3.37 released

2013-11-09 Thread Nicholas Londey
Have a look at this and see if that helps. I think I got it 
working in vs2013 because it was the announcement that it should 
be working that prompted me to find out why it wasn't.

Re: blog post - "An illustrated guide to using Sublime Text 3 for D programming"

2016-01-22 Thread Nicholas Londey via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 04:39:00 UTC, Pradeep Gowda wrote:
Sublime text 3 is a decent editor to write D code. However, 
getting all the different plugins working together has always 
proven to be somewhat of a challenge for me. So, I decided to 
document the process as I went along.

The result is here:

Comments are suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for the tutorial. I will definitely give this a try.

About a year ago I wrote a SublimeText project generator for DUB. 
It was fairly simplistic but met my needs at the time. That 
reminds me that I possibly have some local improvements I really 
should create a pull request for.

Example Usage:
dub generate sublimetext