Re: So You Want To Write Your Own Language

2015-12-24 Thread The Old One via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 16:37:29 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 24/12/15 02:08, Walter Bright wrote:

This has resurfaced on Reddit:

In the comments, about the cluttered syntax. For the 
attributes, due to legacy reasons, it seems like D got all the 
defaults wrong. System instead of safe, mutable instead of 
immutable, not pure instead of pure and so on. We might not be 
able to get rid of any attributes but if some of these defaults 
were different perhaps it would not be necessary to use so many 
attributes all the time.

I know that many here don't agree but personally I think the 
language could have less syntax it had AST macros. Some syntax 
that is built-in now could be moved to library code in the form 
of macros.

I agree. As we all know, these choices have much to do with 
trying not to disturb all the welcome people from C/C++. But now 
that D is becoming a more self-confident language, and a larger 
percentage of newcomers to D have other backgrounds than C/C++, 
it is becoming increasingly important to have the language "do 
the Right Thing" from the outset.

By now the former C/C++ programmer has to learn an entirely new 
language, as compared to 5 or especially 10 years ago, when D 
could (well, at least sarcastically) be described as just another 
Dialect of C.

Today, D is a proud and strong, and not even a new, language, and 
the Default choices of system/safe, (im)mutable, (not)safe, etc., 
should be based only on choices that are obvious when we look at 
D now and in the foreseeable future. Not on what the past was.

Re: So You Want To Write Your Own Language

2015-12-24 Thread The Old One via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 13:03:03 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 12/23/2015 7:35 PM, Joakim wrote:
On Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 01:08:38 UTC, Walter Bright 

Time to give your old articles a better home, I think, 
assuming you have the

copyright or can get it.

Firefox gives me this: uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

And I believe this is an old problem.

Re: Atila's article on Reddit: "Rust impressions from a C++/D programmer, part 1"

2015-11-15 Thread The Old One via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 10 November 2015 at 16:00:06 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Atila wrote:

I thought I’d like Rust more than I actually do at this point. 
I’m glad I’m taking the time to learn it, but I’m not sure how 
likely I’ll choose to use it for any future project. Currently 
the only real advantage it has for me over D is that it has no 
runtime and could more easily be used on bare metal projects.

(I'm on an iPad. Sorry for idiot quoting.)

My point: until you can easily write D bare-metal code, without 
any runtime, and honestly without garbage collection, it just 
isn't a Real Systems Language.

With the World turning to IOT, and most startups having an 
embedded system as at least a part of their offering, even old 
languages should take this seriously. Not everybody actually 
fathoms the size of this tsunami, or the disruption it'll bring. 
It's like the 80's when mini-computer corporations did't notice 
micro manufacturers. From their perspective, the tide turned 
overnight. And now it's us.

Re: D Language Architect

2015-11-11 Thread The Old One via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 12:27:00 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
Walter and I are planning major marketing moves, for which 
there's a necessity to describe my relationship with D 
succinctly. People routinely introduce me as "co-creator of D" 
and I need to explain "well, D had already been created when I 
joined but I worked on a number of features" etc.

Although D looks quite different now than it was in 2006, the 
"creation" act only happens once, so "co-creator" is inaccurate 
and shifts credit inappropriately. Last thing you want in PR is 
someone in the crowd to go "wait, but you didn't create it" and 
the next-to-last thing is to need to define the relationship 
between you and what you're selling as "well, it's complicated".

So we mulled over this for a while and we decided to go with "D 
Language Architect". I'll use that henceforth. Walter will 
remain of course the "D Language Creator".

No need to call me that way :o).



Excellent, Andrei!

And what a timely coincidence, since the other day I saw 
"co-creator" and thought less than favorably about you for it. 
But D Language Architect is excellent! Kudos!

Re: 1st Ever Artificial Consciousness to be Written in D Language

2015-09-03 Thread The Old One via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 14:41:20 UTC, GrandAxe wrote:
This is to inform the D Language community that the first 
viable general artificial algorithm is being written in D. It 
is called Organic Big data intelligence (OBI); the website is 

Some of its capabilities are:

1. Ability to learn
2. Ability to analyse
3. Problem solving
4. Moral judgement
5. Ability to feel emotions
6. Free will
7. Consciousness
8. Self awareness

Maybe we should create a new concept: Software from Nigeria.

You only need a fashionable looking website with lofty promises, 
some googlable discussion on a forum for some obscure programming 
language, a mention of patents pending, and maybe an interview on 
some 2nd rate tech site.

What else would you need for credibility to whet the appetite of 
amateur investors, lottery winners, or heirs.

I am certain this is not the last time we will see this kind of 
"entrepreneurship". But it makes me sad to see D dragged into it.