Re: LDC 0.15.0 alpha1 released! Please help test!

2014-10-25 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

Does this msvc based build output gdb-compatible
debugging symbols?

No DWARFs in there.

Re: 438-byte Hello, world Win32 EXE in D

2014-09-09 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

And how do ldc and gdc do? =)

Re: LDC 0.14.0 alpha1 released! Please help test!

2014-08-08 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce
Thanks for the help with the Win64 version and for providing 
the binary!

:) fwiw
A bunch of tests still crash.

Re: LDC 0.14.0 alpha1 released! Please help test!

2014-08-05 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

I also have an experimental Win64 MSVC version.

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 4: Reducing D Bugs by Vladimir Panteleev

2014-07-14 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

make -f win64.mak DMD=../windows/bin/dmd.exe 
CC=\c:\l\vc10\bin64\cl.exe\ target

make -f win64.mak DMD=../windows/bin/dmd.exe 
CC=\c:\l\vc10\bin64\cl.exe\ MAKE=c:\l\dmc\bin\make 
AR=\c:/l/vc10/bin64/lib.exe\ LIB=..\lib64\phobos64.lib

That works?
So it probably doesn't need the includes set in the makefile.

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 4: Reducing D Bugs by Vladimir Panteleev

2014-07-14 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

Nope doesn't.
Setting VCDIR and SDKDIR via the make command works.

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 4: Reducing D Bugs by Vladimir Panteleev

2014-07-14 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

Setting VCDIR and SDKDIR via the make command works.

Works for me. Maybe you need a newer version of make (there was 
a silent update in 2012, my version is 5.06).

Well if you don't set VCDIR you won't get proper include paths.
So no clue why it works for you.

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 6: Debugging in D by Iain Buclaw

2014-07-14 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce
The pdb debug format is not supported, AFAIK. But that format 
is not documented and I don't think you could add D extensions 

So does LLVM really support PDB?

As long as they rely on the MS linker they only need to emit 
proper debug info into the object files. But that's still TODO:

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 4: Reducing D Bugs by Vladimir Panteleev

2014-07-13 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

Digger is awesome. Have never heard of it before this talk.

Unfortunately it's a huge PITA to get a Win64 build with it cause 
of those stupid hardcoded \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
Studio 10.0\VC paths. The modified makefiles etc are always 
reverted by Digger before building.

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 4: Reducing D Bugs by Vladimir Panteleev

2014-07-13 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce
You can add the compiler to the make command line with some 
magic quoting.

My build script calls

make -f win64.mak DMD=../windows/bin/dmd.exe 
CC=\c:\l\vc10\bin64\cl.exe\ target

make -f win64.mak DMD=../windows/bin/dmd.exe 
CC=\c:\l\vc10\bin64\cl.exe\ MAKE=c:\l\dmc\bin\make 
AR=\c:/l/vc10/bin64/lib.exe\ LIB=..\lib64\phobos64.lib

Isn't the make call hardcoded in Digger?

Re: Dconf 2014 Day 2 Talk 5: Tooling: Bringing Developers and Development Together by Brad Roberts

2014-07-11 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

Thx alot!
Enables me to watch it easily on my tv :)

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 6: Debugging in D by Iain Buclaw

2014-07-11 Thread Trass3r via Digitalmars-d-announce

Re: Introducing vibe.d!

2012-04-26 Thread Trass3r

Looks promising.

Though I wouldn't know how to choose between Adam's web framework,  
Cybershadow's code (seemed like he coded the newsreader in no time and it  
works very nicely) and yours.

Any advice?

Re: Native GTK bindings v2

2012-04-23 Thread Trass3r
I've been running with phobos built using -ffunction-sections  
-fdata-sections since ~the time of #293 and so far haven't seen any  
problems (which of course doesn't mean that there aren't any).

Me too. If you don't use gc-sections there shouldn't be any difference and  
if you do a lot of unnecessary code is stripped.

Pull requests processing issue

2012-04-18 Thread Trass3r
I think the problem of ~100 open pull requests needs to be faced better.  
People that see their patches rot in that list probably don't feel  
rewarded enough to submit more patches.

So true. I won't do any further work if it's in vain anyway.
Also I regularly have to rebase my one cause of conflicts, which is  

I really wonder what Walter's doing. Is he still running the whole  
testsuite instead of relying on the autotester?

Re: D on AtCoder

2012-04-14 Thread Trass3r

I and other D programmers begged AtCoder team to support D.
In the result, AtCoder supports D (dmd 2.058) officially.

Now get them to update to 2.059 so you will get UFCS ;)

Re: Native GTK2 D Bindings

2012-01-22 Thread Trass3r

The function names should be converted to camelCase.

and a README.

gdc does cross module inlining if you pass all modules to it at once.

Re: Native GTK2 D Bindings

2012-01-22 Thread Trass3r
No. I named it native for a reason. The method names are not  
manipulated in any way - they come directly from GTK.

I could *add* all kind of aliases, including camelCased ones, but why  
would anyone want to use those?

Cause those C names with underscores are just crappy.

gdc does cross module inlining if you pass all modules to it at once.

As i mentioned in the README; but that's not really a solution.

No, in there you claim gdc didn't support cross module inlining.

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-12 Thread Trass3r

The CLGLInterop example however still just gives a black window. It
only outputs the FPS in cmdline.

Well it works fine on my Win7 x64 machine.

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-09 Thread Trass3r
Well, I resorted to using bud and managed to get the vectorAdd example  
to compile, but when I run I get this error:

btw, bud's not maintained anymore.

Is this some kind of \ vs / bug?

Try removing the mixin(CL_PROGRAM_STRING_DEBUG_INFO) ~ @ vectorAdd.d(36)

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-09 Thread Trass3r
The vectorAdd example works perfectly, without any editing (ie. without  
removing the mixin(CL_PROGRAM_STRING_DEBUG_INFO)).

How strange, does pragma(msg, CL_PROGRAM_STRING_DEBUG_INFO); give  
different results for the two dmd revisions?

The CLGLInterop example however still just gives a black window. It only  
outputs the FPS in cmdline.

any error messages?
compile it in debug mode with -debug -g.

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-09 Thread Trass3r

Does this one work?

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-09 Thread Trass3r

Those guys do know how to create useless exception messages o.O

Well can't investigate this further at the moment.

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-08 Thread Trass3r

I'm trying to use cl4d, but when I compile I get a stack overflow..

As I stated in the announcement you need a HEAD dmd.
Or use a cl4d revision prior to the mentioned bugfix.

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-08 Thread Trass3r
About the 'mentioned bugfix', I assume you're referring to bug 
6473 has been fixed = so let's fix that memory leak?

Yep, just git checkout the revision before that one.

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2012-01-08 Thread Trass3r

Ok, so when i try to compile it says

src\opencl\c\cl_d3d10.d(88): Error: undefined identifier UINT
src\opencl\c\cl_d3d10.d(96): Error: undefined identifier UINT

and upon changing those to uint I get

src\opencl\c\cl_d3d11.d(77): Error: undefined identifier ID3D11Buffer
src\opencl\c\cl_d3d11.d(84): Error: undefined identifier ID3D11Texture2D
src\opencl\c\cl_d3d11.d(91): Error: undefined identifier ID3D11Texture3D

What am I missing?

Well the DirectX stuff isn't tested at all.
I always compile with rdmd so these modules aren't compiled.
The uint errors are small cases I overlooked.
The rest is obvious: cl4d knows nothing about DirectX, so you need a  

Maybe I should just turn these into void* to get rid of the errors, but  
then you loose type safety, hmm.

Re: cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2011-12-29 Thread Trass3r

On Thursday, 29 December 2011 at 10:32:49 UTC, Extrawurst wrote:

nice work. why moved to github ?

I'm sick of having to switch from git to hg commands every time I 
work on cl4d.
So I converted it to git, cleaned up the history and just put it 
on Github cause it has nicer features.

btw. with dmd2057 and the -property flag it does not build 

I see, haven't used that switch yet.

cl4d OpenCL wrapper moved to Github

2011-12-28 Thread Trass3r

I finally moved cl4d to

It's in a very usable state. Contains 2 samples including an 
OpenCL/OpenGL interop one similar to

btw, as of my latest commit you need a HEAD dmd to build it. This 
fixes a severe memory leak.

Re: Release: MinGW GCC 4.6.1 GDC 1.070/2,.055

2011-12-05 Thread Trass3r


  * Release includes both D versions.
* -v1(default) compiles for D1.
* -v2 compiles for D2.
* The switch must be used for linking as well.

Why is D1 still the default?

  * 64bit and up to date GDC forthcoming.
Imho the 64 bit version is even more important since gdc is the only  
option at all to produce Win64 binaries.

(and of course beginning with Win7 everyone should use an x64 OS anyway ;))

  * 7-zip format for size reasons:


This release

but why is there a zip version anyway?

Re: Release: MinGW GCC 4.6.1 GDC 1.070/2,.055

2011-12-05 Thread Trass3r

Why is D1 still the default?
Because this is the first release where I felt D2 was capable of being  
the default and I forgot about it until writing the post.  It also  
requires some reworking of the changes that enable dual compilers.

but why is there a zip version anyway?
I posted with a zip extension in the original post, so rather than  
letting everyone get an 404 error, I just uploaded a zip file.

I see.
btw, is there something like gdmd for Windoze too?

Re: D2 port of Tango

2011-11-03 Thread Trass3r
Timon Gehr Wrote:
  Yes, Tango for D2 should make use of druntime and deimos.
  Deimos?? Isn't that dead?
 Probably he meant this:
 What other project were you referring to? of course ;)

Re: dmd 1.071 and 2.056 release

2011-10-27 Thread Trass3r

- Using --build-only, by default, places the exe in the current directory
rather than the usual tmp directory. The --build-only option is  
frequently (always, AFAIK) used like an alternate to  

Yep, build-only should be the default! And running the exe afterwards an  

Re: dmd 1.071 and 2.056 release

2011-10-27 Thread Trass3r

This is the only section that seem to have a big difference in length:

Length   Name Class
00071CAEH  _TEXT CODE 32-bit

Length Name   Class
00101A1AH  _TEXT  CODE 32-bit

Hurray, template bloat ;)

Re: AI Challenge - Ants

2011-10-25 Thread Trass3r
I'm working on a bot in D. I'm currently done implementing the A*  
algorithm for path finding

Dump A*, D* Lite ftw ;)

Re: D2 port of Tango

2011-10-18 Thread Trass3r

Good job.

The first project is a D2 port proper that tries to keep API semantics  
This is the 'd2port' branch in my repository.

The second project is a more ambitious effort to rewrite some aspects 
This is the 'master' branch in my repository.

Why isn't it the other way around?

Re: D2 port of Tango

2011-10-18 Thread Trass3r

Why?  What's the point?  Why not work on Phobos instead?

Well D1 projects could be ported to D2 much more easily, e.g. Yage.

Re: D2 port of Tango

2011-10-18 Thread Trass3r
I already mentioned this deeper down in the thread, but what are the  
chances of being able to use tango as an add-on for phobos2?  Something  
from which I could pull in only the tango modules I need and use phobos  
for the rest?

He already answered that:

SiegeLord Wrote:

Does this use druntime?
Yes, although a Tango specific runtime (compatible with druntime) will  
probably be an option some day too. Still, right now you can safely use  
(modulo my imperfect testing) Phobos and Tango modules together in a  
single program.

Re: [Phoronix] Merging In The GNU D Language Compiler To GCC

2011-10-07 Thread Trass3r
Am 07.10.2011, 13:28 Uhr, schrieb Steve Teale

Are you saying that GDC is way faster?

Yep. Especially for floating point calculations.

Worst-case scenario for dmd:
(be sure to read through the whole thread though, I refined my post later  
and then gdc and ldc were on par with C++ while dmd is still slower than  

Another test:

Re: [Phoronix] Merging In The GNU D Language Compiler To GCC

2011-10-06 Thread Trass3r
Just as a matter of interest, how do you rate GDC 2.055 for speed  
alongside the Linux DMD.

Of course it is way faster. You should compare with gcc instead.

Re: D Programming Language talk at Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey

2011-07-15 Thread Trass3r

Kural, dünyanın D!
(translated nautomatically)

Re: dmd 1.069 and 2.054 release

2011-07-13 Thread Trass3r
It occured for the mixin method to generate the different exception  
classes. Specifically the toCamelCase method was not working there.


Do you have any idea how to solve the problem I described in D.learn?  
(template instance cannot use local.)

Re: dmd 1.069 and 2.054 release

2011-07-13 Thread Trass3r
Looks like it fails to build under Linux using linux.mak makefile due to  
intrange.c / intrange.o in file lists. Linking stage errors. When I add  

manually, everything works like a charm.

I think compiling it worked just fine for me.

Re: dmd 1.069 and 2.054 release

2011-07-12 Thread Trass3r

In general good work!

But again phobos makes a simple std.string function unCTFEable.
Now I have to use an ugly hack to achieve something as simple as toUpper:

mixin( (){char[] tmp = dup; toUpperInPlace(tmp); return tmp;}() );

Re: dmd 1.069 and 2.054 release

2011-07-12 Thread Trass3r
Now I have to use an ugly hack to achieve something as simple as  

mixin( (){char[] tmp = dup; toUpperInPlace(tmp); return tmp;}() );

Damn i found that too and wanted to mention it in the dmd-beta list b4  
release. But the workaround is simple. At least this one was fixed:

Cause that was making cl4d with all its string mixins pretty much  
unbuildable at all.

Yeah I've done some crazy shit in the cl4d code :D
But in the end that was just another workaround cause template mixins  
couldn't mixin constructors.

Good news: this seems to have been fixed.
Bad news: there still is another problem. I asked about it in D.learn.

btw, that problem you reported, where did it occur in cl4d?

dfilt - c++filt like tool to demangle D names

2011-07-07 Thread Trass3r
Since I couldn't find a tool like c++filt for D I quickly hacked one  

Very useful especially for 'objdump -d test.o | dfilt'.

If anybody is interested:

Side note: seems like core.demangle can't demangle _D5utils7__arrayZ, bug?

Re: Programming Windows D Examples are now Online!

2011-06-21 Thread Trass3r
Am 21.06.2011, 20:32 Uhr, schrieb Andrej Mitrovic

I don't know whether it is planned to incorporate the WinAPI bindings
into Phobos/Druntime, there's at least 2.5 megs of code in prototypes
and I'm not sure about the license (it's based on the MinGW headers).

That is indeed long overdue!

Re: IDA Pro 6.1 got D support

2011-04-10 Thread Trass3r

+ FLIRT: added autodetection of the programs written in the D language
+ FLIRT: added Digital Mars FLIRT signatures

Wow that's really cool :)

Re: GtkD 1,4 released.

2011-03-28 Thread Trass3r

Am 28.03.2011, 21:58 Uhr, schrieb Mike Wey

GtkD 1.4 is now available, get it from dsource:

This reminds me, didn't we also want to add GUI projects as a GSoC idea?

Re: Alternative linker win32/64

2011-02-18 Thread Trass3r
Well, IMHO the intermediate solution would be to just get DMD to output  
Win64 OMF object files for now

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long!

Re: Alternative linker win32/64

2011-02-18 Thread Trass3r
Am I the only one getting a virus warning as soon as I try to unpack the  
ZIP file?

This one is found within the binary:

Yep, Antivir is pretty paranoid and fires up even if an exe is only  

Re: BlogPost: Implementing an asynchronous, epoll based network client

2011-02-16 Thread Trass3r
Nice, what will this be used for?

Re: Announcing: D support in SWIG

2011-02-02 Thread Trass3r
Does SWIG also support turning all those crappy C++ Get*/Set* methods you can 
find in almost every OOP-based project into proper D properties (incl. removing 
Get/Set and turning the next letter lowercase)?

Re: New web newsreader - requesting participation

2011-02-01 Thread Trass3r
Speaking of newsgroup web interface, interestingly while the main D site points 
to this crappy reader:
there still is a hidden one which is much better imho:

Re: New web newsreader - requesting participation

2011-02-01 Thread Trass3r
 That one has horrible bugs. You'll click on a topic, then try to read
 a reply, and it shoots you to some random topic 4+ years ago. Happens
 all the time. I only use it to post to NG since using Gmail directly
 doesn't show up my own posts (this is a known gmail bug).

Didn't occur to me so far.

Re: New web newsreader - requesting participation

2011-01-31 Thread Trass3r

 c) It tries to convert news posts to HTML, so the paragraphs
 wrap to the browser, links work, quotes are put into the proper
 tags for indentation, and it tries to auto-detect D code and
 put it in a pre block - which my javascript can make inline
 editable and runnable. Example:

I accidentally used

(note the %20%20 before newsgroup)

So it showed me some Get Message form with in the message id 

If I click on Get Message then:

object.Exception: invalid newsgroup

nntp.sanitizeNewsgroupName(immutable(char)[])) [0x80ba73b]
nntp.Newsreader.getMessage(immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[])) [0x80b84a8]
/var/www/htdocs/d-web-site/nntp(_Dmain+0x2b) [0x80b9b33]
/var/www/htdocs/d-web-site/nntp(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**)) 
/var/www/htdocs/d-web-site/nntp(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**)) 
/var/www/htdocs/d-web-site/nntp(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**)) 
/var/www/htdocs/d-web-site/nntp(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**)) 
/var/www/htdocs/d-web-site/nntp(main+0x96) [0x80e4936]
/lib/ [0xf741db86]
/var/www/htdocs/d-web-site/nntp() [0x80b8291]

Strange thing is, most functions are properly demangled but 2 aren't.
Is this a (known) bug?

Re: New web newsreader - requesting participation

2011-01-31 Thread Trass3r
  Strange thing is, most functions are properly demangled but 2
  Is this a (known) bug?
 Yes, core.demangle can't do some symbols because DMD applies
 a one-way hash to them once they reach a certain length because
 such long symbols tend to break linkers.

Ah I see, but what about the short one:

Re: New web newsreader - requesting participation

2011-01-31 Thread Trass3r

Very interesting stuff.
May D kick php out of business ;)

Re: D Programming Language source (dmd, phobos, etc.) has moved to github

2011-01-24 Thread Trass3r
I don't know. I haven't used Hg. However, I have a hard time seeing how  
you could have revision numbers like subversion does

Mercurial uses hashes.
For convenience it *additionally* provides consecutive numbers which are  
to be used in your own *local repo only*.

Re: boxen - an audio player written in D

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r
Why is there no advertisement for D, the MagicCounter page lists C# right  
at the top ;)
The directory tree sorts everything by name, would be cool if listing  
directories first was possible as well.

It really needs a proper icon, looks shitty in the taskbar ;)

Nice tool!

Re: boxen - an audio player written in D

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r

Also playback stops when a directory is reached in the list.

Re: Announcing: D support in SWIG

2011-01-19 Thread Trass3r
   I just wanted to drop a note to say that i have tried it and it works  
quite well. I am wrapping a small C++ library and using in my D  

Is there a tutorial (not 50 pages of text) about what needs to be done to  
support a C++ library?

Re: cl4d - OO wrapper for the OpenCL C API

2011-01-14 Thread Trass3r
Thanks! Note that bindings to the C API are included.
They are pretty much complete, I just haven't found a way yet to
organize extensions. If you've got an idea, just share it ;)

cl4d - OO wrapper for the OpenCL C API

2011-01-10 Thread Trass3r
Just wanted to let you know that cl4d is basically usable now.
Some things like OpenGL interoperability still need to be finished
though and of course it needs to be extensively tested for bugs.

Re: Interview with InformIT part 3/3

2010-08-25 Thread Trass3r
My impression from following the newsgroup was that no alternative  
compiler was even close to compiling D2. The LDC D2 status page says:  
D2 support is a stub and very experimental. Anyone interested to  
improve it (or LDC in general) is highly welcome. The last News item on  
the GDC page is from 2007.

He was referring to D1 support being closely behind dmd.
LDC2 is pretty much dead at the moment.
GDC2 is currently breaking the 2.020 wall:

Re: Mago Debugger

2010-08-24 Thread Trass3r

I'm working on my long term solution to testing on Windows XP:
setting up Windows 7 and the Windows XP Virtual PC image that it

You could also use
Nice, slim, heavily under development :)

Re: Mago Debugger

2010-08-23 Thread Trass3r
Still, I think it is a bit troublesome for people to build MaGo from  
source if they are not used to work with the Visual Studio  
Extensibility, so you should consider providing some precompiled  


Re: MatD - Matlab external interface bindings for D

2010-08-23 Thread Trass3r

 Here is (attachement) a translation of file mwdebug.h

Thanks for your work but unfortunately I already converted mwdebug.h in  
the first place. The reason why it isn't committed yet is these functions  
aren't provided by Matlab's dlls. mwdebug.cpp contains the implementation.
I want to handle this in a clever way together with solving another big  
Detouring of function calls is done via the C preprocessor. In fact the  
current code is most probably invalid in 64Bit environments since  
MX_COMPAT_32 isn't handled correctly yet.

I don't know if there is a way to handle all this without string mixins.

Some comments on your code:
- You need to use extern(C):, extern itself is equivalent to extern(D)
- Arrays are different in D, so mxArray*[] plhs becomes mxArray** plhs

since I don't know how to replace the C FILE structure.

import core.stdc.stdio;

Re: MatD - Matlab external interface bindings for D

2010-08-23 Thread Trass3r

I don't know if there is a way to handle all this without string mixins.

i.e. something along the lines of


 * Get pointer to dimension array
const(mwSize)* mxGetDimensions(const(mxArray)* pa);


and foo replaces the function defs with func(...){return func_730(...)}  
via RegEx replace if MX_COMPAT_32 is not defined and so on.

(IF RegEx works at compile-time)

Re: MatD - Matlab external interface bindings for D

2010-08-22 Thread Trass3r

 I am interested in using the MatD and mex files in D. Also, if
possible, to contribute.

Cool :)

 For the time being, I see that you are distributing a set of
win32 .lib with MatD. I tried to compile the mex examples you
provided in Linux 64 bit, but dmd failed to link, I think it is
because there is a 32 bit compiler (and the Matlab
librariest ec. are 64 bit).

Yeah, you need to create mex64 files for use with Matlab x64.
That's why I haven't tested it on Win64 yet.

 On the one hand, when compiling/linking against the libmex.lib and
libmx.lib files that you provided, a (correct) .dll file (or
a .mexw32 file) is generated, along with two other files called and arrayProduct.obj. This is just perfect, the .DLL
works and is recognized by Matlab (win32 bit) as a MEX file.

As Rainer already pointed out optlink only supports omf import libraries.  
I created them using implib.

MatD - Matlab external interface bindings for D

2010-08-16 Thread Trass3r

I've created some bindings to access Matlab's external interface from D,
i.e. manipulating .mat files, accessing the current workspace and creating  
.mex files.

Thought I'd share it:

Re: New debugger coming soon!

2010-08-09 Thread Trass3r
Part of the reason I wanted to make this debugger is that using cv2pdb,  
although a great tool that helped fill a need, means:
1. Relying on the built-in C++ debugger, which means you get a C++  
expression evaluator.

That sounds really good.

Re: Goldie v0.3 Release (Parser Library and Tools)

2010-07-25 Thread Trass3r

Nice work!
I'm curious, how does it handle the case of incremental development, i.e.  
gradually changing and enhancing the grammar?

Re: D/Objective-C Bridge still alive, now working on D2

2010-06-24 Thread Trass3r
How does it work? Could something similar be created for C++  
(automatically creating wrappers around C++ classes or whatever)?

Re: cv2pdb 0.12 released

2010-05-18 Thread Trass3r
Any plans for that? Just updated to VS2010 and don't have the old files  

Ah, thankfully they haven't been deleted after all.
It worked with copying the files you mentioned.

Nevertheless VS2010 support would be nice.

zlib 1.2.4 released

2010-04-13 Thread Trass3r

So the phobos module should be updated, shouldn't it?

Re: Do not use 2.041

2010-03-11 Thread Trass3r
I did use it, ddbg worked good (but always skipped over runtime  
functions, which is annoying when you are developing the runtime).  I  
hope that this problem eventually is solved.

Isn't ddbg totally abandoned?

Re: Do not use 2.041

2010-03-11 Thread Trass3r
stacktrace printout, there is a need for such things.  But I think  
exception tracing is coming, I think Tango already has it.

Tango has it since a long time. Makes me wonder why it hasn't been ported  
to druntime, I thought the runtimes are quite similar.

Re: Do not use 2.041

2010-03-11 Thread Trass3r
If a good debugger existed for dmd, you could determine the location,  
but I don't know of any good ones.  gdb doesn't do a very good job with  

On Windows cv2pdb + Visual Studio works pretty damn well for me. Can't  
compare it to gdb though, since I haven't used that yet.

Re: Do not use 2.041

2010-03-11 Thread Trass3r
Note to everyone, dmd 2.041 array allocation is broken (inadvertently by  
my array append patch).  You should not use this release.

Another big problem of the release is operator overloading.


2010-03-08 Thread Trass3r
 C:\Jpro\dpro\smallxfbuild xft.d
 Thread 1: compiling 1 modules
 Thread 0: compiling 0 modules
 Error: unrecognized switch '-deps=xft.moduleDeps'
 Build failed: dmd @xfbuild.1660e00.rsp returned 1

Yeah it still has its quirks. Feel free to contact the authors/file an 

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-08 Thread Trass3r
Is there a better way to use the new operator overloading than string mixins?

Also the following code strangely yields:
dsfml\system\vector2.d(47): Error: variable 
dsfml.system.vector2.Vector2!(float).Vector2.op only parameters or foreach 
declarations can be ref

/// element-wise operations, +, -, 
ref Vector2 opBinary(string op)(ref Vector2 v)
mixin(return Vector2!(T)( cast(T)(x  ~ op ~  v.x), cast(T)(y  ~ op 
~  v.y) ););

Removing ref from the return type makes it compile.

Furthermore the assignment operator seems to be rewritten as opBinary instead 
of opAssign as the docs state:

Vector2f_pos = Vector2f(0.f, 0.f);
Error: template instance opBinary!(=) matches more than one template 

This also shows another problem. It can't distinguish between these two:
Vector2 opBinary(string op)(ref Vector2 v)
if (op != *)
mixin(return Vector2!(T)( cast(T)(x  ~ op ~  v.x), cast(T)(y  ~ op 
~  v.y) ););

Vector2 opBinary(string op)(int i)
mixin(return Vector2!(T) ( cast(T)(x  ~ op ~  i), cast(T)(y  ~ op ~ 
 i) ););

even though vec1 + vec2 resp. vec + 5 is unambiguous.

Re: obj2asm

2010-03-08 Thread Trass3r
 obj2asm tells the tale. (obj2asm is an incredibly useful tool, I don't 
 know why nobody uses it.)

Maybe because it's not free (and not much advertised).
obconv also supports disassembling various object file formats + conversion 
between them and it's open source:

obj2asm might provide something fancy that objconv doesn't but its page doesn't 
show anything that would justify paying 10$.

Re: obj2asm

2010-03-08 Thread Trass3r
 The linux version comes in the zip right along side dmd.

Indeed. Even the OSX folder contains obj2asm. The windows version is missing.


2010-03-04 Thread Trass3r
I've been trying xfBuild and have now found that I can't write to the  
command prompt, and there doesn't seem to be any flag to activate to do  

Don't understand what you mean.


2010-03-04 Thread Trass3r
Maybe he is looking for a way to pass some custom arguments to DMD and  
couldn't find a way to do so via xfBuild?

compiler arguments are passed just as normal.


2010-03-03 Thread Trass3r

I'm not sure about compiling the latest csfml dlls.
Now I don't know what I'm doing :-/. Maybe later take another look.

Well DSFML is just a wrapper around CSFML (which in turn is a C wrapper  
around SFML :D but hell, there's no other way except a complete port)
So you need the CSFML shared libraries and since there are no prebuilt  
versions you need to compile them yourself. Works flawlessly with Visual  
Studio 2008 on Windows for me.


2010-03-02 Thread Trass3r
Tried bud, it compiled but it filled my command prompt window with  
errors when I tried running it. When trying to run it it came up with  
'not a Win32 program'. I tried using ReBuild, but it didn't even compile.

Btw, xfBuild is better.

My script simply looks like:

xfbuild main.d +obin\OpenBB-d -debug -g
cv2pdb -D2 bin\OpenBB-d.exe // for debugging

also be sure to properly compile the latest csfml dlls.
It seems like you can't use static CSFML libraries for this.

Re: D-IDE now has a debugger!

2010-01-22 Thread Trass3r

Great, but I can't run it in my win2000

There's no point in supporting Win2k these days anymore.

Re: GDC-newbies

2010-01-22 Thread Trass3r

There are some encoding problems:

Vincenzo Ampolo

I’ve been working with ldc for a long time


2010-01-13 Thread Trass3r

I've ported DSFML to the currently developed SFML v2.
It is included in its svn branch:

The packages system, window and graphics already work quite well. Audio  
package has been ported but the callbacks still need to be modified.

Supports D2. I tried to change as few as possible, so any tango-fetishist  
might get it to run by removing some const etc. and dealing with struct  


2010-01-13 Thread Trass3r

Ok, audio and network package compiles. Extensive tests are still due.


2010-01-13 Thread Trass3r

Yeah, sorry the correct repository is:

The one I posted before is just the web version.

Re: Descent, now with Open Type Hierarchy

2009-07-28 Thread Trass3r

Also the hover feature/Open Declaration sometimes behaves incorrectly.
Unfortunately I couldn't really track down its cause yet :(

Usually when hovering over a function call the ddoc output is correct.
Then holding shift to see the source suddenly shows another function. F3 
also jumps to that false one then.

Sometimes Open Declaration makes eclipse get stuck (where sometimes that 
extra window operation pending or whatever it was reading is opened, 
sometimes not)

Re: Descent, now with Open Type Hierarchy

2009-07-28 Thread Trass3r

Ary Borenszweig schrieb:

Please report these things into the bug tracket:

I'd have done that, if I had managed to narrow down the problem.

Re: Descent, now with Open Type Hierarchy

2009-07-27 Thread Trass3r

Descent seems to have some problems with multiline `` comments though.

void foo()

everything following the 2nd ` is highlighted incorrectly.
Or is it some configuration mistake?

Re: Descent, now with Open Type Hierarchy

2009-07-26 Thread Trass3r

Ary Borenszweig schrieb:
I just uploaded a new version of Descent that implements the Open Type 
Hierarchy funcionality. You can see a video of it here:

Works like a charm, thanks!

Re: Descent, now with Open Type Hierarchy

2009-07-26 Thread Trass3r

btw, would be very cool if the code formatter would also format pasted code!

VisualAssistX has this feature and it's a pleasure to use it, esp. if 
you use some code written by other guys with strange code style. I just 
cut the whole file, paste it again and voila it's nicely formatted ;)

Re: Descent with compile-time debug for testing

2009-06-06 Thread Trass3r

Ary Borenszweig schrieb:

That's ddbg working wrong, not Descent. :-P

Ah, damn so no way this gets fixed.
Debugging D is a pain :(

Re: Descent with compile-time debug for testing

2009-06-05 Thread Trass3r

Thanks for your hard work!

Are there plans to improve ddbg support?
I'm getting parser errors:

class goldengine.token.Token*[]
-Parser: (1:0): found [, expected Ident
input: [0]
lookahead: [
lexeme: \[
AST node stack:
Deref Cast Ident
LR stack:
 State 4 (1:1) 
Expr - Deref . Cast DotChain
Cast - .
 State 43 (1:1) 
Expr - Deref Cast . DotChain
Sign - .
 State 71 (1:1) 
DotChain - Ident . RefExpr
RefExpr - .
 State 47 (1:1) 
RefExpr - \. . Ident RefExpr


Re: Descent 0.5.5 released

2009-05-19 Thread Trass3r

Ary Borenszweig schrieb:
For this release Robert Fraser made an excelent addition: when compiling 
programs using an external tool such as dsss, rebuild, dmd, gdc, ldc, 
gdmd or bud, there are now links to the files in the console output for 
warnings and errors. I think this one was pretty requested. So say 
thanks to him! :-)

FINALLY! Yha. Many thanks to Robert!

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