Re: pfft 0.1

2012-07-20 Thread bearophile


I'm announcing the release of pfft, a fast FFT written in D.

Everything looks nice. Are you using "in", 
pure/nothrow/immutable/const enough?

Is it worth changing the Phobos API to something similar to this 


Re: pfft 0.1

2012-07-20 Thread bearophile


Are all your benchmarks done on a 64 bit system?

I think what Phobos does in
this case is wrong. The fact that one class works on all
floating point types results in very poor precision when
the data consists of doubles or reals. I guess that precomputed
tables are stored as floats. You could only fix that by saving
them as reals, but that would probably hurt performance quite
a lot. The fact that one instance can be used for multiple sizes
would be a problem if we wanted to change an implementation 

not all FFT implementation can use one precomputed table for
different data sizes.

If you are right and this is a problem, are Andrei and others 
accepting to change this little part of Phobos? If the answer is 
positive, are you interested in creating a GIT patch that changes 


Re: pfft 0.1

2012-07-24 Thread bearophile


I haven't talked to Andrei or others about changing it, but I am
willing to write a patch that changes the API, if it would be
decided that would be the best thing to do.

Given your willingness to work, and the days since you wrote 
that, maybe we have to write this little proposal again in the 
main D newsgroup.


Re: Pull freeze

2012-07-31 Thread bearophile

Jacob Carlborg:

You completely missed the point. The point was not which VCS we 
use, it was how we're using it.

Yeah, Walter has missed the point, but you aren't helping much. 
Why don't you give links that explain what a Git workflow is, in 
general? Or you explain the situation yourself.

This is not entry-level, so something simpler is probably needed:


Re: dmd 1.075 and 2.060 release

2012-08-02 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

Another big pile of bug fixes. More contributors than ever!

And there is the first step of this change too:


Re: 2.060 on reddit

2012-08-03 Thread bearophile


When are allocators going to be ready?

Direct experience shows me that once things are in Phobos, it's 
not easy to fix their interface/API. Andrei fears of breaking 
changes, so even small API improvements of Phobos stuff written 
last year are refused. See as example:

So Phobos stuff once created is almost set in stone. This means 
that in practice the Phobos APIs should be perfect on the first 
try. So better to not rush things, and do things right.


Re: gfm, kitchen-sink multimedia library

2012-08-16 Thread bearophile


Some of those things are at home in Phobos.

Maybe there are ways to improve this ucent mul (avoiding magic 
constants, using foreach, using size_t, maybe with asm too and 

else static if (op == "*")
uint[4] a = toParts();
uint[4] b = y.toParts();

this = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for(size_t j = 0; j < 4 - i; ++j)
this += self(cast(ulong)(a[i]) * b[j]) << (32 
* (i + j));



Re: NaNs Just Don't Get No Respect

2012-08-17 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

You have omitted the detail that double.nan !is double.init.

On a more general note, I know many professionals in other fields 
that never write small articles about what they are doing. So is 
it normal just for programmers to write (small) articles like 
this? I write them, and other programmers I know write similar 
things. Maybe to program you need (among other things) active 
linguistic centers in the brain :-)


Re: NaNs Just Don't Get No Respect

2012-08-17 Thread bearophile

F i L:

Why would it matter what is "normal"?

It matters to me because I am curious.

Why aren't my friends that work or study chemistry writing free 
small online articles like my programmer&CS friends do? Maybe 
it's systematic differences in their brain brain? Or it's just 
more easy to talk about coding compared to botany and chemistry 
and making engines? Or maybe programmers don't know what they are 
doing? Or maybe it's just I am not looking in the right places? 


Re: NaNs Just Don't Get No Respect

2012-08-18 Thread bearophile

F i L:

It's flawed because condition2 relies upon condition1 to

Some people suggest:

Regarding that Reddit thread in general, most people there seem 
quite ignorant about NaNs, so this little article was a small 


Re: NaNs Just Don't Get No Respect

2012-08-18 Thread bearophile
Another sub-thread that shows a very important thing, that's 


Re: NaNs Just Don't Get No Respect

2012-08-19 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

Oh come on. That's called a "user defined type."

This D code compiles and it throws an "Enforcement failed" 
Exception at runtime:

import std.typecons: Nullable;
void main() {
Nullable!int x;
int y = x;

With a different type system the compiler makes sure at 
compile-time that x is not empty (this means the compiler makes 
sure in no code paths x is used before testing it contains 
something), avoiding the run-time exception.


Re: NaNs Just Don't Get No Respect

2012-08-20 Thread bearophile

Peter Alexander:

It's tricky. The only way (that I'm aware of) to get it to 
return NaN is to explicitly test for NaN, introducing overhead 
that is unnecessary 99.9% of the time.

Unfortunately this is one of those situations where D's design 
goals of efficiency and safety are at odds. You can't have it 
both ways.

Few possibilities:
1) Add a second NaN-aware function pair nmax()/nmin();
2) Add a debug{} inside min()/max(), where NaNs are managed;
3) Introduce a if(version=NaNAware){} block inside the normal 
max()/min() and other Phobos functions, to be used when you want 
more NaN-correct results.

I prefer the third idea, but this probably requires a 
recompilation of Phobos.


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-08-21 Thread bearophile


I would like to share with you, Beta version of

At the moment gives a 403 error :-(


Re: Walter charms the audience at Sioux

2012-08-23 Thread bearophile

Andrei Alexandrescu:

At page 90 of the slides there is:

Coming Soon
Classic example: NonNull!(T)

We'll use it to see if it's good enough (and if for it some 
shorter syntax sugar is needed).

Validated data: Validated!(T)

What's this?

Maybe someone of the D community is willing to prettify Walter 
slides before he does the talks. I think this will help give D 
endavour and community a bit more professional/refined look.


Re: Walter charms the audience at Sioux

2012-08-23 Thread bearophile

Jonathan M Davis:

I'd expect that its lack of adoption is primarily a marketing 

For people to adopt D there are factors more important than 
marketing: lack of tools, vendors support, libraries, schools and 
courses, the presence of competing languages, people that don't 
want to learn another language, unwillingness in betting in a 
language created by a little group of people, frequency of bugs 
in D/compiler, unfinished feel of some part of the language, lack 
of lot of stuff in Phobos, etc.


Re: Walter charms the audience at Sioux

2012-08-23 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

I like the plain jane look, and do not think it is 

A part of me thinks the outlook of those slides is not 
"shiny-professional", just compare your slides with the first and 
last slides in that Pdf probably added by the conference 
organizers, with refined graphics, etc:

On the other hand I like that plain look myself :-) I love simple 
readable things, my slides look equally plain and simple.


Re: Social Influence on Language Adoption

2012-08-24 Thread bearophile

Andrei Alexandrescu:

Some people on Lambda the Ultimate have criticized the quality of 
the sources of the data, but despite those sources not looking 
the best, I think the data is acceptable:

One of the things said by the paper is:

Result 8. Curriculum matters more than college major in 
predicting which sorts of languages programmers know.
This result implies that adherents of a particular language 
family, such as functional or logic programming, should emphasize 
introducing developers to these concepts and languages while they 
are still in school. While developers may be willing to learn new 
languages throughout their career, they do not appear nearly so 
inclined to learn new paradigms.<

At the university closest to me I see many various CS teachers 
pushing hard for functional languages (but some courses require 
languages like C or even assembly). So maybe future students will 
be less willing to use imperative/OOP languages.


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-08-24 Thread bearophile


But I moved it by hand, seems to be working good again.

Thank you.

I have seen that some times it "loses" the selections: if I 
select a certain "Expiration" or "Others" I'd like it to keep the 
same choice in my successive pastes in the same session.


Re: Wrote a blog post about CTFE and D

2012-08-30 Thread bearophile

Danny Arends:

struct Coord(T : float){
  T[] d = [1.0, 0.0];

Maybe better ==>

struct Coord(T) if (isFloatingPoint!T) {
T[2] d = [1.0, 0.0];

(isFloatingPoint is in std.traits)


Re: OT: Speed reading

2012-08-30 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

Speed reading works fine when reading a bestseller novel. It's 
a complete failure at reading intellectually dense material.

But if the novel you have speed read was very good you have 
missed most of the enjoyment. It's like eating a very good 
traditional handmade ice cream: if you gulp it down in few 
seconds you miss most of the point of eating it :)

Better to read one good novel slowly and appreciate and 
understand it well, than quickly read three of them, and forget 
them in few weeks.


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-08-31 Thread bearophile


Thank you for your suggestions!


To send a paste both codepad and ideone use "Submit", I find that 
word more natural than the "Save" used by DPaste, because most 
times what I want is the code to run.

Also, my monitor has a largish font, so paste lines don't have 
too many columns. So have you tried to put the "Paste settings" 
on something like a horizontal ribbon at the top of the screen 
(like an actual program), and leave full width to the lines of 


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-08-31 Thread bearophile


I wanted to keep distinction between 2 different features:
Save - saving and (if checked) running code
Compile (for registered users) - running code without saving 
paste itself

Not sure if Submit won't clear that distinction

I see.

Would it be too much effort if I would ask for screenshot?

Probably it's better to show you a screenshot on IRC.

I could ensure that 120 characters fits in one row (when 
default font is used).

I probably use a little larger fonts, so there are less columns. 
Generally you can't design a site assuming everyone uses/sees the 
same font size.

See you,

Re: Yaw, Pitch and Roll with D 2.0

2012-08-31 Thread bearophile

Danny Arends:

Another post:

pure mat!(T)[3][] gen_rotationmatrices(T = float)(){

I suggest to write something like this (note the casing and other 

Mat!T[3][] genRotationMatrices(T = float)() pure {

tmp += mixin('A[i][k] '~op~' B[k][j]');

This seems OK, but it looks a bit convoluted. Maybe something 
like this works (untested):

tmp += A[i][k].opBinary!op(B[k][j]);

pure auto yaw(int deg){
   deg = degreeloop(deg);
   return cast(matrix)rmatrix[deg][YAW];

I suggest generally to try to avoid casts, where possible.


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-09-01 Thread bearophile
One problems I see is the "Raw" view shows me the code with no 
indentations at all (and in proportional font, this is not good).


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-09-02 Thread bearophile



Thank you for your suggestions!

The selection of "Comments allowed" seems to get lost still every 


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-09-02 Thread bearophile


What do you mean by proportional font?

A proportional font has character glyphs of different width, like 
Arial, where a "i" is takes less horizontal space than "W".


Re: Another go at the Next Big Language

2012-09-03 Thread bearophile

Michal Minich:

Hacker news discussion


An interesting quotation from the various threads:

The nbl doesn't exist yet. It has to make the mediocre corporate 
developer much more productive as java did over c++. Nothing can 
do that as of now. There are several technically superior 
languages compared to java but that isn't what is needed to be 
the nbl.<

Another quotation:

The next big language [...] it'll be something that builds 
profiling and unit testing and better source control support 
right into the language, compiler, and tools.<

That's interesting, but how do you add some source control 
support in a language? I remember only things like #region 
#endregion of C# that are for the IDE:


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-05 Thread bearophile

Benjamin Thaut:

But still in the GC version you have the problem that way to 
many parts of the language allocate and you don't event notice 
it when using the GC.

Maybe a compiler-enforced annotation for functions and modules is 
able to remove this problem in D.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-05 Thread bearophile

Benjamin Thaut:

Regardind your issues list, most of them are fixable, like the 
one regarding array literals, and even the one regarding the 
invariant handler.

But I didn't know about this, and I don't know how and if this is 

The new statement will not free any memory if the constructor 
throws a exception.<

Insights welcome.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-05 Thread bearophile

Iain Buclaw:

Most of the array allocation cases we are talking about are like:

void main() {
  int[3] a = [1, 2, 3]; // fixed size array

That currently produces, with DMD:

L0: sub ESP, 010h
mov EAX, offset FLAT:_D12TypeInfo_xAi6__initZ
push EBX
push 0Ch
push 3
push EAX
call near ptr __d_arrayliteralTX
add ESP, 8
mov EBX, EAX
mov dword ptr [EAX], 1
mov ECX, EBX
push EBX
lea EDX, 010h[ESP]
mov dword ptr 4[EBX], 2
mov dword ptr 8[EBX], 3
push EDX
call near ptr _memcpy
add ESP, 0Ch
xor EAX, EAX
pop EBX
add ESP, 010h

There is also the case for dynamic arrays:

void main() {
  int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
  // use a here

But this is a harder problem, to leave for later.

this infact caused many strange SEGV's in quite
a few of my programs  (most are parsers / interpreters, so 
things that

go down *heavy* nested into itself, and it was under these
circumstances that array literals on the stack would go corrupt 
in one

way or another causing *huge* errors in perfectly sound code).

Do you know the cause of such corruptions? maybe they are caused 
by other compiler bugs...

And what to do regarding those exceptions in constructors? :-)


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-05 Thread bearophile

Iain Buclaw:

I think it was mostly due to that you can't tell the difference
between array literals that are to be assigned to either 
dynamic or static arrays (as far as I can tell).

I see.

I do believe that the issues
surrounded dynamic arrays causing SEGVs, and not static  (I 
don't recall ever needing the use of a static array :-).

I use fixed size arrays all the time in D. Heap-allocated arrays 
are overused in D. They produce garbage and in lot of cases they 
are not needed. Using them a lot is sometimes a bad habit (if you 
are writing script-like programs they are OK), that's also 
encouraged by making them almost second-class citizens in Phobos 
(and druntime, using them as AA keys causes performance troubles).

If you take a look at Ada language you see how much 
static/stack-allocated arrays are used. In high performance code 
they help, and I'd like D programmers and Phobos devs to give 
them a little more consideration.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-05 Thread bearophile
If you take a look at Ada language you see how much 
static/stack-allocated arrays are used. In high performance 
code they help, and I'd like D programmers and Phobos devs to 
give them a little more consideration.

Also, the lack of variable length stack allocated arrays in D 
forces you to over-allocate, wasting stack space, or forces you 
to use alloca() that is bug-prone and makes things not easy if 
you need a multi dimensional array.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-05 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

I'd like it if you could add some instrumentation to see what 
accounts for the time difference. I presume they both use the 
same D source code.

Maybe that performance difference comes from the sum of some 
metric tons of different little optimizations done by the GCC 


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-06 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

No code gen changes whatsoever were needed.

In that case I think I didn't specify what subsystem of the D 
compiler was not "good enough", I have just shown a performance 
difference. The division was slow, regardless of the cause. This 
is what's important for the final C/D programmer, not if the 
cause is a badly written division routine, or a bad/missing 
optimization stage.

And regarding divisions, currently they are not optimized by dmd 
if divisors are small (like 10) and statically known.


Re: Epoll for D2

2012-09-08 Thread bearophile


In D enums are kind of (but not really) strongly typed, so 
writing them all in UPPERCASE is often a bad practice. So 
something more similar to this seems nicer: = | EpollEvents.hupx | 

epoll.add(int file_descriptor, ev);

Is this correct D syntax?


Re: Epoll for D2

2012-09-08 Thread bearophile

Adil Baig:

"are kind of (but not really) strongly typed" - I didnt know 
that. How?

D allows code like:

enum Foo { V1 = 10 }
void main() {
assert(Foo.V1 == 10);

But C++11 enums are strongly typed, and similar code is a 
compilation error:

enum class Foo { V1 = 10 };
int main() {
int b = Foo::V1 == 10;

Maybe Walter thinks that in similar cases forcing the usage of 
cast(int) introduces some risks that are not worth, so he has 
designed enums half-strongly typed. D contains several other 
equally mysterious design decisions :-)

See also:

I'm thinking
Events.* ; Events.IN, Events.HUP etc. Succinct and fairly 
obvious. Looks good?

What about, Events.hup, etc? :-)


Re: Epoll for D2

2012-09-08 Thread bearophile

What about,

"in" is a keyword... sorry.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-11 Thread bearophile


It's a bad solution imho. Monitoring the druntime and hunting 
every part that allocates until our codebase is correct like 
Benjamen Thaut is a much better solution

Why do you think such hunt is better than letting the compiler 
tell you what parts of your program have the side effects you 
want to avoid?


D @ ICFP 2012

2012-09-13 Thread bearophile
Kazuhiro Inaba ("Dark Integers" Team) has reached position 6 in 
the prestigious ICFP 2012, it's not bad:


Info on the contest and its results:

The winning entry was in C++, by "Frictionless Bananas" team:

The C++ code contains some interesting parts:

To represent multiple states efficiently, my program stores 
diffs between states. Only one full grid is stored at a time. 
Executing a robot command updates the grid and produces a diff 
that represents the changes needed to restore the previous 
state. Applying the diff will undo the changes and produce the 
opposite diff that can be used to redo the changes. An entire 
tree of states can be represented by storing each state as a 
diff from an earlier state in the tree. To improve the 
performance when reconstructing a desired state from diffs, 
several diffs can be merged together to produce a diff that will 
undo or redo several robot commands at once. My program merges 
diffs in such a way that n commands can be undone/redone by 
applying O(log n) diffs.<

To avoid the exponentially increasing size of the state space, 
states are grouped into buckets with similar characteristics. 
Only the first state to be reached in a given bucket is kept; 
other states in the same bucket are discarded and not explored 

The C++ code, it's nice, about 67 KB:


Re: Slides from LASER 2012

2012-09-20 Thread bearophile

Andrei Alexandrescu:

In particular, Martin has been quite impressed with our 
approach to purity and immutability. We are considering a 
collaboration with one of his students on a paper to formalize 
the approach and possibly adapt it to Scala.

Formalizing D purity is probably possible, but it already has 
many special cases, and few more are coming (see Bugzilla on 

Regarding cross pollination with Scala: despite I generally don't 
like lazy lists in high-performance code, in many other kinds of 
code they are very handy, as in Haskell, Perl6 and Scala (in 
Scala they are named purely functional lazy streams).

If you take a look at Python/Scala/C# code that generates values 
lazily, the Range-based version in D is sometimes several times 
longer, much more easy to get wrong, harder to write, etc.

This is Haskell code to test if just the leaves of two binary 
trees contain the same data, this code is lazy:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)

fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
fringe (Leaf x) = [x]
fringe (Node n1 n2) = fringe n1 ++ fringe n2

sameFringe :: (Eq a) => Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
sameFringe t1 t2 = fringe t1 == fringe t2

Doing the same thing in D, using ranges, is possible, but the 
code is ten times longer or more:

Similar code is possible in Scala (and in this case most of the 
saving of lines of code doesn't come from pattern matching and 
algebraic data types, but from the good support for lazy 
lists/streams). This kind of code is very common, even when you 
aren't coding in functional style.

So, these are the slides I've used (though of course they don't 
tell much of the story).

Thank you for the slides.
I hope we'll have the range-based min(), and argmin/argmax in 
Phobos :-)

At page 33:

auto m = s.argmin!((x) => x.length);

This isn't compiled with -property. So what's the right way to 
write D code?

In Python to avoid that lambda there is a len() global function, 
that just calls the __len__ attribute/property of collections and 
objects. So an equivalent Python version is:

auto m = s.argmin!len;


Re: Slides from LASER 2012

2012-09-20 Thread bearophile

Timon Gehr:

mixin ADT!q{ Tree(T): Leaf(T x), Node(Tree a, Tree b) };

DynRange!T fringe(T)(Tree!T t){
return t.match!(
(Leaf l) => cons(l.x, empty),
(Node n) => chain(n.a.fringe, n.b.fringe).dynRange,

bool sameFringe(T)(Tree!T t1, Tree!T t2){
return equal(t1.fringe, t2.fringe);

for suitable definitions of ADT, DynRange/dynRange, cons and 
empty.  So
those would be nice additions to Phobos. Obviously this would 
look even


mixin ADT!q{ Tree(T): Leaf(T x), Node(Tree a, Tree b) };

DynRange!T fringe(T)(Tree!T t) => t.match!(
(Leaf l) => cons(l.x, empty),
(Node n) => chain(n.a.fringe, n.b.fringe).dynRange,

bool sameFringe(T)(Tree!T t1, Tree!T t2) => t1.fringe == 

And thank you for the code example.


Re: Slides from LASER 2012

2012-09-20 Thread bearophile

Timon Gehr:

Formalising it is not hard,

I am not sure of this, given the amount of special cases it 
already has.

The number of lines equals the Haskell example in this case.
Interestingly, you have opened an enhancement request on this 
and then argued against it.

I am not against it, it's a nice syntax. But I think there are 
more useful things to change/add, like syntax to destructure 
tuples, that I need every 20 lines of code or so. When you put 
out many suggestions, I think it's important to specify what you 
think is more important and what's less important.

There is no 'right' way.

So we don't agree even on what we have to agree :-)

And having multiple correct ways to do something is often bad :-(


Re: Slides from LASER 2012

2012-09-20 Thread bearophile

Timon Gehr:

mixin ADT!q{ Tree(T): Leaf(T x), Node(Tree a, Tree b) };

DynRange!T fringe(T)(Tree!T t){
return t.match!(
(Leaf l) => cons(l.x, empty),
(Node n) => chain(n.a.fringe, n.b.fringe).dynRange,

bool sameFringe(T)(Tree!T t1, Tree!T t2){
return equal(t1.fringe, t2.fringe);

What's the purpose of the dynRange suffix here?
(Node n) => chain(n.a.fringe, n.b.fringe).dynRange

Maybe a "~" operator can be defined for such dynRanges, to avoid 
the chain().


Re: Slides from LASER 2012

2012-09-20 Thread bearophile

Timon Gehr:

chain has type Result. dynRange takes an arbitrary range and 
it into a range with the same value/vs reference behaviour 
whose static

type depends only on the element type.

I see. So that chain() is the normal chain of Phobos :-)

(But is DynRange a lazy stream/sequence? This is the most 
important thing, because creating an eager linked list is kind of 
easy already, and misses the main point of my "request".)


Re: D 1.076 Alpha for Windows 64 bits, works with VS 2010

2012-09-27 Thread bearophile

Mike Wey:

-m32 and -m64 ? i'ts what dmd uses on linux.

Are those usable on DMD-Windows64 too?


Re: Component Programming in D

2012-10-03 Thread bearophile


The article contains a bug due to the pernicious behaviour of 
seedless reduce.

Hopefully Walter will be able to fix the article.


Re: Remus

2012-10-07 Thread bearophile


 - Not null references
 - Stack instances (also known as scope instances)
 - Namespaces
 - Safe Null invocation

Planned further still: memoize for functions and methods as 
well as ref counted instances.

Similar efforts are useful almost as the Haskell GHC compiler 
extensions: to allow the community to try to use features not yet 
present in the language, to judge them better, allowing to 
understand if they are worth putting in the language, and trying 
few alternative implementation ideas looking for the best one of 

But to do this well, people need to understand such extensions 
very well. So instead of just offering the source code and one 
uncommented example, I suggest to explain each feature, why they 
are present, what design choices you have taken and why, and how 
to use them in some common cases, with few specific examples.

This will make your work useful for the development of the 
mainstream D too.


Re: Remus

2012-10-09 Thread bearophile


Not Null references:
I chose this syntax: int& b = a; because I like it in C++. This 
syntax is recognized by Remus and is converted to: Ref!(int) b 
= a;
If you must give a reference to a function or other things like 
that, you can write:

Foo obj = new Foo();
instead of
Foo obj = new Foo();
Foo& robj = obj;

This seems far from being well designed not-nullable 
pointers/class references :-(

Namespaces: You can declare a namespace this way:
namespace io {
void print() {
you _cannot_ use it without explicit "use" statement (will 
maybe change). So you must write
[code]use io;[/code] to use _all_ methods from "io", or, like 
import, [code]use io : print[/code] or [code]use io : write = 
"use" statements are converted to one or more alias' and 
namespaces to (mixin) templates.

But what are they useful for?

Stack Instances:
There aren't many words for: if you need a stack instance, 
write: local Foo f = new Foo(); it's more or less the same as 

scope was removed for certain reasons, are those reasons not 
valid for "local"?


Re: D1 & D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-14 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

Be the first kid on your block to build a dmd Win64 app!

The changelog section is not in good state, it misses parts and 


Re: Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.

2012-10-18 Thread bearophile
I suggest to compile with -g (or equivalent), to produce good 
stack traces.

Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-10-26 Thread bearophile

I use this GC thread to show a little GC-related benchmark.

A little Reddit thread about using memory more compactly in Java:

The relative blog post:

So I have written a D version, in my test I have reduced the 
amount of memory allocated (NUM_RECORDS = 10_000_000):

With this lower memory usage the D version it's more than twice 
faster than the compact Java version that uses the same 
NUM_RECORDS (0.5 seconds against 1.2 seconds each loop after the 
first two ones).

In D I have improved the loops, I have used an align() and a 
minimallyInitializedArray, this is not too much bad.

But in the main() I have also had to use a deprecated "delete", 
because otherwise the GC doesn't deallocate the arrays and the 
program burns all the memory (setting the array to null and using 
GC.collect() isn't enough). This is not good.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-10-26 Thread bearophile

Rob T:

Is this happening with dmd 2.060 as released?

I'm using 2.061alpha git head, but I guess the situation is the 
same with dmd 2.060. The code is linked in my post, so trying it 
is easy, it's one small module.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-10-27 Thread bearophile

But in the main() I have also had to use a deprecated "delete",

And setting trades.length to zero and then using on its 
ptr gives the same good result.


Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-10-27 Thread bearophile
And with the usual optimizations (struct splitting) coming from 
talking a look at the access patterns, the D code gets faster:


Re: Remus

2012-10-29 Thread bearophile


Not interested, huh? Funny, that I had not expected.

Maybe they appreciate more something that improves the life of 
regular D programmers. There are many possible ways to do that, 
like trying to design features that quite probably will be added 
to D, or trying library ideas that will become part of Phobos, 
trying new GC features, trying new Phobos modules, and so on and 

Otherwise you risk creating another Delight 
( ) that no one uses, it's just a 
waste of time for you too.


Re: Remus

2012-11-01 Thread bearophile


or other suggest other features that they would like
to see in remus. I look forward to suggestions. :)

There is a D problem that in my opinion is worth exploring. 
Usually I prefer const/immutable variables/collections, but there 
are several different situations where this is hard to do. In 
some cases to do this you even have to create a function in-place 
that is called in-place, that creates an array, returns it, and 
the result is assigned to const. There are other different 

One other case is at global scope:

immutable foo = bar + baz
where {
auto foo = ...;
auto baz = ...;


Re: Remus

2012-11-01 Thread bearophile


When did you use something like this?

Now and then :-)

In this case you could take a function that assign foo:

Usually in that case I use the module "static this". But the point

immutable foo;
void assignFoo() {
   string bar, barz; // ...
   foo = bar + baz;

or not?

That doesn't work because foo has no type, and because you can 
only initialize immutable global variables inside the "static 

But the main point of what I was saying is not that it's 
impossible to do some things, most times there is already some 
way to do it in D.

I was saying that the current ways to assign immutable 
values/collections is sometimes not handy in D. So Remus seems 
the right place to experiment several different ideas to improve 
those situations. A "where" is just one of the different 


Re: User Defined Attributes

2012-11-06 Thread bearophile
For the syntax maybe it's better something like @() instead of 
[], so it becomes more greppable and more easy to tell apart 
visually from the array literals:

@(1, "xx", Foo) int x;

Supporting annotations for function arguments is probably an 
important sub-feature.

Yesterday I was discussing about the bug-prone nature of foreach 
loops on a struct array, and one of the solutions I've suggested 
was a user-defined annotation for the programmer to denote that 
she wants to modify just the copy:

struct Foo {}
Foo[10] foos;
foreach (@copy f; foos) { ... }

With UDA syntax:

foreach ([Copy] f; foos) { ... }
foreach (@(Copy) f; foos) { ... }

But I think there's no way to tell the compiler to give a 
compile-time error if such annotation is not present there 
(unless there's "ref").


Gor Gyolchanyan:

@flags enum A { ... }

the "flags" attribute would replace the declaraction of A with 
another enum declaration with the same name and same members, 
but with replaced initialization and would static assert(false, 
"flags enum can't have initializers") if any initializers are 

I appreciate your idea (I think of user-defined attributes also 
as ways to extend the type system), But I know the engineer in 
Walter prefers extra-simple ideas, so maybe your idea will not be 
accepted :-) But let's see.


Re: User Defined Attributes

2012-11-06 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

First of all, assume I know how to use and abuse foreach in all 
the common and uncommon cases. So in this discussion we can 
assume we both know well enough what we are talking about. What I 
am discussing about is a real problem in real D code, a bug-prone 
characteristic of foreach. We may accept the situation like it 
is, and do nothing, or we may want to improve the situation. But 
this doesn't change the fact that there is a problem in the D 
design of foreach loops when you scan an array of structs. This 
problem is recognized by several other persons in the D 
community, it's not a creation of my mind.

That said, let me try again to explain the problem.

// Case3 (uncommon)
void main() {
auto data = [0, 1, 2, 3];
foreach (@copy x; data)

x is a value type, and it is already copied. And if you did 
want to copy it,

foreach (x; data)
{   auto copy = x;

I don't see what the annotation buys you, even if it could be 
made to work.

The point of Case3 is not that I want to copy it again. The 
annotation by itself buys you nothing. But he annotation is not 
meant to be the only change in D. There are two changes that need 
to happen at the same time:

Change1) Make this a compile-time error, this means if you write 
this code, the compiler refuses your code statically. So "x" 
despite not being const is like being const, because the compiler 
does not let you modify it inside the loop, if you try, it gives 
you an error (so maybe it's simpler to implement this Change1 
really as putting "const" on default on x even if you don't write 
"const" there. C# language is designed this way!):

auto data = [1, 2, 3];
foreach (x; data)
x++; // compilation error here

Change2) Introduce an annotation like @mutable to denote Case3 (I 
have replaced @copy with @mutable to make this explanation more 
clear for you, so maybe @mutable is really a better name for this 
idea). This means this is accepted, it's like saying that x is 
not const:

foreach (@mutable x; data)
writeln(++x); // OK

Why I have suggested this pair of changes? The only purpose of 
those two changes is to remove one bug-prone situation from D 

The situation is this:

struct Foo { int x; }
auto data = [Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(3)];
foreach (f; data)

What is the programmer trying to write there? Was she trying to 
change the structs inside data (Case2)? Or was she trying to 
modify just their copy (Case3)?

The problem is that usually programmers want Case1 or Case2, they 
most times do not want to write a Case3. But it's very easy to 
forget "ref". So the programmer wants to write a Case2 but often 
writes a Case3 by mistake.

The combined presence of Change1 and Change2 removes this source 
of errors. Because now if you forget "ref" the compiler refuses 
your code statically. If you want Case3 you add a @copy. In most 
cases you really meant to use a Case2 so you add "ref" and the D 
compiler has caught your bug!

If you were trying to write a Case1 you didn't put inside the 
loop code that modifies the struct, so the error of Change1 is 
not triggered and you need no @copy nor ref.

I have written probably 250_000+ lines of good-quality D1/D2 
code, and bugs like this are still present in my code, so I'd 
like to remove them from D once and for all:

struct Foo { int x; }
auto data = [Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(3)];
foreach (f; data)


Re: User Defined Attributes

2012-11-06 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

But I'm not sure at this point if that is the right thing to do.


[If you decide to restrict UDAs, then later it will be easy to 
extend them, it will not break code. While doing the opposite 
break code. It's you the one that has taught me to design things 
this way :-) ]


Re: Remus

2012-11-07 Thread bearophile
Another interesting possible feature for Remus: as the usage of 
immutable structs becomes more common in D code, it becomes more 
useful a syntax to create an updated struct. Similar syntax is 
present in F# and other functional languages.

struct Foo { int first, second, third; }
immutable f1 = Foo(10, 20, 30);

Current syntax:
immutable f2a = Foo(f1.first, 200, f1.third);

A possible syntax:
immutable f2b = Foo(f1 with second = 200);


Re: User Defined Attributes

2012-11-13 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

(I know this sub-discussion is a bit OT, but not too much, and I 
think it's not wasted time.)

But D does not require that. It's up to the programmer.<

Oh, but the use of "newtype" is not required in Haskell; 
programmers are free to use it, or to use normal basic types as 
Int, Integer, Double, etc. Probably newtype is not that useful in 
little programs. And even in larger programs it's better to not 
use it too much.

And the use of that "using" in a newtype is not standard Haskell, 
it's a GHC compiler extension to the language, that you have to 
ask with a compilation switch or an annotation inside the code. 
That "using" attached to a newtype allows you to both use a 
newtype like its base type (like the underlying Int), or to 
choose where the newtype must not do what its base type is able 
to do (this technically means what typeclasses it conforms to or 
not). I think D Typedef should allow something similar, despite D 
has no typeclasses. As an example, currently D Typedef is kind of 
useless if you want to use it to define a new array type.


Re: User Defined Attributes

2012-11-13 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

D's typedef is deprecated, as nobody could figure out what it 
was good for or properly define its semantics.

Look better, in both my last posts "Typedef" was 


Static typing, contracts, unit tests and more

2012-11-15 Thread bearophile
(Sorry for the duplicated post, I have realized it's better to 
show this here than D.learn)

Notes about some ways to write code and avoid some mistakes.


Re: [OT] Clang seems to implement modules

2012-11-17 Thread bearophile

Jacob Carlborg:

I just read the slides of a talk from that latest LLVM 
Developers' Meeting. It's a talk about modules by Doug Gregor 
from Apple. It seems that they already have started to 
implement this new feature in Clang.

It's from the conference I have recently linked two slide packs 
here. The slides you refer are:


Re: [OT] Clang seems to implement modules

2012-11-20 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

CTFE is still slow,

I don't agree. Given that what's run at compile-time is 
statically typed code that's easy to optimize, then with 
techniques that are simpler that ones used by LuaJIT CTFE or 
JavaScript V8 JIT (that work on dynamically tyed code, that 
requires lot of work to optimize well), it is able to become 
almost as fast as regular D code (such JITs compile only if a 
computation/loop takes a large enough amount of time, otherwise 
they interpret efficiently).


Re: Remus

2012-11-21 Thread bearophile


 - scope arrays: like static arrays,

I think they are fully implementable in library code. Maybe
Phobos Array already does that fully.

While Variable Length Arrays allocated on the heap can't be
implemented with a nice syntax in library code, so I think they
are more fit for a built-in implementation (but they need new
syntax and they are more complex to implement).

 - lazy const: Just a spontaneous idea: I have often variables, 
which aren't initialize in the CTor, but they are initialized 
only once, and then they should be constant. That isn't 
possible yet. Therefore I whish something like: lazy const var;

This is a quite common need, like when you want to perform a
costly computation only once. Maybe there is even an enhancement
request in Bugzilla.

I understand why this is named "lazy const" but this code is
currently accepted:

void foo(lazy const int x) {}
void main() {}

So to avoid confusion I suggest to give a different name to this
feature. One possibility is to use a new keyword, like a
"monoassignable" :-)

How did you implement this feature? If done well, with a good
enough name, it's even possible to make a pull request in the
main D compiler with just this feature.

 - And of course: not-null references. There is not much to 
say. Current syntax idea comes from C++: Foo& f = other_f;

Probably this requires far more design to be done well enough.

I suggest to write/adapt several small programs with your new
features (like from here:, and to try them to see
how useful they are.


Re: Remus

2012-11-21 Thread bearophile

While Variable Length Arrays allocated on the heap can't be

I meant stack, sorry.


Re: Remus

2012-11-21 Thread bearophile


I will write a struct and replace 'readonly ...' with an 
instance of ReadOnly!(...) ...


What do you mean with 'how useful'?

It means to try to use your feature(s) to rewrite/modify several 
of those little programs, and then take at how much frequently 
you use those new features, what advantages they give you, and so 
on. An usability experiment.


Re: Remus

2012-11-21 Thread bearophile


A short question: what ist your imagination of a perfect 
not-null references? What should they can do, how they should 
assigned? Only with (valid) lvalues, or even with rvalues? Tell 
me a bit of your thoughts.

I put some partial notes here:

See in particular:


Re: [OT] Three Optimization Tips for C++

2012-12-21 Thread bearophile

Andrei Alexandrescu:

I appreciate such slides and videos, thank you for sharing. But 
If possible I'd like a link to the slides in a place where I 
don't have to register to download them.

I have also just seen this other slides pack from Jordan DeLong, 
it is very interesting, it's about a topic that is usually 
regarded as one of the strongest points of functional languages 
(that is using types to "make illegal states unrepresentable"):


Re: Amber

2012-12-21 Thread bearophile

Lars Ivar Igesund:

Project page:

Seems a good idea to test some alternative designs, alternative 
features and alternative ideas.

What are the differences (present or planned) between D1 and 


Re: Amber

2012-12-23 Thread bearophile


Might be incomplete, but here is the start of a list:

Thank you for the link, it's an interesting list of differences. 
Some comments:

No comma expression

We have had some discussions to disallow the comma operator in D2 

No foreach_reverse.

I love foreach_reverse. It makes my code simpler and more 
readable, and avoids me some bugs.

Omitting override is an error.

This will happen in D2 too.

Array literals don't necessarily allocate, so auto a = [1, 2]; 
a[0] = 2; may segfault.

Do you mean cause stack overflow? Both Go and Rust languages 
avoid this in most cases using segmented stacks.

No C-style arrays

I'd like them to go in a state of perpetual deprecation, because 
they are handy when I port C code to D, but at the end, in later 
stages of the porting, I prefer to use only one style of array 
declarations in my code.

At least in D2 I'd like D to disallow mixing C style arrays with 
D style ones:

int[] c[5];


Re: Runtime code reloading in D, part 1

2012-12-30 Thread bearophile

Benjamin Thaut:

The pointer to the RTTI information for each member is a 
workaround for a strange bug I encountered. For POD structs the 
rtInfo template will be instancated, but for some reason you can 
not query the results at runtime. It is possible that the linker 
stripps the information away but I could not yet investigate 
this issue further. If I can not query the RTTI information at 
runtime I fallback to the RTTI info pointer stored in the “next” 
member of thMemberInfo.<

This seems one of the situations where knowing "why" is almost 
more important than "doing": understanding the cause, and maybe 
even fixing it, will help future D programmers.


Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-01 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

Is this link correct?


Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-01 Thread bearophile

In the D2 changelog the "Phobos Bugs Fixed" seems empty.

Also there are issues like this one that don't give enough info:

I think in the Changelog a little summary of the biggest changes 
("Release highlights") is useful to have.

Another useful thing for the changelog is like the "Porting to 
Python x.x" here:
It explains what needs to be modified in user code to use the new 
language release.


Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-02 Thread bearophile

Are you going to remove the D1 compiler parts of code in the D2
compiler source code? A leaner source base will help.

Also this transitional moment seems a good moment to rename the
".c" suffix of the frontend+backend C++ files to ".cpp" or
something like that.

I have to warn people that if they want to suddenly switch from
2.060 to 2.061 with no intermediate steps, probably some of their
code will break, and they will have to work to fix it.


Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-02 Thread bearophile

Jonathan M Davis:


Because the two numbers "2.060" and "2.061" look very very 
similar, so people that see them risk thinking they are just two 
nearly identical releases of the same compiler. But many months 
have passed between those two versions, many bugs have being 
removed, several features have being introduced, and so on (just 
look at the difference in the zip size between the two versions), 
so it's better for the users to be aware that some probably some 
user code will need to be fixed or improved to run on the 2.061.


Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-02 Thread bearophile

Jonathan M Davis:

And how is that any different from any other release?

How much time used to pass between two adjacent releases, in past?


Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release

2013-01-03 Thread bearophile


I still have code broken all over the place.

D2 is getting its corner case problems sorted out and fixed, but 
this still causes some breakage in user code. As more people use 
D2, issues are found, discussed and fixed, the breakages will get 
more and more uncommon.


Re: Runtime code reloading in D, part 1

2013-01-06 Thread bearophile

Benjamin Thaut:

In Summary it feels to me that GC free D is not important
to the community or the active contributors.

I think it will become more important for them, in future. At the 
moment the work is mostly on finishing immutability, purity, 
shared, and other parts of the core language, and working on 
process characteristics (like GIT workflows) that are needed to 
make everything else work efficiently.

they have nice productivity features like runtime code changing 
through the VM

Some of those productivity features are important, and despite D 
doesn't run on a virtual machine I think some of them can be 
added to D, once enough attention and work is given on them.


On Rust [OT]

2013-01-06 Thread bearophile

A good talk (it's short, 30 minutes long) about the Rust language:

It doesn't cover lot of stuff, just the essential things.


Re: On Rust [OT]

2013-01-06 Thread bearophile

The slides:


Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

2013-01-07 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

From the article:

if you only count the natively-compiled ones that could be used
instead of C++ and have a similarly looking code. D is the best
fit in this category, if not the only fit.1

There is also Rust.

if (!tmp) throw new Exception("Memory allocation failed");

The error for memory overflow isn't immediate to find.

The garbage collector in D isn't very fast and stops the
world (halts other threads).

A Rust GC doesn't need to stop more than one thread.


Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

2013-01-07 Thread bearophile


I had the impression that Rust was at embryonic stage

Beside reading/seeing some tutorials, blog posts and talks, I 
have used Rust only for little experiments, so I don't know a lot 
about it.

Compared to D it's less finished, but at version 0.5 most of its 
parts/syntax seems designed, and its compiler is self-hosted, so 
the language is already usable for largish experiments. At 
Mozilla there are several persons working on it.


Re: Announcement: "preapproved" tag added to bugzilla

2013-01-08 Thread bearophile

Andrei Alexandrescu:

We will follow later today with a preapproved enhancement 
request. (Of course, we will also preapprove enhancements 
written by others, too.)

I don't remember of other language communities doing this, but it 
seems a nice idea :-)


Re: Announcement: "preapproved" tag added to bugzilla

2013-01-09 Thread bearophile

Leandro Lucarella:

And given how D community works, seems to make more sense to put
"Improvement Proposals" in bugzilla directly. The only drawback 
I see on
this is maybe big improvement proposals get less visibility and 
are not

easily differentiable from minor enhancements or even bugs.

Let's see one of more of such pre-approved ER, and we'll see how 
much good this idea is in practice.

Regarding visibility, it's easy to write a page in the site that 
links to each one of them.


Re: DPaste is going down

2013-01-13 Thread bearophile


Costs of keeping Dpaste alive are a bit too high for pure 
student like me ;)

I guess you meant strongly pure student.
Is the asm generated lazily?

I will put Dpaste website and backend source code on Github 
soon, so if someone would like to pick up the project, be my 

Is it possible to put it in a subpage of the dlang site?


Re: DPaste is going down

2013-01-13 Thread bearophile


Not yet. Was on my todo list.
Asm was generated and saved do DB and then displayed in website 
on each request - but then I realized it was generating a bit 
too much transfer. But I will improve this before posting code 
on GH

Making it lazy will decrease the site costs.

An useful missing feature is a way to specify compilation 
switches (like -wi or -O or -inline). Sometimes I find compiler 
bugs that are triggered only by specific compilation switches 
(like -inline), and I was not able to try/see those errors on 

Be proud, you have created a small thing that people like, andmay 
be they will keep your work alive elsewhere.


Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

2013-01-15 Thread bearophile


or indentation (t)errors (Python)

In practice Python usually decreases the number of 
indentation-related bugs, even considering the "dangling else" 
warning we have added to D, because indentation and block nesting 
are the same thing, it's more DRY :-)


Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

2013-01-15 Thread bearophile


Thats so funny I forgot to laugh.

One common indentation-related bug is caused by relying on the 
indentation to understand code, while the curly brace language 
compiler ignores what you were seeing and only sees the braces. I 
have seen many cases of delayed code understanding caused by 
that. Making the syntax more DRY (this means stating the logical 
indentation using only one communication channel) helps avoid 
those mistakes (and reduces the visual noise, further helping 
code readability).


Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

2013-01-15 Thread bearophile


Nested for loops with if-statements can be hard on the eye in 
Python, because you have to go back an double check on which 
level you actually are

If you use the standard 4 spaces indentations and you don't have 
ten indentation levels this problem is not common. Some persons 
also avoid your problem with an editor that shows thin vertical 
lines every 4 spaces (but only where the lines are actually 
reaching that length).

and the fact that one missing white space (a typo after 
deleting a line) screws up the whole script is just annoying.

It's a small price to pay for increased code readability. And if 
I see one missing white space in D code, I fix it right now, so 
there is not a lot of difference.

The Python indentation terror is a peculiar personal preference 
enshrined in the language's syntax. It's simply not my style.

Curiously the Python significant syntax was the motive for me to 
start using Python in the first place, years ago. I was looking 
right for that, being fed up of begin-end, curly braces, and 
those code reading mistakes I was talking about.


Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-03 Thread bearophile

Paulo Pinto:

Source code is available at GitHub,

The code seems to miss the usage of contracts, foreach loops on 
numerical intervals, final switch, toString with sink, text() 
function, enum for compile-time constants, most const arguments, 
const on methods.

Generally when you see several projects with the same "utility", 
it often means it should be in Phobos. So maybe something like 
this should be in Phobos:


Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-03 Thread bearophile

Paulo Pinto:

More information on her blog,

I like the slides because they don't contain a page titled "Why 
D?" nor they talk about D:


Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-03 Thread bearophile


The code seems to miss the usage of contracts, foreach loops 
on numerical intervals, final switch, toString with sink, 
text() function, enum for compile-time constants, most const 
arguments, const on methods.

My experience tells me that this is probably a good idea if you 
don't want to run into weirdland.

Among those things I have listed, probably the only ones that 
give a little of troubles are const on methods.

The author has used asserts at the beginning of methods, outside 
a the pre-condition, this is silly. Not using foreach loops on 
numerical intervals is a waste of fingers and increases the risk 
of mistakes, final switches often help you, text() is shorter 
than to!string(), const arguments are usually handy to avoid some 
troubles and make function/method signatures more informative.


Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-03 Thread bearophile

Dejan Lekic:

In real projects people do the job as best as they
can at the moment,

But often there's also some need for:


Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-03 Thread bearophile

Nick Sabalausky:

Why is it silly? (Genuine question)

"Silly" wasn't the right word, sorry.

But generally if a language offers you a clean feature (D 
contract programming is designed clean enough) it's better to use 
it, when you clearly need it.

In D you can live without D contract programming, but is useful, 
and it's better to know it.

(I'd also like Phobos to replace most of its usages of enforce() 
with asserts inside contracts.)


Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-03 Thread bearophile

Peter Alexander:

I don't use D contracts, even though I use asserts.

I find that adding contracts bloats my code quite a lot, making 
it less readable.

real log(real x)
assert(x > 0);
return ...;


real log(real x)
assert(x > 0);
return ...;

As far as I'm aware there is no difference except when 
inheritance is involved, so it's an easy choice for me.

If you have to create some temporary values (or to perform some 
computation) for your asserts you probably want to put this code 
inside a {} to avoid such names to spill inside the body of the 

There are also post-conditions, that catch all the returns you 
have in your function, unlike free asserts.

There are also loop invariants, missing in D contract programming:

Also, a well designed language enforces pre and post conditions 
to not mutate values (this is an ongoing discussion in D: ), and offers 
you the "old" (prestate) feature only inside contracts (missing 
still in D contract programming). Contracts also make life a 
little simpler for static analysis tools (that aren't yet 
available in D).

So the better contract programming is implemented in a language 
(and its tools), the more useful it is compared to using free 


Karpov, Walter and D

2013-02-04 Thread bearophile
Maybe I missed this in the D newsgroups, "The D language comes to 
help" by Andrey Karpov, Walter Bright. Andrey Karpov takes the 
ten most common bugs found by his static analysis tool, and asks 
Walter how D faces each one of those ten classes of problems. The 
resulting text is interesting:

Below some comments about the text.


The unsigned<0 is usually a bug when it appears in top level 
code. However, it can legitimately appear as a boundary case 
inside of generic code.<

Then maybe it's possible to warn/error only about those 
comparisons that are _not_ inside a template.

It can also be used in code that tests if a type is unsigned, as 
in -(T)1<0. So I'm a bit uncomfortable in declaring it as always 

I think the idiomatic way to do that in D is isSigned!T.

I think making that "-(T)1<0" useless is a small price to pay. (I 
have found some signedness-related bugs in my D code converting 
pieces of it to C and compiling it with GCC with its 
signed-unsigned mixing warnings).

- - - - - - - - - -


I can't think of a case where this might be done legitimately. 
But it does take some decent data flow analysis to be sure there 
are no intervening modifications of buf.<

Is it worth doing that in D? Maybe the answer is positive.

(Rust (and other recent languages) avoids this problem in another 
way, using not nullabile pointers and introducing pattern 

- - - - - - - - - -

V501: it's a common bug. But I agree it's not easy to avoid it 
reliably in a compiler. That's why static analysis tools often 
return probabilities of errors, instead of just bad/good.

- - - - - - - - - -

V512/V579 and V557: some languages are able to avoid most of such 
problems using very refined type systems (dependent typing), but 
this adds a significant amount of complexity to both the language 
and to the programming. Maybe "liquid typing" is (will be) able 
to do it without an excessive amount of work for the programmer.

- - - - - - - - - -

V567/V610: I think there is some work left to do on this in D, 
but it's going to be fixed. Maybe there is no entry on that in 

- - - - - - - - - -

V597: this shows an example where a buffer is zeroed for security 
reasons, despite it's never used again by the user code (because 
it risks being used by external code).

Being able to remove dead assignments is a very important 
compiler optimization. They come up when instantiating generic 
code and inlining functions, and as the consequence of 
performing other optimizations. In C you should be able to force 
the dead assignment to happen by declaring the target to be 
volatile. The only way to force a dead assignment in D to happen 
is to write it using inline assembler.<

Using assembly to clear a buffer is possible, but it's not so 
elegant. Maybe it's possible to add an annotation to D, like 
@keep, to stop the optimizer from removing something that is 
desired. Maybe this is not too much hard to implement.

- - - - - - - - - -


Double assignment is a form of dead assignment, and my comment 
on it is the same as for (7).<

This case is very different from case V597. This is more similar 
to V501. This is a matter of spotting duplicated assignments, 
because they are sometimes bugs.

- - - - - - - - - -

V576: D has enough features to avoid this kind of bug, but 
currently it's not doing it: I think Phobos should add functions 
like writecfln!"%d %f(10, 5.5), to catch at compile-time a wrong 
formatting string. Someone has already partially implemented 
those functions in D.

- - - - - - - - - -


D does not have anything specific saying that a function's 
return value must be used. In my experience, return values that 
get ignored are often error codes, and D encourages the use of 
exceptions to indicate errors rather than error codes.<

GCC-C has a function attribute to warn against not using a 
function result. Adding a @use_result to D is an option, and 
maybe it's not too much hard to implement. But I agree it's not a 
very common need in D.

In one case I have written:


Instead of the correct:

arr = arr.delete(5);

Here not using the result of std.algorithm.delete is often a bug. 
But maybe it's not always a bug.

On the other hand a significant part of the computing world seems 
to go in the opposite direction, embracing JavaScript more and 
more, and (despite TypeScript) mostly ignoring all the care about 
the enforcement of static correctness:


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