Re: Reminder - DConf 2017 is May 4-6 !!

2017-01-10 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 7 January 2017 at 00:46:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's 2017 already - sharpen your pencils and start on a 
proposal for a presentation! Time is moving fast!

The Register, Schedule, Speakers, Venue and Contact links in the 
navigation of this website are broken (Not Found).

Re: Berlin D Meetup September 2016

2016-09-16 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 16 September 2016 at 20:32:46 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Friday, 16 September 2016 at 20:20:23 UTC, default0 wrote:

On Monday, 12 September 2016 at 17:26:25 UTC, Ben Palmer wrote:

Hi All,

The September Berlin D Meetup will be happening at 20:00 on 
Friday the 16th of September at Berlin Co-Op 
( on the fifth floor.

This month we will be having an open hackathon so feel free 
to bring along anything you are currently working on.

Sociomantic have come to the party once more and will be 
sponsoring food (including vegetarian options) and drinks 
(both alcoholic and non-alcoholic).

More details are available on the meetup page here:

Standing outside at entrance. Plane was late. There's a closed 
gate here where gmaps tells me this is.


Yes that is it.
But it is probably over by now.

Open Hackathon and shorter than 3h I'm surprised

Re: Berlin D Meetup September 2016

2016-09-16 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 12 September 2016 at 17:26:25 UTC, Ben Palmer wrote:

Hi All,

The September Berlin D Meetup will be happening at 20:00 on 
Friday the 16th of September at Berlin Co-Op ( 
on the fifth floor.

This month we will be having an open hackathon so feel free to 
bring along anything you are currently working on.

Sociomantic have come to the party once more and will be 
sponsoring food (including vegetarian options) and drinks (both 
alcoholic and non-alcoholic).

More details are available on the meetup page here:

Standing outside at entrance. Plane was late. There's a closed 
gate here where gmaps tells me this is.


Re: Release D 2.071.1

2016-06-30 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 30 June 2016 at 12:55:27 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 22:11:53 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.071.1.

LDC master is now also at 2.071.1.


I dare say you guys are awesome :o) Having those two frontends 
synced is really a big deal imho.

Re: Berlin D Meetup February 2016

2016-02-11 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 11 February 2016 at 17:09:40 UTC, Ben Palmer wrote:

Hi All,

The February Berlin D Meetup will be happening at 19:30 on 
Friday the 19th at Berlin Co-Op ( on the fifth 

This time Stefan Brus will be doing a talk titled "Intro to 
Game Development in D". The talk is intended to get you started 
with game development in D.

Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available.

Details are also on the meetup page here:


Will there be recordings of that talk? Cannot attend, but would 
like to see that talk :-)

Re: D Article: Memory Safety

2016-01-20 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 20 January 2016 at 14:04:53 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
The article aims to explain how to use @safe, @system and 
importantly, @trusted, including all the hairy details of 

Any and all feedback appreciated.

Nice article! Feeling like I have a much better grasp on the 
whole attribute system now that I read it, thanks! :-)

Re: Better docs for D (WIP)

2016-01-07 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 7 January 2016 at 13:31:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 1/6/16 1:54 AM, default0 wrote:
In the end most of this comes down to a lack of motivation: 
I'm fine
trying to improve documentation text if I see an issue about 
it, but if
that entails stopping what I was originally doing for so long 
that I
will possibly forget what I was originally doing (ie requires 
me to read
documentation on how to set up a whole new development 
environment), I

will usually decide that nah, it isn't THAT important.

Yeah, I empathize a lot. Adam's idea for using web forms for 
fixes is great.

Here's a simple idea we can implement rather quickly. Say a 
user is browsing and find a 
typo. They press a button labeled "Fix typo". That opens From there people can edit the source file to fix the typo and create a PR, all without leaving the browser or building the documentation.

If this is too heavy-handed, I think Adam's idea of web forms 
for simple changes is great. We could devise a simple web form 
in e.g. errata format a la "Replace this" ... "With this".

Would this improve the state of affairs? Creating the "Fix 
Typo" button is an easy project.


Something along those lines would certainly be very encouraging 
for making small changes here or there, as it removes much of the 
learning curve if all I want to do is suggest to change something.
That being said, the improvement would be marginal if most of 
these PRs end up not getting much attention. For instance, if 
what I'm doing is not fixing a typo but rephrasing two sentences, 
then the mentality of someone reviewing the PR should not be to 
simply say yes or no to the change, but to take it as a 
suggestion that ought to be thought about and possibly improved 
upon (with or without involvement of the original PR-creator). 
That is, the line of thinking should be "someone thought what was 
here originally could be phrased better/wasn't obvious enough 
about a certain aspect, why and how can we improve it?" given 
that his rephrasing is not satisfactory or up to quality 

All that aside, something small like this while being helpful 
does not address the issues of the documentation as a whole that 
Adam is also tackling (layout, navigation, inter-linking(!), 
pages to explain idioms/commonly used concepts) and having two 
"official" documentations (one being experimental, I take it) is 
also less than helpful for navigating around and with regards to 
these, I would defer to Adams reasoning behind why he chose to 
not improve on this as opposed to starting over since I am by no 
means involved enough with this to have my own opinion about how 
difficult it is to make these types of changes.

Re: Better docs for D (WIP)

2016-01-05 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 15:54:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 01/05/2016 10:15 AM, bachmeier wrote:
The problem is not that my PR was (for practical purposes) 
rejected. As
an academic I deal with both sides of peer review all the 
time. The
problem is that I was forced to put so much time into it just 
to make a

suggestion. With Adam's project, I can send him an email with a
suggested change, and he can do as he wishes with it. It will 
take two

minutes of my time.

I agree that the best aspect of Adam's system is Adam.


Yes, and because its lots of effort flowing into something that D 
is usually very fond of: Simplicity.
I remember looking at a part of the documentation and wanting to 
suggest a change of wording in a few sentences, since I felt like 
they didn't convey information clear enough, but after seeing 
that I would have to somehow best-guess my way through tons of 
macro syntax without clear indication on where to look for 
explanations of anything I bailed. Not about to spend half a day 
or a day to suggest changing three sentences and be told that 
they were fine as is. Sending Adam an E-Mail is something I 
totally would've done though :-)

Re: Better docs for D (WIP)

2015-12-30 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 30 December 2015 at 16:41:51 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
BTW wouldn't it be great if the compiler's error messages 
showed each level of pass/fail for those constraints? For the 
docs, I don't mind doing a few special case, hand written 
things, but the compiler needs something a bit more generic.

I think the way to code that is whenever the compiler is 
printing an expression that can convert to bool, color it based 
on the result, and do this through the whole tree from the 
bottom up.

Then the use could tell at a glance which parts succeeded and 
failed when reading the error message.

It'd be kinda nice if it showed the result of non-bool things 
too but that's going to be hard to do on a console without 
becoming a wall of text, even with whitespace formatting...

But the compiler will come later, for now I gotta do docs!

I was personally thinking that it can't be horribly difficult 
that given a function signature:

void foo(T)(T arg) if(constraintA!T && constraintB!T || 

That if this cannot be instantiated the compiler prints something 

"Candidate foo(T)(T arg) fails with (true && false || false)"
I sometimes found myself putting static 
assert(, "Result 
is blabla") and recompiling just to debug these :/

Re: DlangIDE - initial GDB debugger support

2015-12-21 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 21 December 2015 at 18:03:32 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:

On Sunday, 20 December 2015 at 13:53:33 UTC, default0 wrote:
This is quick progress! Awesome! I finally have some free time 
on my hands, so I deleted my workspace and tried to set things 
up following the How to hack on DlangIDE steps again. After 
doing that and trying to compile on Debug/Win32 I get output 
with a linker error:

Any help in somehow getting this all to build would be much 
appreciated. Oh and of course "dub run" works just fine.

For me, Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition + recent Visual D 
works ok.
Try to create some helloworld project using VisualD and build 
it. Does it work?

Clone dlangui and dlangide into the same directory (!!!)
Inside dlangui directory create directory /deps and clone 
dependencies into it (as described in readme).

Open dlangui/dlangui-msvc.sln
In workspace, select dlangide as a startup project.
Build dlangide.

As well you can try to build other projects (e.g. dmledit, 
tetris, example1) - does it work?

Simple Hello World project compiles and runs okay.

I did do that. My directory structure is like this:

Which I assume is what you are describing.
I just tried opening the setup I had from last time (ie 
dlangui-msvc.sln) and compile that (startup project set and all), 
now I get
OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : OUT
OPTLINK : Error 12: Number Overflow : 
Building Debug\dlangide.exe failed!

I'm starting to think that either my VS or VD installation is 
cursed (I recently reinstalled VS though, so that shouldn't be 
it, maybe VD? But it generally works and I do have the latest 
stable version of it).

I redid my setup again right now, though, but apparently the 
current master has some compiler errors:
src\dlangui\core\files.d(264): Error: cannot implicitly convert 
expression (lastSlash + 1LU) of type ulong to uint
src\dlangui\core\files.d(354): Error: cannot implicitly convert 
expression (start) of type ulong to uint.

After crudely fixing these with cast(uint) I got it to build 
So, something about my computer is definitely cursed (I ran the 
EXACT same commands as always - basically straight copy-paste 
from the Readme in DlangIDE and I didn't notice any changes to 
this file since I first did the setup).

Anyhow, it finally builds! \o/

Thanks a lot for the help and putting up with my incompetence at 
diagnosing issues through this, will probably start hacking away 
on things as time permits :-)

Re: DlangIDE - initial GDB debugger support

2015-12-20 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 18 December 2015 at 10:41:13 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:

On Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 08:27:05 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:

GDB support improvements: stack and local variables windows 

This is quick progress! Awesome! I finally have some free time on 
my hands, so I deleted my workspace and tried to set things up 
following the How to hack on DlangIDE steps again. After doing 
that and trying to compile on Debug/Win32 I get output with a 
linker error:

Building Debug\dlangide.exe...
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.00.23026.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: Datei 
"Debug\dlangide.obj,Debug\dlangide.exe,Debug\,C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\DCode\dlangui\Debug\dlangui.lib+" kann nicht geƶffnet werden.

Building Debug\dlangide.exe failed!

The dlangui project builds correctly btw (it's the only one in 
the solution that does).

If I change to Debug/x64 I get a popup from VS telling me that it 
couldn't find the right project to launch since there are no 
startup projects set (even though I did set DlangIDE as startup 
project and it shows). If I explicitly tell it to build dlangide 
(right-click the project > build) I get another linker error 
telling me it cannot open "phobos64.lib". I do have phobos64.lib 
in the normal directory it is in after installation (ie 
windows/lib64), but for some reason it doesn't pick up on that. I 
even tried setting PATH directly to it, but that also didn't help.

I started up ProcessMonitor and looked at where it was searching 
for phobos64.lib and the results were pretty worrying:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 


Where DCode\dlangide is obviously the path where I set things up. 
The rest seem to be things coming from automatic configuration VS 
has done at some point. I'm not sure how or where I can tell it 
to also look into my dmd installation paths.

Now instead of going for a proper fix I simply attempted copying 
the phobos64.lib to the dlangide directory just to see if this 
would get it to compile: Turns out it doesn't. When trying to 
compile like that, I get a popup saying

Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 1)

Is this an ICE? Is my Visual D installation broken (I did 
reinstall Visual D a few times by now already)? I'm using dmd 
2.069.2 which is the most recent version to my knowledge.

Pretty stumped about all of this and this looks a lot like 
something in my VS or VD setup is horribly broken (especially 
looking at the Win32 linker errors and the lack of properly 
configured search paths for phobos64.lib), but I'm not sure what 
exactly or how to go about fixing it/narrowing down the problem.

Any help in somehow getting this all to build would be much 
appreciated. Oh and of course "dub run" works just fine.

Re: DlangIDE update

2015-12-09 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at 05:47:07 UTC, Vadim Lopatin 

On Tuesday, 8 December 2015 at 18:18:29 UTC, default0 wrote:

Sweet! Glad you're back and working on this!
Was wanting to give it a shot, but typing } on my keyboard 
(german layout, right-alt + 0) did not actually insert the 
character into the opened document, so I gave up.
What is a platform? Linux with SDL? How do I reproduce it? 
Could you please submit a bug on github?

One of the things I did manage to try was putting a readln() 
into the standard hello-world-console-app preset. Turns out 
that it causes dlangide to hang up because it's not actually 
possible to have user input (or to configure dlangide to start 
the project separately so a regular console window appears). 
Killing the started process also was not possible since the 
respective option to stop debugging is still grayed out.
Input hangs because running currently is just invoking of `dub 
run` - with input and output redirected. Output is shown in IDE 
message log, but for input just nothing is sent.
I'm working on debugging, and as well will implement running 
apps w/o debugger with separate console.

Sounds good! When the typical edit-compile-debug cycle works this 
will probably already be enough to start using it for smaller 
projects :-)

I still haven't written much D code and my time is somewhat 
limited, but if there are simple tasks you need to get done, I 
would be glad to offer help!

It would be great.

Will be looking through GitHub and try to set DlangUI etc. up 
locally, too and see what I can do :-)

Here's to hoping this IDE will keep going and turn out well :-)
I think for programming language, it's big + to have native GUI 
library and IDE written in the same language. Adding Delphi 
style GUI builder could attract newbies.

Yeah, also has the advantage of being able to work on DlangIDE 
while using DlangIDE, once it's come along some ways.

Re: DlangIDE update

2015-12-09 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at 16:26:14 UTC, Vadim Lopatin 

On Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at 15:31:46 UTC, default0 wrote:
Looks like you have opened obsolete project.
Deps should be in dlangui/deps, not in dlangui/..
Probably, you have used old build instructions.
See at end of dlangide's
Open dlangui/dlangui-msvc.sln

I did open that solution (I even double checked I got the right 
one). So no, that's not it, I'm afraid :/

Re: DlangIDE update

2015-12-09 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce
I should mention that the dlangui\.. is some build artifact, too, 
the files are in dlangui\deps locally (it probably tries to 
shorten the path name?)

Re: DlangIDE update

2015-12-08 Thread default0 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 8 December 2015 at 15:58:43 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:


DlangIDE is getting close to usable.
DlangIDE is and IDE for D programming language written in D 
using DlangUI library.

Sweet! Glad you're back and working on this!
Was wanting to give it a shot, but typing } on my keyboard 
(german layout, right-alt + 0) did not actually insert the 
character into the opened document, so I gave up.
Most of the UI stuff looks really neat (especially like the 
directory structure preview when creating a new 
project/workspace), but obviously still needs a lot of work (you 
cannot drag dialogs around, fe).
One of the things I did manage to try was putting a readln() into 
the standard hello-world-console-app preset. Turns out that it 
causes dlangide to hang up because it's not actually possible to 
have user input (or to configure dlangide to start the project 
separately so a regular console window appears). Killing the 
started process also was not possible since the respective option 
to stop debugging is still grayed out.

From the looks of it, this is very promising though. I like the 
Workspace layout and the general feel of the IDE (very 
responsive, very clean) and it all kind of makes me wish it 
wouldn already have enough features (especially debugging!) to be 
a viable option.

I still haven't written much D code and my time is somewhat 
limited, but if there are simple tasks you need to get done, I 
would be glad to offer help!

Here's to hoping this IDE will keep going and turn out well :-)