Re: DlangIDE v0.8.0 released

2017-09-26 Thread puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 26 September 2017 at 15:20:54 UTC, Vadim Lopatin 

New DlangIDE version is released.

Prebuilt win32 binaries are available on

Milestone 0.8 is reached.
List of 56 issues closed in this milestone:

As well, many DlangUI changes were implemented for some of 
DlangIDE features.

Thank you for everyone who reported issues / sent PRs and 
feature requests.

Now I'm considering DlangIDE as mostly usable.

Thanks for the new release!

Just checked the windows version and it works well.

waiting for the vim mode support 
(  to switch it as 
my main IDE.

Re: New Diet template engine almost complete, ready for comments

2016-07-26 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at 05:54:39 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 26.07.2016 um 05:22 schrieb Puming:


A real runtime solution would require a D runtime interpreter 
or JIT compiler. There would be an alternative solution based 
on compiling each template to a shared library and then 
dynamically recompiling/reloading those as required, but that 
currently doesn't work due to the alias parameter based 
interface of render!(...).

However, what should work well is a combination of and - I'll 
merge the latter one into vibe.d master today. It will require 
to store session information and similar things in an external 
store, and on Linux the Gold linker should be used for speed, 
but then it should be almost as good as a runtime solution.

Thanks!Shared lib reloading is good. Looking forward to it fully 
working :-)

Re: New Diet template engine almost complete, ready for comments

2016-07-25 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 25 July 2016 at 09:29:38 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
The Diet template language is aimed at providing a way to 
define procedurally generated HTML/XML pages (or other output 
formats), with minimal visual noise. Syntax and feature set are 
heavily inspired by Jade , but instead 
of JavaScript, all expressions and statements are D statements, 
and everything that can be done at compile-time is done at 


A feature I want the most for Diet is the ability to parse Diet 
templates at RUNTIME instead of compile time with a switch, 
similar to Regex/CtRegex.

In this way one can do quick turnarounds in dev mode, tweaking 
little corners of the pages, and then when a page is finished, it 
can be switched to compile mode for faster render time.

Do you think this is feasible?

Re: Command line utilities for tab-separated value files

2016-04-13 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 17:21:58 UTC, Jon D wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 17:01:33 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 16:34:16 UTC, Jon D wrote:


You don't need to put anything on path to run utils from dub 
packages. `dub run` will take care of setting necessary 
envionment (without messing with the system):

dub fetch package_with_apps
dub run package_with_apps:app1 --flags args

These are command line utilities, along the lines of unix 
'cut', 'grep', etc, intended to be used as part of unix 
pipeline. It'd be less convenient to be invoking them via dub. 
They really should be on the path themselves.


if dub supports something like:

dub deploy

and you can specifiy some dir like '/usr/bin/' in the dub.sdl,

it would be great

Re: Command line utilities for tab-separated value files

2016-04-13 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 16:34:16 UTC, Jon D wrote:

Thanks Rory, Puming. I'll look into this and see how best to 
make it fit. I'm realizing also there's one additional 
capability it'd be nice to have in dub for tools like this, 
which in an option to install the executables somewhere that 
can be easily be put on the path. Still, even without this 
there'd be benefit to having them fetched via dub.


Well, you can do that:

In the subpackage dub.sdl, add targetPath:

 name "app1"
 targetType "executable"
 targetPath "../bin/"
 dependency "myapp:common" version="*"

Re: Command line utilities for tab-separated value files

2016-04-12 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 07:17:05 UTC, Jon D wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 06:22:55 UTC, Puming wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 00:50:24 UTC, Jon D wrote:

Hi all,

I've open sourced a set of command line utilities for 
manipulating tab-separated value files. They are 
complementary to traditional unix tools like cut, grep, etc. 
They're useful for manipulating large data files. I use them 
when prepping files for R and similar tools. These tools were 
part of my 'explore D' programming exercises.


Interesting, I have large csv files, and this lib will be 
Can you put it onto so that we could use it 
with dub?

I'd certainly like to make it available via dub, but I wasn't 
sure how to set it up. There are two issues. One is that the 
package builds multiple executables, which dub doesn't seem to 
support easily. More problematic is that quite a bit of the 
test suite is run against the executables, which I could 
automate using make, but didn't see how to do it with dub.

If there are suggestions for setting this up in dub that'd be 
great. An example project doing something similar would be 
really helpful.


Here is what I know of it, using subPackages:

Say you have a project named myapp, and you need three 
executables, app1, app2, app3, they all depend on a common code 
base, which you name it common.

Using dub, you can have a parent project myapp, that does nothing 
but is a container of the three apps and their common code.

dub.sdl in myapp dir:

name "myapp"

dependency ":common" version="*"
subPackage "./common/"

dependency ":app1" version="*"
subPackage "./app1/"

dependency ":app2" version="*"
subPackage "./app2/"

dependency ":app3" version="*"
subPackage "./app3/"

the comma in dependency name ":common" is equal to "myapp:common"

now use `dub init common` and the like to create subdirectories.

change dub.sdl in the subdirectory common so that it becomes a 
library type:

name "common"

targetType "library"


change dub.sdl in myapp* subdirectories to depend on common:

name "app1"
targetType "executable"

dependency "myapp:common" version="*"

note here you need to add root project name "myapp:common".

Then you should register your whole project into the local dub 
repo, so that subpackages can find its dependencies when building:

in the project root directory:

dub add-local .

Now you can build each executable with:

dub build :app1
dub build :app2
dub build :app3

Unfortunately dub does not build all sub packages at once when 
you dub in the root directory.

But I think there might be a better way to handle multiple 

Re: Command line utilities for tab-separated value files

2016-04-12 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 00:50:24 UTC, Jon D wrote:

Hi all,

I've open sourced a set of command line utilities for 
manipulating tab-separated value files. They are complementary 
to traditional unix tools like cut, grep, etc. They're useful 
for manipulating large data files. I use them when prepping 
files for R and similar tools. These tools were part of my 
'explore D' programming exercises.


Interesting, I have large csv files, and this lib will be useful.
Can you put it onto so that we could use it with 

Re: Release D 2.071.0

2016-04-06 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 5 April 2016 at 22:43:05 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.071.0.

This release fixes many long-standing issues with imports and 
the module

See the changelog for more details.


Thanks! upgraded to the new version at work.

Re: Vision for the first semester of 2016

2016-01-29 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 29 January 2016 at 23:41:47 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

Yep, a curated list like those awesome-lists found on github 
would be a start.

I've got one before there were many awesome-lists:

Re: Vision for the first semester of 2016

2016-01-24 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 January 2016 at 02:37:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Hot off the press! -- Andrei

For PRs, I suggest the goal to be number of PRs MERGED instead of 
created. That may provide the core team a subconsious incentive 
to look at long pending PRs and hit a good cycle.

For tooling, I suggest a look at GUI/IDEs, now that 
dlangui/dlangide seems a good candidate(native D, crossplatform). 
A good official supported GUI library will attract many people.

Re: Vision for the first semester of 2016

2016-01-24 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 January 2016 at 03:49:56 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 25/01/16 4:21 PM, Puming wrote:
On Monday, 25 January 2016 at 02:37:40 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
Hot off the press! -- 

For PRs, I suggest the goal to be number of PRs MERGED instead 
created. That may provide the core team a subconsious 
incentive to look

at long pending PRs and hit a good cycle.

For tooling, I suggest a look at GUI/IDEs, now that 
seems a good candidate(native D, crossplatform). A good 

supported GUI library will attract many people.

That won't be happening anytime soon.
Until we have image and windowing in Phobos (I'm working on 
both) there is no way a GUI toolkit is going in. And from what 
I know there will be a LOT of work to update it.

Well I'm not saying that a GUI toolkit should go into Phobos.
I'd rather it stand alone, while taking some official support, 
say, link in D frontpage(like visualD).

Re: Vision for the first semester of 2016

2016-01-24 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 January 2016 at 05:50:34 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

I want us to hold off on that as well.

I agree that we need a more solid base.

I want people to really have a go with making GUI toolkits in D 
without the worry about how to do the cross platformy technical 

Is dlangui a good start on this?

We just don't know what could be done yet and I'm looking 
forward to finding out.

I think improving dlangide will give us many opportunities for 
what a good D native GUI library needs.

Re: Programming in D – Tutorial and Reference

2015-08-30 Thread puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 28 August 2015 at 22:58:30 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:

On Friday, 28 August 2015 at 22:42:00 UTC, sigod wrote:

Actual link:

I think Walter didn't post the direct link because the referrer 
impacts the voting algorithm. So, please don't use the direct 

Can we post a text without link and people could copy/paste the 
address? Will HN check that also?

Awesome-D, and an invitation to you awesome guys

2014-08-10 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce


I'm maintaining this awesome-d list similar to other 
awesome-stuff lists on github, for keeping a hook on interesting 
D related links.

At first it was only for my personal use, but recently I got some 
ideas about it that could potentially contribute to the 
community, so here I am making this little announcement and 
invating all you awesome guys to help me :-)

The ideas are:

1. Awesome-People list that made D awesome.
2. A relation network on github projects

First one is about the awesome people, that is you guys. I've 
been lurking in this forum for many years (dating back to D1 
days). But only recently, after watching the great dconf videos, 
have I realized that it is the awesome people that makes the 
language/ecosystem awesome. I want to know you. And I think the 
new comers of D would also like to know you, each one of you 
great guys who made a library/tool that make their programming 
life a better place.

For lack of information and for the respect of privacy, currently 
I have only listed Walter and Andrei on the list, But I'd really 
like to know about other people here, like kenji the great bug 
killing machie always in the shadow, or bearophile who studied an 
endless list of languages and exploded bugzilla, and many other.

For privacy, I think it's best that only the descriptions 
provided by people themselves or really related people should be 
allowed, or at least a permission is acquired by the person. 
(Sorry Walter and Andrei, I haven't asked for your permissions. 
But you're the stars and public faces here :-), privacy for you 
is a past).

I think people would be interesting to know who you are, what 
have you done, what do you think about D and it's future, what 
are you interesting, etc. Maybe an interview is a better option, 
but I don't know how to do that here. Do you guys have any ideas?

For the second stuff, after I made the awesome-d list, the 
awesome-awesome list maintainer made a pull request to add mine 
to his list and connect. Then I found a list of awesome-c, 
awesome-clojure, and all other awesome lists:

which is very interesting and a good way to find information.

So the similar idea came to me: Why don't try to build a network 
about D stuff? D libs are scattered even in github--you don't 
have a good way to search for the libs you're interested in.

Now we have, but it is also a one way list. 
Ideally it would be two way: if a person bumped into one of the D 
projects, and in the project there is a link that says enlisted 
on, then he can easily go to and 
see what other interesting, related projects their are.
This is very similar to what for me on github does, it makes a 

Of couse, what I want to have is also enlisted on awesome-d. Do 
you project maintainers think it's good?

One last request for help: You might noticed that I'm not a 
native english speaker, so there are many grammar or style 
problems in the awesome-d list, if you find any, please help me 
fix it.

Best Regards.


Re: Awesome-D, and an invitation to you awesome guys

2014-08-10 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

I forgot to note about, and here it is:

I knew we have maintained a library list on, 
actually I made several links to it in awesome-d. But why should 
I create this separate list on github? After some thinking, I 
justified it with the following reasons:

1. It is more personal and customizable. Every one can fork their 
own list and only keep things they're interested in. It is more 

2. For github users, especially new comers in D, 
are an external
link, and a github page is more familiar and welcome. It is very 
easy to 'star'
a github page, compared to go to and find the 
list. This also applies to the homepage and is also the 
reason why python\ruby also has a github awesome-list.

3. Its easier to contribute. Although this might not seem 
obvious, but I've seem that when D goes into github, the 
contribution got a big boost. People tend to contribute on github 
more than if it is in a private code repo. I think similar things 
apply for awesome-list vs wiki.

3. awesome-d joins the awesome-awesome list and would be more 
discoverable than in github. this 'awesome' thing 
is already familiar to people.

4. we can make a bidirectional link network on github to 
advertise for good libraries.

So this list is only a companion to's list.

I hope it's useful.

Of cause, it would be better we make a official awesome-d list on 
D-Programming-Language's github page.

On Sunday, 10 August 2014 at 09:28:48 UTC, Puming wrote:


I'm maintaining this awesome-d list similar to other 
awesome-stuff lists on github, for keeping a hook on 
interesting D related links.

At first it was only for my personal use, but recently I got 
some ideas about it that could potentially contribute to the 
community, so here I am making this little announcement and 
invating all you awesome guys to help me :-)

The ideas are:

1. Awesome-People list that made D awesome.
2. A relation network on github projects

First one is about the awesome people, that is you guys. I've 
been lurking in this forum for many years (dating back to D1 
days). But only recently, after watching the great dconf 
videos, have I realized that it is the awesome people that 
makes the language/ecosystem awesome. I want to know you. And I 
think the new comers of D would also like to know you, each one 
of you great guys who made a library/tool that make their 
programming life a better place.

For lack of information and for the respect of privacy, 
currently I have only listed Walter and Andrei on the list, But I'd 
really like to know about other people here, like kenji the 
great bug killing machie always in the shadow, or bearophile 
who studied an endless list of languages and exploded bugzilla, 
and many other.

For privacy, I think it's best that only the descriptions 
provided by people themselves or really related people should 
be allowed, or at least a permission is acquired by the person. 
(Sorry Walter and Andrei, I haven't asked for your permissions. 
But you're the stars and public faces here :-), privacy for you 
is a past).

I think people would be interesting to know who you are, what 
have you done, what do you think about D and it's future, what 
are you interesting, etc. Maybe an interview is a better 
option, but I don't know how to do that here. Do you guys have 
any ideas?

For the second stuff, after I made the awesome-d list, the 
awesome-awesome list maintainer made a pull request to add mine 
to his list and connect. Then I found a list of awesome-c, 
awesome-clojure, and all other awesome lists:

which is very interesting and a good way to find information.

So the similar idea came to me: Why don't try to build a 
network about D stuff? D libs are scattered even in github--you 
don't have a good way to search for the libs you're interested 

Now we have, but it is also a one way list. 
Ideally it would be two way: if a person bumped into one of the 
D projects, and in the project there is a link that says 
enlisted on, then he can easily go to and see what other interesting, related projects 
their are.
This is very similar to what for me on github does, it makes 
a network.

Of couse, what I want to have is also enlisted on awesome-d. 
Do you project maintainers think it's good?

One last request for help: You might noticed that I'm not a 
native english speaker, so there are many grammar or style 
problems in the awesome-d list, if you find any, please help me 
fix it.

Best Regards.


Re: Awesome-D, and an invitation to you awesome guys

2014-08-10 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 10 August 2014 at 10:01:58 UTC, NCrashed wrote:

On Sunday, 10 August 2014 at 09:28:48 UTC, Puming wrote:


I'm maintaining this awesome-d list similar to other 
awesome-stuff lists on github, for keeping a hook on 
interesting D related links.

At first it was only for my personal use, but recently I got 
some ideas about it that could potentially contribute to the 
community, so here I am making this little announcement and 
invating all you awesome guys to help me :-)

The ideas are:

1. Awesome-People list that made D awesome.
2. A relation network on github projects

First one is about the awesome people, that is you guys. I've 
been lurking in this forum for many years (dating back to D1 
days). But only recently, after watching the great dconf 
videos, have I realized that it is the awesome people that 
makes the language/ecosystem awesome. I want to know you. And 
I think the new comers of D would also like to know you, each 
one of you great guys who made a library/tool that make their 
programming life a better place.

For lack of information and for the respect of privacy, 
currently I have only listed Walter and Andrei on the list, But I'd 
really like to know about other people here, like kenji the 
great bug killing machie always in the shadow, or bearophile 
who studied an endless list of languages and exploded 
bugzilla, and many other.

For privacy, I think it's best that only the descriptions 
provided by people themselves or really related people should 
be allowed, or at least a permission is acquired by the 
person. (Sorry Walter and Andrei, I haven't asked for your 
permissions. But you're the stars and public faces here :-), 
privacy for you is a past).

I think people would be interesting to know who you are, what 
have you done, what do you think about D and it's future, what 
are you interesting, etc. Maybe an interview is a better 
option, but I don't know how to do that here. Do you guys have 
any ideas?

For the second stuff, after I made the awesome-d list, the 
awesome-awesome list maintainer made a pull request to add 
mine to his list and connect. Then I found a list of 
awesome-c, awesome-clojure, and all other awesome lists:

which is very interesting and a good way to find information.

So the similar idea came to me: Why don't try to build a 
network about D stuff? D libs are scattered even in 
github--you don't have a good way to search for the libs 
you're interested in.

Now we have, but it is also a one way list. 
Ideally it would be two way: if a person bumped into one of 
the D projects, and in the project there is a link that says 
enlisted on, then he can easily go to and see what other interesting, related 
projects their are.
This is very similar to what for me on github does, it makes 
a network.

Of couse, what I want to have is also enlisted on awesome-d. 
Do you project maintainers think it's good?

One last request for help: You might noticed that I'm not a 
native english speaker, so there are many grammar or style 
problems in the awesome-d list, if you find any, please help 
me fix it.

Best Regards.


I like the idea to collect useful links, but more useful to 
collect all info on single portal. Integrate wiki, dlang,, bugtracker, add some github integration via its 
api - dreams, the only dreams.

Wow, that is an interesting idea. And that page should be put on 
the first page of :-)

Re: DConf 2014: Adam D Ruppe's amazing slideless talk on x86 Bare Metal and Custom Runtime Programming

2014-07-18 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
I've added an indirect link to my awesome-d github page where 
your book is listed:

But don't know whether that would be filtered also.

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 19:29:44 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 18:48:11 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
You may have been shadow banned. You should contact some 
reddit admins.

It doesn't seem to be my account itself, just that link. 
Someone else says they tried posting it too but I can't see it, 
I think reddit just doesn't like the link.

Re: DConf 2014 Day 2 Talk 4: Reducing D Bugs by Vladimir Panteleev

2014-07-10 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 16:23:46 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On 7/9/14, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote: (please find and vote 

Just paste the URL with some randomness in it and people can 

copy-paste it themselves, this search  hunt think is silly.


if the problem is because of referer url, then you don't even 
have to insert characters, just remove the 'https://' part and 
leave a plain text their and let people copypaste, most browsers 
will add the protocol automatically(except only IE?).

this may be ok:

Re: Smile, you're on Wired

2014-07-08 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
Awesome! Look at the 90% of upvotes and people all asking 
constuctive and fun questions :-)

On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 at 14:29:31 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

The reddit response is really positive too it looks like, cool.

Re: Smile, you're on Wired

2014-07-07 Thread Puming via Digitalmars-d-announce
I see in the comments that talks about sociomantic's talk on 

can you upload and publish it today?

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 17:49:39 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 7/7/14, 10:16 AM, Tourist wrote:
On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 16:06:45 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 


Does the story resemble reality? What's Enki?

Yes, Cade Metz (the author) did a real good job at doing his 
research and validating it with Walter, myself, and others. 
Enki is the working name of a language I was working on in 2005.
