Re: Metaprogramming in D : Some Real-world Examples

2009-11-13 Thread rmcguire
Bill Baxter  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Walter Bright
>  wrote:
>> Looks like Bill Baxter is giving a presentation on D Nov. 18!
> Yep, that's right, and I'd be quite grateful to you smart folks here
> if you could share your meta-programming favorites with me!   If
> you've got a real-world example of meta-programming in D that you
> think is particularly handy, then please send it my way
> I'm looking for small-but-useful things that are easy to explain, and
> make something easier than it would be otherwise.  Things like places
> where static if can save your butt,  or loop unrolling,  and passing
> code snippets to functions like in std.algorithm.
> Things like a compile-time raytracer or regexp parser (though quite
> cool!) are not what I'm after.  Too involved for a short talk.
> --bb

I've use the code below to generate wrappers for my hessian serialization 

its not all absolutely necessary but is only 130 lines.

import std.stdio;
import std.typetuple;
import std.traits;
import std.metastrings;

string[] splitFuncs(string str) {
    string[] res;
    while (str.length > 0) {
    while (str.length > 0 && (' ' == str[0] || ',' == str[0])) {
    str = str[1..$];
    int to = 0;
    for (; to < str.length && str[to] != ' ' && str[to] != ','; ++to) {}
    if (to > 0) {
    res ~= str[];
    str = str[to..$];
    return res;

string MethodTypeTuple_mixin(alias a)(string[] methods) {
string ret = "TypeTuple!("~ "typeof(&C.init."~methods[0]~")";
foreach (method; methods[1..$]) {
ret ~= ",typeof(&C.init."~method~")";
ret ~= ")";
return ret;

// test case

class A {
int a;
this(int a) {
this.a = a;
int getInt(string intname) {
return a;

void setInt(int i) {
a = i;
string getString(string s) {
return s ~"1234";

string ProxyMethods_mixin(alias C, string methodstr)() {
string ret;
foreach(i, t; mixin(MethodTypeTuple_mixin!(C)(splitFuncs(methodstr {
// output function header
ret ~= "\t"~ReturnType!(t).stringof ~" "~ 
// output first arg
ret ~= ParameterTypeTuple!(t)[0].stringof~" arg";
// output remainder of args
foreach (j, t1; ParameterTypeTuple!(t)[1..$]) { 
ret ~= ","~t1.stringof~" 
// output body
ret ~= ") {\n";
// output serialization code
// send method name
ret ~= "\t\twritefln(\"serialize docall id\"); // the method 
call byte 
ret ~= 
"\t\t//serialize!(string)(\""~splitFuncs(methodstr)[i]~"\"); /+ 
the method name +/\n";
// send args
ret ~= "\t\t//serialize!("~ 
(arg); /+ the first argument +/\n";
foreach (j, t1; ParameterTypeTuple!(t)[1..$]) {
ret ~= "\t\t//serialize!("~ t1.stringof 
~")(arg"~ToString!(j)~"); /
+ argument "~ToString!(j)~" +/\n";
// receive return type
static if (!is(ReturnType!(t) == void)) {
pragma(msg, "WARNING: this will always result in Range 
due to no real data. THIS IS JUST A DEMO");
pragma(msg, "\t\t need to implement the actual 
ret ~= "\t\t//return deserialize!("~ 
ReturnType!(t).stringof ~")
// this is just here to make it still compile even 
though I've 
commented out the real deserialize return above
static if (is(ReturnType!(t) == int)) {
ret ~= "\t\treturn 0;\n";
} else {
ret ~= "\t\treturn \"\";\n";
ret ~= "\t}\n";
return ret;

string ProxyClass_mixin(alias C, string methodstr)() {
string ret = "new class { ubyte[] buffer;\n";
ret ~= ProxyMethods_mixin!(C, methodstr)();
ret ~= "}\n";
pragma(msg, MethodTypeTuple_mixin!(C)(splitFuncs(methodstr)));

return ret;

class ProxyClass(alias C, string methodstr) {
ubyte[] buffer;
this() { }

/+ void serialize(T)(T value) {
T deserialize(T)() {
static if (is(T==int)) {
return 1;
} else
return "asdf";
} +/

void main() {

Re: dmd 1.050 and 2.035 release

2009-10-16 Thread rmcguire
Walter Bright  wrote:
> digited wrote:
>> So you don't mind that Tango is still uncompilable with 1.050 because of 
> I didn't know that. The bugzilla number which was posted as the reason 
> it wouldn't compile was fixed.

Hi Walter,

could you not just put rc1, rc2, etc... at the end of the file names when you
upload to server.
This way we could tell if the release has been tested by the community, and you 
wouldn't have to change your release process much? Unless of course if it is all
