Hi folks,

Yesterday's first DLang/Silicon Valley Meetup was really nice. We've had three talks (even I talked in spite of having a really hoarse voice following a cold) and we've made a number of important plans and decisions going forward.

Vic Cekvenich, the initiator of the meetup, was ousted following political infighting and replaced by Ali Çehreli. I'm kidding - but only partially! Vic is the busy CEO of http://apakau.com (btw: they're hiring) and he wanted someone else to take the operations of the meetup. Ali graciously accepted the role. Vic will continue providing venue for the meetups, which is no small feat - the room we were in today would ordinarily rent for $2000. Vic used his karma with http://sv.tie.org to get the room for free. (Aside from the fact it could have doubled for a fridge, the venue was really nice.) Many thanks to Vic and TiE!

BTW Vic is a great guy to talk to. He has that uncanny ability of entrepreneurs to move things forward with each sentence he utters. A good contrast with the Infinite Bickering(tm) that seems to be sometimes going on in our forums. Vic provided a few very interesting high-level ideas for D that we plan to bring up for review soon.

Anyhow, the long and short of it is we've started with the right foot with DLang/Silicon Valley. We're waiting for the president to state the frequency and usual meeting days and times, etc.

If you're in the area, join us! Stay tuned for more announcements.


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