Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-09 Thread Peter Alexander
Trying to write a bit more about D on my blog now. To start, I've 
written about a proof-of-concept range-based API for graph search.


I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on the design. As we don't 
yet have a graph library for D, it would be interesting to 
discuss APIs in general.


Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-09 Thread bearophile

Peter Alexander:


I'd like to see the usage of a not implicit graph.

Regarding this line:

static d(string a, string b) { return zip(a, b).count!"a[0] != 
a[1]"; }

An alternative:

enum dist = (in string s, in string s2) pure =>
s1.zip(s2).count!(ab => ab[0] != ab[1]);

It's a use case for some tuple unpacking syntax:

enum dist = (in string s1, in string s2) pure =>
s1.zip(s2).count!(@{a, b} => a != b);


Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-09 Thread qznc
On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 22:04:16 UTC, Peter Alexander 
Trying to write a bit more about D on my blog now. To start, 
I've written about a proof-of-concept range-based API for graph 


I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on the design. As we don't 
yet have a graph library for D, it would be interesting to 
discuss APIs in general.


I was thinking about something like this myself. Your code and 
your compositional examples are nicer than I expected something 
like this to turn out.

For the visitation API design: Your map approach (bool[Vertex] 
m_visited) is probably the most generic one.

A variant, where the nodes store the flag internally is more 
efficient, though.
Since you do not want to walk the whole graph to reset the flag, 
a counter is more appropriate for multiple walks. You (or the 
graph data structure) must remember the current flag count. So 
the basic idea is: A vertex contains a counter/flag initialized 
with zero. On visiting it, the counter is increased to a the 
global value. Visit can be checked by comparing it to a global 

Maybe a special vertex interface check could be used similar to 

template isFlaggedVertex(R)
enum bool isFlaggedVertex = is(typeof(
(inout int = 0)
int global_value = 1;
R v = void; // can define a 
vertex object
if (r.is_visited(global_value)) {}  // can test for 

r.mark_visited(global_value);   // can mark as visited

Depending on this check, the search functions could use internal 
or external visit mechanisms.

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-09 Thread Peter Alexander

On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 22:54:11 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Peter Alexander:


I'd like to see the usage of a not implicit graph.

There is a crude example in the unit test in the file.

You could actually create an non-implicit graph using 

auto adjacencyLists[nVerts] = [...];
auto graph = implicitGraph!(int, i => adjList[i]);

Regarding this line:

static d(string a, string b) { return zip(a, b).count!"a[0] != 
a[1]"; }

An alternative:

enum dist = (in string s, in string s2) pure =>
s1.zip(s2).count!(ab => ab[0] != ab[1]);

True, I tried to make it as short as possible so it fit on one 
line in my blog :-)

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-10 Thread extrawurst
On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 22:04:16 UTC, Peter Alexander 
Trying to write a bit more about D on my blog now. To start, 
I've written about a proof-of-concept range-based API for graph 


I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on the design. As we don't 
yet have a graph library for D, it would be interesting to 
discuss APIs in general.


Put it on reddit:

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-10 Thread John Colvin
On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 22:04:16 UTC, Peter Alexander 
Trying to write a bit more about D on my blog now. To start, 
I've written about a proof-of-concept range-based API for graph 


I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on the design. As we don't 
yet have a graph library for D, it would be interesting to 
discuss APIs in general.


Nice :)

I presume you are aware of https://github.com/WebDrake/Dgraph

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-10 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 11:07:13 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

Nice :)

I presume you are aware of https://github.com/WebDrake/Dgraph

Good inspiration for me to get back to work on that :-)

@Peter -- this is really exciting to see and I will be looking 
into your work with great interest.  Let me know if there is any 
overlap in our projects that we can make use of.  At first glance 
(I'm in the midst of house-moves right now so can't give your 
code the attention it deserves immediately:-) it is interesting 
to see how our algorithms and problems of interest have resulted 
in different design concerns.

We should definitely try and set up some mutual coding challenges 
to try and test scalability, performance etc. :-)

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-10 Thread Timon Gehr

On 01/09/2014 11:04 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:

Trying to write a bit more about D on my blog now. To start, I've
written about a proof-of-concept range-based API for graph search.


I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on the design.

I like the general direction.

One issue with the API is that it does not deal with graphs with more 
than one edge between two given vertices very well. I think it'd need a 
separate edge abstraction. (Formally, a graph is just a pair of sets 
(V,E) with two functions from E to V giving you start and end vertex of 
an edge.)

A graph search can have more properties than just the sequence of 
visited edges, so maybe it is not a range, but just provides a range. 
(And maybe also a range of events, usable instead of callbacks, maybe a 
DFS tree etc.)

Allocation of memory for visited flags and the like should be 
controllable. Maybe the design should even allow using persistent data 
structures for storing visited flags, such that the search range can be 
used as a value type / forward range.

As we don't yet have
a graph library for D, it would be interesting to discuss APIs in general.


Probably it would be worthwhile to explore a design that is similar to 
Phobos ranges at some level. I.e. support kinds of graphs with different 
capabilities. (Eg. your implicitGraph cannot enumerate all vertices or 
edges that are present in the Graph. The least capable graph kind 
reasonably supported might not even be able to quickly report all 
adjacent edges to a vertex. Some graphs may allow in-place mutation 
etc.) Then provide some explicit representations with high capabilities 
and helper functions to convert certain representations to (more) 
explicit representations. (similar to constructing eg. an array from a 
range.) Constructions on graphs would then return implicit representations.

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-11 Thread Philippe Sigaud
> Trying to write a bit more about D on my blog now. To start, I've written
> about a proof-of-concept range-based API for graph search.
> http://poita.org/2014/01/09/range-based-graph-search-in-d.html
> I'd greatly appreciate any feedback on the design. As we don't yet have a
> graph library for D, it would be interesting to discuss APIs in general.

I really like it, very elegant! Certain lines brought a smile to my
lips :-) (using anonymous functions as graph parameters, for example).
Much more elegant than my own graph code :)

You wanted suggestions, here are a few. They come from my use of
graphs: not so much as search-based, but as a way to store and modify
'relationships' (call graphs, import graphs) or to use them as support
for state machines.

* I sometimes have to use graphs with more than just `weight` on edges
(names as strings, chars, for example for a state machine, etc). Do
you think you could extend your design to allow parameterization on
edges? Of course, to use the search algorithms, the user should
provide an way to get a priority from the edges. Or any user-defined
type could be used, ideally, as long as it provides a way to get a

* I'd like a way to map on a graph (keeping the edge structure, but
changing the nodes contents). I know I can map on your search result,
but 1) I want a graph after mapping, not a range and 2) I don't want
to search, I want to affect all nodes.

* I'd like a way to iterate seeing only edges, not nodes.

* I'd like a way to concatenate/link different graphs (a bit like
chain for ranges). I sometimes have graphs that are assembled from
many different small graphs, bottom-up style. Typically, if you
assemble automata (from regexes, for example), you do it bottom-up.

* Of course, I'd like a way to build a graph from nothing, putting
nodes and then edges in them.

* I sometimes need to extract some global information from a graph:
number of nodes, number of edges, etc.

* Does you design allow for backward iteration? (I mean, inverting the
edges). Some graph algorithms ask for this kind of magic.

* Getting strongly connected components is a very interesting algorithm to have.

* you should define some template constraints on your types
(Graph...), but I understand they can be added later on.

Re-reading my suggestions, I see they would push your code toward my
own attempts :-) I guess I'm biased.

I have some (years old!) code in there:

As for my (age old) vision on graph iteration, here it is:


But yet again, nothing as elegant as your own code.

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-11 Thread Peter Alexander

On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 22:53:02 UTC, qznc wrote:
For the visitation API design: Your map approach (bool[Vertex] 
m_visited) is probably the most generic one.

A variant, where the nodes store the flag internally is more 
efficient, though.

Unless the graph is infinite ;-)

But yes, for most graphs that would likely be more efficient than 
a hash lookup. I'll keep note of that. Thanks!

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-11 Thread Peter Alexander
On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 18:26:15 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:

On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 11:07:13 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

Nice :)

I presume you are aware of https://github.com/WebDrake/Dgraph

Good inspiration for me to get back to work on that :-)

@Peter -- this is really exciting to see and I will be looking 
into your work with great interest.  Let me know if there is 
any overlap in our projects that we can make use of.  At first 
glance (I'm in the midst of house-moves right now so can't give 
your code the attention it deserves immediately:-) it is 
interesting to see how our algorithms and problems of interest 
have resulted in different design concerns.

We should definitely try and set up some mutual coding 
challenges to try and test scalability, performance etc. :-)

I'm currently only in the exploratory phase, trying to iron out a 
simple but flexible API. Hard to say if there is or will be any 
overlap at this time. However, assuming both our designs are as 
generic as they hope to be, they should all be interoperable 
(perhaps with a bit of adaptation/forwarding)!

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-19 Thread Peter Alexander

On Saturday, 11 January 2014 at 03:53:28 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
One issue with the API is that it does not deal with graphs 
with more than one edge between two given vertices very well. I 
think it'd need a separate edge abstraction. (Formally, a graph 
is just a pair of sets (V,E) with two functions from E to V 
giving you start and end vertex of an edge.)

I was thinking of changing the adjacency list to return a range 
of edges instead. That may solve the problem. It also solves the 
problem of the edgeWeight API being inefficient for certain graph 
data structures.

A graph search can have more properties than just the sequence 
of visited edges, so maybe it is not a range, but just provides 
a range. (And maybe also a range of events, usable instead of 
callbacks, maybe a DFS tree etc.)

A range of events would be interesting. You could then get a 
range of different events by filtering:

graph.depthFirstSearchEvents(start).filter!(e => e.type == 
Event.node).map!(e => e.node);


Allocation of memory for visited flags and the like should be 
controllable. Maybe the design should even allow using 
persistent data structures for storing visited flags, such that 
the search range can be used as a value type / forward range.

Absolutely. I'm leaving things like memory allocation API until 
later and focussing on the general usability and flexibility.

Probably it would be worthwhile to explore a design that is 
similar to Phobos ranges at some level. I.e. support kinds of 
graphs with different capabilities. (Eg. your implicitGraph 
cannot enumerate all vertices or edges that are present in the 
Graph. The least capable graph kind reasonably supported might 
not even be able to quickly report all adjacent edges to a 
vertex. Some graphs may allow in-place mutation etc.) Then
provide some explicit representations with high capabilities 
and helper functions to convert certain representations to 
(more) explicit representations. (similar to constructing eg. 
an array from a range.) Constructions on graphs would then 
return implicit representations.

Yah, I only implemented implicit graph first due to it's simple 
representation. It's mainly useful for infinite graphs like game 
trees and works well for some other simple graph types, but 
certainly there will be a need for other types of graph 
(adjacency matrices, edge lists, adjacency lists, etc.)

It's also a very minimal graph type, which is useful for testing 
a generic API. I want the algorithms to require only as much as 
necessary from the graph representation. If users have to 
construct large graph data type with many mandatory member 
functions then I would be unhappy.

Thanks for all the feedback.

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-19 Thread Peter Alexander
On Saturday, 11 January 2014 at 09:11:45 UTC, Philippe Sigaud 
* I sometimes have to use graphs with more than just `weight` 
on edges
(names as strings, chars, for example for a state machine, 
etc). Do
you think you could extend your design to allow 
parameterization on

edges? Of course, to use the search algorithms, the user should
provide an way to get a priority from the edges. Or any 
type could be used, ideally, as long as it provides a way to 
get a


Yes, I think this should be possible. I think I will allow 
arbitrary edge types so the user can attach whatever information 
they like, and then these can be retrieved through an edge event 
visitation of the graph.

* I'd like a way to map on a graph (keeping the edge structure, 
changing the nodes contents). I know I can map on your search 
but 1) I want a graph after mapping, not a range and 2) I don't 

to search, I want to affect all nodes.

Interesting. I think that should be possible if you provide some 
sort of adaptor on the graph that modifies the result of the 
"adjacent" function.

* I'd like a way to iterate seeing only edges, not nodes.

Yes, I think I will change the search range to be a range of 
events, which will include edges taken and vertices visited among 
other things. You can then filter the events to only see edge 
events if you wish.

* I'd like a way to concatenate/link different graphs (a bit 
chain for ranges). I sometimes have graphs that are assembled 

many different small graphs, bottom-up style. Typically, if you
assemble automata (from regexes, for example), you do it 

Should be possible, but I think that would be up to the user to 
do the combination. They just need to provide the correct API.

* Of course, I'd like a way to build a graph from nothing, 

nodes and then edges in them.

Yep, I'll add some real graph data structures later :-)  I 
understand implicit graphs aren't everything!

* I sometimes need to extract some global information from a 

number of nodes, number of edges, etc.

Any graph that can provide that would be free to do so.

* Does you design allow for backward iteration? (I mean, 
inverting the

edges). Some graph algorithms ask for this kind of magic.

True. Implicit graph would struggle to provide that, but other 
graphs would be able to provide "incidentEdges" as part of the 
API (easy for adjacency matrix for example).

* Getting strongly connected components is a very interesting 
algorithm to have.

Absolutely, I'll likely move onto connected components and graph 
flow next.

* you should define some template constraints on your types
(Graph...), but I understand they can be added later on.

Yeah, it's not very robust at the moment, just experimental :-)   
I find adding constraints early just gets in the way of 

Re-reading my suggestions, I see they would push your code 
toward my

own attempts :-) I guess I'm biased.

I have some (years old!) code in there:

As for my (age old) vision on graph iteration, here it is:


But yet again, nothing as elegant as your own code.

Thank you for the feedback. I will have a look at your code for 

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-21 Thread Tove
On Saturday, 11 January 2014 at 09:51:57 UTC, Peter Alexander 

On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 22:53:02 UTC, qznc wrote:
For the visitation API design: Your map approach (bool[Vertex] 
m_visited) is probably the most generic one.

A variant, where the nodes store the flag internally is more 
efficient, though.

Unless the graph is infinite ;-)

But yes, for most graphs that would likely be more efficient 
than a hash lookup. I'll keep note of that. Thanks!

I love the design, only some few minor tweaks needed(as already 
highlighted in this thread).

Even without any changes, it fits my current needs and I'd like 
to use it already, am I right in assuming that it's Boost 