Interfaces based on TypeTuple?

2013-12-25 Thread Øivind
How can I achieve something like the following? I want to create 
a class B that has all the interfaces of the class passed as a 
template parameter.

import std.trats;

interface I0 {}
interface I1 {}

class A : I0, I1 {}

class B!C : InterfacesTuple!C {}

void main() {
B!A a;  

Re: Interfaces based on TypeTuple?

2013-12-25 Thread Øivind

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 07:45:37 UTC, Øivind wrote:
How can I achieve something like the following? I want to 
create a class B that has all the interfaces of the class 
passed as a template parameter.

import std.trats;

interface I0 {}
interface I1 {}

class A : I0, I1 {}

class B!C : InterfacesTuple!C {}

void main() {
B!A a;  

The above fails with the following error on DMD 2.064.2

/d925/f379.d(8): Error: { } expected following aggregate
/d925/f379.d(8): Error: Declaration expected, not '!'
/d925/f379.d(12): Error: unrecognized declaration

Re: Interfaces based on TypeTuple?

2013-12-25 Thread Jakob Ovrum

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 07:45:37 UTC, Øivind wrote:

class B!C : InterfacesTuple!C {}

You probably meant:

class B(C) : InterfacesTuple!C {}

Re: Function declaration

2013-12-25 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Wednesday, December 25, 2013,  quot;Casper Færgemand\quot; 
lt;shortt...@hotmail.comgt;quot; wrote:
 Never mind, found it. I searched for parameters and found it in
 Thanks. :3

I had a lot of problems with function declarations when testing the example
D grammar.  If you find any mistake in the provided D grammar, could you
push it as an issue in Pegged?

Re: Interfaces based on TypeTuple?

2013-12-25 Thread Øivind

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 07:49:35 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 07:45:37 UTC, Øivind wrote:

class B!C : InterfacesTuple!C {}

You probably meant:

class B(C) : InterfacesTuple!C {}

Yes, stupid typo. Thanks for the quick answer. Awesome that this 
works :)

Re: rmdirRecurse vs readonly

2013-12-25 Thread Lemonfiend

On Tuesday, 24 December 2013 at 16:11:15 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/24/2013 04:13 AM, Lemonfiend wrote:

std.file.rmdirRecurse refuses to remove readonly files.

How would I go about deleting them anyway?

Call std.file.setAttributes() first, which has apparently been 
added just three days ago: :)

If you can't work with git head version of dmd, then do what it 
does yourself, depending on your platform:

void setAttributes(in char[] name, uint attributes)
version (Windows)
attributes), name);

else version (Posix)
assert(attributes = mode_t.max);
cast(mode_t)attributes), name);


For example, if you are on Linux:

import core.sys.posix.sys.stat;
import std.conv;

// ...

chmod(/my/file, cast(mode_t)octal!777)


Haha, how very timely.

Thanks! And merry xmas :)

dmd simple loop disassembly - redundant instruction?

2013-12-25 Thread Ivan Kazmenko


I am studying the difference between x86 generated code of DMD 
and C/C++ compilers on Windows (simply put: why exactly, and by 
what margin, DMD-compiled D code is often slower than 
GCC-compiled C/C++ equivalent).

Now, I have this simple D program:

immutable int MAX_N = 1_000_000;
void main () {
int [MAX_N] a;
foreach (i; 0..MAX_N)
a[i] = i;

(I know there's iota in std.range, and it turns out to be even 
slower - but that's a high level function, and I'm trying to 
understand the lower-level details now.)

The assembly (dmd -O -release -inline -noboundscheck, then 
obj2asm) has the following piece corresponding to the cycle:

L2C:mov -03D0900h[EDX*4][EBP],EDX
inc EDX
cmp EDX,0F4240h
jb  L2C

Now, I am not exactly fluent in assembler, but the mov ECX, EDX 
seems unnecessary.  The ECX register is explicitly used three 
times in the whole program, and it looks like this instruction 
can at least be moved out of the loop, if not removed completely. 
 Is it indeed a bug, or there's some reason here?  And if the 
former, where do I report it - at, 
as with the front-end?

I didn't try GDC or LDC since I didn't find a clear instruction 
for using them under Win32.  If there is one, please kindly point 
me to it.  I found a few explanations for GDC, but had a hard 
time trying to figure out which is the most current one.

Note that the C++ version does the same with four instructions 
instead of five, as D version is expected to be if we remove the 
instruction in question.  Indeed, it goes like (code inside the 

movl%eax, _a(,%eax,4)
addl$1, %eax
cmpl$100, %eax
jne L3

The full assembly listings, and the source codes (D and C++), are 

I've tried a few other versions as well.  Changing the loop to an 
explicit for (int i = 0; i  MAX_N; i++) (a2.d) does not affect 
the generated assembly.  Making the array dynamic (a3.d) leads to 
five instructions, all seemingly important.  A __gshared static 
array (a4.d) gives the same seemingly unneeded instruction but 
with EAX instead of ECX:

L2: mov _D2a41aG100i[EDX*4],EDX
inc EDX
cmp EDX,0F4240h
jb  L2

Ivan Kazmenko.

Re: dmd simple loop disassembly - redundant instruction?

2013-12-25 Thread Chris Cain
On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 12:03:08 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko 
Now, I am not exactly fluent in assembler, but the mov ECX, 
EDX seems unnecessary.  The ECX register is explicitly used 
three times in the whole program, and it looks like this 
instruction can at least be moved out of the loop, if not 
removed completely.
 Is it indeed a bug, or there's some reason here?  And if the 
former, where do I report it - at, as with the front-end?

Did you try something like:

for(immutable i; 0..MAX_N)
a[i] = i;

too? One thing to note is that, technically, i is a _copy_ of the 
iterated number. So things like

for(i; 0..5)

have no effect (it will loop 5 times regardless). Indeed, in your 
case, this could be optimized out, but in general the extra 
instruction is technically correct. I don't know if making i 
immutable would change things, but it might give the compiler 
enough of a hint to do the correct optimization here.

Re: dmd simple loop disassembly - redundant instruction?

2013-12-25 Thread Ivan Kazmenko

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 12:43:05 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:

Did you try something like:

for(immutable i; 0..MAX_N)
a[i] = i;

too? One thing to note is that, technically, i is a _copy_ of 
the iterated number. So things like

for(i; 0..5)

have no effect (it will loop 5 times regardless). Indeed, in 
your case, this could be optimized out, but in general the 
extra instruction is technically correct. I don't know if 
making i immutable would change things, but it might give the 
compiler enough of a hint to do the correct optimization here.

Thanks, that sounded reasonable.  Still, in this particular case, 
the generated assembly remained the same.

Re: Function declaration

2013-12-25 Thread Casper Færgemand
On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 08:34:27 UTC, Philippe Sigaud 
On Wednesday, December 25, 2013,  quot;Casper 

lt;shortt...@hotmail.comgt;quot; wrote:

Never mind, found it. I searched for parameters and found it in

Thanks. :3

I had a lot of problems with function declarations when testing 
the example
D grammar.  If you find any mistake in the provided D grammar, 
could you

push it as an issue in Pegged?

Yes, certainly.

Re: My first D module - Critiques welcome.

2013-12-25 Thread Dejan Lekic
 You could also do some neat stuff with opDispatch.  Someone
 wrote an article about using it with roman numerals:

The idea is actually brilliant. :)
I think I may use it in the future when I need to deal with roman numbers.

Dejan Lekic
dejan.lekic (a)

Re: Making associatvie array from array of pairs

2013-12-25 Thread Dfr

On Tuesday, 24 December 2013 at 14:39:16 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 12/24/2013 12:36 PM, Dfr wrote:

Let's say i have array of kind:

auto a = [[1,FF], [2, 00FF00], ...];

Is there simple way to turn it into associative array of kind:

string[string] b = [1: FF, 2: 00FF00, ...];

void main(){
import std.array, std.algorithm, std.typecons;
auto a = [[1,FF], [2, 00FF00], /+...+/];
auto aa =!(x=tuple(x[0],x[1])).assocArray;

import std.stdio;

This example looks cleanest, but not compile with error:

Error: no property 'assocArray' for type 'MapResult!(__lambda9, 

Re: Making associatvie array from array of pairs

2013-12-25 Thread bearophile


This example looks cleanest, but not compile with error:

Error: no property 'assocArray' for type 'MapResult!(__lambda9, 

It compiles for me.


Re: dmd simple loop disassembly - redundant instruction?

2013-12-25 Thread bearophile

Ivan Kazmenko:

I am studying the difference between x86 generated code of DMD 
and C/C++ compilers on Windows (simply put: why exactly, and by 
what margin, DMD-compiled D code is often slower than 
GCC-compiled C/C++ equivalent).

Now, I have this simple D program:

immutable int MAX_N = 1_000_000;
void main () {
int [MAX_N] a;
foreach (i; 0..MAX_N)
a[i] = i;

(I know there's iota in std.range, and it turns out to be even 
slower - but that's a high level function, and I'm trying to 
understand the lower-level details now.)

The assembly (dmd -O -release -inline -noboundscheck, then 
obj2asm) has the following piece corresponding to the cycle:

L2C:mov -03D0900h[EDX*4][EBP],EDX
inc EDX
cmp EDX,0F4240h
jb  L2C

ldc2 optimizes the useless loop away:

xorl%eax, %eax

If I modify the code returning some value from the int main:
return a[7];

ldc2 gives the loop code:

movl%eax, 12(%esp,%eax,4)
cmpl$100, %eax
jne LBB0_1

If I use iota ldc2 copiles the loop to exactly the same asm:

foreach (i; MAX_N.iota)


Re: My first D module - Critiques welcome.

2013-12-25 Thread Artur Skawina
On 12/25/13 15:07, Dejan Lekic wrote:
 You could also do some neat stuff with opDispatch.  Someone
 wrote an article about using it with roman numerals:
 The idea is actually brilliant. :)
 I think I may use it in the future when I need to deal with roman numbers.

Note that the D’s version has no runtime overhead at all part is not true -
- there still is the overhead of a function call (which he admits to later).

A truly overhead-less version would be:

   struct Roman {
  template opDispatch(string number) {
 enum num = number.replace(IV, )
  .replace(IX, V)
  .replace(XL, )
  .replace(XC, L);

 enum opDispatch = num.count('I')
+ num.count('V') * 5
+ num.count('X') * 10
+ num.count('L') * 50
+ num.count('C') * 100;


Re: Making associatvie array from array of pairs

2013-12-25 Thread Dfr

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 14:44:57 UTC, bearophile wrote:


This example looks cleanest, but not compile with error:

Error: no property 'assocArray' for type 
'MapResult!(__lambda9, immutable(char[][])[])'

It compiles for me.


Sorry, just forgot to import std.array, now it works, thank you.

Re: Function declaration

2013-12-25 Thread Casper Færgemand


InOutopt BasicType Declarator
InOutopt BasicType Declarator ...
InOutopt BasicType Declarator = DefaultInitializerExpression
InOutopt Type
InOutopt Type ...

How do I add a declarator to a parameter like char * format? I 
altered the language specification to add a InOutopt Type 
Declarator, but is there another way? The specification overall 
is really good, but I've found a few missing things elsewhere, 
and I'm wondering if it really is missing or I'm missing the 
point. :P I can't see any way to add a parameter name to 
something of type Type.

Re: Thrift maintained..?

2013-12-25 Thread David Eagen

On Saturday, 21 December 2013 at 19:20:44 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Rebuild autoconf and automake files?
Try ./  ./configure  make.

That's what actually breaks it. I was messing around on another 
box where Thrift compiled just fine and found my configure script 
was not calling ./ first so it was using old 
Makefiles. Unfortunately I don't know how long ago I ran on that box so I don't know what version broke the 
Makefile generation.

I've filed a bug:

joiner correct usage

2013-12-25 Thread Dfr

Hello, following code:

import std.algorithm : joiner;
string joined = joiner([hello, world],  );

Results in:

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (joiner(...)) of type 
Result to string

Any idea how to make this work ?

Re: joiner correct usage

2013-12-25 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 06:21:17PM +, Dfr wrote:
 Hello, following code:
 import std.algorithm : joiner;
 string joined = joiner([hello, world],  );
 Results in:
 Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (joiner(...)) of type
 Result to string
 Any idea how to make this work ?

joiner returns a range object, not an array. To get an array out of it,
do this:

import std.array : array;
import std.algorithm : joiner;
string joined = joiner([hello, world],  ).array;


Spaghetti code may be tangly, but lasagna code is just cheesy.

Re: joiner correct usage

2013-12-25 Thread lomereiter

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 18:41:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

import std.array : array;
import std.algorithm : joiner;
string joined = joiner([hello, world],  ).array;


 Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(array(joiner([hello, world],  ))) of type dchar[] to 
string should be used instead:

import std.conv : to;
string joined = joiner([hello, world],  ).to!string;

Re: Function declaration

2013-12-25 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 4:57 PM,  Casper Færgemand\ wrote:

 InOutopt BasicType Declarator
 InOutopt BasicType Declarator ...
 InOutopt BasicType Declarator = DefaultInitializerExpression
 InOutopt Type
 InOutopt Type ...

 How do I add a declarator to a parameter like char * format? I altered the
 language specification to add a InOutopt Type Declarator, but is there
 another way? The specification overall is really good, but I've found a few
 missing things elsewhere, and I'm wondering if it really is missing or I'm
 missing the point. :P I can't see any way to add a parameter name to
 something of type Type.

I'll consider that as a D grammar question, and not a Pegged-specific
question, since Pegged just uses a copy of the D site grammar :-)

As to this specific question, my answer is halas: I don't know. I find
parts of the D grammar a bit complicated for my taste (with 200
different rules, it's the most complicated programming language
grammar I know of). I'll let some grammar specialist answers there
(there are a few around these parts). I know some people have a
cleaned-up, alternate grammar, but I can't remember the link.

Re: Function declaration

2013-12-25 Thread Timon Gehr

On 12/25/2013 04:57 PM, Casper Færgemand wrote:


 InOutopt BasicType Declarator
 InOutopt BasicType Declarator ...
 InOutopt BasicType Declarator = DefaultInitializerExpression
 InOutopt Type
 InOutopt Type ...

How do I add a declarator to a parameter like char * format? I altered
the language specification to add a InOutopt Type Declarator, but is
there another way? The specification overall is really good, but I've
found a few missing things elsewhere, and I'm wondering if it really is
missing or I'm missing the point. :P I can't see any way to add a
parameter name to something of type Type.

The following is a parse tree for char* format:

/ | \
   /  |  \
  /   BasicType   \
  BasicTypeX   Declarator
  |   /   |  \
'char'   / Identifier \
/ |   DeclaratorSuffixes_opt
   /   'format'

I consider the grammar specification (as well as some details of what is 
valid syntax) to be quite inelegant, unnecessarily repetitive and 
inconvenient for parser generators, but I am not sure if a clean-up 
would be welcome.

Re: Function declaration

2013-12-25 Thread Casper Færgemand
On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 21:23:23 UTC, Philippe Sigaud 
I'll consider that as a D grammar question, and not a 
question, since Pegged just uses a copy of the D site grammar 
Thank you regardless. I'll be sure to submit some issues once 
we're a bit further down the road. Error handling is what has 
displeased me the most so far, with only a single test case ever 
displaying something useful. I'm not sure what the solution 
should be though, perhaps the matches that munched the most 
tokens before failing?
Also, it should be possible to detect non-munching cycles aka. 
left recursion without too much extra compile time. It's funny 
because it's fine on compile time, but instant death at runtime. 
I'll post some of that once we're further.

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 22:28:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

The following is a parse tree for char* format:
Oooh, I missed that. I didn't think it possible one would dissect 
it like that. In my mind it would make more sense to keep char 
and * together, since it's a type of its own. Interesting. And 

I consider the grammar specification (as well as some details 
of what is valid syntax) to be quite inelegant, unnecessarily 
repetitive and inconvenient for parser generators, but I am not 
sure if a clean-up would be welcome.
I'm not sure. I haven't imported too much yet, but the only thing 
I've had to work around was left recursion in some arithmetic 
expressions (add and mul I believe). It's complicated for sure, 
but the language specification has survived nearly intact. My 
only past experience is the toy language Tiger made for education 
and stories I've been told of normal language specifications 
being really awful. So some copy paste is nice for a change.

I'd still like a look at a clean grammar if anyone has one 

Human stupidity or is this a regression?

2013-12-25 Thread Lionello Lunesu
Perhaps should have written and/or in the subject line since the two 
are not mutually exclusive.

I was showing off D to friends the other day:

import std.stdio;
void main()
  foreach (d; 你好)

IIRC, this used to work fine, with the variable d getting deduced as 
dchar and correctly reassembling the UTF-8 bytes into Unicode codepoints.

But when I run this code in OSX, dmd v2.064, I get this:

$ dmd -run uni.d

It's clearly printing the bytes. When I print the typeof(d) I get 
immutable(char), so that confirms the type is not deduced as dchar.

I could have sworn this used to work. Is my memory failing me, or was 
this a deliberate change at some point? Perhaps a regression?


Re: get address of object if opCast is overridden

2013-12-25 Thread Lionello Lunesu

On 12/2/12, 21:25, js.mdnq wrote:

I'm not just comparing them but using them as a unique ID for the
objects in an algorithm to prevent computing over the same object more
than once.

o.toHash() ??

(Which incidentally just casts the reference to a hash_t, exactly what 
you want to do.)

Re: Human stupidity or is this a regression?

2013-12-25 Thread bearophile

Lionello Lunesu:

I could have sworn this used to work. Is my memory failing me, 
or was this a deliberate change at some point? Perhaps a 

It's not a regression, it's a locked-in design mistake. Write it 
like this and try again:

foreach (dchar d; 你好)


Re: Human stupidity or is this a regression?

2013-12-25 Thread Lionello Lunesu

On 12/26/13, 11:58, bearophile wrote:

Lionello Lunesu:

I could have sworn this used to work. Is my memory failing me, or was
this a deliberate change at some point? Perhaps a regression?

It's not a regression, it's a locked-in design mistake. Write it like
this and try again:

foreach (dchar d; 你好)


Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. But D being D, the default should be 
safe and correct.

I feel we could take this breaking change since it would not silently 
change the code to do something else. You'll get prompted and we could 
special case the error message to give a meaningful hint.


Re: dmd simple loop disassembly - redundant instruction?

2013-12-25 Thread Ivan Kazmenko

On Wednesday, 25 December 2013 at 14:51:11 UTC, bearophile wrote:

ldc2 optimizes the useless loop away:

xorl%eax, %eax

If I modify the code returning some value from the int main:
return a[7];

ldc2 gives the loop code:

movl%eax, 12(%esp,%eax,4)
cmpl$100, %eax
jne LBB0_1

If I use iota ldc2 copiles the loop to exactly the same asm:

foreach (i; MAX_N.iota)

Glad to know that!  But what about DMD?  Anyone?..

If someone with better knowledge in assembly confirms the 
instruction is unnecessary, I'll file a bug report (at I presume).

Ivan Kazmenko.

Error: non-constant expression

2013-12-25 Thread Dfr

Hello, this example:

import std.array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.typecons;

auto a = [[test, 1]];
auto b =!(x=tuple(x[1],x[0])).assocArray;

Gives me
Error: static variable a cannot be read at compile time

When add const:

const auto a = [[test, 1]];
const auto b =!(x=tuple(x[1],x[0])).assocArray;

Gives another error:
Error: non-constant expression [1:test]

Any idea what is wrong ?

Error: conflicting Ddoc and obj generation options

2013-12-25 Thread anarcher

I'm newbie for D.

I have tried build with custom library but the build is failed.

ubuntu@9ffb916910cd:~/dshttpd$ dub
Building configuration application, build type debug
Error: conflicting Ddoc and obj generation options
Error: DMD compile run failed with exit code 1

What's means Error: conflicting Ddoc and obj generation options 

Thanks for read.