Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Maxim Fomin

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 19:41:57 UTC, Remo wrote:

For Vector example this works pretty well this way.
But my main problem is more complicated.

extern(C)  int init(ref CWrapper p);
extern(C) void free(ref CWrapper p);

struct CWrapper
  //some data that must be the same at C side.
  Data m_data;

  this() {
  ~this() {

How to do something like this in D ?
Using class appears for me to be wrong direction.

1) Please comment after previous speaker, not before.

You can't avoid default struct constructor problem if functions 
which you call in constructors are not at least CTFEable because 
you would need to call them if you wish to define default struct 
constructor. Since this is not your case, you can do:

2) You can use static OpCall, Voldemort type or alias this. In 
case of alias this it looks like:

extern(C) int printf(const char*, ...);

extern(C)  int init(CWrapper* p) { printf("init\n"); return 0; }
extern(C) void d_free(CWrapper* p) { printf("free\n"); }

struct Data { void do_something(){} }

struct CWrapper
  //some data that must be the same at C side.
  Data m_data;
  bool m_init;

  /*this(int) {
  ~this() {
  Data get()
  if (!m_init)
  return m_data;
alias get this;

void main()
CWrapper cw;


In case of Voldermort struct some struct is defined inside 
function, so the only way (in theory) to create an instance is to 
call that function. It is inconviniet but guarantees that you 
will not have non initialzed structs (in theory).

extern(C) int printf(const char*,...);

auto make_struct()
struct Data{}
struct CWrapper
  extern(C)  int m_init(CWrapper* p){ return 0; }
  extern(C) void m_free(CWrapper* p){ printf("free\n");}
  //some data that must be the same at C side.
  Data m_data;

 this(int) {
 ~this() {

return CWrapper(0);

void main()
auto x = make_struct();

4) Please do not define free() function.

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Tobias Pankrath
On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 at 06:06:22 UTC, Jesse Phillips 

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 20:35:54 UTC, Remo wrote:
This looks like D2 is still in Beta stadium and not really 
ready for production use !?

If someone thinks that C++ was production ready in 1998, just go 
and try a C++ compiler from this time.

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 18:40:14 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
Also, a "qstring" can only contain valid D tokens ("token 
string"). If your mixin string does not adhere some the base D 
syntaxic rules, you'll get a compilation error. In particular, 
you'll need balanced bracing/parenthesising, and correctly 
formed tokens.

And even with all these rules, it still works great for other 
languages like Lua.

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 20:35:54 UTC, Remo wrote:
This looks like D2 is still in Beta stadium and not really 
ready for production use !?

I believe it is ready for production, but you can't expect it to 
be ready in all cases. Mostly its lack of readiness isn't because 
of the language though. For example it isn't ready for production 
Android/iOS development, because it hasn't been done yet. It 
isn't ready for Epic to write Unreal 5 Engine in it. However if 
Valve believed in D I'd say it was ready for them to take on the 
challenge and write Source 2 in D.

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 23:34:51 UTC, Remo wrote:

Where I can find more info about 'D's move semantics'?
Apparently it is not the same as rvalue reference and move 
semantics in C++11 ?

Here is the place I know of:

Re: Strange behaviour with -profile

2014-02-24 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Sunday, 23 February 2014 at 20:46:47 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:

On Sunday, 23 February 2014 at 08:32:50 UTC, Danny Arends wrote:
I have a medium sized project at:

it compiles fine with the normal build switches I used:

  $ rdmd --build-only -O -gc -release -w danode/server.d

if I compile with the -profile switch, I get a weird error:

  $ rdmd --build-only -O -gc -release -profile -w 

  "Warning: statement is not reachable"

I thought DMD provided an error if you tried to optimize with 
debug symbols.

-O should not be used with -gc, -g, or -profile

Maybe that will address the problem.

While I think my advice is still correct, I can't seem to find 
the combination which caused a compiler message:

dmd -g -O -profile -release -debug -inline test.d

Also found that dub will do the same odd mix of switches:

["profile", "optimize", "inline", "debugInfo"]

Debug and optimize just don't make sense together, and profile 
needs debug symbols I thought.

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Remo

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 21:06:03 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:15:10 UTC, Remo wrote:
So what is proper/best way to mimic default constructor for 
struct ?

Honestly, you can't, and you shouldn't try either. There "used" 
to be the static opCall that allowed:

auto a = T();

a) This is being phased out: If T has a constructor, it will 
seize to compile.
b) It's not "default": "T a;" will still compile, but not 

The feedback I've been getting is that the "correct" way to 
guarantee construction is to do it via a named factory pattern. 
You disable the this(), so as to "force" initialization, and 
make the constructors private. You'll get something along the 
lines of:

T a; //Nope.
T a = T(); //Nope
T a =; //OK!
T a = T(1, 2); //Nope!
T a =, 2); //OK!
T a = T.init; //OK! Special explicit requrest for 

With D's move semantics and (N)RVO, there should be 0 overhead 
to do this.

Thanks, I will try to make this this way and look how well it 
will work.  But it could complicate connection from C++ to D and 

Where I can find more info about 'D's move semantics'?
Apparently it is not the same as rvalue reference and move 
semantics in C++11 ?

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread Dejan Lekic
Gary Willoughby wrote:

> I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what it
> means. What is it?
> enum foo = q{
> // ???
> };

q{} string literals (so-called "token strings") are a nice D feature - D 
garantees that tokens in between brackets are valid D tokens. This makes 
them perfect for storing D source code. They are quite useful for string 
mixins for an example.


Re: Unused mmap library comes as deprecation warning on compile

2014-02-24 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 02/24/2014 12:20 PM, Tolga Cakiroglu wrote:

> I have about 12 different separate programmes. While compiling only one
> of them, it gives as warning as below:
> /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/mmfile.d(344): Deprecation: alias
> core.sys.posix.sys.mman.MAP_ANON is deprecated - Please use
> core.sys.linux.sys.mman for non-POSIX extensions

It is a compilation message generated by 

static import core.sys.linux.sys.mman;
deprecated("Please use core.sys.linux.sys.mman for non-POSIX 

alias MAP_ANON = core.sys.linux.sys.mman.MAP_ANON;

So, phobos/std/mmfile.d imports a module that has been deprecated by 

private import core.sys.posix.sys.mman;

Create a bug report or pull request ;) so that it imports the correct mman.


Re: Programming to Interfaces simplification

2014-02-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 16:24:00 -0500, Frustrated  wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 18:59:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 11:36:50 -0500, Frustrated   

The code above simplifies using interfaces as the programming
object. It allows one to program the derived classes as if they
were not part of an abstraction by mapping the abstracted virtual
methods to concrete methods.


class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
@property WindowsButton button(WindowsButton b) { return
(_button = b); }

mixin(Fixup!(WindowsGui, iButton, WindowsButton));

instead of

class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
 @property iButton button(iButton b)
 assert(cast(WindowsButton)b !is null, `Invalid object
type dependency mismatch! Type: `` Type
Expected: WindowsButton`);
 auto bb = cast(WindowsButton)b;
 // do work with bb.

Nice work!

One problem with the template is that returns
the interface instead of the actual class.

Hm... classinfo (now typeid) should get the most derived type from an  
instance. This may be a factor of it being an interface instance vs. a  
class instance. A simple test:

Stevens-MacBook-Pro:~ steves$ cat testinterface.d
import std.stdio;

interface I

class C : I

void main()
I i = new C;
Stevens-MacBook-Pro:~ steves$ ./testinterface

Looks like that is the case. Note that classinfo is not part of the  
language any more, and will likely be deprecated. typeid is the correct  
mechanism to get the TypeInfo of a derived class.

I'm thinking this is incorrect, typeid should get the derived class  
type IMO. It shouldn't be that difficult or costly for the compiler to  

Thanks. Now the correct type is known. One could, for example, look for  
wrappers/adapters/etc to get a linuxbutton into a windowsbutton(if so  
desired, throw a well informed error, etc.

Hopefully though, now you see the point. It is a runtime contract
that you make since you can't specify it at compile time(since D
doesn't supports it).

Always have seen the point, it is why I suggested this solution.

Unfortunately the main downside is the vtable is twice as big. Final or  
static methods could be used for this. If the compiler could manage such  
a system it could do the job better. (There would be no extra functions  
needed and the calls would be faster)

First, the vtable is not per-instance, so it doesn't detract too much from  
the solution.
Second, the concrete function does not need to be virtual, make it final,  
and it won't add to the vtable.

The issue is this: I want to program to interfaces(requiring the  
class(WindowsGui) to use base interfaces(iButton) to satisfy the  

The problem is this compile time contract is to generic and makes coding  
the classes more verbose. The mixin reduces the verbosity and provides a  
runtime contract(we enforce it using asserts in this case).

The benefit of the mixin is that coding WindowsGui is simpler and more  
direct and it's dependency on WindowsButton(not iButton) is known at  
compile time(But enforced at runtime by assert). Would you not agree?  
Everything else is essentially identical.

I have written such libraries before (I had an OS abstraction library in  
C++), it's not always pretty.


Re: Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Justin Whear
On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 15:19:06 -0500, Hugo Florentino wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 19:08:16 + (UTC), Justin Whear wrote:
>> Specifically std.regex.splitter[1] creates a lazy range over the input.
>> You can couple this with lazy file reading (e.g.
>> `File("mailbox").byChunk (1024).joiner`).
> Would something like this work? (I cannot test it right now)
> auto themailbox = args[1];
> immutable uint chunksize = 1024 * 64;
> static auto re = regex(`\n\nFrom .+@.+$`);
> auto mailbox;
> auto mail;
> while (mailbox = File(themailbox).byChunk(chunksize).joiner) != EOF) {
>mail = splitter(mailbox, re);
> }
> If so, I have a couple of furter doubts:
> Using splitter actually removes the expression from the string, how
> could I reinsert it to the beginning of each resulting string in an
> efficient way (i.e. avoiding copying something which is already loaded
> in memory)?
> I am seeing the splitter fuction returns a struct, how could I
> progressively dump to disk each resulting string, removing it from the
> struct, so that so that it does not end up having the full mailbox
> loaded into memory, in this case as a struct?
> Regards, Hugo

The code you've posted won't work, primarily because you don't need to 
loop over the file-reading range, nor will it ever "return" EOF.  Also, 
if you don't actually want to remove the regex matches, you can just use 
the matchAll function.  Here's some _untested_ sample code to set you on 
the right track.

import std.algorithm, std.range, std.stdio, std.regex;
void main(string[] args)
auto mailboxPath = args[1];
immutable size_t chunksize = 1024 * 64;
auto re = regex(`\n\nFrom .+@.+$`);
// you might want to try using ctRegex

auto mailStarts = File(mailboxPath).byChunk(chunksize).joiner

This code won't actually do any work--no data will be loaded from the 
file (caveat: the first chunk might be prefetched, not sure), no matches 
will actually be performed.  If you use `take(10)` on the mailStarts 
variable, the code will load only as much of the file (down to the 
granularity of chunksize) as is needed to find the first 10 instances of 
the regular expression.  The regex matches will not copy, but rather 
provide slices over the data that is in memory.

And, thinking about this further, you don't want to use my code either--
partly because byChunk reuses its buffer, partly because the functions in 
std.regex provide slices over the input data.  I think what you'll want 
to do is: load the data from File chunk-by-chunk lazily, scan each chunk 
with the regex, if you don't find a match, copy that data into an 
"overlap" buffer and repeat, if you do find a match then the contents of 
the overlap buffer + the slice up to the current match is one mail, rinse 
and repeat.  You should be able to encapsulate all of this in clean, lazy 
range, but I don't have the time right now to work out if it can be done 
by simply compositing existing functions from Phobos.


Re: Programming to Interfaces simplification

2014-02-24 Thread Frustrated

Fixed code with all combination examples:
(again, only WindowsButton works with WindowsGui and same for
LinuxGui... but the classes don't use iButton like they should!!!
Oh, they break the contract!! End of the world!)


Trying WindowsButton with WindowsGui!
Do(): WindowsButton I'm an extra WindowsButton feature!
...WindowsButton works in WindowsGui!

Trying LinuxButton with WindowsGui!
Invalid object type dependency mismatch! Type: f324.LinuxButton
Type Expected: WindowsButton

Trying WindowsButton with LinuxGui!
Invalid object type dependency mismatch! Type: f324.WindowsButton
Type Expected: LinuxButton

Trying LinuxButton with LinuxGui!
Do(): LinuxButton
...LinuxButton works in LinuxGui!

Re: Programming to Interfaces simplification

2014-02-24 Thread Frustrated

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 18:59:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 11:36:50 -0500, Frustrated 

The code above simplifies using interfaces as the programming
object. It allows one to program the derived classes as if they
were not part of an abstraction by mapping the abstracted 

methods to concrete methods.


class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
@property WindowsButton button(WindowsButton b) { return
(_button = b); }

mixin(Fixup!(WindowsGui, iButton, WindowsButton));

instead of

class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
 @property iButton button(iButton b)
 assert(cast(WindowsButton)b !is null, `Invalid 

type dependency mismatch! Type: `` Type
Expected: WindowsButton`);
 auto bb = cast(WindowsButton)b;
 // do work with bb.

Nice work!

One problem with the template is that returns
the interface instead of the actual class.

Hm... classinfo (now typeid) should get the most derived type 
from an instance. This may be a factor of it being an interface 
instance vs. a class instance. A simple test:

Stevens-MacBook-Pro:~ steves$ cat testinterface.d
import std.stdio;

interface I

class C : I

void main()
I i = new C;
Stevens-MacBook-Pro:~ steves$ ./testinterface

Looks like that is the case. Note that classinfo is not part of 
the language any more, and will likely be deprecated. typeid is 
the correct mechanism to get the TypeInfo of a derived class.

I'm thinking this is incorrect, typeid should get the derived 
class type IMO. It shouldn't be that difficult or costly for 
the compiler to do.

Thanks. Now the correct type is known. One could, for example, 
look for wrappers/adapters/etc to get a linuxbutton into a 
windowsbutton(if so desired, throw a well informed error, etc.

Hopefully though, now you see the point. It is a runtime contract
that you make since you can't specify it at compile time(since D
doesn't supports it).

In any case the mixin needs some work and testing. Would just
like to get the proper class name for the type. It is, at the
very least, a proof of concept.

Unfortunately the main downside is the vtable is twice as big. 
Final or static methods could be used for this. If the compiler 
could manage such a system it could do the job better. (There 
would be no extra functions needed and the calls would be faster)

The issue is this: I want to program to interfaces(requiring the 
class(WindowsGui) to use base interfaces(iButton) to satisfy the 

The problem is this compile time contract is to generic and makes 
coding the classes more verbose. The mixin reduces the verbosity 
and provides a runtime contract(we enforce it using asserts in 
this case).

The benefit of the mixin is that coding WindowsGui is simpler and 
more direct and it's dependency on WindowsButton(not iButton) is 
known at compile time(But enforced at runtime by assert). Would 
you not agree? Everything else is essentially identical.

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread monarch_dodra

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:15:10 UTC, Remo wrote:
So what is proper/best way to mimic default constructor for 
struct ?

Honestly, you can't, and you shouldn't try either. There "used" 
to be the static opCall that allowed:

auto a = T();

a) This is being phased out: If T has a constructor, it will 
seize to compile.
b) It's not "default": "T a;" will still compile, but not 

The feedback I've been getting is that the "correct" way to 
guarantee construction is to do it via a named factory pattern. 
You disable the this(), so as to "force" initialization, and make 
the constructors private. You'll get something along the lines of:

T a; //Nope.
T a = T(); //Nope
T a =; //OK!
T a = T(1, 2); //Nope!
T a =, 2); //OK!
T a = T.init; //OK! Special explicit requrest for 

With D's move semantics and (N)RVO, there should be 0 overhead to 
do this.

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread 1100110

On 2/24/14, 12:40, monarch_dodra wrote:

Also, a "qstring" can only contain valid D tokens ("token string"). If
your mixin string does not adhere some the base D syntaxic rules, you'll
get a compilation error. In particular, you'll need balanced
bracing/parenthesising, and correctly formed tokens.

Oh, I did not know that.  Interesting.

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Remo

Also please take a look at those:

There may be some others I've missed; the sheer amount and 
unresolved state is terrifying.

IMHO  Issue 7066 is not a bug but a feature.
Of course it could be handled i a bit more safe way.

This looks like D2 is still in Beta stadium and not really ready 
for production use !?

Unused mmap library comes as deprecation warning on compile

2014-02-24 Thread Tolga Cakiroglu
I have about 12 different separate programmes. While compiling 
only one of them, it gives as warning as below:

/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/mmfile.d(344): Deprecation: alias 
core.sys.posix.sys.mman.MAP_ANON is deprecated - Please use 
core.sys.linux.sys.mman for non-POSIX extensions

I used `grep` tool to see any of my library files or programme 
code have any use of this library.

grep mmap -r

Result is that binary files of all 12 different programmes have 
mmap in them. I wondered maybe a Phobos or druntime uses it. Used 
grep in `/usr/include/dmd` folder as well. As far as I see in the 
file list, unless mmap is directly imported, no other file uses 

The only thing different about that specific programme is that it 
uses "curl". Does anyone know why that deprecation message is 
seen while it is not used anywhere? Because that executable gives 
following error on GDB, and I am thinking that maybe that is its 

Program received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
[Switching to Thread 0x2aaab1387700 (LWP 3418)]
0x2b97df7d in poll () at 

81  ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S: No such file or directory.
(gdb) quit

Re: Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Hugo Florentino

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 19:08:16 + (UTC), Justin Whear wrote:

Specifically std.regex.splitter[1] creates a lazy range over the 
You can couple this with lazy file reading (e.g. 


Would something like this work? (I cannot test it right now)

auto themailbox = args[1];
immutable uint chunksize = 1024 * 64;
static auto re = regex(`\n\nFrom .+@.+$`);
auto mailbox;
auto mail;
while (mailbox = File(themailbox).byChunk(chunksize).joiner) != EOF)
  mail = splitter(mailbox, re);

If so, I have a couple of furter doubts:

Using splitter actually removes the expression from the string, how 
could I reinsert it to the beginning of each resulting string in an 
efficient way (i.e. avoiding copying something which is already loaded 
in memory)?

I am seeing the splitter fuction returns a struct, how could I 
progressively dump to disk each resulting string, removing it from the 
struct, so that so that it does not end up having the full mailbox 
loaded into memory, in this case as a struct?

Regards, Hugo

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Remo

Yes I think it is. Of course it could be made a more safe in some 

I think the big advantage of D is that it has 'bridge' to C and 

This way it appears to be easy to port some C++ code to D.
And it appears to be easy to interconnect C++ and D code. (via 
Dll for example)

@disable this()

Yes this is possible.
But then why it is not possible to use something like this ?
@default this();

For Vector example this works pretty well this way.
But my main problem is more complicated.

extern(C)  int init(ref CWrapper p);
extern(C) void free(ref CWrapper p);

struct CWrapper
  //some data that must be the same at C side.
  Data m_data;

  this() {
  ~this() {

How to do something like this in D ?
Using class appears for me to be wrong direction.

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 18:13:02 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:15:10 UTC, Remo wrote:

Well fortunately it seems to be possible to override init 

Fortunately? I think not. It's an abomination that, IMO, has to 
be annihilated. Recently Andrei suggested adding more explicit 
semantics to .init that may give some leeway in this matter, 
although this was concerning classes and non-null default 
values, so it may not concern structs at all. Regardless, my 
advice - don't try to override .init, i.e. don't invite trouble 
into your code :)

But it still does not called at struct construction.


So what is proper/best way to mimic default constructor for 
struct ?

Don't do it. Default construction for struct *is* 
initialization of its fields.
If you want to do something other that initialize fields - 
create a function and call it explicitly. D is not C++, don't 
expect it to behave identically. To make it easier when porting 
code, you can always temporarily @disable this() so the 
compiler will stop whenever you'd use your "special" default 
construction in C++.

As you've mentioned, the code from your example doesn't need 
any special default constructors at all, this will work just 

struct Vector(T) {
T x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

this(T v) { x = y = z = v; }
this(T x, T y, T z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }

unittest {
Vector!double v;
auto v2 = Vector!double(1);
auto v3 = Vector!double(1,2,3);

assert(v.x == v.y && v.y == v.z && v.z == 0);
assert(v2.x == v2.x && v2.y == v2.z && v2.z == 1);
assert(v3.x == 1 && v3.y == 2 && v3.z == 3);

Also please take a look at those:

There may be some others I've missed; the sheer amount and 
unresolved state is terrifying.

Re: Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:17:14 -0500, Hugo Florentino  wrote:

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:00:09 -0500, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:


I should have explained myself better.
I have already used regular expressions a couple of times. My doubt here  
is how parse the file progressively, not loading it completely into  

OK, I did not understand that.

If this can be done solely with std.regex, please clarify futher

I'm not completely sure, Justin may have a solution.

I was thinking in using byLine, but for that, I see first I must use  
something like:

auto myfile = File(usermbox);

Doesn't that load the whole file into memory?

I do know the answer to this, and it's no. File wraps a C FILE * buffered  


Re: Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Hugo Florentino

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 19:08:16 + (UTC), Justin Whear wrote:

Specifically std.regex.splitter[1] creates a lazy range over the 
You can couple this with lazy file reading (e.g. 


Interesting, thanks.

Re: Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Hugo Florentino

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:00:09 -0500, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:


I should have explained myself better.
I have already used regular expressions a couple of times. My doubt 
here is how parse the file progressively, not loading it completely into 

If this can be done solely with std.regex, please clarify futher

I was thinking in using byLine, but for that, I see first I must use 
something like:

auto myfile = File(usermbox);

Doesn't that load the whole file into memory?

Regards, Hugo

Re: Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Justin Whear
On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:00:09 -0500, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 13:52:45 -0500, Hugo Florentino 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Can you point me to an efficient way to parse a text file and split it
>> by certain expression (for example, `\n\nFrom\ .+@.+$`), copying what
>> has already been read to a separate file, and so on till the end of the
>> file?
>> I am trying to implement a mailbox to maildir format conversion
>> application in D, but I would like to avoid loading each mbox
>> completely into memory.
>> Regards, Hugo
> std.regex
> -Steve

Specifically std.regex.splitter[1] creates a lazy range over the input.  
You can couple this with lazy file reading (e.g. `File("mailbox").byChunk


Re: Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 13:52:45 -0500, Hugo Florentino  wrote:


Can you point me to an efficient way to parse a text file and split it  
by certain expression (for example, `\n\nFrom\ .+@.+$`), copying what  
has already been read to a separate file, and so on till the end of the  

I am trying to implement a mailbox to maildir format conversion  
application in D, but I would like to avoid loading each mbox completely  
into memory.

Regards, Hugo



Re: Programming to Interfaces simplification

2014-02-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 11:36:50 -0500, Frustrated  wrote:

The code above simplifies using interfaces as the programming
object. It allows one to program the derived classes as if they
were not part of an abstraction by mapping the abstracted virtual
methods to concrete methods.


class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
@property WindowsButton button(WindowsButton b) { return
(_button = b); }

mixin(Fixup!(WindowsGui, iButton, WindowsButton));

instead of

class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
  @property iButton button(iButton b)
  assert(cast(WindowsButton)b !is null, `Invalid object
type dependency mismatch! Type: `` Type
Expected: WindowsButton`);
  auto bb = cast(WindowsButton)b;
  // do work with bb.

Nice work!

One problem with the template is that returns
the interface instead of the actual class.

Hm... classinfo (now typeid) should get the most derived type from an  
instance. This may be a factor of it being an interface instance vs. a  
class instance. A simple test:

Stevens-MacBook-Pro:~ steves$ cat testinterface.d
import std.stdio;

interface I

class C : I

void main()
I i = new C;
Stevens-MacBook-Pro:~ steves$ ./testinterface

Looks like that is the case. Note that classinfo is not part of the  
language any more, and will likely be deprecated. typeid is the correct  
mechanism to get the TypeInfo of a derived class.

I'm thinking this is incorrect, typeid should get the derived class type  
IMO. It shouldn't be that difficult or costly for the compiler to do.


Parsing and splitting textfile

2014-02-24 Thread Hugo Florentino


Can you point me to an efficient way to parse a text file and split it 
by certain expression (for example, `\n\nFrom\ .+@.+$`), copying what 
has already been read to a separate file, and so on till the end of the 

I am trying to implement a mailbox to maildir format conversion 
application in D, but I would like to avoid loading each mbox completely 
into memory.

Regards, Hugo

Re: Does opSlice work with immutable values?

2014-02-24 Thread anonymous

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:11:20 UTC, Joseph Cassman wrote:
The const/immutable language spec page states that mutable and 
immutable are implicitly convertible to const. Never thought 
about this in the other direction though. And from what I 
understand, the const keyword added to a function makes the 
this pointer const. Can't see exactly why this works but it 

Implicit conversion from immutable to const is exactly what's
happening. It's not going the other direction.

The this pointer is passed to the method via a hidden parameter.
Qualifiers like const on methods really apply to that hidden this
parameter. Then, when you call a const method on an immutable
object, you really put an immutable object into a const
parameter. And that's fine, because immutable implicitly converts
to const.

In code:

struct S
  void m() const {}
immutable S s;

is something like this behind the scenes:

struct S {}
void m(ref const S hidden_this) {}
immutable S s;

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread monarch_dodra

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:47:55 UTC, 1100110 wrote:

On 2/24/14, 11:06, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:53:00 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:47:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:
On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:41:41 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to 
what it

means. What is it?

enum foo = q{
// ???

It's a token string though, not a delimited string. See the
section "Token Strings" on that page.

What are they used for? Simpler for creating code at compile 

It allows IDE syntax highlighting and code completion to work 
with strings that are going to be mixed in.

You don't have to use it, in fact there's no difference between 
this and a normal string.

It's just nicer.

Well... it's more than just "looking" nicer: there *are* some 

For starters, a token string has no "terminating" character: You 
won't have to chose between " or `: It'll simply end with the 
"last" }. This means that if your mixin-string contains some 
strings itself, which itself contains quotes, you should have no 
problems with it. EG:

auto code = q{
foreach(i; 0 .. 10)
writefln(`"hello" %s`, i);

Notice how there is nothing special denoting the last "}" as "end 
of string": It's *just* the end of string because it is the 
closing brace. The only times I've had "issues" is if you plan to 
use the "qstring" inside a format (*awesome* for generating 
code), and the generated code itself contains a formatted write, 
in which case, you'll need to escape the % =>

auto code = q{
foreach(i; 0 .. %s)
writefln("hello: %%s", i);
mixin(format(code, 10));

Also, a "qstring" can only contain valid D tokens ("token 
string"). If your mixin string does not adhere some the base D 
syntaxic rules, you'll get a compilation error. In particular, 
you'll need balanced bracing/parenthesising, and correctly formed 

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Stanislav Blinov

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:15:10 UTC, Remo wrote:

Well fortunately it seems to be possible to override init 

Fortunately? I think not. It's an abomination that, IMO, has to 
be annihilated. Recently Andrei suggested adding more explicit 
semantics to .init that may give some leeway in this matter, 
although this was concerning classes and non-null default values, 
so it may not concern structs at all. Regardless, my advice - 
don't try to override .init, i.e. don't invite trouble into your 
code :)

But it still does not called at struct construction.


So what is proper/best way to mimic default constructor for 
struct ?

Don't do it. Default construction for struct *is* initialization 
of its fields.
If you want to do something other that initialize fields - create 
a function and call it explicitly. D is not C++, don't expect it 
to behave identically. To make it easier when porting code, you 
can always temporarily @disable this() so the compiler will stop 
whenever you'd use your "special" default construction in C++.

As you've mentioned, the code from your example doesn't need any 
special default constructors at all, this will work just fine:

struct Vector(T) {
T x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

this(T v) { x = y = z = v; }
this(T x, T y, T z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }

unittest {
Vector!double v;
auto v2 = Vector!double(1);
auto v3 = Vector!double(1,2,3);

assert(v.x == v.y && v.y == v.z && v.z == 0);
assert(v2.x == v2.x && v2.y == v2.z && v2.z == 1);
assert(v3.x == 1 && v3.y == 2 && v3.z == 3);

Also please take a look at those:

There may be some others I've missed; the sheer amount and 
unresolved state is terrifying.

Re: Does opSlice work with immutable values?

2014-02-24 Thread Joseph Cassman

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:24:18 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 02/24/2014 09:11 AM, Joseph Cassman wrote:

> the const keyword added to a [member] function makes the this
> const. Can't see exactly why this works but it does.

const means "I will not modify data through this reference". 
Since there is not issue with modification, it can refer to 
mutable and immutable data.


P.S. It would be great if you could show the issue on a minimal 
code example. I tried to look at your original code but found 
it to be too long. Sorry... :)

Thanks for the explanation.
Yeah, wasn't sure whether the entire context would be better than 
providing a meaningless reduced code example. :P

See what I can do.


Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread 1100110

On 2/24/14, 11:06, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:53:00 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:47:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:41:41 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what it
means. What is it?

enum foo = q{
 // ???

It's a token string though, not a delimited string. See the
section "Token Strings" on that page.

What are they used for? Simpler for creating code at compile time?

It allows IDE syntax highlighting and code completion to work with 
strings that are going to be mixed in.

You don't have to use it, in fact there's no difference between this and 
a normal string.

It's just nicer.

Re: Does opSlice work with immutable values?

2014-02-24 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 02/24/2014 09:11 AM, Joseph Cassman wrote:

> the const keyword added to a [member] function makes the this pointer
> const. Can't see exactly why this works but it does.

const means "I will not modify data through this reference". Since there 
is not issue with modification, it can refer to mutable and immutable data.


P.S. It would be great if you could show the issue on a minimal code 
example. I tried to look at your original code but found it to be too 
long. Sorry... :)

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Remo
On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 14:14:43 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 13:56:01 UTC, Remo wrote:


right now I am truing to figure out how the constructors 
behave in D2.

Question 1: why it is not possible to create custom ctor for 

The design of D relies on the fact that every type has a T.init 
property that is known to the compiler and used when in C++ the 
default ctor would get called. In constructors you can rely on 
(this == T.init), for example.

You need to pick one T.init or default constructors and D 
picked T.init.

Well fortunately it seems to be possible to override init 

But it still does not called at struct construction.

So what is proper/best way to mimic default constructor for 
struct ?

Re: Does opSlice work with immutable values?

2014-02-24 Thread Joseph Cassman

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:37:43 UTC, anonymous wrote:

Mark opSlice const then.

That did it. Thanks.

The const/immutable language spec page states that mutable and 
immutable are implicitly convertible to const. Never thought 
about this in the other direction though. And from what I 
understand, the const keyword added to a function makes the this 
pointer const. Can't see exactly why this works but it does.

Anyways appreciate the help.


Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread Gary Willoughby

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:53:00 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:47:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:
On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:41:41 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what 
it means. What is it?

enum foo = q{
 // ???

It's a token string though, not a delimited string. See the
section "Token Strings" on that page.

What are they used for? Simpler for creating code at compile time?

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread Philippe Sigaud
>>> On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:41:41 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:
 I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what it means.
 What is it?
 enum foo = q{
  // ???

>> It's a token string though, not a delimited string. See the
>> section "Token Strings" on that page.

For Gary: the main use is that your IDE / Editor probably does not
know about it and hence does not highlight/colour it as a string. If
you put to-be-mixed-in code inside this token string, it'll be
highlighted as code in editor. It helps catching stoopid mistakes like
writing 'imutable i = foo();'.

Programming to Interfaces simplification

2014-02-24 Thread Frustrated

The code above simplifies using interfaces as the programming
object. It allows one to program the derived classes as if they
were not part of an abstraction by mapping the abstracted virtual
methods to concrete methods.


class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
@property WindowsButton button(WindowsButton b) { return
(_button = b); }

mixin(Fixup!(WindowsGui, iButton, WindowsButton));

instead of

class WindowsGui : iGui
WindowsButton _button;
 @property iButton button(iButton b)
 assert(cast(WindowsButton)b !is null, `Invalid object
type dependency mismatch! Type: `` Type
Expected: WindowsButton`);
 auto bb = cast(WindowsButton)b;
 // do work with bb.

(note the check and the cast are required for all usages of
iButton if one wants to treat it as a WindowsButton. By using the
mix, no checks and no casts are required. Much cleaner looking
and less verbose code results, which is the whole point.)

One problem with the template is that returns
the interface instead of the actual class.

In the example on dpaste, returns iButton, the
base interface of LinuxButton. I want to display the actual class
name that causes the problem(LinuxButton trying to be used where
a WindowsButton goes).

Obviously the Fixup template is not robust nor optimized for all
cases but should handle most.

Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread TheFlyingFiddle

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 13:08:52 UTC, Mengu wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:29:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:

TheFlyingFiddle: is 
what you want.

The OP wants minimallyInitializedArray. uninitializedArray is 
only for special situations. Perhaps we have to fix the online 
docs to underline this.


what's the difference?

Well for anything that does not have indirections eg numbers / 
chars and structs without classes/arrays/pointers in them. Then 
the two functions are equivalent.


int[] first  = uninitializedArray!(int[])(n);
int[] second = minimallyInitializedArray!(int[])(n);

Both first and second contain garbaged values.

int*[] third = uninitializedArray!(int*[])(n);
int*[] forth = minimallyInitializedArray!(int*[])(n);

The third array contains garbage but all elements in forth are 
initialized to null.

I assume this behavior is this way since an int with a garbage 
value is not as bad as a garbage pointer dereference into memory.

The OP wants minimallyInitializedArray. uninitializedArray is 
only for special situations.

True but uninitializedArray corresponds to = void semantics for 
all arrays.
minimallyInitializedArray is safer though so i guess it should be 

Wouldn't it be nice to have some kind of syntactic sugar for 
this similar to what we have for static arrays?

BTW: Why isn't simply the following allowed?

 int n = 3;
 int[n] = void;

Is it too easy to confuse with static array syntax?

I don't like this, since it would be wierd from an allocation 
view point. How is int[n] allocated? Is it the GC? Is it alloca? 
Can i overide the allocation mechanism? Does the allocated array 
behave the same as a static array? (it gets destroyed if it goes 
out of scope)

I think it gets a little confusing and also personally i don't 
want more hidden memory allocations. We already have alot of 

Re: Scalability in std.parallelism

2014-02-24 Thread Russel Winder
On Sun, 2014-02-23 at 22:55 -0800, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> On my quad-core Intel I get the following (I have two actual cores, four 
> hyperthreads):
> 3.14159 took 441[ms]
> 3.14159 took 878[ms]
> Speedup 1.99093
> -5.80829e+09 took 98[ms]
> -5.80829e+09 took 328[ms]
> Speedup 3.34694
> I am not an expect at all but it looks like the first test cannot take 
> advantage of hyperthreading but the second one can to some degree.

I'm fairly sure I don't agree with this hypothesis. Two cores with
hyperthreads generally means a maximum speed up of 2 with optimized
native code. So for me the first one looks fine whereas the second one
seems to indicate a problem in std.parallelism.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Re: Scalability in std.parallelism

2014-02-24 Thread Russel Winder
On Sat, 2014-02-22 at 16:21 +, "Nordlöw" wrote:
> In the following test code given below of std.parallelism I get 
> some interesting results:
> when compiled as
> dmd -release -noboundscheck -O -inline -w -wi -wi  
> ~/Work/justd/t_parallelism.d -oft_parallelism
> My scalability measures says the following
> 3.14159 took 221[ms]
> 3.14159 took 727[ms]
> Speedup 3.28959
> -5.80829e+09 took 33[ms]
> -5.80829e+09 took 201[ms]
> Speedup 6.09091
> Why do I get a larger speed for a simpler map function?
> Shouldn't it be the opposite?

I'm not sure just now, but it is an interesting issue.  On my 7 year old
twin 2.33GHz Xeon, I get:

3.14159 took 128[ms]
3.14159 took 860[ms]
Speedup 6.71875
-5.80829e+09 took 28[ms]
-5.80829e+09 took 302[ms]
Speedup 10.7857

> I've always read that the more calculations I perform on each 
> memory access the better the speedup...

Not necessarily, it depends on the caches and lots of other fun things.

> Anyhow the speedups are great!
> I'm sitting on a Intel Quad core with 8 hyperthreads.

As anyone involved in native code CPU-bound benchmarking will tell you,
hyperthreads are generally a waste of time. So on your machine I'd
expect a "flat out" speed up of 4 on your machine, 8 on mine. Virtual
machines, e.g. JVM and PVM, can sometimes do interesting things that
make hyperthreads useful.

> Sample code follows:

Hey, I recognize the core of this code, it's my π by quadrature example.
Sadly π is not well approximately by -5.80829e+09 :-)

I shal tinker with this a bit as I want to understand why the speed up
is greater than the number of cores. It implies overhead in one of the

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Re: Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Tobias Pankrath

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 13:56:01 UTC, Remo wrote:


right now I am truing to figure out how the constructors behave 
in D2.

Question 1: why it is not possible to create custom ctor for 

The design of D relies on the fact that every type has a T.init 
property that is known to the compiler and used when in C++ the 
default ctor would get called. In constructors you can rely on 
(this == T.init), for example.

You need to pick one T.init or default constructors and D picked 

Struct constructor, opCall mess.

2014-02-24 Thread Remo


right now I am truing to figure out how the constructors behave 
in D2.

Question 1: why it is not possible to create custom ctor for 
I know this is not really necessary because you can initialize 
fields like this.

struct S{ int i = 1; }

But this is a big problem if one tries to port C++ code to D2 and 
default ctor call some important initialization code.

Question 2: is there a way to mimic compiler generated ctor (that 
work in CTFE)?

Question 3: why it is possible to call static opCall like this?
VectorC v5 = v4(1.0);

Right now opCall seems to be better as this(...) because it work 
in CTFE but because of unwanted calls this is not well at all.

Question 4: why this(...) does not work in CTFE mode?

Here is highly simplified test code.

I am asking this because I am learning D2 now by porting and 
warping/connecting some big C++ (C++11) project to D2.

Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread bearophile


what's the difference?

After you have read the online docs of both function what's your 
best guess of an answer?


Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread Mengu

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:29:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:

TheFlyingFiddle: is 
what you want.

The OP wants minimallyInitializedArray. uninitializedArray is 
only for special situations. Perhaps we have to fix the online 
docs to underline this.


what's the difference?

Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 2/24/14, bearophile  wrote:
> The OP wants minimallyInitializedArray. uninitializedArray is
> only for special situations.

There needs to be a ddoc-ed sample demonstrating *exactly* what the
difference between minimallyInitializedArray and uninitializedArray

Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread Francesco Cattoglio

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 12:08:31 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:29:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:

TheFlyingFiddle: is 
what you want.

Wouldn't it be nice to have some kind of syntactic sugar for 
this similar to what we have for static arrays?

BTW: Why isn't simply the following allowed?

int n = 3;
int[n] = void;

Is it too easy to confuse with static array syntax?

to me, it also looks like you are creating an array of ints, and 
trying to void it's reference. I honestly don't like the look of 
it either.
Something like "auto arr = new float[n].void" would fit better, 
but still looks horrible IMO :)

Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread simendsjo

On 02/24/2014 01:08 PM, "Nordlöw" wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:29:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:

TheFlyingFiddle: is what
you want.

Wouldn't it be nice to have some kind of syntactic sugar for this
similar to what we have for static arrays?

BTW: Why isn't simply the following allowed?

 int n = 3;
 int[n] = void;

Is it too easy to confuse with static array syntax?

Seems very dangerous. If n is available at compile-time it's a static 
array, else it's dynamic..?

Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread Nordlöw

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:29:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:

TheFlyingFiddle: is 
what you want.

Wouldn't it be nice to have some kind of syntactic sugar for this 
similar to what we have for static arrays?

BTW: Why isn't simply the following allowed?

int n = 3;
int[n] = void;

Is it too easy to confuse with static array syntax?

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread Namespace

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:53:00 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:47:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:
On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:41:41 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what 
it means. What is it?

enum foo = q{
 // ???

It's a token string though, not a delimited string. See the
section "Token Strings" on that page.

Yeah right. It's hard to find quick the right anchors...

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread anonymous

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:47:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:
On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:41:41 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what 
it means. What is it?

enum foo = q{
  // ???

It's a token string though, not a delimited string. See the
section "Token Strings" on that page.

Re: What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread Namespace
On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:41:41 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what it 
means. What is it?

enum foo = q{
   // ???

What does q{...} mean?

2014-02-24 Thread Gary Willoughby
I keep seeing this syntax used a bit and i'm stumped to what it 
means. What is it?

enum foo = q{
   // ???

Re: Does opSlice work with immutable values?

2014-02-24 Thread anonymous

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 07:02:00 UTC, Joseph Cassman wrote:
I have a custom number type in the works here 
The test code for opSlice works in this commit. However, when I 
change the auto to immutable (on line 308) I get the following 
error (a similar error occurs for const):

src/bcd.d(309): Error: mutable method 
kuttaka.bcd.BcdSingle.opSlice is not callable using a immutable 
src/bcd.d(310): Error: mutable method 
kuttaka.bcd.BcdSingle.opSlice is not callable using a immutable 
src/bcd.d(311): Error: mutable method 
kuttaka.bcd.BcdSingle.opSlice is not callable using a immutable 

Failed: ["dmd", "-unittest", "-v", "-o-", "src/bcd.d", "-Isrc"]

How can I get immutable to work here? My thinking is that 
opSlice is creating a new object here so the sliced object 
should be allowed to be const or immutable.

Mark opSlice const then.

Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread bearophile

TheFlyingFiddle: is 
what you want.

The OP wants minimallyInitializedArray. uninitializedArray is 
only for special situations. Perhaps we have to fix the online 
docs to underline this.


Re: Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread TheFlyingFiddle

On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 11:11:44 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

Is it possible void construct a dynamic array such as b in

int n = 3;
auto b = new float[n];

similar to what we do with static arrays as in

int[3] c = void; is 
what you want.

Non-Initialized Dynamic Arrays Construction

2014-02-24 Thread Nordlöw

Is it possible void construct a dynamic array such as b in

int n = 3;
auto b = new float[n];

similar to what we do with static arrays as in

int[3] c = void;

Re: Scalability in std.parallelism

2014-02-24 Thread safety0ff

On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 16:21:21 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
In the following test code given below of std.parallelism I get 
some interesting results:

Don't forget that "" is returning a lazily evaluated 
Std.parallelism might have to convert the lazy range to a random 
access range (i.e. an array,) before it can schedule the work.

If I add ".array" after the map call (e.g. auto nums =!piTerm.array;)

I get numbers closer to the ideal for test2.

Now we compare the differences between test1 and test2:
test1 is reducing doubles and test2 is reducing ints.

I believe that the reason for the difference in speed up is 
because you have hyper threads and not true independent threads. 
Hyper threads can contend for shared resources in the CPU (e.g. 
cache and FPU.)

On my computer, forcing the nums to be a range of doubles in 
test2 causes the speed up to drop to approximately the same as 


Re: IFTI with value / template value parameter shadowing

2014-02-24 Thread Mathias LANG

On Sunday, 23 February 2014 at 11:49:26 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
There's no IFTI here. IFTI is about inferring a template 
argument (= type) from the type of a function argument. Your 
template argument is a value, not a type, so there's nothing to 

There is the value. In IFTI_Type, the compiler understands that 
the 'T' in the parameter list is the same as the 'T' in the 

For example this code compiles (from bug #4986):
struct Foo(int n, int m) {
   void bar(int m2)(Foo!(m2, n) arg) {}

void main( )( ) {
   Foo!(3,2) f;
   Foo!(3,3) g;;
So the compiler can deduce a value argument from a type, but not 
from a value known at compile time.

Not sure what you want to achieve. Do you want IFTI_Value(6) to 
be instantiated as IFTI_Value!6(6)? In this case, just leave 
the runtime parameter out:

Yeah that works, and actually I agree that passing a value both 
in the parameters and template argument seems silly / odd at 
first sight. But there can be valid reasons to do so. I came 
accross this example while trying to shift a runtime argument to 
compile time while keeping source-level compatibility in a 

In addition it looks like template parameter are not 
considered while looking if a symbol with shadow another one. 
I didn't find anything on the bugtracker but 
but it's only related.

I believe it works exactly as intended. The short form for 
template functions is just syntactic sugar for:

template IFTI_Value(int n) {
int IFTI_Value(int n) { return n; }

This means that the function (runtime) parameter n is declared 
in the inner scope, and is thus expected to shadow the template 
parameter n in the outer scope.

I have to give it a second read but IIRC the TDPL was pretty much 
saying that shadowing is not legal in D.

Re: Scalability in std.parallelism

2014-02-24 Thread Per Nordlöw
I am not an expect at all but it looks like the first test 
cannot take advantage of hyperthreading but the second one can 
to some degree.

Yes, that is my hypothesis aswell :)


Re: Scalability in std.parallelism

2014-02-24 Thread Stanislav Blinov

Don't rely on dmd when making raw performance tests.

On my machine (i3-2100, two cores):

dmd2 -O -release -inline

3.14159 took 368[ms]
3.14159 took 713[ms]
Speedup 1.9375
-5.80829e+09 took 61[ms]
-5.80829e+09 took 201[ms]
Speedup 3.29508

ldc2 -O3 -release

3.14159 took 360[ms]
3.14159 took 718[ms]
Speedup 1.99444
-5.80829e+09 took 0[ms]
-5.80829e+09 took 0[ms]
Speedup -nan

ldc2 -O3 -release -vectorize -vectorize-loops

3.14159 took 193[ms]
3.14159 took 721[ms]
Speedup 3.73575
-5.80829e+09 took 0[ms]
-5.80829e+09 took 0[ms]
Speedup -nan