Re: How to convert from ubyte[] to and from float?

2014-10-20 Thread uri via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 03:14:26 UTC, Charles Hixson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
What is the best way to convert from a part of a ubyte[] to a 

I've tried converting the ubyte[] into a uint, but neither 
casting the uint to a float nor to!float work.

I suppose I could use a trick record union, but that seems 
inelegant.  If I use pointers, the alignment may 
(unpredictably) not be proper (whatever that means these days).

Is this what you're after?

These accept indices, or you can just slice the ubyte[] to the 
part you need.


import std.stdio;
import std.bitmanip;
import std.system;
void main()
// 6.5535000E+004   00-FF-7F-47
ubyte[] ubval = [0, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x47];
auto fval = ubval.peek!(float, Endian.littleEndian);
writefln(%s as float: %s, ubval, fval);
writefln(%s as float: %s, ubval,!(float, 

// 16383.8  00-FF-7F-46
ubval = [0, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x46];
fval = ubval.peek!(float, Endian.littleEndian);
writefln(%s as float: %s, ubval, fval);
writefln(%s as float: %s, ubval,!(float, 

ubval = [0, 0, 0, 0];
std.bitmanip.write!(float, Endian.littleEndian)(ubval, 
65535.0f, 0);

writefln(%s as ubyte[]: %s, fval, ubval);
ubval = [0, 0, 0, 0];
std.bitmanip.write!(float, Endian.littleEndian)(ubval, fval, 

writefln(%s as ubyte[]: %s, fval, ubval);



Re: Base class with member parameterized on type of extending class

2014-10-20 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2014-10-19 13:19, rcor wrote:

I'm trying to make a game, and would like to set up the following
At any time, the game is in one Scene. Each scene has a state machine
that manages States of type T, where T is the type of the scene (e.g.
Overworld, Menu).

abstract class State!T {
   void update(T scene, float time, InputManager input);

class StateMachine!T { //manages states of type State!T }

abstract class Scene {
   alias T = // type of class extending Scene
   // methods pushState, popState, currentState access _stateMachine
   private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;

class MainMenu : Scene {
// I want _stateMachine of type StateMachine!MainMenu

class Overworld : Scene {
   // I want _stateMachine of type StateMachine!Overworld

class MoveToLocation : State!Overworld {
   override void update(Overworld world, float time, InputManager input) {
 // access properties of Overworld here

Within the Scene class, I've tried alias T = typeof(this), but that
appears to be resolved within Scene. This means that any Scene, such as
Overworld, have a state machine of type StateMachine!Scene rather than
StateMachine!Overworld. Since States are particular to a certain scene
and are designed to manipulate properties specific to that type of
scene, this would involve a lot of casting if States are not
parameterized. It feels like I need something like a class version of
the (this T) syntax used in templates.

This all smells a bit off though, so I wouldn't be surprised if the
answer is that I'm approaching this all wrong, but right now I'm not
seeing it.

You can always make Scene a template class:

abstract class Scene (T)
private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;

class MainMenu : Scene!(MainMenu) {}

But I'm guessing you like to avoid that if possible.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Benchmark games, Rust, big ints and Pi

2014-10-20 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn

John Carter:

Your paste has expired / no longer there but the subject 
has come up again...

Do you still have your implementation hanging around?

I think it was this. *Untested*:

void main(string[] args) {
import core.stdc.stdio, std.bigint, core.stdc.stdlib;

immutable n = (args.length == 2) ? args[1].ptr.atoi : 100;
BigInt acc, den = 1, num = 1;

for (uint i, k; i  n; ) {
immutable k2 = ++k * 2U + 1U;
acc = (acc + num * 2U) * k2;
den *= k2;
num *= k;
if (num  acc)

immutable d = ((num * 3 + acc) / den) % 10U;
if (d != ((num * 4 + acc) / den) % 10U)

putchar('0' + d);
if (++i % 10 == 0)
printf(\t:%u\n, i);
acc = (acc - den * d) * 10U;
num *= 10U;


Re: DDoc module description?

2014-10-20 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 01:58:27 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:

Is there no way to specify one at compile time?

Also, if I were to set the DDoc file like you suggest, does it 
look for one locally to dmd.conf/sc.ini or to the source code?

See here for full information:
The compiler checks in various places for a valid ddoc file.

Re: m_condition.mutex cannot be used in shared method ?

2014-10-20 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d-learn
Am Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:09:22 +
schrieb Sean Kelly

 What really needs to happen is for everything in core.sync to be 
 made shared.  I got partway through this at one point and 
 stopped, because it was imposing a terrible design on the 
 classes--I had shared methods that were casting away shared and 
 then calling the non-shared methods to do the work.
 The reason for this was that the transitivity of shared was 
 preventing me from calling pthread_mutex_lock or whatever because 
 those functions didn't take a shared pthread_mutex_t.  And 
 attempting to rewrite core.sys.posix to make the logically shared 
 types explicitly shared had a cascading effect that made me 
 Because of this, I remain unconvinced that the semantics of the 
 shared attribute are actually correct when applied to 
 user-defined types.  I want some kind of an I know what I'm 
 doing label, perhaps equivalent to the mutable attribute in 
 C++, but to exempt contained types from shared.

Thank you for that honest response. The situation is really
bizarre. I just tried to create a shared worker thread and
there is no ctor in Thread that creates a shared instance.

Is a shared constructor even meaningful? [1]
If yes, what do we need it for?

Can't we otherwise just implicitly and safely cast to shared
_after_ the constructor ran when we write `new shared(Foo)(...)`?

Casting away shared is not @safe. Since this is normal to
do in synchronized blocks, I figure the whole core.Thread and family are @system functionality ?

(Note that I created a PR for DMD that disables shared


Re: Base class with member parameterized on type of extending class

2014-10-20 Thread rcor via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 06:17:42 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

You can always make Scene a template class:

abstract class Scene (T)
private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;

class MainMenu : Scene!(MainMenu) {}

But I'm guessing you like to avoid that if possible.

I would, as I need to keep track of the current scene in a 
variable somewhere:

  Scene _currentScene; // problematic if Scene is a template

I could just declare the StateMachine separately in every Scene, 
but that seems like a lot of duplicate code (I then repeat the 
same code for updating the state machine, ect.)

Re: Really in need of help with std.container.array.d

2014-10-20 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 22:19:05 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

now errors as

array.d(927,15): Error: None of the overloads of 'opSlice' are 
callable using a const object, candidates are:
std.container.array.Array!int.Array.opSlice(ulong i, ulong j)

The error is because of this (lines 470 through 483):

 static if (isMutable!T)
 Range!(Array!T) opSlice()
 return typeof(return)(this, 0, length);
 Range!(const(Array!T)) opSlice() const
 return typeof(return)(this, 0, length);

You're disabling the const version when T is mutable. Consider
const(Array!int): T is int is mutable, so there is no const
opSlice. But the Array itself is const, so the non-const version
can't be used. Do not disable the const versions of the methods.
Only ever disable the non-const ones.

Also, the opSlice we're looking at here is Array's, not
Array.Range's. You don't need to touch Array's methods at all.
Only Array.Range's non-const methods need special treatment,
because you need to catch the special case when the Range is
mutable, but the referenced Array is not.

And it's really `isMutableA!`, not `isMutable!T`. I guess you
went for that because `A` is only defined in Array.Range, not in
Array itself. But T's mutability isn't of interest.

For example, Array.Range.opSlice should look like this:

 static if (isMutable!A) /* !A, not !T */
 Range!(A) opSlice() {/* ... */}
 Range!(A) opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) {/* ... */}
 /* No `else`, the const versions should always be
available. */
 Range!(const(A)) opSlice() const {/* ... */}
 Range!(const(A)) opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) const {/*
... */}

Then there are still various methods of Array.Range left to be
`static if(isMutable!A)` guarded:
* move*
* opIndex
* opSlice*

By the way, since we're in D.learn, I'm assuming you want to do
this yourself. But if you'd like, I could make a pull request
with my suggestions to your branch.

Re: Really in need of help with std.container.array.d

2014-10-20 Thread Nordlöw

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 10:56:43 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 22:19:05 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
By the way, since we're in D.learn, I'm assuming you want to do
this yourself. But if you'd like, I could make a pull request
with my suggestions to your branch.

Yes, please! That would be very kind of you.


Re: Base class with member parameterized on type of extending class

2014-10-20 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2014-10-20 12:27, rcor wrote:

I would, as I need to keep track of the current scene in a variable

   Scene _currentScene; // problematic if Scene is a template

If the state machine doesn't need to be exposed you can create base 
class for Scene which is not templated:

abstract class Scene {} // As it is now minus the state machine

abstract class ConcreteScene (T) : Scene
private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;

// other code that need access to _stateMachine

class MainMenu : ConcreteScene!(MainMenu)  {}

Scene _currentScene = new MainMenu;

ConcreteScene might not be the best name of an abstract class.

I could just declare the StateMachine separately in every Scene, but
that seems like a lot of duplicate code (I then repeat the same code for
updating the state machine, ect.)

Or you could use a template mixin:

template StateMachineMixin (T)
private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;

// other code that need access to _stateMachine

class MainMenu : Scene
mixin StateMachineMixin!(typeof(this));

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Base class with member parameterized on type of extending class

2014-10-20 Thread rcor via Digitalmars-d-learn
If the state machine doesn't need to be exposed you can create 
base class for Scene which is not templated:

abstract class Scene {} // As it is now minus the state machine

abstract class ConcreteScene (T) : Scene
private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;

// other code that need access to _stateMachine

class MainMenu : ConcreteScene!(MainMenu)  {}

Scene _currentScene = new MainMenu;

ConcreteScene might not be the best name of an abstract class.

Just came up with something similar before I saw this post:

interface IScene { // enter, exit, update, draw }
class Scene!T : IScene {
private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;
void update(float time) {
_stateMachine.update(cast(T) this, time);
The cast is unfortunate but since it only happens once per update 
cycle I'm not that worried about it.

I could just declare the StateMachine separately in every 
Scene, but
that seems like a lot of duplicate code (I then repeat the 
same code for

updating the state machine, ect.)

Or you could use a template mixin:

template StateMachineMixin (T)
private StateMachine!T _stateMachine;

// other code that need access to _stateMachine

class MainMenu : Scene
mixin StateMachineMixin!(typeof(this));

Interesting idea, I might give this a try but the first 
suggestion seems fine for now. Thanks!

Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-20 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 23:31:46 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Tablets are optimized for basic usage, not saving files and 
document editing and whatever else you might want to do on a 
PC.  Most people just need a basic appliance that isn't going 
to catch viruses or require registry hacks.


Re: Making plugin system with shared libraries. Upcast in shared lib

2014-10-20 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn
Do it the COM way: publish IModule2 interface and declare 
GetInterface method, which will return a prepared pointer, which 
you would reinterpret cast to IModule2.

Re: Making plugin system with shared libraries. Upcast in shared lib

2014-10-20 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 14:05:29 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Do it the COM way: publish IModule2 interface and declare 
GetInterface method, which will return a prepared pointer, 
which you would reinterpret cast to IModule2.

Will it work on linux with simple .so libs?
I want it to be as simple as possible.

Re: Making plugin system with shared libraries. Upcast in shared lib

2014-10-20 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/20/2014 12:32 AM, MrSmith wrote:

Than any module can search for registered modules and try to cast them
to concrete type (upcast).

That can't work because the notion of types only exists during 
compilation. Therefor it's not possible to load new types at runtime and 
use them in code that was compiled without knowing those types.

You should simply use interfaces to achieve your goal.

Re: Error: Undefined identifier when moving import to another module

2014-10-20 Thread nrgyzer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 22:22:05 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 09:39:05 UTC, nrgyzer wrote:

Hi guys,

when I do the following:

module myMain;

import example;
import std.traits;
import my.static.library.binding;

static this()
  foreach ( m; __traits(allMembers, example) )
 static if ( isCallable!(mixing(m) )
// ... do something here

void main() { /* do something here */ }

And my example-module looks like:

module example;

void exmapleFunction()
  // do something here

I can compile my application without any error, BUT when I 
move the import of my.static.library.binding to the 

module example;

import my.static.library.binding;

void exmapleFunction()
  // do something here

... I'm getting many error messages like these:

myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 

I'm having no idea what's going wrong here. I'm simply moving 
the import from the file where my main() is located in to the 
example-module. When removing the import of 
my.static.library.binding in the example-module allows me to 
successfully compile everything. But I need the import in the 
example-module. Any suggestions what's going wrong here/how I 
can solve the error?

An import is private by default:

When you move the import of my.static.library.binding to the 
example module, its declarations are no longer available in 
the myMain module.  You'd have to make it a public import 
my.static.library.binding to make it available to other 

Hm, I made it public and I'm getting the same error. I also 
imported the same module in my main which also gives me the same 

Re: Error: Undefined identifier when moving import to another module

2014-10-20 Thread nrgyzer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 16:05:14 UTC, nrgyzer wrote:

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 22:22:05 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 09:39:05 UTC, nrgyzer wrote:

Hi guys,

when I do the following:

module myMain;

import example;
import std.traits;
import my.static.library.binding;

static this()
 foreach ( m; __traits(allMembers, example) )
static if ( isCallable!(mixing(m) )
   // ... do something here

void main() { /* do something here */ }

And my example-module looks like:

module example;

void exmapleFunction()
 // do something here

I can compile my application without any error, BUT when I 
move the import of my.static.library.binding to the 

module example;

import my.static.library.binding;

void exmapleFunction()
 // do something here

... I'm getting many error messages like these:

myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 

I'm having no idea what's going wrong here. I'm simply moving 
the import from the file where my main() is located in to the 
example-module. When removing the import of 
my.static.library.binding in the example-module allows me 
to successfully compile everything. But I need the import in 
the example-module. Any suggestions what's going wrong 
here/how I can solve the error?

An import is private by default:

When you move the import of my.static.library.binding to the 
example module, its declarations are no longer available in 
the myMain module.  You'd have to make it a public import 
my.static.library.binding to make it available to other 

Hm, I made it public and I'm getting the same error. I also 
imported the same module in my main which also gives me the 
same error.

I temporarely solved the error by making the import in the module 
where the main()-function is located in public and importing this 
file into the other module. This solved the error but is not a 
perfect solution...

Re: Error: Undefined identifier when moving import to another module

2014-10-20 Thread nrgyzer via Digitalmars-d-learn
This solved the problem for the first time, BUT - I don't know if 
it's a bug or a feature - I ran into another problem. I'm having 
the following few lines:

module example;

   string[string] myPrivateArray;

static this()
   foreach ( m; __traits(allMembers, example) )

  writefln(%s :: %s, m, __traits(getProtection, m));

void main() { /* empty */ }

Compiling and running the application say's that myPrivateArray 
is public:

myPrivateArray :: public

I declared myPrivateArray using the private keyword, but the 
dmd-trait `getProtection` says public. Why?

Re: m_condition.mutex cannot be used in shared method ?

2014-10-20 Thread Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 09:53:23 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Thank you for that honest response. The situation is really
bizarre. I just tried to create a shared worker thread and
there is no ctor in Thread that creates a shared instance.

Is a shared constructor even meaningful? [1]

If we want to try for having thread-local memory pools then yes.

If yes, what do we need it for?

See above.  Though there are other problems that will probably
prevent this anyway (immutable being implicitly shared, for one).

Can't we otherwise just implicitly and safely cast to shared
_after_ the constructor ran when we write `new 


Casting away shared is not @safe. Since this is normal to
do in synchronized blocks, I figure the whole core.Thread and family are @system functionality ?

Yes.  Though I really don't like feeling that casts are necessary
in general.  If I have to cast in order to do normal work then
there's probably something wrong with the type system.  Though
I'll note that I also use mutable in C++ for what I feel are
completely justifiable reasons (like on a contained Mutex so I
can lock/unlock some region of code in a const method), and D has
been firmly established in opposition to logical const.  Mutexes
are actually a special case in D because they bypass normal type
checking thanks to the way synchronized blocks work, and I'm sure
we could do something similar for shared, but it feels wrong.  I
kind of hope that someone will show me that casting away shared
isn't necessary, kind of like how Monads are a clever response to
immutability in Haskell.

(Note that I created a PR for DMD that disables shared

With all the recent work on the GC, we really really need to
start tracking which thread owns a given non-shared object so it
can be finalized properly.  This may mean having the process of
casting away shared make the executing thread the new owner of
the object.

Re: Error: Undefined identifier when moving import to another module

2014-10-20 Thread nrgyzer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 17:37:34 UTC, nrgyzer wrote:
This solved the problem for the first time, BUT - I don't know 
if it's a bug or a feature - I ran into another problem. I'm 
having the following few lines:

module example;

   string[string] myPrivateArray;

static this()
   foreach ( m; __traits(allMembers, example) )

  writefln(%s :: %s, m, __traits(getProtection, m));

void main() { /* empty */ }

Compiling and running the application say's that myPrivateArray 
is public:

myPrivateArray :: public

I declared myPrivateArray using the private keyword, but the 
dmd-trait `getProtection` says public. Why?

Ah, okay, I also need to use mixin(m) to get the protection. But 
in this case, getProtection only works if I want retrieve the 
protection for a variable, contained in the same module. I simply 
can't use getProtection if I'm using the allMembers-trait for 
another module where the variable is private...

Re: Really in need of help with std.container.array.d

2014-10-20 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 11:20:30 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 10:56:43 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 22:19:05 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
By the way, since we're in D.learn, I'm assuming you want to do
this yourself. But if you'd like, I could make a pull request
with my suggestions to your branch.

Yes, please! That would be very kind of you.

Forgot to mention it here, not sure if you noticed it:

Re: Making plugin system with shared libraries. Upcast in shared lib

2014-10-20 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 15:30:28 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

On 10/20/2014 12:32 AM, MrSmith wrote:
Than any module can search for registered modules and try to 
cast them

to concrete type (upcast).

That can't work because the notion of types only exists during 
compilation. Therefor it's not possible to load new types at 
runtime and use them in code that was compiled without knowing 
those types.

You should simply use interfaces to achieve your goal.

In this case ether shared lib knows actual type.

But i've tried it with interfaces, (upcast also), or do you mean 
something else?

1) I want application to load IModule from .so/.dll
2) Any other module should be able to cast that IModule to actual 
type (upcast) and test if result is !null.
3) Can i do this using interfaces or without them? I.e. if in 
first example module2 is interface

Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-20 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 13:52:10 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 23:31:46 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Tablets are optimized for basic usage, not saving files and 
document editing and whatever else you might want to do on a 
PC.  Most people just need a basic appliance that isn't going 
to catch viruses or require registry hacks.


Are you laughing because of this? :)

Android devices accounted for 60% of total mobile network 
infections, and 40% of mobile malware originated from Windows 
laptops connected to a phone or connected directly through a 
mobile USB stick or W-Fi hub.

Infections on Windows Phone, iPhone and BlackBerry devices made 
up less than 1%

'Android smartphones are the easiest malware target,' said Kevin 
McNamee, security architect and director of Alcatel-Lucent’s 
Kindsight Security Labs, but noted 'but Windows laptops are still 
the favourite of hard core professional cybercriminals.'”

Note my original reference to not being able to save files and 
the very low rate of infection on the iPhone.  Android is a 
little different because it's so open, just like Windows, and I 
bet most of those infected Android devices were rooted or old.  
If you do the math, there are a lot more Android devices than 
Windows laptops, so the fact that there are almost as many 
infected Windows laptops means the infection rate of Windows is 
much higher.

Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-20 Thread Mitch Crane via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
 On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 13:52:10 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

 If you do the math, there are a lot more Android
 devices than Windows laptops, so the fact that there are almost as many
 infected Windows laptops means the infection rate of Windows is much higher.

All the more, those numbers reflecting infection rates on mobile networks.

Re: Really in need of help with std.container.array.d

2014-10-20 Thread Nordlöw

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 18:01:11 UTC, anonymous wrote:
Forgot to mention it here, not sure if you noticed it:


Re: Removing whitespace duplicates

2014-10-20 Thread Nordlöw

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 20:27:19 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:


Doh, that was too easy:

line.strip.splitter!isWhite.filter!(a = 

Sorry, for being lazy ;)

Removing whitespace duplicates

2014-10-20 Thread Nordlöw

How can I extend

string line = carwash;


so that

car   wash



and not



Used at

Re: Removing whitespace duplicates

2014-10-20 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn


How can I extend

string line = carwash;


so that

car   wash



and not





Re: Removing whitespace duplicates

2014-10-20 Thread Justin Whear via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 22:21:09 +, bearophile wrote:


std.string.squeeze might be more appropriate.

Re: Removing whitespace duplicates

2014-10-20 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn

Justin Whear:

std.string.squeeze might be more appropriate.

But with tr you can also replace the spaces with the underscore.


Re: Really in need of help with std.container.array.d

2014-10-20 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-learn
Speaking of this module, since I cannot currently login to 
bugtracker, I'd like to note here that there are two major bugs 
in one little function: Array.Payload.length setter. One is this

and the other is reallocating without notifying GC of the 
pointers, which leads to having dangling pointers in the array 
after a GC cycle.