Re: Recommend: IDE and GUI library

2017-02-24 Thread evilrat via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 25 February 2017 at 00:45:24 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner 

I use Visual Studio Code on Linux and macOS, not sure how the 
experience on Windows is, but I'd expect it to be the same.

Windows is fine, can also debug mscoff x86 or x64 projects with 
MS 'cpptools' plugin that has visual studio debugger for C++

Re: Getting nice print of struct for debugging

2017-02-24 Thread Minty Fresh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 25 February 2017 at 01:27:09 UTC, Minty Fresh wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 February 2017 at 11:18:15 UTC, Martin 
Tschierschke wrote:


Since structs are Plain-old Data and don't do inheritance, the 
best option is a template mixin.


  template mixin PrettyPrint
  string toString()
  // . . .

From there, you can mix it into any struct you want.

  struct MyStruct
  mixin PrettyPrint;

If you're familiar with Rails, this is similar to a Concern.

Errata on that. Should actually be declared as:

  mixin template PrettyPrint()

This is why I shouldn't make posts from my phone.

Re: Getting nice print of struct for debugging

2017-02-24 Thread Minty Fresh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 22 February 2017 at 11:18:15 UTC, Martin 
Tschierschke wrote:
On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 14:02:54 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 


Yes, this works, I would say this is the simplest:

MyStruct s;

foreach (index, name ; FieldNameTuple!MyStruct)
writefln("%s: %s", name, s.tupleof[index]);

If you want something more close to "send" in Ruby, you need 
to use a string mixin, like this:

foreach (name ; FieldNameTuple!MyStruct)
writefln("%s: %s", name, mixin("s." ~ name));

The string mixin example works for methods, opDispatch and 
similar as well. The tupleof example, the first one, works 
only for fields.

Exactly what I was looking for, **thank you!**
Both ways of accessing the struct elements are very interesting,
giving an impression what is possible with D.

Is it possible to overwrite "toString" for all structs in one 

Regards mt.

Since structs are Plain-old Data and don't do inheritance, the 
best option is a template mixin.


  template mixin PrettyPrint
  string toString()
  // . . .

From there, you can mix it into any struct you want.

  struct MyStruct
  mixin PrettyPrint;

If you're familiar with Rails, this is similar to a Concern.

Re: Recommend: IDE and GUI library

2017-02-24 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 February 2017 at 22:44:55 UTC, XavierAP wrote:
Hi I've looked at, and I see that Visual D 
is linked from Still I was looking for 
personal opinions and experiences beyond hard specs, I wonder 
if one of the IDEs is already dominant at least for each OS for 
any good reason.

My requirements are quite ordinary: make x64, debug, go to 
definition, manage projects, code completion. My platform is 
Windows; interested if the choice would be different for Linux, 
if the same nice, otherwise I'd prefer to use whatever is best 
on each OS.

I use Visual Studio Code on Linux and macOS, not sure how the 
experience on Windows is, but I'd expect it to be the same. With 
the dlang extension[1], the usual development tools dcd, dfmt, 
dscanner, dfix (see for these), and the native 
debug extension[2] all your requirements are covered. After the 
setup everything has been working smoothly and I'm very happy 
with it.
The *only* little gripe about it is that Visual Studio Code uses 
the Electron framework and drains about 10-20% more power than 
e.g. neovim, though the comparison is apples vs oranges.

And second question, is DWT the de facto standard for creating 
GUIs? Or are there good competitors.

AFAIK there is no standard in creating GUIs with D. I suppose if 
any one of them has what it takes to take that position in the 
future it'd be dlangui[3], but considering the issue tracker and 
the manpower available that'll likely still take a while.
In the meantime I personally use dqml[4] (QtQuick 2.0 bindings) 
since I like MVC, and this allows me to write application logic 
and model in D, visual in QML, and controller in JS (and this 
also allows me to swap out the application core without changing 
a single line in the QML or JS).

Sorry if I'm asking something too obvious, though I've looked 
around for answers before.

If it's obvious, I missed it myself; I pretty much tried out all 
the GUI/TUI things on until I found something I 


Recommend: IDE and GUI library

2017-02-24 Thread XavierAP via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi I've looked at, and I see that Visual D is 
linked from Still I was looking for 
personal opinions and experiences beyond hard specs, I wonder if 
one of the IDEs is already dominant at least for each OS for any 
good reason.

My requirements are quite ordinary: make x64, debug, go to 
definition, manage projects, code completion. My platform is 
Windows; interested if the choice would be different for Linux, 
if the same nice, otherwise I'd prefer to use whatever is best on 
each OS.

And second question, is DWT the de facto standard for creating 
GUIs? Or are there good competitors.

Sorry if I'm asking something too obvious, though I've looked 
around for answers before. And I've also searched the forum but 
really equivalent questions were over 2 years old and many things 
may have changed.


Re: Serializer class

2017-02-24 Thread houdoux09 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm pretty sure you need to use "value.tupleof[i][0]" instead 
of "mm[0]" as well.

it does not work but I found a solution, that's what I do :

abstract class BaseClass
uint[] a = [9, 10, 5];

override class Test : BaseClass
   int t = 0;
   string s = "holla";

public static JSONValue Serialize(BaseClass value)
foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, typeof(value)))
   static if (__traits(compiles, 
to!string(__traits(getMember, value, member

  auto result =  __traits(getMember, value, member);
  static if(isArray!(typeof(value)) && !is(typeof(value) 
== string))

// process  
	  else static if(is(typeof(value) == class) || is(typeof(value) 
== struct))

   // process   
  // process

void main(string[] args)
   Serialize(new Test());

The problem is that I can not retrieve the variables from the 
parent class.

Re: template parameter inference and introspection

2017-02-24 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 February 2017 at 11:17:46 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Unfortunately that only works by accident of my example. A 

T foo(Q = float, T = short)(T t) { return t; }

alias Typeof(alias v) = typeof(v);

template getInstantiation(alias f, T...)
import std.meta;

alias getInstantiation = f!(staticMap!(Typeof, T));

static assert(is(typeof(foo(3)) == int)); // ok
static assert(is(typeof(getInstantiation!(foo, 3)(3)) == int)); 
// fails

This looks like VRP is kicking in when it shouldn't, or maybe 
it's a different bug. 3 should be typed as int by default unless 
we explicitly ask for something else.

Re: template parameter inference and introspection

2017-02-24 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 February 2017 at 14:06:22 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Friday, 24 February 2017 at 11:17:46 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Unfortunately that only works by accident of my example. A 

T foo(Q = float, T = short)(T t) { return t; }

alias Typeof(alias v) = typeof(v);

template getInstantiation(alias f, T...)
import std.meta;

alias getInstantiation = f!(staticMap!(Typeof, T));

static assert(is(typeof(foo(3)) == int)); // ok
static assert(is(typeof(getInstantiation!(foo, 3)(3)) == 
int)); // fails

This looks like VRP is kicking in when it shouldn't, or maybe 
it's a different bug. 3 should be typed as int by default 
unless we explicitly ask for something else.

VRP propagation is what makes the call possible, but that's a 
distraction. The problem is that getInstantiation is setting Q to 
int and leaving T to be it's default type of short, which is not 
the same as if you just call with an int (which infers T from t 
and leaves Q as it's default float. Fundamentally, you can't 
assume the same order of runtime and template arguments.

Re: Debugging D applications from VS code with webfreak.debug

2017-02-24 Thread FR via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 February 2017 at 03:15:11 UTC, Jerry wrote:
You can use the C++ plugin, which provides a debugger. Just 
make sure you aren't using optlink, I don't think it generates 
compatible files. Also you might need to use "-gc" which 
generates debug names to be in C format.

You might also need to enable breakpoints anywhere in VS code 
user setting file.

Awesome! After finding the right combination of flags (-g and 
-m64 fed to dmd via dflags-dmd in my dub.json) this works quite 
nicely. Thanks a lot!

Is there anywhere I can contribute this as documentation?

Re: Serializer class

2017-02-24 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-02-22 20:13, thedeemon wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 February 2017 at 18:34:26 UTC, houdoux09 wrote:

void Read(T)(T value)
   foreach(i, mm; value.tupleof)
  writeln(__traits(identifier, value.tupleof[i]), " = ", mm);

  Read(mm[0]); //Error

You need to use "static if" here inside foreach. Otherwise the body of
your "if" gets compiled for all the different fields of "value" and of
course fails for the fields that are not arrays.

I'm pretty sure you need to use "value.tupleof[i][0]" instead of "mm[0]" 
as well.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Class Order Style

2017-02-24 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-02-20 14:47, Jolly James wrote:

How to sort the members of a class?


1. properties
2. private 3. methods
4. ctors

... and so on. are there any recommendations?

In my opinion:

1. Manifest constants (enum)
2. Static variables
3. Instance variables
4. Constructors
5. Properties
6. Methods

And what is better?

class A
   int a;
   int b;
   int c;
   int d;


class A
   int a;
   int b;
   int c;
   int d;

I usually go with "private int a;" if there are four or less fields 
(static or instance). Otherwise I use the block style (with curly 
braces). For the methods I use the Java style with the protection 
attribute attached for each method. Sometimes I put a bunch of internal 
methods at the end, then I use the label (C++) style.

class Foo
enum a = 1;
enum b = 2;

static int c = 3;
static int d = 4;

private int e_;
private int f_;

this(int e, int f) {}

static void g();
static void h();

int e() { return e_; }
int f() { return f_; }

void i();
void j();


void k();
void l();

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: template parameter inference and introspection

2017-02-24 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 18:33:33 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 18:21:51 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 16:01:44 UTC, John Colvin 
Is there any way to get a reference/alias to the 
instantiation of a template function that would be called, 
given certain parameters? I.e. to get the result of whatever 
template parameter inference (and overload resolution) has 

E.g. for some arbitrarily complex foo:

static assert(__traits(compiles, foo(3)));
alias fooWithInt = someMagic(foo(3));

so if foo was `void foo(T)(T t) {}` then `fooWithInt` would 
be `foo!int`, but if it was `void foo(Q = float, T = long)(T 
t)` then `fooWithInt` would be `foo!(float, int)`

I don't believe so, because foo(3) is a value (void), not a 
type like foo!int would be. You can't get it back after you've 
called the function. You would have to do something like:

alias fooWithInt = someMagic!foo(3);

Where someMagic constructs the alias to foo!int based on the 
type of arguments passed, or something like that.

A quick and rough example I threw together. Annoyingly, I can't 
figure out a way to tell the compiler that I want to printout 
the symbol of fooWithInt, not call it without parens. The best 
I can do is print out its type.

void foo(T)(T t) {}
void foo(Q = float, T = long)(T t) {}

alias Typeof(alias v) = typeof(v);

template getInstantiation(alias f, T...)
import std.meta;

alias getInstantiation = f!(staticMap!(Typeof, T));

alias fooWithInt = getInstantiation!(foo, 3);
alias fooWithLong = getInstantiation!(foo, 3L);

void main()
pragma(msg, typeof(fooWithInt));
pragma(msg, typeof(fooWithLong));

Unfortunately that only works by accident of my example. A 

T foo(Q = float, T = short)(T t) { return t; }

alias Typeof(alias v) = typeof(v);

template getInstantiation(alias f, T...)
import std.meta;

alias getInstantiation = f!(staticMap!(Typeof, T));

static assert(is(typeof(foo(3)) == int)); // ok
static assert(is(typeof(getInstantiation!(foo, 3)(3)) == int)); 
// fails

Re: Getting nice print of struct for debugging

2017-02-24 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-02-22 12:18, Martin Tschierschke wrote:

Exactly what I was looking for, **thank you!**
Both ways of accessing the struct elements are very interesting,
giving an impression what is possible with D.

Is it possible to overwrite "toString" for all structs in one step?

It depends. You can create a template mixin containing the 
implementation of toString, which need to be mixed in in all structs. Or 
you can create a new function that can convert any passed in structs in 
a generic way. It depends on what you need the string for.

/Jacob Carlborg