Re: Tools to help me find memory leaks?

2017-08-25 Thread Sebastien Alaiwan via Digitalmars-d-learn

I always use "valgrind --tool=massif" + "massif-visualizer".
Gives me a nice timeline allowing to find quickly who the big 
memory consumers (allocation sites) are.

Re: Web servers in D

2017-08-25 Thread Hasen Judy via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 06:15:35 UTC, Eugene Wissner wrote:

There is collie [1]. Never used. Can't say a lot about it.

arsd [2] has a lot of interesting web stuff: event loop, 
FastCGI/SimpleCGI; web-, DOM-, mail-utilities.

And the last but not least I'm running currently a small web 
server serving static files based on tanya [3]. Once I'm ready 
to write a web-framework on top of it, it would be what you 
mention: no compile-time templates, no jade-style templates, 
since I dislike these too. But unfortunately it is not 
something can be used now.


Thanks. Those are some interesting links.

FWIW I kind of like compile-time templates. I just don't like 
jade (or coffee-script, or stylus, or all these languages that 
try to remove the punctuation and curly braces, and all signs of 

Re: Terminating a thread (which is blocking)

2017-08-25 Thread Eugene Wissner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 07:23:15 UTC, Timothy Foster wrote:
I've started a thread at the beginning of my program that waits 
for user input:

`thread = new Thread(&checkInput).start;`

`static void checkInput(){
foreach (line; stdin.byLineCopy) { ... }

I need to stop checking for user input at some point in my 
program but I'm not sure how to kill this thread. 
`thread.yield();` called from my main thread doesn't kill it 
and I'm not sure how to send a message to the input checking 
thread to get it to terminate itself when `stdin.byLineCopy` 
just sits there and blocks until user input is received.

If you're on Linux, you can try pthread_kill.
Otherwise don't block. Define a shared boolean variable that says 
if the thread should stop. Wait for the input for some time and 
break, check the condition variable, try to read again or break 
and so on.

Re: Web servers in D

2017-08-25 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-08-25 07:25, Hasen Judy wrote:

What libraries are people using to run webservers other than vibe.d?

Don't get me wrong I like the async-io aspect of vibe.d but I don't like 
the weird template language and the fact that it caters to mongo crowd.

I think for D to a have good web story it needs to appeal to serious 
backend developers, not hipsters who go after fads (mongodb is a fad, 
jade/haml is a fad).

Why would a backend developer care about front end stuff like jade/haml? 
Just don't use those parts ;)

I probably need to combine several libraries, but the features I'm 
looking for are:

- Spawn an HTTP server listening on a port, and routing requests to 
functions/delegates, without hiding the details of the http 
request/response objects (headers, cookies, etc).

- Support for websockets

- Runs delegates in fibers/coroutines

- Basic database connectivity (No "orm" needed; just raw sql).

It depends on which database you need to connect to. For PostgreSQL 
there's ddb [1] and for MySQL there's mysql-native [2].

- When iterating the result set of a sql query, has the ability to 
automatically map each row against a struct, and throw if the structure 
does not match.

I don't know about mysql-native, but for ddb you can use the PGCommand 
class and the executeQuery or executeRow to execute the query and 
specify the struct that should be returned.

- More generally, map any arbitrary object (such as json) to a struct. 
Something like Zewo/Reflection package for swift[0].

vibe.d has built-in support for serialization [3].


I feel like Vibe.d satisfies my first 3 requirements, but for the rest I 
will probably have to look for something else.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Choosing between enum arrays or AliasSeqs

2017-08-25 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-08-25 08:12, Nordlöw wrote:


Your advice led to the following sample solution

import std.meta : aliasSeqOf;
immutable englishIndefiniteArticles = [`a`, `an`];
bool isEnglishIndefiniteArticle(S)(S s)
     return cast(bool)s.among!(aliasSeqOf!englishIndefiniteArticles);

Is this the preferred way?

Since you're converting the returned index to a bool, can't you use 
"canFind" instead?

immutable englishIndefiniteArticles = [`a`, `an`];
bool isEnglishIndefiniteArticle(S)(S s)
return englishIndefiniteArticles.canFind(s);

Could a template-parameter overload to `among` (perhaps calling it 
something slighty different) be defined that takes an immutable array as 
argument to prevent the conversion to the `AliasSeq` prior to the call?

I guess. Currently none of the existing overloads take an array, 
immutable or otherwise. They expect the values to be give as separate 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Long File path Exception:The system cannot find the path specified

2017-08-25 Thread zabruk70 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 18:02:24 UTC, vino wrote:

  Thanks for your support, was able to resolve this issue.

IMHO, it will be better, if you will share your solution for 
other peoples :)

Re: (SIMD) Optimized multi-byte chunk scanning

2017-08-25 Thread Igor via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 August 2017 at 22:07:30 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
I recall seeing some C/C++/D code that optimizes the comment- 
and whitespace-skipping parts (tokens) of lexers by operating 
on 2, 4 or 8-byte chunks instead of single-byte chunks. This in 
the case when token-terminators are expressed as sets of 
(alternative) ASCII-characters.

For instance, when searching for the end of a line comment, I 
would like to speed up the while-loop in

size_t offset;
string input = "// \n"; // a line-comment string
import std.algorithm : among;
// until end-of-line or file terminator
while (!input[offset].among!('\0', '\n', '\r')

by taking `offset`-steps larger than one.

Note that my file reading function that creates the real 
`input`, appends a '\0' at the end to enable sentinel-based 
search as shown in the call to `among` above.

I further recall that there are x86_64 intrinsics that can be 
used here for further speedups.

Refs, anyone?

On line comments it doesn't sound like it will pay off since you 
would have to do extra work to make sure you work on 16 byte 
aligned memory. For multi-line comments maybe.

As for a nice reference of intel intrinsics:

Re: wrapping a C style delegate

2017-08-25 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn
You're not specific enough. What would be semantics of such 

Re: Long File path Exception:The system cannot find the path specified

2017-08-25 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 09:08:44 UTC, zabruk70 wrote:

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 18:02:24 UTC, vino wrote:

  Thanks for your support, was able to resolve this issue.

IMHO, it will be better, if you will share your solution for 
other peoples :)


 Please find the solution below, basically i converted the path 
to UNC path as below

auto unc = "?\\"~i;
   auto dFiles = dirEntries(unc, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 
a.isDir && !globMatch(a.baseName, "*DND*")).array;


import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode, remove, 
rmdirRecurse, exists, mkdir;

import std.stdio: writeln, writefln, File;
import std.algorithm: filter;
import std.array: array;
import std.path: globMatch, baseName;
/* Global Valiables   */
int SizeDir = 10;

/* Folder Lists   */
auto SizeDirlst = [ "N:\\PROD_TEAM", "P:\\TEAM" ];
/* Function : Size of Non DND Dir List*/
void SizeDirList (string[] SzDNDlst)
 ulong subdirTotal = 0;
 foreach (string i; SzDNDlst[0 .. $])
   auto unc = "?\\"~i;
   auto dFiles = dirEntries(unc, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 
a.isDir && !globMatch(a.baseName, "*DND*")).array;

foreach (d; dFiles)
  auto SdFiles = dirEntries(d, SpanMode.breadth).array;
  foreach (f; SdFiles)
   subdirTotal += f.size;
ulong subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir)
   writefln("%-63s %s", d[0].replace("?\\", ""), 

subdirTotal = 0;

/* Main
void main ()

Appending data to array results in duplicate's.

2017-08-25 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn


 Request your help on the below issue,

Issue : While appending data to a array the data is getting 

import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.array: array;
import std.typecons: tuple;

string[] Subdata;
void main ()
 auto dFiles = dirEntries("C:\\Temp\\TEAM", 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isFile).map!(a => tuple( , 

 foreach (d; dFiles)
  Subdata ~= d[0];
  Subdata ~= d[1].toSimpleString;


["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851"]  - 
duplicate line
["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851", 
"C:\\TempTEAM\\test5.xlsx", "2017-Aug-25 23:38:14.486421"]


Re: Appending data to array results in duplicate's.

2017-08-25 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 16:45:16 UTC, Vino.B wrote:


 Request your help on the below issue,

Issue : While appending data to a array the data is getting 

import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.array: array;
import std.typecons: tuple;

string[] Subdata;
void main ()
 auto dFiles = dirEntries("C:\\Temp\\TEAM", 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isFile).map!(a => tuple( 
, a.timeCreated)).array;

 foreach (d; dFiles)
  Subdata ~= d[0];
  Subdata ~= d[1].toSimpleString;


["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851"]  
- duplicate line
["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851", 
"C:\\TempTEAM\\test5.xlsx", "2017-Aug-25 23:38:14.486421"]


You are consecutively appending to an array in each loop 
iteration step, i.e. you are buffering, and you're printing the 
current state of the buffer (all previously buffered elements) in 
each loop iteration. I can't see any duplication going on, what 
exactly to you wish to accomplish?

Re: Appending data to array results in duplicate's.

2017-08-25 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, August 25, 2017 16:45:16 Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Hi,
>   Request your help on the below issue,
> Issue : While appending data to a array the data is getting
> duplicated.
> Program:
> import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
> import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
> import std.algorithm: filter, map;
> import std.array: array;
> import std.typecons: tuple;
> string[] Subdata;
> void main ()
> {
>   auto dFiles = dirEntries("C:\\Temp\\TEAM",
> SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isFile).map!(a => tuple( ,
> a.timeCreated)).array;
>   foreach (d; dFiles)
> Subdata ~= d[0];
> Subdata ~= d[1].toSimpleString;
> writeln(Subdata);
> }
> }
> Output:
> ["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851"]  -
> duplicate line
> ["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851",
> "C:\\TempTEAM\\test5.xlsx", "2017-Aug-25 23:38:14.486421"]

You keep printing out the entire array on every iteration of the loop, so of
course, you're going to see stuff output multiple times. If you did
something like

import std.stdio;

void main()
int[] arr;
foreach(i; 0 .. 5)
arr ~= i * 10;

then you'd get the output

[0, 10]
[0, 10, 20]
[0, 10, 20, 30]
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

whereas if you did

import std.stdio;

void main()
int[] arr;
foreach(i; 0 .. 5)
arr ~= i * 10;

then you'd just get

[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Appending data to array results in duplicate's.

2017-08-25 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 17:02:53 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, August 25, 2017 16:45:16 Vino.B via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


  Request your help on the below issue,

Issue : While appending data to a array the data is getting 

import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.array: array;
import std.typecons: tuple;

string[] Subdata;
void main ()
  auto dFiles = dirEntries("C:\\Temp\\TEAM",
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isFile).map!(a => 
tuple( ,

  foreach (d; dFiles)
Subdata ~= d[0];
Subdata ~= d[1].toSimpleString;


["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851"]  

duplicate line
["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851",
"C:\\TempTEAM\\test5.xlsx", "2017-Aug-25 23:38:14.486421"]

You keep printing out the entire array on every iteration of 
the loop, so of course, you're going to see stuff output 
multiple times. If you did something like

import std.stdio;

void main()
int[] arr;
foreach(i; 0 .. 5)
arr ~= i * 10;

then you'd get the output

[0, 10]
[0, 10, 20]
[0, 10, 20, 30]
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

whereas if you did

import std.stdio;

void main()
int[] arr;
foreach(i; 0 .. 5)
arr ~= i * 10;

then you'd just get

[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

- Jonathan M Davis

Hi All,

 Thank you very much, that was my mistake. The main idea is to 
implement parallelism and now i get only single data as there are 
2 files in each of the folders, but it is listing only 1 per 

import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.array: array;
import std.typecons: tuple;
import std.parallelism;
string[] Subdata;

auto Dirlst = [ "C:\\Temp\\TEAM", "C:\\Temp\\PROD_TEAM"];

string[] Test (string Fs)
auto dFiles = dirEntries(Fs, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 
a.isFile).map!(a => tuple( , a.timeCreated)).array;

foreach (d; dFiles)
 {  Subdata ~=  d[0]; Subdata ~= d[1].toSimpleString; }
return Subdata;

void main ()
 foreach (string Fs; Dirlst[0 .. $])
   auto TestTask = task(&Test, Fs);
auto TestTaskData = TestTask.yieldForce;
writefln("%-63s %.20s", TestTaskData[0], TestTaskData[1]);


2017-Aug-24 18:23:00
2017-Aug-25 23:38:04

The folder C:\Temp\TEAM contains 2 files and folder 
C:\Temp\\PROD_TEAM contain 4 files but it display only 1 file per 

Re: Choosing between enum arrays or AliasSeqs

2017-08-25 Thread Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 08:27:41 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Since you're converting the returned index to a bool, can't you 
use "canFind" instead?

immutable englishIndefiniteArticles = [`a`, `an`];
bool isEnglishIndefiniteArticle(S)(S s)
return englishIndefiniteArticles.canFind(s);

`s.canFind` has time-complexity O(s.length)

Opposite to the template-parameter overload of `among` which has 
O(1), making all the difference performance-wise in my case.

Re: (SIMD) Optimized multi-byte chunk scanning

2017-08-25 Thread Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 09:40:28 UTC, Igor wrote:
As for a nice reference of intel intrinsics:

Wow, what a fabulous UX!

Re: Multi dimensional array format priting

2017-08-25 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 17:41:31 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 17:02:53 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Friday, August 25, 2017 16:45:16 Vino.B via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


  Request your help on the below issue,

Issue : While appending data to a array the data is getting 

import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.array: array;
import std.typecons: tuple;

string[] Subdata;
void main ()
  auto dFiles = dirEntries("C:\\Temp\\TEAM",
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isFile).map!(a => 
tuple( ,

  foreach (d; dFiles)
Subdata ~= d[0];
Subdata ~= d[1].toSimpleString;


["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851"]
duplicate line
["C:\\Temp\\TEAM\\test1.pdf", "2017-Aug-24 18:23:00.8946851",
"C:\\TempTEAM\\test5.xlsx", "2017-Aug-25 23:38:14.486421"]

You keep printing out the entire array on every iteration of 
the loop, so of course, you're going to see stuff output 
multiple times. If you did something like

import std.stdio;

void main()
int[] arr;
foreach(i; 0 .. 5)
arr ~= i * 10;

then you'd get the output

[0, 10]
[0, 10, 20]
[0, 10, 20, 30]
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

whereas if you did

import std.stdio;

void main()
int[] arr;
foreach(i; 0 .. 5)
arr ~= i * 10;

then you'd just get

[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

- Jonathan M Davis

Hi All,

 Thank you very much, that was my mistake. The main idea is to 
implement parallelism and now i get only single data as there 
are 2 files in each of the folders, but it is listing only 1 
per folder.

import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.array: array;
import std.typecons: tuple;
import std.parallelism;
string[] Subdata;

auto Dirlst = [ "C:\\Temp\\TEAM", "C:\\Temp\\PROD_TEAM"];

string[] Test (string Fs)
auto dFiles = dirEntries(Fs, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 
a.isFile).map!(a => tuple( , a.timeCreated)).array;

foreach (d; dFiles)
 {  Subdata ~=  d[0]; Subdata ~= d[1].toSimpleString; }
return Subdata;

void main ()
 foreach (string Fs; Dirlst[0 .. $])
   auto TestTask = task(&Test, Fs);
auto TestTaskData = TestTask.yieldForce;
writefln("%-63s %.20s", TestTaskData[0], TestTaskData[1]);


2017-Aug-24 18:23:00
2017-Aug-25 23:38:04

The folder C:\Temp\TEAM contains 2 files and folder 
C:\Temp\\PROD_TEAM contain 4 files but it display only 1 file 
per folder.


 I was able to find the solution, thank you very much, please let 
me know if there are any good logic than below,

import std.file: dirEntries, isFile, SpanMode;
import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.array: array;
import std.typecons: tuple;
import std.parallelism;
string[][] Subdata;

auto Dirlst = [ "C:\\Temp\\TEAM" ];

string[][] CleanFiles (string Fs)
auto dFiles = dirEntries(Fs, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 
a.isFile).map!(a => tuple( , a.timeCreated)).array;

foreach (d; dFiles)
 Subdata ~=  [d[0], d[1].toSimpleString[0 .. 20]];
return Subdata;

void main ()
 foreach (string Fs; Dirlst[0 .. $])
auto MCleanTask = task(&CleanFiles, Fs);
auto MCleanTaskData = MCleanTask.yieldForce;
foreach(i; MCleanTaskData[0 .. $])
writefln("%-(%-63s %)", i);



spawnProcess: Exit parent process without terminating child process

2017-08-25 Thread timvol via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi guys,

I want execute a process. I know, I can execute a process using 
"spawnProcess" or "executeShell". But I want exit the parent.

My code for testing purposes is the following:

int main(string[] asArgs_p)
if ( (asArgs_p.length >= 2) && asArgs_p[1].isDir() )
while(1) {}
import std.process;
spawnProcess([asArgs_p[0], "test"]);
return 0;

So, starting the application without any parameter, it calls 
"spawnProcess" with an parameter. Now, I want that the parent 
process (the process started without parameter) terminates, while 
the created process remains running.

At the moment, the parent process creates the child and remains 
open (because of the while(1)-loop).

Any ideas how I can exit the parent and keep the child process 

Re: testing for deprecation

2017-08-25 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 1 September 2016 at 11:13:42 UTC, rikki cattermole 

That is a first that somebody wanted it.
Bug report please!

I just ran across this with

deprecated {
void foo();
void main() {
pragma(msg, __traits(getAttributes, foo));

producing just tuple(). I came across this when looping through 
the members of a module and wanting to skip the deprecated ones.

I did a quick look in Bugzilla and didn't find anything. Do you 
know if anyone filed anything I may have missed?

How do I create a fileWatcher with an onFileChange event using spawn?

2017-08-25 Thread Enjoys Math via Digitalmars-d-learn

Something like this:

module file_watcher;

import std.concurrency;
import std.file;
import std.signals;
import std.datetime;

void fileWatcher(Tid tid, string filename, int loopSleep) {
auto modified0 = timeLastModified(filename);

while (true) {
modified = timeLastModified(filename);

if (modified > modified0) {
modified0 = modified;
//if (onFileChange !is null)


But I'm not sure how to send the onFiledChange event.

Re: wrapping a C style delegate

2017-08-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 13:49:20 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
You're not specific enough. What would be semantics of such 

The C function I'm trying to wrap takes a function pointer which 
is essentially a delegate, but not quite:

ErrorEnum function(Struct* s, void function(Struct*, ErrorEnum 
status, void *userData) callback, void *userData, uint flags) 

I want to make it a member function of a wrapping struct so I can 
call it like

MyStruct ms = ...

ms.addCallback((ErrorEnum ee) { ... });

instead of

SomeAPIaddCallback(ms.s,(Struct*, ErrorEnum status, void 
*userData) { ... } /*doesn't become a delegate */,null,0);

I'm not sure how to do it.

Re: wrapping a C style delegate

2017-08-25 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 08/25/2017 04:00 PM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 13:49:20 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

You're not specific enough. What would be semantics of such wrapper?

The C function I'm trying to wrap takes a function pointer which is
essentially a delegate, but not quite:

ErrorEnum function(Struct* s, void function(Struct*, ErrorEnum status,
void *userData) callback, void *userData, uint flags) SomeAPIaddCallback;

I want to make it a member function of a wrapping struct so I can call
it like

MyStruct ms = ...

ms.addCallback((ErrorEnum ee) { ... });

instead of

SomeAPIaddCallback(ms.s,(Struct*, ErrorEnum status, void *userData) {
... } /*doesn't become a delegate */,null,0);

I'm not sure how to do it.

I think you need a variation of intermediateCallback() below. I passed 
the address of the delegate as userData but you can construct any 
context that contains everything that you need (e.g. the address of ms).

import std.stdio;

// The C struct
struct Struct {
int i;

// Some C type
enum ErrorEnum {

// Some C function taking a callback
ErrorEnum SomeAPIaddCallback(Struct* s, void function(Struct*, ErrorEnum 
status, void *userData) callback, void *userData, uint flags) {

writeln("SomeAPIaddCallback called for object ", s);
writeln("Calling the callback...");
callback(s,, userData);

// The callback to pass to the C function
void intermediateCallback(Struct * s, ErrorEnum status, void *userData) {
writeln("intermediateCallback called");
auto cb = cast(void delegate(ErrorEnum)*)userData;

// The D wrapper always passes intermediateCallback to the C function
struct MyStruct {
Struct * s;
void addCallback(void delegate(ErrorEnum ee) callback) {
SomeAPIaddCallback(s, &intermediateCallback, &callback, 0);

void main() {
auto s = Struct(42);
auto ms = MyStruct(&s);
ms.addCallback((ErrorEnum ee) {
writefln("The callback is called with %s for %s", ee, ms.s);


Re: wrapping a C style delegate

2017-08-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 00:27:47 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I think you need a variation of intermediateCallback() below. I 
passed the address of the delegate as userData but you can 
construct any context that contains everything that you need 
(e.g. the address of ms).

import std.stdio;

// The C struct
struct Struct {
int i;

// Some C type
enum ErrorEnum {

// Some C function taking a callback
ErrorEnum SomeAPIaddCallback(Struct* s, void function(Struct*, 
ErrorEnum status, void *userData) callback, void *userData, 
uint flags) {

writeln("SomeAPIaddCallback called for object ", s);
writeln("Calling the callback...");
callback(s,, userData);

// The callback to pass to the C function
void intermediateCallback(Struct * s, ErrorEnum status, void 
*userData) {

writeln("intermediateCallback called");
auto cb = cast(void delegate(ErrorEnum)*)userData;

// The D wrapper always passes intermediateCallback to the C 

struct MyStruct {
Struct * s;
void addCallback(void delegate(ErrorEnum ee) callback) {
SomeAPIaddCallback(s, &intermediateCallback, &callback, 


void main() {
auto s = Struct(42);
auto ms = MyStruct(&s);
ms.addCallback((ErrorEnum ee) {
writefln("The callback is called with %s for %s", 
ee, ms.s);



I was thinking of something along those lines: but what about the 
lifetime of the passed delegate (the address of a local 
variable)? How can I ensure that it won't segfault when callback 
goes out of scope?

I could new it with the GC but
a) I'd rather have the wrapper be @nogc and
b) i'd have to hold a reference to it or pin it because 
SomeAPIaddCallback will be in a driver somewhere and wouldn't get 
scanned by the GC.

pipeProcess not returning immediately

2017-08-25 Thread Johnson Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am running ffplay.exe and my application does not return 
immediately from pipeProcess. I have to close ffplay for my 
program to continue execution.

pipeProcess is suppose to return immediately/run asynchronously, 
and it does with ffmpeg or other programs that return. (which I 
do not know if it is returning immediately or not on those 
because they execute so quickly)

But I have a feeling it is not running asynchronously at all. Any 
ideas? This is on windows and simply calling pipeProcess directly 
with a simple "ffplay filename" example.

ffplay opens up a window showing the spectrogram while the file 
is playing. After I close it out, my app then does what it is 
suppose to. This suggests the pipeProcess is not running 

void ExecuteCommand(T...)(T args)
foreach(t; AliasSeq!T)
static assert(is(t == string), 
typeof(this).stringof~":"~__PRETTY_FUNCTION__~" requires string 

			pipes = pipeProcess([args[0], (AliasSeq!args)[1..$]], 


call it like

ExecuteCommand("ffplay.exe", "test.wav");

2 Dimensional Array Sorting

2017-08-25 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn


 Can someone provide me a example of sorting 2 Dimensional Array 
containing Filename and Size, and should be sorted by Size.


Re: 2 Dimensional Array Sorting

2017-08-25 Thread user1234 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 06:01:15 UTC, Vino.B wrote:


 Can someone provide me a example of sorting 2 Dimensional 
Array containing Filename and Size, and should be sorted by 


void main(string[] args)
import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm.sorting;

string[2][] nameAndSize = [["b", "2"], ["a", "1"]];
auto s = nameAndSize.sort!((a,b) => a[0] < b[0] && a[1] < 


Re: 2 Dimensional Array Sorting

2017-08-25 Thread user1234 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 06:11:37 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 06:01:15 UTC, Vino.B wrote:


 Can someone provide me a example of sorting 2 Dimensional 
Array containing Filename and Size, and should be sorted by 


void main(string[] args)
import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm.sorting;

string[2][] nameAndSize = [["b", "2"], ["a", "1"]];
auto s = nameAndSize.sort!((a,b) => a[0] < b[0] && a[1] < 


I missed the "by Size" directive. So it's just:

void main(string[] args)
import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm.sorting;

string[2][] nameAndSize = [["b", "2"], ["a", "1"]];
auto s = nameAndSize.sort!((a,b) => a[1] < b[1]);

Re: pipeProcess not returning immediately

2017-08-25 Thread user1234 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 01:13:35 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
I am running ffplay.exe and my application does not return 
immediately from pipeProcess. I have to close ffplay for my 
program to continue execution.

No process is asynchronous in std.process.

If you don't want to block your program then wrap it in a thread 
that checks periodically for termination.

Re: Best syntax for a diagonal and vertical slice

2017-08-25 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 22 July 2017 at 20:55:06 UTC, kerdemdemir wrote:

We have awesome way for creating slices like:

a = new int[5];
int[] b = a[0..2];

But what about if I have 2D array and I don't want to go 
vertical. Something like :

int[3][3] matrix = [
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 4, 5, 6 ],
[ 7, 8, 9 ]

I believe I can use std.range function "RoundRobin"(or maybe it 
won't work with 2D array directly) for having a good looking 
vertical slice which will have 1,4,7 or 2,5,8 or 3,6,9 in my 
example above.

And what if I want to go diagonal like 1,5,9 or 3,5,7 in the 
example above. Is there a good solution in std without using 
for loops?

I have one more requirement for fulfilling the task that I 
working on. This slices do not have to be the same size as the 
array. For example in the example above slice size could have 2 
instead of 3. In this case I need to have slices like 
1,5;2,6;4,8;5,9 ... and so on for diagonal case.


Ps: Converting the 2D array to 1D array is possible in my case.

Hello Erdem,

You may want to use mir-algorithm DUB package. It is a D tensor 

import mir.ndslice;

auto slice = matrix[0].ptr.sliced(3, 3);
auto row = matrix[0];
auto col = matrix[0 .. $, 0];

A lot of examples with diagonal and sub-diagonals can be found 


How do I send a message to a struct member function?

2017-08-25 Thread Enjoys Math via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have a series of structs each of which needs to spawn a worker 
thread on initialization.  There seems to be no way to send a 
message back to the struct for instance to cause a member 
function call on /that/ structs data.

Please advise me.