How to call function with variable arguments at runtime?

2017-10-09 Thread Mr. Jonse via Digitalmars-d-learn
I need to store a hetrogeneous array of delegates. How can I do 
this but still call the function with the appropriate number of 
parameters at run time?

I have the parameters as Variant[] params and a function/delegate 
pointer(void* for now).

Normally I'd push the parameters on the stack and use a call, but 
I'm sure D has some ability to do this, like apply(foo, args) 
would be the same as foo(args[0], ..., args[1]).

I'm not concerned about type correctness, it should always be 
consistent between what I call and what is stored.



2017-10-09 Thread Mr. Jonse via Digitalmars-d-learn
I requiring an undo feature in my code. Rather than go the 
regular route of using commands, I'm wondering if D can 
facilitate an undo system quite easily?

We can think of an undo system in an app as a sort of recorder. 
The traditional method is to use commands and inverse-commands. 
By recording the commands one can "unwind" the program by 
applying the inverse commands. The down side is that the app must 
be written with this approach in mind.

Storing the complete state of the app is another way which some 
apps use but usually it is too much data to store.

Since the only thing that one has to store from state of the app 
to the next is the change in data long with creation and deletion 
of the data, I think one could simplify the task?

Is it possible to write a generic system that records the the 
entire state changes without much boilerplate?

I'm thinking that two types of attributes would work, one for 
aggregates for creation and deletion of objects and one for 
properties to handle the data changes. If D can be used to 
automatically hook properties to have them report the changes to 
the undo system and one can properly deal with object creation 
and assignment, it might be a pretty sleek way to support undo.

Help appreciated!

Re: How to make commented code to compile?

2017-10-09 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 October 2017 at 15:15:48 UTC, Zhuo Nengwen wrote:

test(cast(ushort) 1, (m, c) => {

Just remove the =>

(m, c) {
  // code here

Re: How to make commented code to compile?

2017-10-09 Thread Zhuo Nengwen via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 October 2017 at 14:54:33 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

//test(cast(ushort) 1, (m, c) => { writeln(m); });

That's a function that returns a function.

Perhaps you meant to just remove the => and be left with a 
multi-line function.

I simplified the test codes. I want write mode codes in closure, 
such as:

test(cast(ushort) 1, (m, c) => {

Re: Add a precompiled c++ obj file to dub

2017-10-09 Thread b4s1L3 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 8 October 2017 at 04:03:27 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Sunday, 8 October 2017 at 02:58:36 UTC, Fra Mecca wrote:

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 23:54:50 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 19:56:52 UTC, Fra Mecca wrote:

Hi all,
I am writing a backend that is partly Vibe.d and partly 
clucene in c++.
I have some object files written in c++ and compiled with 
g++ that are not considered by dub during the linking phase 
and throws `function undefined error ` every time.

Is there a way to tell dub to let dmd handle that .o files?

Yes, add this to your JSON:

  "sourceFiles-linux-x86_64" : [

I tried the sourceFiles approach, it failed and I could 
reproduce that in some days.

At the end I added them as linking options (lflags) but it is 
kinda odd that it works given that everything is supplied to 
dmd as -Lobj.o

Huh, i'm surprised but well, if it works for you.
My advice was based on 
(object file is passed to dmd) which works, I often use it.

Yeah that's becuz passing *.o / *.obj files to the linker or to 
dmd is the same buisness under the hood. The problem with this 
DUB project is that it will only compiles with DMD. Maybe the OP 
used another compiler. other compilers may not support the 
shortcut here:

Re: How to make commented code to compile?

2017-10-09 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 October 2017 at 14:34:48 UTC, Zhuo Nengwen wrote:

//test(cast(ushort) 1, (m, c) => { writeln(m); });

That's a function that returns a function.

Perhaps you meant to just remove the => and be left with a 
multi-line function.

How to make commented code to compile?

2017-10-09 Thread Zhuo Nengwen via Digitalmars-d-learn

import std.stdio;

void test(ushort market, void delegate(ushort market, char* pc) 

for (auto i = 0; i < 10; i++)
callback(cast(ushort) i, cast(char*) null);

void main()
test(cast(ushort) 1, (m, c) => writeln(m));
//test(cast(ushort) 1, (m, c) => { writeln(m); });
test(cast(ushort) 1, (ushort m, char* c) => writeln(m));
//test(cast(ushort) 1, (ushort m, char* c) => { writeln(m); 


Re: Add a precompiled c++ obj file to dub

2017-10-09 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-10-08 04:58, Fra Mecca wrote:

At the end I added them as linking options (lflags) but it is kinda odd 
that it works given that everything is supplied to dmd as -Lobj.o

Everything passed to DMD with the -L flag is passed to the linker, 
basically as is. So if the linker accepts object files passed directly 
on the command line then it works.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Bug? ElementType fails if element type is const

2017-10-09 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

oops, it was my fault. sorry for noise. my apologies to ElementType ))

Bug? ElementType fails if element type is const

2017-10-09 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

Re: @nogc formattedWrite

2017-10-09 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 18:14:00 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Is it currently possible to somehow do @nogc formatted output 
to string?

I'm currently using my `pure @nogc nothrow` array-container 
`CopyableArray` as

@safe pure /*TODO nothrow @nogc*/ unittest
import std.format : formattedWrite;
const x = "42";
alias A = CopyableArray!(char);
A a;
a.formattedWrite!("x : %s")(x);
assert(a == "x : 42");

but I can't tag the unittest as `nothrow @nogc` because of the 
call to `formattedWrite`. Is this because `formattedWrite` 
internally uses the GC for buffer allocations or because it may 

It would be nice to be able to formatted output in -betterC...

Phobos code is not @nogc (can be fixed), but it will not nothrow.

PRs with  @nogc formatting functionality are welcome in Mir 


Re: @nogc formattedWrite

2017-10-09 Thread Igor via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 18:27:36 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 18:14:00 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

It would be nice to be able to formatted output in -betterC...

Agreed. If you know the size of the buffer, you can use 
sformat, which might be @nogc, but I don't know if it's 
compatible with betterC. Also, you might check out Ocean, which 
might have nogc formatting.

As far as I know sformat is still not @nogc because it may throw 
an exception if buffer is not large enough, and throwing 
exceptions requires allocation.