Re: Create a List or Dictionary.

2018-06-19 Thread Cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 05:52:00 UTC, Sunny wrote:

On Monday, 18 June 2018 at 13:23:37 UTC, Cym13 wrote:

Yes, this is what need, thank you very much for your help. :-)


I recommend that you take the D tour if you can, it explains all 
those fundamental features quite well I think.

Re: Create a List or Dictionary.

2018-06-19 Thread Sunny via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 09:07:46 UTC, Cym13 wrote:

On Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 05:52:00 UTC, Sunny wrote:

On Monday, 18 June 2018 at 13:23:37 UTC, Cym13 wrote:

Yes, this is what need, thank you very much for your help. :-)


I recommend that you take the D tour if you can, it explains 
all those fundamental features quite well I think.

I read about D here -

I've been studying D for about 5 days, I switched from C #, I 
figured it all out, but with a convenient implementation of the 
sheets there was a problem.

Re: What is the point of nothrow?

2018-06-19 Thread wjoe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 June 2018 at 20:23:48 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 18, 2018 15:22:48 wjoe via Digitalmars-d-learn 
On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 21:25:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> every feature that you can't use in betterC is considered a 
> loss, and efforts are being made to make more of them work. 
> There's always going to be a limit to that, and some D 
> features just plain require druntime (just like some of 
> C++'s features require a runtime), but it was never the 
> point of betterC to strip out a bunch of D features. That's 
> just the natural

It is what it is and if what it is is the best tool to fix a 
problem I would not hesitate to use it to that end.

But you make it sound like betterC _should only_ work if 
actual D code is called otherwise stick with good old C. From 
the POV of a C programmer most of what betterC offers is a net 
gain and nothing is a loss because what are they losing by 
upgrading from C? And in general not paying for something you 
don't use or need is considered a gain, no?

I'm saying that -betterC is a subset of D that does not include 
D's runtime, and it includes as many of D's features as it 
currently can without using the runtime. You can choose to use 
it and never use normal D code, but the reason that it was 
created in the first place was so that it would be easier to 
port C code to D. Without -betterC, you tend to be forced to 
port the entire program at once, whereas with it, you can port 
it in pieces and then only switch to normal D once everything 
has been ported over. But there are some folks who elect to 
just write code targetting -betterC and who never intend for it 
to work as normal D code.

That's not how it came across.
It came across like the _entire_ purpose of it is to call D stuff 
without the need to deal with the druntime and nothing else.

Please tell me. How would I disable just the Error mechanism, 

example ?
As far as I can tell it's not sufficient that I don't use 

in my code because if it was used in phobos or druntime or some
other D code I'd have to deal with it.

As with pretty much every other feature, if you don't want any 
Errors, you just don't use anything that uses it. The same goes 
with the GC and other features that you might choose to avoid. 
In some cases, that can be quite limiting, but it is possible 
to avoid it. It's simply that just like with any feature, 
avoiding it means losing out on features.

So basically everything safe for what is betterC.

The primary difference with nothrow over most other features is 
that the compiler inserts code by default for Exceptions if 
nothrow isn't there. So, using nothrow is required to turn that 
off, whereas for most other features, they only get used if you 
choose to use them (or use something that uses them). But it 
has nothing to do with Errors either way. The only way to avoid 
those is to never use a feature that could throw them (which 
can be done but would be so limiting that it's probably a waste 
of time).

If having the program crash due to an error condition being 
considered fatal is unacceptable to you, then D will be

I never made that claim. Unacceptable to me is the implemented 

unacceptable to you - including with -betterC, since in that 
case, the Errors get turned into failed C assertions that 
aren't compiled out. So, you won't get the stack unwinding, but 
your program will be purposefully killed either way, because it 
encountered an error condition that is considered fatal. You're

yes, it will be terminated via sigabrt. Which is the way it's 
supposed to be.
Not to continue running to a function that prints possibly 
invalid stuff, iff a console like device is attached, and abort 
in a central, completely unrelated, part of the druntime.

If no console is attached, you'll end up with nothing.

Seriously, the entire mechanism is contradicting itself. How can 
it declare program state invalid and unfit to continue at the 
point the Error was detected and thrown but do it regardless ?

free to disagree with that approach, and you're free to 
disagree with which error conditions are considered fatal, but 
it's part of using D. So, you'll either have to learn to live 
with that or use a different language.

- Jonathan M Davis

One could also argue that Exceptions are an integral part of 
using D and there is really never a situation where you need to 
turn it off just like there is never a situation where you would 
catch an Error. Deal with it.

If a programming language doesn't so much as to help the 
developer to be more productive, e.g. by making it easier to 
squash bugs but, by definition i.e. invalid program state, make 
it impossible to troubleshoot them, then this language is at 
least a bad decision from an economic point of view. Which makes 
it a toy language.

I know that much of what can be done actually works in practice 
but that's not the point. As soon as program

Re: Create a List or Dictionary.

2018-06-19 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/19/2018 11:50 AM, Sunny wrote:
I read about D here -

I'd advise against using that tutorial. Last time I looked at it, it 
seemed to be of low quality [1]. And the better parts seemed to be 
stolen from Ali Çehreli's "Programming in D", which is available for 
free, too:


Re: Orange check failling all of a sudden

2018-06-19 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2018-06-13 02:31, DigitalDesigns wrote:

Also, is there any way to have a field as optional? Right now when I
update a filed in a serialized type the app crashes because it can't
find the field in the serialized data(since it was just added in the
code). This requires either regenerating the data or manually adding the
serialized field to each entry... both are impractical.

The only way would be to implement the serialization yourself, i.e. 
implement `toData` and `fromData`, but I don't think there's a way to 
check if a field is present in the serialized data. So it might not be 
so easy.

It would be nice to disable missing fields from throwing. While I could
catch one error it would be a pain to try and catch an arbitrary number
of them.

You can set the "errorCallback" [1] to an empty delegate or whatever you 
see fit. But this callback will be called for other errors as well.

Maybe an attribute is better used:



/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Orange check failling all of a sudden

2018-06-19 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2018-06-12 02:13, DigitalDesigns wrote:

I also get a lot of inout's attached to key names. Seems excessive but

Maybe they are necessary but seems like they are redundant.

I don't think they're technically necessary.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Get static fields!

2018-06-19 Thread Simen Kjærås via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 05:05:19 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:
tupleof does not return static fields as does not Fields. 
Currently the only method seems to be use allMembers, but that 
returns members requiring filtering, which there is no good 
filtering checks. I'd simply like to get all the fields of a 
type, static and non-static.

std.traits.hasStaticMember is your friend:

import std.meta : Filter, staticMap, Alias, ApplyLeft;
import std.traits : hasStaticMember;
alias FilterMembers(T, alias Fn) = Filter!(ApplyLeft!(Fn, T), 
__traits(allMembers, T));

alias StaticNamesTuple(T) = FilterMembers!(T, hasStaticMember);

And if you want them as aliases:

alias getMember(T, string name) = Alias!(__traits(getMember, T, 
alias GetMembers(T, names...) = staticMap!(ApplyLeft!(getMember, 
T), names);

alias StaticMembersTuple(T) = GetMembers!(T, StaticNamesTuple!T);


Re: Orange check failling all of a sudden

2018-06-19 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2018-06-11 20:00, DigitalDesigns wrote:

Changed some things in my app but unrelated to serialization and now my
app fails when trying to read the xml that was generated at the output
of the previous run.

Where it is failing is here:

 void checkSpace(ref string s) @safe pure // rule 3
 import std.algorithm.searching : countUntil;
 import std.ascii : isWhite;
 import std.utf : byCodeUnit;

 mixin Check!("Whitespace");
 ptrdiff_t i = s.byCodeUnit.countUntil!(a => !isWhite(a));
 if (i == -1 && s.length > 0 && isWhite(s[0]))
 s = s[$ .. $];
 else if (i > -1)
 s = s[i .. $];
 if (s is old) fail();

s =
="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Actual xml data(first 3 lines):


It seems odd that it should fail when munching whitespace. It seems that
the checker is getting off to a bad start from the get go.

{err=0x, tail="="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+orange.xml.PhobosXml.XMLException0x03135880 {}
+tail"="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


This was all working fine before and I'm not sure how it broke. The
xmllint shows the xml is well formed so this is buggy code.

Note that if I also remove all the xml inside data then the same error
occurs, so this is my xml:


that still fails when checking whitespace.

The XML parts all come from the standard library, slightly tweaked. Can 
you please check if std.xml has the same problem?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: What is the point of nothrow?

2018-06-19 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 17:46:02 UTC, wjoe wrote:
D allows various levels of performance and safety. Though I'd 
say Errors not working in debug mode is not intended, the

Intention matters not. By definition all program state is 
invalid at the point an Error was thrown. From there on it is 
impossible to rely on any output, too, because it could be 
either correct, corrupted, or completely invalid.

The program is in invalid state when it hits a bug before Error 
is thrown, this is seen as a property of a buggy algorithm, Error 
is thrown only as a diagnostic of a bug that has happened 
already. The state is invalid in a sense that the program 
shouldn't continue to serve its intended purpose. Even if Error 
was technically correctly unwound, it won't necessarily provide a 
correct cleanup when algorithm doesn't expect an exception.
Though in case of D situation may be not as clear as there is 
safe code, but we just recently had a nasty memory corruption bug 
caused by incorrect trusted code.

A core dump is created by the OS. In a format that a native 
debugger understands.

Most of the time a stack trace is enough to diagnose the error 
and provides a better UX than a core dump (especially to 
newbies). I saw gdb crash trying to make sense of a debugged 
program too. Runtime allows to override failure handlers, but 
it's not centralized.

Re: What is the point of nothrow?

2018-06-19 Thread wjoe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 12:26:15 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 17:46:02 UTC, wjoe wrote:
D allows various levels of performance and safety. Though I'd 
say Errors not working in debug mode is not intended, the

Intention matters not. By definition all program state is 
invalid at the point an Error was thrown. From there on it is 
impossible to rely on any output, too, because it could be 
either correct, corrupted, or completely invalid.

The program is in invalid state when it hits a bug before Error 
is thrown, this is seen as a property of a buggy algorithm, 
Error is thrown only as a diagnostic of a bug that has happened 
already. The state is invalid in a sense that the program 
shouldn't continue to serve its intended purpose. Even if Error 
was technically correctly unwound, it won't necessarily provide 
a correct cleanup when algorithm doesn't expect an exception.
Though in case of D situation may be not as clear as there is 
safe code, but we just recently had a nasty memory corruption 
bug caused by incorrect trusted code.

I wrote that 4 days ago. I lost some sleep over that matter and 
am long past the idea of trying to correctly clean up in this 
situation. You would know that had you read my more recent posts.

A core dump is created by the OS. In a format that a native 
debugger understands.

Most of the time a stack trace is enough to diagnose the error

I'll say it again. The program must have a console(like) device 
attached. Otherwise you will not have a stack trace - or at least 
it needs to be redirected to a file but that's not very newbie 
friendly either because each shell has their own way of doing it 
and csh, for example, can't even redirect individually. I'm not 
sure about Windows. Even if possible, considering the heavy focus 
on GUI, I doubt it's considered best practices there and is a 
PITA for sure.

But maybe I missed something else and the only purpose of D is to 
make console applications for *NIX like OSs and expect users to 
be professional enough to save that stack trace before they close 
the terminal ?

And how can you be sure that this bug didn't corrupt memory of 
the druntime or anything else related to the stack trace, or even 
that it is a single bug ?

And how useful is a stack trace that shows a back trace to the 
point of the location the Error was thrown compared to a back 
trace to the location of the bug (report)?

and provides a better UX than a core dump (especially to

Please explain. A core dump has everything a printed stack trace 
has and more and is as easy as using the debugger itself.

newbies). I saw gdb crash trying to make sense of a debugged 
program too. Runtime allows to override failure handlers, but 
it's not centralized.

And what guarantee is there that the runtime doesn't crash trying 
to print a stack trace ? Could happen just as likely.

I can share non shared things?

2018-06-19 Thread gdelazzari via Digitalmars-d-learn

So, let's say I have this code

It doesn't compile, and that makes sense since myNotSharedObject 
is... not shared. So I can fix it by making the class shared and 
making a shared instance of it, like this

And that's how shared is supposed to work, right? Cool, I like it.

But then I try this and... it compiles and runs?

Or, even worse, even this compiles and runs

So, if I can share non-shared variables/objects/whatever, then 
what's the point of shared?

Re: I can share non shared things?

2018-06-19 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 6/19/18 4:09 PM, gdelazzari wrote:

So, let's say I have this code

It doesn't compile, and that makes sense since myNotSharedObject is... 
not shared. So I can fix it by making the class shared and making a 
shared instance of it, like this

And that's how shared is supposed to work, right? Cool, I like it.

But then I try this and... it compiles and runs?

Or, even worse, even this compiles and runs

So, if I can share non-shared variables/objects/whatever, then what's 
the point of shared?

Using Thread directly like that, you can override shared when passing 
data around. It's because natively, pthreads (or whatever threading 
system) doesn't care about shared, so it's on you to make sure you use 
it correctly.

Note that before TDPL, shared was this "new undefined" concept, even in 
D2, and Thread existed in D1 where there was no shared concept.

If you want full shared guards, use std.concurrency only.


Zip vs Enumerate

2018-06-19 Thread Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn


Idiomatically, I make use of zip, however, when looking to speed 
up my program, notice that using enumerate leads to a 20-30% 

void main(){
auto x = iota(1_000).array;
auto y = iota(1_000).array;

auto func1() {
return zip(x,y).map!(a => a[0]+a[1])

auto func2() {
return x.enumerate
.map!(a => a.value + y[a.index])


import std.datetime.stopwatch;
auto r = benchmark!(func1, func2)(10_000);
// r[0] approx 1794 ms
// r[1] approx 1295 ms

Is there anything I can do to improve zip, before I go ahead and 
change to the faster but slightly less readable enumerate? In my 
particular case, all ranges that I zip are of the same length, 
but not sure how I can leverage that information.



Re: Zip vs Enumerate

2018-06-19 Thread Cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 03:44:58 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:


Idiomatically, I make use of zip, however, when looking to 
speed up my program, notice that using enumerate leads to a 
20-30% improvement:

void main(){
auto x = iota(1_000).array;
auto y = iota(1_000).array;

auto func1() {
return zip(x,y).map!(a => a[0]+a[1])

auto func2() {
return x.enumerate
.map!(a => a.value + y[a.index])


import std.datetime.stopwatch;
auto r = benchmark!(func1, func2)(10_000);
// r[0] approx 1794 ms
// r[1] approx 1295 ms

Is there anything I can do to improve zip, before I go ahead 
and change to the faster but slightly less readable enumerate? 
In my particular case, all ranges that I zip are of the same 
length, but not sure how I can leverage that information.



This sounds like a very limited case: if you're not zipping 
against a iota(foo) then there's no comparing with enumerate, 
they simply don't do the same thing at all, and if you are then 
it sounds like enumerate expresses the purpose of using an index 
way better than a zipped iota IMHO.

Is there anything about your true use case that would be worth 
mentionning to better understand your situation?

Re: Zip vs Enumerate

2018-06-19 Thread Cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 04:40:42 UTC, Cym13 wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 03:44:58 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:


This sounds like a very limited case: if you're not zipping 
against a iota(foo) then there's no comparing with enumerate, 
they simply don't do the same thing at all, and if you are then 
it sounds like enumerate expresses the purpose of using an 
index way better than a zipped iota IMHO.

Is there anything about your true use case that would be worth 
mentionning to better understand your situation?

My bad, I didn't read your example thoroughly enough.

Re: Zip vs Enumerate

2018-06-19 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 03:44:58 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:
Is there anything I can do to improve zip, before I go ahead 
and change to the faster but slightly less readable enumerate?

The problem might be that zip checks both arrays for empty during 
each step, enumerate only the first one. Try appending 
takeExactly(1000) on the result of zip. It might be even faster 
than enumerate.