Re: @nogc with opApply

2018-08-12 Thread Alex via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 August 2018 at 01:39:21 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 08/11/2018 12:00 PM, Alex wrote:








You can provide to overloads: one with @nogc, one without it. 
To keep it somewhat DRY, you can let them forward to a template 

int opApply(scope int delegate(ref uint) operations)
return opApplyImpl(operations);
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref uint) @nogc operations) 

return opApplyImpl(operations);
int opApplyImpl(O)(O operations)
/* ... implementation here ... */

Ah... that's nice...

Re: write a function template specialisation that tests if an argument is known at compile time

2018-08-12 Thread Alex via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 11 August 2018 at 05:17:51 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:

T myfunc(T)( T x, uint mask )
   if ( mask == 3 )
   return fast_func( x, mask );


Is it the volcano pattern you are looking for?

Re: dtoh

2018-08-12 Thread Petar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 12:46:31 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 8/7/18 6:08 AM, bauss wrote:

On Monday, 6 August 2018 at 13:28:05 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

Hi Walter.

Can dtoh be open-sourced now that dmd is?

I might be confused, but it seems like it is there.

I think he meant htod:

Which I believe uses some of the dmc source.


For the record, I think this is the source code for htod:

Re: dmd64 on Windows: how?

2018-08-12 Thread Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 August 2018 at 03:49:04 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Saturday, 11 August 2018 at 19:50:30 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko 
I've installed the components shown in wiki image: v141 tools 
and the SDKs.

VS 2017 Community includes everything you need. There's no 
reason to install the SDK separately. If it's installed first, 
the DMD installer will find it. The latest version will install 
the MinGW system libs and the lld linker if no VS installation 
is found. And for the past few versions, when you run dmd it 
will look for the VS installation as needed. So it should work 
out of the box without the need for the separate SDK or mucking 
about with the paths in sc.ini.

Is your VS 2017 the Community edition?

Yeah, I have VS 2017 Community Edition, and I was struggling 
trying to make 64-bit linking work, both with .7z archive and 
with .exe installer.

The .exe installer dmd-2.081.1.exe I've just tried again.
With default settings, it just installs into C:\D\ .
Its sc.ini is almost empty, no sign of Visual Studio environment 
variables or paths.

Then I run cmd.exe:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


Setting up 64-bit environment for using DMD 2 from 

dmd must still be called with -m64 in order to generate 64-bit 
This command prompt adds the path of extra 64-bit DLLs so 
generated programs

which use the extra DLLs (notably libcurl) can be executed.

C:\D>echo void main () {} > a.d

C:\D>dmd -m64 a.d
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\lld-link.exe: error: could not open 
libcmt.lib: no such fi

le or directory
Error: linker exited with status 1

My Windows version is Windows Server 2008 R2.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017, version 15.7.6.
At C:\Program Files (x86), there are:
Microsoft Visual Studio[ 2754M ]
Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0   [   50M ]
Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0   [  954M ]
The latter two contain some remains of the previous 
installations, so that may be the issue with detecting the 
current Visual Studio version.

Ivan Kazmenko.

Re: unimplemented abstract function compiles.

2018-08-12 Thread Eric via Digitalmars-d-learn
I thought it would work the same way as an interface (which must 
be implemented by the direct sub class, otherwise compile error).
But apparently it's possible to implement an abstract function 
anywhere in the class hierarchy. That makes it, in this case, 
impossible to check during compile time.

I ran into this while loading objects from a file using 
Object.factory and forgot to implement an abstract function in 
one class.

Re: unimplemented abstract function compiles.

2018-08-12 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 08/12/2018 07:29 PM, Eric wrote:
I thought it would work the same way as an interface (which must be 
implemented by the direct sub class, otherwise compile error).

From the spec text [1], I'd also expect an error. It says: "An abstract 
member function must be overridden by a derived class." And later: 
"Classes become abstract if any of its virtual member functions are 
*declared* abstract or if they are defined within an abstract attribute" 
(emphasis mine).

So, arguably, DMD shouldn't accept your `C` class as abstract. It's not 
marked as abstract itself, and it doesn't have a declaration of an 
abstract method either.

But in cases like this it's more likely that the spec will be changed to 
reflect what DMD does than DMD getting changed to break existing code.

But apparently it's possible to implement an abstract function anywhere 
in the class hierarchy. That makes it, in this case, impossible to check 
during compile time.

You can check it at compile time. The compiler just doesn't do it for 
you proactively. `C` is an abstract class, just like `I` is, and there's 
a trait for that [2]:

static assert(!__traits(isAbstractClass, C));

For nicer syntax, there's also a wrapper around it in std.traits [3]:

import std.traits: isAbstractClass;
static assert(!isAbstractClass!C);

If you want to make sure that your class isn't accidentally abstract, 
you can add an assert like that.


Re: Could you anybody using DerelictSDL2 on Android?

2018-08-12 Thread zhani via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 August 2018 at 03:42:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Saturday, 11 August 2018 at 14:36:59 UTC, zhani wrote:

On Saturday, 11 August 2018 at 08:47:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 12:05:33 UTC, zhani wrote:


I don't do any sort of Android development, so I've never 
tested any Derelict packages on the platform. A few years 
back someone did some work with the DerelictGLES binding on 
Android and IIRC I made some updates to the DerelictUtil 
package for it. And I've added some version statements to 
DerelictSDL2 for the Android-specific parts of the C headers. 
Beyond that, I don't know of anyone who's done anything with 

so sad...

There's nothing sad about it. There's only so much time in a 
day. I have no reason to do any Android development. Nor iPhone 
development. Nor countless other platforms.

The static binding configuration (see the docs [1]) *should* 
work for Android and will save you the time of implementing the 
bindings yourself. If you can compile DerelictSDL2 for Android 
using the DerelictSDL2_Static version, then link it and SDL2 
with your app, it should work. All I'm saying is I've never 
tried it and I know of no one who has. If it works for you, or 
you can get it working, then we can tell the next person who 
comes along that it does work.


I didnt say to “please, be make a android build now!”
Yah, you’re right. You dont have to make a DerelictSDL2 for any 
platform. Im very sorry but i dont care about it.
I just wanna know how to do it. Anything is ok for me. Links, 
advices with detail, experience. I wanna clue and its not a dev 
req to you.

Ok, i got some clues in here.
First, there is no people who tried it. Sad.
Second, be use a SDL2 with static version. it will be working. 
but nobody unknow how to do it.
And notice, A DerelictSDL2 IS NOT A REASON to development for any 
platform. RIGHT?

It was i know, and what i know all.
I just can, init a dub, replace a dmd to ldc2 for android, add a 
DerelictSDL2 and sit here in a corner, crying.

Anyway thank you for reply to stupid question. :-)


SysTime comparesin - dropMiliseconds

2018-08-12 Thread User via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have to synchronize a directory. If remote file is newer I copy 
to local. If local file is newer I copy it to remote server. For 
some reason remote timestamp does not contain milliseconds, so 
comparison (localFileTime < remoteFileTime, etc) fails. I need 
help to drop milliseconds from local file timestamp.

Re: SysTime comparesin - dropMiliseconds

2018-08-12 Thread User via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 August 2018 at 19:50:44 UTC, User wrote:
I have to synchronize a directory. If remote file is newer I 
copy to local. If local file is newer I copy it to remote 
server. For some reason remote timestamp does not contain 
milliseconds, so comparison (localFileTime < remoteFileTime, 
etc) fails. I need help to drop milliseconds from local file 

auto m = dur!("seconds")(1);
if ((remote - local) > m)

?? How to subscribe to Multicast Broadcasts ??

2018-08-12 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello All!

I've been trying every possible combination and cannot get 
anything working. (>_<)

This is I think the closest I've got, I think the problem may be 
with the 3 argument.  I'm not sure how to join the Multicast IP 

(this code currently does not work - throws error:
'Unable to set socket option: An invalid argument was supplied'.)

Socket listen_socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, 
SocketType.DGRAM, ProtocolType.UDP);
SocketOption.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, 1);

auto adr = getAddress("", "56000");

This is how the messages are sent (which works fine):

Socket udp_broadcast_soc = new UdpSocket();
SocketOption.BROADCAST, 1);

auto adr = getAddress("", 54000);
udp_broadcast_soc.sendTo(, adr[0]);

Please Please Please Help, I am desperate!

Many Thanks in Advance for your time & attention,

Re: SysTime comparesin - dropMiliseconds

2018-08-12 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, August 12, 2018 1:50:44 PM MDT User via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> I have to synchronize a directory. If remote file is newer I copy
> to local. If local file is newer I copy it to remote server. For
> some reason remote timestamp does not contain milliseconds, so
> comparison (localFileTime < remoteFileTime, etc) fails. I need
> help to drop milliseconds from local file timestamp.

If you want to drop the milliseconds from a SysTime, you can always set its
fracSecs to e.g.

st1.fracSecs =;
if(st1 < st2)

You could also cast the two SysTimes to DateTime and compare the result
(since DateTime doesn't have fractional seconds), but you'd probably want to
use toUTC() to ensure that the SysTimes had the same time zone when
converting, or you'd risk subtle bugs. e.g. something like

if(cast(DateTime)st1.toUTC() < cast(DatetTime)st2.toUTC())

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: InputRange help: (1) repeated dtor calls and (2) managing resources needing free()

2018-08-12 Thread James Blachly via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 June 2018 at 00:42:25 UTC, James Blachly wrote:

I assume the (apparent) lack of parity between ctor and dtor is 
because the "default postblit" (which I figured out for a 
struct means an empty `this(this)` ctor) is called when a copy 
is made. My understanding is that I cannot disable the default 
postblit and still act as a range, correct? Should I be 
overloading this?

2. Directly related to the above, I need, when the range is 
consumed, to free() the underlying library's iterator handle. 
Naively, I had the destructor do this, but obviously with 
multiple calls to ~this I end up with an error free()'ing a 
pointer that is no longer alloc'd.  What is the correct way to 
handle this situation in D?

Other Range and destructor advice generally (e.g., "You should 
totally change your design or approach to X instead") is always 


I think I have a handle on #1 (copy of the range is made for 
consumption which is why dtor is called more often than ctor), 
but would still be interested in advice regarding #2 (as well as 
general Range and dtor advice).

Here: I need to free the library's iterator, but the Range's destructor is the wrong place to do this, otherwise memory is freed more than once.

Is it a better approach to (a) somehow guard the call to 
tbx_itr_destroy or (b) create a postblit that creates a new 
iterator and pointer? (or (c), None of the above) As above, my 
understanding is that disabling the default posblit prohibits 
acting as a Range.

Thanks in advance