Re: Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

2019-04-10 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 11:05:27PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 19:29:13 UTC, Alex wrote:
> > I wonder if there are some interesting patterns of nesting is's?
> > 
> > is(
> No, at least not like that. You'd get nothing out of it, even if you
> made it work.
> But, I have in the past nested static ifs with different is things in
> order to handle very complex patterns that are difficult to express in
> one.
> I can't remember what those are right now though... but if one level
> fails, you might do
> static if(is( something ))
>   static if(is( details )) {
>   }
> to drill down. But while I know I have done this before, it is rare
> enough that I cannot recall it!

It happens when your static if condition has two or more clauses, and
the compilability of one of the later clauses depend on the truth of a
previous clause. Static if conditions do respect && short-circuit
evaluation, but they do not allow you to bypass compilability, so if you
have something like:

static if (A & B) { ... }

where B is not compilable unless A is true, then you cannot write it
this way, and have to nest it like you wrote above.


We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will 
eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare.  Now, thanks to the 
Internet, we know this is not true. -- Robert Wilensk

Re: Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

2019-04-10 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 19:29:13 UTC, Alex wrote:

I wonder if there are some interesting patterns of nesting is's?


No, at least not like that. You'd get nothing out of it, even if 
you made it work.

But, I have in the past nested static ifs with different is 
things in order to handle very complex patterns that are 
difficult to express in one.

I can't remember what those are right now though... but if one 
level fails, you might do

static if(is( something ))
  static if(is( details )) {


to drill down. But while I know I have done this before, it is 
rare enough that I cannot recall it!

Re: Dummy template parameter vs empty template parameter list

2019-04-10 Thread Seb via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 20:37:38 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:
Looking through Phobos code there's a bunch functions defined 
with dummy template types:

void whatever(TDummy = void)( int x, ...) //TDummy is never used

Why not just use an empty template parameter list?

void whatever()(int x, ...)

My gut tells me that his is a workaround for an old limitation 
preventing empty template lists, but figured I'd ask.

It depends on the specific function, but there's lots of old code 
in Phobos. In this case it could be that it was a workaround for 
a DMD bug or limitation that has since been fixed.

So never be afraid to question Phobos code and give it the full 
scrutiny it needs.

A good rule of thumb is that if all unittests still pass, the 
reason was historic ;-)

Re: Templates - What's Up with the template keyword?

2019-04-10 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 04/10/2019 05:07 AM, Ron Tarrant wrote:

>> the book's index:

> Oops!

Not at all. One of the most useful parts of the book has been the index 
section for me. I occasionally search in there... like just yesterday 
for the positional format specifier %1$. :)


Dummy template parameter vs empty template parameter list

2019-04-10 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
Looking through Phobos code there's a bunch functions defined 
with dummy template types:

void whatever(TDummy = void)( int x, ...) //TDummy is never used

Why not just use an empty template parameter list?

void whatever()(int x, ...)

My gut tells me that his is a workaround for an old limitation 
preventing empty template lists, but figured I'd ask.

Re: Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

2019-04-10 Thread Alex via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 9 April 2019 at 21:00:55 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Apr 09, 2019 at 08:49:17PM +, Alex via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Tuesday, 9 April 2019 at 18:56:58 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

My point has been and is that there is a better way that is 
more natural.  I make no claims about anything else. It may be 
a cop out to say something that is a tautology but I make the 
claim as an emphasis that I believe that it is more true in 
this case than others. i.e., D's traits are PITA. Ok, they are 
not as bad as some things but I know they can be better since 
I have used other languages that have far more logical 
reflection(such as C#) than D.

As I said, __traits was never designed to be user-friendly, or 
even "logical".  It was supposed to be a quick-and-easy way to 
tap into compiler internals, and std.traits was supposed to be 
the proper API to introspection.  But std.traits, as it stands, 
is far, far from what it ought to be, and so we have today's 
sorry situation.

That's unfortunate... but at least they are generally pretty 
functional. I remember trying to do basic type comparisons in 
C#'s reflection and didn't have the capability(I think it got it 
later but I believe that was the time I left for D).

I can understanding adding traits int he way it was, but at some 
point it has to be brought to the same standard as the rest of 
the language. It's just far too important to neglect. After all, 
Even most of phobos is using meta programming.

(And on a side note: don't even get me started on is(...) 

Anyway, since you seem to be passionate about this, this could 
be your chance of making std.traits what it ought to have been 
all along, or making a sensible reflection library that can for 
all practical purposes replace std.traits.

The problem is, I believe to do it right, it should be done in 
the compiler(at least some changes) and I know virtually nothing 
about the design and internals, so it would be much more time 
consuming than I'd like). I feel if I were going to go down that 
route I'd rather spend time writing a compiler or getting better 
as functional programming.

I, for one thing, would appreciate a nicer API to introspection 
than what we currently have.  One of the main things that drew 
me to D was its metaprogramming capabilities, and while overall 
it has been a positive experience, there *are* flies in the 
ointment like __traits, is(...) expressions, etc..  If you or 
somebody else could come up with a saner way to do 
introspection in D, it'd be very much appreciated.

Basically same here. D is one of those love/hate relationships ;/ 
Meta programming is the next stage of evolution of programming. 
It is necessary for simplifying the complex problems of the 
modern computing world. D does have quite a nice syntax for most 
of this and does reasonably well(Although I believe functional 
programming blows D's type system out the water since it deals 
with structural mapping directly without "special cases").

Re: Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

2019-04-10 Thread Alex via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 02:19:42 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 9 April 2019 at 20:45:18 UTC, Alex wrote:

On Tuesday, 9 April 2019 at 18:33:21 UTC, Seb wrote:

Have you considered writing a DIP?

No, because I expect it won't even be considered.

You won't pass review if you don't show knowledge of the 
existing language, but there's a lot of people who are 
interested in a few changes.

A few years ago, there was a proposal for a magical `meta` 
namespace that would call into the compiler for syntax sugar on 
CT reflection. The old idea was to replace `__traits(X, args)` 
with `meta.X(args)` - pure syntax change - but you could 
perhaps revive and expand that as the entry point to your new 
idea and get some people on board.

Yeah, but that isn't really effective, virtually identical. I am 
talking about one level higher abstraction. I mean, it's all the 
same but I'd like things to be sorta based in oop and ranges(UFCS 
like stuff). I haven't though about it enough to know how it 
would work out but I imagine things could be done very nicely. 
E.g., some accessors get information and some process that 
information and one can combine and match as needed., 
X.Members.Select!"foo".Memebers.Select!"bar"(assuming foo is an 
aggregate), etc.

Range functionality could even be used to process arrays(I guess 
the return of the traits would need to be ranges).

I'm skeptical of any reflection library, but compiler changes 
might be able to change that. The status quo for D's reflection 
libraries are:

1) weird bugs and/or omissions since the language does not let 
you express all the function parameter details as return values 
or local variables.

2) slow compile times (you said your thing was 10 seconds! 
that's utterly unacceptable)

It actually is not to bad. I haven't done much testing but at 
least repeatedly calling the Reflect on the same base type added 
little overhead(it wasn't scaling linearly with the number of 
calls). So maybe it has a chance. Still will never be as 
efficient as doing it internally though.

3) not actually significantly easier to use than language 
built-ins (if they are actually easier to use at all!)

So any library without compiler changes is, as of today, I 
believe *impossible* to get right, and getting as close as you 
can is horribly slow. So, your DIP would necessarily include 
language+compiler changes.

And the compiler is *already* (almost) fully capable, so 
changing that needs to show that the change is worth it. Maybe 
you can do that, even little cosmetic things can indeed be a 
win, but to write a convincing case here, you'll need to 
compare and contrast various cases.

I'd definitely rather see this in the compiler. I just no zero 
about Dmd's design and the specifics. It's not something I'm 
capable of doing without a significant investment that I'm not 
willing to do(only if I could add the design on top without 
having to "learn" everything about the compiler).

My goal was to sort of bridge the gap of the ideal solution and 
what we have. Something I could use personally to solve most of 
the frustrations I have but I wasn't thinking of trying to make 
it in to something ideal.

Re: Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

2019-04-10 Thread Alex via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 14:06:53 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 10:18:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:


There's a little bit weird about it, but it makes sense.

I used to find it hard to even remember how it works, but then 
I had to describe it for the book and it all came together. 
Consider this.


I wonder if there are some interesting patterns of nesting is's?


Cyclic dependency between module A and B

2019-04-10 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn
Recently (before refactoring) my application complained right 
after invocation:

   object.Error@src/rt/minfo.d(371): Cyclic dependency between 
module Filebrowser and App

   Filebrowser* ->
   App* ->

Is it possible to detect this dependency before the program is 

Perhaps during linking?

DCD 0 symbols cached?

2019-04-10 Thread Tom via Digitalmars-d-learn

Total newbie to D, trying to get it to play nice with Neovim 
using ncm2-d and DCD.

Issue: DCD never caches any symbols even when I point it directly 
to DMD's include files. Hate to ask for tech support on this 
forum but it's all I've got, Googling has brought no luck.

Using dcd version v0.11.0

Output from dcd-server -I /usr/include/dmd/phobos -I 
/usr/include/dmd/druntime/import :

2019-04-10T11:34:43.386 [info] main.d:130:runServer Starting up...
2019-04-10T11:34:43.386 [info] main.d:157:runServer Cleaning up 
old socket file at /run/user/1000/dcd.socket
2019-04-10T11:34:43.387 [info] main.d:164:runServer Listening at 
2019-04-10T11:34:43.387 [info] main.d:181:runServer Import 

2019-04-10T11:34:43.387 [info] main.d:187:runServer 0 symbols 
2019-04-10T11:34:43.387 [info] main.d:188:runServer Startup 
completed in 0 milliseconds.

Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Re: DRuntime arguments

2019-04-10 Thread Seb via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 12:11:06 UTC, Cym13 wrote:

Where can I find a list of all druntime arguments supported?

Things like --DRT-covopt='merge:1' or 
--DRT-gcopt='gc:profile=1' are not easy to guess and I can't 
find any centralized documentation.

There isn't any yet.

Re: Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

2019-04-10 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 10:18:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
The functionality rocks, but the syntax is a horrendous 
hairball of inconsistencies and design-by-chance.

There's a little bit weird about it, but it makes sense.

I used to find it hard to even remember how it works, but then I 
had to describe it for the book and it all came together. 
Consider this.

Declaring a normal local variable:

int foo = 0;

We can generalize that to
Type_Name Local_Name Operator Initial_Value

Well, now, compare to the is expression:

is(typeof(func) Params == __parameters)

It is a bit of a stretch, but the general shape is the same. We 
can define the is expression generally to be:

is(Type_Name Local_Name Deconstruction_Pattern)

And then both Local_Name and Deconstruction_Pattern are optional.

This gives us all the forms from the website (from point 
#5 there)

1: is(Type). This has the type, but left out the local name and 
deconstruction pattern. All it cares about is if the type exists.

2: is(Type : something). This deconstruction pattern, using :, 
means "can implicitly convert to something"

The deconstruction pattern mimics common ways of writing such 
types; class A : B {} defines a type A that can implicitly cast 
to B, so is(A : B) would pass and return true.

3: is(Type == something). This deconstruction pattern, using ==, 
just needs an exact match. It is probably the easiest one for 
people to remember.

4: is(Type Identifier). This skips the deconstruction pattern, 
meaning it is the most basic "this type must exist" check, but 
includes the local name.

Like with `int a;`, the name comes after the type.

5: is(Type Identifier : something). This is just #2 again, but 
including the optional local name.

6: is(Type Identifier == something). Just #3 including the 
optional local name.

At this point, the documentation also includes other 
deconstruction patterns, like the `class` keyword, etc. These are 
mostly very simple, but it is slightly magical in places because 
it can initialize Identifier to other thing.. but is that really 

int a = 10;

The value of a is dependent on the right side, and so is the 
Identifier here.

It looks totally wrong because it is using == here rather than =, 
so we intuitively think

is(A B == C)

is comparing B and C... but just rewrite in your brain that this 
is actually declaring a variable with a funky deconstruction 
initializer and it will make sense again.

So the whole `== C` part is the deconstruction pattern, and B is 
the variable being set to it. And being a deconstruction pattern, 
it is trying to pull layers off, so stuff like

is(MyClass Parents == super),

the ==super pattern is deconstructing its super keyword; its base 

Think of it not as comparison, but as matching a deconstruction 
pattern and it will make more sense.

I know its weird, but we can work with it. Let's move on:

7: This one has a lot of examples, but it really just expands on 
the deconstruction pattern. For example:

static if(is(int[10] == T[N], T, size_t N))

What's the pattern here?

== means use exact comparison, not implicitly converting 

T[N] writes out a model of what the declaration is expected to 
look like.

Then commas separate the definitions of each placeholder 
variable, just as if they  were template argument definitions. 
Same syntax, different location.

The one tricky thing is the compiler will not tell you when you 
malformed the pattern (for the most part), just nothing will 
happen to match it. So match it on some known quantity to test 
via static assert or something.

To use a complex pattern with the optional name:

static if(is(int[10] OriginalType == T[N], T, size_t N))

that's all the pieces together. Not so bad when you know how it 
breaks down.

Re: Templates - What's Up with the template keyword?

2019-04-10 Thread Ron Tarrant via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 00:42:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Your code did not work because Point is not a type but a type 
template. (On the other hand, Point!double is a type). The 
whole program:

Thanks very much, Ali! Obviously, I've got some studying ahead of 

DRuntime arguments

2019-04-10 Thread Cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn

Where can I find a list of all druntime arguments supported?

Things like --DRT-covopt='merge:1' or --DRT-gcopt='gc:profile=1' 
are not easy to guess and I can't find any centralized 

Re: Templates - What's Up with the template keyword?

2019-04-10 Thread Ron Tarrant via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 00:22:47 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 04/08/2019 05:23 AM, Ron Tarrant wrote:

> But in "Programming in D," (self, 2009-2018) by Ali Çehreli,
there's no
> mention of the 'template' keyword in any of his examples.

'template' keyword is introduced here:

I found that page by clicking on one of the two 'template' 
entries under T in the book's index:


Oops! Sorry, Ali. Since the advent of PDF, I rarely think to look 
in a book's index. I shall go blush now.

And apologies for making such a blanket statement about not 
mentioning the template keyword. I've learned a lot from your 
book and I don't want to create the impression I haven't.

Re: Templates - What's Up with the template keyword?

2019-04-10 Thread Ron Tarrant via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 9 April 2019 at 20:48:45 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

The thing that made it click for me is that a template is very 
akin to a macro substitution -- where you just copy and paste 
the given parameter wherever its substitute is found.

Nicely put. Thanks, Steve. I at least get the basics now.

Re: Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

2019-04-10 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 02:22:35AM +, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Tuesday, 9 April 2019 at 21:00:55 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > (And on a side note: don't even get me started on is(...)
> > expressions.)
> is expressions rock. And I betcha if we did do libraries for them, it
> would eventually go full circle, with someone doing a pattern-matching
> DSL that reinvents the original syntax, just much slower to compile :P

The functionality rocks, but the syntax is a horrendous hairball of
inconsistencies and design-by-chance.


It's bad luck to be superstitious. -- YHL

Re: Iterate/sort associative array by value?

2019-04-10 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2019-04-08 08:31:33 +, Dennis said:

As Sebastian said, you can do `import std.experimental.all;` or from 
version 2.086 `import std;` to import the entire standard library.

Well, that's more like a brute force approach. So it would be always 
best to use "import *" :-)

I like selective imports, because it gives a clear hint where things 
are coming from. I don't like that I have to do it manually. Maybe a 
2-pass approach would help: DMD spitting out the minimal selective 
import statements at the end, which you could cut & paste into your 

If dmd as a library pans out, a language server might automatically 
suggest imports for unresolved symbols like common Java and C# IDEs do.

Yep, good approach too.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: Iterate/sort associative array by value?

2019-04-10 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2019-04-08 08:29:24 +, Julian said:

It does do this, so the question should be: why aren't its warnings
more extensive?

Ok, I had the impression that I saw such a message in the past but 
wasn't sure about it...

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster