Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 5 December 2019 at 00:05:26 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 23:27:49 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

void main()
foo!a(); // const(int)
foo!b(); // immutable(int)
foo!c(); // const(int)

Ok, so one has to use a wrapper and then "catch" the result 
with auto?

auto x = foo!f();


Re: confused about template constructors and implicit type conversions

2019-12-04 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 23:53:53 UTC, NeeO wrote:
Would someone be able to explain this ? I can only seem to call 
a template constructor in one way, but I can't seem to pass 
what looks like an accepted type to the template constructor 
via a function call.

/+ main.d +/
import std.stdio ;

struct obj_ (T) {
   int demo ;

   this (int R,int C)(T[R][C] val) {
  writeln ("init for type is ",val.init) ;
  writeln ("num rows ",R   ) ;
  writeln ("num cols ",C   ) ;
void check (obj_!float val) {
   writeln ("success") ;

int main () {
   float[3][4] testval ;
   obj_!float  p = testval ; /+ works +/

   check (testval) ; /+ not callable using argument types 
compiler error +/

   return 0 ;

Hello, the problem you encounter here is that D, per spec, does 
not perform implicit construction from parameters. You have to 
constructs explicitly. Nothing more to explain.

Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 23:27:49 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

void main()
foo!a(); // const(int)
foo!b(); // immutable(int)
foo!c(); // const(int)

Ok, so one has to use a wrapper and then "catch" the result with 

auto x = foo!f();

confused about template constructors and implicit type conversions

2019-12-04 Thread NeeO via Digitalmars-d-learn
Would someone be able to explain this ? I can only seem to call a 
template constructor in one way, but I can't seem to pass what 
looks like an accepted type to the template constructor via a 
function call.

/+ main.d +/
import std.stdio ;

struct obj_ (T) {
   int demo ;

   this (int R,int C)(T[R][C] val) {
  writeln ("init for type is ",val.init) ;
  writeln ("num rows ",R   ) ;
  writeln ("num cols ",C   ) ;
void check (obj_!float val) {
   writeln ("success") ;

int main () {
   float[3][4] testval ;
   obj_!float  p = testval ; /+ works +/

   check (testval) ; /+ not callable using argument types 
compiler error +/

   return 0 ;

Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/4/19 5:57 PM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 22:51:01 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
Is there a way to specify in generic code that you want the best fit 
of a const/immutable reference depending on the return type (but not a 
mutable one)?

I mean, if f() return mutable or const then it should be const, but if 
it returns immutable then it should be immutable. Something like:

readonly myref = f()

void foo(alias f)()
   alias ConstType = const(typeof(f()));
   pragma(msg, ConstType);

const(int) a() { return 1; }
immutable(int) b() { return 1; }
  int  c() { return 1; }

void main()
foo!a(); // const(int)
foo!b(); // immutable(int)
foo!c(); // const(int)


Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 22:51:01 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
Is there a way to specify in generic code that you want the 
best fit of a const/immutable reference depending on the return 
type (but not a mutable one)?

I mean, if f() return mutable or const then it should be const, 
but if it returns immutable then it should be immutable. 
Something like:

readonly myref = f()

Re: Profiling the memory in D

2019-12-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/4/19 5:04 PM, kerdemdemir wrote:

GC.sizeof(cast(void*)object) will be super useful. I will use that.

I also tried GC: --DRT-gcopt=profile:1 already. It provides so little 
I need to find out which member AA or array of which object is causing 
this memory problem of mine.I am ending up around 2GB of ram usage in a 
single day.

These are not easy to discover. Are you using 32-bit compiler? If so, it 
has an issue with false pointers -- basically a large piece of memory 
can get pinned by a non-pointer that happens to be on the stack. This is 
not so much an issue in 64-bit land because the chances of accidental 
pointers is infinitesimal.

Is there any way to manipulate profile-gc flag on run time? Like I will 
start my program without it somehow and after the my program initializes 
I will turn it on.

I'm not familiar much with the gc profiling features. Lately I have had 
to measure max GC size, which this does provide. Sorry I can't be more 
help there.

One last thing in my program I am getting a message from vibe sometimes 
"leaking eventcore driver because there are still active handles". I use 
websockets and do web requests. I wanted to add that because I saw you 
fixed something with Redis about that in

What happens is that the eventcore driver provides a mechanism to 
allocate an implementation-specific chunk of data for each descriptor. 
This is done via C malloc. In the past, when the eventcore driver was 
shut down, these spaces were all deallocated when the driver was 
deallocated. If you had classes which held descriptors that were cleaned 
up by the GC, they would then try to use that space and generate a segfault.

So the eventcore driver will leak when it sees descriptors still in use, 
even when the GC is trying to clean it up because it doesn't know when 
the file descriptors will be released fully.

To fix, you need to ensure all file descriptors are destroyed 
deterministically. For the Redis problem, it was really difficult to 
solve without altering vibe.d itself, because the Redis session manager 
did not provide a mechanism to release all resources in the pool 

Tracking down what file descriptors are holding on, and who allocated 
them, is not an easy task. I had to instrument a lot of stuff to find 
it. Some easy possibilities may be if you aren't closing down all 
listening sockets before exiting main.

I will say that I still get these messages if I kill my web server while 
some keepalive connections are still open. But now, if there is no 
activity for about 10 seconds, then I get no messages.

Good luck tracking it down!


Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 22:43:35 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo 
There is a difference I guess if g() returns a reference type 
and is an inout function. immutable y will only work if the 
reference returned is immutable.

But not for values?

Const is a promise to the rest of the code that you will never 
mutate it. Immutable is a promise by the rest of the code that 
it will never mutate.

But if it isn't marked as "shared" then only the current thread 
will modify it, so it is only different if you have a mutable 
reference as well that could modify the same object as a const 

So if g() always returns immutable, it’s best to receive it as 
such, not const. If it can be either, it must be received as 

Is there a way to specify in generic code that you want the best 
fit of a const/immutable reference depending on the return type 
(but not a mutable one)?

I'm comparing D to C++ and I get the following mapping:

Does that make sense at all? D’s const is transitive, C++’s is 

Yes, but it is the same for value types.

Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 14:44:43 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
When is there a noticable difference when using const values 
instead of immutable values in a function body? And when should 
immutable be used instead of const?

  const x = g();
  immutable y = g();
  ... do stuff with x and y …

There is a difference I guess if g() returns a reference type and 
is an inout function. immutable y will only work if the reference 
returned is immutable.

Const is a promise to the rest of the code that you will never 
mutate it. Immutable is a promise by the rest of the code that it 
will never mutate.

Immutable is more powerful, allowing data sharing in overlapping 
slices and between threads without locks. Const is more 
versatile, allowing references to data regardless of its 

So if g() always returns immutable, it’s best to receive it as 
such, not const. If it can be either, it must be received as 

I'm comparing D to C++ and I get the following mapping:

Does that make sense at all? D’s const is transitive, C++’s is 


Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 22:29:13 UTC, kerdemdemir wrote:

Unfortunately I am not yet good with D to answer your question .
But Ali Çehreli made some comparesions with C++.
And I think you will find the answers of your questions in it 

Thanks. He didn't really compare to modern C++, but I appreciate 
the pointer.

Seems to me that immutable references are primarily useful when 
calling a function with two references to an array. So you can be 
certain that the read-only reference will not be modified within 
the function (if both parameters point to the same array as they 
can with a const reference).

Also, constexpr in C++ is a CTFE constraint and not a type, so 
not fully comparable to immutable, but same effect... perhaps. 
Not sure how smart compilers are in this regard.

So immutable references i D is basically the same as 
const-references with restrict in C/C++ (non-standard, but common 

Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread kerdemdemir via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 14:44:43 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
When is there a noticable difference when using const values 
instead of immutable values in a function body? And when should 
immutable be used instead of const?

  const x = g();
  immutable y = g();
  ... do stuff with x and y …

I'm comparing D to C++ and I get the following mapping:

enum constant = number

enum : decltype(number) { constant = number }

auto p =  g()

auto p = g()

const p = g()

const auto p = g()

immutable p = g()


Has anyone done a feature by feature comparison with C++? It 
would be interesting to see what it looks like.

Unfortunately I am not yet good with D to answer your question .
But Ali Çehreli made some comparesions with C++.
And I think you will find the answers of your questions in it 

Re: Profiling the memory in D

2019-12-04 Thread kerdemdemir via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 15:38:36 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 12/4/19 3:10 AM, Erdem wrote:
I am used to have cool tools like valgrid massif to visualize 
the memory usage from C++ but in D it seems I am blind folded 
looking for the problem.

Until now I tried:

--vgc option which show million things which makes it not 

which seems to slow down my program like *200 times and I have 
some operation depending on time which makes creating the real 
case of the application impossible. The observation itself 
effect the experiment very badly.

Since this options are not useful for me, I tried to put debug 
logs in critical places to estimate where I am losing memory. 
I couldn't find a D native call to get the memory usage of the 
program. I had to call a shell command which also slows down 
the app. This slow down causes me to not be able to put this 
debug log too many places or in critical loops.

I manage to narrow it down a bit. Than I wanted to check the 
object instances to find out which objects are getting bigger. 
I tried
GC.sizeOf() which always prints 0. GC.sizeOf also does 
not works with associative arrays , I don't see any usefull 
case than GC.sizeOf(array.ptr).

That is the background of my questions and my questions are:

Is there a better way to visualize the memory in D something 
like valgrid massif?

profile-gc literally makes to program not do anything due to 
slow down is there any way to profile-gc in a faster fashion?

Is there a native function which will return the memory usage 
of my program?

If it's total GC memory only you are interested in, then try 
the D runtime switch for the GC: --DRT-gcopt=profile:1

This will print out a summary of GC usage at the end of your 
program, and shouldn't significantly affect runtime.

Is there a function to return sizes of AAs and even class 
instances ?

Class instances have a compiler-defined size. Try 
__traits(classInstanceSize, SomeClass)

This is the compile-time size of that specific type. If you 
have a class instance, and you want the actual class size, in 
the case of a derived instance, you may retrieve that using 

Note also that this is not necessarily the size consumed from 
the GC! If you want *that* size, you need to use 
GC.sizeof(cast(void*)object) (you were almost correct, what you 
did was get the GC size of the *class reference* which is 
really a pointer, and really lives on the stack, hence the 0).


GC.sizeof(cast(void*)object) will be super useful. I will use 

I also tried GC: --DRT-gcopt=profile:1 already. It provides so 
little information.
I need to find out which member AA or array of which object is 
causing this memory problem of mine.I am ending up around 2GB of 
ram usage in a single day.

Is there any way to manipulate profile-gc flag on run time? Like 
I will start my program without it somehow and after the my 
program initializes I will turn it on.

One last thing in my program I am getting a message from vibe 
sometimes like
"leaking eventcore driver because there are still active 
handles". I use websockets and do web requests. I wanted to add 
that because I saw you fixed something with Redis about that in

Thanks for your help and replies Steve.

Re: Building and running DMD tests

2019-12-04 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 2 December 2019 at 02:15:36 UTC, Suleyman wrote:
The command you need is "make -Ctest". Or you can run a 
specific test manually using run.d.

cd test/
./run.d compilable/traits.d


Re: Strange casting error when using lamdas

2019-12-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/3/19 12:35 PM, Robert M. Münch wrote:
The first three lines are on module level, the second two lines are 
inside a class member function.




pragma(msg,windows_message_streams[WM_MOUSEMOVE].filter!(win => 
(win.wParam & MK_LBUTTON)).sizeof);


Why do these two things have different sizes even the declaration is 
exactly the same?

Is one a delegate and one a function pointer? This can easily happen for 
untyped lambdas.


Re: Strange casting error when using lamdas

2019-12-04 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2019-12-03 16:34:43 +, Robert M. Münch said:

I have very strange casting error I don't understand:

alias typeof(windows_message_streams[WM_MOUSEMOVE].filter!(win => 


FilterObservable!(__lambda39, SubjectObject!(OS_State))

=> (win.wParam & MK_LBUTTON)));
pragma(msg,typeof(wstreams[WM_MOUSEMOVE].filter!(win => (win.wParam & 

FilterObservable!(__lambda7, SubjectObject!(OS_State))

..\..\gui.d(317,104): Error: cannot cast expression 
filter(windows_message_streams[512u]) of type 
FilterObservable!(__lambda6, SubjectObject!(OS_State)) to 
FilterObservable!(__lambda39, SubjectObject!(OS_State)) because of 
different sizes

FilterObservable!(__lambda7, SubjectObject!(OS_State))

My code worked in the past but now it doesn't and I don't know why. I 
don't understand the "because of different sizes" message.

It looks like I have to explicitly create a lambda and re-use it. But 
how to do that?

So, it all boils down to a breaking change in the RX framework... which 
I still don't understand...

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: Profiling the memory in D

2019-12-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/4/19 3:10 AM, Erdem wrote:
I am used to have cool tools like valgrid massif to visualize the memory 
usage from C++ but in D it seems I am blind folded looking for the problem.

Until now I tried:

--vgc option which show million things which makes it not useful
which seems to slow down my program like *200 times and I have some 
operation depending on time which makes creating the real case of the 
application impossible. The observation itself effect the experiment 
very badly.

Since this options are not useful for me, I tried to put debug logs in 
critical places to estimate where I am losing memory. I couldn't find a 
D native call to get the memory usage of the program. I had to call a 
shell command which also slows down the app. This slow down causes me to 
not be able to put this debug log too many places or in critical loops.

I manage to narrow it down a bit. Than I wanted to check the object 
instances to find out which objects are getting bigger. I tried
GC.sizeOf() which always prints 0. GC.sizeOf also does not works 
with associative arrays , I don't see any usefull case than 

That is the background of my questions and my questions are:

Is there a better way to visualize the memory in D something like 
valgrid massif?

profile-gc literally makes to program not do anything due to slow down 
is there any way to profile-gc in a faster fashion?

Is there a native function which will return the memory usage of my 

If it's total GC memory only you are interested in, then try the D 
runtime switch for the GC: --DRT-gcopt=profile:1

This will print out a summary of GC usage at the end of your program, 
and shouldn't significantly affect runtime.

Is there a function to return sizes of AAs and even class instances ?

Class instances have a compiler-defined size. Try 
__traits(classInstanceSize, SomeClass)

This is the compile-time size of that specific type. If you have a class 
instance, and you want the actual class size, in the case of a derived 
instance, you may retrieve that using 

Note also that this is not necessarily the size consumed from the GC! If 
you want *that* size, you need to use GC.sizeof(cast(void*)object) (you 
were almost correct, what you did was get the GC size of the *class 
reference* which is really a pointer, and really lives on the stack, 
hence the 0).


Re: const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn

Also, in file scope, would C++:

constexpr auto constant = 3;

be the same as:

immutable constant = 3;


const and immutable values, D vs C++?

2019-12-04 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn
When is there a noticable difference when using const values 
instead of immutable values in a function body? And when should 
immutable be used instead of const?

  const x = g();
  immutable y = g();
  ... do stuff with x and y …

I'm comparing D to C++ and I get the following mapping:

enum constant = number

enum : decltype(number) { constant = number }

auto p =  g()

auto p = g()

const p = g()

const auto p = g()

immutable p = g()


Has anyone done a feature by feature comparison with C++? It 
would be interesting to see what it looks like.

Re: Unexpectedly nice case of auto return type

2019-12-04 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 03:17:27 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 01:28:00 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
typeof(return) is one of the lesser known cool things about D 
that make it so cool.  Somebody should write an article about 
it to raise awareness of it. :-D

you know i probably will write about that next week. so be sure 
to like, comment, and subscribe so you never miss my next post 
and then give me all your money on patreon so i can keep 
bringing you content :P :P

I've just made the refact using typeof(null) and gained 78 SLOC
The pattern was:

void issueError();

and then in the code, in a dozen a function returning different 
classes types

   if (...) {
return null;

now this becomes:

   typeof(null) issueError();

   if (...)
return issueError();

I wish I knew that trick before. I prefer typeof(null) in case I 
would translate to another language. I tend to type the static 
type when I know it anyway.

Re: Unexpectedly nice case of auto return type

2019-12-04 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 10:19:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Tuesday, December 3, 2019 3:03:22 AM MST Basile B. via 
Digitalmars-d- learn wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 09:58:36 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

> On Tuesday, December 3, 2019 12:12:18 AM MST Basile B. via
> Digitalmars-d- learn wrote:
>> I wish something like this was possible, until I change the 
>> return type of `alwaysReturnNull` from `void*` to `auto`.

>> ---
>> class A {}
>> class B {}
>> auto alwaysReturnNull() // void*, don't compile
>> {
>>  writeln();
>>  return null;
>> }
>> A testA()
>> {
>>  return alwaysReturnNull();
>> }
>> B testB()
>> {
>>  return alwaysReturnNull();
>> }
>> void main()
>> {
>>  assert( testA() is null );
>>  assert( testB() is null );
>> }
>> ---
>> OMG, isn't it nice that this works ?
>> I think that this illustrates an non intuitive behavior of 
>> auto

>> return types.
>> One would rather expect auto to work depending on the inner
>> return type.
> The void* version doesn't work, because void* doesn't 
> implicitly convert to a class type. It has nothing to do 
> with null. auto works thanks to the fact that typeof(null) 
> was added to the language a while back, and since class 
> references can be null, typeof(null) implicitly converts to 
> the class type. Before typeof(null) was added to the 
> language, null by itself had no type, since it's just a 
> literal representing the null value for any pointer or class 
> reference. The result was that using null in generic code or 
> with auto could run into issues. typeof(null) was added to 
> solve those problems.

> - Jonathan M Davis

That's interesting details of D developement. Since you reply 
to the first message I think you have not followed but in the 
last reply I told that maybe we should be able to name the 
type of null. I think this relates to TBottom too a bit.

There isn't much point in giving the type of null an explicit 
name given that it doesn't come up very often, and typeof(null) 
is quite explicit about what the type is. Also, anyone doing 
much generic programming in D is going to be well versed in 
typeof. They might not know about typeof(null) explicitly, but 
they should recognize what it means when they see it, and if 
someone were trying to get the type of null, it would be the 
obvious thing to try anyway. And typeof(null) isn't even the 
prime case where typeof gets used on something other than an 
object. From what I've seen, typeof(return) gets used far more.

As for TBottom, while the DIP does give it a relationship to 
null, they're still separate things, and giving typeof(null) a 
name wouldn't affect TBottom at all.

- Jonathan M Davis

I think that any internal compiler types that are also things in 
code should be named.
Things like tuples are really a thing in the compiler (TupleExp, 
TypeTuple, also Tuple in dtemplate.d, ...), we still need a 
library type for tuples while everything there in the compiler.

Re: Unexpectedly nice case of auto return type

2019-12-04 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 23:44:59 UTC, mipri wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 10:13:30 UTC, mipri wrote:

Speaking of nice stuff and aliases, suppose you want to
return a nice tuple with named elements?

Option 1: auto

  auto option1() {
  return tuple!(int, "apples", int, "oranges")(1, 2);

Option 2: redundancy

  Tuple!(int, "apples", int, "oranges") option2() {
  return tuple!(int, "apples", int, "oranges")(1, 2);

Option 3: an alias

  alias BadMath = Tuple!(int, "apples", int, "oranges");

  BadMath option3() {
  return BadMath(1, 2);

Option 4: typeof(return)

  Tuple!(int, "apples", int, "oranges") option4() {
  return typeof(return)(1, 2);

aha nice

Profiling the memory in D

2019-12-04 Thread Erdem via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am used to have cool tools like valgrid massif to visualize the 
memory usage from C++ but in D it seems I am blind folded looking 
for the problem.

Until now I tried:

--vgc option which show million things which makes it not useful
which seems to slow down my program like *200 times and I have 
some operation depending on time which makes creating the real 
case of the application impossible. The observation itself effect 
the experiment very badly.

Since this options are not useful for me, I tried to put debug 
logs in critical places to estimate where I am losing memory. I 
couldn't find a D native call to get the memory usage of the 
program. I had to call a shell command which also slows down the 
app. This slow down causes me to not be able to put this debug 
log too many places or in critical loops.

I manage to narrow it down a bit. Than I wanted to check the 
object instances to find out which objects are getting bigger. I 
GC.sizeOf() which always prints 0. GC.sizeOf also does not 
works with associative arrays , I don't see any usefull case than 

That is the background of my questions and my questions are:

Is there a better way to visualize the memory in D something like 
valgrid massif?

profile-gc literally makes to program not do anything due to slow 
down is there any way to profile-gc in a faster fashion?

Is there a native function which will return the memory usage of 
my program?

Is there a function to return sizes of AAs and even class 
instances ?


Re: Intersection of two sets

2019-12-04 Thread Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 13:43:26 UTC, Jan Hönig wrote:

alias set = bool[]
set foo = ...
set bar = ...
set result;

One simple optimization is to

set* smallest;
set* largest;

if (foo.length < bar.length)
smallest = 
largest = 
smallest = 
largest = 

foreach(key; *smallest)
  if (key in *largest)
result[key] = true;
return result;

Provided that your set type has an `in`-operator with 
time-complexity O(1), this will, in the worst case, reduce time 
complexity from

O(max(foo.length, bar.length))


O(min(foo.length, bar.length))