Re: Install multiple executables with DUB

2020-09-04 Thread glis-glis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 14:34:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
Oh, multiple binaries, I missed that. You can try to add 
multiple configurations [1]. Or if you have executables 
depending on only one source file, you can use single-file 
packages [2].

Thanks, but this still means I would have to write an 
install-script running

`dub build --single`

on each script, right?
I looked at tsv-utils [1] which seems to be a similar use-case as 
mine, and they declare each tool as a subpackage. The main 
package runs a d-file called `dub_build.d` which compiles all 
subpackages. Fells like an overkill to me, I'll probably just 
stick to a makefile.


Re: Install multiple executables with DUB

2020-09-04 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/4/20 10:27 AM, glis-glis wrote:

On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 14:34:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Oh, multiple binaries, I missed that. You can try to add multiple 
configurations [1]. Or if you have executables depending on only one 
source file, you can use single-file packages [2].

Thanks, but this still means I would have to write an install-script 

`dub build --single`

on each script, right?
I looked at tsv-utils [1] which seems to be a similar use-case as mine, 
and they declare each tool as a subpackage. The main package runs a 
d-file called `dub_build.d` which compiles all subpackages. Fells like 
an overkill to me, I'll probably just stick to a makefile.


I don't know is it suitable for your use case but I do the following:
1. add a recipe in every tool files like:
drug@drug: ~/utils$ cat ./tools/count.d
#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
targetType  "executable"
targetPath  "../bin"
targetName  "count"

dependency "abcdLibrary" version="*" path="path/to/abcdLibrary"

int main()
2. place all tool files into one directory `tools`
3. build them using `dub build --single tools/count.d`
4. Now I have all binary in `bin` directory, all sources in `tools` 
directory and have no subpackages at all

Re: Install multiple executables with DUB

2020-09-04 Thread WebFreak001 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 08:22:25 UTC, glis-glis wrote:


I have a few modules for parsing different file formats and a 
folder with d-scripts using these parsers to perform 
manipulations, extract information, ...

Until now, I just added
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd

to the d-scripts and run them that way, but I'd like to make 
the scripts available to my collaborators without them being 
required to install dmd & co, so I'll have to compile the 

I usually would just write a makefile for that, but I thought 
I'd give DUB a go. Unfortunately, the DUB-documentation is a 
little thin and I cannot find a way to tell DUB
"compile all the files in the scripts folder and put the binary 
to the bin folder". How do I do that?


Option 1: (recommended for multiple single file binaries)

use preBuildCommands to invoke dub or dmd for each of your 
scripts you need

Compatibility tip: use the special $DUB and $DC variables, see

If built often, consider using rdmd for easy caching or make this 
a sub-package which you depend on which will therefore only be 
rebuilt in case of changes to that sub-path folder. Add a glob of 
"extraDependencyFiles" matching your script files to make the 
package rebuild on script changes.

Option 2: (recommended for multiple larger binaries)

use sub-packages and make your root package targetType: none to 
build all child packages, see

root dub.sdl:
name "test"
targetType "none"
dependency ":a" version="*"
dependency ":b" version="*"
subPackage "a"
subPackage "b"

name "a"
targetType "executable"

name "b"
targetType "executable"

$ dub build


Note: this only works if your package is targetType none, use 
targetName and targetPath to customize how the exe is called and 
where it's placed

Re: Install multiple executables with DUB

2020-09-04 Thread Jon Degenhardt via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 September 2020 at 07:27:33 UTC, glis-glis wrote:
On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 14:34:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
Oh, multiple binaries, I missed that. You can try to add 
multiple configurations [1]. Or if you have executables 
depending on only one source file, you can use single-file 
packages [2].

Thanks, but this still means I would have to write an 
install-script running

`dub build --single`

on each script, right?
I looked at tsv-utils [1] which seems to be a similar use-case 
as mine, and they declare each tool as a subpackage. The main 
package runs a d-file called `dub_build.d` which compiles all 
subpackages. Fells like an overkill to me, I'll probably just 
stick to a makefile.


The `dub_build.d` is so that people can use `$ dub fetch` to 
download and build the tools with `$ dub run`, from dub fetch/run is the typical dub sequence. But 
it's awkward. And it geared toward users that have a D compiler 
plus dub already installed. For building your own binaries you 
might as well use `make`. However, if you decide to add your 
tools to the public dub package registry you might consider the 

My understanding is that the dub developers recognize that 
multiple binaries are inconvenient at present and have ideas on 
improvements. Having a few more concrete use cases might help 
nail down the requirements.

The tsv-utils directory layout may be worth a look. It's been 
pretty successful for multiple binaries in a single repo with 
some shared code. (Different folks made suggestions leading to 
this structure.) It works for both make and dub, and works well 
with other tools, like dlpdocs (Adam Ruppe's doc generator). The 
tsv-utils `make` setup is quite messy at this point, you can 
probably do quite a bit better.


tupleof seems to break encapsulation

2020-09-04 Thread 60rntogo via Digitalmars-d-learn

Consider the following code.

module foo;

struct Foo
  private int i;

void main()
  import std.stdio;
  import foo;

  auto x = Foo();
  // ++x.i;

As expected, the commented line does not compile. If I uncomment 
it, I get the error "no property i for type foo.Foo". However, 
the rest of the code compiles just fine and outputs:


This appears to defeat the purpose of declaring i private. What 
am I missing?

Re: tupleof seems to break encapsulation

2020-09-04 Thread Simen Kjærås via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 September 2020 at 10:16:47 UTC, 60rntogo wrote:

Consider the following code.

module foo;

struct Foo
  private int i;

void main()
  import std.stdio;
  import foo;

  auto x = Foo();
  // ++x.i;

As expected, the commented line does not compile. If I 
uncomment it, I get the error "no property i for type foo.Foo". 
However, the rest of the code compiles just fine and outputs:


This appears to defeat the purpose of declaring i private. What 
am I missing?

It's a known issue:

There are some very good reasons to allow some access to private 
fields, though it should be more limited than is currently the 


Re: I think Associative Array should throw Exception

2020-09-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/4/20 1:48 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 15:12:14 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

int[int] aa;
aa[4] = 5;
auto b = aa[4];

How is this code broken? It's valid, will never throw, and there's no 
reason that we should break it by adding an exception into the mix.

int foo() nothrow {
     return "1".to!int;

The following code is valid, will never throw, why does the compiler 
prevent it?

You are still missing the point ;)

Your example doesn't compile today. Mine does. It's not a question of 
which way is better, but that we already have code that depends on the 
chosen solution, and changing now means breaking all such existing code.

My point of bringing up the example is that your assertion that "it is 
already broken" isn't true.

To put it another way, if the above to!int call compiled, and we 
switched to exceptions, it would be the same problem, even if the right 
choice is to use Exceptions.


Re: I think Associative Array should throw Exception

2020-09-04 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 1 September 2020 at 18:20:17 UTC, Jesse Phillips 
This is going to be a hard one for me to argue but I'm going to 
give it a try.

Today if you attempt to access a key from an associative array 
(AA) that does not exist inside the array, a RangeError is 
thrown. This is similar to when an array is accessed outside 
the bounds.


I don't have an issue with the normal array RangeError, there 
is a clear means for claiming your access is a programming bug. 
However associative arrays tend to have both the key and value 
as "input."


Is it recoverable? I would say yes. We aren't actually trying 
to access memory outside the application ownership, we haven't 
put the system state into a critical situation (out of memory). 
And a higher portion of the code could easily decide to take a 
different path due to the failure of its call.

Any time you have an operation that can only succeed if some 
precondition is met, there are two possible ways you can 
implement it:

1. Make it the caller's responsibility to check the precondition.
2. Make it the function's responsibility to check the 

If you have version #1, you can always use it to implement 
version #2, but the converse is not true. So, while you would 
ideally provide both versions and let the user choose the one 
they prefer, you should always *at least* provide version #1.

In this case, for D's associative arrays, the [] operator is 
version #1. You could make a reasonable case that the [] operator 
should have been reserved for version #2, and version #1 should 
have been named something else, but at this point, it's not worth 
breaking backwards compatibility to change it.

Re: How to use with specific curl query?

2020-09-04 Thread Italomania via Digitalmars-d-learn
Nice, I have been having this problem for quite a while too. 

Re: Problem with gfm.math.matrix (some gamedevs out there ?)

2020-09-04 Thread Guillaume Piolat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 12:36:35 UTC, Thomas wrote:

import std.stdio;

int main()

import gfm.math.matrix;

const int width = 800;
const int height = 600;

auto projectionMatrix = mat4!(float).identity();

Note that instead of `mat4!(float)` you can just use `mat4f`.

auto ratio = cast(float)width / cast(float)height;

projectionMatrix = mat4!(float).perspective( 45.0f, ratio, 
0.0f, 100.0f );

As others said, zNear is zero so your matrix is not invertible.
I guess perspective should warn about that.

Re: tupleof seems to break encapsulation

2020-09-04 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2020-09-04 12:16, 60rntogo wrote:

Consider the following code.

module foo;

struct Foo
   private int i;

void main()
   import std.stdio;
   import foo;

   auto x = Foo();
   // ++x.i;

As expected, the commented line does not compile. If I uncomment it, I 
get the error "no property i for type foo.Foo". However, the rest of the 
code compiles just fine and outputs:


This appears to defeat the purpose of declaring i private. What am I 

It's useful for serialization and, as you can see in your example, for 
debugging as well. `writeln` will print the values of the fields in a 
struct, even for private fields.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: tupleof seems to break encapsulation

2020-09-04 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 07:36:00PM +0200, Jacob Carlborg via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> It's useful for serialization and, as you can see in your example, for
> debugging as well. `writeln` will print the values of the fields in a
> struct, even for private fields.

It's certainly useful, but violates private.  I'd propose restricting it
to -debug or at the very least @system, so that normal @safe code will
behave as expected.


It's amazing how careful choice of punctuation can leave you hanging:

Re: tupleof seems to break encapsulation

2020-09-04 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 September 2020 at 18:23:09 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 07:36:00PM +0200, Jacob Carlborg via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]
It's useful for serialization and, as you can see in your 
example, for debugging as well. `writeln` will print the 
values of the fields in a struct, even for private fields.

It's certainly useful, but violates private.  I'd propose 
restricting it to -debug or at the very least @system, so that 
normal @safe code will behave as expected.



Re: tupleof seems to break encapsulation

2020-09-04 Thread 60rntogo via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 September 2020 at 17:36:00 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
It's useful for serialization and, as you can see in your 
example, for debugging as well. `writeln` will print the values 
of the fields in a struct, even for private fields.

I wouldn't dispute that it is useful, but that's besides the 
point. If I declare something private, it's usually because I 
want to preserve certain invariants and I want the compiler to 
provide a guarantee that I don't accidentally violate them. As it 
stands, the compiler cannot guarantee that if I use tupleof.

I don't really have an issue with read-only access to private 
fields (but arguments could be made against it) and then 
serialization would still be possible. However, if my struct is 
supposed to maintain invariants, then any attempt at 
deserialization that naively reads from a tuple without 
establishing these invariants should fail to compile.