Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread Siemargl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 06:43:57 UTC, user1234 wrote:

otherwise another solution is to check every two monthes the 
sanity of your projects. E.g a montly cronjob on a CI service 
and that uses latest DMD Docker image. If it fails you got an 
email... It certainly cooler to take 5 mins every two monthes 
than 7 hours 4 years.
Nice idea. Try do it with all hundreds of used in your projects 

Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread user1234 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 09:21:12 UTC, Siemargl wrote:

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 06:43:57 UTC, user1234 wrote:

otherwise another solution is to check every two monthes the 
sanity of your projects. E.g a montly cronjob on a CI service 
and that uses latest DMD Docker image. If it fails you got an 
email... It certainly cooler to take 5 mins every two monthes 
than 7 hours 4 years.
Nice idea. Try do it with all hundreds of used in your projects 

isObject, isArray, etc ;) ?

Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 March 2021 at 23:30:20 UTC, harakim wrote:
Every time I come back to a D program I wrote over a year ago, 
it seems like there are numerous breaking changes and it takes 
me a while to get it to compile again.

I am porting a large code base from Extended Pascal to D and I 
know that there will be changes in the language in the future 
that will take an effort to adapt to. Yet, I am still in the camp 
of wanting these changes to happen because we don't want to port 
from a dead language to another dead language, we need the 
language to be alive.

The way I deal with this is to lock down version numbers with the 
revision number of our code base. By having dub.selections.json 
under revision control we make sure that the same version of 
dependencies are used every time until we upgrade, and by having 
this in dub.json:

"toolchainRequirements": {
"frontend": "==2.096"

we ensure that the code simply refuses to compile with any other 
language version.

So, if two years from now we were to check out a revision that 
was two years old, yes we would have to downgrade the compiler 
but it would still work. Upgrading to a newer language version or 
dependency version can be done outside of the main development 
branch, where it can be properly tested before merging.

Ideally I want the build system to automatically install and/or 
activate the compiler specified in the code base so that a 
toolchain upgrade becomes just like a regular feature commit, 
possibly using one of the existing compiler version managers [1, 
2] or by extending dub itself. Then, fellow developers will 
hardly notice compiler upgrades, the build farm doesn't need 
attention, and bisecting revisions to pin down the occurrence of 
a regression can be done without complications.

I think it is important that warts in the language and standard 
library are removed, and luckily we have a proper deprecation 
mechanism. My advice is, if you pick up a two-year old project 
and don't want to deal with breakages, you just continue with the 
versions from that time; Until you choose to use newer features, 
but you can plan for the work that this requires.

-- Bastiaan.


Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 March 2021 at 23:30:20 UTC, harakim wrote:
Contrast to me trying to figure out how to format a number in 
binary. format!"%b"(number) does not work but is very similar 
to what is suggested in the documentation. I was able to figure 
out it's format("%b", number) but it took a few minutes.

This works for me:
 rdmd --eval="writeln(format!`%b`(5));"
 rdmd --eval="writeln(__VERSION__);"

-- Bastiaan.

Re: Vibe.d tutorial

2021-03-04 Thread Imperatorn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 March 2021 at 22:25:39 UTC, Rey Valeza wrote:
Hi, I wrote a tutorial on Vibe.d while trying to re-learn 
Vibe.d. I find that most of Kai Nacke's book need updating, so 
I wrote a tutorial while trying to re-learn it.

Here it is.

I would be glad if you can give me some feedback so I can 
improve it.


Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread frankp via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all,

I want to make an opaque type that simply contains an integer 
with some immutable constants and toString pretty printing. Like 

struct Foo_t
   private long foo;
   alias foo this;
   static immutable long Inf = long.max; //1)

   void toString(...){}

On dmd 2.092.1 this fails with:
  1) Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 9223...L of type 
immutable(long) to Foo_t

I simply want to initialize an immutable long with long.max.
Why the conversion to Foo_t ?

If I add a constructor:
private this(long f)
   foo = f;

It compiles but according to code coverage this constructor is 
never called.

What's going on?

Re: Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread harakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 13:58:48 UTC, frankp wrote:

Hi all,

I want to make an opaque type that simply contains an integer 
with some immutable constants and toString pretty printing. 
Like this:

struct Foo_t
   private long foo;
   alias foo this;
   static immutable long Inf = long.max; //1)

   void toString(...){}

On dmd 2.092.1 this fails with:
  1) Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 9223...L of 
type immutable(long) to Foo_t

I simply want to initialize an immutable long with long.max.
Why the conversion to Foo_t ?

If I add a constructor:
private this(long f)
   foo = f;

It compiles but according to code coverage this constructor is 
never called.

What's going on?

This is the text of my program

import std.stdio;

struct Foo_t
   private long foo;
   alias foo this;
   static immutable long Inf = long.max; //1)

   void toString(...){ writeln(foo); }

void main()
Foo_t sample; = 100;


This is the results of running the program:

PS C:\Users\someone\source\tests> dmd forum1.d
PS C:\Users\someone\source\tests> ./forum1.exe
PS C:\Users\someone\source\tests> dmd --version
DMD32 D Compiler v2.095.1-dirty
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights 
Reserved written by Walter Bright

So I was not able to reproduce your issue. Is it possible that 
error is coming from somewhere else?

Re: Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread Simen Kjærås via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 13:58:48 UTC, frankp wrote:

Hi all,

I want to make an opaque type that simply contains an integer 
with some immutable constants and toString pretty printing. 
Like this:

struct Foo_t
   private long foo;
   alias foo this;
   static immutable long Inf = long.max; //1)

   void toString(...){}

On dmd 2.092.1 this fails with:
  1) Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 9223...L of 
type immutable(long) to Foo_t

I simply want to initialize an immutable long with long.max.
Why the conversion to Foo_t ?

If I add a constructor:
private this(long f)
   foo = f;

It compiles but according to code coverage this constructor is 
never called.

What's going on?

I tried compiling your code locally on DMD 2.094.1, and had no 
issues. Again with 2.095.0, no issues. On, with all 
dmd compilers from 2.060, and it just plain works.

Now, that's after removing ... from toString. With that present, 
it fails with some variation of 'Error: undefined identifier 

Most likely, you have shortened your program for clarity, and 
removed the issue you're experiencing in the process. Can we have 
another one, with the issue still there?


Re: Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread frankp via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 14:18:07 UTC, harakim wrote:


This is the text of my program

import std.stdio;

struct Foo_t
   private long foo;
   alias foo this;
   static immutable long Inf = long.max; //1)

   void toString(...){ writeln(foo); }

void main()
Foo_t sample; = 100;


This is the results of running the program:

PS C:\Users\someone\source\tests> dmd forum1.d
PS C:\Users\someone\source\tests> ./forum1.exe
PS C:\Users\someone\source\tests> dmd --version
DMD32 D Compiler v2.095.1-dirty
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All 
Rights Reserved written by Walter Bright

So I was not able to reproduce your issue. Is it possible that 
error is coming from somewhere else?

I wouldn't know, that's why I'm asking here :)
But since it compiles on dmd 2.095.1 I doubt it. I would upgrade 
the compiler but I fear if I do all sorts of other things are 
going to break. I'll keep my workaround and attach a todo note.

Thanks for testing.

Re: Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread frankp via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 14:31:23 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 13:58:48 UTC, frankp wrote:

Hi all,

I want to make an opaque type that simply contains an integer 
with some immutable constants and toString pretty printing. 
Like this:

struct Foo_t
   private long foo;
   alias foo this;
   static immutable long Inf = long.max; //1)

   void toString(...){}

On dmd 2.092.1 this fails with:
  1) Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 9223...L of 
type immutable(long) to Foo_t

I simply want to initialize an immutable long with long.max.
Why the conversion to Foo_t ?

If I add a constructor:
private this(long f)
   foo = f;

It compiles but according to code coverage this constructor is 
never called.

What's going on?

I tried compiling your code locally on DMD 2.094.1, and had no 
issues. Again with 2.095.0, no issues. On, with 
all dmd compilers from 2.060, and it just plain works.

Now, that's after removing ... from toString. With that 
present, it fails with some variation of 'Error: undefined 
identifier '__va_list_tag''.

Most likely, you have shortened your program for clarity, and 
removed the issue you're experiencing in the process. Can we 
have another one, with the issue still there?


toString was actually added at a later point. The compiler 
complained prior to that.

So if I rename the struct to Foo_t in my program it compiles.

However, the compiler complains if the struct is called 
"cycle_t". That's curious. Is that a reserved name?
I don't import anything by that name. Not to my knowledge at 
least - I'm strictly using named imports.

Re: Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread frankp via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 14:42:16 UTC, frankp wrote:
However, the compiler complains if the struct is called 
"cycle_t". That's curious. Is that a reserved name?
I don't import anything by that name. Not to my knowledge at 
least - I'm strictly using named imports.

False alarm. If I remove the constructor from cycle_t the 
compiler now complains about the same thing in Foo_t or any other 
name I try.

I give up. This makes no sense. I just accept this is the work of 
gremlins. I revert to a plain alias and an enum.

Sorry for wasting your time.

Re: Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread frankp via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 14:54:11 UTC, frankp wrote:
I give up. This makes no sense. I just accept this is the work 
of gremlins. I revert to a plain alias and an enum.

Sorry for wasting your time.

Not gremlins after all. It was simply a matter of the compiler 
pointing to the wrong line. Everything makes sense now. Anyways, 
thanks for your help.

Re: Opaque type (struct) with a static immutable fails to compile without constructor - why?

2021-03-04 Thread Imperatorn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 15:19:16 UTC, frankp wrote:

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 14:54:11 UTC, frankp wrote:
I give up. This makes no sense. I just accept this is the work 
of gremlins. I revert to a plain alias and an enum.

Sorry for wasting your time.

Not gremlins after all. It was simply a matter of the compiler 
pointing to the wrong line. Everything makes sense now. 
Anyways, thanks for your help.

"15 minutes of gremlins" 😉

dub support for Mac M1?

2021-03-04 Thread tastyminerals via Digitalmars-d-learn
I got a company MacBook with M1 chip and gradually migrate all 
the stuff from Linux machine. I got precompiled ldc binary 
installed without any problem now is the time for dub since I 
have couple of D projects I use at work and all of them use dub.

I can only see the dub-v1.23.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz package so it 
should at least run via Rosetta. I also tried compiling it via 
MacPorts but looks like dub pulls dmd as a dependency and dmd 
fails to build currently. For example:

$ sudo port install dub
Warning: The macOS 11.2 SDK does not appear to be installed. 
Ports may not build correctly.
Warning: You can install it as part of the Xcode Command Line 
Tools package by running `xcode-select --install'.

--->  Computing dependencies for dub
The following dependencies will be installed:
Continue? [Y/n]: y
Warning: The macOS 11.2 SDK does not appear to be installed. 
Ports may not build correctly.
Warning: You can install it as part of the Xcode Command Line 
Tools package by running `xcode-select --install'.

--->  Fetching archive for dmd
--->  Attempting to fetch dmd-2.088.0_0.darwin_20.arm64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch dmd-2.088.0_0.darwin_20.arm64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch dmd-2.088.0_0.darwin_20.arm64.tbz2 from

--->  Building dmd
Error: Failed to build dmd: command execution failed
Error: See 
/opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_lang_dmd/dmd/main.log for details.
Error: Follow to 
report a bug.

Error: Processing of port dub failed

We look into the logs and see
:info:build  (maybe you meant: dt_writeToObj(Obj*, dt_t*, 
int, unsigned long long&), file_write(char*, void*, unsigned int) 
, Obj_write_pointerRef(Symbol*, unsigned int) , 
Obj_write_bytes(seg_data*, unsigned int, void*) , 
__D3dmd4glue18obj_write_deferredRCQBf3lib7LibraryZ5counti , 
Obj_write_zeros(seg_data*, unsigned long long) , 
obj_write_deferred(Library*) , Obj_write_byte(seg_data*, unsigned 
int) )

:info:build ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
:info:build clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 
(use -v to see invocation)

:info:build Error: linker exited with status 1
:info:build make: *** [../generated/osx/release/32/dmd] Error 1

Are there any plans to support M1 for dub?

Re: dub support for Mac M1?

2021-03-04 Thread Max Haughton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 22:30:17 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:
I got a company MacBook with M1 chip and gradually migrate all 
the stuff from Linux machine. I got precompiled ldc binary 
installed without any problem now is the time for dub since I 
have couple of D projects I use at work and all of them use dub.


If someone with an M1 wants to get it working the patch is 
appreciated but I (for one) don't have one so I can't.

Re: dub support for Mac M1?

2021-03-04 Thread kinke via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 22:30:17 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:
I got a company MacBook with M1 chip and gradually migrate all 
the stuff from Linux machine. I got precompiled ldc binary 
installed without any problem now is the time for dub since I 
have couple of D projects I use at work and all of them use dub.

I can only see the dub-v1.23.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz package so it 
should at least run via Rosetta.

The official prebuilt LDC package comes with prebuilt dub, 
dustmite, ddemangle and rdmd, just like any other package.

How do I run multiple unittests with rdmd?

2021-03-04 Thread Anthony via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to run multiple unittest files with rdmd.
So far I use `find` to just pipe in the files. Eg:

time find source -name *__tests.d -exec rdmd -unittest --main 
-I../libprelude/source -I../libparser/source 
-I../libgeometry/source -Isource {} \;

Is there an easier way to do this?

Re: How do I run multiple unittests with rdmd?

2021-03-04 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Fri, Mar 05, 2021 at 01:47:41AM +, Anthony via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to run multiple unittest files with rdmd.
> So far I use `find` to just pipe in the files. Eg:
> time find source -name *__tests.d -exec rdmd -unittest --main
> -I../libprelude/source -I../libparser/source -I../libgeometry/source
> -Isource {} \;
> Is there an easier way to do this?

Do you have multiple applications, or a single application spread across
multiple sources?

In the latter case, you could just use `rdmd -unittest -i -run main.d`
(replace `main.d` with whatever source file contains main()) to
automatically compile all modules including their unittests *and* run
'em all in one shot.

Only in the former case would you need to use your `find` pipeline
above. :-)


Computers aren't intelligent; they only think they are.

Is there any generic iteration function that stops at first match?

2021-03-04 Thread Jack via Digitalmars-d-learn
something like filter[1] but that stops at first match? are there 
any native functions for this in D or I have to write one? just 
making sure to not reinvent the wheel


Re: Is there any generic iteration function that stops at first match?

2021-03-04 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Fri, Mar 05, 2021 at 02:13:39AM +, Jack via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> something like filter[1] but that stops at first match? are there any
> native functions for this in D or I have to write one? just making
> sure to not reinvent the wheel

Why not just .front?  E.g.:

int[] data = [ 1,2,3,4,5 ];
auto r = data.filter!(v => v % 2 == 0);
assert(r.front == 2);


There is no gravity. The earth sucks.

Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread harakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

"toolchainRequirements": {
"frontend": "==2.096"

Thanks! I didn't know you could specify a toolchain version. I 
agree it would be cool if it automatically downloaded the correct 
version of compiler, but this will be helpful. Is it possible to 
download old versions of the compiler somewhere?

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 10:22:51 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 March 2021 at 23:30:20 UTC, harakim wrote:
Contrast to me trying to figure out how to format a number in 
binary. format!"%b"(number) does not work but is very similar 
to what is suggested in the documentation. I was able to 
figure out it's format("%b", number) but it took a few minutes.

This works for me:
 rdmd --eval="writeln(format!`%b`(5));"
 rdmd --eval="writeln(__VERSION__);"

-- Bastiaan.

I want this almost every week at work. When I run into some 
trivial statement that I need to know for sure how it works, it's 
rarely worth it to create a whole new file and make a main method 
and all that. I just edit and run the entire program again, which 
is a waste of time.

So about ten seconds later:
PS> rdmd --eval="writeln(format!`%b`(5));"
~\AppData\Local\Temp\.rdmd\eval.F4ADE5F0F88B126B82870415B197BF60.d(18): Error: 
template argument expected following `!`
Failed: ["C:\\Program Files\\D\\dmd2\\windows\\bin\\dmd.exe", 
"-d", "-v", "-o-", 
"~\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.rdmd\\eval.F4ADE5F0F88B126B82870415B197BF60.d", "-I~\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.rdmd"]

PS> rdmd --eval="writeln(__VERSION__);"

That was pretty sweet. However, it kind of goes to the point of 
my post. A one-revision difference means the documentation is not 
accurate for my compiler.

I'm not saying the language shouldn't evolve, I'm just saying it 
might make sense to keep compatibility changes to every 6 months 
or a year. Then you could keep the old documentation around for 
the old version, and create new documentation for the new version 
and no matter which version someone is using they would have 
documentation (within limits.)

Depending on how long I can keep at this project, I would be down 
to host my source wherever it needs to be hosted (provided it's 
git) to get the new-version-check feature. I might even pay a bit 
for it. I doubt that makes it worth it, but I thought I'd throw 
that out there in case more people agree.

I like D. I like that D is changing. To go along with that, I 
would like a little more predictability with major version 
releases. I see there is a lot more documentation than the last 
time I checked so I'll take a deeper look at that.

Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 03:32:35 UTC, harakim wrote:

correct version of compiler, but this will be helpful. Is it 
possible to download old versions of the compiler somewhere?

From this page you can follow a trail all the way back to 0.00 if 
you're so inclined:

Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 03:35:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 03:32:35 UTC, harakim wrote:

correct version of compiler, but this will be helpful. Is it 
possible to download old versions of the compiler somewhere?

From this page you can follow a trail all the way back to 0.00 
if you're so inclined:

Okay, maybe not. A number of the oldest versions aren't 
available. Anyway, there's also:

Re: How do I run multiple unittests with rdmd?

2021-03-04 Thread Anthony via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 02:08:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
In the latter case, you could just use `rdmd -unittest -i -run 
main.d` (replace `main.d` with whatever source file contains 
main()) to automatically compile all modules including their 
unittests *and* run 'em all in one shot.

I didn't know that. Good to know. Thanks

Only in the former case would you need to use your `find` 
pipeline above. :-)

I should have mentioned, this is for a library that is used by 
multiple applications.

So I guess the find pipeline is the way to go then.

Re: Is there any generic iteration function that stops at first match?

2021-03-04 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 02:13:39 UTC, Jack wrote:
something like filter[1] but that stops at first match? are 
there any native functions for this in D or I have to write 
one? just making sure to not reinvent the wheel




Can't I allocate at descontructor?

2021-03-04 Thread Jack via Digitalmars-d-learn
The following code returns a memory error. I did notice it did 
happens whenever I did a memory allocation. Is this not possible 
in the descontrutor? if so, why?

core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError@src\core\exception.d(647): Invalid 
memory operation

import std.stdio;

int main()
auto a = new A;
return 0;

class A
this() { }


void f()
auto str = new string[100];

Re: Is there any generic iteration function that stops at first match?

2021-03-04 Thread Jack via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 02:43:36 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Mar 05, 2021 at 02:13:39AM +, Jack via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
something like filter[1] but that stops at first match? are 
there any native functions for this in D or I have to write 
one? just making sure to not reinvent the wheel


Why not just .front?  E.g.:

int[] data = [ 1,2,3,4,5 ];
auto r = data.filter!(v => v % 2 == 0);
assert(r.front == 2);


it loops over the entire array then returns, I'd like to stop as 
soon as the predicate return true

Re: Is there any generic iteration function that stops at first match?

2021-03-04 Thread mipri via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 05:32:27 UTC, Jack wrote:

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 02:43:36 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Mar 05, 2021 at 02:13:39AM +, Jack via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
something like filter[1] but that stops at first match? are 
there any native functions for this in D or I have to write 
one? just making sure to not reinvent the wheel


Why not just .front?  E.g.:

int[] data = [ 1,2,3,4,5 ];
auto r = data.filter!(v => v % 2 == 0);
assert(r.front == 2);


it loops over the entire array then returns, I'd like to stop 
as soon as the predicate return true

  void main() {
  import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;
  int[] data = iota(5).map!"a+1".array;
  auto r = data.filter!(function (v) { writeln(v); return v % 
2 == 0; });

  assert(r.front == 2);



'r' is an iterator. To force it to loop over the entire array that
would need a .array like I'm using for 'data'.

Re: Is there any generic iteration function that stops at first match?

2021-03-04 Thread Jack via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 04:22:23 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 02:13:39 UTC, Jack wrote:
something like filter[1] but that stops at first match? are 
there any native functions for this in D or I have to write 
one? just making sure to not reinvent the wheel




thanks, totally overlooked this searching section

Re: Can't I allocate at descontructor?

2021-03-04 Thread evilrat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 05:31:38 UTC, Jack wrote:
The following code returns a memory error. I did notice it did 
happens whenever I did a memory allocation. Is this not 
possible in the descontrutor? if so, why?

GC prohibits allocation during collection, since this dtor is 
likely called by GC this is what happens.

If you REALLY need this just allocate using other mechanisms.

Re: D's Continous Changing

2021-03-04 Thread Siemargl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 03:32:35 UTC, harakim wrote:
I want this almost every week at work. When I run into some 
trivial statement that I need to know for sure how it works, 
it's rarely worth it to create a whole new file and make a main 
method and all that. I just edit and run the entire program 
again, which is a waste of time.

So about ten seconds later:
PS> rdmd --eval="writeln(format!`%b`(5));"
~\AppData\Local\Temp\.rdmd\eval.F4ADE5F0F88B126B82870415B197BF60.d(18): Error: 
template argument expected following `!`
Failed: ["C:\\Program Files\\D\\dmd2\\windows\\bin\\dmd.exe", 
"-d", "-v", "-o-", 
"~\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.rdmd\\eval.F4ADE5F0F88B126B82870415B197BF60.d", "-I~\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\.rdmd"]

PS> rdmd --eval="writeln(__VERSION__);"

That was pretty sweet. However, it kind of goes to the point of 
my post. A one-revision difference means the documentation is 
not accurate for my compiler.

This is problem with Powershell. (May by need to create bugreport 

This example runs fine from CMD (but i recommend FAR for 
conveniety) and fails from PS.

Tested Win10.1909, dmd 2.095