Re: Some questions with D and webassembly

2023-03-03 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 03:32:37 UTC, TheZipCreator wrote:
In webassembly, there's a type called `externref`, which 
opaquely represents a javascript object. So, you could do this 
for example, with this javascript:

class Foo {
constructor(x) {
this.x = x;

const imports = {
env: {
fooNew: (x) => new Foo(x),
fooX: (foo) => foo.x,
fooSetX: (foo, x) => { foo.x = x; }

imports).then(module => {

let foo = module.instance.exports.f();
console.log(foo.x); // 5
console.log(foo.x); // 8
and this webassembly:
	(import "env" "fooNew" (func $fooNew (param i32) (result 

(import "env" "fooX" (func $fooX (result i32)))
	(import "env" "fooSetX" (func $fooSetX (param externref) 
(param i32)))

(func (export "f") (result externref)
i32.const 5
call $fooNew)
(func (export "g") (param $foo externref)
local.get $foo
i32.const 8
call $fooSetX))
5 and 8 get logged. Equivalent D to the webassembly part would 


// how to get this externref type?
externref fooNew(int);
externref fooX(externref);
void fooSetX(externref, int);

externref f() {
return fooNew();

void g(externref foo) {
fooSetX(foo, 8);
problem being, there exists no `externref` type. So how would 
you achieve it with ldc2?

B) In the javascript WebAssembly API, you can pass in memory 
like so:

const imports = {
"mem": new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 1 })

WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("bar.wasm"), imports, 
module => { ... });

then in WebAssembly
(import "mem" (memory 1))
so how could I do that in D? That is, I want the memory that D 
uses to be accessible to javascript (this way I can pass 
pointers between JS and D)

it says it is an opaque type, maybe just need to be ``void*``?

Also there are new intrinsics, maybe you can define them like 

alias externref_t = void*;

pragma(LDC_intrinsic, "llvm.wasm.table.set.externref.i32")
extern(C) void llvm_wasm_table_set_externref(void*, int, 

pragma(LDC_intrinsic, "llvm.wasm.table.get.externref.i32")
extern(C) externref_t llvm_wasm_table_get_externref(void*, 


Passing and returning arguments by ref

2023-03-03 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
Let's say we have two classes, A and B.  The latter has a dynamic 
array of X and type X has an add() method that can be used to 
append elements (of type C, another struct) to X's own dynamic 
array of C.  So it's something like the following:

struct C {}
struct X { C[] cs;
  void add(C c) { cs ~= c; }

class A {
  X x;
  void mfd(ref B b) {
 // manipulate A.x and one B.xs (returned by B.x1()
 // by calling another member function
 // that calls X.add(some C)

class B {
  X[] xs;
  this() { xs.length = 1; }
  ref X x1() { return xs[0]; }

After A and B are instantiated and A.mfd() is called, the changes 
to A.x are visible in main.  However, although the changes to the 
X returned by B.x1() are visible while A.mfd() executes, the 
B.xs[0] is unchanged after it returns.

My understanding was that since A, B and X[] are all reference 
types, this ought to work, but obviously something is missing.

Re: Terminating the process of a running LDC2 compiler.

2023-03-03 Thread Imperatorn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 1 March 2023 at 11:38:11 UTC, realhet wrote:


Is it safe to kill an ongoing LDC2 process on Windows?

My situation is this:
- I launch 8 LDC2 compilation command lines on 8 DLang source 

- One of them has a compilation error and quits.
- At this point I wait the completion of the other threads, but 
it would be faster to kill all those threads, fix the error, 
and run the multithreaded compilation again.

Is it safe to kill those processes, or would it be unreliable 
(because of the integrity of environment variables, and/or 
cached temp files)?

Thank You!

We don't know what you mean by your definition of safe 

Re: Terminating the process of a running LDC2 compiler.

2023-03-03 Thread realhet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 14:33:08 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
We don't know what you mean by your definition of safe 

For example killing ldc2.exe while it writes some cached temp 
And when the next time it tries to load those corrupted files, it 
will crash, or generate wrong output.

Re: Passing and returning arguments by ref

2023-03-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 3/3/23 06:03, Joe wrote:

> My understanding was that since A, B and X[] are all reference types,
> this ought to work, but obviously something is missing.

Think may be due to D not having reference variables. Sometimes one 
needs to use pointers.

I find the following a simpler (and complete ;) ) example. foo() returns 
by ref and indeed, the change made to its return value is visible in main.

However, the same foo() is later called to initialize hopefullyRef but 
not the change made to that variables is not reflected in the array. (By 
the way, the example could be written without an array as well.)

struct S {
int i;

void change() {

ref S foo(S[] arr) {
return arr[0];

void main() {
auto arr = [ S(1) ];

// Ok, this operation changes arr[0]
assert(arr[0].i == 2);

// This one changes the local variable
auto hopefullyRef = foo(arr);
assert(hopefullyRef.i == 3);

// The array is still 2
assert(arr[0].i == 2);

hopefullyRef in just an int. The following definition of the 
hopefullyRef variable would cause the array element be changed:

// Now an S* (note & on the rigth-hand side)
auto hopefullyRef = &foo(arr);
// Now hopefullyRef is an S*, not an S

// Same as before
assert(hopefullyRef.i == 3);

// Now the array is affected (3, not 2)
assert(arr[0].i == 3);


Re: Some questions with D and webassembly

2023-03-03 Thread TheZipCreator via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 13:42:55 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 03:32:37 UTC, TheZipCreator wrote:


it says it is an opaque type, maybe just need to be ``void*``?

Also there are new intrinsics, maybe you can define them like 

alias externref_t = void*;

pragma(LDC_intrinsic, "llvm.wasm.table.set.externref.i32")
extern(C) void llvm_wasm_table_set_externref(void*, int, 

pragma(LDC_intrinsic, "llvm.wasm.table.get.externref.i32")
extern(C) externref_t llvm_wasm_table_get_externref(void*, 


Using `void*` doesn't appear to work (and looking at the 
generated wasm it seems to reduce it to `i32`, which is not the 
right type unfortunately). I guess what I could do is have a 
global array in js which stores all objects I'll need to access, 
then just access them via the index into that array but that 
feels like a hack especially when `externref` is a thing that 

Can't load FreeImage.dll with Windows

2023-03-03 Thread WhatMeWorry via Digitalmars-d-learn

I've tried distilling the problem to its very essence.

I downloaded the FreeImage.dll from

to the following directory:

where /R c:\ FreeImage.dll



07/31/2018  12:23 PM 6,942,208 FreeImage.dll
   1 File(s)  6,942,208 bytes

dependency "bindbc-freeimage" version="~>1.0.0"
versions "FI_318"

but when I try to load the dll with the bindbc-freeimage package 
provided loadFreeImage function, all I get is no library found:

writeln("The dub.sdl file of this project expects 
FreeImage version ", fiSupport);
immutable FISupport fiLib = 

writeln("loadFreeImage returned: ", fiLib);

The dub.sdl file of this project expects FreeImage version fi318
loadFreeImage returned: noLibrary

I also tried:


but got same results.  Also tried version="~>1.0.2"

Re: Some questions with D and webassembly

2023-03-03 Thread Johan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 18:34:24 UTC, TheZipCreator wrote:

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 13:42:55 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 03:32:37 UTC, TheZipCreator wrote:


It looks like this needs some more compiler support. Please 
submit the feature request (including the link to this LLVM page) 
on LDC's github page.


Re: Can't load FreeImage.dll with Windows

2023-03-03 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-learn
What happens if you put the dll next to your executable, does it 
find it?

Re: Passing and returning arguments by ref

2023-03-03 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks, Ali.

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 18:09:01 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Think may be due to D not having reference variables. Sometimes 
one needs to use pointers.

Ah! I'm about five chapters away from Pointers ;-).

Actually, I had tried changing B.x1() to:

  `ref X x1() { return &xs[0]; }`

but the compiler didn't accept it.

It's a bit weird that by taking the address of calling B.x1() and 
thus getting an X*, I had to *dereference* that to pass it to the 
helper function of A.mfd() which actually takes a `ref C` 

Re: Can't load FreeImage.dll with Windows

2023-03-03 Thread WhatMeWorry via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 19:44:17 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
What happens if you put the dll next to your executable, does 
it find it?

Good idea. I copied the dll into same directory as the executable 
and changed loadFreeImage to

immutable FISupport fiLib = loadFreeImage();

And I get the same noLibrary result.

Re: Can't load FreeImage.dll with Windows

2023-03-03 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

I went ahead and tried to reproduce your setup (this worked).

Used and recent dmd & ldc.

"authors": [
"copyright": "Copyright © 2023, alpha",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"license": "proprietary",
"name": "whatmeworryfreeimage",
"dependencies": {
"bindbc-freeimage": "~>1.0.2"
"versions": ["FI_318"]

import std.stdio;
import bindbc.freeimage;

void main()
FISupport ret = loadFreeImage("FreeImage/Dist/x64/FreeImage.dll");
if(ret != fiSupport) {
if(ret == FISupport.noLibrary) {
else if(FISupport.badLibrary) {
} else {

Directory layout:

├── dub.json
├── FreeImage
│   └── Dist
│   ├── x32
│   │   └── FreeImage.dll
│   └── x64
│   └── FreeImage.dll
└── source
└── app.d

Re: Can't load FreeImage.dll with Windows

2023-03-03 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 19:07:14 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:


is your application build 64 bit too?

Re: Passing and returning arguments by ref

2023-03-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 3/3/23 12:45, Joe wrote:

> I had tried changing B.x1() to:
>`ref X x1() { return &xs[0]; }`
> but the compiler didn't accept it.

Yeah, that wouldn't work because the return expression is an X*.

Even though 'ref' is implemented as a pointer behind the scenes, that 
syntax is not legal.

> It's a bit weird that by taking the address of calling B.x1() and thus
> getting an X*

Agreed but that's how it is. Taking the address of a reference produces 
an X*.

> I had to *dereference* that to pass it to the helper
> function of A.mfd() which actually takes a `ref C` argument.

Yep, all of that makes sense. :)


Re: Desiring bool any_key_pressed()

2023-03-03 Thread Andrew Lalis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 03:38:56 UTC, Daren Scot Wilson wrote:
Here is a very simple version of the program I'm working on.  
Is there a way to write is_any_key_pressed() that doesn't 
block, doesn't require the Enter key, and doesn't require 
dragging in any complex libraries or dealing with low-level 
stuff like ioctl()? Is there nothing in Phobos that provides 
the needed functionality?

See this SO thread:

Essentially the os/terminal is buffering your input and that 
needs to be configured. getChar just reads from what's in stdin.