Re: Assocative array lookup for object

2023-04-11 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 April 2023 at 01:16:17 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
Should I be using opEquals? Or something different? The problem 
with 'alias this' here is I want to wrap access to the insides 
with getter functions that do various things like logging and 
error checking.

I think you want to do an encapsulation like below.

class Handler(T)
  T*[string] data;

  auto set(string key, ref T value)
    => data[key] = 

  auto opIndex(string key)
    => *(key in data);

void main()
  class Bitmap {}
  Bitmap foo;

  auto handler = new Handler!Bitmap;
  handler.set("D Lang", foo);

  assert(handler["D Lang"] == );

Re: Assocative array lookup for object

2023-04-11 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

You want the operator overload opIndex inside your class.

Assocative array lookup for object

2023-04-11 Thread Chris Katko via Digitalmars-d-learn

class bitmapHandler
bitmap*[string] bmps;

void get(string name){return bmps[name]; /* plus other code */}

void usage()
bitmapHandler bh;
bitmap foo = bh.get("bar");  // works
bitmap foo2 = bh["bar"]; // desired

Should I be using opEquals? Or something different? The problem 
with 'alias this' here is I want to wrap access to the insides 
with getter functions that do various things like logging and 
error checking.

I mean, if I ruined some encapsulation, I could make a function 
called "bh" and have the usage:

and have it access a singleton object.

Re: How to setup D with SFML? (using bindbc-sfml)

2023-04-11 Thread Ki Rill via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 11 April 2023 at 11:55:50 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:
I have to ask this since nothing else has worked and the dll's 
on the site don't depend on a MSVC dll:

What are you compiling your program as? 32bit/64bit x86? ARM?

Which DLL's are you downloading? 32bit, 64bit?

I uses the default settings. DUB should compile my project as 
64bit on Windows 10. The bindings I downloaded are also 64bit. 
The links mentioned in my previous post is what I use.

Re: mutable pointers as associative array keys

2023-04-11 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 10 April 2023 at 20:31:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 4/10/23 4:25 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
It's also completely useless. Having const keys does nothing 
to guarantee unchanging keys. Another half-assed attempt to be 
encode correct semantics but fails completely in its goal.

In case you wonder how old this is:


Oh dear.

learning D as your first language but having difficulty in making or logic building in order to make software

2023-04-11 Thread slectr via Digitalmars-d-learn
I want  to make software like krita inkscape and my own language 
using D

Although i previosly learned C and C++ i left it in the middle 
and for some reasons i dont want to learn those so i searched for 
alternatives and found D but there are not a lot of resources 
like cookbooks and videos as compared to C or C++ does anybody 
know any resources for making complex software in D for some 


2023-04-11 Thread IchorDev via Digitalmars-d-learn
`std.socket` is missing a `SocketOption`-equivalent to 
`SO_PRIORITY`. Is this an intentional omission (and if so, why?), 
or should I try to submit a PR to add it?

Re: How to setup D with SFML? (using bindbc-sfml)

2023-04-11 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have to ask this since nothing else has worked and the dll's on the 
site don't depend on a MSVC dll:

What are you compiling your program as? 32bit/64bit x86? ARM?

Which DLL's are you downloading? 32bit, 64bit?

Re: How to setup D with SFML? (using bindbc-sfml)

2023-04-11 Thread Ki Rill via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 April 2023 at 14:20:30 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've tried your project out two ways, one that succeeds and one 
that fails. I'm guessing you've put your 'libs' directory is 
'bin/libs'. Am I right? If so, then the following should help 

Well, `bin/` and `libs/` are in the same directory.

When dub runs the exectuable, it sets the current working 
directory to the project's root directory by default. 
`setCustomLoaderPath` passes whatever you give it directly to 
the system API unmodified. You've passed a relative path. By 
default, the system API associates relative paths with the 
current working directory.

So given a project root directory of `$ROOT`, and your 
executable in `$ROOT/bin`, the system is looking for the 
libraries in `$ROOT/libs` and *not* in `$ROOT/bin/libs`. If the 
libs are in the former, everything loads. If they're in the 
latter, then it's going to fail.

If you cd into `bin` and run the executable manually, then libs 
in `$ROOT/bin/libs` will load, as your current working 
directory is `bin`.

The quick fix for this is to add `"workingDirectory" : "bin"` 
to your dub.json. Then your relative paths will be relative to 

I tried `bin/libs/` as well as you describe here. It did not work.


Actually, it is quite strange that it fails to load the 
[CSFML]( library dlls in 
`libs/` (I download CSFML2.5) since that is what I do with 
[GLFW/OpenGL]( example as well for Windows 10.

**Even this fails: `loadSFMLGraphics("libs/csfml-graphics.dll")`**

I have the following structure:
- bin/
- libs/
- source/
- dub.json
- dub.selections.json

My `dub.json`:
"authors": [
"copyright": "Copyright © 2023, rillki",
"dependencies": {
"bindbc-sfml": "~>1.0.2"
"description": "D/SFML project template",
"license": "BSL",
"name": "d-sfml-project-template",
"targetPath": "bin",
"versions": [

My `source/app.d`:
module app;

import std.stdio: writeln;
import bindbc.sfml;

void main() {
version(Windows) {
import bindbc.loader;

// attempt at loading sfml
if(!loadSFML()) {
writeln("Failed to load SFML library!");

// window dimensions
enum width = 720;
enum height = 480;
enum title = "D/SFML project";

// create window
auto window = sfWindow_create(sfVideoMode(width, height), 
title.toStringz, sfWindowStyle.sfDefaultStyle, null);

scope(exit) { sfWindow_destroy(window); }

while(sfWindow_isOpen(window)) {
// process events
sfEvent event;
while(sfWindow_pollEvent(window, )) {
if(event.type == sfEventType.sfEvtClosed) {

// ...


I will try to make it work... Meanwhile, if someones spots what I 
am doing wrong, please reply to this post.